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人X染色体Xp11.2-p21.3区域具有重要的基础遗传学和医学遗传学意义。为了对该区段编码的基因,尤其是疾病基因进行克隆与变异研究,对该区段染色体DNA进行了YAC克隆并将其依染色体排序,采用了一系列DNA位标,尤其是多肽性微卫星序列位标筛选了3个YAC方库,得到了151个YAC克隆,对这些YAC克隆进行了物理图谱分析,构建了这一区域的一系列YAC重叠群,这些YAC重叠群的总跨度约35摩,基本覆 相似文献
水稻染色体G—带的研究 总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10
用改良的ASG法首次在籼稻(O.sativa subsp.indica)品种珍汕97和粳稻(O.subsp.iaponica)品种秀岭的有丝分裂染色体上显示了G-带,并作了相应的G-带核型分析。就同一材料来说,随着有丝分裂时期的推进,染色体上带纹数目逐渐减少。籼、粳亚种间相对应的同源染色体上G-带带纹特征彼此相似。讨论了水稻G-带带型与染色体不同区域分化的关系;G-带带型与籼、粳稻分歧的关系;以及G-显带的方法。 相似文献
一种使用混合PCR筛选技术高效延伸水稻BAC—重叠群的方法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
使用“克隆连克隆 (clonebyclone)”战略进行水稻基因组测序需要依赖于构建好的基因组物理图。工作着眼于水稻籼稻广陆矮 4号 (OryzasativaindicaGuangLuAi4)第四号染色体长臂上 5 6 .1~ 6 8cM的区域 ,采用PCR方法筛选BAC全库来延伸重叠群 ,构建物理图。通过参照特异遗传探针定位的BAC克隆 (seedBAC)末端序列设计了 14对引物 ,按特定规则分成 3组 ,分别以代表水稻BAC库 (共 2 2 36 8个BAC )的 2 33个BACpool为模板进行PCR反应 ,一共获得了 6 5个阳性BAC克隆 ,通过末端测序、酶切杂交等方法确定了其中 2 9个BAC克隆作为有效延伸的克隆 ,延伸了 8个重叠群。通过酶切杂交、末端测序等方法还获知阳性BAC的延伸方向、延伸长度以及与seedBAC之间的重叠长度。8个重叠群总的延伸长度达到5 10kb。与实验室原用于作物理图的其他方法如指纹图、点杂交等相比 ,该方法有高效率、高灵敏度、专一性好、可重复使用等优点。创新之处在于通过引物的合理分组和PCR实验条件的改进降低了假阳性和假阴性率 相似文献
水稻基因组重叠群:1998年1月向全球公开重叠群的细节 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
1997年10月中国科学院国家基因研究中心发表了覆盖率约达92%的水稻基因组(4.3亿核苷酸,12条染色体)第一代BAC指纹物理图。物理图是由重叠群(contigs)构成的。本文极简要地叙述了重叠群的特点、重叠群在寻找基因和大规模基因组DNA测序中的应用、重叠群在染色体上的定位以及向全球公开重叠群的细节等问题。 相似文献
水稻盐胁迫应答cDNA的克隆、表达和染色体定位 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
从150mmol/L盐胁迫3h和没有胁迫的耐盐水稻(Oryza Sativa L.)品种特三矮2号叶片中提取mRNA,构建cDNA文库。通过示差筛选,得到3个盐胁迫应答cDNA克隆Ts1、Ts2和Ts3。Northern分析表明,3h的盐胁迫可使Ts1、Ts2和Ts3的转录水平明显上升;3~24h期间,Ts1和Ts2的转录水平继续上升,而Ts3的转录水平则下降。序列分析表明,这3个cDNA克隆与已知功能的基因没有同源性。利用特三矮2号的耐盐亲本ZYQ8和粳稻JXl7组合构建了DH群体和分子标记连锁图谱,将Ts1、Ts2和Ts3分别定位在第l、3和7染色体上。值得注意的是,Ts1、Ts3和Ts3与用同一群体定位的主效和微效耐盐QTL位于同一或相邻区域。 相似文献
水稻随体染色体的研究 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
分析了几种野生稻种及栽培稻品种随体染色体的数目,发现不同染色体组型的稻种之间随体染色体数目有一定差异,其中染色体组AA的有1~2对,随体染色体因品种或样本的来源而异,染色体组BB的有3对随体染色体,染色体组CC的有2对随体染色体,染色体组型为BBCC的Oryzaminuta可能有4对随体染色体,而染色体组型为CCDD的O.latiforia则有2对随体染色体。在栽培稻中,不同品种之间随体染色体的数目也存在差异,一般而言,籼稻品种具有两对随体染色体,分别为第10和第12染色体,粳稻品种只有一时随体染色体,为第10染色体。 相似文献
鱼类染色体G—显带的Brd U—BSG方法及白鲢G—带模式图的初步建立 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
本文报道了一种显示鱼类染色体G-带的BrdU-BsG方法。采用肾细胞短期培养,收获前12小时加入BrdU,使终浓度为10μg/ml。制片经HCl、Ba(OH)_2处理,4×SSC温育。Giemsa染色,显示出白鲢的G-带。其带纹细致清晰,一个细胞的单倍染色体上显示带纹达200条以上,是目前已报道的鱼类多重带中带纹最多的,且反差明显,带纹有特征性,结果较稳定。根据实验结果初步建立了白鲢的G-带模式图。 相似文献
基于PCR的染色体步移技术研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于PCR的染色体步移技术主要用于分离已知序列侧翼的未知序列,为分离基因、步移调控区域及填补基因组测序的空隙提供极大便利。基于PCR的染色体步移技术依照原理可分成依赖连接介导PCR法和不需要酶切连接PCR法。综述了近年来以PCR为基础的染色体步移技术,比较了这些方法的原理及操作步骤,同时总结了依赖连接介导PCR法和不需要酶切连接PCR法的优点与缺点,以期对研究起到借鉴作用。 相似文献
利用染色体步移PCR检测辐射松的单核苷酸多态性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
用染色体步移技术(chromosome walking)的基本原理以辐射松(Pinus radiata)肌动蛋白基因(actin)为例,利用获得的EST序列设计定向引物,向上游和下游进行了染色体序列的步移.获得了包括启动子、5′端非编码区和编码区及3′端非编码区辐射松肌动蛋白基因基因组序列2154 bp.通过对200株不同辐射松个体进行PCR扩增及测序,共获得了21个SNPs,其中启动子区域3个,编码区15个,3′端非编码区4个.实验结果为今后染色体步移技术在基因非编码区SNP的检测提供了理论与技术参考. 相似文献
应用G显带染色体荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术研究复杂的染色体易位 总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10
建立常规G显带染色体标本的荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术,用于分析患者复杂的染色体易位。原位杂交前,用甲醛固定G显带标本,是获得良好显带和荧光杂交效果的关键步骤。仅用常规细胞遗传学方法分析,显示一例习惯性流产患者的核型为46,XX,t(1;5;12)(1pter→1q25::12q24→12qter;5qter→5p11::1q25→1qter,12pter→12q24:.5p11→5pter),而采用本方法确定患者的核型实际为46,XX,t(1;5,12)(1pter→1q23::12q22→12qter,5qter→5p11::1q25→1qter;12pter→12q22::1q23→1q25:5p11→5pter)。结果表明,新建立的G显带染色体荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术能更有效地检测患者复杂的染色体易位。 相似文献
Saji Shoko; Umehara Yosuke; Kurata Nori; Ashikawa Ikuo; Sasaki Takuji 《DNA research》1996,3(5):297-302
A physical map of rice chromosome 5 was constructed with yeastartificial chromosome (YAC) clones along a high-resolution molecularlinkage map carrying 118 DNA markers distributed over 123.7cM of genomic DNA. YAC clones have been identified by colonyand Southern hybridization for 105 restriction fragment lengthpolymorphism (RFLP) markers and by polymerase chain reaction(PCR) screening for 8 sequence-tagged site (STS) markers and5 randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Of 458YACs, 235 individual YACs with an average insert length of 350kb were selected and ordered on chromosome 5 from the YAC library.Forty-eight contigs covering nearly 21 Mb were formed on thechromosome 5; the longest one was 6 cM and covered 1.5 Mb. Thelength covered with YAC clones corresponded to 62% of the totallength of chromosome 5. There were many multicopy sequencesof expressed genes on chromosome 5. The distribution of manycopies of these expressed gene sequences was determined by YACSouthern hybridization and is discussed. A physical map withthese characteristics provides a powerful tool for elucidationof genome structure and extraction of useful genetic informationin rice. 相似文献
用Alu-PCR指纹图谱法分析了人Xp21.1-p21.3上一系列的酵母人工染色体(yeastartificialchromosome,YAC)克隆,发现其中的两个YAC克隆构成包含DXS166位点的重叠群,而且这一重叠群与以前构建的包含DMD基因全序列的YAC重叠群相连接,YAC克隆末端探针交叉杂交证实了这一重叠,使这一YAC重叠群至少延伸至DXS166位点,形成一个跨度为3.5Mb的YAC重叠群。基于这些重叠的YAC克隆绘制了这一区域的大尺度限制酶切图谱,并在这一图谱上定位了DXS166位点,从而确定了DXS166位点与DMD基因的物理关系。这一工作为DMD基因的5'远端调控作用研究及该区域未知基因的克隆奠定了基础。 相似文献
水稻抗白叶枯病基因Xa4位点跨叠BAC克隆群的构建 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
水稻白叶枯病抗性基因Xa4已被定位于第11染色体长臂末端的分子标记VG181和L1044之间,并与抗性基因同源序列片段RS13共分离。利用这3个标记筛选IRBB56的BAC文库,共得到128个阳性BAC克隆,其中RS13获得18个阳性克隆,这18个克隆中有4个和6个我隆分别同时为G181和L1044的阳性克隆,选其中的12克隆进行分析,构建了一个从G181到L1044区间的BAC跨叠克隆,全长420kb,并且56M22、106P13和104B153个BAC克隆可覆盖整个跨叠克隆群。这一研究结果为进一步分离Xa4基因打下基础。 相似文献
人Xp11.2区域具有重要的医学遗传学和基础遗传学价值,它包含很多遗传疾病基因,且至少包含一个逃避X染色体失活的位点,非常规的基化多态也有发现。我们利用这一区域已知的一系列DNA位标,从我们构建的YAC库中筛选出一系列YAC克隆。 相似文献
A 3-Mb Sequence-Ready Contig Map Encompassing the Multiple Disease Gene Cluster on Chromosome 11q13.1-q13.3 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Kitamura Eiko; Hosoda Fumie; Fukushima Michiyo; Asakawa Shuichi; Shimizu Nobuyoshi; Imai Takashi; Soeda Eiichi; Ohki Misao 《DNA research》1997,4(4):281-289
Despite the presence of several human disease genes on chromosome11q13, few of them have been molecularly cloned. Here, we reportthe construction of a contig map encompassing 11q13.1q13.3using bacteriophage P1 (P1), bacterial artificial chromosome(BAC), and P1-derived artificial chromosome (PAC). The contigmap comprises 32 P1 clones, 27 BAC clones, 6 PAC clones, and1 YAC clone and spans a 3-Mb region from D11S480 to D11S913.The map encompasses all the candidate loci of Bardet-Biedlesyndrome type I (BBS1) and spinocerebellar ataxia type 5 (SCA5),one-third of the distal region for hereditary paraganglioma2 (PGL2), and one-third of the central region for insulin-dependentdiabetes mellitus 4 (IDDM4). In the process of map construction,61 new sequence-tagged site (STS) markers were developed fromthe Not I linking clones and the termini of clone inserts. Wehave also mapped 30 ESTs on this map. This contig map will facilitatethe isolation of polymorphic markers for a more re.ned analysisof the disease gene region and identi.cation of candidate genesby direct cDNA selection, as well as prediction of gene functionfrom sequence information of these bacterial clones. 相似文献
A Fine Physical Map of Arabidopsis thaliana Chromosome 5: Construction of a Sequence-ready Contig Map 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Kotani Hirokazu; Sato Shusei; Fukami Masanobu; Hosouchi Tsutomu; Nakazaki Naomi; Okumura Satomi; Wada Tsuyuko; Liu You-Guang; Shibata Daisuke; Tabata Satoshi 《DNA research》1997,4(6):371-378
A fine physical map of Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome 5 wasconstructed by ordering the clones from YAC, P1, TAC and BAClibraries of the genome using the sequences of a variety ofgenetic and EST markers and terminal sequences of clones. Themarkers used were 88 genetic markers, 13 EST markers, 87 YACend probes, 100 YAC subclone end probes, and 390 end probesof P1, TAC and BAC clones. The entire genome of chromosome 5,except for the centromeric and telomeric regions, was coveredby two large contigs 11.6 Mb and 14.2 Mb long separated by thecentromeric region. The minimum tiling path of the chromosomewas constituted by a total of 430 P1, TAC and BAC clones. Themap information is available at the Web site http://www.kazusa.or.jp/arabi/. 相似文献
Physical Mapping of Rice Chromosomes 4 and 7 Using YAC Clones 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Koike Kazuhiro; Yoshino Katsuhiko; Sue Norio; Umehara Yosuke; Ashikawa Ikuo; Kurata Nori; Sasaki Takuji 《DNA research》1997,4(1):27-33
Physical maps of rice chromosomes 4 and 7 were constructed bylanding yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) along our high-densitymolecular linkage map. Using 114 DNA markers, 258 individualYACs were located on chromosome 4. Sixty-two out of 258 YACscarried two or more DNA marker positions and formed 16 contigswhich covered a total length of 17.1 cM. The other YACs werearranged to 23 positions. On chromosome 7, 203 individual YACswere landed on 109 DNA markers. Sixty-four out of 203 YACs formed15 contigs which covered a total length of 21.8 cM and 139 YACswere localized to 26 positions. Chromosomes 4 and 7 were coveredwith minimum tiling paths of 45 and 48 YACs, respectively. Takingthe average size of YAC insert DNA to be 350 kb and the entiregenome size to be 430 Mb, about 1618 Mb of each chromosomeor an estimated 50% of their total lengths have been coveredwith YACs. Physical maps of these 2 chromosomes should be ofgreat help in identifying useful trait genes and unravelinggenetic and biological characteristics in rice. 相似文献
Imai Takashi; Seki Naohiko; Saito Toshiyuki; Yamauchi Masatake; Matsuda Yoichi; Ito Hiroko; Ogiwara Atsushi; Nomura Nobuo; Hori Tada-aki 《DNA research》1995,2(3):113-121
Ataxia telangiectasia (AT) is an autosomal recessive diseaseof unknown etiology associated with cerebellar ataxia, telangiectasia,immune dysfunction, higher cancer risk, genomic instabilityand hypersensitivity to ionizing radiation. The major AT loci,AT-A and AT-C, are shown to be closely linked at chromosome11q22q23. The most recent genetic linkage mapping andlinkage disequilibrium analysis have localized the major ATloci to a sequence of approximately 850 kb between the markersD11S1819 and D11S1818. The isolation of yeast artificial chromosomesspanning the AT region is an essential step to identify thegene or genes responsible for the mutation(s). We isolated atotal of 20 YAC clones from three independent YAC libraries,using sequence tagged sites mapped in the AT region as primersfor PCR-based YAC screening. The PCR assay for the presenceor absence of 16 different DNA markers allowed us to constructand to order four YAC contigs at the AT region. One of the contigswhich consists of the 10 YAC clones, covers about 2 Mb of DNAat the boundary between Giemsa-positive band 11q22.3 and Giemsa-negativeband 11q23.1 and includes the entire region of the major ATlocus between D11S1819 and D11S1818. Thus, the YAC contigs willfacilitate the positional cloning approach for searching transcribedsequences from the defined genomic region. 相似文献
Sequence-ready 1-Mb YAC, BAC and cosmid contigs covering the distal imprinted region of mouse chromosome 7. 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
We have constructed approximately 1-Mb contigs of yeast artificial chromosome (YAC), bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) and cosmid clones covering the imprinted region in mouse chromosome band 7F4/F5. This region is syntenic to human chromosome 11p15.5, which is associated with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) and certain childhood and adult tumors. These contigs provide the basis for genomic sequencing, identification of genes and their regulatory elements, and functional studies in transgenic and knockout mice, which should be of help to understand not only the mechanisms of imprinting but also the molecular events involved in the genesis of BWS and tumors. 相似文献
人基因组百万碱基级巨型YAC的构建戴长虹,柴建华(复旦大学遗传学研究所,上海200433)关键词人基因组;酵母人工染色体(YAC);百万碱基;巨型YAC人类的全部遗传信息包含在3x10'核着酸对(hp)中,共编码50000~100000个基因。人类基... 相似文献