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Variation in and amplification conditions for eight polymorphic microsatellite loci initially identified from Bulimulus akamatus, a pulmonate land snail from Galápagos, are described. Intraspecific polymorphism and heterozygosity of the eight markers were studied in 19 populations of Bulimulus reibischi, a closely related species of B. akamatus. Furthermore, the eight loci were also cross-amplified in six other closely related bulimulid species. The number of alleles across populations of B. reibischi at six loci is moderate (three to 10), but considerable for two other loci (19 and 20). There is no strong evidence for linkage among any of the loci examined.  相似文献   

The new, monotypic camaenid genus Setocallosa is described for the new species S. pathutchingsae from Arnhem Land, Top End of the Northern Territory. This camaenid is characterized by a combination of distinct morphological features, such as a small, weakly elevated shell with widely open umbilicus and thick callus on the parietal wall, a wide epiphallic flagellum, elongated penis and short bursa copulatrix with subglobose end. The relationships of Setocallosa with the other camaenid genera in the area are investigated by means of mtDNA, but its phylogenetic position remains ambiguous. S. pathutchingsae occurs in sympatry with Arnhemtrachia ramingining, but based on morphology the two camaenids can be readily differentiated.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:1C50CF24-7FEE-446A-9724-A0A4E850B5AA  相似文献   

We applied an integrative approach to re-evaluate the taxonomy of the conchologically highly diverse land snail genus Rossmaessleria from the Rif Mountains in Morocco and from Gibraltar, which has been classified into 12 nominal species so far. An analysis of cox1 and 16S rDNA sequences using the General Mixed Yule-coalescent approach with a single or multiple thresholds, its Bayesian implementation as well as the Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery method indicated that all Rossmaessleria populations can be classified into a single species, R. scherzeri (Zelebor, 1867). This result is confirmed by the lack of diagnostic differences in the genitalia as shown in a principal component analysis of the genital measurements. The variation of shell characters also does not allow an unambiguous subdivision of the complex. However, the populations of a mountain or a mountain ridge share characteristic combinations of shell characters so that they can be classified as geographic subspecies. The delimitation of the subspecies and their distribution is discussed and three subspecies are described as new to science: R. scherzeri periclitata ssp. nov. R. scherzeri ingae ssp. nov., and R. scherzeri eleanorae ssp. nov.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:187FE235-A257-423F-8FC3-957117546400  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA sequence data were obtained for eight species of flightless Galapaganus endemic weevils and one winged close relative in order to study their colonization history and modes of diversification in the Galápagos Archipelago. Contrary to most other insular radiations, the phylogeny estimates we recovered for Galapaganus do not follow the progression rule of island biogeography. The penalized likelihood age estimates of colonization of the archipelago exceed the age of the emerged islands and underscore the potential role of now sunken seamounts for the early evolution of Galapaganus . The phylogeny proposes one intra-island origin for Galapaganus endemics, but monophyly tests suggest a larger contribution of in-situ speciation on older islands. Generalist habitat preferences were reconstructed as ancestral while shifts to highland habitats were reconstructed as having evolved independently on different islands. Magnitudes and patterns of diversification rate were found to differ between older and younger islands. Our analyses reveal that the colonization sequence of islands and timing of colonization of Galapaganus could be linked with the geological and volcanic history of the islands in a rather complex scenario. Even though most islands appear to have been colonized soon after their emergence, there are notable deviations from the pattern of sequential colonization expected under the progression rule when considering only the extant emerged islands. Patterns of diversification rate variation on older and younger islands correspond to the volcanic activity or remnants of such activity, while the pattern of independent evolution of restricted habitat preferences in different islands suggests that habitat shifts could also have contributed to species diversity in Galapaganus .  相似文献   

The minute (adult size 1.3–4.8 mm) land snail species of the family Diplommatinidae in the Fiji archipelago are revised based on historical material and modern (1998–99) collections targeting limestone outcrops on the largest island, Viti Levu, and several smaller islands in the Lau group. The forty-two species (including 30 new species) belong to the genera Moussonia Semper, 1865, Palaina Semper, 1865 and Diancta Martens, 1867, which are briefly characterized and keyed. The diagnostic structure of the inner lamellar system of each species is illustrated. All species except one are endemic to Fiji. In Viti Levu, the 12 localities surveyed each had 1–13 (average 5) species of Diplommatinidae; ten species were each found at a single site only. In the Lau islands, five islands were visited, with 1–4 species per island; four species are known from single islands. The number of historically known species not recollected in 1998–99 (7 species), the number of single-site occurrences (14 species), and the numerous islands — including limestone islands — that have not been surveyed at all, indicate that the 42 species of Diplommatinidae currently known from Fiji represent perhaps only half of the Fiji diplommatinid fauna. Such numbers approach the diplommatinid diversity of Palau (39 described and more than 60 undescribed species), and surpasses by far the diversity of other South Pacific archipelagos of comparable land area (New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Samoa).Nomenclatural acts: Lectotypes designated: Diplommatina fuscula, Diplommatina fuscula var. vitiana, Diplommatina godeffroyana, Diplommatina godeffroyana var. latecostata, Diplommatina tuberosa, Diplommatina martensi var. macrostoma, all Mousson, 1870. Neotypes designated: Diplommatina subregularis, Diplommatina ascendens, Diplommatina quadrata, all Mousson, 1870. New species: Diancta aurea sp. n., Diancta aurita sp. n., Diancta basiplana sp. n., Diancta controversa sp. n., Diancta densecostulata sp. n., Diancta dextra sp. n., Diancta dilatata sp. n., Diancta distorta sp. n., Diancta pulchella sp. n., Diancta rotunda sp. n., Diancta subquadrata sp. n., Diancta trilamellata sp. n., Moussonia acuta sp. n., Moussonia barkeri sp. n., Moussonia brodieae sp. n., Moussonia longipalatalis sp. n., Moussonia minutissima sp. n., Moussonia obesa sp. n., Moussonia polita sp. n., Moussonia uncinata sp. n., Moussonia vitianoides sp. n., Palaina alberti sp. n., Palaina flammulata sp. n., Palaina glabella sp. n., Palaina kitteli sp. n., Palaina labeosa sp. n., Palaina parietalis sp. n., Palaina sulcata sp. n., Palaina truncata sp. n., Palaina tuberosissima sp. n.  相似文献   

Napaeus barquini Alonso and Ibá?ez, 2006, from La Gomera, Canary Islands, lives most commonly on open rock faces covered with crustose lichens. In living specimens, the surface of the shell is covered with a lichen layer that is arranged in the form of protuberances, thereby considerably altering the appearance of the shell. Some of these protuberances may even extend beyond the tip of the shell. The way that these lichens are positioned on the shell and the manner in which they adhere were investigated. The snail grazes lichen material from the substrate and applies it to the surface of its shell in a standardized pattern of movements. The snail uses its mouth to place the moist material onto the shell and to form it into protuberances that adhere as they dry out. To do this, Napaeus barquini extends its body far beyond the shell margin so that it can reach the entire outer surface of the shell and cover it with protuberances, presumably as camouflage.  相似文献   

The two species of Galápagos land iguanas (Conolophus subcristatus and C. pallidus) are listed as 'vulnerable' species by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN Red List; http://www.iucnredlist.org). Here, we report on the isolation and characterization of 10 microsatellite markers using 562 individuals sampled on all Galápagos islands where Conolophus species occur today. We show that these 10 loci are highly polymorphic and display diagnostic alleles for five out of the six island populations. These markers will be useful for Conolophus population genetic analyses as well as for guiding ongoing captive breeding programmes.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial (mt) genome of the snail Camaena cicatricosa (Müller, 1774) has been sequenced and annotated in this study. The entire circular genome is 13,843 bp in size and represents the first camaenid mt genome, with content of 31.9%A, 37.9%T, 13.5%C and 16.7%G. Gene content, codon usage and base organization show similarity to a great extent to the sequenced mt genome from Stylommatophora, whereas, gene order is different from them, especially the positions of tRNACys, tRNAPhe, COII, tRNAAsp, tRNAGly, tRNAHis and tRNATrp. All protein coding genes use standard initiation codons ATN except for COII with GTG as start signal. Conventional stop codons TAA and TAG have been assigned to all protein coding genes. All tRNA genes possess the typical clover leaf structure, but the TψC arm of tRNAAsp and dihydrouridine arm of tRNASer(AGN) only form a simple loop. Shorter intergenic spacers have been found in this mt genome. Phylogenetic study based on protein coding genes shows close relationship of Camaenidae and Bradybaenidae. The presented phylogeny is consistent with the monophyly of Stylommatophora.  相似文献   


The alycaeid Cyclostoma spiracellum Adams & Reeve, 1850 (currently Dicharax spiracellum) was described from Borneo, based on shells from the expedition of HMS Samarang (1843–1846). A comparison with material of nearly all alycaeid species revealed that D. spiracellum is conchologically identical to Alycaeus kurodai Pilsbry & Hirase, 1908, which is described from the Korean Cheju Island. The land operculate snail fauna of Korea and Borneo do not overlap, and D. spiracellum has not been found in Borneo in spite of intensive recent collecting efforts. Therefore, it must be concluded that D. spiracellum does not occur in Borneo and that it was probably obtained when the Samarang visited Cheju Island, and the specimens were most likely mislabelled. As a result, A. kurodai is considered herein as a junior synonym of C. spiracellum, and the type locality of C. spiracellum (Borneo) is corrected to ‘probably Cheju Island, South Korea’. Chamalycaeus kurodai duplicatus Kuroda & Miyanaga, 1943 is treated as Dicharax spiracellum duplicatus (Kuroda & Miyanaga, 1943).  相似文献   

Understanding the genetics of colonizing populations has been, and continues to remain, an important focus in evolutionary biology. Different theoretical models predict varying levels of genetic variation in colonizing populations depending upon strength of founder effect, gene flow and rate of population growth and immigration following colonization. We analyse overall genetic variation using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers in colonizing populations of Hypochaeris tenuifolia (Asteraceae) in the southern Andes. Volcán Lonquimay newly erupted on 25 December 1988, producing a side cone, La Navidad, and sent lava and ash into surrounding areas. Many domesticated animals (estimated at 10 000) and many natural plant populations were destroyed. Into this new open habitat have come immigrant populations of several angiosperm species, most conspicuously H. tenuifolia that forms leaf rosettes with flowering scapes to 15 cm and orange-yellow heads 1-2 cm in diameter. Genetic diversity in five founder populations in the eruption zone is compared with that from five nearby survivor populations, as well as with eight isolated northern and four southern populations from throughout the entire range of the species in Chile. Results from 477 individuals representing 447 different multilocus phenotypes, yielded 170 DNA fragments of which 144 (85%) were polymorphic. Genetic diversity within founder populations is neither lower than in survivor populations nor in isolated populations throughout the range of the species, but it is lower among founder populations than among other populations immediately and distantly outside the zone of disturbance. Closest genetic similarity occurs between founders and nearby survivor populations as well as those in adjacent southern regions.  相似文献   

The influence of population density on some aspects of the reproductive biology of the snail Bradybaena similaris was studied. Molluscs were maintained under 0.2 (isolated), 0.3, 0.6, 1.0, 1.3 and 1.7 snail/m(2) densities. The animals maintained under 0.3 and 0.6 snail/m(2) showed the lowest numbers of eggs laid/snail, being the highest value observed to the 1.7 snail/m(2). The hatching of the snails maintained under 0.3 snail/m(2) density, begun at the 21st day after laying, and the maximum time required to the hatching was 36 days was observed to the eggs came from snails maintained under the densities 0.6, 1.0, 1.3 snail/m(2), respectively. The highest percentage hatchability (55.56%) was observed to isolated snails. The galactogen content in the albumen gland did not seem to accompany the alterations occurred in the reproduction of B. similaris in response to the different population densities.  相似文献   

The Indo-Pacific region has arguably been the most important area for the formulation of theories about biogeography and speciation, but modern studies of the tempo, mode and magnitude of diversification across this region are scarce. We study the biogeographic history and characterize levels of diversification in the wide-ranging passerine bird Erythropitta erythrogaster using molecular, phylogeographic and population genetics methods, as well as morphometric and plumage analyses. Our results suggest that E. erythrogaster colonized the Indo-Pacific during the Pleistocene in an eastward direction following a stepping stone pathway, and that sea-level fluctuations during the Pleistocene may have promoted gene flow only locally. A molecular species delimitation test suggests that several allopatric island populations of E. erythrogaster may be regarded as species. Most of these putative new species are further characterized by diagnostic differences in plumage. Our study reconfirms the E. erythrogaster complex as a ‘great speciator’: it represents a complex of up to 17 allopatrically distributed, reciprocally monophyletic and/or morphologically diagnosable species that originated during the Pleistocene. Our results support the view that observed latitudinal gradients of genetic divergence among avian sister species may have been affected by incomplete knowledge of taxonomic limits in tropical bird species.  相似文献   

Three new species of the streptaxid snail genus Perrottetia are described from north and northeastern Thailand, Perrottetia aquilonaria sp. n., Perrottetia dermapyrrhosa sp. n. and Perrottetia phuphamanensis sp. n. Each species is endemic to a single or a few limestone mountain ranges. The species are characterized by the morphology of their genital organs, as well as by shell characters. Perrottetia aquilonaria sp. n. has a club shaped distal penis and large penial hooks are present and penial papillae cover almost the entire penial hook portion; adjacent areas possess low reticulated folds. Perrottetia dermapyrrhosa sp. n. has a long genital atrium and the penial sheath is about two-thirds of the penis length. Penial hooks are long, scattered and sunken into deep ovate hollows; vaginal hooks are present. Perrottetia phuphamanensis sp. n. has a rounded and protruded shell periphery. The aperture is subcircular, peristome is thick and the second parietal lamella is adjacent to the first parietal lamella; a basal lamella is the smaller than in the other Thai species.  相似文献   

The Galápagos archipelago has never been connected to any continental land masses, so it is of interest to know the colonization and diversification history of its endemic species. We analyzed the phylogenetic placement of the endemic Galápagos flycatcher, M. magnirostris, within Myiarchus by using the genes ND2 and cytb (1970 bp) to compare 16 of the 22 species that comprise this genus. We also analyzed variability in cytb sequences from 154 M. magnirostris individuals captured on seven Galápagos islands. Our phylogenetic analyses recovered the two main Myiarchus clades that had been described by previous genetic, morphological, and vocal analyses. M. magnirostris is monophyletic and its closest living relative is M. tyrannulus from Mexico and Central America. The average age for the split node between these two groups was approximately 850,000 years (95% C.I. 630,735-1,087,557). M. tyrannulus, M. nugator, M. nuttingi, M. sagrae, and M. stolidus are not monophyletic species. Within M. magnirostris itself, we found low nucleotide and haplotype diversities (π=0.0009 and h=0.4913, respectively) and a high genetic structure among populations. We also detected a star-shaped haplotype network and significantly negative values for Tajima's D and Fu's Fs for this species. Our results suggest that M. magnirostris originated from a single colonization event and had a recent population expansion in the Galápagos archipelago.  相似文献   


A revision of Gastrocopta from the Galápagos Islands (Ecuador) is made. Four new species from Pinzón, Santa Cruz and Floreana Islands are described; species previously known are redescribed and new locations are added. Gastrocopta (Gastrocopta) reibischi is revalidated through new records from Floreana, Isabela and San Bartolomé Islands. Shell shape and the number, morphology and disposition of the apertural barriers support the discrimination of the taxa. The species have cylindrical to pupoid shells; the number of apertural barriers – differentiated as lamellae, folds and nodulae – varies between 4 and 11, almost completely occluding the aperture in the more complex cases. These structures are: angular-parietal, infraparietal, supracolumellar, columellar, subcolumellar lamellae, and supernumerary, basal, infrapalatal, lower-palatal, interpalatal, upper-palatal and suprapalatal folds. In addition to this classic scheme, a supernumerary fold and a nodule are added. Calcareous concretions – pustulae – are found in several species, mainly located in the peristome. The aulacognathous jaw and radular dentition formulae of Gastrocopta (Gastrocopta) clausa and Gastrocopta (Gastrocopta) munita, are described and photographed for the first time.  相似文献   

A new species of amphistome digenean from the stomach and intestine of Podocnemis expansa (Pelomedusidae), of the tropical rain forest, from the State of Pará, Brazil, is described and allocated to a new genus ( Oriximinatrema noronhae ). The new species is characterized by the presence of an esophageal bulb, an esophageal extension uncovered by an extension of the pharyngeal sacs, a well-developed cirrus sac, post-bifurcal genital sucker, a ventro-terminal acetabulum with an anterior lip, and medium-sized eggs. This is the first report of a Dadayiinae trematode infecting a reptilian host.  相似文献   

Examination of the type specimens of Dorylaimus parafecundus De Coninck, 1935 showed that the cuticle lacks longitudinal ridges. The species is a typical Laimydorus and is herewith redesignated L. parafecundus (De Coninck, 1935) n.comb. As it is the type species of Paradorylaimus Andrássy, 1969, the latter generic name falls as a synonym of Laimydorus Siddiqi, 1969 which has priority of publication. The three other species included originally in Paradorylaimus are dealt with as follows: P. wilhelmschneideri (Andrássy, 1959) is considered incertae sedis; P. heterurus (Schuurmans Stekhoven & Teunissen, 1938) was shown by Mulk et al. (1978) to belong in the genus Roqueus Thorne, 1964; P. filiformis (Bastian, 1865) is herewith returned to Laimydorus. Dorylaimus tenuistriatus Schneider, 1935 is not identical with L. parafecundus: it is more slender; odontostyle, pharynx and spicules are shorter; supplement number is lower; shape of vulva and the arrangement of the pharyngeal gland nuclei are different. The species is transferred to Laimydorus, becoming L. tenuistriatus (Schneider, 1935) n.comb. Lectotypes are designated for L. parafecundus and L. tenuistriatus. Among the material of L. tenuistriatus are specimens of L. pseudostagnalis (Micoletzky, 1927) and L. sp.  相似文献   


In the southeast of Buenos Aires Province (Argentina), slugs cause reductions in crop yield by killing seeds and seedlings, by destroying stems and growing points, and by reducing leaf area. Deroceras reticulatum (Müller, 1774) was introduced into Argentina a long time ago, but the biology and ecology of this species in this country are still unknown. The aim of this study was to determine how temperature affects growth rate, reproduction and survival of D. reticulatum and also to assess the seasonal phenology of this species. The life cycle of D. reticulatum was investigated at 12°C, 20°C and at a temperature which alternated between 12°C for 16 h and 20°C for 8 h. The light/dark regime during the experiment was LD: 8/16 h. Slug populations were sampled from grassland located at the Experimental Station of INTA Balcarce. Eggs hatched after 16.3 to 39.8 days and fertility varied between 83.9% and 91.1%. The mean time from hatching to oviposition was longer and fecundity lower at 20°C than 12°C and 12/20°C (p <0.05). The net reproductive rate was 1.49 to 70.53 and the mean generation time varied between the 27 and 30 weeks. In natural conditions, eggs of D. reticulatum were found from early winter until the end of the spring, when soil temperature was 8–15°C and humidity was above 15%. These results indicate that D. reticulatum has one generation per year, univoltine phenology, with peak densities of slugs from the beginning of winter to the end of spring, which coincides with the sowing and emergence of winter and summer crops.  相似文献   

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