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Boudreau N  Weaver V 《Cell》2006,125(3):429-431
One goal of biomedical research is to reliably construct surrogate tissues for replacement therapy and to promote tissue regeneration. In this issue of Cell, Chun et al. (2006) provide insight into the molecular basis of tissue-specific differentiation. The authors show that remodeling of the extracellular matrix by the matrix metalloproteinase MT1-MMP contributes to the three-dimensional development of white adipose tissue in mice.  相似文献   

Desert ants of the genus Cataglyphis evolved a remarkable diversity in their reproductive strategies. In Cataglyphis species where social organisation was described so far, colonies are headed by one or multiple queens, queens being singly or multiply mated, and workers and/or queens possess the ability to reproduce asexually via thelytokous parthenogenesis. Here, we investigate the social organisation of C. bombycina (group bombycinus) and C. theryi (group albicans) using highly polymorphic microsatellite markers. Our results show that both species are characterized by monogynous colonies and multiply mated queens, supporting the idea that polyandry is an ancestral trait of the genus. No evidence for parthenogenetic reproduction by queens was found. One distinctive feature of the species C. bombycina among the genus is the presence of a morphologically distinct soldier caste, with highly developed scythe blades jaws. In the only colony where a significant number of soldiers have been sampled, the distribution of patrilines is fundamentally different between the soldier and the worker caste. This result suggests a genetic contribution to worker caste determination in this species, and certainly awaits further investigation.  相似文献   

Calibration of vector navigation in desert ants.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Desert ants (Cataglyphis sp.) monitor their position relative to the nest using a form of dead reckoning [1] [2] [3] known as path integration (PI) [4]. They do this with a sun compass and an odometer to update an accumulator that records their current position [1]. Ants can use PI to return to the nest [2] [3]. Here, we report that desert ants, like honeybees [5] and hamsters [6], can also use PI to approach a previously visited food source. To navigate to a goal using only PI information, a forager must recall a previous state of the accumulator specifying the goal, and compare it with the accumulator's current state [4]. The comparison - essentially vector subtraction - gives the direction to the goal. This whole process, which we call vector navigation, was found to be calibrated at recognised sites, such as the nest and a familiar feeder, throughout the life of a forager. If a forager was trained around a one-way circuit in which the result of PI on the return route did not match the result on the outward route, calibration caused the ant's trajectories to be misdirected. We propose a model of vector navigation to suggest how calibration could produce such trajectories.  相似文献   

In social organisms, the breeding system corresponds to the number of breeders in a group, their genetic relationships, and the distribution of reproduction among them. Recent, genetically based studies suggest an amazing array of breeding system and reproductive strategies in desert ants of the genus Cataglyphis. Using highly polymorphic DNA microsatellites, we performed a detailed analysis of the breeding system and population genetic structure of two Cataglyphis species belonging to the same phylogenetic group: C. niger and C. savignyi. Our results show that both species present very different breeding systems. C. savignyi colonies are headed by a single queen and populations are multicolonial. Remarkably, queens show one of the highest mating frequency reported in ants (Mp = 9.25). Workers can reproduce by both arrhenotokous and thelytokous parthenogenesis. By contrast, colonies of C. niger are headed by several, multiply mated queens (Mp = 5.17), and they are organized in supercolonial populations made of numerous interconnected nests. Workers lay arrhenotokous eggs only. These results illustrate the high variability in the socio‐genetic organization that evolved in desert ants of the genus Cataglyphis. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 866–876.  相似文献   

The desert ant Cataglyphis fortis is equipped with sophisticated navigational skills for returning to its nest after foraging. The ant's primary means for long-distance navigation is path integration, which provides a continuous readout of the ant's approximate distance and direction from the nest. The nest is pinpointed with the aid of visual and olfactory landmarks. Similar landmark cues help ants locate familiar food sites. Ants on their outward trip will position themselves so that they can move upwind using odor cues to find food. Here we show that homing ants also move upwind along nest-derived odor plumes to approach their nest. The ants only respond to odor plumes if the state of their path integrator tells them that they are near the nest. This influence of path integration is important because we could experimentally provoke ants to follow odor plumes from a foreign, conspecific nest and enter that nest. We identified CO(2) as one nest-plume component that can by itself induce plume following in homing ants. Taken together, the results suggest that path-integration information enables ants to avoid entering the wrong nest, where they would inevitably be killed by resident ants.  相似文献   

Visual landmarks and route following in desert ants   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary Little is known about the way in which animals far from home use familiar landmarks to guide their homeward path. Desert ants, Cataglyphis spp., which forage individually over long distances are beginning to provide some answers. We find that ants running 30 m from a feeding place to their nest memorise the visual characteristics of prominent landmarks which lie close to their path. Although remembered visual features are used for identifying a landmark and for deciding whether to go to its left or right, they are not responsible for the detailed steering of an ant's path. The form of the trajectory as an ant approaches and detours around a landmark seems to be controlled by the latter's immediate retinal size; the larger it is, the greater the ant's turning velocity away from the landmark.  相似文献   

Novel technologies are required for three-dimensional cell biology and biophysics. By three-dimensional we refer to experimental conditions that essentially try to avoid hard and flat surfaces and favour unconstrained sample dynamics. We believe that light-sheet-based microscopes are particularly well suited to studies of sensitive three-dimensional biological systems. The application of such instruments can be illustrated with examples from the biophysics of microtubule dynamics and three-dimensional cell cultures. Our experience leads us to suggest that three-dimensional approaches reveal new aspects of a system and enable experiments to be performed in a more physiological and hence clinically more relevant context.  相似文献   

Hybridogenesis is a sexual reproductive system, whereby parents from different genetic origin hybridize. Both the maternal and paternal genomes are expressed in somatic tissues, but the paternal genome is systematically excluded from the germ line, which is therefore purely maternal. Recently, a unique case of hybridogenesis at a social level was reported in the desert ant Cataglyphis hispanica. All workers are sexually produced hybridogens, whereas sexual forms (new queens and males) are produced by queens through parthenogenesis. Thus, only maternal genes are perpetuated across generations. Here, we show that such an unusual reproductive strategy also evolved in two other species of Cataglyphis belonging to the same phylogenetic group, Cataglyphis velox and Cataglyphis mauritanica. In both species, queens mate exclusively with males originating from a different genetic lineage than their own to produce hybrid workers, while they use parthenogenesis to produce the male and female reproductive castes. In contrast to single‐queen colonies of C. hispanica, colonies of C. velox and C. mauritanica are headed by several queens. Most queens within colonies share the same multilocus genotype and never transmit their mates' alleles to the reproductive castes. Social hybridogenesis in the desert ants has direct consequences on the genetic variability of populations and on caste determination. We also discuss the maintenance of this reproductive strategy within the genus Cataglyphis.  相似文献   

We analyze theoretically the moment of inertia of the desert ant Cataglyphis (C. bicolor and C. fortis) around a vertical axis through its own center of mass when the animal raises its gaster to a vertical position. Compared to the value when the gaster is horizontal, the moment of inertia is reduced to one half; this implies that when increasing its angular acceleration the ant need apply only half the level of torque when the gaster is raised, compared to when the gaster is lowered. As an example, we analyze the cases of an ant running on circular and sinusoidal paths. In both cases, the ant must apply a sideways thrust, anti-roll and anti-pitch torques to avoid toppling, and, on the circular path when accelerating and throughout the sinusoidal trajectory, a torque to enable turning as the path curves. When the ant is accelerating in a very tight circle or running on a very narrow sinusoidal path, in which the amplitude of the sinusoid is less than the length of the ant's body, the forces required for the turning torque can equal and exceed those required for the sideways thrust, and can be reduced significantly by the ant raising the gaster, whereas the foot-thrust for the anti-roll and anti-pitch torques rises only modestly when the gaster is up. This suggests that there may be an evolutionary advantage for employing the gaster-raising mode of locomotion, since this habit will allow desert ants to use lower forces and less energy, and perhaps run faster on more tortuous paths.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Individually foraging desert ants, Cataglyphis bicolor , exhibit short foraging lives (half lifetime, i.e. half-time of the exponential decay function: 4.5 days), in which they perform 3.7 ± 1.9 foraging runs per day.
2. During their short lifetime foraging period the ants increase the duration of their foraging round trips (up to 40.0 ± 24.6 min per run), the maximal distance of individual foraging runs (up to 28.2 ± 4.1 m), and their foraging success, i.e. the ratio of successful runs to the total number of runs (up to 0.70).
3. The parameter that increases most dramatically during a forager's lifetime is direction fidelity, i.e. the tendency to remain faithful to a particular foraging direction.
4. A model based on some simple behavioural rules is used to describe the experimental findings that within an isotropic food environment individual ants develop spatial foraging idiosyncrasies, and do so at a rate that increases with the food densities they encounter.
5. Finally, it is argued that in functional terms direction fidelity is related to the navigational benefits resulting from exploiting familiar (route-based) landmark information, and hence reduces round-trip time and by this physiological stress and predatory risk.  相似文献   

With integration of secondary structures, ribosomal genes have once again become very popular for phylogenetic analyses. This additional source of information to the nucleotide sequence provides a massive boost for taxonomic inferences. Herein, we propose that in the near future a further benefit for phylogenetics with such genes will be very likely by inclusion of the third dimension. For the first time, we determined the tertiary structure of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer 2 for Chlamydomonas rheinhardtii by application of two different in silico prediction algorithms. We compared these methods with focus on phylogenetic usability. Further, we determined the tertiary structures for closely related green algae to provide a small phylogenetic example. The results suggest that the tertiary structure inherits evolutionary information observable neither within the sequence nor in the secondary structure.  相似文献   

Evidence of competition between two species of desert ants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Desert ants, Cataglyphis fortis, perform large-scale foraging trips in their featureless habitat using path integration as their main navigation tool. To determine their walking direction they use primarily celestial cues, the sky’s polarization pattern and the sun position. To examine the relative importance of these two celestial cues, we performed cue conflict experiments. We manipulated the polarization pattern experienced by the ants during their outbound foraging excursions, reducing it to a single electric field (e-)vector direction with a linear polarization filter. The simultaneous view of the sun created situations in which the directional information of the sun and the polarization compass disagreed. The heading directions of the homebound runs recorded on a test field with full view of the natural sky demonstrate that none of both compasses completely dominated over the other. Rather the ants seemed to compute an intermediate homing direction to which both compass systems contributed roughly equally. Direct sunlight and polarized light are detected in different regions of the ant’s compound eye, suggesting two separate pathways for obtaining directional information. In the experimental paradigm applied here, these two pathways seem to feed into the path integrator with similar weights.  相似文献   

Endophytic fungi are thought to interact mutualistically with host plants by producing alkaloid metabolites that deter herbivory. Since such fungi are transmitted via seed in some grasses, the presence of endophytes may also protect plants from seed predators. We conducted seed choice experiments for two dominant seed harvesting ants, Pogonomyrmex rugosus in the Sonoran desert and Pogonomyrmex occidentalis at a higher elevation, riparian zone in Arizona, USA. Non-infected fescue (Festuca arundinacea) seeds and seeds infected with the endophytic fungus, Acremonium coenophialum, were presented to ant colonies in three different populations. Infected seeds were harvested less frequently than non-infected seed for the two populations of Pogonomyrmex rugosus but not for the population of Pogonomyrmex occidentalis. We also a conducted seed dispersal experiment for one population of Pogonomyrmex rugosus. Of the seeds that were harvested, most of the colonies discarded more infected seeds into refuse piles than expected by chance. Seeds discarded into refuse piles have greater germination success than surrounding areas. The most important interaction of endophytes and grasses may be deterrence of seed predation and enhancing the probability of germinating in favorable sites, since these processes directly increase plant fitness.  相似文献   

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