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The three-dimensional structure of the enzyme dihydrodipicolinate synthase (KEGG entry Rv2753c, EC from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb-DHDPS) was determined and refined at 2.28 A (1 A=0.1 nm) resolution. The asymmetric unit of the crystal contains two tetramers, each of which we propose to be the functional enzyme unit. This is supported by analytical ultracentrifugation studies, which show the enzyme to be tetrameric in solution. The structure of each subunit consists of an N-terminal (beta/alpha)(8)-barrel followed by a C-terminal alpha-helical domain. The active site comprises residues from two adjacent subunits, across an interface, and is located at the C-terminal side of the (beta/alpha)(8)-barrel domain. A comparison with the other known DHDPS structures shows that the overall architecture of the active site is largely conserved, albeit the proton relay motif comprising Tyr(143), Thr(54) and Tyr(117) appears to be disrupted. The kinetic parameters of the enzyme are reported: K(M)(ASA)=0.43+/-0.02 mM, K(M)(pyruvate)=0.17+/-0.01 mM and V(max)=4.42+/-0.08 micromol x s(-1) x mg(-1). Interestingly, the V(max) of Mtb-DHDPS is 6-fold higher than the corresponding value for Escherichia coli DHDPS, and the enzyme is insensitive to feedback inhibition by (S)-lysine. This can be explained by the three-dimensional structure, which shows that the (S)-lysine-binding site is not conserved in Mtb-DHDPS, when compared with DHDPS enzymes that are known to be inhibited by (S)-lysine. A selection of metabolites from the aspartate family of amino acids do not inhibit this enzyme. A comprehensive understanding of the structure and function of this important enzyme from the (S)-lysine biosynthesis pathway may provide the key for the design of new antibiotics to combat tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Eliot AC  Sandmark J  Schneider G  Kirsch JF 《Biochemistry》2002,41(42):12582-12589
7,8-diaminopelargonic acid (DAPA) synthase (EC is a pyridoxal phosphate (PLP)-dependent transaminase that catalyzes the transfer of the alpha-amino group from S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) to 7-keto-8-aminopelargonic acid (KAPA) to form DAPA in the antepenultimate step in the biosynthesis of biotin. The wild-type enzyme has a steady-state kcat value of 0.013 s(-1), and the K(m) values for SAM and KAPA are 150 and <2 microM, respectively. The k(max) and apparent K(m) values for the half-reaction of the PLP form of the enzyme with SAM are 0.016 s(-1) and 300 microM, respectively, while those for the reaction with DAPA are 0.79 s(-1) and 1 microM. The R391A mutant enzyme exhibits near wild-type kinetic parameters in the reaction with SAM, while the apparent K(m) for DAPA is increased 180-fold. The 2.1 A crystal structure of the R391A mutant enzyme shows that the mutation does not significantly alter the structure. These results indicate that the conserved arginine residue is not required for binding the alpha-amino acid SAM, but it is important for recognition of DAPA.  相似文献   

The vitamin B(6)-dependent enzyme 7,8-diaminopelargonic acid (DAPA) synthase catalyzes the antepenultimate step in the synthesis of biotin, the transfer of the alpha-amino group of S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM) to 7-keto-8-aminopelargonic acid (KAPA) to form DAPA. The Y17F, Y144F, and D147N mutations in the active site were constructed independently. The k(max)/K(m)(app) values for the half-reaction with DAPA of the Y17F and Y144F mutants are reduced by 1300- and 2900-fold, respectively, compared to the WT enzyme. Crystallographic analyses of these mutants do not show significant changes in the structure of the active site. The kinetic deficiencies, together with a structural model of the enzyme-PLP/DAPA Michaelis complex, point to a role of these two residues in recognition of the DAPA/KAPA substrates and in catalysis. The k(max)/K(m)(app) values for the half-reaction with SAM are similar to that of the WT enzyme, showing that the two tyrosine residues are not involved in this half-reaction. Mutations of the conserved Arg253 uniquely affect the SAM kinetics, thus establishing this position as part of the SAM binding site. The D147N mutant is catalytically inactive in both half-reactions. The structure of this mutant exhibits significant changes in the active site, indicating that this residue plays an important structural role. Of the four residues examined, only Tyr144 and Arg253 are strictly conserved in the available amino acid sequences of DAPA synthases. This enzyme thus provides an illustrative example that active site residues essential for catalysis are not necessarily conserved, i.e., that during evolution alternative solutions for efficient catalysis by the same enzyme arose. Decarboxylated SAM [S-adenosyl-(5')-3-methylthiopropylamine] reacts nearly as well as SAM and cannot be eliminated as a putative in vivo amino donor.  相似文献   

Resting cells of Escherichia coli strain D302(bioD302) can synthesize 7,8-diaminopelargonic acid from 7-keto-8-aminopelargonic acid. The product of this aminotransferase reaction has been identified by paper chromatography and electrophoresis. Glucose enhances the vitamer yield twofold. Of the 19 amino acids tested as amino donors, only methionine proved to be significantly stimulatory. In cell-free extracts, however, methionine was completely inactive unless both adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and Mg(2+) were present. S-Adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM) was about 10 times more effective than methionine, ATP, and Mg(2+). The optimal conditions for the reaction were determined, and substrate inhibition was found for 7-keto-8-aminopelargonic acid. It has been possible to eliminate certain impurities as amino donors in the commercial preparation of SAM and those that may arise in enzymatic reactions in which SAM is a substrate. The direct participation of SAM in the aminotransferase reaction seems a likely possibility.  相似文献   

Fatty acid synthase was purified from Mycobacterium tuberculosis var. bovis BCG. The method developed gave a 23% yield of the synthase and also yielded purified mycocerosic acid synthase. The fatty acid synthase is of unusually large size and composed of two 500-kDa monomers. The amino acid composition of the two synthases was not identical; the N-terminus of the fatty acid synthase was blocked, whereas that of the mycocerosic acid synthase was not. Western blot analysis of crude mycobacterial extracts with polyclonal antibodies prepared against each synthase showed a single band in each case with no cross-reactivity with the other synthase. Fatty acid synthase required both NADH (Km, 11 microM) and NADPH (Km, 14 microM). The Km for acetyl-CoA and malonyl-CoA were 5 and 6 microM, respectively. Fatty acids were released from the synthase as CoA esters. A bimodal distribution of fatty acids was obtained at around C16 and C26. The primer utilization also reflects the de novo synthesis and elongation capabilities of the enzyme; acetyl-CoA was the preferred primer but CoA esters up to C8 but not C12 and C14 could serve as primers, whereas C16 was readily used as a primer for elongation. Addition of CoA and CoA ester-binding oligosaccharides caused enhanced release of C16. Since this mycobacterial fatty acid synthase is twice as large as other multifunctional fatty acid synthases, it is tempting to suggest that this synthase represents a head to tail fusion of two fatty acid synthase genes coding for a double size protein with one-half producing C16 acid and the other elongating the C16 acid to a C26 acid. The monomer of fatty acid synthase from M. smegmatis was immunologically similar and equal in size to the synthase from M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

In bacteria, fungi, plants, and apicomplexan parasites, the aromatics compounds, such as aromatics amino acids, are synthesized through seven enzymes from the shikimate pathway, which are absent in mammals. The absence of this pathway in mammals make them potential targets for development of new therapy against infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, which is the world's second commonest cause of death from infectious disease. The last enzyme of shikimate pathway is the chorismate synthase (CS), which is responsible for conversion of the 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate to chorismate. Here, we report the crystallographic structure of CS from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtCS) at 2.65 A resolution. The MtCS structure is similar to other CS structures, presenting beta-alpha-beta sandwich structural topology, in which each monomer of MtCS consists of a central helical core. The MtCS can be described as a tetramer formed by a dimer of dimers. However, analytical ultracentrifugation studies suggest the MtCS is a dimer with a more asymmetric shape than observed on the crystallographic dimer and the existence of a low equilibrium between dimer and tetramer. Our results suggest that the MtCS oligomerization is concentration dependent and some conformational changes must be involved on that event.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic infectious disease caused mainly by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The worldwide emergence of drug-resistant strains, the increasing number of infected patients among immune compromised populations, and the large number of latent infected individuals that are reservoir to the disease have underscored the urgent need of new strategies to treat TB. The nucleotide metabolism pathways provide promising molecular targets for the development of novel drugs against active TB and may, hopefully, also be effective against latent forms of the pathogen. The orotate phosphoribosyltransferase (OPRT) enzyme of the de novo pyrimidine synthesis pathway catalyzes the reversible phosphoribosyl transfer from 5'-phospho-α-D-ribose 1'-diphosphate (PRPP) to orotic acid (OA), forming pyrophosphate and orotidine 5'-monophosphate (OMP). Here we describe cloning and characterization of pyrE-encoded protein of M. tuberculosis H37Rv strain as a homodimeric functional OPRT enzyme. The M. tuberculosis OPRT true kinetic constants for forward reaction and product inhibition results suggest a Mono-Iso Ordered Bi-Bi kinetic mechanism, which has not been previously described for this enzyme family. Absence of detection of half reaction and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) data support the proposed mechanism. ITC data also provided thermodynamic signatures of non-covalent interactions between substrate/product and M. tuberculosis OPRT. These data provide a solid foundation on which to base target-based rational design of anti-TB agents and should inform us how to better design inhibitors of M. tuberculosis OPRT.  相似文献   

Biotin is an essential enzyme cofactor required for carboxylation and transcarboxylation reactions. The absence of the biotin biosynthesis pathway in humans suggests that it can be an attractive target for the development of novel drugs against a number of pathogens. 7-Keto-8-aminopelargonic acid (KAPA) synthase (EC, the enzyme catalyzing the first committed step in the biotin biosynthesis pathway, is believed to exhibit high substrate stereospecificity. A comparative kinetic characterization of the interaction of the mycobacterium tuberculosis KAPA synthase with both L- AND D-alanine was carried out to investigate the basis of the substrate stereospecificity exhibited by the enzyme. The formation of the external aldimine with D-alanine (k = 82.63 m(-1) s(-1)) is approximately 5 times slower than that with L-alanine (k = 399.4 m(-1) s(-1)). In addition to formation of the external aldimine, formation of substrate quinonoid was also observed upon addition of pimeloyl-CoA to the preformed d-alanine external aldimine complex. However, the formation of this intermediate was extremely slow compared with the substrate quinonoid with L-alanine and pimeloyl-CoA (k = 16.9 x 10(4) m(-1) s(-1)). Contrary to earlier reports, these results clearly show that D-alanine is not a competitive inhibitor but a substrate for the enzyme and thereby demonstrate the broad substrate stereospecificity of the M. tuberculosis KAPA synthase. Further, d-KAPA, the product of the reaction utilizing D-alanine inhibits both KAPA synthase (Ki = 114.83 microm) as well as 7,8-diaminopelargonic acid synthase (IC50 = 43.9 microm), the next enzyme of the pathway.  相似文献   

Mann S  Ploux O 《The FEBS journal》2006,273(20):4778-4789
Diaminopelargonic acid aminotransferase (DAPA AT), which is involved in biotin biosynthesis, catalyzes the transamination of 8-amino-7-oxononanoic acid (KAPA) using S-adenosyl-l-methionine (AdoMet) as amino donor. Mycobacterium tuberculosis DAPA AT, a potential therapeutic target, has been overproduced in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity using a single efficient step on a nickel-affinity column. The enzyme shows an electronic absorption spectrum typical of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent enzymes and behaves as a homotetramer in solution. The pH profile of the activity at saturation shows a single ionization group with a pK(a) of 8.0, which was attributed to the active-site lysine residue. The enzyme shows a Ping Pong Bi Bi kinetic mechanism with strong substrate inhibition with the following parameters: K(mAdoMet) = 0.78 +/- 0.20 mm, K(mKAPA) = 3.8 +/- 1.0 microm, k(cat) = 1.0 +/- 0.2 min(-1), K(iKAPA) = 14 +/- 2 microm. Amiclenomycin and a new analogue, 4-(4c-aminocyclohexa-2,5-dien-1r-yl)propanol (referred to as compound 1), were shown to be suicide substrates of this enzyme, with the following inactivation parameters: K(i) = 12 +/- 2 microm, k(inact) = 0.35 +/- 0.05 min(-1), and K(i) = 20 +/- 2 microm, k(inact) = 0.56 +/- 0.05 min(-1), for amiclenomycin and compound 1, respectively. The inactivation was irreversible, and the partition ratios were 1.0 and 1.1 for amiclenomycin and compound 1, respectively, which make these inactivators particularly efficient. compound 1 (100 microg.mL(-1)) completely inhibited the growth of an E. coli C268bioA mutant strain transformed with a plasmid expressing the M. tuberculosis bioA gene, coding for DAPA AT. Reversal of the antibiotic effect was observed on the addition of biotin or DAPA. Thus, compound 1 specifically targets DAPA AT in vivo.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that open reading frame Rv1086 of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv genome sequence encodes a unique isoprenyl diphosphate synthase. The product of this enzyme, omega,E,Z-farnesyl diphosphate, is an intermediate for the synthesis of decaprenyl phosphate, which has a central role in the biosynthesis of most features of the mycobacterial cell wall, including peptidoglycan, arabinan, linker unit galactan, and lipoarabinomannan. We have now purified Z-farnesyl diphosphate synthase to near homogeneity using a novel mycobacterial expression system. Z-Farnesyl diphosphate synthase catalyzed the addition of isopentenyl diphosphate to omega,E-geranyl diphosphate or omega,Z-neryl diphosphate yielding omega,E,Z-farnesyl diphosphate and omega,Z,Z-farnesyl diphosphate, respectively. The enzyme has an absolute requirement for a divalent cation, an optimal pH range of 7-8, and K(m) values of 124 micrometer for isopentenyl diphosphate, 38 micrometer for geranyl diphosphate, and 16 micrometer for neryl diphosphate. Inhibitors of the Z-farnesyl diphosphate synthase were designed and chemically synthesized as stable analogs of omega,E-geranyl diphosphate in which the labile diphosphate moiety was replaced with stable moieties. Studies with these compounds revealed that the active site of Z-farnesyl diphosphate synthase differs substantially from E-farnesyl diphosphate synthase from pig brain (Sus scrofa).  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis alpha-isopropylmalate synthase (MtIPMS) catalyzes the condensation of acetyl-coenzyme A (AcCoA) with alpha-ketoisovalerate (alpha-KIV) and the subsequent hydrolysis of alpha-isopropylmalyl-CoA to generate the products CoA and alpha-isopropylmalate (alpha-IPM). This is the first committed step in l-leucine biosynthesis. We have purified recombinant MtIPMS and characterized it using a combination of steady-state kinetics, isotope effects, isotopic labeling, and (1)H-NMR spectroscopy. The alpha-keto acid specificity of the enzyme is narrow, and the acyl-CoA specificity is absolute for AcCoA. In the absence of alpha-KIV, MtIPMS does not enolize the alpha protons of AcCoA but slowly hydrolyzes acyl-CoA analogues. Initial velocity studies, product inhibition, and dead-end inhibition studies indicate that MtIPMS follows a nonrapid equilibrium random bi-bi kinetic mechanism, with a preferred pathway to the ternary complex. MtIPMS requires two catalytic bases for maximal activity (both with pK(a) values of ca. 6.7), and we suggest that one catalyzes deprotonation and enolization of AcCoA and the other activates the water molecule involved in the hydrolysis of alpha-isopropylmalyl-CoA. Primary deuterium and solvent kinetic isotope effects indicate that there is a step after chemistry that is rate-limiting, although, with poor substrates such as pyruvate, hydrolysis becomes partially rate-limiting. Our data is inconsistent with the suggestion that a metal-bound water is involved in hydrolysis. Finally, our results indicate that the hydrolysis of alpha-isopropylmalyl-CoA is direct, without the formation of a cyclic anhydride intermediate. On the basis of these results, a chemical mechanism for the MtIPMS-catalyzed reaction is proposed.  相似文献   

Establishment or maintenance of a persistent infection by Mycobacterium tuberculosis requires the glyoxylate pathway. This is a bypass of the tricarboxylic acid cycle in which isocitrate lyase and malate synthase (GlcB) catalyze the net incorporation of carbon during growth of microorganisms on acetate or fatty acids as the primary carbon source. The glcB gene from M. tuberculosis, which encodes malate synthase, was cloned, and GlcB was expressed in Escherichia coli. The influence of media conditions on expression in M. tuberculosis indicated that this enzyme is regulated differentially to isocitrate lyase. Purified GlcB had K(m) values of 57 and 30 microm for its substrates glyoxylate and acetyl coenzyme A, respectively, and was inhibited by bromopyruvate, oxalate, and phosphoenolpyruvate. The GlcB structure was solved to 2.1-A resolution in the presence of glyoxylate and magnesium. We also report the structure of GlcB in complex with the products of the reaction, coenzyme A and malate, solved to 2.7-A resolution. Coenzyme A binds in a bent conformation, and the details of its interactions are described, together with implications on the enzyme mechanism.  相似文献   

Malate synthase catalyzes the Claisen-like condensation of acetyl-coenzyme A (AcCoA) and glyoxylate in the glyoxylate shunt of the citric acid cycle. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis malate synthase G gene, glcB, was cloned, and the N-terminal His(6)-tagged 80 kDa protein was expressed in soluble form and purified by metal affinity chromatography. A chromogenic 4,4'-dithiodipyridine assay did not yield linear kinetics, but the generation of an active site-directed mutant, C619S, gave an active enzyme and linear kinetics. The resulting mutant exhibited kinetics comparable to those of the wild type and was used for the full kinetic analysis. Initial velocity studies were intersecting, suggesting a sequential mechanism, which was confirmed by product and dead-end inhibition. The inhibition studies delineated the ordered binding of glyoxylate followed by AcCoA and the ordered release of CoA followed by malate. The pH dependencies of k(cat) and k(cat)/K(gly) are both bell-shaped, and catalysis depends on a general base (pK = 5.3) and a general acid (pK = 9.2). Primary kinetic isotope effects determined using [C(2)H(3)-methyl]acetyl-CoA suggested that proton removal and carbon-carbon bond formation were partially rate-limiting. Solvent kinetic isotope effects on k(cat) suggested the hydrolysis of the malyl-CoA intermediate was also partially rate-limiting. Multiple kinetic isotope effects, utilizing D(2)O and [C(2)H(3)-methyl]acetyl-CoA, confirmed a stepwise mechanism in which the step exhibiting primary kinetic isotope effects precedes the step exhibiting the solvent isotope effects. We combined the kinetic data and the pH dependence of the kinetic parameters with existing structural and mutagenesis data to propose a chemical mechanism for malate synthase from M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Cell-free extracts prepared from a biotin auxotroph of Escherichia coli were active in catalyzing the synthesis of 7,8-diaminopelargonic acid, an intermediate of the biotin pathway, from 7-oxo-8-aminopelargonic acid. The product was identified on the basis of its chromatographic characteristics and its biotin activities for biotin auxotrophs of E. coli. Enzyme activity was determined in a reaction coupled with the desthiobiotin synthetase system, which is required for the conversion of 7,8-diaminopelargonic acid to desthiobiotin, and by measuring the amount of desthiobiotin formed by microbiological assay. The reaction was stimulated by l-methionine and pyridoxal-5'-phosphate. l-Methionine could not be replaced by any other amino acids tested. Pyridoxamine and pyridoxamine-5'-phosphate were as active as pyridoxal phosphate. The enzyme, presumably an aminotransferase, was demonstrable in the parent strain of E. coli and all mutant strains tested with the exception of a strain which is able to grow on diaminopelargonic acid but not on 7-oxo-8-aminopelargonic acid. Furthermore, the enzyme was repressible by biotin. The results were consistent with the hypothesis that the biosynthesis of 7,8-diaminopelargonic acid from 7-oxo-8-aminopelargonic acid is an obligatory step in the biosynthetic pathway of biotin in E. coli.  相似文献   

The shikimate pathway is an attractive target for herbicides and antimicrobial agent development because it is essential in algae, higher plants, bacteria, and fungi, but absent from mammals. Homologues to enzymes in the shikimate pathway have been identified in the genome sequence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Among them, the EPSP synthase was proposed to be present by sequence homology. Accordingly, in order to pave the way for structural and functional efforts towards anti-mycobacterial agent development, here we describe the molecular modeling of 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate (EPSP) synthase isolated from M. tuberculosis that should provide a structural framework on which the design of specific inhibitors may be based on. Significant differences in the relative orientation of the domains in the two models result in "open" and "closed" conformations. The possible relevance of this structural transition in the ligand biding is discussed.  相似文献   

7,8-Diaminopelargonic acid (DAPA) aminotransferase is an enzyme of the biotin biosynthetic pathway that plays an essential role in Mycobacterium tuberculosis virulence. Inhibition of this enzyme is a potential strategy to combat this microorganism, the causative agent of tuberculosis. To identify new inhibitors as potential drugs, a simple enzymatic assay for high-throughput screening (HTS) is needed. Several methods for measuring DAPA aminotransferase activity are already available. However, requirements for their implementation for HTS are tedious. We describe here a microplate fluorescence assay for DAPA aminotransferase that is simple, cheap, and sensitive, allowing linear detection of DAPA in the range of 20 nM to 50 μM. The principle of the method is the direct detection in the enzymatic reaction mixture of the vicinal diamine DAPA derivatized with ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA) and 2-mercaptoethanol (2ME). The assay was validated with the known inhibitor desmethyl-KAPA (8-amino-7-oxopelargonic acid) and adapted to microplate for HTS. The structure of the stable fluorescent adduct formed between a vicinal primary diamine and OPA in the presence of 2ME was characterized by mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The emergence of multi-drug resistant (MDR) strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the main reason why tuberculosis (TB) continues to be a major health problem worldwide. It is urgent to discover novel anti-mycobacterial agents based on new drug targets for the treatment of TB, especially MDR-TB. Tryptophan biosynthetic pathway, which is essential for the survival of M. tuberculosis and meanwhile absent in mammals, provides potential anti-TB drug targets. One of the promising drug targets in this pathway is anthranilate synthase component I (TrpE), whose role is to catalyze the conversion of chorismate to anthranilate using ammonia as amino source. In order to get a deep understanding of TrpE, a study on purification and characteristic identification of TrpE is required. In this work, the putative trpE gene of M. tuberculosis H37Rv was expressed as a fusion protein with a 6x His-tag on the N-terminal (His-TrpE) in Escherichia coli. The recombinant TrpE protein was successfully purified and then its enzymatic characteristics were analyzed. The native TrpE without His-tag was obtained by removal of the N-terminal fusion partner of His-TrpE using enterokinase. It was found that N-terminal fusion partner had little influence on TrpE catalytic activity. In addition, the key residues related to enzyme catalytic activity and that involved in l-tryptophan inhibition were predicted in the structure of M. tuberculosis H37Rv TrpE. These results would be beneficial to the designing of novel anti-TB drugs with high potency and selectivity.  相似文献   

Factors inhibitory to beta-glucuronidase were found in the culture filtrate and in a bacillary extract of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv grown for 6 weeks on Sauton medium. The inhibitors were purified by ammonium sulfate fractionation, treatment with n-butanol and streptomycin, and chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B. Two inhibitors were obtained from the culture filtrate. The molecular weights were estimated to be 25,500 and 15,500 by gel filtration on a Sephadex G-75 column. Three inhibitors were purified from the bacillary extract, two of which were similar to those from the culture filtrate. The molecular weight of the third inhibitor was 21,000. However, the molecular weight of all the denatured inhibitors was 8,600 in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The inhibitors contained extremely high amounts of glutamic and aspartic acids and had a highly acidic isoelectric point of pH 2.5. The inhibitors acted noncompetitively against beta-glucuronidase of guinea pig origin at an optimal pH 4.5. beta-Glucuronidases from human peripheral leukocytes and beef liver were partially sensitive to the inhibitors; all the other enzymes tested for sensitivity were unaffected by the inhibitors.  相似文献   

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