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The structure of the gene 5 DNA unwinding protein from bacteriophage fd has been solved to 2.3-Å resolution by X-ray diffraction techniques. The molecule contains an extensive cleft region that we have identified as the DNA binding site on the basis of the residues that comprise its surface. The interior of the groove has a rather large number of basic amino acid residues that serve to draw the polynucleotide backbone into the cleft. Arrayed along the external edges of the groove are a number of aromatic amino acid side groups that are in position to stack upon the bases of the DNA and fix it in place. The structure and binding mechanism as we visualize it appear to be fully consistent with evidence provided by physical-chemical studies of the protein in solution.  相似文献   

To further investigate favorable effects of divalent cations on the formation of protein crystals, three complexes of Salmonella typhimurium histidine-binding protein were crystallized with varying concentrations of cadmium salts. For each of the three histidine-binding protein complexes, cadmium cations were found to promote or improve crystallization. The optimal cadmium concentration is ligand specific and falls within a narrow concentration range. In each case, crystals grown in the presence of cadmium diffract to better than 2.0 angstroms resolution and belong to the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1). From our results and from the analysis of cadmium sites in well-refined protein structures, we propose that cadmium addition provides a generally useful technique to modify crystal morphology and to improve diffraction quality.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the gene V protein (GVP) from the Ff filamentous phages (M13, fl, fd) has been solved for the wild-type and two mutant (Y41F and Y41H) proteins at high resolution. The Y41H mutant crystal structure revealed crystal packing interactions, which suggested a plausible scheme for constructing the polymeric protein shell of the GVP-single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) complex (Guan Y, et al., 1994, Biochemistry 33:7768-7778). The electrostatic potentials of the isolated and the cooperatively formed protein shell have been calculated using the program GRASP and they revealed a highly asymmetric pattern of the electrostatic charge distribution. The inner surface of the putative DNA-binding channel is positively charged, whereas the opposite outer surface is nearly neutral. The electrostatic calculation further demonstrated that the formation of the helical protein shell enhanced the asymmetry of the electrostatic distribution. A model of the GVP-ssDNA complex with the n = 4 DNA-binding mode could be built with only minor conformational perturbation to the GVP protein shell. The model is consistent with existing biochemical and biophysical data and provides clues to the properties of GVP, including the high cooperatively of the protein binding to ssDNA. The two antiparallel ssDNA strands form a helical ribbon with the sugar-phosphate backbones at the middle and the bases pointing away from each other. The bases are stacked and the Phe 73 residue is intercalated between two bases. The optimum binding to a tetranucleotide unit requires the participation of four GVP dimers, which may explain the cooperativity of the GVP binding to DNA.  相似文献   

The gene 5 protein (g5p) from Ff filamentous virus is a model single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding protein that has an oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide binding (OB)-fold structure and binding properties in common with other ssDNA-binding proteins. In the present work, we use circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy to analyze the effects of amino acid substitutions on the binding of g5p to double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) compared to its binding to ssDNA. CD titrations of poly[d(A). d(T)] with mutants of each of the five tyrosines of the g5p showed that the 229-nm CD band of Tyr34, a tyrosine at the interface of adjacent protein dimers, is reversed in sign upon binding to the dsDNA, poly[d(A). d(T)]. This effect is like that previously found for g5p binding to ssDNAs, suggesting there are similarities in the protein-protein interactions when g5p binds to dsDNA and ssDNA. However, there are differences, and the possible perturbation of a second tyrosine, Tyr41, in the complex with dsDNA. Three mutant proteins (Y26F, Y34F, and Y41H) reduced the melting temperature of poly[d(A). d(T)] by 67 degrees C, but the wild-type g5p only reduced it by 2 degrees C. This enhanced ability of the mutants to denature dsDNA suggests that their binding affinities to dsDNA are reduced more than are their binding affinities to ssDNA. Finally, we present evidence that when poly[d(A). d(T)] is melted in the presence of the wild-type, Y26F, or Y34F proteins, the poly[d(A)] and poly[d(T)] strands are separately sequestered such that renaturation of the duplex is facilitated in 2 mM Na(+).  相似文献   

Histidyl-tRNA synthetase (HisRS) has been purified from the extreme thermophile Thermus thermophilus. The protein has been crystallized separately with histidine and with its cognate tRNAHis. Both crystals have been obtained using the vapor diffusion method with ammonium sulphate as precipitant. The crystals of HisRS with histidine belong to the spacegroup P21212 with cell parameters a = 171.3 Å, b = 214.7 Å, c = 49.3 Å, α = β = γ = 90°. A complete data set to a resolution of 2.7Å with an Rmerge on intensities of 4.1% has been collected on a single frozen crystal. A partial data set collected on a crystal of HisRS in complex with tRNAHis shows that the crystals are tetragonal with cell parameters a = b = 232 Å, c = 559 Å, α = β = γ = 90° and diffract to about 4.5 Å resolution. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction studies have been carried out using difference Fourier methods to evaluate the reaction or interaction of an affinity label and 5'-phosphate nucleotides with the gene 5 DNA binding protein in the crystalline state. In the first case the crystalline protein was reacted with pyridoxal phosphate. Pyridoxal phosphate, which has served as an affinity label for nucleotide binding sites on other enzymes, demonstrated a major site of substitution at the center of the protein's DNA binding cleft adjacent to lysine 46 as well as two other reaction sites near residues implicated in DNA binding. Difference Fourier maps of crystals exposed to 5'-dAMP, 5'-dCMP and 5'-dTMP indicated that phosphate groups were associated with most lysine and arginine side-chains on the surface of the protein but that the nucleoside portion of the ligands were generally disordered. In several cases, however, more specific binding of the nucleotides appeared to have occurred and these sites were primarily within the proposed DNA binding cleft of the protein. In particular, binding was observed near tyrosine 34, phenylalanine 73 and within the curl of the DNA binding loop containing tyrosine 26.  相似文献   

Selection of representative protein data sets.   总被引:37,自引:17,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
The Protein Data Bank currently contains about 600 data sets of three-dimensional protein coordinates determined by X-ray crystallography or NMR. There is considerable redundancy in the data base, as many protein pairs are identical or very similar in sequence. However, statistical analyses of protein sequence-structure relations require nonredundant data. We have developed two algorithms to extract from the data base representative sets of protein chains with maximum coverage and minimum redundancy. The first algorithm focuses on optimizing a particular property of the selected proteins and works by successive selection of proteins from an ordered list and exclusion of all neighbors of each selected protein. The other algorithm aims at maximizing the size of the selected set and works by successive thinning out of clusters of similar proteins. Both algorithms are generally applicable to other data bases in which criteria of similarity can be defined and relate to problems in graph theory. The largest nonredundant set extracted from the current release of the Protein Data Bank has 155 protein chains. In this set, no two proteins have sequence similarity higher than a certain cutoff (30% identical residues for aligned subsequences longer than 80 residues), yet all structurally unique protein families are represented. Periodically updated lists of representative data sets are available by electronic mail from the file server "netserv@embl-heidelberg.de." The selection may be useful in statistical approaches to protein folding as well as in the analysis and documentation of the known spectrum of three-dimensional protein structures.  相似文献   

Interferon‐stimulated gene 15 (ISG15), a ubiquitin‐like protein, is induced by type I INF. Although several groups have reported ISGylation of the HCV NS5A protein, it is still unclear whether ISGylation of NS5A has anti‐ or pro‐viral effects in hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. In the present study, the role of ISGylation‐independent, unconjugated ISG15 in HCV infection was examined. Immunoprecipitation analyses revealed that ISG15 interacts specifically with NS5A domain I. ISG15 mutants lacking the C‐terminal glycine residue that is essential for ISGylation still interacted with NS5A protein. Taken together, these results suggest that unconjugated ISG15 affects the functions of HCV NS5A through protein–protein interaction.

HutP is an RNA-binding protein and regulates the expression of the histidine utilization (hut) operon in Bacillus subtilis by binding to cis-acting regulatory sequences on hut mRNA. HutP and its mutant, which has increased affinity for the regulatory sequences, were purified and crystallized by the hanging-drop vapor diffusion method. The space group was P2(1)3 with unit cell dimensions a=b=c=95.6A for HutP and a=b=c=96.8A for the mutant. Complete data sets of 3.0-A resolution for wild-type HutP and of 2.70-A resolution for the mutant HutP were collected.  相似文献   

The 50‐residue snake venom protein L ‐omwaprin and its enantiomer D ‐omwaprin were prepared by total chemical synthesis. Radial diffusion assays were performed against Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus anthracis; both L ‐ and D ‐omwaprin showed antibacterial activity against B. megaterium. The native protein enantiomer, made of L ‐amino acids, failed to crystallize readily. However, when a racemic mixture containing equal amounts of L ‐ and D ‐omwaprin was used, diffraction quality crystals were obtained. The racemic protein sample crystallized in the centrosymmetric space group P21/c and its structure was determined at atomic resolution (1.33 Å) by a combination of Patterson and direct methods based on the strong scattering from the sulfur atoms in the eight cysteine residues per protein. Racemic crystallography once again proved to be a valuable method for obtaining crystals of recalcitrant proteins and for determining high‐resolution X‐ray structures by direct methods.  相似文献   

Gene 5 protein bound to both linear and circular single-stranded DNA and saturated the DNA at a protein-to-DNA weight ratio of 7–8. The viscosity of a complex of the protein with single-stranded DNA was initially less than that of the DNA and slowly increased with time suggesting that the complex adopts its final hydrodynamic shape very slowly. This shape change was confirmed by gradient centrifugation. The complex has a more extended structure than DNA alone accounting for its high viscosity and low S value. Gene 5 protein also bound to linear double-stranded DNA though not as strongly as to single-stranded DNA. The protein decreased the transition temperature, Tm, for viscosity loss of double-stranded DNA by 20 °C in 1 and 10 mm salt at a protein-to-DNA ratio of 2.2. At these low ratios there was no decrease in the hyperchromic Tm at 260 nm. At higher ratios of protein to DNA, the hyperchromic Tm was decreased to a constant value and not by a constant amount. Under no conditions was gene 5 protein able to completely separate the complementary strands of double-stranded DNA or to renature denatured DNA.  相似文献   

Yellow cyclometalatated ruthenium (II) complexes [Ru(o-X-2-py)(MeCN)4]PF6 (1, X = C6H4 (a) or 4-MeC6H3 (b)) react readily with 1,10-phenanthroline (LL) in MeCN to give brownish-red species cis-[Ru(o-X-2-py)(LL)(MeCN)2]PF6 in high yields. The same reaction of the same complexes under the same conditions with 2,2′-bipyridine results in a significant color change from yellow to brownish-orange suggesting a formation of new species. Surprisingly, X-ray structural studies of these two complexes showed that they are structurally indistinguishable from the starting complexes 1. Referred to as complexes 4a,b, the new compounds are slightly more stable in the air though their spectral characteristics in solution are similar to 1a,b. The diffuse reflectance spectroscopy is so far the only technique that indicated differences between 1 and 4.  相似文献   

The structure of the gene 5 DNA unwinding protein from bacteriophage fd has been determined by X-ray diffraction analysis of single crystals to 2.3 Å resolution using six isomorphous heavy-atom derivatives. The essentially globular monomer appears to consist of three secondary structural elements, a radically twisted three-stranded antiparallel β sheet and two distinct anti-parallel β loops, which are joined by short segments of extended polypeptide chain. The molecule contains no α-helix. A long groove, or arch, 30 Å in length is formed by the underside of the twisted β sheet and one of the two β ribbons. We believe this groove to be the DNA binding region, and this is supported by the assignment of residues on its surface implicated in binding by solution studies. These residues include several aromatic amino acids which may intercalate or stack upon the bases of the DNA. Two monomers are maintained as a dimer by the very close interaction of symmetry related β ribbons about the molecular dyad. About six residues at the amino and carboxyl terminus are in extended conformation and both seem to exhibit some degree of disorder. The amimo-terminal methionine is the locus for binding the platinum heavy-atom derivatives and tyrosine 26 for attachment of the major iodine substituent.  相似文献   

Complexes of the gene 5 protein from bacteriophage fd with a variety of oligodeoxynucleotides, ranging in length from two to eight and comprised of several different sequences, have been formed and crystallized for X-ray diffraction analysis. The crystallographic parameters of four different unit cells, all of which are based on hexagonal packing arrangements, indicate that the fundamental unit of the complex is composed of six gene 5 protein dimers. We believe this aggregate has 622 point group symmetry and is a ring formed by end-to-end closure of a linear array of six dimers. From our results we have proposed a double-helix model for the gene 5 protein–DNA complex in which the protein forms a spindle or core around which the DNA is spooled. Currently 5.0-Å X-ray diffraction data from one of the crystalline complexes is being analyzed by molecular replacement techniques to obtain a direct image of the protein–nucleic acid complex.  相似文献   

GafD in Escherichia coli G (F17) fimbriae is associated with diarrheal disease, and the structure of the ligand-binding domain, GafD1-178, has been determined at 1.7A resolution in the presence of the receptor sugar N-acetyl-D-glucosamine. The overall fold is a beta-barrel jelly-roll fold. The ligand-binding site was identified and localized to the side of the molecule. Receptor binding is mediated by side-chain as well main-chain interactions. Ala43-Asn44, Ser116-Thr117 form the sugar acetamide specificity pocket, while Asp88 confers tight binding and Trp109 appears to position the ligand. There is a disulfide bond that rigidifies the acetamide specificity pocket. The three fimbrial lectins, GafD, FimH and PapG share similar beta-barrel folds but display different ligand-binding regions and disulfide-bond patterns. We suggest an evolutionary path for the evolution of the very diverse fimbrial lectins from a common ancestral fold.  相似文献   

Enlarged representative set of protein structures.   总被引:17,自引:13,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
To reduce redundancy in the Protein Data Bank of 3D protein structures, which is caused by many homologous proteins in the data bank, we have selected a representative set of structures. The selection algorithm was designed to (1) select as many nonhomologous structures as possible, and (2) to select structures of good quality. The representative set may reduce time and effort in statistical analyses.  相似文献   

Sendai virus (SeV), a pneumotropic virus of rodents, has an accessory protein, V, and the V protein has been shown to interact with MDA5, inhibiting IRF3 activation and interferon‐β production. In the present study, interaction of the V protein with various IRF3‐activating proteins including MDA5 was investigated in a co‐immunoprecipitation assay. We also investigated interaction of mutant V proteins from SeVs of low pathogenicity with MDA5. The V protein interacted with at least retinoic acid inducible gene I, inhibitor of κB kinase epsilon and IRF3 other than MDA5. However, only MDA5 interacted with the V protein dependently on the C‐terminal V unique (Vu) region, inhibiting IRF3 reporter activation. The Vu region has been shown to be important for viral pathogenicity. We thus focused on interaction of the V protein with MDA5. Point mutations in the Vu region destabilized the V protein or abolished the interaction with MDA5 when the V protein was stable. The V‐R320G protein was highly stable and interacted with MDA5, but did not inhibit activation of IRF3 induced by MDA5. Viral pathogenicity of SeV is related to the inhibitory effect of the V protein on MDA5, but is not always related to the binding of V protein with MDA5.  相似文献   

Crystal have been grown of myoglobin produced in Escherichia coli from a synthetic gene, and the structure has been solved to 1.9 Å resolution. The space group of the crystals is P6, which is different from previously solved myoglobin crystal forms. The synthetic myoglobin is essentially identical to myoglobin isolated from sperm whale tissue, except for the retention of the initiator methionine at the N-terminus and the substitution of asparagine for aspartic acid at position 122. Superposition of the coordinates of native and synthetic sperm whale myoglobins reveals only minor changes in the positions of main chain atoms and roeientation of some surface side chains. Crystals of variant of the “synthetic” myoglobin have also been grown for structural analysis of the role of key amino acid residues in ligand and specificity.  相似文献   

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