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Studies on the biology and control of cavity spot of carrots   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using a selective medium of corn meal agar with pimaricin and rifamycin, isolations from asymptomatic periderm of carrots grown on experimental plots or in commercial crops most frequently yielded the fast-growing species Pythium intermedium, P. sylvaticum or P. ultimum. In contrast isolations from cavity spot lesions mostly produced the slow-growing species P. violae and P. sulcatum. Following treatment of crops with metalaxyl + mancozeb, few isolations from asymptomatic periderm produced Pythium spp. and generally there was a reduction in the number of cavities. Treatment had little or no effect on size distribution of cavities. Cavity spot incidence was significantly less at higher pH values, fields of pH 8·0 and above producing carrots with little or no disease.  相似文献   

Carrot roots with cavity spot lesions from eight different counties in Norway were sampled and Pythium species were isolated on selective medium. Pythium spp. were characterised morphologically and by species-specific PCR. Laboratory experiments with inoculations of carrot roots were performed. A total of 130 isolates out of 230 Pythium -like isolates tested with PCR were identified as pathogenic species of Pythium. These were P. intermedium (29%), P. sulcatum (23%), P. sylvaticum (16%), P. violae (15%) and a possible new Pythium species designated P . ' vipa ' (18%). There were some differences between geographical regions and ages of cavities regarding the frequency of the different species isolated. When rating sunken lesions in the laboratory inoculation experiments, P. ' vipa ' was the most aggressive and P. violae the least aggressive species. P. intermedium and P. ' vipa ' caused more discolouration of the infected carrot tissue than the other species. The importance of the different Pythium spp. as agents of cavity spot in Norway is discussed.  相似文献   

Data on Pythium-induced cavity spot from experimental plots and commercial fields were collated to study the frequency distribution of cavities on carrots. It was shown that cavities tended to occur in clusters with strong evidence that they followed a Polya-Aeppli distribution rather than the Negative Binomial distribution often associated with clustering. Possible biological interpretations of the Polya-Aeppli distribution are discussed, also their implications for estimation of inoculum potential and analysis of cavity spot field trials.  相似文献   

Cavity spot of carrots.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cavity spot was induced after compacted carrot beds were watered to excess in July or August, but not after treatment in October. Roots grown in pots containingfield soil from the site of a cavity spot outbreak had fewer lesions when supplied witha minimal amount of water than when waterlogged, and when the soil was mixed withpeat instead of sand. Soft rot lesions developed on roots which had been inoculated with the field soiland sealed in pots with wax and stood in water. Anaerobic pectolytic bacteriabelonging to the genus Clostridium were isolated from the lesions and were proven tobe pathogenic to carrot roots. The lesions later resembled cavity spot after the rootswere returned to dry, aerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Conventional methods indicated that Pythium violae was most commonly isolated from carrot cavity spot samples from 14 UK sites. For one site the most frequently isolated species was Pythium sulcatum. Results of similar isolation work were compared with the assay of cavity spot lesions using polyclonal antibodies, raised to P. violae or P. sulcatum, in competition ELISA. Where lesions were artificially induced the test confirmed which pathogen was causal. With cavities developed on the field-grown carrots P. violae again predominated and the ELISA confirmed this. In one sample P. sulcatum was also isolated from a small number of lesions and was not detected in ELISA. The competition ELISA did not indicate presence of either Pythium in a range of non-cavity spot lesions from which attempts at isolation were negative.  相似文献   

The pathogenicity and growth rate in vivo were assessed on 27 isolates of Pythium spp. recovered from cavity spot lesions on carrots grown in various parts of northwest France. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of isoesterases was used to identify the Pythium spp. involved. Slow-growing isolates were more aggressive than fast-growing ones when inoculated on carrot tap roots. Isoesterase patterns identified the slow-growing isolates as P. violae and P. sulcatum; P. ultimum and P. intermedium were identified among the less aggressive fast-growing isolate group, in which some isolates were also classed as P. sylvaticum or P. irregulare, which have similar electrophoretic profiles. The incidence of Pythium spp. associated with the disease in France is discussed in regard to cavity spot in other countries.  相似文献   

A single field of commercially-grown carrots was sampled in September at 16 points for cavity spot incidence. Carrot tops, root core and peel were analysed for N, P, K, Ca and Mg, and soils were analysed for organic C, total N, available P, K, Ca, Mg and Na, pH, conductivity and chloride. The incidence of the disorder varied from 0–96% within a small area of field, thus tending to rule out explanations for cavity spot based entirely on weather, genotype etc. Several types of lesion were recorded in addition to ‘typical’ cavity spot, and their incidence was found to be mutually correlated. Most of these (including splitting) were positively correlated with cavity spot, and tended to be positively related to concentrations of macroelements in the carrot peel (especially N and Ca): however, ‘scabs’ were very strikingly dissociated from cavities (both on a plot and individual root basis). This dissociation appeared to be connected with soil pH, in that scabs were most common above pH 6-5, whereas cavities were most frequent below this pH.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of cultivation (ploughing followed by rotavation) on the mineralization of soil nitrogen was measured at 2 sites on a silt loam soil. Both sites had a predominantly arable cropping history but one had been under grass for the previous 2 years and the other had carried wheat. Mineralization of N was slightly faster in cultivated soil but the difference was only significant at the site previously under grass. At this site cultivated soil contained 7 kg ha–1 more mineral N than uncultivated soil 2 weeks after treatment, and 9 kg ha–1 after 6 weeks. The corresponding figures for the site that had grown wheat were 4 and 6 kg N ha–1.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the induction of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) by anaerobiosis in oat (Avena sativa L.), the seedlings were exposed to anaerobiosis and activity of ADH and ADH isozyme profiles were determined. The anaerobiosis increased ADH activities in shoots and roots of the seedlings. By day 2, the activity increased 5 and 4 times in the roots and the shoots, respectively, compared with those under aerobic condition. Based on nondenaturing electrophoresis, ADH isozyme composition analysis revealed six bands consisting of a dimmer enzyme with submits encoded by three different Adh genes. Changes in staining intensity of the isozymes indicated that the increase in ADH activity in oat under anaerobiosis resulted from increased enzyme synthesis.  相似文献   

Bacillus stearothermophilus NCA 2184 lost viability and subsequently released cytoplasmic components when suspended in 0.1 M tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris) buffer (pH 7.2) and incubated at 60 degrees C. Cell lysis was prevented by the addition of 10 mM CaCl2 to the Tris-buffer suspension. Cells which were incubated under anaerobic conditions for 20 min in the growth medium before they were collected were stable in the Tris-buffer suspension without added calcium. Anaerobic incubation effected an increase in membrane cardiolipin which appeared to be related to the increase in the thermostability of the cells.  相似文献   

Application of lime (4000 kg ha-1) to a soil used for commercial carrot production (pH 6.9) significantly (p<0.05) reduced the incidence of cavity spot disease of carrots compared to unlimed soil (pH 5.1). It significantly (p<0.01) increased soil microbial activity as measured by the hydrolysis of fluorescein diacetate and arginine ammonification. The application of lime resulted in a significant (p<0.01) increase in the total numbers of colony forming units (efu) of aerobic bacteria, fluorescent pseudomonads, Gram negative bacteria, actinomycetes and a significant (p<0.01) decrease in the cfu of filamentous fungi and yeasts compared to unlimed soil. Liming also increased the cfu of non-streptomycete actinomycetes rarely reported in similar studies. These non-streptomycete actinomycetes were estimated and isolated using polyvalent Streptomyces phages and the dry heat technique to reduce the dominance of streptomycetes on isolation plates. The non-streptomycete actinomycetes isolated included species of Actinoplanes, Micromonospora, Streptoverticillium, Nocardia, Rhodococcus, Microbispora, Actinomadura, Dactylosporangium and Streptosporangium. The numbers of actinomycetes antagonistic to Pythium coloratum, a causal agent of cavity spot disease of carrots increased in soil amended with lime. Application of lime also reduced the isolation frequency of P. coloratum from asymptomatic carrot roots grown in soil artificially infested with the pathogen, 3, 4 and 5 weeks after sowing.  相似文献   

Only one isolate each of the class "Spartobacteria" (subdivision 2 of the phylum Verrucomicrobia) and of subdivision 3 of Verrucomicrobia have previously been reported to grow in laboratory culture. Using media that had been used successfully in other studies to isolate members of diverse groups of soil bacteria, we generated a collection of over 1,200 isolates from soil from a pasture. An oligonucleotide probe that targets the 16S rRNA genes of verrucomicrobia was used to screen this collection, and 14 new verrucomicrobia were identified. Nine of these belonged to the class "Spartobacteria" and were related to "Chthoniobacter flavus." Five further isolates were members of subdivision 3 and were related to the only known isolate of this subdivision. The differences in the 16S rRNA gene sequences of the new isolates and previously described isolates, of up to 10%, indicated that the new isolates represent new species and genera. All but two of the verrucomicrobial isolates were from colonies that first became visible one or more months after inoculation of plates with soil, but subcultures grew more rapidly. Analysis of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA genes in the pasture soil showed that members of the class "Spartobacteria" were more numerous than members of subdivision 3. Isolates of subdivision 3 were only found on plates receiving an inoculum that yielded a mean of 29 colonies per plate, while members of the class "Spartobacteria" were only found on plates receiving a more dilute inoculum that resulted in a mean of five colonies per plate. This suggested that colony development by members of the class "Spartobacteria" was inhibited by other culturable bacteria.  相似文献   

The dynamics of acetate accumulation was studied in Escherichia coli K-12 batch cultures with a substrate addition. At pH 7.0, the growth stopped at 150 mmoles of acetate per litre of the medium under the aerobic conditions or at 35 mmoles of acetate per litre of the medium under the anaerobic conditions. Experiments with extraneous addition of acetate suggest that acetic acid plays a key role in inhibiting the growth of E. coli by acid metabolites. The authors propose a hypothetical mechanism to account for the inhibiting action of acetate.  相似文献   

Mixed cropping carrots with onions reduced attacks by carrot fly,Psila rosae Fab., on carrots andThrips tabaci Lind. on onions, compared with those on carrots and onions inmonoculture. Increased plant density also reduced the numbers of carrot-willow aphid,Cavariella aegopodii Scop., Carabid and staphylinid predators ofP. rosae eggs were trapped in higher numbers on the intercropped plots with higher onion:carrot plant density ratios (PDR) over bothP. rosae generations but losses of exposed markedP. rosae eggs were not consistent with these differences. In addition, the PDR treatment effect was greatest when the carrots were intercropped with young onions and virtually ineffective once the onions began to bulb.Over 90% of adultP. rosae trapped entering carrot plots were female and the majority approached the plots upwind at a height of <40 cm above the ground possibly in response to the carrot odour. Row-intercropping with onions caused fewer flies to enter the plots. Mixed cropping of carrots with onions probably reducedP. rosae attack by the onion volatiles disturbing host-plant finding particularly when the onions were young. Mixed cropping with the French marigold,Tagetes patula L. was ineffective. C. aegopodii was not directly affected by intercropping as wasT. tabaci, the latter being reduced in numbers by increased PDR possibly due to reduced apparancy of the onion plants.
Effet de l'association culturale sur quelques insectes attaquant carottes et oignons
Résumé L'association culturale des carrottes et des oignons réduit les attaques dePsila rosae Fab sur carottes et deThrips tabaci Lind sur oignons, par rapport aux monocultures. L'accroissement de la densité végétale réduit de même le nombre de pucerons de la carotte,Cavariella aegopodii Scop. Les carabes et staphylins prédateurs d'oeufs dePsila rosae sont piégés en plus grand nombre en culture alternée avec une densité élevée (PDR) d'oignons et de carottes, pendant les 2 générations deP. rosae; mais les pertes d'oeufs marqués exposés deP. rosae ne confirment pas ces différences. De plus, l'effet du PDR est plus important quand les carottes alternent avec de jeunes oignons et virtuellement sans effet quand les bulbes des oignons commencent à se former. Plus de 90% des adultes deP. rosae piégés en entrant dans les parcelles de carottes étaient des femelles, et la majorité se dirigeait face au vent à moins de 40 cm au dessus du sol, vraisemblablement en réponse à l'odeur de carotte. L'alternance avec des rangs d'oignons limite le nombre de mouches pénétrant dans les parcelles. L'association de carottes et d'oignons a réduit probablement les attaques deP. rosae par l'action de substances volatiles des oignons, en perturbant la découverte de la plante hôte, particulièrement quand les oignons étaient jeunes. L'association avecTagetes patula L. n'a pas eu d'effet. C. aegopodii n'a pas été directement affecté par l'association comme l'étaitT. tabaci, l'effectif de ce dernier ayant pu être limité par un PDR élevé qui aurait réduit l'individualisation des pieds d'oignons.

地膜覆盖栽培对土壤微生物种群和生物活性的影响   总被引:62,自引:7,他引:62  
研究了覆膜栽培条件下土壤微生物种群和生物活性.棕壤长期覆膜种植玉米,土壤表层微生物数量增多,细菌、放线菌和真菌分别增加22.6%、29.3%和19.7%.苗期细菌增加最多,达214%,拔节期和成熟期放线菌增加最多,为224%和244%,生育期真菌增加幅度122~146%.细菌中兼厌气性种群优势有所增强,真菌优势种群无变化.肥力水平不同地块覆膜均加强土壤呼吸作用,高肥地块土壤脲酶活性升高,低肥地块无变化.  相似文献   

Effect of root anaerobiosis on the water relations of several Pyrus species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Solution culture experiments were designed to investigate the plant water relations of 3 Pyrus species subjected to root anaerobiosis. Root anaerobiosis induced partial stomatal closure prior to alterations in leaf water potential (ΨLW) or root osmotic potential (ΨRπ). In contrast, stomatal closure was accompanied by a decline in root hydraulic conductivity (Lp). Anoxia markedly reduced ΨLW for Pyrus communis L. and eventually led to wilting and defoliation. Pyrus betulaefolia Bunge and Pyrus calleryana Decne, however, were less affected by root anaerobiosis. To delineate if the increased root resistance was in the radial or longitudinal direction, 10−4 M cistrans abscisic acid (ABA) was added to detopped root systems of P. communis in solution culture after steady-state rates of Lp were established. A consistent 25 to 30% promotion of Lp was observed 1.5 h after the addition of ABA for aerobically treated plants. ABA did not influence Lp when applied to roots previously deprived of O2 for 4 days. Additional evidence against the limiting resistance being in the radial direction was obtained when water fluxes were compared through intact P. communis roots, roots with all feeder roots detached, and stems without root systems. Severing feeder roots from anaerobically treated plants did not increase water flux to rates observed for aerobically treated plants. Resistance progressed basipetally to eventually encompass the stem itself. These results can only be explained by occlusion of the xylem vessels.  相似文献   

The anaerobic threshold is an O2-related threshold of metabolic acidemia of which the chief metabolic acid is lactic acid. As such, it is a crucial parameter of aerobic function. For power outputs that are below the anaerobic threshold, the dynamics of O2 uptake (VO2) is well characterized as a linear first-order exponential process. The system time constant for leg exercise in humans has been shown to be congruent to 25-35 s with a "delay" of 15-20 s. Steady states are therefore normally achieved within 3 min at this work intensity. Above the anaerobic threshold a second, slower component of VO2 becomes evident that delays the steady state (if attainable). Consequently, the difference in VO2 between the third and the sixth minute of exercise is zero if the work rate is subthreshold and becomes progressively greater, the higher the increment above this parameter; this also correlates highly with the increment of arterial blood lactate, [L-]. This slow phase of the VO2 kinetics results in "excess" VO2, in that the VO2 rises to values above those attained by fitter subjects. This excess VO2 correlates highly with the increased [L-] (and possibly other factors), although its magnitude increases even more rapidly at work rates for which the increase in [L-] exceeds 4-5 meq/liter.  相似文献   

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