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The role of exonic sequences in naturally occurring trans-splicing has not been explored in detail. Here, we have identified trans-splicing enhancers through the use of an iterative selection scheme. Several classes of enhancer sequences were identified that led to dramatic increases in trans-splicing efficiency. Two sequence families were investigated in detail. These include motifs containing the element (G/C)GAC(G/C) and also 5' splice site-like sequences. Distinct elements were tested for their ability to function as splicing enhancers and in competition experiments. In addition, discrete trans-acting factors were identified. This work demonstrates that splicing enhancers are able to effect a large increase in trans-splicing efficiency and that the process of exon definition is able to positively enhance trans-splicing even though the reaction itself is independent of the need for the 5' end of U1 snRNA. Due to the presence of internal introns in messages that are trans-spliced, the natural arrangement of 5' splice sites downstream of trans-splicing acceptors may lead to a general promotion of this unusual reaction.  相似文献   

T-antigen expression by polyoma mutants with modified RNA splicing   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
Polyoma virus mutants were constructed that could not express all the three T-antigens. The mutagenesis was directed to the two 5' splice sites utilized in the maturation of early RNA. The mutant bc1051 had a base change at the splice site of large T-antigen mRNA, and the mutants dl1061 and dl1062 had deletions at the corresponding splice point of small and middle T-antigen mRNA. The site was removed in mutant dl1061 and altered by fusion to upstream sequences in mutant dl1062. Analysis of viral RNA showed that dl1061 and dl1062 formed only large T-antigen mRNA, whereas bc1051 did not produce this RNA-species. However, the biological properties of dl1062 suggested that it also produced mRNA directing the synthesis of a small T-antigen-related polypeptide, at least in low amounts. Only mutant bc1051 could induce transformation of rat cells. In mouse 3T3 cells dl1062 multiplied to a limited extent, while bc1051 and dl1061 failed to produce virus. However, dl1061 DNA was synthesized at a low rate which could be increased to normal levels by co-transfection with mutant bc1051. This result suggests that polyoma small and middle T-antigen have a previously unrecognized function in the early phase of the infection process, or in viral DNA-synthesis.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is one of the world's major health problems, and the identification of efficient HCV inhibitors is a major goal. Here we report the isolation of efficient anti-HCV internal ribosome entry site (IRES) RNA molecules identified by a new in vitro selection method. The newly developed procedure consists of two sequential steps that use distinct criteria for selection: selection for binding and selection for cleaving. The selection protocol was applied to a population of more than 10(15) variants of an anti-hepatitis C virus ribozyme covalently linked to an aptamer motif. The ribozyme was directed against positions 357 to 369 of the HCV IRES, and the cleavage substrate was a 691-nucleotide-long RNA fragment that comprises the entire HCV IRES domain. After six selection cycles, seven groups of RNA variants were identified. A representative of each group was tested for its capacity to inhibit IRES activity using in vitro translation assays. All selected RNAs promoted significant inhibition, some by as much as 95%.  相似文献   

RNA aptamers specifically interact with the prion protein PrP.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
We have isolated RNA aptamers which are directed against the recombinant Syrian golden hamster prion protein rPrP23-231 (rPrPc) fused to glutathione S-transferase (GST). The aptamers did not recognize the fusion partner GST or the fusion protein GST::rPrP90-231 (rPrP27-30), which lacks 67 amino acids from the PrP N terminus. The aptamer-interacting region of PrPc was mapped to the N-terminal amino acids 23 to 52. Sequence analyses suggest that the RNA aptamers may fold into G-quartet-containing structural elements. Replacement of the G residues in the G quartet scaffold with uridine residues destroyed binding to PrP completely, strongly suggesting that the G quartet motif is essential for PrP recognition. Individual RNA aptamers interact specifically with prion protein in brain homogenates from wild-type mice (C57BL/6), hamsters (Syrian golden), and cattle as shown by supershifts obtained in the presence of anti-PrP antibodies. No interaction was observed with brain homogenates from PrP knockout mice (prn-p(0/0)). Specificity of the aptamer-PrP interaction was further confirmed by binding assays with antisense aptamer RNA or a mutant aptamer in which the guanosine residues in the G tetrad scaffold were replaced by uridine residues. The aptamers did not recognize PrP27-30 in brain homogenates from scrapie-infected mice. RNA aptamers may provide a first milestone in the development of a diagnostic assay for the detection of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies.  相似文献   

V Heinrichs  B S Baker 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(16):3987-4000
The SR proteins represent a family of splicing factors several of which have been implicated in the regulation of sex-specific alternative splicing of doublesex (dsx) pre-mRNA in Drosophila. The dsx gene is involved in Drosophila sex determination. We have identified two RNA target sequence motifs recognized by the SR protein RBP1 from Drosophila using an in vitro selection approach. Several copies of these RBP1 target sequences were found within two regions of the dsx pre-mRNA which are important for the regulation of dsx alternative splicing, the repeat region and the purine-rich polypyrimidine tract of the regulated female-specific 3' splice site. We show that RBP1 target sequences within the dsx repeat region are required for the efficient splicing of dsx pre-mRNA. Moreover, our studies reveal that RBP1 contributes to the activation of female-specific dsx splicing in vivo by recognizing the RBP1 target sequences within the purine-rich polypyrimidine tract of the female-specific 3' splice site.  相似文献   

Two cytotoxic proteins, bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase A), and a restriction endonuclease from Haemophilus parainfluenzae (HpaI), were produced using a novel semisynthetic approach that utilizes a protein splicing element, an intein, to generate a reactive thioester at the C-terminus of a recombinant protein. Nucleophilic attack on this thioester by the N-terminal cysteine of a synthetic peptide ultimately leads to the ligation of the two reactants through a native peptide bond. This strategy was used to produce RNase A and HpaI by isolating inactive truncated forms of these proteins, the first 109 and 223 amino acids of RNase A and HpaI, respectively, as fusion proteins consisting of the target protein, an intein, and a chitin binding domain. Thiol-induced cleavage of the precursor led to the liberation of the target protein with a C-terminal thioester-tag. Addition of synthetic peptides representing the amino acids missing from the truncated forms led to the generation of full-length products that displayed catalytic activity indicative of the wild-type enzymes. The turnover numbers and Km for ligated and renatured RNase A were 8.2 s(-1) and 1.5 mM, in good agreement with reported values of 8.3 s(-1) and 1.2 mM (Hodges & Merrifield, 1975). Ligated HpaI had a specific activity of 0.5-1.5 x 10(6) U/mg, which compared favorably with the expected value of 1-2 x 10(6) U/mg (J. Benner, unpubl. obs.). Besides assisting in the production of cytotoxic proteins, this technique could allow the easy insertion of unnatural amino acids into a protein sequence.  相似文献   

We examine here the roles of cellular splicing factors and virus regulatory proteins in coordinately regulating alternative splicing of the tat/rev mRNA of equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV). This bicistronic mRNA contains four exons; exons 1 and 2 encode Tat, and exons 3 and 4 encode Rev. In the absence of Rev expression, the four-exon mRNA is synthesized exclusively, but when Rev is expressed, exon 3 is skipped to produce an mRNA that contains only exons 1, 2, and 4. We identify a purine-rich exonic splicing enhancer (ESE) in exon 3 that promotes exon inclusion. Similar to other cellular ESEs that have been identified by other laboratories, the EIAV ESE interacted specifically with SR proteins, a group of serine/arginine-rich splicing factors that function in constitutive and alternative mRNA splicing. Substitution of purines with pyrimidines in the ESE resulted in a switch from exon inclusion to exon skipping in vivo and abolished binding of SR proteins in vitro. Exon skipping was also induced by expression of EIAV Rev. We show that Rev binds to exon 3 RNA in vitro, and while the precise determinants have not been mapped, Rev function in vivo and RNA binding in vitro indicate that the RNA element necessary for Rev responsiveness overlaps or is adjacent to the ESE. We suggest that EIAV Rev promotes exon skipping by interfering with SR protein interactions with RNA or with other splicing factors.  相似文献   

The serine-rich (SR) protein family is involved in the pre-mRNA splicing process and the DNA sequences of the corresponding genes are highly conserved in the metazoan organisms. The mammalian SR proteins consist of one or two characteristic RNA binding domains (RBD), containing the signature sequences RDAEDA and SWQDLKD and a RS (arginine/serine-rich) domain. We used the amino acid and nucleotide sequences deposited in GenBank and Swiss-Prot databases to perform a phylogenetic analysis using bioinformatics tools. The results of the phylogenetic trees suggest that this family has evolved by several gene duplication events as a result of a positive selection mechanism.  相似文献   

Infection with some viruses can alter cellular mRNA processing to favor viral gene expression. We present evidence that herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) protein ICP27, which contributes to host shut-off by inhibiting pre-mRNA splicing, interacts with essential splicing factors termed SR proteins and affects their phosphorylation. During HSV-1 infection, phosphorylation of several SR proteins was reduced and this correlated with a subnuclear redistribution. Exogenous SR proteins restored splicing in ICP27-inhibited nuclear extracts and SR proteins isolated from HSV-1-infected cells activated splicing in uninfected S100 extracts, indicating that inhibition occurs by a reversible mechanism. Spliceosome assembly was blocked at the pre-spliceosomal complex A stage. Furthermore, we show that ICP27 interacts with SRPK1 and relocalizes it to the nucleus; moreover, SRPK1 activity was altered in the presence of ICP27 in vitro. We propose that ICP27 modifies SRPK1 activity resulting in hypophosphorylation of SR proteins impairing their ability to function in spliceosome assembly.  相似文献   

SR proteins purified from uninfected HeLa cells inhibit adenovirus IIIa pre-mRNA splicing by binding to the intronic IIIa repressor element (3RE). In contrast, SR proteins purified from late adenovirus-infected cells are functionally inactivated as splicing repressor proteins by a virus-induced dephosphorylation. We have shown that the adenovirus E4-ORF4 protein, which binds the cellular protein phos phatase 2A (PP2A) and activates IIIa splicing in vitro and in vivo, induces SR protein dephosphorylation. Here we show that E4-ORF4 interacts with only a subset of SR proteins present in HeLa cells. Thus, E4-ORF4 interacts efficiently with SF2/ASF and SRp30c, but not with other SR proteins. Interestingly, E4-ORF4 interacts with SF2/ASF through the latter's RNA recognition motifs. Furthermore, E4-ORF4 interacts preferentially with the hyperphosphorylated form of SR proteins found in uninfected HeLa cells. E4-ORF4 mutant proteins that fail to bind strongly to PP2A or SF2/ASF do not relieve the repressive effect of HeLa SR proteins on IIIa pre-mRNA splicing in transient transfection experiments, suggesting that an interaction between all three proteins is required for E4-ORF4-induced SR protein dephosphorylation.  相似文献   

Exon enhancers are accessory pre-mRNA splicing signals that stimulate exon splicing. One class of proteins, the serine-arginine-rich (SR) proteins, have been demonstrated to bind enhancers and activate splicing. Here we report that A/C-rich exon enhancers (ACE elements) are recognized by the human YB-1 protein, a non-SR protein. Sequence-specific binding of YB-1 was observed both to an ACE derived from an in vivo iterative selection protocol and to ACE elements in an alternative exon (v4) from the human CD44 gene. The ACE element that was the predominant YB-1 binding site in CD44 exon v4 was required for maximal in vivo splicing and in vitro spliceosome assembly. Expression of wild-type YB-1 increased inclusion of exon v4, whereas a truncated form of YB-1 did not. Stimulation of exon v4 inclusion by wild-type YB-1 required the ACE necessary for YB-1 binding in vitro, suggesting that YB-1 stimulated exon inclusion in vivo by binding to an exonic ACE element. These observations identify a protein in addition to SR proteins that participates in the recognition of exon enhancers.  相似文献   

A graphical method is presented for displaying how binding proteins and other macromolecules interact with individual bases of nucleotide sequences. Characters representing the sequence are either oriented normally and placed above a line indicating favorable contact, or upside-down and placed below the line indicating unfavorable contact. The positive or negative height of each letter shows the contribution of that base to the average sequence conservation of the binding site, as represented by a sequence logo. These sequence 'walkers' can be stepped along raw sequence data to visually search for binding sites. Many walkers, for the same or different proteins, can be simultaneously placed next to a sequence to create a quantitative map of a complex genetic region. One can alter the sequence to quantitatively engineer binding sites. Database anomalies can be visualized by placing a walker at the recorded positions of a binding molecule and by comparing this to locations found by scanning the nearby sequences. The sequence can also be altered to predict whether a change is a polymorphism or a mutation for the recognizer being modeled.  相似文献   

The rat erbA alpha locus encodes two overlapping mRNAs, alpha 1 and alpha 2, which are identical except for their most 3' exons. alpha 1 mRNA encodes a thyroid hormone receptor, while alpha 2 encodes an altered ligand binding domain of unknown function. Previous studies have shown that the ratio of alpha 1 to alpha 2 is highest in cells expressing a high level of a third RNA, Rev-ErbA alpha mRNA, which is transcribed in the opposite direction and is complementary to alpha 2 but not alpha 1 mRNA. It was hypothesized that base pairing with Rev-ErbA alpha blocks splicing of alpha 2 mRNA, thereby favoring formation of the non-overlapping alpha 1. To test this model, a system was developed in which alpha 2 pre-mRNAs were accurately spliced in vitro. Splicing was inhibited by the addition of a 5-fold excess of antisense RNAs containing the 3' end of Rev-ErbA alpha mRNA. Both an antisense RNA extending across the 3' splice site and a shorter RNA complementary only to exon sequences efficiently blocked splicing. However, splicing was only inhibited by complementary RNAs. These observations are consistent with a mechanism in which base pairing with a complementary RNA regulates alternative processing of alpha 1 and alpha 2 mRNAs.  相似文献   

SR proteins are essential for pre-mRNA splicing in vitro, act early in the splicing pathway, and can influence alternative splice site choice. Here we describe the isolation of both dominant and loss-of-function alleles of B52, the gene for a Drosophila SR protein. The allele B52ED was identified as a dominant second-site enhancer of white-apricot (wa), a retrotransposon insertion in the second intron of the eye pigmentation gene white with a complex RNA-processing defect. B52ED also exaggerates the mutant phenotype of a distinct white allele carrying a 5' splice site mutation (wDR18), and alters the pattern of sex-specific splicing at doublesex under sensitized conditions, so that the male-specific splice is favored. In addition to being a dominant enhancer of these RNA-processing defects, B52ED is a recessive lethal allele that fails to complement other lethal alleles of B52. Comparison of B52ED with the B52+ allele from which it was derived revealed a single change in a conserved amino acid in the beta 4 strand of the first RNA-binding domain of B52, which suggests that altered RNA binding is responsible for the dominant phenotype. Reversion of the B52ED dominant allele with X rays led to the isolation of a B52 null allele. Together, these results indicate a critical role for the SR protein B52 in pre-mRNA splicing in vivo.  相似文献   

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