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Two Escherichia coli K12 mutants defective in 3-methyladenine-DNA glycosylase have been isolated following mutagenesis by N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. The mutants, which are of independent origin and have been designated tag-1 and tag-2, contain greatly reduced amounts of 3-methyladenine-DNA glycosylase activity in cell-free extracts. The defect in the tag-1 strain is observed at 43 °C but not at 30 °C, and a partially purified enzyme from this strain is unusually heat-labile, indicating that the defect in the tag-1 strain is due to a mutation in the structural gene for 3-methyladenine-DNA glycosylase.We have shown that 3-methyladenine-DNA glycosylase is responsible for the rapid removal of 3-methyladenine from the DNA of E. coli cells treated with monofunctional alkylating agents. The active release of this base is greatly impaired in the mutant strains. Both tag mutant strains are abnormally sensitive to killing by monofunctional alkylating agents and are defective in the host cell reactivation of methyl methanesulphonate-treated bacteriophage A. The tag mutation does not confer an increased sensitivity to ultraviolet or X-irradiation, and host cell reactivation of irradiated λ is normal in these strains. Further, there was no increase in the rate of spontaneous mutation in a tag strain.Three-factor transductional crosses with nalA and nrdA have shown that the tag-2 mutation is located at 47.2 minutes on the map of the E. coli K12 chromosome. In the mapping experiments, the tag-1 mutation behaved differently and appeared to be located at 43 to 46 minutes, in a closely situated but non-adjacent gene. Possible implications of the non-identity of the tag-1 and tag-2 mutations are discussed.  相似文献   

Mutants of Escherichia coli having reduced levels of exonuclease VII activity have been isolated by a mass screening procedure. Nine mutants, five of which are known to be of independent origin, were obtained and designated xse. The defects in these strains lie at two or more loci. One of these loci, xseA, lies in the interval between purG and purC; it is 93 to 97% co-transducible with guaA. The order of the genes in this region is purG-xseA guaA,B-purC. The available data do not allow xseA to be ordered with respect to guaA,B. Exonuclease VII purified from E. coli KLC3 xseA3 is more heat labile than exonuclease VII purified from the parent, E. coli PA610 xse+. Therefore, xseA is the structural gene for exonuclease VII. Mutants with defects in the xseA gene show increased sensitivity to nalidixic acid and have an abnormally high frequency of recombination (hyper-Rec phenotype) as measured by the procedure of Konrad and Lehlman (1974). The hyper-Rec character of xseA strains is approximately one-half that of the polAex1 mutant defective in the 5' leads to 3' hydrolytic activity of deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase I. The double mutant, polAex1 xseA7, is twice as hyper-Rec as the polAex1 mutant alone. The xseA- strains are slightly more sensitive to ultraviolet irradiation than the parent strain. Bacteriophages T7, fd, and lambdared grow normally in xseA- strains.  相似文献   

We studied the purine phosphoribosyltransferases (PRTases) of Escherichia coli and were able to isolate a mutant that is defective in its ability to convert guanine and xanthine to their respective ribonucleotides. The affected gene (gpt) lies between metD and proA and is 78.6% co-transducible with proA. Both this point mutant and a strain with a pro-lac deletion contain less than 2% of wild-type xanthine PRTase activity, yet still contain about 30% of wild-type guanine PRTase activity. Thus, the gpt gene is only one of at least two genes responsible for guanine PRTase activity in E. coli.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli mutants deficient in deoxyuridine triphosphatase.   总被引:15,自引:12,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Mutants deficient in deoxyuridine triphosphatase (dUTPase) were identified by enzyme assays of randomly chosen heavily mutagenized clones. Five mutants of independent origin were obtained. One mutant produced a thermolabile enzyme, and it was presumed to have a mutation in the structural gene for dUTPase, designated dut. The most deficient mutant had the following associated phenotypes: less than 1% of parental dUTPase activity, prolonged generation time, increased sensitivity to 5'-fluorodeoxyuridine, increased rate of spontaneous mutation, increased rate of recombination (hyper-Rec), an inhibition of growth in the presence of 2 mM uracil, and a decreased ability to support the growth of phage P1 (but not T4 or lambda). This mutation also appeared to be incompatible with pyrE mutations. A revertant selected by its faster growth had regained dUTPase activity and lost its hyper-Rec phenotype. Many of the properties of the dut mutants are compatible with their presumed increased incorporation of uracil into DNA and the subsequent transient breakage of the DNA by excision repair.  相似文献   

Nitroxide free radicals have been previously shown to function as superoxide dismutase (SOD) mimics and to protect bacterial and mammalian cells against oxidative damage, particularly from superoxide and hydrogen peroxide. Although nitroxides are generally considered to be non-toxic nor mutagenic, there is no agreement regarding their potential adverse effect. Some toxic effects were observed upon using high concentration of six-membered ring derivatives. Conflicting evidence has also been reported regarding the mutagenic activity of nitroxides toward Salmonella typhimurium. It was also demonstrated that nitroxides exert two opposing effects on exonuclease III deficient cells of Escherichia coli upon exposure to naphthoquinones. The attempts to use nitroxides as contrast agents in nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and as a new class of anti-oxidants underscore the need to examine their potential adverse effects. Since nitroxides protected xthA cells from DNA scission caused by H2O2, it was anticipated that they would provide even greater t protection for recA DNA repair-deficient cells of E. coli, which are more sensitive to H2O2-induced oxidative stress. The results of the present study showed that: (1) nitroxides exert bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects on recA but not on xthA or wild-type E. coli K12 cells, (b) nitroxides and H2O2 act synergistically on recA cells, both under aerobic and hypoxic conditions; (c) the nitroxide-induced toxicity in recA cells and the synergistic effect with H2O2 were not accompanied by a decrease in the cellular level of reduced glutathione; (d) TEMPAMINE protected against DNA scission induced by H2O2 and 1,10-o-phenanthroline chelate of Cu(II) in xthA cells, but potentiated DNA double-strand breakage in recA cells.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli arginine repressor (ArgR) controls expression of the arginine biosynthetic genes and acts as an accessory protein in Xer site-specific recombination at cer and related plasmid recombination sites. The hexameric wild-type protein shows L -arginine-dependent DNA binding. In this work, ArgR mutants that are defective in trimer–trimer interactions and bind DNA as trimers in an L -arginine-independent manner are isolated and characterized. Whereas the wild-type ArgR hexamer exhibits high-affinity binding to two repeated ARG boxes separated by 3 bp (each ARG box containing two identical dyad symmetrical 9 bp half-sites), the trimeric mutants bind to and footprint three adjacent half-sites of this 'idealized' substrate. Trimeric ArgR is impaired in its ability to repress the arginine biosynthetic genes and in Xer site-specific recombination. In the absence of L -arginine, residual wild-type ArgR-binding occurs as trimers. The binding of an N-terminal 77-amino-acid DNA-binding domain to idealized ARG boxes is also characterized.  相似文献   

We have investigated conditions in vitro for the analysis of replication of ultraviolet-irradiated ColE1 DNA in cell extracts from Escherichia coli. In wild-type extracts substantial replication was obtained; however, this could be greatly reduced when the irradiated plasmid was incubated in extracts prepared from a uvrA recB strain. Modest stimulation of DNA replication was then obtained by addition of extracts from the same strain previously ultraviolet-irradiated. However, this stimulating activity proved to be highly unstable and has so far proved unsuitable as a basis for purification of specific factors involved in replication on irradiated templates. We also investigated the mutagenesis of pBR325 DNA replicated in cell extracts from a strain expressing the SOS response constitutively. Conditions for efficient recovery and transformation by plasmid DNA replicated in vitro were determined and, using this system, a more than 10-fold increase in reversion frequency of a mutation in the tet gene, compared to that with wild-type extracts, was obtained. This mutagenesis appeared to be independent of replication, indicating the presence of an error-prone repair system in the extract. This effect was not enhanced by the presence of the muc gene products in the extracts. This suggests that the observed mutagenesis is also independent of the lexA-controlled umuCD genes.  相似文献   

The plasmid R6K has been introduced into a number of Escherichia coli polymerase deficient (pol) mutants. In polCts mutants transferred to the nonpermissive temperature to inactivate polymerase III, R6K replicates but the replication products have a density in dye-CsCl gradients intermediate between supercoiled and linear forms. This aberrant replication requires normal cellular levels of polymerase I since it does not occur in polA polCts mutants. Normal R6K replication and maintenance occur in a polA polB polC+ host, however, we cannot tell from our experiments wheather polymerase I or III replicates R6K in polA+ polC+ host. Polymerase II, the polB gene product, has no detectable role in R6K replication.  相似文献   

Summary Mutations affecting single-strand DNA binding protein (SSB) impair induction of mutagenic (SOS) repair. To further investigate the role of SSB in SOS induction and DNA repair, isogenic strains were constructed combining the ssb +, ssb-1 or ssb-113 alleles with one or more mutations known to alter regulation of damage inducible functions. As is true in ssb + strains tif-1 (recA441) was found to allow thermal induction of prophage + and Weigle reactivation in ssb-1 and ssb-113 strains. Furthermore, tif-1 decreased the UV sensitivity of the ssb-113 strain slightly and permitted UV induction of prophage + at 30°C. Strains carrying the recAo281 allele were also constructed. This mutation causes high constitutive levels of RecA protein synthesis and relieves much of the UV sensitivity conferred by lexA alleles without restoring SOS (error-prone) repair. In contrast, the recAo281 allele failed to alleviate the UV sensitivity associated with either ssb mutation. In a lexA1 recAo281 background the ssb-1 mutation increased the extent of postirradiation DNA degradation and concommitantly increased UV sensitivity 20-fold to the level exhibited by a recA1 strain. The ssb-113 mutation also increased UV sensitivity markedly in this background but did so without greatly increasing postirradiation DNA degradation. These results suggest a direct role for SSB in recombinational repair apart from and in addition to its role in facilitating induction of the recA-lexA regulon.  相似文献   

Arginyl residues 513 and 571 of Escherichia coli K-12 gamma-glutamyl-transpeptidase (EC were substituted with alanyl and glycyl residues, respectively, by oligonucleotide-directed in vitro mutagenesis. Both mutants were devoid of the enzymatic activity. On Western blot analysis, we found that both mutants accumulated a gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase precursor which was not processed into large and small subunits in the periplasmic space of Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli K-12 mutants deficient in uracil-DNA glycosylase.   总被引:27,自引:14,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
A new assay specific for uracil-DNA glycosylase is described, Escherichia coli mutants partially and totally deficient in uracil-DNA glycosylase activity have been isolated by using this assay in mass-screening procedures. These have been designated ung mutants. The ung gene maps between tyrA and nadB on the E. coli chromosome. T4 phage containing uracil in their DNA grow on the most glycosylase-deficient hosts but are unable to grow on wild-type bacteria. This provides a simple spot test for the ung genotype. The ung mutants show slightly higher rates of spontaneous mutation to antibiotic resistance. Taken together, these results suggest a central role for uracil-DNA glycosylase in the initiation of an excision repair pathway for the exclusion of uracil from DNA.  相似文献   

Physiological properties of mutants of Escherichia coli defective in glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, glycerate 3-phosphate kinase, or enolase are described. Introduction of a lesion in any one of the reversible steps catalyzed by these enzymes impaired both the glycolytic and gluconeogenic capabilities of the cell and generated an obligatory requirement for a source of carbon above the block (gluconeogenic) and one below (oxidative). A mixture of glycerol and succinate supported the growth of these mutants. Mutants lacking glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase and glycerate 3-phosphate kinase could grow also on glycerol and glyceric acid, and enolase mutants could grow on glycerate and succinate, whereas double mutants lacking the kinase and enolase required l-serine in addition to glycerol and succinate. Titration of cell yield with limiting amounts of glycerol with Casamino Acids in excess, or vice versa, showed the gluconeogenic requirement of a growing culture of E. coli to be one-twentieth of its total catabolic and anabolic needs. Sugars and their derivatives inhibited growth of these mutants on otherwise permissive media. The mutants accumulated glycolytic intermediates above the blocked enzyme on addition of glucose or glycerol to resting cultures. Glucose inhibited growth and induced lysis. These effects could be substantially overcome by increasing the osmotic strength of the growth medium and, in addition, including 5 mM cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate therein. This substance countered to a large extent the severe repression of beta-galactosidase synthesis that glucose caused in these mutants.  相似文献   

A series of Escherichia coli strains deficient in single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) and DNA polymerase I was constructed in order to analyze the effects of these mutations on DNA repair resynthesis after UV-irradiation. Since SSB has been suggested to play a role in protecting single-stranded regions which may transiently exist during excision repair and since long single-stranded regions are believed to occur frequently as repair intermediates in strains deficient in DNA polymerase I, studies of repair resynthesis and strand rejoining were performed on strains containing both the ssb-1 and polA1 mutations. Repair resynthesis appears to be slightly decreased in the ssb-1 strain at 42 degrees C relative to the wild-type; however, this effect is not enhanced in a polA1 derivative of this strain. After UV-irradiation, the single-strand molecular weight of the DNA of an ssb-1 strain decreases and fails to recover to normal size. These results are discussed in the context of long patch repair as an inducible component of repair resynthesis and of the protection of intermediates in the excision repair process by SSB. A direct role for SSB in repair resynthesis involving modulation of the proteins involved in this mode of DNA synthesis (particularly stimulation of DNA polymerase II) is not supported by our findings.  相似文献   

PCR mutagenesis and a unique enrichment scheme were used to obtain two mutants, each with a single lesion in fimH, the chromosomal gene that encodes the adhesin protein (FimH) of Escherichia coli type 1 pili. These mutants were noteworthy in part because both were altered in the normal range of cell types bound by FimH. One mutation altered an amino acid at a site previously shown to be involved in temperature-dependent binding, and the other altered an amino acid lining the predicted FimH binding pocket.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli contains at least two iron storage proteins, a ferritin (FtnA) and a bacterioferritin (Bfr). To investigate their specific functions, the corresponding genes (ftnA and bfr) were inactivated by replacing the chromosomal ftnA and bfr genes with disrupted derivatives containing antibiotic resistance cassettes in place of internal segments of the corresponding coding regions. Single mutants (ftnA::spc and bfr::kan) and a double mutant (ftnA::spc bfr::kan) were generated and confirmed by Western and Southern blot analyses. The iron contents of the parental strain (W3110) and the bfr mutant increased by 1.5- to 2-fold during the transition from logarithmic to stationary phase in iron-rich media, whereas the iron contents of the ftnA and ftnA bfr mutants remained unchanged. The ftnA and ftnA bfr mutants were growth impaired in iron-deficient media, but this was apparent only after the mutant and parental strains had been precultured in iron-rich media. Surprisingly, ferric iron uptake regulation (fur) mutants also had very low iron contents (2.5-fold less iron than Fur+ strains) despite constitutive expression of the iron acquisition systems. The iron deficiencies of the ftnA and fur mutants were confirmed by M?ssbauer spectroscopy, which further showed that the low iron contents of ftnA mutants are due to a lack of magnetically ordered ferric iron clusters likely to correspond to FtnA iron cores. In combination with the fur mutation, ftnA and bfr mutations produced an enhanced sensitivity to hydroperoxides, presumably due to an increase in production of "reactive ferrous iron." It is concluded that FtnA acts as an iron store accommodating up to 50% of the cellular iron during postexponential growth in iron-rich media and providing a source of iron that partially compensates for iron deficiency during iron-restricted growth. In addition to repressing the iron acquisition systems, Fur appears to regulate the demand for iron, probably by controlling the expression of iron-containing proteins. The role of Bfr remains unclear.  相似文献   

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