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The thrombin-binding aptamer d(GGTTGGTGTGGTTGG) (TBA) is an efficient tool for the inhibition of thrombin function. We have studied conformations and thermodynamic stability of a number of modified TBA oligonucleotides containing thiophosphoryl substitution at different internucleotide sites. Using circular dichroism such modifications were found not to disrupt the antiparallel intramolecular quadruplex specific for TBA. Nevertheless, the presence of a single thiophosphoryl bond between two G-quartet planes led to a significant decrease in the quadruplex thermostability. On the contrary, modifications in each of the loop regions either stabilized an aptamer structure or did not reduce its stability. According to the thrombin time test, the aptamer with thio-modifications in both TT loops (LL11) exhibits the same antithrombin efficiency as the original TBA. This aptamer shows better stability against DNA nuclease compared to that of TBA. We conclude that such thio-modification patterns are very promising for the design of anticoagulation agents.  相似文献   

Simplications in the synthesis of short oligonucleotide blocks.   总被引:27,自引:22,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
A rapid and convenient procedure has been developed for the synthesis of fully protected mono, di and trideoxyribonucleotides utilizing an aryl phosphoroditriazolide. It affords advantages over coupling strategies employing condensing reagents, such as 2,4,6-triisopropylbenzenesulfonyl tetrazolide in preparing small oligonucleotides and is relatively free of the drawbacks inherent in other approaches using bifunctional phosphorylating reagents. In particular, the synthesis of trinucleotide blocks without purification at the dimer stage is described.  相似文献   

Chemical syntheses of 2'-O-(allyloxycarbonyl)methyladenosine, 2'-O-(methoxycarbonyl)methyladenosine and 2'-O-(2,3-dibenzoyloxy)propyluridine 3'-2-cyanoethyl-N,N-diisopropyl phosphoramidite building blocks are described. These monomers were used successfully to incorporate carboxylic acid, 1,2-diol and aldehyde functionalities into synthetic oligonucleotides.  相似文献   

Highly effective site-specific photomodification of a DNA-target was carried out with oligonucleotide reagents carrying aromatic azido groups. Oligonucleotide derivatives with a photoactive function R on the 5'-terminal phosphate and at C-5 atom of deoxyuridine were synthesized: R1NH(CH2)3NHpd(TCCACTT) and d(ULNHRCCACTT), where R1 is p-azidotetrafluorobenzoyl, R2 is 2-nitro, 5-azidobenzoyl, R3 is p-azidobenzoyl; LNH = -CH2NH-, -CH2OCH2CH2NH- or -CH2NHCOCH2CH2NH-. The prepared compounds form stable complementary complexes and effect site-specific photomodification of the target DNA. The modification of pentadecanucleotide d(TAAGTGGAGTTTGGC) with the reagents was investigated. Maximum extent of modification strongly depended on the reagent's type, the photoreagent with R1 being the most effective. Whatever the binding site was, this agent provided a 65-70% modification in all cases except LNH = -CH2NH-, when the yield was twice lower. For the reagents bearing R1 the modification sites were identified. Selective modification at the G9 residue was detected in the case of LNH = -CH2OCH2CH2NH- and when a photoactive group was linked to the terminal phosphate.  相似文献   

Novel nucleotide analogues have been synthesized from morpholine subunits with thiocarbamate linkages. They indicated much stronger interaction with poly U or poly dT than the corresponding natural oligodeoxyribonucleotides. Solubility of the analogues in water was greatly enhanced by introducing sulfate groups at their both ends.  相似文献   

Two different series of oligonucleotide–peptide conjugates have been efficiently synthesized by stepwise solid-phase synthesis. First, oligonucleotides and oligonucleotide phosphorothioates containing polar groups at the 3′-termini, such as amine and guanidinium groups were prepared. ODNs conjugates carrying several lysine residues were obtained directly from Fmoc deprotection whereas ODN conjugates with guanidinium groups were obtained by post-synthetic guanidinylation. The second family contains different urea moieties that were achieved by standard protocols. All products were fully characterized by reversed phase HPLC and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry yielding satisfactory results. Oligonucleotide–phosphorothioate conjugates were evaluated as potential antisense oligonucleotides in the inhibition of the luciferase gene.  相似文献   

The interactions of oligonucleotide analogs, 12-mers, which contain deoxyribo- or 2'-O-methylribose sugars and methylphosphonate internucleotide linkages with complementary 12-mer DNA and RNA targets and the effect of chirality of the methylphosphonate linkage on oligomer-target interactions was studied. Oligomers containing a single Rp or Sp methylphosphonate linkage (type 1) or oligomers containing a single phosphodiester linkage at the 5'-end followed by 10 contiguous methylphosphonate linkages of random chirality (type 2) were prepared. The deoxyribo- and 2'-O-methylribo- type 1 12-mers formed stable duplexes with both the RNA and DNA as determined by UV melting experiments. The melting temperatures, Tms, of the 2'-O-methylribo-12-mer/RNA duplexes (49-53 degrees C) were higher than those of the deoxyribo-12mer/RNA duplexes (31-36 degrees C). The Tms of the duplexes formed by the Rp isomers of these oligomers were approximately 3-5 degrees C higher than those formed by the corresponding Sp isomers. The deoxyribo type 2 12-mer formed a stable duplex, Tm 34 degrees C, with the DNA target and a much less stable duplex with the RNA target, Tm < 5 degrees C. In contrast, the 2'-O-methylribo type 2 12-mer formed a stable duplex with the RNA target, Tm 20 degrees C, and a duplex of lower stability with the DNA target, Tm < 5 degrees C. These results show that the previously observed greater stability of oligo-2'-O-methylribonucleotide/RNA duplexes versus oligodeoxyribonucleotide/RNA duplexes extends to oligomers containing methylphosphonate linkages and that the configuration of the methylphosphonate linkage strongly influences the stability of the duplexes.  相似文献   

Polynucleotide phosphorylase from Thermus thermophilus catalyzed the addition of short guanylyl blocks from GDP to the 3'-hydroxyl termini of oligonucleotide primers at low temperature in a simple reaction mixture. Polyguanylic acid formation was inhibited at 37 degrees C, but the addition of one or two guanylyl residues to oligonucleotide primers proceeded in high yields. The reaction was applied to the synthesis of oligonucleotides containing guanylyl residues at the 3'-end. Using (Ap)2A and (Up)2U as primers, (Ap)3G, (Ap)3GpG, and (Up)3G were synthesized in yields of 25--52%. (Ap)2GpG was synthesized from ApA and GDP in a yield of 13%.  相似文献   

NMR and CD studies on an oligonucleotide containing N4-methylcytosine.   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
The hexamer d(CGm4CGCG) exists predominantly as a right handed B form helix at 20 degrees C in 150 mM NaCl, as shown by 2D NOE spectra. Under these conditions a minor species is also observed which corresponds to the single strand in slow exchange on a proton NMR time scale with the double strand. This exchange is unusually slow and separate resonances for the two species are seen up to 65 degrees C. At 50 degrees C the lifetime of the single strand species is 0.85 s. Under high salt conditions the hexamer is partly converted into the Z form, but the complete transition is only observed at 5M NaCl at -6 degrees C.  相似文献   

A new type of alkylating derivatives of oligonucleotides with 4(N-methyl-N-2-chloroethylamino)benzyl (RCl) group at C-5 of deoxyuridine with a high extent of the target modification was prepared. The synthesized reagents d(ULNHRClCCACTT), where L = CH2 (Ia), CH2OCH2CH2 (Ib) and CH2NHCOCH2CH2 (Ic), proved to effectively (80-90%) modify the oligonucleotide d(TAAGTGGAGTTTGGC). The reagents (Ia) and (Ib) alkylate G6, G7 and G9 positions, while the reagent (Ic) modifies predominantly G9.  相似文献   

Linkage groups and recombination in the malaria mosquito   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

A 30 base pair parallel-stranded (ps) duplex ps-L1.L2 composed of two adjoined purine-purine and purine-pyrimidine sequence blocks has been characterized thermodynamically and spectroscopically. The 5'-terminal 15 residues in both strands ('left-half') consisted of the alternating d(GA)7G sequence that forms a ps homoduplex secondary structure stabilized by d(G.G) and d(A.A) base pairs. The 3'-terminal 15 positions of the sequence ('right-half') were combinations of A and T with complementary reverse Watson-Crick d(A.T) base pairing between the two strands. The characteristics of the full length duplex were compared to those of the constituent left and right halves in order to determine the compatibility of the two ps helical forms. The thermal denaturation curves and hyperchromicity profiles of all three duplexes determined by UV absorption spectroscopy were characteristic of ps-DNA, in accordance with previous studies. The thermodynamic properties of the 30 bp duplex corresponded within experimental error to the linear combination of the two 15-mers. Thus, the Tm and delta HvH of ps-L1.L2 in 10 mM MgCl2, derived from analyses according to a statistical mechanical formulation for the helix-coil transition, were 43 degrees C and 569 kJ mol-1, compared to 21 degrees C, 315 kJ mol-1 (ps-F5.F6) and 22 degrees C, 236 kJ mol-1 (ps-GA15). The UV absorption and CD spectra of ps-L1.L2 and the individual 15-mer ps motifs were also compared quantitatively. The sums of the two constituent native spectra (left+right halves) accurately matched that of the 30 bp duplex, with only small deviations in the 195-215 nm (CD) and 220-240 nm (absorption) regions. Based on analysis by native gel electrophoresis, the sequences studied formed duplex structures exclusively; there were no indications of higher order species. Chemical modification with diethyl pyrocarbonate showed no hyperreactivity of the junctional bases, indicating a smooth transition between the two parallel-stranded conformations. We conclude that under given salt conditions, oligonucleotides with normal primary chemical structures can readily form a parallel-stranded double helix based on blocks of very disparate non-canonical purine-purine and purine-pyrimidine base pairs and without perceptible destabilization at the junction. There are biological implications of these findings in relation to genetic structure and expression.  相似文献   

Three photolabile analogs of substrates of methionyl-tRNA synthetase were synthesized. In one, the 4-thiouridine at the 8 position of E. coli tRNAfMet was alkylated with [14C]p-azidobromoacetanilide. In the second, [14C]p-azidobenzoic acid hydrazide was condensed with the 3'-terminal dialdehyde of periodate-oxidized Escherichia coli tRNAfMet. The modified tRNAs could be purified by chromatography on benzoylated DEAE-cellulose. The third photolabile compound was [3H]methioninyl-8-azido-adenosine 5'-phosphate, an analog of the methionyl adenylate intermediate in the aminoacylation reaction. Irradiation of each of these compounds in the presence of equimolar amounts of E. coli methionyl-tRNA synthetase of micrometer concentrations gave 5-15% crosslinking.  相似文献   

The oligonucleotide having the bis-pyrene residue in the main chain was synthesized. The preparation of the bis-pyrene was started from the conversion of 2,2-bis-(bromomethyl)-1,3-propanediol into the protected bis-amino derivative. The reaction of the bis-amino derivative with 1-pyrenebutyric acid using DCC/HOBT afforded the desired bis-pyrene. This compound was then converted to the protected phosphormidite. The oligonucleotides possessing the bis-pyrene were synthesized by using the amidite. The oligonucleotides having the bis-pyrene residue can bind to DNA sequence in an aqueous solution to give the duplex with comparable thermal stability as that of the unmodified DNA/DNA duplex. The significantly enhanced pyrene-excimer fluorescence was observed upon hybridization of the bis-pyrene modified oligonucleotides with DNA.  相似文献   

Efficiency of the intracomplex alkylation of octadecadeoxyribonucleotide d(pC5A8C5) (target) by Rp- and Sp-individual diastereomers of the methylphosphonate octathymidylate 4-(N-methyl-N-2-chloroethylamino)benzyl phosphoramide (-pNHCH2RCl) derivatives bearing an additional N-(2-hydroxyethyl)phenazinium residue (phn), viz. ClRCH2NHpTp.(TpTp)3TpNH(CH2)2NHPhn (I) and PhnNH(CH2)2NHpTp(TpTp)3TpNHCH2RCl (II) (p = -OP(O) (CH3)O-), has been investigated. Stabilisation of the complementary complex formed by the target oligonucleotide and methylphosphonate oligonucleotide derivatives by the Phn group considerably rose the efficiency of the intracomplex alkylation of the target as compared with alkylation by reagents without Phn. RP-isomeric derivatives of (I) and (II) proved to be the most effective alkylating reagents. Specificity of alkylation of nucleic acid target by reagents (I) and (II) is studied.  相似文献   

Polynucleotide phosphorylase from Escherichia coli can be used to catalyse the addition of short tracts of deoxyadenylate residues to the 3'-termini of deoxyribooligonucleotides of the type pdAn-dN (where dN = dC, dT or dG) using dADP as donor. Similarly, the enzyme can also be used to catalyse the addition of short tracts of adenylate residues to the 3'-termini of ribooligonucleotides of the type An-N (where N = C, U or G) using ADP as donor. In the ribooligonucleotide series, phosphorolytic cleavage of the primer oligonucleotides is significant and results in the concommitant production of oligoadenylates lacking the N residue. Oligomers of the same length, with and without the residue N, were readily separated by thermal elution from cellulose-pdT9 columns. This latter procedure therefore provides a simple method for purification of the oligoadenylates containing an internal base substitution and it also provides a convenient assay for oligonucleotide phosphorolysis.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cell technology allows modification of the mouse germline from large deletions and insertions to single nucleotide substitutions by homologous recombination. Identification of these rare events demands an accurate and fast detection method. Current methods for detection rely on Southern blotting and/or conventional PCR. Both the techniques have major drawbacks, Southern blotting is time-consuming and PCR can generate false positives. As an alternative, we here demonstrate a novel approach of Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) as a quick, quantitative and reliable method for the detection of homologous, non-homologous and incomplete recombination events in ES cell clones. We have adapted MLPA to detect homologous recombinants in ES cell clones targeted with two different constructs: one introduces a single nucleotide change in the PCNA gene and the other allows for a conditional inactivation of the wild-type PCNA allele. By using MLPA probes consisting of three oligonucleotides we were able to simultaneously detect and quantify both wild-type and mutant alleles.  相似文献   

An efficient genetic transformation method for african tobacco Nicotiana africana Merxm. has been established. African tobacco is a valuable source for cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and nuclear encoded resistance to potato virus Y (PVY). N. africana transgenic plants have been obtained using both Agrobacterium-mediated and direct transformation of leaf explants with gold particle bombardment using particle inflow gun. Plasmid vectors containing phosphinothricin resistance gene (bar gene) coding region without promoter and independent 35S promoter between lox sites (lox-bar-35S-lox) and nptII gene were used. Transgenic plants were selected according to growth capacity on the selective medium containing 50 mg/l kanamycin. PCR analyses of kanamycin-resistant plants confirmed the presence of nptII and bar genes in their genome. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of root explants has proved to be the most efficient transformation method for N. africana.  相似文献   

We have designed and synthesized a series of novel antisense methylphosphonate oligonucleotide (MPO) cleaving agents that promote site-specific cleavage on a complementary RNA target. These MPOs contain a non- nucleotide-based linking moiety near the middle of the sequence in place of one of the nucleotide bases. The region surrounding the unpaired base on the RNA strand (i.e. the one directly opposite the non-nucleotide-linker) is sensitive to hydrolytic cleavage catalyzed by ethylenediamine hydrochloride. Furthermore, the regions of the RNA comprising hydrogen bonded domains are resistant to cleavage compared with single-stranded RNA alone. Several catalytic moieties capable of supporting acid/base hydrolysis were coupled to the non-nucleotide-based linker via simple aqueous coupling chemistries. When tethered to the MPO in this manner these moieties are shown to catalyze site-specific cleavage on the RNA target without any additional catalyst.  相似文献   

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