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Oligomerization of the murine fatty acid transport protein 1   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The 63-kDa murine fatty acid transport protein 1 (FATP1) was cloned on the basis of its ability to augment fatty acid import when overexpressed in mammalian cells. The membrane topology of this integral plasma membrane protein does not resemble that of polytopic membrane transporters for other substrates. Western blot analysis of 3T3-L1 adipocytes that natively express FATP1 demonstrate a prominent 130-kDa species as well as the expected 63-kDa FATP1, suggesting that this protein may participate in a cell surface transport protein complex. To test whether FATP1 is capable of oligomerization, we expressed functional FATP1 molecules with different amino- or carboxyl-terminal epitope tags in fibroblasts. These epitope-tagged proteins also form apparent higher molecular weight species. We show that, when expressed in the same cells, differentially tagged FATP1 proteins co-immunoprecipitate. The region between amino acid residues 191 and 475 is sufficient for association of differentially tagged truncated FATP1 constructs. When wild type FATP1 and the non-functional s250a FATP1 mutant are co-expressed in COS7 cells, mutant FATP1 has dominant inhibitory function in fatty acid uptake assays. Taken together, these results are consistent with a model in which FATP1 homodimeric complexes play an important role in cellular fatty acid import.  相似文献   

The family of proteins that includes very long-chain acyl-CoA synthetases (ACSVL) consists of six members. These enzymes have also been designated fatty acid transport proteins. We cloned full-length mouse Acsvl3 cDNA and characterized its protein product ACSVL3/fatty acid transport protein 3. The predicted amino acid sequence contains two highly conserved motifs characteristic of acyl-CoA synthetases. Northern blot analysis revealed that the mouse Acsvl3 mRNA is highly expressed in adrenal gland, testis, and ovary, with lower expression in the brain of adult mice. A developmental Northern blot revealed that Acsvl3 mRNA levels were significantly higher in embryonic mouse brain (embryonic days 12-14) than in newborn or adult mice, suggesting a possible role in nervous system development. Immunohistochemistry revealed high ACSVL3 expression in adrenal cortical cells, spermatocytes and interstitial cells of the testis, theca cells of the ovary, cerebral cortical neurons, and cerebellar Purkinje cells. Endogenous ACSVL3 was found primarily in mitochondria of MA-10 and Neuro2a cells by both Western blot analysis of subcellular fractions and immunofluorescence analysis. In MA-10 cells, loss-of-function studies using RNA interference confirmed that endogenous ACSVL3 is an acyl-CoA synthetase capable of activating both long-chain (C16:0) and very long-chain (C24:0) fatty acids. However, despite decreased acyl-CoA synthetase activity, initial rates of fatty acid uptake were unaffected by knockdown of Acsvl3 expression in MA-10 cells. These studies cast doubt on the designation of ACSVL3 as a fatty acid transport protein.  相似文献   

The murine fatty acid transport protein (FATP1) was identified in an expression cloning screen for proteins that facilitate transport of fatty acids across the plasma membranes of mammalian cells. Hydropathy analysis of this protein suggests a model in which FATP1 has multiple membrane-spanning domains. To test this model, we inserted a hemagglutinin epitope tag at the amino terminus or a FLAG tag at the carboxyl terminus of the FATP1 cDNA and expressed these constructs in NIH 3T3 cells. Both tagged constructs produce proteins of the expected molecular masses and are functional in fatty acid import assays. Indirect immunofluorescence studies with selective permeabilization conditions and protease protection studies of sealed membrane vesicles from cells expressing epitope-tagged FATP1 were performed. These experiments show that the extreme amino terminus of tagged FATP1 is oriented toward the extracellular space, whereas the carboxyl terminus faces the cytosol. Additionally, enhanced green fluorescent protein fusion constructs containing predicted membrane-associated or soluble portions of FATP1 were expressed in Cos7 cells and analyzed by immunofluorescence and subcellular fractionation. These experiments demonstrate that amino acids 1-51, 52-100, and 101-190 contain signals for integral association with the membrane, whereas residues 258-313 and 314-475 are only peripherally membrane-associated. Amino acid residues 191-257 and 476-646 do not direct membrane association and likely face the cytosol. Taken together, these data support a model of FATP1 as a polytopic membrane protein with at least one transmembrane and multiple membrane-associated domains. This study provides the first experimental evidence for topology of a member of the family of plasma membrane fatty acid transport proteins.  相似文献   

Fatty acid transport protein 4 (FATP4) is an integral membrane protein expressed in the plasma and internal membranes of the small intestine and adipocyte as well as in the brain, kidney, liver, skin, and heart. FATP4 has been hypothesized to be bifunctional, exhibiting both fatty acid transport and acyl-CoA synthetase activities that work in concert to mediate fatty acid influx across biological membranes. To determine whether FATP4 is an acyl-CoA synthetase, the murine protein was engineered to contain a C-terminal FLAG epitope tag, expressed in COS1 cells via adenovirus-mediated infection and purified to near homogeneity using alpha-FLAG affinity chromatography. Kinetic analysis of the enzyme was carried out for long chain (palmitic acid, C16:0) and very long chain (lignoceric acid, C24:0) fatty acids as well as for ATP and CoA. FATP4 exhibited substrate specificity for C16:0 and C24:0 fatty acids with a V(max)/K(m) (C16:0)/V(max)/K(m) (C24:0) of 1.5. Like purified FATP1, FATP4 was insensitive to inhibition by triacsin C but was sensitive to feedback inhibition by acyl-CoA. Although purified FATP4 exhibited high levels of palmitoyl-CoA and lignoceroyl-CoA synthetase activity, extracts from the skin and intestine of FATP4 null mice exhibited reduced esterification for C24:0, but not C16:0 or C18:1, suggesting that in vivo, defects in very long chain fatty acid uptake may underlie the skin disorder phenotype of null mice.  相似文献   

Characterization of a heart-specific fatty acid transport protein   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Fatty acids are a major source of energy for cardiac myocytes. Changes in fatty acid metabolism have been implicated as causal in diabetes and cardiac disease. The mechanism by which long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) enter cardiac myocytes is not well understood but appears to occur predominantly by protein-mediated transport. Here we report the cloning, expression pattern, and subcellular localization of a novel member of the fatty acid transport protein (FATP) family termed FATP6. FATP6 is principally expressed in the heart where it is the predominant FATP family member. Similar to other FATPs, transient and stable transfection of FATP6 into 293 cells enhanced uptake of LCFAs. FATP6 mRNA was localized to cardiac myocytes by in situ hybridization. Immunofluorescence microscopy of FATP6 in monkey and murine hearts revealed that the protein is exclusively located on the sarcolemma. FATP6 was restricted in its distribution to areas of the plasma membrane juxtaposed with small blood vessels. In these membrane domains FATP6 also colocalizes with another molecule involved in LCFA uptake, CD36. These findings suggest that FATP6 is involved in heart LCFA uptake, in which it may play a role in the pathogenesis of lipid-related cardiac disorders.  相似文献   

During neurodevelopment neurons increase phospholipid synthesis to generate additional plasma membrane that makes up the growing neurites. Compared with most cell types, neurons contain a high percentage of the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) arachidonic acid (AA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). By utilizing PC12 cell lines as a model neuronal cell line, we examined the internalization rate of AA, DHA, and non-essential oleic acid (OA), as well as their effects on neurite outgrowth. When wild type cells were differentiated, the rate of AA and DHA internalization increased 50% more than the rate of OA internalization. When media were supplemented with AA or DHA, the average neurite length was increased by approximately 40%, but supplementation with the same amount of OA had no effect. We also increased the levels of acyl-CoA synthetase-1 (ACS1) and ACS2 proteins to determine whether they contribute to PUFA internalization or neurite outgrowth. Overexpression of ACS1 increased the rate of OA internalization by 55%, and AA and DHA uptake was increased by 25%, but there was no significant change in neurite outgrowth. In ACS2-overexpressing cells, in contrast, the rate of OA internalization increased by 90%, AA by 115%, and DHA by 70%. The average aggregate neurite length in ACS2-overexpressing cells was increased by approximately 40% when the media were supplemented with PUFAs, but there was no change with OA supplementation. Taken together, these results support the hypotheses that ACSs are rate-limiting for fatty acid internalization and that ACS2 enhances neurite outgrowth by promoting PUFA internalization.  相似文献   

Highly purified human-liver fatty acid synthetase complex was used to study the effect of several potential modifiers. Adenosine 3',5'-phosphate did not alter the activity of either purified synthetase or of multienzyme present in 700 times g supernates. Its dibutyryl derivative was also ineffective when incubated with liver slices. Fructose 1,6-diphosphate, fructose 6-phosphate, and glucose 6-phosphate stimulated significantly the activity of the purified enzyme. Fructose 1,6-diphosphate, which was most effective, decreased the Km of the synthetase for NADPH. Phosphoenolpyruvate, rac-glycero-3-phosphate and potassium phosphate were ineffective; All longg-chain fatty acyl-CoA thioesters tested were inhibitory, but this effect was not observed until the regions of their critical micellar concentrations were reached. Free myristate, palmitate, and stearate did not inhibit synthetase activity up to the highest concentration tested (1 mM)qn enzyme preparation derived from livers of fasted rats inactivated purified rat-liver 4'-phospho[14-C]pantetheine-fatty acid synthetase by releasing its prosthetic group. It also decreased the activity of the purified human-liver complex.  相似文献   

The primary sequence of the murine fatty acid transport protein (FATP1) is very similar to the multigene family of very long chain (C20-C26) acyl-CoA synthetases. To determine if FATP1 is a long chain acyl coenzyme A synthetase, FATP1-Myc/His fusion protein was expressed in COS1 cells, and its enzymatic activity was analyzed. In addition, mutations were generated in two domains conserved in acyl-CoA synthetases: a 6- amino acid substitution into the putative active site (amino acids 249-254) generating mutant M1 and a 59-amino acid deletion into a conserved C-terminal domain (amino acids 464-523) generating mutant M2. Immunolocalization revealed that the FATP1-Myc/His forms were distributed between the COS1 cell plasma membrane and intracellular membranes. COS1 cells expressing wild type FATP1-Myc/His exhibited a 3-fold increase in the ratio of lignoceroyl-CoA synthetase activity (C24:0) to palmitoyl-CoA synthetase activity (C16:0), characteristic of very long chain acyl-CoA synthetases, whereas both mutant M1 and M2 were catalytically inactive. Detergent-solubilized FATP1-Myc/His was partially purified using nickel-based affinity chromatography and demonstrated a 10-fold increase in very long chain acyl-CoA specific activity (C24:0/C16:0). These results indicate that FATP1 is a very long chain acyl-CoA synthetase and suggest that a potential mechanism for facilitating mammalian fatty acid uptake is via esterification coupled influx.  相似文献   

Fatty acid synthetase was isolated from the Harderian gland of guinea-pig. The fatty acids synthesized by the purified enzyme were analyzed by mass fragmentography. The purified enzyme had an inherent capacity to utilize methylmalonyl-CoA and synthesize methyl-branched fatty acids. Physicochemical studies indicated that an active enzyme was a dimer, consisted of two subunits of Mr = 2.5 X 10(5). The negatively stained enzyme had an electron micrographic image of an ellipsoidal contour with a continuous middle cleft along the major axis. The major and minor axes were approximately equal to 220 and 150 A, respectively. In a dimer, the subunit had a rod-like structure about 220 A long and 50 A wide. The enzyme was inactivated and dissociated into subunits by incubation at 0 degree C. The inactivated enzyme was fully reactivated by raising the temperature of the solution. The relationship between the quaternary structure of the enzyme and the occurrence of enzymatic activity was studied by high-performance liquid chromatography. Neither active monomers nor inactive dimers were found in inactivation and reactivation processes. The initial velocity of reactivation was proportional to the enzyme concentration over a concentration range of 160-800 micrograms/ml, indicating that the rate-determining step in the reactivation reaction was unimolecular.  相似文献   

Curtobacterium pusillum contains 11-cyclohexylundecanoic acid as a major component of cellular fatty acids. A trace amount of 13-cyclohexyltridecanoic acid is also present. Fatty acids other than omega-cyclohexyl fatty acids present are 13-methyltetradecanoic, 12-methyltetradecanoic, n-pentadecanoic, 14-methylpentadecanoic, 13-methylpentadecanoic, n-hexadecanoic, 15-methylhexadecanoic, 14-methylhexadecanoic, and n-heptadecanoic acids. The fatty acid synthetase system of this bacterium was studied. Various 14C-labeled precursors were added to the growth medium and the incorporation of radioactivity into cellular fatty acids was analyzed. Sodium [14C]acetate and [14C]glucose were incorporated into almost all species of cellular fatty acids, the incorporation into 11-cyclohexylundecanoic acid being predominant. [14C]Isoleucine was incorporated into 12-methyltetradecanoic and 14-methylhexadecanoic acids: [14C]leucine into 13-methyltetradecanoic and 15-methylhexadecanoic acids; and [14C]valine into 14-methylpentadecanoic acid. [14C]-Shikimic acid was incorporated almost exclusively into omega-cyclohexyl fatty acids. The fatty acid synthetase activity of the crude enzyme preparation of C. pusillum was reconstituted on the addition of acyl carrier protein. This synthetase system required NADPH and preferentially utilized cyclohexanecarbonyl-CoA as a primer. The system was also able to use branched- and straight-chain acyl-CoAs with 4 to 6 carbon atoms effectively as primers but was unable to use acetyl-CoA. However, if acetyl acyl carrier protein was used as the priming substrate, the system produced straight-chain fatty acids. The results imply that the specificity of the initial acyl-CoA:acyl carrier protein acyltransferase dictates the structure of fatty acids synthesized and that the enzymes catalyzing the subsequent chain-elongation reactions do not have the same specificity restriction.  相似文献   

Acyl-CoA oxidase, the first enzyme of the peroxisomal β-oxidation, was proved to be rate-limiting for this process in homogenates of rat liver, kidney, adrenal gland, heart and skeletal muscle. Acyl-CoA oxidase activity, based on H2O2-dependent leuko-dichlorofluorescein oxidation in tissue extract, was compared with radiochemically assayed peroxisomal β-oxidation rates. Dichlorofluorescein production was a valid measure of peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation only in liver and kidney, but not in adrenal gland, heart or skeletal muscle. Production of 14C-labeled acid-soluble products from 1-14C-labeled fatty acids in the presence of antimycin-rotenone appears to be a more accurate and sensitive estimate of peroxisomal β-oxidation than the acyl-CoA oxidase activity on base of H2O2 production. Chain-length specificity of acyl-CoA oxidase changed with the acyl-CoA concentrations used. Below 80 μM, palmitoyl-CoA showed the highest activity of the measured substrates in rat liver extract. No indications were obtained for the presence in rat liver of more forms of acyl-CoA oxidase with different chain-length specificity.  相似文献   

Fatty acid transport protein 4 (FATP4) is a fatty acyl-CoA synthetase that preferentially activates very long chain fatty acid substrates, such as C24:0, to their CoA derivatives. To gain better insight into the physiological functions of FATP4, we established dermal fibroblast cell lines from FATP4-deficient wrinkle-free mice and wild type (w.t.) mice. FATP4 -/- fibroblasts had no detectable FATP4 protein by Western blot. Compared with w.t. fibroblasts, cells lacking FATP4 had an 83% decrease in C24:0 activation. Peroxisomal degradation of C24:0 was reduced by 58%, and rates of C24:0 incorporation into major phospholipid species (54-64% decrease), triacylglycerol (64% decrease), and cholesterol esters (58% decrease) were significantly diminished. Because these lipid metabolic processes take place in different subcellular organelles, we used immunofluorescence and Western blotting of subcellular fractions to investigate the distribution of FATP4 protein and measured enzyme activity in fractions from w.t. and FATP4 -/- fibroblasts. FATP4 protein and acyl-CoA synthetase activity localized to multiple organelles, including mitochondria, peroxisomes, endoplasmic reticulum, and the mitochondria-associated membrane fraction. We conclude that in murine skin fibroblasts, FATP4 is the major enzyme producing very long chain fatty acid-CoA for lipid metabolic pathways. Although FATP4 deficiency primarily affected very long chain fatty acid metabolism, mutant fibroblasts also showed reduced uptake of a fluorescent long chain fatty acid and reduced levels of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. FATP4-deficient cells also contained abnormal neutral lipid droplets. These additional defects indicate that metabolic abnormalities in these cells are not limited to very long chain fatty acids.  相似文献   

Fatp4 exhibits acyl-CoA synthetase activity and is thereby able to catalyze the activation of fatty acids for further metabolism. However, its actual function in most tissues remains unresolved, and its role in cellular fatty acid uptake is still controversial. To characterize Fatp4 functions in adipocytes in vivo, we generated a mouse line with adipocyte-specific inactivation of the Fatp4 gene (Fatp4(A-/-)). Under standard conditions mutant mice showed no phenotypical aberrance. Uptake of radiolabeled palmitic and lignoceric acid into adipose tissue of Fatp4(A-/-) mice was unchanged. When exposed to a diet enriched in long chain fatty acids, Fatp4(A-/-) mice gained more body weight compared with control mice, although they were not consuming more food. Pronounced obesity was accompanied by a thicker layer of subcutaneous fat and greater adipocyte circumference, although expression of genes involved in de novo lipogenesis was not changed. However, the increase in total fat mass was contrasted by a significant decrease in various phospholipids, sphingomyelin, and cholesteryl esters in adipocytes. Livers of Fatp4-deficient animals under a high fat diet exhibited a higher degree of fatty degeneration. Nonetheless, no evidence for changes in insulin sensitivity and adipose inflammation was found. In summary, the results of this study confirm that Fatp4 is not crucial for fatty acid uptake into adipocytes. Instead, under the condition of a diet enriched in long chain fatty acids, adipocyte-specific Fatp4 deficiency results in adipose hypertrophy and profound alterations in the metabolism of complex lipids.  相似文献   

The fatty acid transport proteins (FATP) and long-chain acyl coenzyme A synthetase (ACSL) proteins have been shown to play a role in facilitating long-chain fatty acid (LCFA) transport in mammalian cells under physiologic conditions. The involvement of both FATP and ACSL proteins is consistent with the model of vectorial acylation, in which fatty acid transport is coupled to esterification. This study was undertaken to determine whether the functions of these proteins are coordinated through a protein-protein interaction that might serve as a point of regulation for cellular fatty acid transport. We demonstrate for the first time that FATP1 and ACSL1 coimmunoprecipitate in 3T3-L1 adipocytes, indicating that these proteins form an oligomeric complex. The efficiency of FATP1 and ACSL1 coimmunoprecipitation is unaltered by acute insulin treatment, which stimulates fatty acid uptake, or by treatment with isoproterenol, which decreases fatty acid uptake and stimulates lipolysis. Moreover, inhibition of ACSL1 activity in adipocytes impairs fatty acid uptake, suggesting that esterification is essential for fatty acid transport. Together, our findings suggest that a constitutive interaction between FATP1 and ACSL1 contributes to the efficient cellular uptake of LCFAs in adipocytes through vectorial acylation.  相似文献   

A low molecular weight protein of less than 10, 000 Daltons has been isolated from Subunit I (β-ketoacyl thioester reductase) of the pigeon liver fatty acid synthetase complex and purified to homogeneity. This protein contains all of the [14C]-labeled pantetheine incorporated into the fatty acid synthetase on injection of [14C]-labeled pantetheine into pigeons. It also has one β-alanine and one sulfhydryl group. This protein is an acceptor of an acetyl group from acetyl-CoA and a malonyl group from malonyl-CoA in the presence of Subunit II (transacylase). In these respects it is very similar to E. coli acyl carrier protein.  相似文献   

The murine fatty acid transport protein (FATP) facilitates uptake of long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) when expressed in mammalian cells. FATP's sequence contains a highly conserved motif, IYTSGTTGXPK, also found in a number of proteins known to interact with ATP. To explore the role of this motif, we independently mutated the central serine (serine 250) and threonine (threonine 252) residues in this motif and assessed the effects of these mutations on FATP function. When expressed in fibroblasts, the FATP mutants demonstrated impaired LCFA import and impaired binding of [alpha-32P]8-azido-ATP (azido-ATP) compared with wild-type FATP. These results suggest that serine 250 and threonine 252 are critical for FATP function and that the mechanism of action of FATP involves nucleotide binding which is dependent on these residues.  相似文献   

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