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A novel experimental system was used to investigate the localized effects of microwave radiation on bovine eye lenses in culture for over 2 weeks. Using this setup, we found clear evidence that this radiation has a significant impact on the eye lens. At the macroscopic level, it is demonstrated that exposure to a few mW at 1 GHz for over 36 h affects the optical function of the lens. Most importantly, self-recovery occurs if the exposure is interrupted. At the microscopic level, close examination of the lens indicates that the interaction mechanism is completely different from the mechanism-causing cataract via temperature increase. Contrary to the latter's effect, that is particularly pronounced in the vicinity of the sutures and it is assumed to be a result of local friction between the edges of the fibers consisting the lens. Even if macroscopically the lens has recovered from the irradiation, microscopically the indicators of radiation impact remain.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments examining the effects of ultraviolet radiation (UVR, 290-400 nm) on DNA damage were carried out using the embryos of three species of sea urchins from different habitats; Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis from the Gulf of Maine, Sterechinus neumayeri from the Antarctic, and Evechinus chloroticus from New Zealand. All three species exhibited significant amounts of accumulated DNA damage, measured as cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPD) photoproducts, when exposed to UVR in the laboratory. Biological weighting functions (BWFs) revealed that S. neumayeri has significantly higher sensitivity to UVR-induced DNA damage across most of the UVR spectrum compared to the other two species, and all species were observed to have weightings in the ultraviolet-A (UVA, 320-400 nm) portion of the spectrum. The increased sensitivity to ultraviolet-B (290-320 nm) and UVA in S. neumayeri is correlated with the lowest concentration of UVR absorbing compounds observed in the embryos of the three species of urchin used in this study. Sea urchin embryos and larvae in the respective habitats of the species tested are known to occur within 5 m of the surface of the ocean where both UVB and UVA wavelengths occur. Solar irradiances of UVR at a depth of 5 m, weighted using the urchin DNA damage BWFs, show that E. chloroticus receives the greatest amount of biologically effective UVR despite having the lowest wavelength dependent weightings for DNA damage when compared to the other two species.  相似文献   

It emerged recently that there is an inter‐relationship between drought and ultraviolet‐B (UV‐B) radiation in plant responses, in that both stresses provoke an oxidative burst. The purpose of this investigation was to compare the effects and interaction of drought and UV‐B in wheat and pea. The absence of changes in relative leaf water content (RWC) after UV‐B treatments indicate that changes in water content were not involved. RWC was the main factor resulting in reduced growth in response to drought. Increases in anthocyanin and phenols were detected after exposure to UV‐B. The increases do not appear to be of sufficient magnitude to act as a UV‐B screen. UV‐B application caused greater membrane damage than drought stress, as assessed by lipid peroxidation as well as osmolyte leakage. An increase in the specific activities of antioxidant enzymes was measured after UV‐B alone as well as after application to droughted plants. Proline increased primarily in drought‐stressed pea or wheat. Proline may be the drought‐induced factor which has a protective role in response to UV‐B. The physiological and biochemical parameters measured indicate the UV‐B light has stronger stress effectors than drought on the growth of seedlings of both species. The two environmental stresses acted synergistically to induce protective mechanisms in that pre‐application of either stress reduced the damage caused by subsequent application of the other stress.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments utilizing ecologically relevant irradiances of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) known to occur in shallow Gulf of Maine waters were conducted on the planktonic embryos and larvae of two common benthic echinoids; the green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis and the sand dollar Echinarachnius parma. Significant decreases in survivorship were observed in freshly fertilized embryos of both species with greater mortality in E. parma that was associated with the absence of UVR-absorbing compounds, the mycosporine-like amino acids. Experiments on blastula, gastrula, and prism larval stages of S. droebachiensis also showed significant decreases in survivorship, delays in development, and abnormal embryos and larvae associated with exposure to UVR. Additionally, all developmental stages of S. droebachiensis experimentally exposed to UVR resulted in significant increases in DNA damage, measured as cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer photoproducts. The observed delays in early cleavage and subsequent developmental stages for S. droebachiensis are correlated with DNA damage. It is postulated that cell cycle arrest at critical checkpoints after DNA damage, mediated by a suite of cell cycle genes, is a component of the observed UVR induced developmental delays.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of pelagic mesocosm experiments designed to test the effects of enhanced and reduced ultraviolet radiation (UV) on the planktonic community of a Baltic Sea estuary. The Darss-Zingst estuary consists of a series of brackish lagoons with high concentrations of chlorophyll and dissolved organic matter. The shallow depth of the estuary ensures that organisms in the water are regularly exposed to high levels of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and UV. During the summer of 1995 and 1996, four 1-m3 mesocosms were filled with water from the mid-point of the estuary. Each compartment was equipped with a pump to simulate natural rates of wind-induced vertical mixing. The mesocosms were hung in the estuary from a floating raft and were shielded from above by filters to give the spectral treatments PAR only, PAR+UV-A, and PAR+UV-A+UV-B. Enhanced levels of UV-B, i.e. twice that of midday sunlight, were provided in a further treatment by artificial sunlamps. Experiments were conducted for periods of 3–14 days. No significant effects of enhanced or reduced UV-B were observed on chlorophyll a concentrations or photosynthetic performance, although the PAR-only treatment did show higher final chlorophyll concentrations in two of the trials. Phytoplankton pigment composition was measured by in vivo absorption and fluorescence excitation spectra, and was similar in all mesocosm treatments indicating that there were no major differences in functional group composition. Bacterial secondary production rates as measured by thymidine incorporation increased with time in all mesocosms, probably due to enhanced production of phytoplankton exudate. There was evidence for a small depression of secondary production by enhanced UV-B, but only on certain days. Microzooplankton generally increased in all mesocosms to population densities higher than those observed in the estuary, and tended to reach higher final values in the mesocosms exposed to UV. It is concluded that vertical mixing which reduces the residence time of planktonic organisms in the surface layers, and high concentrations of chromophoric, dissolved organic matter, which greatly reduce the penetration of UV-B, combined to protect the planktonic community from UV-B damage. Received in revised form: 5 June 2000 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The protein-synthesizing system of hippocampal (CA1, CA3) and sensorimotor cortex neurons is damaged less and recovers much quicker in rats exposed to 8 Gy of γ-radiation under hypoxia/hypercapnia (body temperature 16–18°C) than under usual conditions, as evidenced by microfluorimetry and electron microscopy. The radioprotective effect does not cover the membrane structures (endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex), and their restoration is not so prompt.  相似文献   

The major well-proven long-term health risks of excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation relate to the skin. Premalignant skin lesions are seen very much earlier in white skinned populations exposed to excessive sunlight, and over time these same individuals develop larger numbers of all of the three major skin cancers than individuals who do not experience excessive UV exposure. These three skin cancers are squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), basal cell carcinoma (BCC), and malignant melanoma. In the case of SCC the major aetiological pattern is chronic long-term exposure, but for BCCs the pattern appears to be slightly different with short-term burning episodes being more important. In the case of melanomas, there is evidence that for the 4 main types of melanomas, the pattern of excess UV exposure which is most injurious varies.  相似文献   

Exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR, 290–400 nm) is an important abiotic factor that tropical marine organisms have been exposed to over evolutionary time. Additionally, UVR is known to cause coral bleaching independently and is an important synergistic factor in bleaching caused by thermal stress. Corals can avoid some of the damage associated with exposure to UVR by producing UVR-absorbing compounds such as mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs). To examine the role of MAAs in the UVR photobiology of corals we conducted experiments on the Hawaiian coral Montipora verrucosa. M. verrucosa colonies were collected from 1, 5 and 10 m and exposed to three different UVR treatments for 3 days under constant visible irradiances equivalent to a depth of 0.15 m depth in Kane'ohe Bay. In addition to quantifying the MAA concentration of these corals several types of UVR-induced damage were measured to assess whether MAAs were providing protection. Quantum yields of photosystem II (PSII) fluorescence and excitation pressure on PSII were measured for each coral, and the formation of direct UVR damage to DNA was measured as cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and (6-4) pyrimidine–pyrimidone photoproducts for the holobiont. All corals exhibited midday depressions in quantum yields, developed DNA photoproducts, and increased their MAA concentrations significantly as a result of UVR exposures. CPD accumulation in M. verrucosa was highest in corals from 1 m, which had the lowest MAA concentrations at the end of the experiment. Corals originally from 10 m showed the highest MAA concentration and lowest DNA damage in response to exposure to UVR. While corals from all collection depths displayed some sensitivity to increased irradiances of UVR, their respective levels of tolerance were clearly dependant on their previous light history.  相似文献   

Melatonin  has been identified as a signal molecule that regulates plant responses to different abiotic and biotic stresses. Melatonin (MT) and its precursor tryptophan (Try) have a major role in improving plant stress tolerance to different environmental stresses such as water deficiency. The rapid increase in the Egyptian population caused insufficient protein sources, especially those of animal origin, in their diet. The possible solution is to augment the diet with legumes such as white lupine which are relatively rich in protein. Thus, the current experimental work was carried out to find changes in growth, biochemical aspects and yield quantity and quality of white lupine plant with spraying of both MT and Try at different concentrations on plant shoot under water deficit stress conditions. Results showed that water deficit (75 or 50% of water irrigation requirements; WIR) caused significant reduction in growth, photosynthetic pigments, indole acetic acid and yield compared with those received 100% WIR. Seed yield significantly decreased (p < 0.05) by 26.98 and 41.64% by decreasing WIR to 75 and 50%. The decrease was accompanied by significant increase in phenolic contents, hydrogen peroxide, lipid peroxidation and some antioxidant enzymes, while nitrate reductase enzyme was decreased. However, external application of either MT or Try significantly alleviated the adverse effects of water deficit (growth suppression), since MT or Try-treated plants recovered more quickly than untreated plants. Moreover, MT or Try—treated plants had higher photosynthetic pigments, indole acetic acid, phenolic, as well as yield quantity and quality under the three WIR as compared with untreated plants. Melatonin treatment at 100 µM and Tryptophan at 200 µM increased weight of seeds/plant by 78.29 and 52.19%, 71.49 and 43.78% and 41.21 and 13.07% in plants irrigated with 100, 75 and 50% WIR, respectively. Exogenous MT and Try significantly reduced hydrogen peroxide and malondialdehyde content, while markedly increased the activities of antioxidant enzymes and nitrate reductase under different WIR. Finally, the current study concluded that MT and Try treatments alleviated the detrimental effects of water deficiency and accelerated the recovery mainly via improving white lupine plants tolerance in forms of enhancing photosynthetic pigments, indole acetic acid, phenolic and antioxidant capacity.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(8):635-642

Oxidative stress plays a significant role in pathophysiology of cataracts and also known to affect the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase/ protein kinase B (PI3K/Akt) signaling pathway. This well-documented pathway is involved in protecting against apoptosis-inducing insults, including oxidative stress. Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxy-tryptamine), the major secretory product of the pineal gland, was identified as a powerful free radical scavenger and a broad-spectrum antioxidant that defends against various oxidative stress-associated diseases. This study was conducted to determine whether melatonin could prevent hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-induced oxidative stress in human lens epithelial cells (HLECs) and to elucidate the molecular pathways involved in this protection. HLECs were subjected to various concentrations of H2O2 in the presence or absence of melatonin at different concentrations. Cell viability was monitored by a 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2yl)-2, 5-diphenyl-tetrazoliumbromide (MTT) assay, and the apoptosis rate and intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels were measured by flow cytometry using annexin V-FITC and propidium iodide (PI) staining. The expression levels of HO-1, Nrf-2, CAT, and MDA were measured using Western blot analysis. Akt activation was also evaluated by Western blot analysis. The data from our study showed that cells pretreated with melatonin can reduce H2O2-induced intracellular ROS generation and thus protect HLECs from cell apoptosis. Furthermore, we found that melatonin is a potent activator of Akt in HLECs. Our findings suggest that in addition to functioning as a direct free radical scavenger, melatonin can elicit cellular signaling pathways that are protective against oxidative stress-induced cataracts.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effects of solar ultraviolet radiation (UV) on carbon uptake, oxygen evolution and motility of marine phytoplankton were investigated in coastal waters at Kristineberg Marine Research Station on the west coast of Sweden (58° 30'N, 11° 30'E). The mean irradiances at noon above the water surface during the investigation period were: photosynthetic active radiation (PAR, 400–700 nm) 1670 μmol m−2 s−1; ultraviolet-A radiation (UV-A, 320–400 nm) 35.9 W m−2 and ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B, 280–320 nm) 1.7 W m−2. UV-B radiation was much more attenuated with depth in the water column than were PAR and UV-A radiation. UV-B radiation could not be detected at depths greater than 100–150 cm. Inhibition of carbon uptake by UV-A and UV-B in natural phytoplankton populations was greatest at 50 cm depth and the effects of UV-B were greater than those of UV-A. At depths greater than 50 cm there was almost no effect of ultraviolet radiation on carbon uptake. PAR, UV-A and UV-B decreased oxygen evolution by the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum . Inhibition of oxygen evolution was greater after 4 h than 2 h but it was not possible to distinguish the negative effects of the different light regimes. The motility of P. minimum was not affected by PAR, UV-A and UV-B. The importance of exposure of phytoplankton to different light regimes before being exposed to natural solar radiation is discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of nutrients and dissolved organic matter (DOM) on the response of phytoplankton community structure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) was studied using natural phytoplankton assemblages from Lake Giles (Northeastern Pennsylvania), a temperate, oligotrophic, highly UVR-transparent lake. Microcosm experiments were conducted in 1-l bags in the spring and summer. A factorial design was used, with two UVR treatments (ambient and reduced), two nutrient treatments (control with no nutrients added, and nitrogen and phosphorus addition together), and two DOM treatments (control of 1 mg l−1 and doubled). In April, UVR affected the overall phytoplankton community structure, causing a shift in the dominant species. Significant interactive effects of UVR × nutrients and UVR × DOM were found on total phytoplankton biovolumes. In July, all taxa responded positively to the N + P addition, and were affected differentially by the UVR treatments. The initial communities varied in April and July, but Synura sp. and Chroomonas sp. were present in both seasons. Synura sp. responded positively to the addition of DOM in April and the reduction of UVR in July. Chroomonas sp. responded positively to the reduction of UVR in April and the addition of nutrients in July. The differential sensitivity of these two species suggests that changing environmental factors between spring and summer promoted differences in the relative importance of UVR in changing phytoplankton community structure. Handling editor: Luigi Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

作物对太阳紫外线辐射增加的生物效应及其评估   总被引:43,自引:3,他引:43  
作物对太阳紫外线辐射增加的生物效应及其评估郑有飞,杨志敏,颜景义,万长建(南京气象学院,南京210044)Biologicalresponseofcropsonenhancedsolarultravioletradiationanditsestima...  相似文献   

Ultraviolet radiation (UVR, 280-400 nm) is known to be lethal to several aquatic species; however, more subtle, ‘sublethal’ effects of UVR have recently received more attention. Larvae of the crab Cyrtograpsus altimanus are a transient component of the plankton community in the Atlantic northern Patagonia (Argentina) and thus they may be exposed to solar UVR in both open and coastal waters. The aim of this study was to determine if previous sublethal UVR exposure on larvae of C. altimanus affects development, body size and motility. Larvae which were pre-exposed to UVR had a delay/absence of molting from Zoea I to Zoea II, coupled to arrested body growth, but showed enhanced swimming behavior. In contrast, the control group (i.e., exposed only to visible light) molted from Zoea I to Zoea II after 6-9 days, with a significant increase in body size, and did not change their motility. Since hatching of this species occurs in summer (i.e., season with highest UVR levels) our results suggest that, by significantly affecting development, growth and motility, natural UVR may influence the plankton-benthos coupling in coastal waters.  相似文献   

The effects of UV-B radiation generated in the laboratory and as a component of sunlight on the viability and particular biochemical activities of the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus have been examined. UV-B radiation progressively inhibits protein synthesis (assayed as 3H-alanine incorporation) and kills cells. Cell respiration, and RNA and DNA synthesis (3H-uridine and 3H-thymidine incorporation) were not greatly affected by UV-B irradiation. The OH and 1O2-free radical scavengers protected cells against killing and inhibition of protein synthesis by UV-B, suggesting that such radicals mediate the effects of UV-B on this organism. A similar protective effect using a ferric ion chelator suggests an important role for metallic ions in UV-B lethality.Abbreviations VIS, UV-A, UV-B, UV-C radiation in the bands 400–750 nm, 315–400 nm, 280–315 nm, 200–280 nm respectively - DBCO diazabicyclooctane - OFR oxygen free radical - OH, 1O2, O inf2 sup- hydroxyl free radical, singlet oxygen, superoxide radical respectively  相似文献   

To confirm the effect of melatonin on 3-nitropropionic acid (3-NP)-induced striatal interneuron injury in rats, behavioral test, histology, immunohistochemistry and Western blotting were respectively used to characterize the behavioral changes of experimental animals in motor and cognition, the morphological changes of striatal interneurons and the expression level of protein markers induced by 3-NP. The results showed that (1) 3-NP induced dysfunction of experimental animals in movement, motor coordination and cognition could be relieved by melatonin treatment; (2) The 3-NP-induced lesion area was unvaryingly in dorsolateral striatum, with almost all neuronal loss in the lesion core, however, lots of neurons survived after melatonin treatment; (3) Immunohistochemical staining of the four interneuron types (parvalbuminergic, cholinergic, calretinergic, and neuropeptide Y-neuronal nitric oxide synthase co-containing) showed that, in the lesion core of 3-NP group, loss of the four interneuron types was obvious, but in transition zone, the processes and varicosities of calretinergic, and neuropeptide Y- neuronal nitric oxide synthase co-containing interneurons increased significantly. Melatonin treatment reduced the loss of the four interneuron types in the lesion core, and inhibited the increase of processes and varicosities in the transition zone; (4) Consistent with above results, the expression level of five interneuron protein markers were significantly increased in the striatum after melatonin treatment. Notably, in both the transition zone and the lesion core induced by 3-NP, TUNEL-positive cells were detected, but decreased significantly after melatonin treatment. The present results indicate that melatonin effectively protects the striatal neurons against the injury induced by 3-NP in rats.  相似文献   

Clinical studies have shown that anxiolytic and antidepressant drug therapy benefits patients with ulcers. Many antidepressant drugs have been shown experimentally to produce antiulcer activity in various ulcer models. This study investigated the antiulcer activities of tianeptine, trazodone, and venlafaxine on indomethacin-induced ulcers in rats; and evaluated tianeptine's effects on oxidant and antioxidant parameters in rat stomach tissue. The results show that trazodone and venlafaxine did not prevent indomethacin-induced ulcers. Tianeptine, however, decreased indomethacin-induced ulcers significantly at all doses used (6, 12, and 25 mg/kg). Famotidine, an H2 receptor blocker, showed the highest antiulcer activity. Tianeptine significantly prevented the decrease in glutathione (GSH) content that occurred in the indomethacin-only group's damaged stomach tissues. All doses of tianeptine, but especially the 25 mg/kg dose, significantly decreased catalase (CAT) activity in stomach tissue, compared to the control. All doses of tianeptine eliminated the decrease in superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in the stomach tissue of rats given indomethacin. Although all doses of tianeptine significantly decreased the malondialdehyde (MDA) content, all doses of tianeptine, except 6 mg/kg, decreased myeloperoxidase (MPO) activities significantly compared to the control. Our results indicate that activating enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant mechanisms and inhibiting some toxic oxidant mechanisms play a role in tianeptine's antiulcer effect mechanism.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation is widely used for the treatment of solid tumors and it is thought to act by directly targeting tumor clonogens, also known as stem cells. Apoptosis is a genetically programmed mechanism of cell death often characterized by internucleosomal DNA cleavage. Although it has been previously shown that lymphocytes readily undergo apoptosis in patients receiving anticancer drugs or treatment with ionizing radiation, this is the first study to investigate the influence of radiotherapy and melatonin on apoptosis in rat lymphocytes at two different times of the day. Melatonin, a free radical scavenger, is an endogenous neurohormone predominantly synthesized in and secreted by the pineal gland. It has been shown that melatonin inhibits apoptosis in normal cells but it increases the rate of apoptosis in various cancer cells. Therefore, in the present study, the effect of melatonin on apoptosis in cultured lymphocytes was studied after total body irradiation (TBI) was given to rats in the morning (1 HALO) or evening (13 HALO) with morphological and DNA fragmentation analysis. Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that radiation increased the rate of apoptosis in rat lymphocytes after TBI, and melatonin treatment did not reduce the rate of apoptosis after TBI at either time point. We conclude that the lack of an effect of melatonin on the apoptosis rate in rat lymphocytes might be due to the dose-dependent effect of melatonin, the time course of apoptosis investigated, or the cell type in which apoptosis was examined.  相似文献   

The effect of solar ultraviolet radiation on the survival rate of Antarctic zooplankton was examined in February–March in 2002. We investigated survival rate of calyptopis larvae of Euphausia superba and late copepodite stages (IV and V) of large dominant calanoid species, Calanoides acutus and Calanus propinquus reared in quartz jars with three different radiation regimes (total radiation, exclusion of UVB, exclusion of UVA and UVB) and a dark control. The survival rates of the krill larvae decreased after 3 days from start of the experiment, being below 50% at 4 days in the treatments with total radiation and exclusion of UVB, although most individuals could survive until the end of the experiments in the treatments with exclusion of both UVA and UVB and dark control. The calanoid juveniles showed almost same pattern of survival curves as the krill larvae did, but survived slightly longer. Although >10% of surface UVA radiation at 340 and 380 nm penetrated down to 30 m, both C. acutus and C. propinquus were mostly distributed above 20 m. Surface swarm of the krill larvae can be often recognized in the previous studies. These results suggest that not only solar UVB but also UVA radiation potentially lower the survival rate of Antarctic zooplankton at depth less than 20 m.  相似文献   

目的研究褪黑素(MT)对自身免疫性肝炎大鼠肝星状细胞(HSC)增殖及凋亡的影响。方法采用弗氏完全佐剂加肝细胞特异性脂蛋白法建立自身免疫性肝炎大鼠模型。分别分离纯化正常大鼠及模型大鼠肝星状细胞,实验室常规培养,观察组培养基中加褪黑素使终浓度为10μmol/L,空白对照组培养基中不加任何药物。培养48h后,观察其形态及数量的变化,并检测肝星状细胞的凋亡百分率。结果培养48h后,未加入MT的正常大鼠及模型组来源的HSC生长良好,MT组HSC分布稀疏,部分细胞皱缩,数量明显少于正常对照组及模型组;与另两组比较,MT组HSC凋亡率明显升高,差异有显著性(P〈0.05)。结论褪黑素能抑制自身免疫性肝炎大鼠肝星状细胞的增殖和分化,并能促进其凋亡。  相似文献   

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