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Some physicochemical characteristics of corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG) in several species have been determined. Molecular radii were determined from Ferguson plots and were used in conjunction with sedimentation coefficients determined by sucrose density gradient centrifugation to calculate the molecular weights of the CBG. These were found to range from 44,200 (dog) to 60,000 (turtle) for most species. The squirrel monkey was found to have a molecular weight twice that of other species (119,800). Purified CBG was prepared from human, rat, and guinea pig sera. The molecular weights of the purified material, as determined by gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate, were in excellent agreement with those determined by Ferguson analysis. Careful examination of the purified proteins by electrophoresis at pH 8.3 revealed that each consisted of two closely related electrophoretic variants. Tryptic peptides were prepared from the purified proteins and separated by reversed phase HPLC chromatography. The peptide patterns were identical for the three proteins with the exception of three hydrophilic peptides. Amino terminal sequence analysis of the rat and human proteins revealed no apparent homology, however. The immunologic relatedness of the three purified proteins was also examined, but no crossreactivity was observed. The results obtained suggest that while the molecular size and hydrophobicity of peptides have been conserved across species considerable surface differences must exist.  相似文献   

Corticosteroid binding globulin (CGB) from term-pregnant mouse serum was isolated and characterized by peptide analysis after treatment with CNBr and Lys-specific protease, respectively. Amino acid sequence analysis of six segments, covering 189 of 383 positions in different regions of the protein, showed unexpectedly low overall homology (60%) to the indirectly deduced human amino acid sequence previously reported. However, some segments displayed a greater resemblance to their human counterparts. Differences were observed in at least two of six potential glycosylation sites. The nature of electrophoretic CBG variants and their immunological properties are described.  相似文献   

Thirteen monoclonal antibodies have been raised against corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG). From four of those with highest affinity for the antigen, two were selected for development of a sandwich enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA). The sensitivity of the assay was such that 0.7 fmol CBG could be detected. Levels of the binding protein in men (740 +/- 67 nmol/l) and women (690 +/- 103 nmol/l) were not significantly different, while those found during the third trimester of pregnancy (1500 +/- 423 nmol/l) were approximately twice these levels. CBG denatured by heating to 60 degrees C could not be detected by the ELISA.  相似文献   

S Grimaldi  J Robbins  H Edelhoch 《Biochemistry》1985,24(14):3771-3776
The fluorescence properties of human thyroxine binding globulin were evaluated during enzymatic deglycosylation by using both neuraminidase and a mixture of glycosidases. Three fluorescent chromophores, one intrinsic and two extrinsic, were monitored, and all showed changes in fluorescent parameters that have been interpreted in terms of a loss of interactions between the carbohydrate and amino acid residues during deglycosylation. The loss of carbohydrates also results in a decrease in stability of the protein to both acid and guanidinium chloride inactivation. Since deglycosylation decreases the frictional ratio of thyroxine binding globulin, it is concluded that, although sialic acid and other sugar residues are in contact with the protein surface, the hydrated carbohydrate chains protrude partially into the solvent.  相似文献   

Corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG) is the carrier for glucocorticoids in plasma. The protein is believed to keep the steroids inactive and to regulate the amount of free hormone acting on target tissues (free hormone hypothesis). Here, we generated a mouse model genetically deficient for CBG to test the contribution of the carrier to glucocorticoid action and adrenocortical stress response. The absence of CBG resulted in a lack of corticosterone binding activity in serum and in an approximately 10-fold increase in free corticosterone levels in CBG-null mice, consistent with its role in regulation of circulating free hormone levels. Surprisingly, cbg(-/-) animals did not exhibit features seen in organisms with enhanced glucocorticoid signaling. Rather, the mice exhibited increased activity of the pituitary axis of hormonal control, normal levels of gluconeogenetic enzymes, and fatigue, as well as an aggravated response to septic shock, indicating an inability to appropriately respond to the excess free corticosterone in the absence of CBG. Thus, our data suggest an active role for CBG in bioavailability, local delivery, and/or cellular signal transduction of glucocorticoids that extends beyond a function as a mere cargo transporter.  相似文献   

We used a sensitive radioimmunoassay for corticosteroid-binding-globulin (CBG) to demonstrate that a human hepatoma-derived cell line secretes a protein which: (a) the radioimmunoassay cannot distinguish from CBG; (b) has the same Stokes' radius as CBG; (c) is absorbed by a steroid affinity column which is specific for CBG.  相似文献   

BioBreeding (BB) rats are derived from an outbred colony of Wistar rats and are used as a model of autoimmune diabetes mellitus. A corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG) variant with reduced affinity for glucocorticoids has now been found in the blood of these animals. The dissociation rate constants of BB CBG for cortisol (4.42 nM) and corticosterone (1.43 nM) are both about 50% higher than those associated with Wistar CBG, but no obvious difference in the steroid binding specificity of BB and Wistar CBGs was detected. Purified BB and Wistar CBGs exhibit the same size heterogeneity when examined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions, and the sizes of their respective hepatic mRNAs are identical. The genetic basis for this abnormality was therefore determined by comparing the cDNA sequences for BB and Wistar CBG, and this revealed a point mutation that results in a single amino acid substitution at residue 276 (Ile in BB CBG and Met in Wistar CBG). To confirm that this mutation is responsible for the reduced steroid binding affinity associated with BB CBG, the cDNAs for rat CBG-Ile276 and CBG-Met276 were expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells. The steroid binding affinities of the CBGs secreted by these cells were essentially identical with those observed in the corresponding serum samples from these two rat strains. The amino acid substitution identified in BB rat CBG therefore clearly accounts for the reduction in its steroid binding affinity, and further analysis of this and other natural CBG variants may reveal important information about the CBG steroid binding site. It is also possible that this mutation may contribute to the etiology of pathological abnormalities that are characteristic of the BB rat.  相似文献   

Corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG), a serum glycoprotein which binds glucocorticoids and progestins with high affinity, is widely distributed throughout the animal world. Although its charge and size characteristics have largely been conserved across species, we found the behavior of CBG in squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) serum during fractionation by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis or Sephadex chromatography was consistent with a molecule about twice the size of that found in most species. To more fully understand the basis for this difference, we purified the protein by sequential affinity and DEAE-Sepharose chromatographies. The final product was obtained in greater than 60% yield and was found to migrate as a single homogeneous band when examined by electrophoresis at pH 8.3 in polyacrylamide gels varying total acrylamide concentration or under conditions of severe protein overload. The steroid binding specificity of the purified protein was identical with that of the protein in the starting serum. The ultraviolet absorption spectrum of the isolated CBG-steroid complexes revealed that the protein had no pyridine nucleotide cofactor or nucleic acid. Amino acid analyses showed that the composition of the squirrel monkey protein is quite similar to that of CBG molecules from other species but distinct from albumins, hemoglobin, or rabbit progesterone receptor. In contrast to the single protein band observed following electrophoresis under normal conditions, separations in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) resolved the pure protein into two bands: one at 54,000 daltons and one at 57,000 daltons.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Modifications in an existing competitive protein binding assay for progesterone have been made which provide a readily available and rich source of binding sites on the corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG). The primary and most important modification is the rapid removal of endogenous steroids from plasma by gel filtration at an elevated temperature. The ‘stripped’ protein retains full CBG activity, but is cleared of 95% of its endogenous steroids. This stripping procedure provides not only increased number of binding sites, but in conjunction with the other modifications also eliminates some of the variability in the assay.  相似文献   

Rat marrow cells were preincubated for 45 hours with 5.5 × 10?4M sodium hexachloroiridate. This treatment abolished DNA synthesis whilst improving cell survival over that of controls. The synthesis of RNA, protein and glycoprotein continued and could be further increased by the addition of erythropoietin for up to 44 more hours. Heme synthesis also continued in the absence of DNA synthesis but could not be stimulated by erythropoietin.  相似文献   

Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) from several subpopulations undergo extended fasting during the ice-free season. However, the animals appear to conserve protein despite the prolonged fasting, though the mechanisms involved are poorly understood. We hypothesized that elevated concentrations of corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG), the primary cortisol binding protein in circulation, lead to cortisol resistance and provide a mechanism for protein conservation during extended fasting. The metabolic state (feeding vs. fasting) of 16 field sampled male polar bears was determined based on their serum urea to creatinine ratio (>25 for feeding vs. <5 for fasting). There were no significant differences in serum cortisol levels between all male and female polar bears sampled. Serum CBG expression was greater in lactating females relative to non-lactating females and males. CBG expression was significantly higher in fasting males when compared to non-fasting males. This leads us to suggest that CBG expression may serve as a mechanism to conserve protein during extended fasting in polar bears by reducing systemic free cortisol concentrations. This was further supported by a lower serum glucose concentration in the fasting bears. As well, a lack of an enhanced adrenocortical response to acute capture stress supports our hypothesis that chronic hunger is not a stressor in this species. Overall, our results suggest that elevated serum CBG expression may be an important adaptation to spare proteins by limiting cortisol bioavailability during extended fasting in polar bears.  相似文献   

A significant decrease of CBG binding capacity in plasma of the mare throughout pregnancy was demonstrated using equilibrium dialysis and gel equilibration methods. As indicated with immunoelectrophoresis experiments, the pregnancy related fall of CBG binding capacity was linked to an actual decrease in blood CBG concentration. This result contrasts sharply with data on most other mammalian species, with the exception of the gestating rhesus monkey.  相似文献   

Recent advances in molecular endocrinology have shed a new light on the role and mode of action of CBG. It is now not only demonstrated that this plasma glycoprotein, a steroid carrier, can be internalized by glucocorticoid target tissues, but it is also certain that CBG mRNA is synthesized by extra-hepatic tissues. Moreover, some authors have reported a modulation of CBG properties by free fatty acids. The existence of CBG receptors (or high affinity membrane-binding sites), and even a positive effect of CBG on adenylate cyclase activity, have also been reported. To progress in the understanding of these diverse results, one must first integrate them in a general scheme where it is considered that CBG is a member of the SERPIN (SERine Protease INhibitors) superfamily. In the case of CBG, that means a protein which functions as a substrate for elastase at the surface of neutrophils, for instance at sites of inflammation. CBG is specifically cleaved by this protease at a precise site close to its carboxy-terminus. This induces a conformation change and disrupts the binding between glucocorticoids and CBG, and promotes a significant and local release of glucocorticoids (over 90% of them are bound to CBG in human plasma). In this context, CBG directs glucocorticoids to sites of inflammation, and plays in consequence a crucial role in efficient glucocorticoid action in physiology. The elucidation of the CBG sequence, the knowledge of its gene structure, and the discovery of its chromosomal localization near two other SERPIN genes, are three sets of data in concordance to demonstrate that CBG is a SERPIN; and this has allowed the understanding of a new role for CBG, possibly with important consequences in pathology. Moreover, it could be more appropriate to say that CBG is a member of the SERine Protease INhibitors and Substrates superfamily (SERPINS).  相似文献   

Previous results (Brouwer and van den Berg, Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 85 (1986) 301) indicated preferential binding of a hydroxylated metabolite of tetrachlorobiphenyl to transthyretin (TTR) a carrier of thyroxine (T4). In the present study it was investigated whether the T4 binding site of TTR could be occupied specifically by hydroxylated chlorinated aromatic compounds using chlorinated phenol congeners as model compounds in a competition assay with [125I]T4. Chlorinated aromatics such as 2,3-dichlorobenzene and 3,4,3',4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl, and phenols such as 4-hydroxybiphenyl and phenol were inefficient competitors. All chlorinated phenols tested were competitors for the T4 binding site of TTR. The ranking in competition was pentachlorophenol (PCP) greater than trichlorophenols greater than dichlorophenols greater than monochlorophenols. Structures with chlorine in both ortho positions to the hydroxyl group were more efficient competitors. The relative affinity of binding of pentachlorophenol (PCP) to TTR was about twice that of T4. Scatchard analysis showed that PCP mainly decreased the affinity constant K11 while the binding capacity R1 was not altered, indicating a competitive type of inhibition. PCP was also able to compete with T4 sites on albumin with a relative affinity of 0.25. T4 binding to thyroid binding globulin (TBG) was much less affected by interference of PCP (relative affinity 0.001). The results indicate a specific interaction of chlorophenols with the T4 binding site of TTR.  相似文献   

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