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Cbl-associated protein (CAP) is an adaptor protein that interacts with both signaling and cytoskeletal proteins. Here, we characterize the expression, localization and potential function of CAP in striated muscle. CAP is markedly induced during myoblast differentiation, and colocalizes with vinculin during costamerogenesis. In adult mice, CAP is enriched in oxidative muscle fibers, and it is found in membrane anchorage complexes, including intercalated discs, costameres, and myotendinous junctions. Using both yeast two-hybrid and proteomic approaches, we identified the sarcomeric protein filamin C (FLNc) as a binding partner for CAP. When overexpressed, CAP recruits FLNc to cell-extracellular matrix adhesions, where the two proteins cooperatively regulate actin reorganization. Moreover, overexpression of CAP inhibits FLNc-induced cell spreading on fibronectin. In dystrophin-deficient mdx mice, the expression and membrane localization of CAP is increased, concomitant with the elevated plasma membrane content of FLNc, suggesting that CAP may compensate for the reduced membrane linkage of the myofibrils due to the loss of the dystroglycan-sarcoglycan complex in these mice. Thus, through its interaction with FLNc, CAP provides another link between the myofibril cytoskeleton and the plasma membrane of muscle cells, and it may play a dynamic role in the regulation and maintenance of muscle structural integrity.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms regulating vascular barrier integrity remain incompletely elucidated. We have previously reported an association between the GTPase R-Ras and repeat 3 of Filamin A (FLNa). Loss of FLNa has been linked to increased vascular permeability. We sought to determine whether FLNa's association with R-Ras affects endothelial barrier function. We report that in endothelial cells endogenous R-Ras interacts with endogenous FLNa as determined by co-immunoprecipitations and pulldowns with the FLNa-GST fusion protein repeats 1-10. Deletion of FLNa repeat 3 (FLNaΔ3) abrogated this interaction. In these cells FLNa and R-Ras co-localize at the plasma membrane. Knockdown of R-Ras and/or FLNa by siRNA promotes vascular permeability, as determined by TransEndothelial Electrical Resistance and FITC-dextran transwell assays. Re-expression of FLNa restored endothelial barrier function in cells lacking FLNa whereas re-expression of FLNaΔ3 did not. Immunostaining for VE-Cadherin in cells with knocked down R-Ras and FLNa demonstrated a disorganization of VE-Cadherin at adherens junctions. Loss of R-Ras and FLNa or blocking R-Ras function via GGTI-2133, a selective R-Ras inhibitor, induced vascular permeability and increased phosphorylation of VE-Cadherin (Y731) and Src (Y416). Expression of dominant negative R-Ras promoted vascular permeability that was blocked by the Src inhibitor PP2. These findings demonstrate that maintaining endothelial barrier function is dependent upon active R-Ras and association between R-Ras and FLNa and that loss of this interaction promotes VE-Cadherin phosphorylation and changes in downstream effectors that lead to endothelial leakiness.  相似文献   

Filamin C is a dimeric, actin-binding protein involved in organization of cortical cytoskeleton and of the sarcomere. We performed crystallographic, small-angle X-ray scattering and analytical ultracentrifugation experiments on the constructs containing carboxy-terminal domains of the protein (domains 23-24 and 19-21). The crystal structure of domain 23 of filamin C showed that the protein adopts the expected immunoglobulin (Ig)-like fold. Small-angle X-ray scattering experiments performed on filamin C tandem Ig-like domains 23 and 24 reveal a dimer that is formed by domain 24 and that domain 23 has little interactions with itself or with domain 24, while the analytical ultracentrifugation experiments showed that the filamin C domains 19-21 form elongated monomers in diluted solutions.  相似文献   

gamma-Filamin, also called ABP-L, is a filamin isoform that is specifically expressed in striated muscles, where it is predominantly localized in myofibrillar Z-discs. A minor fraction of the protein shows subsarcolemmal localization. Although gamma-filamin has the same overall structure as the two other known isoforms, it is the only isoform that carries a unique insertion in its immunoglobulin (Ig)-like domain 20. Sequencing of the genomic region encoding this part of the molecule shows that this insert is encoded by an extra exon. Transient transfections of the insert-bearing domain in skeletal muscle cells and cardiomyocytes show that this single domain is sufficient for targeting to developing and mature Z-discs. The yeast two-hybrid method was used to identify possible binding partners for the insert-bearing Ig-like domain 20 of gamma-filamin. The two Ig-like domains of the recently described alpha-actinin-binding Z-disc protein myotilin were found to interact directly with this filamin domain, indicating that the amino-terminal end of gamma-filamin may be indirectly anchored to alpha-actinin in the Z-disc via myotilin. Since defects in the myotilin gene were recently reported to cause a form of autosomal dominant limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, our findings provide a further contribution to the molecular understanding of this disease.  相似文献   

PI3K signalling pathways link cell surface receptors to the control of several intracellular functions including cell growth, survival and movement. Filamins are important regulators of cortical actin structure and function. LL5beta is a filamin binding protein that is an effector of the PI3K signalling pathway. We define an N-terminal region of LL5beta that is responsible for binding to the C-terminus of filamins. Under conditions of very low PI3K activity, we show that this region, together with an additional domain of the protein, is responsible for localising the complex to punctate structures that are also decorated by L-FILIP (a protein previously characterised to bind filamin and accelerate its destruction). Under conditions of significant PI3K activity, PtdIns(3,4,5)P(3) binding to the C-terminal PH domain in LL5beta prevents localisation to these structures. These observations start to define the basis for PI3K regulation of filamin through LL5beta.  相似文献   

Both NS3 protein (1007-1657) and its protease moiety (NS3p, 1027-1207) were able to interact in vitro with C1 Inhibitor (C1Inh) to give a 95-kDa Mr C1Inh cleavage product similar to that obtained upon proteolysis by complement protease C1s. High-Mr reaction products were also detected after incubation of C1Inh with NS3 but not with NS3p; they correspond to ester-bonded complexes from their hydroxylamine lability. Similar reactivity of NS3 was observed upon incubation with alpha2-antiplasmin. Serpin cleavage was prevented by treatment of NS3 with synthetic serine protease inhibitors. This interaction between viral NS3 and host serpins suggests that NS3 is likely to be controlled by infected cell protease inhibitors.  相似文献   

To identify proteins that can bind the 3' untranslated region (UTR) of hepatitis C virus (HCV) we screened human cDNA libraries using the Saccharomyces cerevisiae three-hybrid system. Screening with an RNA sequence derived from the 3'-terminal 98 nucleotides (3'X region) of an infectious clone of HCV (H77c) yielded clones of human ribosomal proteins L22, L3, S3, and mL3, a mitochondrial homologue of L3. We performed preliminary characterization of the binding between the 3'X region and these proteins by a three-hybrid mating assay using mutant 3'X sequences. We have further characterized the interaction between 3'X and L22, since this protein is known to be associated with two small Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-encoded RNA species (EBERs) which are abundantly produced in cells latently infected with EBV. The EBERs, which have similar predicted secondary structure to the HCV 3'X, assemble into ribonucleoprotein particles that include L22 and La protein. To confirm that L22 binds HCV 3'X we performed in vitro binding assays using recombinant L22 (expressed as a glutathione S-transferase [GST] fusion protein) together with a 3'X riboprobe. The 3'X region binds to the GST-L22 fusion protein (but not to GST alone), and this interaction is subject to competition with unlabeled 3'X RNA. To establish the functional role played by L22 in internal ribosome entry site (IRES)-mediated translation of HCV sequences we performed translational analysis in HuH-7 cells using monocistronic and bicistronic reporter constructs. The relative amount of core-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter protein translated under the control of the HCV IRES was stimulated in the presence of L22 and La when these proteins were supplied in trans.  相似文献   

CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP) family members are known to transactivate the gene encoding cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK; EC in hepatocytes via promoter proximal C/EBP response elements. PEPCK is also expressed in adipocytes; however, fibroblasts that are homozygous null for C/EBPbeta cannot express PEPCK when induced to differentiate into adipocytes (Tanaka et al., EMBO J. 16, 7432-7443, 1997). This along with our previous observation that an upstream adipocyte-specific enhancer contains multiple putative C/EBP binding elements suggested the possibility that C/EBPbeta transactivates the PEPCK gene in adipocytes via distal elements. We report here that C/EBPbeta transactivates a PEPCK-luciferase chimera in transient transfection assays. C/EBPbeta acted independently of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) which is required for function of the enhancer. C/EBPbeta in nuclear extracts and recombinant C/EBPbeta bound three of the putative C/EBP-binding elements within the enhancer. C/EBPbeta binding to these three elements was strongly cooperative. However, mutation of all three elements did not affect reporter transactivation by C/EBPbeta suggesting that additional elements participate in PEPCK regulation or that the effects of C/EBPbeta are indirect.  相似文献   

You LR  Chen CM  Yeh TS  Tsai TY  Mai RT  Lin CH  Lee YH 《Journal of virology》1999,73(4):2841-2853
The nucleocapsid core protein of hepatitis C virus (HCV) has been shown to trans-act on several viral or cellular promoters. To get insight into the trans-action mechanism of HCV core protein, a yeast two-hybrid cloning system was used for identification of core protein-interacting cellular protein. One such cDNA clone encoding the DEAD box family of putative RNA helicase was obtained. This cellular putative RNA helicase, designated CAP-Rf, exhibits more than 95% amino acid sequence identity to other known RNA helicases including human DBX and DBY, mouse mDEAD3, and PL10, a family of proteins generally involved in translation, splicing, development, or cell growth. In vitro binding or in vivo coimmunoprecipitation studies demonstrated the direct interaction of the full-length/matured form and C-terminally truncated variants of HCV core protein with this targeted protein. Additionally, the protein's interaction domains were delineated at the N-terminal 40-amino-acid segment of the HCV core protein and the C-terminal tail of CAP-Rf, which encompassed its RNA-binding and ATP hydrolysis domains. Immunoblotting or indirect immunofluorescence analysis revealed that the endogenous CAP-Rf was mainly localized in the nucleus and to a lesser extent in the cytoplasm, and when fused with FLAG tag, it colocalized with the HCV core protein either in the cytoplasm or in the nucleus. Similar to other RNA helicases, this cellular RNA helicase has nucleoside triphosphatase-deoxynucleoside triphosphatase activity, but this activity is inhibited by various forms of homopolynucleotides and enhanced by the HCV core protein. Moreover, transient expression of HCV core protein in human hepatoma HuH-7 cells significantly potentiated the trans-activation effect of FLAG-tagged CAP-Rf or untagged CAP-Rf on the luciferase reporter plasmid activity. All together, our results indicate that CAP-Rf is involved in regulation of gene expression and that HCV core protein promotes the trans-activation ability of CAP-Rf, likely via the complex formation and the modulation of the ATPase-dATPase activity of CAP-Rf. These findings provide evidence that HCV may have evolved a distinct mechanism in alteration of host cellular gene expression regulation via the interaction of its nucleocapsid core protein and cellular putative RNA helicase known to participate in all aspects of cellular processes involving RNA metabolism. This feature of core protein may impart pleiotropic effects on host cells, which may partially account for its role in HCV pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Linkage analysis of the dominant distal myopathy we previously identified in a large Australian family demonstrated one significant linkage region located on chromosome 7 and encompassing 18.6 Mbp and 151 genes. The strongest candidate gene was FLNC because filamin C, the encoded protein, is muscle-specific and associated with myofibrillar myopathy. Sequencing of FLNC cDNA identified a c.752T>C (p.Met251Thr) mutation in the N-terminal actin-binding domain (ABD); this mutation segregated with the disease and was absent in 200 controls. We identified an Italian family with the same phenotype and found a c.577G>A (p.Ala193Thr) filamin C ABD mutation that segregated with the disease. Filamin C ABD mutations have not been described, although filamin A and filamin B ABD mutations cause multiple musculoskeletal disorders. The distal myopathy phenotype and muscle pathology in the two families differ from myofibrillar myopathies caused by filamin C rod and dimerization domain mutations because of the distinct involvement of hand muscles and lack of pathological protein aggregation. Thus, like the position of FLNA and B mutations, the position of the FLNC mutation determines disease phenotype. The two filamin C ABD mutations increase actin-binding affinity in a manner similar to filamin A and filamin B ABD mutations. Cell-culture expression of the c.752T>C (p.Met251)Thr mutant filamin C ABD demonstrated reduced nuclear localization as did mutant filamin A and filamin B ABDs. Expression of both filamin C ABD mutants as full-length proteins induced increased aggregation of filamin. We conclude filamin C ABD mutations cause a recognizable distal myopathy, most likely through increased actin affinity, similar to the pathological mechanism of filamin A and filamin B ABD mutations.  相似文献   

The brahma gene encodes the catalytic subunit of the Drosophila melanogaster BRM chromatin-remodeling complexes. Screening for mutations that interact with brahma, we isolated the dominant-negative Pearl-2 allele of γTub23C. γTub23C encodes one of the two γ-tubulin isoforms in Drosophila and is essential for zygotic viability and normal adult patterning. γ-Tubulin is a subunit of microtubule organizer complexes. We show that mutations in lethal (1) discs degenerate 4, which encodes the Grip91 subunit of microtubule organizer complexes, suppress the recessive lethality and the imaginal phenotypes caused by γTub23C mutations. The genetic interactions between γTub23C and chromatin-remodeling mutations suggest that γ-tubulin might have a role in regulating gene expression.  相似文献   

A water-soluble peptide possessing an immune complex selective affinity was synthesized and its primary structure established as: Leu-Glu-Gln-Gly-Glu-Asn-Val-Phe-Leu-Gln-Ala-Thr-Ser-Asp-Asp-Cys. This peptide, designated as C1q-like peptide (CLP), represents a possible immune complex binding epitope of complement C1q. CLP has a hydrophilicity value of 0.21. At 0.5 M, it inhibited by 50% natural human C1q from binding to horseradish peroxidase-rabbit anti-peroxidase immune complex. CLP failed to inhibit Staphylococcus aureus protein A from binding monomeric IgG. When coated to a microplate, CLP showed selective binding to the immune complex, and could be used for application in immunochemical detection of immune complex. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Arsenic inhibits DNA repair and enhances the genotoxicity of DNA-damaging agents such as benzo[a]pyrene and ultraviolet radiation. Arsenic interaction with DNA repair proteins containing functional zinc finger motifs is one proposed mechanism to account for these observations. Here, we report that arsenite binds to both CCHC DNA-binding zinc fingers of the DNA repair protein PARP-1 (poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1). Furthermore, trivalent arsenite coordinated with all three cysteine residues as demonstrated by MS/MS. MALDI-TOF-MS analysis of peptides harboring site-directed substitutions of cysteine with histidine residues within the PARP-1 zinc finger revealed that arsenite bound to peptides containing three or four cysteine residues, but not to peptides with two cysteines, demonstrating arsenite binding selectivity. This finding was not unique to PARP-1; arsenite did not bind to a peptide representing the CCHH zinc finger of the DNA repair protein aprataxin, but did bind to an aprataxin peptide mutated to a CCHC zinc finger. To investigate the impact of arsenite on PARP-1 zinc finger function, we measured the zinc content and DNA-binding capacity of PARP-1 immunoprecipitated from arsenite-exposed cells. PARP-1 zinc content and DNA binding were decreased by 76 and 80%, respectively, compared with protein isolated from untreated cells. We observed comparable decreases in zinc content for XPA (xeroderma pigmentosum group A) protein (CCCC zinc finger), but not SP-1 (specificity protein-1) or aprataxin (CCHH zinc finger). These findings demonstrate that PARP-1 is a direct molecular target of arsenite and that arsenite interacts selectively with zinc finger motifs containing three or more cysteine residues.  相似文献   

Interaction of alpha-actinin, filamin and tropomyosin with F-actin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The abilities of alpha-actinin, filamin and tropomyosin to bind F-actin were examined by cosedimentation experiments. Results indicated that smooth muscle alpha-actinin and filamin can bind to actin filaments simultaneously with little evidence of competition. In contrast, tropomyosin exhibits marked competition with either filamin or alpha-actinin for sites on actin filaments.  相似文献   

Myofibrillar myopathy caused by FLNC/filamin C mutations is characterized by disintegration of myofibrils and a massive formation of protein aggregates within skeletal muscle fibers. We performed immunofluorescence studies in skeletal muscle sections from filaminopathy patients to detect disturbances of protein quality control mechanisms. Our analyses revealed altered expression of chaperone proteins and components of proteasomal and autophagic degradation pathways in abnormal muscle fibers that harbor protein deposits but not in neighboring muscle fibers without pathological protein aggregation. These findings suggest a dysfunction of protein stabilizing and degrading mechanisms that leads to a pathological accumulation of protein aggregates in abnormal fibers. Accordingly, a pharmacological modulation of chaperone activity may be a promising therapeutic strategy to prevent protein aggregation and to reduce disease progression. Newly established filaminopathy cell culture models provide a suitable basis for testing such pharmacological approaches.  相似文献   

The XPC-HR23B complex recognizes various helix-distorting lesions in DNA and initiates global genome nucleotide excision repair. Here we describe a novel functional interaction between XPC-HR23B and thymine DNA glycosylase (TDG), which initiates base excision repair (BER) of G/T mismatches generated by spontaneous deamination of 5-methylcytosine. XPC-HR23B stimulated TDG activity by promoting the release of TDG from abasic sites that result from the excision of mismatched T bases. In the presence of AP endonuclease (APE), XPC-HR23B had an additive effect on the enzymatic turnover of TDG without significantly inhibiting the subsequent action of APE. Our observations suggest that XPC-HR23B may participate in BER of G/T mismatches, thereby contributing to the suppression of spontaneous mutations that may be one of the contributory factors for the promotion of carcinogenesis in xeroderma pigmentosum genetic complementation group C patients.  相似文献   

Phage ΦC31 integrase-mediated gene delivery is believed to be safer than using retroviral vectors since the protein confines its insertion of the target gene to a limited number of sites in mammalian genomes. To evaluate its safety in human cells, it is important to understand the interactions between this integrase and cellular proteins. Here we show that ΦC31 integrase interacts with TTRAP as presented by yeast two-hybrid and co-immunoprecipitation assays. Reducing the expression of endogenous TTRAP can increase the efficiency of ΦC31 integrase-mediated integration. A possible effect of interaction between ΦC31 integrase and TTRAP was highlighted by the fact that ΦC31 integrase inhibited the NFκB activation mediated by IL-1 in a dose-dependent manner. Because low dose of ΦC31 integrase can mediate considerable recombination events, we suggest that low dose of ΦC31 integrase be used when this integrase is applied in human cells.  相似文献   

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