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Chicken embryo fibroblasts and NIH 3T3 mouse cells were transformable by DNAs of chicken cells infected with avian myelocytomatosis virus strain MC29 or with avian erythroblastosis virus. Transfection of chicken cells appeared to require replication of MC29 or avian erythroblastosis virus in the presence of a nontransforming helper virus. In contrast, NIH 3T3 cells transformed by MC29 or avian erythroblastosis virus DNA contained only replication-defective transforming virus genomes.  相似文献   

The gag gene-related, nonstructural proteins of three avian acute leukemia viruses (namely, myelocytomatosis viruses MC29 and CMII and avian erythroblastosis virus) and of avian Fujinami sarcoma virus (FSV) isolated by immunoprecipitation from cellular lysates with anti-gag serum were shown to be phosphoproteins in vivo. The specific 32P radioactivity of the nonstructural proteins of MC29, CMII, and FSV was significantly higher than that of helper viral, intracellular gag proteins. Two of these proteins, i.e., the 140,000-dalton FSV and the 110,000-dalton MC29 proteins, were also phosphorylated in vitro by a kinase activity associated with immunocomplexes. This kinase activity is either separated from these proteins or inactivated by incubation of cellular lysates with normal serum followed by adsorption to staphylococcal protein A or sedimentation at 100,000 x g or both. It remains to be resolved whether the 110,000-dalton MC29 and 140,000-dalton FV proteins, in addition to being substrates for phosphorylation, also have intrinsic kinase activity.  相似文献   

Analysis of the subcellular location of the proteins encoded by the oncogenes of avian myeloblastosis virus and avian leukemia virus E26 ( p45v -myb and p135gag -myb-ets, respectively) and by the chicken c-myb gene ( p75c -myb) shows that all three proteins are located in the nucleus. In AMV-infected (but not transformed) chicken fibroblasts p45v -myb also resides in the nucleus, indicating that a nuclear location of p45v -myb in these cells is not sufficient to achieve transformation. In AMV-transformed myeloblasts a small fraction of p45v -myb occupies an additional site in the perinuclear region of the cytoplasm. If the myeloblasts are caused to differentiate to macrophages, most of p45v -myb is found in the cytoplasm. This redistribution of p45v -myb within the cell may be responsible for reversion of the transformed phenotype.  相似文献   

We screened a recombinant chicken DNA/lambda phage library for sequences homologous to the transformation-specific sequences of the avian acute leukemia virus MC29 by hybridization with molecularly cloned MC29 proviral DNA. Three cellular DNA clones were found and compared with each other and with the viral genome by physical mapping with restriction endonucleases and by heteroduplex analysis. These experiments indicated that the three cellular clones overlap and represent a single cellular locus. The RNA genome of MC29 and normal cell DNA share a homologous region of 1.6 kilobases which is interrupted in the cellular DNA by 1.0 kilobase of sequences not present in the viral genome. Hybridization of the cloned cellular DNA to viral RNA and analysis of the protected viral RNA by fingerprinting techniques indicated that there is extensive sequence homology between the helper virus-unrelated mcv sequences of the viral RNA and the cellular DNA, with only minor base differences. The cellular mcv locus, however, lacks all helper virus-related sequences of MC29, including those of the partial viral gag gene which, together with mcv, encodes the probable transforming protein of MC29. We conclude that although the mcv locus of the normal cell does not represent a complete structural homolog to the onc gene of MC29, it is probably the precursor to the onc-specific sequence in the virus.  相似文献   

Infection of chicken fibroblasts with avian erythroblastosis virus (AEV) strain ES4 or with avian myelocytomatosis virus strain MC29 leads to a rapid morphological transformation of most cells. AEV-transformed fibroblasts are similar to Rous sarcoma virus (RSV)-transformed fibroblasts in that they exhibit microvilli at their surface, show a disappearance of actin cables, are agglutinable by lectins, and show a decrease in LETS protein and an increase in the rate of hexose uptake. They also elicit slightly increased levels of cell-associated proteolytic activity, but show no increase in the fibrinolytic activity of the harvest fluids. In addition, as shown previously, they are capable of anchorage-independent growth and of sarcoma induction.In contrast, MC29-transformed fibroblasts express a different pattern of transformation parameters. They are similar to both RSV- and AEV-transformed fibroblasts in that they are morphologically transformed, show a disappearance of actin cables and are agglutinable by lectins. They also elicit surface alterations which consist of bleb-like protrusions rather than of microvilli, and are capable of anchorage-independent growth. They are strikingly different from RSV- and AEV-transformed cells, however, in that they express normal levels of LETS protein and elicit no increase in the rate of hexose uptake or in proteolytic activity. They are not sarcomagenic although they show an accelerated growth rate in culture.In conjunction with the finding that MC29 and AEV do not contain sequences related to the fibroblast-transforming src gene of RSV, these results raise the possibility that MC29 and perhaps also AEV transform fibroblasts by a mechanism different from RSV.  相似文献   

Poxviruses have evolved various strategies to counteract the host immune response, one of which is based on the expression of soluble cytokine receptors. Using various biological assays, we detected a chicken interferon-gamma (chIFN-gamma)-neutralizing activity in supernatants of fowlpox virus (FPV)-infected cells that could be destroyed by trypsin treatment. Secreted viral proteins were purified by affinity chromatography using matrix-immobilized chIFN-gamma, followed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) analysis indicated that the viral IFN-gamma-binding protein in question was encoded by the FPV gene 016. The chicken IFN-gamma binding and neutralizing activity of the recombinant FPV016 protein was confirmed using supernatants of cells infected with a recombinant vaccinia virus that lacked its own IFN-gamma-binding protein but instead expressed the FPV016 gene. The FPV016 gene product also neutralized the activity of duck and human IFN-gamma but failed to neutralize the activity of mouse and rat IFN-gamma. Unlike previously known cellular and poxviral IFN-gamma receptors, which all contain fibronectin type III domains, the IFN-gamma-binding protein of FPV contains an immunoglobulin domain. Remarkably, it exhibits no significant homology to any known viral or cellular protein. Because IFN-gamma receptors of birds have not yet been characterized at the molecular level, the possibility remains that FPV016 represents a hijacked chicken gene and that avian and mammalian IFN-gamma receptors have fundamentally different primary structures.  相似文献   

The p10 fusion-associated small transmembrane protein of avian reovirus induces extensive syncytium formation in transfected cells. Here we show that p10-induced cell-cell fusion is restricted by rapid degradation of the majority of newly synthesized p10. The small ectodomain of p10 targets the protein for degradation following p10 insertion into an early membrane compartment. Paradoxically, conservative amino acid substitutions in the p10 ectodomain hydrophobic patch that eliminate fusion activity also increase p10 stability. The small amount of p10 that escapes intracellular degradation accumulates at the cell surface in a relatively stable form, where it mediates cell-cell fusion as a late-stage event in the virus replication cycle. The unusual relationship between a nonstructural viral membrane fusion protein and the replication cycle of a nonenveloped virus has apparently contributed to the evolution of a novel mechanism for restricting the extent of virus-induced cell-cell fusion.  相似文献   

G Ramsay  M J Hayman    K Bister 《The EMBO journal》1982,1(9):1111-1116
The putative transforming proteins of the four acute leukaemia viruses belonging to the MC29 subgroup were shown to be phosphorylated in vivo. Comparison of the MC29 and CM11 encoded phosphoproteins revealed identical tryptic phosphopeptide maps, with both the gag and myc domains being phosphorylated. In contrast, the MH2 phosphoprotein was only phosphorylated on the gag domain. Analysis of partial transformation-defective MC29 deletion mutants revealed that the deletions had removed the v-myc specific phosphopeptides. Phosphoamino acid analysis showed that these deleted phosphopeptides were phosphorylated on threonine. Moreover, a back mutant that had regained transforming ability had regained these phosphopeptides. These studies correlate the phosphorylation of the gag-myc protein with the transformation capability of the virus.  相似文献   

The retrovirus strain MC29 induces a variety of tumors in chickens, including myelocytomatosis and carcinomas of the kidney and liver. In addition, the virus can transform cultures of embryonic avian macrophages and fibroblasts. We have characterized the genome of MC29 virus and have identified nucleotide sequences that may encode the oncogenic potential ofthe virus. MC29 virus can replicate only with the assistance of a related helper virus. The defect in replication is apparently a consequence of a deletion in one or more viral genes: the haploid genome of the MC29 virus has a molecular weight of ca. 1.7 X 10(6), whereas the genome of the helper virus MCAV has a molecular weight of ca. 3.1 X 10(6). Although MC29 virus transforms fibroblasts in culture, its genome has no detectable homology with the gene src that is responsible for transformation of fibroblasts by avian sarcoma viruses. We prepared radioactive single-stranded DNA complementary to nucleotide sequences present in the genome of MC29 virus but not in the genome of MCAV (cDNA(MC29)). If they are contiguous, these sequences (ca. 1,500 nucleotides) are sufficiently complex to encode at least one protein. Homologous sequences were not detectable in several strains of avian sarcoma viruses or in an endogenous virus of chickens. Our findings confirm and extend recent reports from other laboratories and lead to the conclusion that MC29 virus may contain a previously unidentified gene(s) that is capable of transforming several distinct target cells. The evolutionary origins of this putative gene and its location on the viral genome can be explored with cDNA(MC29).  相似文献   

The hematopoietic target cells of the three prototype strains of replication defective avian leukemia viruses (DLVs) were studied, using a newly developed, quantitative in vitro transformation assay. Our results show that the target cells of avian erythroblastosis virus (AEV) belong to the erythroid lineage while those of myelocytomatosis virus 29 (MC29) and avian myeloblastosis virus (AMV) belong to the myeloid lineage. As judged from suicide experiments using BUdR incorporation and irradiation with visible light, a higher proportion of AEV- and AMV-target cells are in cycle than MC29-target cells. Using differentiation specific antisera directed against cell surface antigens, we could demonstrate that the target cells of AEV express erythroblast-specific antigen(s) and less intensively erythrocyte-specific antigen(s), while those of MC29 and AMV express myeloblast-specific antigen(s). In addition, MC29-target cells express macrophage-specific antigen(s). None of the AEV-target cells are adherent or phagocytic, while a small proportion of the AMV-target cells are adherent and about half of the MC29-target cells are both adherent and phagocytic. Our results support the concept that DLVs specifically transform certain types of committed erythroid and myeloid progenitor cells. The target cells of AEV and AMV appear to resemble the respective transformed cells in their state of differentiation, whereas those of MC29 appear to be more immature than the corresponding transformed cells.  相似文献   

Twelve to fourteen days after intravenous inoculation of MC29 virus (1 x 10(5)LD50) into 1-day-old turkeys, liver tumour developed in 100% of the infected animals and led to death of birds. The tumour proved to be hepatomas histologically and electron microscopically. Numerous C-type particles were detectable among the tumour cells, as well as budding from the cell membrane. C-type particles were also observed in the tumour-free liver tissue in the spaces between the cells, budding was not detectable. Large number of virus particles were found in spleen extracellularly and intracellular vacuoles. Kidney tumours did not develop, but a few extracellular virus particles were located in the tissue. The MC29 virus-induced primary liver tumour in the turkey seems to be a suitable model for the morphological study of the relationship between oncogenic viruses and eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Summary Primary cultures of proliferating chick presumptive myoblasts were exposed of either to two RNA tumor viruses and shortly thereafter treated with 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) to suppress differentiation. The effect of a Rous sarcoma virus which was temperature-sensitive for transformation (tsRSV) has been characterized previously and was used as a reference for evaluating the effect of a myelocytomatosis virus (MC29) and its helper. Two subcultures following exposure, both infected cultures were extensively transformed as indicated by cell morphology. Relaxation of the BUdR block at this time resulted in cultures which still appeared transformed and did not contain myoblast or myotube-like cells or two of their molecular markers. In contrast, uninfected controls and tsRSV-infected cultures which were shifted-up to the nonpermissive temperature produced numerous spontaneously contracting myotubes. The results confirm previous evidence that infection of presumptive myoblasts by tsRSV at the premissive temperature preserves the extant state of differentiation of presumptive myoblasts and suggest, by analogy, that MC29-infection renders a similar effect.  相似文献   

Intranuclear degradation of nonsense codon-containing mRNA   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

A new retrovirus consisting of the v-myc oncogene sequences of avian MC29 virus inserted into the genome of Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) was generated. This was accomplished by constructing a recombinant DNA clone containing the desired organization, introducing the recombinant DNA into mouse NIH 3T3 cells, and superinfecting the cells with replication-competent M-MuLV. The construction was designed so that an M-MuLV gag-myc fusion protein would be produced. The resulting virus, M-MuLV(myc), morphologically transformed uninfected NIH 3T3 cells. Stocks of M-MuLV(myc)-M-MuLV were infected into secondary mouse embryo cultures. M-MuLV(myc) induced striking growth and proliferation of hematopoietic cells. These cells were of the myeloid lineage by morphology, phagocytic properties, and surface staining with Mac-1 and Mac-2 monoclonal antibodies. They resembled mature macrophages, although they displayed minor properties of immaturity. The myeloid cells were transformed in comparison with uninfected myeloid cells since they were less adherent and had unlimited proliferative capacity and reduced growth factor requirements. The transformed myeloid cells with proliferative potential were actually myeloid progenitors which apparently underwent terminal differentiation to macrophages. It was possible to derive a permanent line of factor-independent macrophages from M-MuLV(myc)-transformed myeloid cells. M-MuLV(myc) also immortalized and morphologically transformed mouse embryo fibroblasts. These in vitro properties closely resembled the biological activity of MC29 virus in avian cells and suggested that the nature of the v-myc oncogene was an important determinant in transformation specificity. Neonatal NIH Swiss mice inoculated intraperitoneally with M-MuLV(myc)-M-MuLV only developed lymphoblastic lymphoma characteristic of the M-MuLV helper alone, and no acute fibrosarcomas or myeloid tumors resulted. In light of the strong myeloid transformation observed in vitro, the absence of acute in vivo myeloid disease was noteworthy. Interestingly, when a derivative of M-MuLV(myc) carried by a nonpathogenic amphotropic MuLV helper was inoculated, T lymphomas developed with long latency. Molecular hybridization confirmed that these tumors contained M-MuLV(myc).  相似文献   

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