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Anthropogenic climate change poses a challenge to the annual cycles of migratory birds. It has become urgent to understand whether migratory birds are able to advance their spring phenology when the climate is warming and whether they are able to adjust these phenological phases to the spring phenology in their breeding areas. In this work, we studied long‐term trends in first arrival and onset of breeding for three passerine birds in eastern Finland; the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca, the common redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus and the great tit Parus major. The pied flycatcher and the common redstart are long‐distance migrants while the great tit is a partial migrant in Finland. We asked what environmental variables best explain the first arrival or onset of breeding, if there is evidence of ‘thermal delay’ (long‐term increase in the accumulated temperatures) at arrival or onset of breeding and if the interannual variation in the onset of breeding correlates with variation in spring phenology of local insects. We found that the pied flycatcher and the common redstart had advanced their first arrival (explained by increased temperatures at the migration route), but we found no long‐term change in the onset of breeding (explained by local temperatures). Also, the onset of breeding of the great tit is tracking local temperatures. We found no or only weak evidence of thermal delay at arrival or onset of breeding for any of the species. The onsets of breeding for the pied flycatcher and the great tit are also closely tracking the spring phenology of the local insects. The stable or increasing population sizes of all three species in Finland could be a result from their ability to effectively track climatic and environmental variation.  相似文献   

Climate change could affect resource competition between resident and migratory bird species by changing the interval between their onsets of breeding or by altering their population densities. We studied interspecific nest-hole competition between resident great tits and migrant pied flycatchers in South-Western Finland over the past five decades (1953-2005). We found that appearance of fatal take-over trials, the cases where a pied flycatcher tried to take over a great tit nest but was killed by the tit, increased with a reduced interspecific laying date interval and with increasing densities of both tits and flycatchers. The probability of pied flycatchers taking over great tit nests increased with the density of pied flycatchers. Laying dates of the great tit and pied flycatcher are affected by the temperatures of different time periods, and divergent changes in these temperatures could consequently modify their competitive interactions. Densities are a result of reproductive success and survival, which can be affected by separate climatic factors in the resident great tit and trans-Saharan migrant pied flycatcher. On these bases we conclude that climate change has a great potential to alter the competitive balance between these two species.  相似文献   

The separation of abiotic and biotic factors affecting populations and communities is an important step in understanding how climate change can influence ecological processes, but quantifying their relative contribution to community changes is a challenge. We assessed the effect of temperature and species interactions on the population dynamics of a forest bird community with a hierarchical dynamic population model in a Bayesian framework. We used a long‐term time‐series (1956–2012) of four secondary cavity‐nesting birds with similar food and nesting requirements but different migration habits, to analyse the effects of the four species population size and the local weather fluctuations on each species’ population dynamics. We found clear evidence of a negative effect of two resident species (blue tit and great tit) on a long‐distance migrant (pied flycatcher). Among the residents we only found a competition effect of the great tit on the marsh tit. The birds showed opposite responses to weather: the pied flycatcher favoured colder springs whereas the blue tit and great tit favoured warmer springs. Although alternative mechanisms cannot be ruled out, our results suggest that the resident species (blue tit and great tit) could adjust to increasing spring temperature while the migrant species (pied flycatcher) could not, leading progressively to the exclusion of the pied flycatcher from the area. These results point out the potential role of competitive interactions by providing insightful clues, call for refined research, and support recent efforts to include population dynamics in species distribution models.  相似文献   

Many widely-accepted ecological concepts are simplified assumptions about complex situations that remain largely untested. One example is the assumption that nest-building species choose nest sites actively when they are not resource limited. This assumption has seen little direct empirical testing: most studies on nest-site selection simply assume that sites are chosen actively (and seek explanations for such behaviour) without considering that sites may be selected randomly. We used 15 years of data from a nestbox scheme in the UK to test the assumption of active nest-site choice in three cavity-nesting bird species that differ in breeding and migratory strategy: blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus), great tit (Parus major) and pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca). Nest-site selection was non-random (implying active nest-site choice) for blue and great tits, but not for pied flycatchers. We also considered the relative importance of year-specific and site-specific factors in determining occupation of nest sites. Site-specific factors were more important than year-specific factors for the tit species, while the reverse was true for pied flycatchers. Our results show that nest-site selection, in birds at least, is not always the result of active choice, such that choice should not be assumed automatically in studies of nesting behaviour. We use this example to highlight the need to test key ecological assumptions empirically, and the importance of doing so across taxa rather than for single “model” species.  相似文献   

We studied the distribution and the reproductive success of the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca and the redstart Phoenieurus phoenicurus in relation to forest patch size, edge type (clearcut vs natural), distance from the forest edge, and vegetation characteristics in a forest-dominated landscape. Breeding performances were recorded in up to 72 forest patches during 1992–1994 for birds breeding in nest-boxes. In the spring, breeding individuals of both species arrived earlier in large forest patches (> 1 ha) than in smaller ones. Pied flycatchers arrived earlier on clearcut edges than natural edges but in the redstart there was no preference for a particular edge type. The territory distance from the forest to open land edge did not affect the arrival dates of either species. In the case of the pied flycatcher, the proportion of unpaired males was highest in patches < 1 ha in size and in the case of the redstart this applied to patches < 5 ha in size. Pairing success was not related to the forest edge type or the nest's distance from the edge. Nest predation was not patch-size nor edge-related for either of the species, but in the combined data for both species nest predation was higher at clearcut edges than at natural edges. Clutch size, brood size and the survival of nestlings to the fiedgling stage (fledgling/egg. %) were independent of the patch size, edge type and nest's "distance from the forest edge.  相似文献   

This study examined nest-site choice in a migratory population of pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) and sympatric populations of three resident tit species (Parus major, P. caeruleus and P. palustris) in central Sweden. All four species are secondary-cavity nesters which naturally breed in pre-formed tree cavities but readily use artificial nest boxes. We asked whether flycatchers and tits discriminate between nest boxes that: 1. Are ‘empty’; 2. Contain old nests without ectoparasites (fleas Ceratophyllus sp.); or 3. Contain old nests with ectoparasites. We found that pied flycatchers preferred nest boxes containing old nests, regardless of whether these nests held parasites. In contrast, tits did not discriminate between the three types of boxes. Tits may pay a cost for their lack of choosiness: after the breeding season, tit nests contained more fleas than flycatcher nests. Nevertheless, parasites did not affect the choice of a nest site in any of the species studied. We suggest that the migratory flycatchers are in a hurry to start breeding upon arrival and use the presence of an old nest as a shortcut cue to assess nest-site quality. Also, they may save valuable time by copying the choice of previous breeders. Non-migratory tits may have more time to inspect nest sites, but do not seem to use the same cues in nest-site selection as the pied flycatcher.  相似文献   

Low-level radioactive contamination may affect choice of breeding site and life-history decisions if (i) radioactivity directly affects body condition or (ii) it affects resource abundance that then secondarily influences reproductive decisions. We tested the effects of radioactive contamination on nest-site choice and reproduction in a community of hole nesting birds by putting up nest boxes in areas differing in levels of background radiation. Great tit Parus major and pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca significantly avoided nest boxes in heavily contaminated areas, with a stronger effect in flycatchers than in tits. These preferences could not be attributed to variation in habitat quality or resource abundance, as determined by analyses of habitat use and the relationship between radiation and life-history characters. Likewise, none of these effects could be attributed to individuals of a specific age breeding in the most contaminated areas. Laying date and clutch size were not significantly related to dose rate in either species. Hatching success was depressed by elevated radioactive contamination, interacting with habitat in the great tit and with laying date in the pied flycatcher. Interspecific differences in effects of radiation on nest-site choice suggest that species respond in a species-specific manner to radiation, perhaps related to differences in migratory habits. We suggest that individual body condition rather than secondary effects of radiation on resource abundance account for the effects on nest box use and hatching success.  相似文献   

Summary Density and breeding success of the great tit Parus major, blue tit Parus caeruleus and collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis were studied in nest box colony in oak forest over a period of 19 years.Intraspecific density dependent clutch size reduction was found with blue tit and great tit. In interspecific relation the high density of blue tits reduced the clutch size of great tits.In the hatching period neither intraspecific nor interspecific density dependence were showed between the tits when the third competitive species, collared flycatcher was present. The collared flycatcher significantly reduced the hatching success of both tit species and the number of fledglings of great tit.The effects of the great tits and combined density of the great and blue tits on the hatching failure and number of fledglings of collared flycatcher were found when the density of the tits was high. There were not significant relationships to the single density of blue tits.The temporal variability of the competition of the three bird species is discussed.  相似文献   

In intensive farmland, it is often difficult to find charismatic and evocative species to serve as a flagship to inspire conservation actions and awareness. Here, ‘non-traditional' flagship species may play a fundamental role in promoting more sustainable and biodiversity-friendly agriculture and achieving conservation targets in this strongly artificial habitat.We investigated the abundance (measured in number of territories) of two insectivorous avian species, spotted flycatcher and common redstart, in response to environmental characteristics and agricultural management practices in Italian vineyards at landscape and field scales. We evaluated whether these species could be used as ‘non-traditional’ flagships in this agroecosystem.We found that both species were positively affected by vineyard cover, but not all typologies of vineyards are equally suitable for them. The traditional pergola trellising system was favoured by both species, whereas spalliera vineyards exerted negative effects. The spotted flycatcher commonly occurred in intensive vineyards on valley floors where its abundance was negatively affected by young plantations, which provide limited nesting opportunities, and by the cover of organic vineyards. Conversely, the common redstart was positively affected by traditional elements interspersed in the vineyard matrix (i.e. hedges, tree rows, and isolated rural buildings), which were more abundant in the less intensively cultivated valley sides. At the field scale, common redstarts selected for grass sward shorter than 20 cm, which highlights the importance of active sward management for this ground-feeding species.Based on our results, we proposed using the spotted flycatcher as a ‘non-traditional’ flagship species for intensive vineyards and the common redstart for the less intensive vineyards.  相似文献   

The effects of artificial night lighting on animal behaviour and fitness are largely unknown. Most studies report short-term consequences in locations that are also exposed to other anthropogenic disturbance. We know little about how the effects of nocturnal illumination vary with different light colour compositions. This is increasingly relevant as the use of LED lights becomes more common, and LED light colour composition can be easily adjusted. We experimentally illuminated previously dark natural habitat with white, green and red light, and measured the effects on life-history decisions and fitness in two free-living songbird species, the great tit (Parus major) and pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) in two consecutive years. In 2013, but not in 2014, we found an effect of light treatment on lay date, and of the interaction of treatment and distance to the nearest lamp post on chick mass in great tits but not in pied flycatchers. We did not find an effect in either species of light treatment on breeding densities, clutch size, probability of brood failure, number of fledglings and adult survival. The finding that light colour may have differential effects opens up the possibility to mitigate negative ecological effects of nocturnal illumination by using different light spectra.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in phenotypes plays a key role in fundamental evolutionary processes such as local adaptation, population differentiation and speciation, but the selective forces behind it are rarely known. We found support for the hypothesis that geographic variation in plumage traits of the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca is explained by character displacement with the collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis in the contact zone. The plumage traits of the pied flycatcher differed strongly from the more conspicuous collared flycatcher in a sympatric area but increased in conspicuousness with increasing distance to there. Phenotypic differentiation (PST) was higher than that in neutral genetic markers (FST), and the effect of geographic distance remained when statistically controlling for neutral genetic differentiation. This suggests that a cline created by character displacement and gene flow explains phenotypic variation across the distribution of this species. The different plumage traits of the pied flycatcher are strongly to moderately correlated, indicating that they evolve non‐independently from each other. The flycatchers provide an example of plumage patterns diverging in two species that differ in several aspects of appearance. The divergence in sympatry and convergence in allopatry in these birds provide a possibility to study the evolutionary mechanisms behind the highly divergent avian plumage patterns.  相似文献   

Mate choice and imprinting in birds studied by cross-fostering in the wild   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Sexual-selection theories generally assume that mating preferences are heritable traits. However, there is substantial evidence that the rearing environment may be important for the development of mating preferences, indicating that they may be learnt, or modified by experience. The relative importance of such sexual imprinting across species remains largely unexplored. Here, we report results of a large-scale cross-fostering experiment in the wild in which nestling birds were raised by parents of a different species. We show that resulting sexual imprinting may have a negative effect on pairing success in one species (the great tit, Parus major), but not in two other species (the blue tit, P. caeruleus and the pied flycatcher, Ficedula hypoleuca). A remarkable variation thus seems to exist, even between species that are congeneric and have similar breeding ecologies. The cross-fostering resulted in heterospecific pairings between the two tit species (female blue tit breeding with male great tit), which has never, to our knowledge, been previously documented. However, the chicks fledging from these nests were all blue tit.  相似文献   

Environmental factors may strongly affect avian‐biting fly interactions in different ways because insects are heterothermic organisms that depend greatly on environmental variables to activate their metabolism and behaviour. We studied the effects of weather on both blackfly (Simuliidae) and biting midge Culicoides (Ceratopogonidae) abundance in nests of three passerine species: blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus, great tits Parus major and pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca, breeding in the same area. We controlled for different host‐related factors (hatching date, brood size and host species). Blackfly abundance was negatively related to minimum temperature. In addition, blackfly and biting midge abundances were negatively affected by wind speed measured at 07.00 h, but blackfly abundance was positively associated to wind speed at 18.00 h. We found higher blackfly and biting midge abundances in nests with larger broods breeding later in the season, and significantly higher biting midge abundance in pied flycatcher nests as compared to tit nests. These results represent, to our knowledge, the first report of both environmental and host‐related effects on haematophagous fly abundance in the nests of wild hole‐nesting birds.  相似文献   

During eight years of study of a population of pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca breeding in central Spain, we observed throughout incubation 22 cases of intact eggs being placed on the nest rim and clearly outside of the nest bowl and remaining there, with consequent embryo mortality. We assume that the removal of eggs had been performed by the incubating female. There is no evidence that pied flycatcher parents can detect embryo mortality and eject unhatchable eggs. Maternal egg ejection constitutes a direct mechanism of clutch size adjustment during incubation and before hatching of any young of the brood. This adjustment of clutch size happened when the mean and minimum temperature of the day before ejection were especially low. Also, clutch-reducing females were significantly more prone to show moult-breeding overlap than other females, suggesting a lower disposition to invest in reproduction. Clutch-reducing females were also frequently older than four years and had indications of a lower immunocompetence than females not ejecting eggs. Our results support the hypothesis that adverse conditions can elicit parental family size adjustment at every stage of reproduction without the need to depend on mechanisms of sibling competition.  相似文献   

This study documents the advancement of laying dates in three species of tits (Paridae) in southernmost Sweden during recent decades, and the absence of a similar response in the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca. It is based on several different nestbox studies; the oldest one starting in 1969. During 1969 to 2012, mean spring temperatures in the study area increased by between 0.06 and 0.08°C per year, depending on the period considered. Great tits Parus major, blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus and marsh tits Poecile palustris, which generally start egg laying between the last week of April and the first week of May, all advanced laying date at a similar rate during the study period (0.25 d yr–1). This indicates that these species were similarly affected by increasing temperatures. When accounting for mean spring temperature variation, we still found an advancement of laying date over the study period, mostly due to such relationships among marsh and blue tits. This result could reflect ongoing microevolution favouring earlier laying, but could also be a result of other factors such as increased intra‐ or inter‐specific competition for early breeding. Pied flycatchers, which generally lay during the third week of May, did not significantly advance the date of egg laying despite that the long‐term trend in the increase in ambient temperature during the 30‐d period preceding the start of egg laying was similar for pied flycatchers compared to the tit species.  相似文献   

Host range is a key element of a parasite's ecology and evolution and can vary greatly depending on spatial scale. Generalist parasites frequently show local population structure in relation to alternative sympatric hosts (i.e. host races) and may thus be specialists at local scales. Here, we investigated local population specialization of a common avian nest‐based parasite, the hen flea Ceratophyllus gallinae (Schrank), exploiting two abundant host species that share the same breeding sites, the great tit Parus major (Linnaeus) and the collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis (Temminck). We performed a cross‐infestation experiment of fleas between the two host species in two distinct study areas during a single breeding season and recorded the reproductive success of both hosts and parasites. In the following year, hosts were monitored again to assess the long‐term impact of cross‐infestation. Our results partly support the local specialization hypothesis: in great tit nests, tit fleas caused higher damage to their hosts than flycatcher fleas, and in collared flycatcher nests, flycatcher fleas had a faster larval development rates than tit fleas. However, these results were significant in only one of the two studied areas, suggesting that the location and history of the host population can modulate the specialization process. Caution is therefore called for when interpreting single location studies. More generally, our results emphasize the need to explicitly account for host diversity in order to understand the population ecology and evolutionary trajectory of generalist parasites.  相似文献   

Ecology has been characterized by a central controversy for decades: namely, whether the distribution and abundance of organisms are determined by species interactions, such as competitive exclusion, or by environmental conditions. In part, this is because competitive exclusion has not been convincingly demonstrated in open, natural systems. In addition, traditional theoretical models cannot predict the outcome of competitive interactions in the presence of environmental variability. In this paper we document the limiting influence of strong interspecific competition on population dynamics and nestling mortality in a mixed population of pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) and collared flycatchers (F. albicollis in a narrow zone of sympatry. Whereas the former species was limited mainly by interspecific competition, the latter species was limited by the concerted influences of intraspecific competition and climate. The analysis suggests a march towards competitive exclusion of the pied flycatcher during warm periods. However, competitive exclusion is apparently prohibited on a local scale because intraspecific competition among individual collared flycatchers intensifies when they are forced to cope with severe environmental conditions, promoting the temporary and local presence of pied flycatchers.  相似文献   

Variation in relative fitness of competing recently formed species across heterogeneous environments promotes coexistence. However, the physiological traits mediating such variation in relative fitness have rarely been identified. Resting metabolic rate (RMR) is tightly associated with life history strategies, thermoregulation, diet use, and inhabited latitude and could therefore moderate differences in fitness responses to fluctuations in local environments, particularly when species have adapted to different climates in allopatry. We work in a long‐term study of collared (Ficedula albicollis) and pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) in a recent hybrid zone located on the Swedish island of Öland in the Baltic Sea. Here, we explore whether differences in RMR match changes in relative performance of growing flycatcher nestlings across environmental conditions using an experimental approach. The fitness of pied flycatchers has previously been shown to be less sensitive to the mismatch between the peak in food abundance and nestling growth among late breeders. Here, we find that pied flycatcher nestlings have lower RMR in response to higher ambient temperatures (associated with low food availability). We also find that experimentally relaxed nestling competition is associated with an increased RMR in this species. In contrast, collared flycatcher nestlings did not vary their RMR in response to these environmental factors. Our results suggest that a more flexible nestling RMR in pied flycatchers is responsible for the better adaptation of pied flycatchers to the typical seasonal changes in food availability experienced in this hybrid zone. Generally, subtle physiological differences that have evolved when species were in allopatry may play an important role to patterns of competition, coexistence, or displacements between closely related species in secondary contact.  相似文献   

Migratory routes and wintering grounds can have important fitness consequences, which can lead to divergent selection on populations or taxa differing in their migratory itinerary. Collared (Ficedula albicollis) and pied (F. hypoleuca) flycatchers breeding in Europe and wintering in different sub-Saharan regions have distinct migratory routes on the eastern and western sides of the Sahara desert, respectively. In an earlier paper, we showed that hybrids of the two species did not incur reduced winter survival, which would be expected if their migration strategy had been a mix of the parent species'' strategies potentially resulting in an intermediate route crossing the Sahara desert to different wintering grounds. Previously, we compared isotope ratios and found no significant difference in stable-nitrogen isotope ratios (δ 15N) in winter-grown feathers between the parental species and hybrids, but stable-carbon isotope ratios (δ 13C) in hybrids significantly clustered only with those of pied flycatchers. We followed up on these findings and additionally analyzed the same feathers for stable-hydrogen isotope ratios (δ 2H) and conducted spatially explicit multi-isotope assignment analyses. The assignment results overlapped with presumed wintering ranges of the two species, highlighting the efficacy of the method. In contrast to earlier findings, hybrids clustered with both parental species, though most strongly with pied flycatcher.  相似文献   

The coccinellid Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) has been used for augmentative and classical biological control in many environments. More recently it has invaded large parts of Europe and negative effects for native populations of aphidophagous coccinellids are beginning to emerge. Here we investigate intraguild predation (IGP) between H. axyridis and eleven native non-target European coccinellids, including less common species which have not been studied so far within this context of non-target effects. When first-instars of H. axyridis were paired with the native species, only Anatis ocellata (Linnaeus) and Calvia quatuordecimguttata (L.) were significantly superior to the former whereas H. axyridis was superior in three cases, i.e. against Aphidecta obliterata (L.), Coccinella septempunctata L. and Hippodamia variegata (Goeze). Non-significant results were obtained for all other pairings. Similar tests with the fourth larval instar revealed stronger IGP rates and H. axyridis was found to be superior in the interactions with Adalia bipunctata (L.), Adalia decempunctata (L.), A. obliterata, Calvia decemguttata (L.), C. quatuordecimguttata, C. septempunctata, H. variegata, Oenopia conglobata (L.) and Propylea quatuordecimpunctata (L.) whereas non-significant results were obtained for interactions with two other native species. Another experiment revealed that H. axyridis was able to prey more successfully upon egg of most native coccinellid species than vice versa. However, C. quatuordecimguttata eggs seem to be more protected against predation than those of the other species. Survival of first-instar H. axyridis was higher on conspecific eggs compared to eggs of any other species tested. Our results suggest that H. axyridis may become a threat to a wide range of native aphidophagous coccinellids sharing similar ecological niches except species showing high potential for chemical or physical protection.  相似文献   

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