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This work describes the isolation of mutations in infC, the structural gene for IF3, using different genetic screens. Among 21 mutants characterised, seven were shown to produce stable variant IF3 proteins unable to fully complement a strain carrying a chromosomal deletion of the infC gene. The mutants were also shown to be unable to normally discriminate against several non-canonical initiation codons such as AUU and ACG. The two mutants with the strongest complementation or discrimination defects carry changes in the C-terminal domain of IF3, which is responsible for the binding of the factor to the 30 S ribosomal subunit. We show that the first mutant has an expected decreased but the second an unexpected increased capacity to bind the 30 S subunit. The in vivo defects of the second mutant are explained by its capacity to bind unspecifically to other targets, as shown by its increased affinity for the 50 S subunit, which is normally not recognised by the factor. Interestingly, this mutant corresponds to a change of an acidic residue that might play a negative discriminatory role in preventing interactions with non-cognate RNAs, as has been reported for acidic residues of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases shown to be involved in tRNA recognition.  相似文献   

Mammalian mitochondrial ribosomes are distinguished from their bacterial and eukaryotic-cytoplasmic counterparts, as well as from mitochondrial ribosomes of lower eukaryotes, by their physical and chemical properties and their high protein content. However, they do share more functional homologies with bacterial ribosomes than with cytoplasmic ribosomes. To search for possible homologies between mammalian mitochondrial ribosomes and bacterial ribosomes at the level of initiation factor binding sites, we studied the interaction of Escherichia coli initiation factor 3 (IF3) with bovine mitochondrial ribosomes. Bacterial IF3 was found to bind to the small subunit of bovine mitochondrial ribosomes with an affinity of the same order of magnitude as that for bacterial ribosomes, suggesting that most of the functional groups contributing to the IF3 binding site in bacterial ribosomes are conserved in mitochondrial ribosomes. Increasing ionic strength affects binding to both ribosomes similarly and suggests a large electrostatic contribution to the reaction. Furthermore, bacterial IF3 inhibits the Mg2+-dependent association of mitochondrial ribosomal subunits, suggesting that the bacterial IF3 binds to mitochondrial small subunits in a functional way.  相似文献   

Complexes of 30 S subunits and [14C]IF3 were allowed to react with the protein cross-linking reagents, N,N′-p-phenylenedimaleimide or dimethylsuberimidate. Non-cross-linked IF3 was removed from the complex by centrifugation in a buffer containing a high salt concentration, and the total protein was extracted from the pelleted particles. The mixture of cross-linked products was analyzed by radioimmunodiffusion with antisera prepared against all of the individual 30 S ribosomal proteins. Radioactivity was found in the precipitin bands formed with antisera against ribosomal proteins S1, S11, S12, S13, S19 and S21. The results show that IF3 was present in covalent cross-linked complexes containing those 30 S ribosomal proteins and imply that they comprise or are near the binding site for initiation factor IF3.  相似文献   

A simple procedure is described for the purification in high yields of protein synthesis initiation factors IF1, IF2, and IF3 from Escherichia coli strain MRE 600. IF2 was separated from IF1 and IF3 by ammonium sulfate fractionation and was purified by column chromatography on phosphocellulose and diethylaminoethyl (DEAE) Sephadex. IF1 and IF3 were separated by phosphocellulose column chromatography. IF1 was purified by molecular sieve chromatography, and IF3 by phosphocellulose column chromatography in urea buffer. Each factor was analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate or urea polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and was greater than 98% pure. Only one form of IF1 and IF3 was found, with molecular weights of 8,500 and 22,500, respectively. Two forms of IF2 were isolated: IF2a with a molecular weight of 118,000 and IF2b with a molecular weight of 90,000. The amino acid composition of each factor was determined, and their stimulation in a variety of assays for initiation of protein synthesis is reported.  相似文献   

Translation initiation factor IF3, one of three factors specifically required for translation initiation in Escherichia coli, inhibits initiation on any codon other than the three canonical initiation codons, AUG, GUG, or UUG. This discrimination against initiation on non-canonical codons could be due to either direct recognition of the two last bases of the codon and their cognate bases on the anticodon or to some ability to "feel" codon-anticodon complementarity. To investigate the importance of codon-anticodon complementarity in the discriminatory role of IF3, we constructed a derivative of tRNALeuthat has all the known characteristics of an initiator tRNA except the CAU anticodon. This tRNA is efficiently formylated by methionyl-tRNAfMettransformylase and charged by leucyl-tRNA synthetase irrespective of the sequence of its anticodon. These initiator tRNALeuderivatives (called tRNALI) allow initiation at all the non-canonical codons tested, provided that the complementarity between the codon and the anticodon of the initiator tRNALeuis respected. More remarkably, the discrimination by IF3, normally observed with non-canonical codons, is neutralised if a tRNALIcarrying a complementary anticodon is used for initiation. This suggests that IF3 somehow recognises codon-anticodon complementarity, at least at the second and third position of the codon, rather than some specific bases in either the codon or the anticodon.  相似文献   

Initiation factor IF3 is responsible for the accuracy of translation initiation in bacteria, by destabilizing complexes involving non-initiator tRNA and/or nonstart codons. This proofreading is performed on the 30S subunit to which IF3 binds selectively. IF3 has an unusual architecture, with two globular domains connected by a mobile, positively charged linker. Here, we have investigated the function of this flexible tether by probing its conformation when IF3 is bound to the ribosomal RNA. Using site-directed mutagenesis of the linker region, we have also selectively modified its length, its flexibility and its chemical composition. The function of the mutant genes was assayed in vivo, and the structural and biochemical properties of some of the corresponding variant proteins were characterized in vitro. The two isolated domains of IF3 were also co-expressed in order to test the requirement for their covalent attachment. The results indicate that the physical link between the two domains of IF3 is essential for the function of this protein, but that the exact length and chemical composition of the linker can be varied to a large extent. A model is presented in which the extended linker would act as a 'strap', triggering a conformational change in the 30S subunit, which would then ensure initiator tRNA selection.  相似文献   

Translation initiation factor IF3 is required for peptide chain initiation in Escherichia coli. IF3 binds directly to 30S ribosomal subunits ensuring a constant supply of free 30S subunits for initiation complex formation, participates in the kinetic selection of the correct initiator region of mRNA, and destabilizes initiation complexes containing noninitiator tRNAs. The roles that tyrosine 107 and lysine 110 play in IF3 function were examined by site-directed mutagenesis. Tyrosine 107 was changed to either phenylalanine (Y107F) or leucine (Y107L), and lysine 110 was converted to either arginine (K110R) or leucine (K110L). These single amino acid changes resulted in a reduced affinity of IF3 for 30S subunits. Association equilibrium constants (M-1) for 30S subunit binding were as follows: wild-type, 7.8 x 10(7); Y107F, 4.1 x 10(7); Y107L, 1 x 10(7); K110R, 5.1 x 10(6); K110L, < 1 x 10(2). The mutant IF3s were similarly impaired in their abilities to specifically select initiation complexes containing tRNA(fMet). Toeprint analysis indicated that 5-fold more Y107L or K110R protein was required for proper initiator tRNA selection. K110L protein was unable to mediate this selection even at concentrations up to 10-fold higher than wild type. The results indicate that tyrosine 107 and lysine 110 are critical components of the ribosome binding domain of IF3 and, furthermore, that dissociation of complexes containing noninitiator tRNAs requires prior binding of IF3 to the ribosomes.  相似文献   

We have isolated genetic suppressors of mutations in the recJ gene of Escherichia coli in a locus we term srjA. These srjA mutations cause partial to complete alleviation of the recombination and UV repair defects conferred by recJ153 and recJ154 mutations in a recBC sbcA genetic background. The srjA gene was mapped to 37.5 min on the E. coli chromosome. This chromosomal region from the srjA5 strain was cloned into a plasmid vector and was shown to confer recJ suppression in a dominant fashion. Mutational analysis of this plasmid mapped srjA to the infC gene encoding translation initiation factor 3 (IF3). Sequence analysis revealed that all three srjA alleles cause amino acid substitutions of IF3. Suppression of recJ was shown to be allele specific: recJ153 and recJ154 mutations were suppressible, but recJ77 and the insertion allele recJ284::Tn10 were not. In addition, growth medium-conditional lethality was observed for strains carrying srjA mutations with the nonsuppressible recJ alleles. When introduced into recJ+ strains, srjA mutations conferred hyperrecombinational and hyper-UVr phenotypes. An interesting implication of these genetic properties of srjA suppression is that IF3 may regulate the expression of recJ and perhaps other recombination genes and hence may regulate the recombinational capacity of the cell.  相似文献   

The binding of 14CH3- initiation factor 3 (IF3) to polynucleotides is strongly dependent upon the concentration of added salt. The observed association constant, Kobs, increases by ca. a factor of 10(2) when the NaCl concentration is lowered from 200 to 100 mM for the binding of 14CH3-IF3 to all nucleic acids examined. This salt-dependent binding suggests that at physiological salt concentrations the formation of an IF3-polynucleotide complex is primarily driven by the release of cations from the nucleic acid, although anion effects are involved also. For single-stranded nucleic acids, nonelectrostatic interactions may contribute a factor of 10(2) to the value of Kobs, although accurate assessment of these interactions is complicated by anion effects. The binding of 14CH3-IF3 to the double helix, poly(A).poly(U), appears to be exclusively electrostatic. 14CH3-IF3 forms a maximum of 8 +/- 2 ion pairs with most single-stranded polynucleotides. The value of Kobs increases from ca. 10(3) to 10(5) M-1 when the NaCl concentration is lowered from 200 to 100 mM for the binding of 14CH3-IF3 to poly(A), poly(C), poly(U), and poly(A).poly(U). At physiological salt concentrations, IF3 shows no preference for any of these bases or for single or double-stranded structures. However, 14CH3-IF3 binds ca. 60 times greater to poly(A,G), at al NaCl concentrations examined, than to the other nucleic acids, indicating that IF3 has some preference for guanine-containing polynucleotides. The presence of 10 mM Mg2+ tends to reduce the value of Kobs at any given NaCl concentration, but to a smaller degree than predicted by simply a competition between Mg2+ and IF3 for the nucleic acid lattice.  相似文献   

The gene infB codes for the two forms of translational initiation factor IF2: IF2 alpha (97 300 daltons) and IF2 beta (79 700 daltons). To determine whether the two forms differ at their N terminus, purified IF2 alpha and IF2 beta were subjected to 11 or more steps of Edman degradation. The N-terminal amino acid sequences are completely different, but match perfectly the DNA sequences at the beginning of the infB open reading frame and an in-phase region 471 bp downstream. A fusion was constructed between the proximal half of the infB gene and the lacZ gene lacking the region coding for the first eight amino acids. The fused gene expresses two products of 170 000 and 150 000 daltons, corresponding to the fused proteins IF2 alpha-beta-galactosidase and IF2 beta-beta-galactosidase, which confirms in vivo that the IF2 forms differ at their N terminus. A deletion of the 5'-non-translated region of the fused gene, including the Shine/Dalgarno ribosomal binding site, results in the expression of IF2 beta-beta-galactosidase but not IF2 alpha-beta-galactosidase. This strongly suggests that IF2 beta results from independent translation rather than from a precise proteolytic cleavage of IF2 alpha. Further evidence for initiation of protein synthesis at the putative IF2 alpha and IF2 beta start sites was sought by using an in vitro dipeptide synthesis assay. A DNA fragment containing the entire infB gene was cloned into three plasmid vectors and the resulting recombinant DNAs were used as templates in assays containing fMet-tRNA and various labelled aminoacyl-tRNAs.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The bacterial translational GTPases (initiation factor IF2, elongation factors EF-G and EF-Tu and release factor RF3) are involved in all stages of translation, and evidence indicates that they bind to overlapping sites on the ribosome, whereupon GTP hydrolysis is triggered. We provide evidence for a common ribosomal binding site for EF-G and IF2. IF2 prevents the binding of EF-G to the ribosome, as shown by Western blot analysis and fusidic acid-stabilized EF-G.GDP.ribosome complex formation. Additionally, IF2 inhibits EF-G-dependent GTP hydrolysis on 70 S ribosomes. The antibiotics thiostrepton and micrococcin, which bind to part of the EF-G binding site and interfere with the function of the factor, also affect the function of IF2. While thiostrepton is a strong inhibitor of EF-G-dependent GTP hydrolysis, GTP hydrolysis by IF2 is stimulated by the drug. Micrococcin stimulates GTP hydrolysis by both factors. We show directly that these drugs act by destabilizing the interaction of EF-G with the ribosome, and provide evidence that they have similar effects on IF2.  相似文献   

Translation initiation factor IF1 is a highly conserved element of the prokaryotic translational apparatus. It has been demonstrated earlier that the factor stimulates in vitro the initiation phase of protein synthesis. However, no mutation in its gene, infA, has been identified, and a role for IF1 in translation has not been demonstrated in vivo. To elucidate the function of IF1 and determine if the protein is essential for cell growth, the chromosomal copy of infA was disrupted. Cell viability is maintained only when infA is expressed in trans from a plasmid, thereby demonstrating that IF1 is essential for cell growth in Escherichia coli. Cells depleted of IF1 exhibit few polysomes, suggesting that IF1 functions in the initiation phase of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The gene for initiation factor IF2, infB, represents one of the few examples in Escherichia coli of genes encoding two protein products in vivo. In a previous work, our group showed that both forms of IF2 (alpha and beta) are closely related and may arise from two independent translational events on infB mRNA. Unambiguous mapping and rigorous determination of the nature of the initiation triplet for IF2 beta, the smaller form of IF2, is critical for future mutagenesis of this codon, required for investigating the biological importance of both IF2 alpha and IF2 beta. Three types of experiments were carried out. First, a 77-bp deletion was created at the beginning of the structural gene leading to premature termination of IF2 alpha synthesis. Under these conditions, IF2 beta is still formed. Second, various Bal31 digests of infB containing the 77-bp deletion were fused to lacZ. Any synthesis of a fused protein with beta-galactosidase activity should reflect the occurrence of an initiation event on the messenger corresponding to this DNA segment. It was consequently possible to locate the IF2 beta initiation site within an 18-base region containing an in-phase GUG codon. Third, to avoid any artefactual reinitiation event possibly occurring under our experimental conditions, we fused to lacZ an infB fragment devoid of IF2 alpha start sequences but containing genetic information for this 18-base region. A hybrid protein with beta-galactosidase activity was synthesized. Moreover, its NH2-terminal amino acid sequence coincided with that of IF2 beta, demonstrating that GUG, located 471 bases downstream from the IF2 alpha external start codon, is the internal start codon for the shorter form of IF2.  相似文献   

In a genetic selection designed to isolate Escherichia coli mutations that increase expression of the IS 10 transposase gene ( tnp ), we unexpectedly obtained viable mutants defective in translation initiation factor 3 (IF3). Several lines of evidence led us to conclude that transposase expression, per se , was not increased. Rather, these mutations appear to increase expression of the tnp'–'lacZ gene fusions used in this screen, by increasing translation initiation at downstream, atypical initiation codons. To test this hypothesis we undertook a systematic analysis of start codon requirements and measured the effects of IF3 mutations on initiation from various start codons. Beginning with an efficient translation initiation site, we varied the AUG start codon to all possible codons that differed from AUG by one nucleotide. These potential start codons fall into distinct classes with regard to translation efficiency in vivo : Class I codons (AUG, GUG, and UUG) support efficient translation; Class IIA codons (CUG, AUU, AUC, AUA, and ACG) support translation at levels only 1–3% that of AUG; and Class IIB codons (AGG and AAG) permit levels of translation too low for reliable quantification. Importantly, the IF3 mutations had no effect on translation from Class I codons, but they increased translation from Class II codons 3–5-fold, and this same effect was seen in other gene contexts. Therefore, IF3 is generally able to discriminate between efficient and inefficient codons in vivo , consistent with earlier in vitro observations. We discuss these observations as they relate to IF3 autoregulation and the mechanism of IF3 function.  相似文献   

J King  C Fairley    W Morgan 《Nucleic acids research》1998,26(7):1749-1754
In eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms DNA double-strand breaks with non-complementary ends can be joined by mechanisms of illegitimate recombination. We examined the joining of 3'-protruding single strand (PSS) ends, which do not have recessed 3' hydroxyls that can allow for fill-in DNA synthesis, to blunt ends. End-joining was examined by electro-transforming Escherichia coli strains with linearized plasmid DNA, sequencing the resulting junctions, and determining the transformation frequencies. Three different E.coli strains were examined: MC1061, which has no known recombination or DNA repair defects, HB101 (rec A-) and SURE (recB- recJ-). No striking differences were found in either the spectrum of products observed or the efficiency of end-joining between these strains. As in vertebrate systems, the majority of the products were overlaps between directly repeated DNA sequences. 3'-PSS are frequently preserved in vertebrate systems, but they were not preserved in our experiments unless the transforming DNA was pretreated with a DNA polymerase.  相似文献   

Summary The expression of infC, the structural gene for translational initiation factor IF3, has been studied in different constructs under the control of the PL and tac promoters. The amount of synthesized IF3 has been determined by a quantitative functional test and the levels of IF3-specific mRNA have been estimated. The synthesis of IF3 is strongly enhanced when the unusual AUU initiation codon is changed to AUG by site-directed mutagenesis. Removal of the sequence upstream from the start codon including most of the Shine-Dalgarno sequence, as well as part of a 10 bp region with potential complementarity to an internal region of the 16S rRNA, which is unique to the IF3 mRNA, reduced but did not completely abolish the high expression of infC obtained after introduction of the AUG initiation codon. The level of IF3 mRNA was found to be positively influenced by the presence of the rplT gene in the plasmid downstream from the infC gene. In vivo accumulation of a large excess of IF3, obtained when the infC gene was placed under the control of an incompletely repressed tac promoter, was not accompanied by any noticeable adverse phenotype.  相似文献   

Initiation of protein synthesis in bacteria involves the combined action of three translation initiation factors, including translation initiation factor IF2. Structural knowledge of this bacterial protein is scarce. A fragment consisting of the four C-terminal domains of IF2 from Escherichia coli was expressed, purified, and characterized by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), and from the SAXS data, a radius of gyration of 43 +/- 1 A and a maximum dimension of approximately 145 A were obtained for the molecule. Furthermore, the SAXS data revealed that E. coli IF2 in solution adopts a structure that is significantly different from the crystal structure of orthologous aIF5B from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum. This crystal structure constitutes the only atomic resolution structural knowledge of the full-length factor. Computer programs were applied to the SAXS data to provide an initial structural model for IF2 in solution. The low-resolution nature of SAXS prevents the elucidation of a complete and detailed structure, but the resulting model for C-terminal E. coli IF2 indicates important structural differences between the aIF5B crystal structure and IF2 in solution. The chalice-like structure with a highly exposed alpha-helical stretch observed for the aIF5B crystal structure was not found in the structural model of IF2 in solution, in which domain VI-2 is moved closer to the rest of the protein.  相似文献   

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