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A quasispecies is a well-defined distribution of mutants that is generated by a mutation-selection process. Selection does not act on a single mutant but on the quasispecies as a whole. Experimental systems have been designed to study quasispecies evolution under laboratory conditions. More recently, virus populations have been called quasispecies to indicate their extensive genetic heterogeneity. The most prominent examples are probably the human immunodeficiency viruses HIV-1 and HIV-2. The quasispecies nature of HIV has formed the basis of a model that provides a mechanism for the pathogenesis of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in humans. This article focuses on the nature of the quasispecies concept and its implications for evolutionary biology and virology.  相似文献   

Melkonian M 《Protist》1999,150(1):1

F. M. Fry 《CMAJ》1928,19(5):572

The formal processes of alpha-taxonomy ensure that species have uniquenames and can be identified. No similar process is mandatory forinfraspecific variation, so the species is a uniquely importantpractical term. At present, there is little agreement of the definitionof a species. In the last 30 years, numerous concepts have beenproposed. The nature of fish species is reviewed. Clonal inheritance ofnuclear genes occurs in several lineages. Hybridization is frequent,often leading to introgression, which may lead to extinction of species.Species may have hybrid origins. There is good evidence for parallelspeciation in similar habitats. There are clearly exceptions to thecladistic assumption of dichotomous branching during speciation. Siblingspecies may exist with no discernible niche differentiation.Basic assumptions are violated for the recognition, phylogenetic,ecological and some formulations of the evolutionary species concepts.The most satisfactory definitions are two of the earliest proposed inthe light of evolutionary theory. The Darwinian view is that species arerecognizable entities which are not qualitatively distinct fromvarieties. A restatement of this concept in genetic terms provides ameans of dealing with all forms of species known in present-day fishes.This modified Darwinian concept is operated through the application offuzzy logic rather than rigid definition. This involves a search fordiscontinuities between species, rather than an a priori definition ofhow boundaries are to be determined. A subset of Darwinian species areMayrian or biological species, which are characterized by theirdemonstrable reproductive isolation from other species. The status of apopulation as a Mayrian species is a testable hypothesis. Moleculartechniques allow this hypothesis to be tested more easily thanpreviously, at least when dealing with sympatric populations.  相似文献   

What is a healthy ecosystem?   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Rapid deterioration of the world's major ecosystems has intensified the need for effective environmental monitoring and the development of operational indicators of ecosystem health. Ecosystem health represents a desired endpoint of environmental management, but it requires adaptive, ongoing definition and assessment. We propose that a healthy ecosystem is one that is sustainable – that is, it has the ability to maintain its structure (organization) and function (vigor) over time in the face of external stress (resilience). Various methods to quantify these three ecosystem attributes (vigor, organization, and resilience) are discussed. These attributes are then folded into a comprehensive assessment of ecosystem health. A network analysis based ecosystem health assessment is developed and tested using trophic exchange networks representing several different aquatic ecosystems. Results indicate the potential of such an ecosystem health assessment for evaluating the relative health of similar ecosystems, and quantifying the effects of natural or anthropogenic stress on the health of a particular ecosystem over time.  相似文献   

What is a support vector machine?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Noble WS 《Nature biotechnology》2006,24(12):1565-1567
Support vector machines (SVMs) are becoming popular in a wide variety of biological applications. But, what exactly are SVMs and how do they work? And what are their most promising applications in the life sciences?  相似文献   

What is a Plant Cell? Continued   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

The dialectic discourse of the 'gene' as the unit of heredity deduced from the phenotype, whether an intervening variable or a hypothetical construct, appeared to be settled with the presentation of the molecular model of DNA: the gene was reduced to a sequence of DNA that is transcribed into RNA that is translated into a polypeptide; the polypeptides may fold into proteins that are involved in cellular metabolism and structure, and hence function. This path turned out to be more bewildering the more the regulation of products and functions were uncovered in the contexts of integrated cellular systems. Philosophers struggling to define a unified concept of the gene as the basic entity of (molecular) genetics confronted those who suggested several different 'genes' according to the conceptual frameworks of the experimentalists. Researchers increasingly regarded genes de facto as generic terms for describing their empiric data, and with improved DNA-sequencing capacities these entities were as a rule bottom-up nucleotide sequences that determine functions. Only recently did empiricists return to discuss conceptual considerations, including top-down definitions of units of function that through cellular mechanisms select the DNA sequences which comprise 'genomic-footprints' of functional entities.  相似文献   

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