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Lambda dv plasmids having an amber mutation in an initiator gene, O or P, were constructed from mutant lambda phages by recombinant DNA techniques and several properties of such derivatives were investigated. These plasmids are perpetuated in suppressor-plus (amber-permissive) cells, but not in non-suppressor cells. The plasmid copy number in the suppressor-plus cells was low as compared to that of the plasmid without the amber mutation. In cells carrying a thermosensitive suppressor 2, raising the temperature is expected to block new production of amber proteins, but should not affect conservation of the protein made prior to heating. It was observed, however, that replication of the plasmids carrying an amber mutation in the O or P gene was abolished soon after raising the temperature, suggesting that neither of the initiator proteins can continue functioning unless replenished. Pulse-chase experiments demonstrated that O protein decays with a half-life of 8 min. Several lines of evidence suggest that this degradation occurs independently of the protein function. On the other hand, P protein was not degraded under the same experimental conditions. These observations are discussed in connection with functional instability of the initiator molecules. It appears that they do not work catalytically.  相似文献   

Replication of coliphage lambda DNA   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  

Under the condition of expression of lambda P protein at lethal level, the oriC DNA-binding activity is significantly affected in wild-type E. coli but not in the rpl mutant. In purified system, the lambda P protein inhibits the binding of both oriC DNA and ATP to the wild-type DnaA protein but not to the rpl DnaA protein. We conclude that the lambda P protein inhibits the binding of oriC DNA and ATP to the wild-type DnaA protein, which causes the inhibition of host DNA synthesis initiation that ultimately leads to bacterial death. A possible beneficial effect of this interaction of lambda P protein with E. coli DNA initiator protein DnaA for phage DNA replication has been proposed.  相似文献   

A soluble enzyme system that specifically initiates lambda dv plasmid DNA replication at a bacteriophage lambda replication origin [Wold et al. (1982) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 79, 6176-6180] is also capable of replicating the single-stranded circular chromosomes of phages M13 and phi X174 to a duplex form. This chain initiation on single-stranded templates is novel in that it is absolutely dependent on the lambda O and P protein chromosomal initiators and on several Escherichia coli proteins that are known to function in the replication of the lambda chromosome in vivo, including the host dnaB, dnaG (primase), dnaJ and dnaK replication proteins. Strand initiation occurs at multiple sites following an O and P protein-dependent pre-priming step in which the DNA is converted into an activated nucleoprotein complex containing the bacterial dnaB protein. We propose a scheme for the initiation of DNA synthesis on single-stranded templates in this enzyme system that may be relevant to strand initiation events that occur during replication of phage lambda in vivo.  相似文献   

Packaging of coliphage lambda DNA. II. The role of the gene D protein   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The gene D protein (pD) of coliphage λ is normally an essential component of the virus capsid. It acts during packaging of concatemeric λ DNA into the phage prohead and is necessary for cutting the concatemers at the cohesive end site (cos). In this report we show that cos cutting and phage production occur without pD in λ deletion mutants whose DNA content is less than 82% that of λ wild type. D-independence appears to result directly from DNA loss rather than from inactivation (or activation) of a phage gene. (1) In cells mixedly infected with undeleted λ and a deletion mutant, particles of the deletion mutant alone are efficiently produced in the absence of pD; and (2) D-independence cannot be attributed to loss of a specific segment of the phage genome. pD-deficient phage resemble pD-containing phage in head size and DNA ends; they differ in their extreme sensitivity to EDTA, greater density, and ability to accept pD.pD appears to act by stabilizing the head against disruption by overfilling with DNA rather than by changing the capacity of the head for DNA. This is shown by the observation that the amount of DNA packaged by a “headful” mechanism, normally in excess of the wild-type chromosome size, is not reduced in the absence of pD. In fact, pD is required for packaging headfuls of DNA. This implies that a mechanism exists for preventing the entry of excess DNA into the head during packaging of concatemers formed by deletion mutants, and we suggest that this is accomplished by binding of cos sites to the head.The above results show that pD is not an essential component of the nuclease that cuts λ concatemers at cos during packaging, and they imply that 82% of a wild-type chromosome length can enter the prohead in the absence of pD. Yet, pD is needed for the formation of cohesive ends after infection with undeleted phage. We propose two models to account for these observations. In the first, cos cutting is assumed to occur early during packaging. The absence of pD leads to release of packaged DNA and the loss of cohesive ends by end-joining. In the second, cos cutting is assumed to occur as a terminal event in packaging. pD promotes cos cutting indirectly through its effect on head stability. We favor the second model because it better explains the asymmetry observed in the packaging of the chromosomes of cos duplication mutants (Emmons, 1974).  相似文献   

The bacteriophage lambda O protein is needed for initiation of lambda DNA replication. Several lines of evidence suggest that initiation requires that this protein interacts with a specific sequence called ori (for origin) in lambda DNA. We have purified this protein to near homogeneity and studied the protection against nuclease cleavage of the origin DNA sequences. Our data demonstrate that the O protein binds within an interval of about 95 base pairs (bp), which contains four tandemly arranged 19bp repeating sequences, ATCCCTCAAAACGA (G)GG GAT(A). At a low concentration of O protein, the inner two repeats are primarily covered, while binding to the outer two repeats requires a high concentration of O protein. From the molecular size of O protein (32,000 daltons), and the internal symmetry in each 19bp repeat, we inferred that the O protein may bind in dimeric form, and that the 95bp region may be filled only when four such dimers have bound. This interaction is discussed in connection with the "activation" of the ori by O protein leading to initiation of DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The key protein in the initiation of Helicobacter pylori chromosome replication, DnaA, has been characterized. The amount of the DnaA protein was estimated to be approximately 3000 molecules per single cell; a large part of the protein was found in the inner membrane. The H.pylori DnaA protein has been analysed using in vitro (gel retardation assay and surface plasmon resonance (SPR)) as well as in silico (comparative computer modeling) studies. DnaA binds a single DnaA box as a monomer, while binding to the fragment containing several DnaA box motifs, the oriC region, leads to the formation of high molecular mass nucleoprotein complexes. In comparison with the Escherichia coli DnaA, the H.pylori DnaA protein exhibits lower DNA-binding specificity; however, it prefers oriC over non-box DNA fragments. As determined by gel retardation techniques, the H.pylori DnaA binds with a moderate level of affinity to its origin of replication (4nM). Comparative computer modelling showed that there are nine residues within the binding domain which are possible determinants of the reduced H.pylori DnaA specificity. Of these, the most interesting is probably the triad PTL; all three residues show significant divergence from the consensus, and Thr398 is the most divergent residue of all.  相似文献   

The overproduction of DNA terminase of coliphage lambda   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

DNA replication in coliphage λ occurs in two stages. The first round of replication generates mainly circular progeny DNA by a double-branched θ-type replicative form (Ogawa et al., 1968; Schnös &; Inman, 1970). In the late stage of λ DNA replication, however, σ-type rolling-circle replicative form DNA molecules, which produce multigenomic linear concatemers, are primarily found (Takahashi, 1974).At both early and later times, a temperature shift of λ Ots or Pts infected cells from 32 °C (permissive) to 43 °C (non-permissive temperature) caused a rapid reduction of the rate of radioactive precursor incorporation into λ DNA, showing that the gene O and P products are essential for the continuation of λ DNA synthesis. Observations on the molecular fine structure of the replicating fork after a temperature shift revealed characteristic long “single-strand connections” and single-strand “whiskers” at the branch point. These observations suggest that λ gene O and P products are directly involved in the propagation of daughter strands.  相似文献   

K Zahn  F R Blattner 《The EMBO journal》1985,4(13A):3605-3616
We have characterized the binding of lambda phage replication initiation protein O to the phage origin of replication. The minimal DNA segment required for O binding is the single iteron, a 19-bp sequence of hyphenated dyad symmetry that is repeated with variations four times in the origin. The isolated amino terminus of O protein is also sufficient to bind DNA. Electrophoretic studies show that the amino terminus of O protein induces bending of a single iteron. The DNA-protein interaction was characterized by ethylation interference, dimethyl sulfate protection and neocarzinostatin footprinting. Points of DNA-protein contact are largely concentrated in two areas symmetrically disposed with respect to the dyad symmetry of the iteron. This suggests the protein interacts as a dimer with half sites in the DNA. However, a few non-symmetrical contacts are found, indicating that O protein may distort the helix. This may correlate with the bending effects demonstrated electrophoretically. Cylindrical DNA projections were used to model O protein binding to the lambda origin and compare it with the lambda repressor-operator interaction. Whereas bound repressor nearly encircles the DNA in the major groove, O protein leaves the major groove on the opposite side exposed.  相似文献   

DnaA protein, the initiator for chromosomal DNA replication in Escherichia coli, has various activities, such as oligomerization (DnaA-DnaA interaction), ATP-binding, ATPase activity and membrane-binding. Site-directed mutational analyses have revealed not only the amino acid residues that are essential for these activities but also the functions of these activities. Following is a summary of the functions and regulatory mechanisms of DnaA protein in the initiation of chromosomal DNA replication. ATP-bound DnaA protein, but not other forms of the protein binds to the origin of DNA replication and forms oligomers to open-up the duplex DNA. This oligomerization is mediated by a DnaA-DnaA interaction through the N-terminal region of the protein. After initiation of DNA replication, the ATPase activity of DnaA protein is stimulated and DnaA protein is inactivated to the ADP-bound form to suppress the re-initiation of DNA replication. DnaA protein binds to acidic phospholipids through an ionic interaction between basic amino acid residues of the protein and acidic residues of phospholipids. This interaction seems to be involved in the re-activation of DnaA protein (from the ADP-bound form to the ATP-bound form) to initiate DNA replication after the appropriate interval.  相似文献   

The DnaA protein specifically binds to the origin of chromosomal DNA replication and initiates DNA synthesis. In addition to this sequence-specific DNA binding, DnaA protein binds to DNA in a sequence-independent manner. We here compared the two DNA binding activities. Binding of ATP and ADP to DnaA inhibited the sequence-independent DNA binding, but not sequence-specific binding. Sequence-independent DNA binding, but not sequence-specific binding, required incubation at high temperatures. Mutations in the C-terminal domain affected the sequence-independent DNA binding activity less drastically than they did the sequence-specific binding. On the other hand, the mutant DnaA433, which has mutations in a membrane-binding domain (K327 to I344) was inert for sequence-independent binding, but could bind specifically to DNA. These results suggest that the two DNA binding activities involve different domains and perform different functions from each other in Escherichia coli cells.  相似文献   

DnaA protein, the initiation factor for chromosomal DNA replication in Escherichia coli, is activated by ATP. ATP bound to DnaA protein is slowly hydrolyzed to ADP, but the physiological role of ATP hydrolysis is unclear. We constructed, by site-directed mutagenesis, mutated DnaA protein with lower ATPase activity, and we examined its function in vitro and in vivo. The ATPase activity of purified mutated DnaA protein (Glu204-->Gln) decreased to one-third that of the wild-type DnaA protein. The mutation did not significantly affect the affinity of DnaA protein for ATP or ADP. The mutant dnaA gene showed lethality in wild-type cells but not in cells growing independently of the function of oriC. Induction of the mutated DnaA protein in wild-type cells caused an overinitiation of DNA replication. Our results lead to the thesis that the intrinsic ATPase activity of DnaA protein negatively regulates chromosomal DNA replication in E. coli cells.  相似文献   

The replication initiator protein RepD encoded by the Staphylococcus chloramphenicol resistance plasmid pC221 stimulates the helicase activity of the Bacillus stearothermophilus PcrA DNA helicase in vitro. This stimulatory effect seems to be specific for PcrA and differs from the stimulatory effect of the Escherichia coli ribosomal protein L3. Whereas L3 stimulates the PcrA helicase activity by promoting co-operative PcrA binding onto its DNA substrate, RepD stimulates the PcrA helicase activity by increasing the processivity of the enzyme and enables PcrA to displace DNA from a nicked substrate. The implication of these results is that PcrA is the helicase recruited into the replisome by RepD during rolling circle replication of plasmids of the pT181 family.  相似文献   

The cohesive ends of the DNA of bacteriophage λ particles are normally formed by the action of a nuclease on the cohesive end sites (cos) of concatemeric λ DNA (reviewed by Hohn et al., 1977). The nuclease also cuts the cos site of an integrated prophage, and DNA located to the right is preferentially packaged into phage particles. This process occurs with approximately the same efficiency and rate in a single lysogen as in a tandem polylysogen. Thus, the rate of cos cutting does not increase when the number of cos sites per molecule increases, an hypothesis that has been proposed to explain why cohesive ends are not formed in circular monomers of λ DNA. We propose instead that the interaction of Ter with cos is influenced by the configuration of the DNA outside of cos during packaging, and that this configuration is different for circular monomers than for other forms of λ DNA. A model that gives rise to such a difference is described.We also found that missense mutations in the λ A gene changed the efficiency of packaging of phage relative to host DNA. This was not the case for missense mutations in several phage genes required for capsid formation. Thus, the product of gene A plays a role in determining packaging specificity, as expected if it is or is part of the nuclease that cuts λ DNA at cos.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage lambda P protein promoters replication of the phage chromosome by recruiting a key component of the cellular replication machinery to the viral origin. Specifically, P protein delivers one or more molecules of Escherichia coli DnaB helicase to a nucleoprotein structure formed by the lambda O initiator at the lambda replication origin. Using purified proteins, we have examined the features of the pivotal host virus interaction between P and DnaB. These two proteins interact in vitro to form a P.DnaB protein complex that can be resolved by sedimentation or by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose from the individual free proteins. The sedimentation coefficient of the P.DnaB complex, 13 S, suggests a size larger than that of free DnaB hexamer (Mr = 313,600). The P.DnaB complex isolated by glycerol gradient sedimentation contains approximately three protomers of P/DnaB hexamer, consistent with a molecular weight of 393,000. The isolated P.DnaB complex functions in vitro in the initiation of lambda DNA replication. Interaction of P with DnaB strongly suppressed both the intrinsic DNA-dependent ATPase activity of DnaB, as well as the capacity of DnaB to assist E. coli primase in the general priming reaction. Formation of a P.DnaB protein complex also blocked DnaB from functioning in the initiation of E. coli DNA replication in vitro. The physical and functional properties of lambda P protein suggest that it is a viral analogue of the E. coli DnaC replication protein. Like P, DnaC also binds to DnaB (Wickner, S., and Hurwitz, J. (1975) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 72, 921-925), but unlike P, DnaC stimulates DnaB-mediated general priming. When viral P and bacterial DnaC replication proteins were placed in direct competition with one another for binding to DnaB, the viral protein was clearly predominant. For example, a 5-fold molar excess of DnaC protein only partially reversed the inhibitory effect of P on general priming. Furthermore, when a preformed DnaC.DnaB protein complex was incubated briefly with P protein, it was readily converted into a P.DnaB protein complex and the bulk of the bound DnaC was released as free protein. It is likely that the capacity of the lambda P protein to outcompete the analogous host protein for binding to the bacterial DnaB helicase is the critical molecular event enabling infecting phage to recruit cellular replication proteins required for initiation of DNA synthesis at the viral origin.  相似文献   

It has previously been established that sequences at the C termini of polypeptide substrates are critical for efficient hydrolysis by the ClpP/ClpX ATP-dependent protease. We report for the bacteriophage lambda O replication protein, however, that N-terminal sequences play the most critical role in facilitating proteolysis by ClpP/ClpX. The N-terminal portion of lambda O is degraded at a rate comparable with that of wild type O protein, whereas the C-terminal domain of O is hydrolyzed at least 10-fold more slowly. Consistent with these results, deletion of the first 18 amino acids of lambda O blocks degradation of the N-terminal domain, whereas proteolysis of the O C-terminal domain is only slightly diminished as a result of deletion of the C-terminal 15 amino acids. We demonstrate that ClpX retains its capacity to bind to the N-terminal domain following removal of the first 18 amino acids of O. However, ClpX cannot efficiently promote the ATP-dependent binding of this truncated O polypeptide to ClpP, the catalytic subunit of the ClpP/ClpX protease. Based on our results with lambda O protein, we suggest that two distinct structural elements may be required in substrate polypeptides to enable efficient hydrolysis by the ClpP/ClpX protease: (i) a ClpX-binding site, which may be located remotely from substrate termini, and (ii) a proper N- or C-terminal sequence, whose exposure on the substrate surface may be induced by the binding of ClpX.  相似文献   

The inability of coliphage 186 to infect productively a dnaA(Ts) mutant at a restrictive temperature was confirmed. However, the requirement by 186 for DnaA is indirect, since 186 can successfully infect suppressed dnaA (null) strains. The block to 186 infection of a dnaA(Ts) strain at a restrictive temperature is at the level of replication but incompletely so, since some 20% of the phage specific replication seen with infection of a dnaA+ host does occur. A mutant screen, to isolate host mutants blocked in 186-specific replication but not in the replication of the close relative coliphage P2, which has no DnaA requirement, yielded a mutant whose locus we mapped to the rep gene. A 186 mutant able to infect this rep mutant was isolated, and the mutation was located in the phage replication initiation endonuclease gene A, suggesting direct interaction between the Rep helicase and phage endonuclease during replication. DNA sequencing indicated a glutamic acid-to-valine change at residue 155 of the 694-residue product of gene A. In the discussion, we speculate that the indirect need of DnaA function is at the level of lagging-strand synthesis in the rolling circle replication of 186.  相似文献   

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