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Nodal, a member of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) superfamily, is implicated in many events critical to the early vertebrate embryo, including mesoderm formation, anterior patterning, and left-right axis specification. Here we define the intracellular signaling pathway induced by recombinant nodal protein treatment of P19 embryonal carcinoma cells. Nodal signaling activates pAR3-Lux, a luciferase reporter previously shown to respond specifically to activin and TGF-beta. However, nodal is unable to induce pTlx2-Lux, a reporter specifically responsive to bone morphogenetic proteins. We also demonstrate that nodal induces p(CAGA)(12), a reporter previously shown to be specifically activated by Smad3. Expression of a dominant negative Smad2 significantly reduces the level of luciferase reporter activity induced by nodal treatment. Finally, we show that nodal signaling rapidly leads to the phosphorylation of Smad2. These results provide the first direct biochemical evidence that nodal signaling is mediated by both activin-TGF-beta pathway Smads, Smad2 and Smad3. We also show here that the extracellular cripto protein is required for nodal signaling, making it distinct from activin or TGF-beta signaling.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) is a key cytokine involved in the pathogenesis of fibrosis in many organs. We previously demonstrated in renal proximal tubular cells that the engagement of the extracellular polysaccharide hyaluronan with its receptor CD44 attenuated TGF-beta1 signaling. In the current study we examined the potential mechanism by which the interaction between hyaluronan (HA) and CD44 regulates TGF-beta receptor function. Affinity labeling of TGF-beta receptors demonstrated that in the unstimulated cells the majority of the receptor partitioned into EEA-1-associated non-lipid raft-associated membrane pools. In the presence of exogenous HA, the majority of the receptors partitioned into caveolin-1 lipid raft-associated pools. TGF-beta1 increased the association of activated/phosphorylated Smad proteins with EEA-1, consistent with activation of TGF-beta1 signaling following endosomal internalization. Following addition of HA, caveolin-1 associated with the inhibitory Smad protein Smad7, consistent with the raft pools mediating receptor turnover, which was facilitated by HA. Antagonism of TGF-beta1-dependent Smad signaling and the effect of HA on TGF-beta receptor associations were inhibited by depletion of membrane cholesterol using nystatin and augmented by inhibition of endocytosis. The effect of HA on TGF-beta receptor trafficking was inhibited by inhibition of HA-CD44 interactions, using blocking antibody to CD44 or inhibition of MAP kinase activation. In conclusion, we have proposed a model by which HA engagement of CD44 leads to MAP kinase-dependent increased trafficking of TGF-beta receptors to lipid raft-associated pools, which facilitates increased receptor turnover and attenuation of TGF-beta1-dependent alteration in proximal tubular cell function.  相似文献   

The bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) family, the largest subfamily of the structurally conserved transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) superfamily of growth factors, are multifunctional regulators of development, proliferation, and differentiation. The TGF-beta type III receptor (TbetaRIII or betaglycan) is an abundant cell surface proteoglycan that has been well characterized as a TGF-beta and inhibin receptor. Here we demonstrate that TbetaRIII functions as a BMP cell surface receptor. TbetaRIII directly and specifically binds to multiple members of the BMP subfamily, including BMP-2, BMP-4, BMP-7, and GDF-5, with similar kinetics and ligand binding domains as previously identified for TGF-beta. TbetaRIII also enhances ligand binding to the BMP type I receptors, whereas short hairpin RNA-mediated silencing of endogenous TbetaRIII attenuates BMP-mediated Smad1 phosphorylation. Using a biologically relevant model for TbetaRIII function, we demonstrate that BMP-2 specifically stimulates TbetaRIII-mediated epithelial to mesenchymal cell transformation. The ability of TbetaRIII to serve as a cell surface receptor and mediate BMP, inhibin, and TGF-beta signaling suggests a broader role for TbetaRIII in orchestrating TGF-beta superfamily signaling.  相似文献   

The expression of transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-beta 1), and transforming growth factor-beta receptor type II (T beta R-II), were evaluated in periovulatory marmoset ovaries. Histochemical methods were used, in particular double-labelling techniques, in order to correlate growth factor/receptor expression with proliferation (Ki 67), apoptosis (TUNEL method) and luteinization (3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3 beta-HSD)). The latter was used as a luteinization marker. Periovulatory ovaries are especially suited for studying all aspects since they typically consist of small non-luteinized follicles, large luteinizing follicles and corpora lutea accessoria (Clas), which have developed from large luteinizing follicles. TGF-beta 1 and T beta R-II expression was found in luteinizing theca cells of large periovulatory follicles and in all luteal cells of Clas. Non-luteinized theca cells, including those of small follicles were always devoid of any immunostaining. Granulosa cells of small follicles were immunopositive for T beta R-II. Large follicles with granulosa cell immunoreactivity of both antibodies coexisted with non-reactive follicles of comparable size. The highest activity of the luteal marker enzyme 3 beta-HSD was co-localized in the same cells that expressed TGF-beta 1 and T beta R-II. The double-labelling experiments revealed that TGF-beta 1 and T beta R-II expression is not correlated with proliferation or apoptosis of follicular cells. Our results indicate that TGF-beta 1 and T beta R-II participate in differentiation processes, i.e. luteinization, rather than proliferation. In particular, the dynamics of T beta R-II expression appear highly related to the process of luteinization.  相似文献   

The biology of the helminth parasite Schistosoma mansoni is closely integrated with that of its mammalian host. SmRK1, a divergent type I transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) receptor of unknown ligand specificity, was previously identified as a candidate for a receptor that allows schistosomes to respond to host-derived growth factors. The TGF-beta family includes activin, bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), and TGF-beta, all of which can play crucial roles in metazoan development. The downstream signaling protein of receptors that respond to TGF-beta and activin is Smad2, whereas the receptors that respond to BMPs signal via Smad1. When a constitutively active mutant of SmRK1 was overexpressed with either schistosome Smad1 (SmSmad1) or SmSmad2, a receptor-dependent modulation of SmSmad phosphorylation and luciferase reporter activity occurred only with SmSmad2. To evaluate potential ligand activators of SmRK1, a chimeric receptor containing the extracellular domain of SmRK1 joined to the intracellular domain of the human type I TGF-beta receptor was used. The chimeric receptor bound radiolabeled TGF-beta and could activate a luciferase reporter gene in response to both TGF-beta 1 and TGF-beta 3 but not BMP7. Confirmatory results were obtained using full-length SmRK1. These experiments implicate TGF-beta as a ligand for SmRK1 and as a potential host-derived regulator of parasite growth and development.  相似文献   

It has been widely assumed that the interaction of transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) with its serum-binding protein, alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M), mediates the rapid clearance of TGF-beta 1 from the circulation. To test this, we have analyzed the effect of TGF-beta 1 binding on the conformational state of alpha 2M. Our results demonstrate that the binding of TGF-beta 1 to alpha 2M does not lead to the conformational change in the alpha 2M molecule that is required for the clearance of the alpha 2M.TGF-beta 1 complex via the alpha 2M receptor. Furthermore, endogenous TGF-beta 1 is associated with the conformationally unaltered slow clearance form of alpha 2M. Clearance studies in mice show that the half-life of 125I-TGF-beta 1 in the circulation (1.6 +/- 0.71 min) is not affected by blocking the alpha 2M receptor with excess conformationally altered alpha 2M. These results suggest that TGF-beta 1 is rapidly cleared from the circulation after injection by a pathway not involving alpha 2M.  相似文献   

Endoglin is an auxiliary component of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) receptor system, able to associate with the signaling receptor types I (TbetaRI) and II (TbetaRII) in the presence of ligand and to modulate the cellular responses to TGF-beta1. Endoglin cannot bind ligand on its own but requires the presence of the signaling receptors, supporting a critical role for the interaction between endoglin and TbetaRI or TbetaRII. This study shows that full-length endoglin interacts with both TbetaRI and TbetaRII, independently of their kinase activation state or the presence of exogenous TGF-beta1. Truncated constructs encoding either the extracellular or the cytoplasmic domains of endoglin demonstrated that the association with the signaling receptors occurs through both extracellular and cytoplasmic domains. However, a more specific mapping revealed that the endoglin/TbetaRI interaction was different from that of endoglin/TbetaRII. TbetaRII interacts with the amino acid region 437-558 of the extracellular domain of endoglin, whereas TbetaRI interacts not only with the region 437-558 but also with the protein region located between amino acid 437 and the N terminus. Both TbetaRI and TbetaRII interact with the cytoplasmic domain of endoglin, but TbetaRI only interacts when the kinase domain is inactive, whereas TbetaRII remains associated in its active and inactive forms. Upon association, TbetaRI and TbetaRII phosphorylate the endoglin cytoplasmic domain, and then TbetaRI, but not TbetaRII, kinase dissociates from the complex. Conversely, endoglin expression results in an altered phosphorylation state of TbetaRII, TbetaRI, and downstream Smad proteins as well as a modulation of TGF-beta signaling, as measured by the reporter gene expression. These results suggest that by interacting through its extracellular and cytoplasmic domains with the signaling receptors, endoglin might affect TGF-beta responses.  相似文献   

Smad7 is an inhibitory Smad that acts as a negative regulator of signaling by the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) superfamily proteins. Smad7 is induced by TGF-beta, stably interacts with activated TGF-beta type I receptor (TbetaR-I), and interferes with the phosphorylation of receptor-regulated Smads. Here we show that Smurf1, an E3 ubiquitin ligase for bone morphogenetic protein-specific Smads, also interacts with Smad7 and induces Smad7 ubiquitination and translocation into the cytoplasm. In addition, Smurf1 associates with TbetaR-I via Smad7, with subsequent enhancement of turnover of TbetaR-I and Smad7. These results thus reveal a novel function of Smad7, i.e. induction of degradation of TbetaR-I through recruitment of an E3 ligase to the receptor.  相似文献   

We have identified several transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) binding proteins in solubilized and glycoprotein-enriched porcine uterus membrane fractions by affinity cross-linking and in-gel ligand binding using 125I-labeled TGF-beta 1. By a ligand affinity chromatography using a column of immobilized recombinant TGF-beta 1, four components of apparent molecular weights 160,000, 80,000, 50,000, and 40,000 under reducing conditions were eluted at a pH of 3.5; the 160-,80-, and 40-kDa components were demonstrated to bind TGF-beta 1 specifically by the 125I-TGF-beta 1 binding assays. Further purification was performed by gel chromatography using a Superose 12 column eluted in 70% formic acid. The 40-kDa component was purified to an apparently homogenous form, whereas the 160-kDa component eluted in a broad peak overlapping the peak of the 80-kDa component. It remains to be elucidated whether these TGF-beta 1 binding proteins are related to cell surface receptors for TGF-beta s.  相似文献   

Scatchard analyses of the binding of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) to a wide variety of different cell types in culture revealed the universal presence of high affinity (Kd = 1-60 pM) receptors for TGF-beta on every cell type assayed, indicating a wide potential target range for TGF-beta action. There was a strong (r = +0.85) inverse relationship between the receptor affinity and the number of receptors expressed per cell, such that at low TGF-beta concentrations, essentially all cells bound a similar number of TGF-beta molecules per cell. The binding of TGF-beta to various cell types was not altered by many agents that affect the cellular response to TGF-beta, suggesting that modulation of TGF-beta binding to its receptor may not be a primary control mechanism in TGF-beta action. Similarly, in vitro transformation resulted in only relatively small changes in the cellular binding of TGF-beta, and for those cell types that exhibited ligand-induced down-regulation of the receptor, down-regulation was not extensive. Thus the strong conservation of binding observed between cell types is also seen within a given cell type under a variety of conditions, and receptor expression appears to be essentially constitutive. Finally, the biologically inactive form of TGF-beta, which constitutes greater than 98% of autocrine TGF-beta secreted by all of the twelve different cell types assayed, was shown to be unable to bind to the receptor without prior activation in vitro. It is proposed that this may prevent premature interaction of autocrine ligand and receptor in the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

We have identified two distinct classes of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta)-binding proteins by affinity labeling rat glomeruli with 125I-TGF-beta 1 and 125I-TGF-beta 2. The first type consists of a group of proteins that bind TGF-beta 1 but do not bind TGF-beta 2. When 125I-TGF-beta 1 affinity-labeled glomeruli were separated under nonreducing conditions, four prominent bands with Mr values of 320,000, 260,000, 170,000, and 90,000 were observed. Following reduction, the 320,000 and 170,000 bands yielded only a 100,000 band, the 260,000 complex yielded bands of 200,000, 100,000, and 85,000, and the 90,000 band migrated with an Mr of 85,000. Binding of 125I-TGF-beta 1 to these proteins was unaffected by the addition of as much as a 1,000-fold excess of TGF-beta 2. The second type of glomerular TGF-beta-binding protein consists of Mr 160,000-200,000 and 280,000 proteins that bind both TGF-beta 1 and beta 2. Digestion of these affinity-labeled proteins with heparitinase and chondroitinase resulted in a decrease of approximately 40,000 in their apparent molecular weights. Glomerular TGF-beta 1-binding proteins are distinct from previously described TGF-beta-binding proteins in their specificity for TGF-beta 1 and their formation of disulfide-linked multimers. The TGF-beta 1/beta 2-binding proteins share some properties of the previously described type III TGF-beta receptor.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) is a secreted polypeptide factor that is thought to play a major role in the regulation of proliferation of many cell types and various differentiation processes. Several related isoforms have been structurally characterized, three of which, TGF-beta 1, -beta 2, and -beta 3, have been detected in mammalian cells and tissues. Each TGF-beta form is a homodimer of a 112-amino-acid polypeptide which is encoded as a larger polypeptide precursor. We have introduced several mutations in the TGF-beta 1 precursor domain, resulting in an inhibition of TGF-beta 1 secretion. Coexpression of these mutants with wild-type TGF-beta 1, -beta 2, and -beta 3 results in a competitive and specific inhibition of the secretion of different TFG-beta forms, indicating that these mutated versions act as dominant negative mutants for TGF-beta secretion. Overexpression of dominant negative mutants can thus be used to abolish endogenous secretion of TGF-beta and structurally related family members, both in vitro and in vivo, and to probe in this way the physiological functions of the members of the TGF-beta superfamily.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) is a cytokine that plays a pivotal role in growth, differentiation, development, immune response and wound healing. TGF-beta is upregulated following wound infliction and inflammation, and plays an important role in the production of extracellular matrix proteins that contribute to tissue repair. However, in some diseases, TGF-beta dysregulation can lead to tumor formation, organ fibrosis and the disruption of organ function. A number of molecules have been designed to counteract the effects of TGF-beta, including anti-TGF-beta monoclonal antibodies and various small molecules. Here we discuss the design, use and advantages of the highly specific TGF-beta binding molecule, the soluble human TGF-beta receptor (sTbetaR.Fc) as a TGF-beta sequestering agent.  相似文献   

High affinity insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins (IGFBP-1 to -6) are a family of structurally homologous proteins that induce cellular responses by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-dependent and -independent mechanisms. The IGFBP-3 receptor, which mediates the IGF-independent growth inhibitory response, has recently been identified as the type V transforming growth factor-beta receptor (TbetaR-V) (Leal, S. M., Liu, Q. L., Huang, S. S., and Huang, J. S. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 20572-20576). To characterize the interactions of high affinity IGFBPs with TbetaR-V, mink lung epithelial cells (Mv1Lu cells) were incubated with 125I-labeled recombinant human IGFBPs (125I-IGFBP-1 to -6) in the presence of the cross-linking agent disuccinimidyl suberate and analyzed by 5% SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. 125I-IGFBP-3, -4, and -5 but not 125I-IGFBP-1, -2, and -6 bound to TbetaR-V as demonstrated by the detection of the approximately 400-kDa 125I-IGFBP.TbetaR-V cross-linked complex in the cell lysates and immunoprecipitates. The analyses of 125I-labeled ligand binding competition and DNA synthesis inhibition revealed that IGFBP-3 was a more potent ligand for TbetaR-V than IGFBP-4 or -5. Most of the high affinity 125I-IGFBPs formed dimers at the cell surface. The cell-surface dimer of 125I-IGFBP-3 preferentially bound to and was cross-linked to TbetaR-V in the presence of disuccinimidyl suberate. IGFBP-3 did not stimulate the cellular phosphorylation of Smad2 and Smad3, key transducers of the transforming growth factor-beta type I/type II receptor (TbetaR-I.TbetaR-II) heterocomplex-mediated signaling. These results suggest that IGFBP-3, -4, and -5 are specific ligands for TbetaR-V, which mediates the growth inhibitory response through a signaling pathway(s) distinct from that mediated by the TbetaR-I and TbetaR-II heterocomplex.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor (TGF)-β family proteins are synthesized as precursors that are cleaved to generate an active ligand. Previous studies suggest that TGF-β activity can be controlled by lysosomal degradation of both precursor proteins and ligands, but how these soluble proteins are trafficked to the lysosome is incompletely understood. The current studies show that sortilin selectively co-immunoprecipitates with the cleaved prodomain and/or precursor form of TGF-β family members. Furthermore, sortilin co-localizes with, and enhances accumulation of a nodal family member in the Golgi. Co-expression of sortilin with TGF-β family members leads to decreased accumulation of precursor proteins and cleavage products and this is attenuated by lysosomal, but not proteosomal inhibitors. In Xenopus embryos, overexpression of sortilin leads to a decrease in phospho-Smad2 levels and phenocopies loss of nodal signaling. Conversely, down-regulation of sortilin expression in HeLa cells leads to an up-regulation of endogenous bone morphogenic protein pathway activation, as indicated by an increase in phospho-Smad1/5/8 levels. Our results suggest that sortilin negatively regulates TGF-β signaling by diverting trafficking of precursor proteins to the lysosome during transit through the biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

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