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H. G. Fowler 《BioControl》1988,33(4):397-401
Euphasiopteryx depleta (Wied) flies successfully developed in the mole cricketsScapteriscus borellii Giglio-Tos andScapteriscus vicinus Scudder, as well as in the short-tailed cricket,Anurogryllus sp., after artificially placing larvae under their pronota. Using this technique, no relation was found between the number of larvae placed on each cricket and the resulting number of puparia obtained from the cricket. In all cases, the number of flies emerging from the puparia was small, with females failing to mature reproductively. AsE. depleta has been reared from field collectedScapteriscus spp., the exact reasons for lack of maturation remain unknown.Anurogryllus sp. can be considered a probable alternate host forE. depleta.   相似文献   

Summary A new cell line, designated SPC G1 13, derived from dorsal vessels of larvae ofGromphadorhina laevigata has been established. The medium used is D. 73. The cells are fibroblastlike cells. Some of them are fixed; others, spindle-shaped or round, are in suspension. Most of the cells have the diploid chromosome number. The SPC G1 13 cell line is permissive to the chlamydiaRickettsiella grylli Research was supported, in part, by “A.T.P. Microbiology” INRA-CNRS.  相似文献   

【目的】肠道微生物中的真菌群落在宿主生命活动中具有多种功能。锹甲是常见的腐食性甲虫,但目前对其肠道真菌群落的研究较少,本研究分析彩虹锹甲(Phalacrognathus muelleri)不同发育阶段的肠道真菌群落结构和多样性,试图阐明彩虹锹甲在不同发育阶段中肠道真菌群落的特征。【方法】本研究通过高通量测序(Illumina MiSeq)技术对彩虹锹甲不同发育阶段(包括新生幼虫、成熟幼虫、成虫)之间肠道真菌群落结构进行比较研究,分析其α多样性、β多样性和功能预测。【结果】彩虹锹甲肠道优势真菌类群为假丝酵母属(Candida)、Phialocephala、青霉属(Penicillium)、烧瓶状霉属(Lecythophora)。肠道真菌群落组成与多样性在幼虫期和成虫期存在显著差异,成虫与幼虫食性差别可能是导致肠道真菌群落组成和多样性差异的重要原因。功能预测结果显示,幼虫肠道中含有更高的内共生菌多样性与相对丰度,说明幼虫可能更加依赖其肠道有益真菌来获得充分的养分。β零模型结果显示,成虫肠道对其真菌群落具有更强的过滤作用,从而选择特定的肠道真菌类群,导致成虫肠道真菌群落共现网络具有更高的稳定性,增强成虫对环境波动的适应能力。【结论】本研究发现彩虹锹甲不同发育阶段参与食物降解的功能真菌类型不同,幼虫可能对肠道真菌的依赖性更强,而成虫肠道较强的选择作用有助于选择特定真菌类群和保持肠道真菌群落稳定。本研究有助于更好理解锹甲肠道真菌群落的多样性,为开展腐栖甲虫作为生态系统重要功能群的利用与保护提供更多理论参考。  相似文献   

M. C. Miller 《BioControl》1986,31(1):39-48
Mechanical exclusion methods were used on the preferred portion of the hosttree bole to evaluateIps calligraphus brood mortality caused by the insect associate complex with and without the contribution ofMonochamus sawyer foraging. The studies compared brood adultIps calligraphus emergence from beetle infested bolts from which all insect associates were excluded, from which onlyMonochamus sawyers were excluded, and those bolts which were exposed to all insect associates. The least mortality occurred in bolts from which all insect associates were excluded, significantly more mortality occurred in bolts from which only sawyers were excluded, and the greatest mortality occurred in bolts exposed to all insect associates. Average monthly mortality due to insect associates was 89%, with 51% due to sawyer foraging. Insect associates were found to be more effective from May through July, while sawyer foraging produced the greatest within-bolt mortality from August through October.  相似文献   

Guy Boivin 《BioControl》1988,33(2):245-248
A technique for rearingAnaphes sordidatus (Girault) on eggs of laboratory-reared carrot weevil,Listronotus oregonensis (Le Conte), is described. Individual rearing was possible by using polyethylene embedding capsules that enabled easy manipulation of parasitized carrot weevil eggs for use in subsequent experimental procedures. The technique described resulted in 65% parasitization of carrot weevil eggs and 90 mn per day were sufficient to obtainca. 200 parasites daily.   相似文献   

Artificial and modified natural hosts were exposed to females of the gypsy moth [Lymantria dispar (L.)] hyperparasite,Eurytoma appendigaster (Swederus), to investigate its host recognition behavior on the primary host, which are cocooned larvae of the gypsy moth parasite,Cotesia melanoscela (Ratzeburg). Material(s) which caused drilling behavior by the hyperparasite on host cocoons were extracted with both polar and non-polar solvents. However, cocoons washed with large volumes of solvent still caused substantial drilling activities by females, suggesting that additional cues may be important. Results suggest that host recognition in this hyperparasite involves a variety of host characteristics.   相似文献   

Anagyrus indicus Shafeeet al. was collected on the island of Guam and released in the Jordan River Valley of Jordan in order to regulateNipaecoccus viridis (Newstead) on citrus.A. indicus was originally released in February 1984 and became colonized by April of the same year. It also dispersed by natural means up to 61 km following the original release and colonized that same year on infestedZizyphus sp. By spring of 1985 it became the dominant parasitoid attackingN. viridis. Another parasitoid,Anagyrus kamali Moursi, was collected in Jordan in June of 1985 for the first time. This latter parasitoid apparently moved into the Jordan River Valley by means of natural dispersal from a neighboring country. Infestations ofN. viridis have been greatly reduced in areas whereA. indicus became established. This paper reports the results of research only. Mention of a proprietary product does not constitute an endorsement for its use by USDA.  相似文献   

The entomopathogenic fungus,Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin, was applied to whorl-stage (V7) corn,Zea mays L., by foliar application of a granular formulation of corn grits containing conidia or by injection of a conidial suspension. All plants were infested with European corn borer larvae,Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), at the V7 (whorl), V12 (late-whorl), or V17 (pretassel) stage of plant development. Plants infested at whorl and late-whorl stages had significantly more European corn borer tunneling than did plants infested at the pretassel stage. The percentage of plants colonized byB. bassiana did not differ significantly among the whorl, late-whorl, and pretassel stages. As the plants matured,B. bassiana was isolated from different plant areas, with the pith more frequently colonized than the leaf collars. Foliar application ofB. bassiana provided immediate suppression ofO. nubilalis in those plants infested at whorl stage. The reduced efficacy ofB. bassiana at the intermediate plant stages relative to efficacy at harvest is discussed. The mention of firm names or trade products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture over other firms or similar products not mentioned.  相似文献   

Methods were developed for rearingGlypta fumiferanae Viereck on a nondiapausing laboratory colony of the western spruce budworm,Choristoneura occidentalis Freeman. Both host and parasite are univoltine and undergo diapause in nature. In this study, the parasite's voltinism was synchronized with that of a nondiapausing host.G. fumiferanae mated readily in the laboratory, and 5 consecutive generations were reared with an average generation time of less than 8 weeks-much less than the 23 weeks needed for 1 generation to develop in the field. Developmental times are reported, and some aspects of behavior described.  相似文献   

J. Klingler 《BioControl》1988,33(3):325-331
Experiments were conducted to study the efficacy of the insect parasitic nematodeHeterorhabditis sp. (HW79) as a biological control agent ofOtiorrhynchus salicicola. This weevil species is reported as a pest of ornamental plants in Switzerland and Italy. Dipping plastic boxes containing heavily infested cuttings of laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) in a nematode suspension resulted in approximately 100% parasitisation of full-grown larvae, pupae and non-emerged young adults. The average dose resulting from dipping varied between 56,000 and 62,000 nematodes per liter soil. This experiment was run under natural outdoor conditions. In a further outdoor experiment, pottedLigustrum plants were inoculated with eggs ofO. salicicola and later 20,000 infective juvenile nematodes per liter soil were added to the soil surface. The resulting weevil mortality in the treated pots was 78%. In seven greenhouse tests using the same nematode dose in pots with horticultural soil to which weevil larvae had been added, weevil mortality varied between 76% and 100%, the arithmetic average being 90%. These results indicate that Heterorhabditid nematodes may provide an effective means of controllingO. salicicola. In an other experiment usingO. sulcatus larvae, the influence of application time on nematode efficacy was investigated. When nematodes were added a few days before weevil larvae had hatched from the eggs, no parasitic effect was obtained. Nematode applications done shortly after larval hatching however, resulted in complete weevil control. These results are of significance in timing nematode applications in practice.   相似文献   

Two species of predaceous mites,Amblyseius barkeri (Hughes) [=A. mckenziei Schuster & Pritchard] andA. cucumeris (Oudemans) [Acarina: Phytoseiidae] were evaluated as potential biological control agents forThrips tabaci Lindeman [Thysanoptera: Thripidae] on cabbage.A. barkeri colonized cabbage heads in preliminary trials. Field releases of different numbers of mites per plant during 1987 showed thatA. barkeri reduced the number of thrips in cabbage heads at harvest, and the reduction was proportional to the number of mites released, but thrips damage was unaffected. ReleasingA. cucumeris at different times during 1988, but releasing the same number of mites each time, we found that earlier releases resulted in fewer thrips and less damage at harvest; these relationships were not present, however, in plots treated with pyrethroid insecticides. We conclude that inoculative release ofAmblyseius spp. is a potentially useful thrips management strategy, but improvements in release timing and strategy will be required to provide commercially acceptable control.   相似文献   

Laboratory studies showed that 1st-instarBonnetia comta (Fallén) maggots (planidia) had a significant impact (P<0.05) on mortality of all black cutworm (BCW),Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel), instars, either by killing 1st- and 2nd-instar BCWs 2.3 to 9.7 days after parasitization or by producing a puparium from older host instars. Diet consumption and utilization by BCW larvae parasitized byB. comta as 4th instars were similar to those of nonparasitized larvae until 1 to 2 days before the parasitoid emerged. In a 2-year host exposure study in Iowa, it was found thatB. comta primarily parasitized released BCWs in June through September and did not seem to play a role in controlling the damaging 1st generation of BCW larvae. Techniques were developed to produce and store large numbers ofB. comta planidia.Bonnetia comta deposited large numbers of planidia on filter paper treated with a fecal supernatant. These planidia could be stored on filter paper in a covered Petri dish at 4.4°C for 5 days with minimal mortality. Preliminary field data show that planidia placed around corn seedlings infested with 4th-instar BCW larvae do parasitize the pest and reduce the hosts cutting potential.  相似文献   

Microplitis mediator (Haliday) a gregarious endoparasite was recorded for the first time fromAgrotis segetum (Schiff) in Ankara, Turkey. The female parasites found their hosts by responding to the faeces of the caterpillars. An average, females laid 15.5±1.6 eggs in the bodies of their hosts. The newly laid eggs were elongated, oval in shape and 0.23±0.004 mm long and 0.07 mm wide. They hatched in 5, 4 and 3 days at 20±2°C, 25±2°C and 30±2°C respectively when maintained at 60–70% R.H. and 14∶10 light∶dark regime. At the same temperatures, the larval stage lasted for 24.9±0.6, 18.2±0.4 and 17.1±0.5 days respectively. The prepupal stage was completed in 2 days at 25±2°C, whereas the prepupal and pupal (cocoon) stage lasted 10.9±0.2, 7.0±0.1 and 6.2±0.1 days respectively at the temperatures mentioned above. The adults started mating and feeding shortly after emergence. Female parasites started laying after one day, 7–11 hours and 5–7 hours at the temperatures stated above. At these temperatures females lived for 10.8±0.2, 5.4±0.1, 4.6±0.1 days and laid on average 556, 484 and 363 eggs respectively, whereas the males survived 10.5±0.3, 4.7±0.1 and 4.4±0.1 days respectively.   相似文献   

Biological studies withChrysocharis parksi Crawford, a parasite of agromyzid leafminers, were conducted.C. parksi successfully parasitized the following species in the genusLiriomyza Mik.,L. huidobrensis (Blanchard),L. sativae Blanchard,L. trifolii (Burgess), andL. trifoliearum Spencer. Successful parasite development was recorded from 8 plant families and 16 genera. Host plants which were suitable for leafminer development to the adult stage were also suitable for parasite development. Mean immature developmental period (egg to adult, usingL. trifolii as the host) at 21.1°, 26.7°, and 32.2° C was (for both sexes) 23, 14, and 14 days, respectively. Longevity of females provided only water was inversely related to temperature; significantly longer survival occurred at 21.1° C (5.0 days) compared to 26.7° C and 32.2° C (3.2 and 2.1 days, respectively). The addition of honey to the diet significantly improved longevity of both sexes at all temperatures. Adult female parasites which were provided an average of 33.0L. trifolii larvae per day produced an average of 135 offspring at a constant 26.7° C.C. parksi host-fed on ca. 3.7 leafminer larvae per day over an 11-day adult lifespan.   相似文献   

Field and laboratory choice tests in which searching adultEncarsia opulenta Silvestri were exposed to variable densities of citrus blackfly,Aleurocanthus woglumi Ashby, indicated the following: (1) a direct functional relationship between adult parasite aggregation and host density, resulting in (2) a direct density-dependent mortality ofA. woglumi within a single generation timespan. The implications of such nonrandom searching patterns byE. opulenta on stability of the host-parasite interaction on Texas citrus are discussed.  相似文献   

Further evidence for the myrmecophagous habits of adultRhynchopsilopa flies is supplied. The genus probably evolved in association with ants of the genusCrematogaster. The feeding behaviour ofR. nitidissima Hendel on workers ofCrematogaster is described. Choice experiments show an absolute preference forCrematogaster over 3 other and genera. The mouth parts ofR. nitidissima are briefly described.
Résumé Un témoignage supplémentaire des habitudes myrmécophages des adultes de DiptèresRhynchopsilopa est fourni. Le genre a probablement évolué en association avec les fourmis du genreCrematogaster. Le comportement alimentaire deR. nitidissima sur les ouvrières deCrematogaster est décrit. Les choix expérimentaux montrent la préférence absolue pour le genreCrematogaster à l'exclusion des 3 autres genres de fourmis. Les pièces buccales deR. nitidissima sont brièvement décrites.

The biology of the noctuid,Tyta luctuosa (Denis & Schiffermüller) (Lep.: Noctuidae), a defoliator of field bindweed,Convolvulus arvensis L., was studied in southern Europe.T. luctuosa is widely distributed and feeds on both thick stands and scattered host populations growing in a diversity of habitats. It undergoes 2 and perhaps a partial 3rd generation/year in southern Europe and is active during most of the growing season ofC. arvensis. In the laboratory the total time from egg to adult averages 45.6 days. There are 5 larval instars. Adult females deposit on average over 400 eggs. The larvae being able to feed and develop on native North AmericanCalystegia spp. in the laboratory, there are some reservations about its release in North America. However, the moth has potential value as a biological control agent for field bindeed in the western USA where it would fill an almost unoccupied niche.   相似文献   

Two high-molecular water-soluble preparations with high anticomplementary and antioxidant activity were isolated from the roots of Symphytum asperum and S. caucasicum. Their main chemical constituent was found to be poly[oxy-1-carboxy-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethylene] according to IR and NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

1-(2,3,5-Tri-O-acetyl)--D-ribofuranosyl indole, the key compound in the synthesis of glycosides with the bis(indole) aglycone, was obtained for the first time by the indoline–indole method. There were synthesized 3-(1-methylindol-3-yl)-4-(1-glycosylindol-3-yl)furan(or pyrrole)-2,5-diones containing the residue of -D-ribofuranose or 2-deoxy--D-ribofuranose and analogous glycosides of indolo[2,3-a]furano(or pyrrolo)[3,4-]carbazol-5,7-diones, which are structurally relative to the antitumor antibiotic rebeccamycin. Their cytotoxicities toward a number of human tumor cell lines were studied in vitro, and the carbazole N-glycosides were shown to be more active than the bis(indole) glycosides. At the same time, the ribofuranosides were found to be less active than the corresponding ribopyranosides synthesized previously.  相似文献   

P. Kumar  C. R. Ballal 《BioControl》1992,37(2):197-203
The effect of parasitism byHyposoter didymator (Thunb.) [Hym.: Ichneumonidae] on food consumption and utilization bySpodoptera litura (Fb.) [Lep.: Noctuidae] was studied for seven days, during which the parasitoid completed its larval development. Food consumption, weight gained and faeces produced were significantly less in parasitized larvae than in unparasitized larvae after the 4th day following parasitization. Approximate digestibility was higher in parasitized larvae after the 2nd day following parasitization. Efficiency of conversion of ingested and digested food into body weight was greater in unparasitized larvae after the 2nd day of parasitization. There seems to be a definite immediate advantage to the crop on releasing the parasitoid due to the reduced consumption of food. Contribution No. 46004 of Biological Control Centre (NCIPM), Bangalore 560 024.  相似文献   

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