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Bacterial survival is significantly increased after ultraviolet irradiation in tif sfi cells, provided that the thermosensitive tif mutation has been expressed at 41 degrees C before irradiation. This tif-mediated "reactivation of ultraviolet irradiated bacteria" needs de novo protein synthesis, as is the case for the tif-mediated reactivation of ultraviolet-irradiated phage lambda. However, in striking contrast to the phage reactivation process, this tif-mediated reactivation is no longer associated with mutagenesis. It also requires the presence of the uvrA+ excision function. These results strongly suggest the existence in Escherichia coli K-12 of a repair pathway acting on bacterial deoxyribonucleic acid which is inducible, error free, and uvr dependent.  相似文献   

A set of lambda dilv phage have been used in a deletion mapping procedure to determine the location of two previously characterized ilvO alleles. In contrast to earlier conclusions derived from three-factor crosses and episome-shortening techniques with phage P1, the order found is ilvG-ilvO-ilvEDA. A three-factor cross with phage P1 is described that is not consistent with this location for an ilvO allele. Further analysis of this particular three-factor cross revealed than an artifact attributable to a mutual syntrophism had skewed the apparent frequency of inheritance of the ilvO locus. The role of mutual syntrophism is discussed as a source of mapping errors for the ilvO locus. The value of this set of lambda dilv phage and this mapping procedure for obtaining comparatively unambiguous data on the locations of the ilv structural and regulatory genes is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Four cold-sensitive mutants of Escherichia coli have been isolated which show a reduced ability to synthesize deoxyribonucleic acid at low temperature. The mutants also have a reduced ability to incorporate nucleoside triphosphates into deoxyribonucleic acid at low temperature in cell preparations made permeable with toluene. All four mutations are located at or near the dnaA locus on the E. coli genetic map. They are recessive to the wild-type allele and two of them can be integratively suppressed by F episomes.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) In wild-type Neurospora crassa growing at 25 degrees C was investigated by continuous-labeling and pulsechase experiments using [5-3H]uridine. The results of these experiments suggest the following precursor-product relationships: the first RNA molecule to be synthesized in significant quantities is the 2.4 X 10(6)-dalton (2.4-Mdal) ribosomal precursor RNA. This RNA is cleaved to produce two species of RNA with weights of 0.7 and 1.4-Mdal. The former is the mature 17S rRNA of the 37S ribosomal subunit. The 1.4-Mdal RNA is subsequently cleaved to produce the mature 1.27-Mdal (25S) and 61,000-dalton (5.8S) rRNA's of the 60S ribosomal subunit. In the maturation process, approximately 15 to 20% of the 2.4-Mdal ribosomal precursor rRNA molecule is lost. As in other eukaryotes that have been examined, 5S rRNA is not derived from this precursor molecule.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli strain carrying both rec+ and sbcA has been constructed. Repair of ultraviolet light-induced deoxyribonucleic acid damage was examined by measuring survival and thymine-dimer excision in the rec+ sbcA strain as well as rec+ sbcA+ and recB recC sbcA strains. The sbcA mutation restores normal survival in both recB recC uvrB and recB recC uvr+ strains. Excision of thymine-containing dimers does not occur in uvrB mutants, regardless of the rec or sbcA genotype. Survival, after ultraviolet-light damage, of a rec+ sbcA strain is quantitatively similar to rec+ sbcA+ and recB recC sbcA strains.  相似文献   

Map location of the ssd mutation in Escherichia coli K-12.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A pleiotropic mutation at the ssd locus was mapped at 86 min near rha. A mutation at the ssd locus resulted in elevated L-serine deaminase activity, inability to grow with succinate as the carbon source, and inability to grow anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

We have observed the enzymatic production of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) doublestrand breaks in Escherichia coli K12 after ultraviolet irradiation. Doublestrand breaks appeared in wild-type, polA1, recB21, recA, and exrA strains after incubation in minimal medium. THE UVRA6 strain showed no evidence of double-strand breakage under the same conditions. Our data suggest that uvr+ cells, which are proficient in the incision step of excision repair, accumulate double-strand breaks in their DNA as a result of the excision repair process, i.e., arising from closely matched incisions, excision gaps, or incisions and gaps on opposite strands of the DNA twin helix. Furthermore, strains deficient in excision repair subsequent to the incision step (i.e., polA, rec, exrA) showed more double-strand breaks than the wild type strain. The results raise the possibility that a significant fraction of the lethal events in ultraviolet-irradiated, repair-proficient (uvr+) cell may be enzymatically-induced DNA double-strand breaks.  相似文献   

A mutant of Escherichia coli K-12 temperature sensitive for genetic recombination was investigated and found to carry a mutation that could be cotransduced with cysC and hence could be in the recA gene. To determine whether recA+ can complement this mutation, matings were carried out at 35 and 40 C between Hfr donors that transfer recA+ or recA1 early and recipients carrying wild-type or mutant alleles. It was found that recA+ but not recA1 complements this mutation in zygotic temporary partial diploids. The mutant allele was accordingly designated recA44. A transductant carrying recA44 behaved normally at low temperatures but more like recA- strains at high temperatures with respect to recombinant colony formation in Hfr matings, cell survival, and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis after ultraviolet irradiation, cellular DNA breakdown, and prophage induction when lysogenic for lambda. Alkaline sucrose sedimentation studies of DNA from recA44 cells showed that short DNA molecules synthesized immediately after ultraviolet irradiation increased in molecular weight during subsequent incubation at 32 C but not at 45 C. Hence, recA+ is required for this molecular weight increase. Cells exposed to ultraviolet light synthesized DNA that remained of low molecular weight during a 40-min incubation at 32 C. This material increased in molecular weight in recArut not in recA44 cells during subsequent incubation at 45 C. Thus, the availability of recA+ during the first 40 min at 32 C after irradiation did not obviate the need for recA+ in the subsequent phases of this post-replication repair process.  相似文献   

The effects of rifampin and chloramphenicol on the transfer of ColIdrd-1 have been examined to determined whether transfer requires the synthesis of an untranslated species of ribonucleic acid (RNA), as proposed in models for the transfer of another IncIalpha plasmid, R64drd-11. When RNA synthesis was inhibited throughout mating by rifampin, ColI transfer between dna+ bacteria occurred at the normal rate for about 10 min and then stopped abruptly. Conjugational deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis in dnaB mutants indicates that plasmid DNA was made in the rifampin-treated donors to replace the transferred material but the DNA tended to be unstable. In the presence of chloramphenicol, transfer of ColI gradually diminished over a longer period. Rifampin, but not chloramphenicol, was found to have unpredicted effects on chromosomal DNA metabolism in unmated dna+ and dnaB bacteria when they harbor any of three IncIalpha plasmids (ColIdrd-1, R144drd-3, and R64drd-11). Replication of the bacterial chromosome in such cells stopped abruptly about 15 min after the addition of rifampin, and at 41 degrees C, but not 37 degrees C, this was followed by extensive DNA breakdown. These findings suggest that curtailment of IncIalpha plasmid transfer by the drug results from a general disruption of DNA metabolism rather than from inhibition of a species of RNA essential for transfer.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli ruv gene was located at 36.1 min on the chromosome by P1 transduction experiments and the gene order his - supD - uvrC, dar4 - ruv - eda - fadD - pps was proposed. Complementation analysis by an F' factor carrying genes in the his region indicated that ultraviolet light sensitivity genes, ruv and uvrC, consist of different cistrons and wild-type alleles of these genes are dominant over the mutant alleles.  相似文献   

When thymidine-requiring lexA- strains were starved for thymidine, the kinetics of survival were similar to those of a nearly isogenic lexA+ strain. The size distribution of cells in the lexA- and lexA+ cultures were, however, quite different. Whereas most of the cells in the starved lexA+ cultures grew into long filamentous forms (longer than 4.0 mum), many of the lexA- cells were found to have a normal rod shape (4.0 mum or shorter). It was shown that lexA- cells undergo more divisions during thymidine starvation than lexA+ cells. Furthermore, using an autoradiographic method to analyze deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) distribution in the starved cells, we demonstrated that cells without DNA are produced in both normal and starved lexA- cultures at a much higher frequency than in lexA+ cultures. Some of these cells may be produced by breakdown of DNA, but we favor the hypothesis that they result from an abnormal cell division process. Since lexA mutations are dominant, we conclude that a diffusible product decreases the synthesis or activity of an inhibitor of cell division in lexA- strains when DNA synthesis is blocked by thymidine starvation.  相似文献   

Map location of arginyl-tRNA synthetase mutations in Escherichia coli K-12   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Summary Mutants of Escherichia coli K-12 previously isolated in the authors' laboratory have reduced arginyl-tRNA synthetase activity. The mutants fall into two classes. All mutants grow slowly on arginine-free medium. On arginine-supplemented medium some mutants grow at a normal rate (Class I) while others still grow slowly (Class II). Matings were performed to located a Class I and a Class II mutation on the E. coli chromosome map, and on the basis of our results we have assigned both to one locus, argS.  相似文献   

The dna-293 mutation is shown to be a dnaE allele. The linear deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis previously observed in this mutant has been further characterized. The production of small deoxyribonucleic acid intermediates and their subsequent joining were identical in the mutant and its dnaE+ parent at 42.5 degrees C. Though the mutant cells continued to divide at the nonpermissive temperature, the rate of division was reduced. The data are consistent with a lack of production of replicationally active deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase III at the restrictive temperature.  相似文献   

T Sato  T Horiuchi    T Nagata 《Journal of bacteriology》1975,124(3):1089-1096
Genetic analyses of an Escherichia coli K-12 mutant possessing the amber mutation lig-321 were carried out. This mutant is defective in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) ligase and conditionally lethal. We constructed strains harboring an F'lig+ or F'lig-321 plasmid. Genetic complementation analyses were done by using these plasmids and by constructing a lig-4/F'lig-321 merodiploid. It was shown that lig-321 does not complement lig-4, unless the former is suppressed by an amber suppressor. The same was found to be the case between lig-321 and lig-ts7. Transductional mapping of lig-321, by a four-factor cross, revealed that lig-321 is very closely linked to lig-4. The frequency of recombinants between the two alleles was not unreasonable for assuming that they arose by intragenic recombination. The lig-4 and lig-ts7 alleles are known to reside in the structural gene for DNA ligase, in which lig-321 may also be located.  相似文献   

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