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Epidermal growth factor (EGF) regulates cell proliferation and differentiation by binding to the EGF receptor (EGFR) extracellular region, comprising domains I-IV, with the resultant dimerization of the receptor tyrosine kinase. In this study, the crystal structure of a 2:2 complex of human EGF and the EGFR extracellular region has been determined at 3.3 A resolution. EGFR domains I-III are arranged in a C shape, and EGF is docked between domains I and III. The 1:1 EGF*EGFR complex dimerizes through a direct receptor*receptor interaction, in which a protruding beta-hairpin arm of each domain II holds the body of the other. The unique "receptor-mediated dimerization" was verified by EGFR mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Incubation of intact rat adipocytes with physiological concentrations of catecholamines inhibits the specific binding of 125I-insulin and 125I-epidermal growth factor (EGF) by 40 to 70%. Affinity labeling of the alpha subunit of the insulin receptor demonstrates that the inhibition of hormone binding is directly reflective of a specific decrease in the degree of receptor occupancy. The stereospecificity and dose dependency of the binding inhibitions are typical of a classic beta 1-adrenergic receptor response with half-maximal inhibition occurring at 10 nM R-(-)-isoproterenol. Specific alpha-adrenergic receptor agonists and beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists have no effect, while beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists block the inhibition of 125I-insulin and 125I-EGF binding to receptors induced by beta-adrenergic receptor agonists. Further, these effects are mimicked by incubation of adipocytes with dibutyryl cyclic AMP or with 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine. The beta-adrenergic inhibition of both 125I-insulin and 125I-EGF binding is very rapid, requiring only 10 min of isoproterenol pretreatment at 37 degrees C for a maximal effect. Removal of isoproterenol by washing the cells in the presence of alprenolol leads to complete reversal of these effects. The inhibition of 125I-EGF binding is temperature dependent whereas the inhibition of 125I-insulin binding is relatively insensitive to the temperature of isoproterenol pretreatment. Scatchard analysis of 125I-insulin and 125I-EGF binding demonstrated that the decrease of insulin receptor-binding activity may be due to a decrease in the apparent number of insulin receptors while the inhibition of EGF receptor binding can be accounted for by a decrease in apparent EGF receptor affinity. The decrease in the insulin receptor-binding activity is physiologically expressed as a dose-dependent decrease of insulin responsiveness in the adipocyte with respect to two known responses, stimulation of insulin-like growth factor II receptor binding and activation of the glucose-transport system. These results demonstrate a beta-adrenergic receptor-mediated cyclic AMP-dependent mechanism for the regulation of insulin and EGF receptors in the rat adipocyte.  相似文献   



Leucine-rich repeats are one of the more common modules found in proteins. The leucine-rich repeat consensus motif is LxxLxLxxNxLxxLxxLxxLxx- where the first 11–12 residues are highly conserved and the remainder of the repeat can vary in size Leucine-rich repeat proteins have been subdivided into seven subfamilies, none of which include members of the epidermal growth factor receptor or insulin receptor families despite the similarity between the 3D structure of the L domains of the type I insulin-like growth factor receptor and some leucine-rich repeat proteins.  相似文献   

The cell surface receptors for insulin and epidermal growth factor (EGF) both employ a tyrosine-specific protein kinase activity to fulfil their distinct biological roles. To identify the structural domains responsible for various receptor activities, we have generated chimeric receptor polypeptides consisting of major EGF and insulin receptor structural domains and examined their biochemical properties and cellular signalling activities. The EGF-insulin receptor hybrids are properly synthesized and transported to the cell surface, where they form binding competent structures that are defined by the origin of their extracellular domains. While their ligand binding affinities are altered, we find that these chimeric receptors are fully functional in transmitting signals across the plasma membrane and into the cell. Thus, EGF receptor and insulin receptor cytoplasmic domain signalling capabilities are independent of their new heterotetrameric or monomeric environments respectively. Furthermore, the cytoplasmic domains carry the structural determinants that define kinase specificity, mitogenic and transforming potential, and receptor routing.  相似文献   

Alvarado D  Rice AH  Duffy JB 《Genetics》2004,167(1):187-202
In Drosophila, signaling by the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is required for a diverse array of developmental decisions. Essential to these decisions is the precise regulation of the receptor's activity by both stimulatory and inhibitory molecules. To better understand the regulation of EGFR activity we investigated inhibition of EGFR by the transmembrane protein Kekkon1 (Kek1). Kek1 encodes a molecule containing leucine-rich repeats (LRR) and an immunoglobulin (Ig) domain and is the founding member of the Drosophila Kekkon family. Here we demonstrate with a series of Kek1-Kek2 chimeras that while the LRRs suffice for EGFR binding, inhibition in vivo requires the Kek1 juxta/transmembrane region. We demonstrate directly, and using a series of Kek1-EGFR chimeras, that Kek1 is not a phosphorylation substrate for the receptor in vivo. In addition, we show that EGFR inhibition is unique to Kek1 among Kek family members and that this function is not ligand or tissue specific. Finally, we have identified a unique class of EGFR alleles that specifically disrupt Kek1 binding and inhibition, but preserve receptor activation. Interestingly, these alleles map to domain V of the Drosophila EGFR, a region absent from the vertebrate receptors. Together, our results support a model in which the LRRs of Kek1 in conjunction with its juxta/transmembrane region direct association and inhibition of the Drosophila EGFR through interactions with receptor domain V.  相似文献   

Preincubation of Swiss 3T3 cells or human fibroblasts with purified platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) at 4 degrees C or 37 degrees C rapidly inhibits subsequent binding of 125I-epidermal growth factor (125I-EGF). The effect does not result from competition by PDGF for binding to the EGF receptor since (a) very low concentrations of PDGF are effective, (b) cells with EGF receptors but no PDGF receptors are not affected, and (c) the inhibition persists even if the bound PDGF is eluted before incubating the cells with 125I-EGF. PDGF does not affect 125I-insulin binding nor does EGF affect 125I-PDGF binding under these conditions. Endothelial cell-derived growth factor also competes for binding to PDGF receptors and inhibits 125I-EGF binding. The inhibition demonstrated by PDGF seems to result from an increase in the Kd for 125I-EGF binding with no change in the number of EGF receptors.  相似文献   

We report the crystal structure, at 2.5 A resolution, of a truncated human EGFR ectodomain bound to TGFalpha. TGFalpha interacts with both L1 and L2 domains of EGFR, making many main chain contacts with L1 and interacting with L2 via key conserved residues. The results indicate how EGFR family members can bind a family of highly variable ligands. In the 2:2 TGFalpha:sEGFR501 complex, each ligand interacts with only one receptor molecule. There are two types of dimers in the asymmetric unit: a head-to-head dimer involving contacts between the L1 and L2 domains and a back-to-back dimer dominated by interactions between the CR1 domains of each receptor. Based on sequence conservation, buried surface area, and mutagenesis experiments, the back-to-back dimer is favored to be biologically relevant.  相似文献   

The detailed cellular distribution of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors and insulin receptors during the development of the human placenta was examined. We show that EGF receptors are expressed by villous cytotrophoblast cells in first trimester human placentae. However, where these cells proliferate to form extravillous cytotrophoblast cell columns, there is a dramatic decrease in EGF receptor expression. There is no such differential expression of insulin receptors on this cell population. In contrast, both EGF-and insulin-receptors are present throughout gestation on the microvillous membrane of the terminally differentiated and non-proliferative syncytiotrophoblast although, at term, EGF-but not insulin-receptors are also found on the basolateral membrane of this epithelium. We further show that EGF receptors isolated from first trimester and term human placentae have functional tyrosine kinase activities but differ in their extent of glycosylation. These results suggest that EGF receptors probably play several distinct functional roles in these epithelial cells depending on their proliferative capacity and differentiation status.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor (IGF) I (greater than or equal to 10(-10)M, insulin-like growth factor II (greater than or equal to 10(-9) M), insulin (greater than or equal to 10(-9) M, and epidermal growth factor (EGF, greater than or equal to 10(-11) M) caused rapid membrane ruffling in KB cells. The morphological change was observed within 1 min after the addition of these growth factors and was accompanied by microfilament reorganization, but not by microtubule reorganization. IGF-I, IGF-II, and insulin induced morphologically very similar or identical membrane ruffles with the order of potency IGF-I greater than IGF-II greater than insulin, whereas EGF-induced membrane ruffles were morphologically different. KB cells possessed EGF receptors, type I IGF receptors, and insulin receptors, but few or no type II IGF receptors. Monoclonal antibody against type I IGF receptors, which completely inhibited the binding of 125I-IGF-I to the cells but did not inhibit the binding of 125I-insulin, caused marked inhibition of IGF-I (10(-8) M)-stimulated membrane ruffling. IGF-II (10(-8) M)-stimulated membrane ruffling was partially inhibited in the presence of this antibody, but insulin (10(-7) M)-stimulated membrane ruffling was only slightly inhibited. In contrast, monoclonal antibody against insulin receptors blocked insulin (10(-7) M) stimulation, but not IGF-I (10(-8) M) stimulation, of membrane ruffling. Thus, this study provides evidence that IGF-I and insulin act mostly through their own (homologous) receptors and that IGF-II acts by cross-reacting with both type I IGF and insulin (heterologous) receptors in causing rapid alterations in cytoskeletal structure.  相似文献   

Endothelial cell surfaces play key roles in several important physiological and pathological processes such as blood clotting, angiogenic responses, and inflammation. Here we describe the cloning and characterization of tie, a novel type of human endothelial cell surface receptor tyrosine kinase. The extracellular domain of the predicted tie protein product has an exceptional multidomain structure consisting of a cluster of three epidermal growth factor homology motifs embedded between two immunoglobulinlike loops, which are followed by three fibronectin type III repeats next to the transmembrane region. Additionally, a cDNA form lacking the first of the three epidermal growth factor homology domains was isolated, suggesting that alternative splicing creates different tie-type receptors. Cells transfected with tie cDNA expression vector produce glycosylated polypeptides of 117 kDa which are reactive to antisera raised against the tie carboxy terminus. The tie gene was located in chromosomal region 1p33 to 1p34. Expression of the tie gene appeared to be restricted in some cell lines; large amounts of tie mRNA were detected in endothelial cell lines and in some myeloid leukemia cell lines with erythroid and megakaryoblastoid characteristics. In addition, mRNA in situ studies further indicated the endothelial expression of the tie gene. The tie receptor tyrosine kinase may have evolved for multiple protein-protein interactions, possibly including cell adhesion to the vascular endothelium.  相似文献   

An homogeneous cell population isolated from the inguinal tissue of 3-day-old rats is able to proliferate in primary culture. In the presence of a physiological concentration of insulin (1.5 nM) it converts into cells exhibiting the morphology and the biochemical characteristics of adipocytes. Insulin and epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors were studied during both the exponential growth and the adipose conversion phases of these cells. Binding experiments with 125I-labelled peptides were performed directly in the culture dishes. The number of high affinity insulin binding sites increased, during the entire culture period studied, reaching 18 days after plating the value of 10,600 x 2360. Control cells (cultured in the presence of anti-insulin antibody) exhibited an increase of the concentration of insulin binding sites from no more than 500 sites/cell to 6880 +/- 1710 sites/cell between dat 0 and 9 (corresponding to the exponential growth phase); this increase was followed by a rapid reduction in insulin receptors during the stationary phase. The density of EGF binding sites increased between day 0 and 4 (one cell cycle), whether the cells were maintained or not with insulin, and plateaued thereafter. Mature adipocytes freshly isolated from the inguinal tissue of 3-day-old rats had no detectable EGF binding sites, but their content in high affinity binding sites for insulin was similar to that of cells after complete adipocyte conversion in primary culture.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF)-dependent transfer of radiolabeled phosphate from [gamma-32P]ATP to 160-kDa EGF receptor solubilized from human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cell surface membranes was stimulated up to 3-fold by addition of 3',5'-cAMP and purified cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Phosphorylation of EGF receptors was stimulated to the same extent when cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit was substituted for 3',5'-cAMP and cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Phosphoamino acid analysis revealed that the extent of phosphorylation of EGF receptor at tyrosine residues was the same regardless of whether cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit was present in or omitted from the system. Increased EGF receptor phosphorylation occurring in response to cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit was accounted for by phosphorylation at serine or threonine residues. In samples phosphorylated in the presence of cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit, phosphate was present in tyrosine, serine, and threonine in a ratio of 32:60:8. Two-dimensional mapping of radiolabeled phosphopeptides produced from EGF receptors by digestion with trypsin revealed the generation of one additional major phosphoserine-containing peptide when cAMP-dependent protein kinase was present with EGF in the EGF receptor kinase system. Degradation of 160-kDa EGF receptors to a 145-kDa form by purified Ca2+-activated neutral protease produced a 145-kDa fragment with phosphoserine content increased over that present initially in the 160-kDa precursor.  相似文献   

Summary Altered expression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is common in a variety of epithelial malignancies, including cervical cancer. However, the prognostic significance of EGFR expression is controversial for cervical cancer. Platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR) expression status is unknown in cervical cancer. Our results demonstrated that expression of EGFR and PDGFR was greatly enhanced in vivo and in organotypic cultures of low-grade cervical dysplastic tissues, but levels were decreased in high-grade lesions. To our knowledge, this is the first report identifying the expression of PDGFR in human epithelium. When low-grade dysplastic organotypic culture tissues were induced to differentiate more completely, EGFR expression, but not PDGFR expression, was relocalized to the basal layer as seen in normal tissues. Differentiation also induced phosphorylation of EGFR but not PDGFR. Our results suggest a role for EGFR and PDGFR during the early stages of cervical carcinogensis, and demonstrate the facility of organotypic cultures to study the role of these growth factors in the development of cervical cancer.  相似文献   

Microsomal membranes from human placenta, which bind 5–20 pmol of 125I-epidermal growth factor (EGF) per mg protein, have been affinity-labeled with 125I-EGF either spontaneously or with dimethylsuberimidate. Coomassie blue staining patterns on SDS polyacrylamide gels are minimally altered, and the EGF-receptor complex appears as a specifically labeled band of 180,000 daltons which is not removed by urea, neutral buffers, or chaotropic salts but is partially extracted by mild detergents. Limited proteolysis by alpha chymotrypsin and several other serine proteases yields labeled fragments of 170,000, 130,000, 85,000, and 48,000 daltons. More facile cleavage by papain or bromelain rapidly degrades the hormone-receptor complex to smaller labeled fragments of about 35,000 and 25,000 daltons. These fragments retain the binding site for EGF, are capable of binding EGF, and remain associated with the membrane. Alpha chymotryptic digestion of receptor solubilized by detergents yields the same fragments obtained with intact vesicles, suggesting that the fragments may represent intrinsic proteolytic domains of the receptor.  相似文献   

Binding of epidermal growth factor (EGF) to cell surface EGF receptors initiates the formation of the receptor homodimers that can be detected by covalent cross-linking in intact cells or in detergent-solubilized cell extracts. Low pH dissociation of EGF from surface receptors results in immediate monomerization of receptor dimers. Using chemical cross-linking during mild permeabilization or cell solubilization, we have detected dimers of internalized EGF receptors in human carcinoma A-431 cells and transfected NIH 3T3 cells that express human EGF receptors. The percentage of internalized cross-linked receptor dimers was similar to that observed for surface EGF receptors. Furthermore, at the time of maximal accumulation of EGF-receptor complexes within the endosomal compartment (10-15 min of incubation at 37 degrees C), both the dimeric and monomeric forms of the EGF receptor are tyrosine-phosphorylated to the same extent as surface dimer and monomer species. In transfected NIH 3T3 cells, the level of dimerized and internalized kinase-negative EGF receptors was not different from that observed for wild-type receptors. These data suggest that for some time after internalization EGF does not dissociate from its receptor and indicate that a receptor conformation is preserved intracellularly that allows maintenance of receptor-receptor interactions and tyrosine kinase activity.  相似文献   

Density-induced down regulation of epidermal growth factor receptors   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Previous studies have shown that cell density can regulate the binding of several growth factors. To determine whether cell density exerts a uniform effect on the expression of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors, seven cell lines were examined in detail. For each cell line, EGF binding was found to decrease as cell density increases. Scatchard analysis of the binding data reveals that decreases in EGF binding are due to reductions in the number of cell surface EGF receptors. The only apparent exception is the effect of cell density on the binding of EGF to A-431 cells. For these cells, increases in cell density lead to two effects: decreases in the number of high affinity EGF receptors and increases in the total number of EGF receptors. In addition to the effects of cell density on EGF receptors, it was determined that increases in cell density can coordinately down-regulate receptors for as many as four different growth factors. Overall, the findings described in this report for EGF and those previously described for transforming growth factor type-β (TGF-β) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) demonstrate the existence of a common mechanism for down-regulating growth factor receptors. This work was supported by grants from the Nebraska Department of Health (89-51), the National Cancer Institute (Laboratory Research Center Support Grant, CA36727), and the American Cancer Society (Core Grant ACS SIG-16). EDITOR'S STATEMENT The paper by Rizzino et al. demonstrates that receptor number decreases as a function of cell density. This may represent a mechanism by which cell proliferation is reduced as cell density increases.  相似文献   

Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) was used to reveal aspects of the mechanism of signal transduction by epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFR). The superpositions of epidermal growth factor (EGF), transforming growth factor-alpha (TGFalpha) and an antibody fragment (29.1) to the carbohydrate extremity of the receptor's ectodomain as measured by FRET, show that 14% of EGFRs in A431 cells are oligomerized before growth factor binding. After binding growth factor and signaling, these oligomers dissociate before releasing growth factor. Time courses of the FRET-derived distances between constitutively oligomerized EGFRs during signal transduction show a transient structural change in the extracellular domain, which occurs simultaneously with the production of intracellular Ca2+ signals. The FRET measurements also show a slow increase in oligomerization of EGFR monomers after growth factor binding. The structural change found in the extracellular domain of oligomeric EGFRs is similar to that shown by others for EPO, Neu, Fas, and tumor necrosis factor receptors, and may therefore be a common property of the transduction of the receptor-mediated signals.  相似文献   

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