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Patterns of phenotypic evolution can abruptly shift as species move between adaptive zones. Extant salamanders display three distinct life cycle strategies that range from aquatic to terrestrial (biphasic), to fully aquatic (paedomorphic) and to fully terrestrial (direct development). Life cycle variation is associated with changes in body form such as loss of digits, limb reduction or body elongation. However, the relationships among these traits and life cycle strategy remain unresolved. Here, we use a Bayesian modelling approach to test whether life cycle transitions by salamanders have influenced rates, optima and integration of primary locomotory structures (limbs and trunk). We show that paedomorphic salamanders have elevated rates of limb evolution with optima shifted towards smaller size and fewer digits compared to all other salamanders. Rate of hindlimb digit evolution is shown to decrease in a gradient as life cycles become more terrestrial. Paedomorphs have a higher correlation between hindlimb digit loss and increases in vertebral number, as well as reduced correlations between limb lengths. Our results support the idea that terrestrial plantigrade locomotion constrains limb evolution and, when lifted, leads to higher rates of trait diversification and shifts in optima and integration. The basic tetrapod body form of most salamanders and the independent losses of terrestrial life stages provide an important framework for understanding the evolutionary and developmental mechanisms behind major shifts in ecological zones as seen among early tetrapods during their transition from water to land.  相似文献   

Ejaculates function as an integrated unit to ensure male fertility and paternity, can have a complex structure, and can experience multiple episodes of selection. Current studies on the evolution of ejaculates typically focus on phenotypic variation in sperm number, size, or related traits such as testes size as adaptations to postcopulatory male-male competition. However, the evolution of the integrated nature of ejaculate structure and function depends on genetic variation in and covariation between the component parts. Here we report a quantitative genetic study of the components of the ejaculate of the cockroach Nauphoeta cinerea, including those we know to experience postcopulatory sexual selection, in the context of functional integration of ejaculate characters. We use the patterns of genetic variation and covariation to infer how the integration of the functions of the ejaculate constrain and shape its evolution. Ejaculate components were highly variable, showed significant additive genetic variance, and moderate to high evolvability. The level of genetic variation in these characters, despite strong directional or truncating selection, may reflect the integration of multiple episodes of selection that occur in N. cinerea. There were few significant phenotypic correlations, but all the genetic correlations among ejaculate characters were significantly different from zero. The patterns of genetic variation and covariation suggest that there are important trade-offs among individual traits of the ejaculate and that evolution of ejaculate characteristics will not proceed unconstrained. Fully describing the genetic relationships among traits that perform as an integrated unit helps us understand how functional relationships constrain or facilitate the evolution of the complex structure that is the ejaculate.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

From Darwin''s time onward, biologists have thought about adaptation as evolution toward optimal trait values, but they have not usually assessed the relative importance of the distinct causes of deviations from optima. This problem is investigated here by measuring adaptive inaccuracy (phenotypic deviation from the optimum), using flower pollination as an adaptive system.


Adaptive accuracy is shown to have at least three distinct components, two of which are optimality (deviation of the mean from the optimum) and precision (trait variance). We then describe adaptive accuracy of both individuals and populations. Individual inaccuracy comprises the deviation of the genotypic target (the mean phenotype of a genotype grown in a range of environments) from the optimum and the phenotypic variation around that genotypic target (phenotypic imprecision). Population inaccuracy has three basic components: deviation of the population mean from the optimum, variance in the genotypic targets and phenotypic imprecision. In addition, a fourth component is proposed, namely within-population variation in the optimum. These components are directly estimable, have additive relationships, and allow exploration of the causes of adaptive inaccuracy of both individuals and populations. Adaptive accuracy of a sample of flowers is estimated, relating floral phenotypes controlling pollen deposition on pollinators to adaptive optima defined as the site most likely to get pollen onto stigmas (male inaccuracy). Female inaccuracy is defined as the deviation of the position of stigma contact from the expected location of pollen on pollinators.

Key Results

A surprising amount of variation in estimated accuracy within and among similar species is found. Some of this variation is generated by developmental changes in positions of stigmas or anthers during anthesis (the floral receptive period), which can cause dramatic change in accuracy estimates. There seem to be trends for higher precision and accuracy in flowers with higher levels of integration and dichogamy (temporal separation of sexual functions), and in those that have pollinators that are immobile (or immobilized) during pollen transfer. Large deviations from putative adaptive optima were observed, and these may be related to the effects of conflicting selective pressures on flowers, such as selection against self-pollination promoting herkogamy (spatial separation of pollen and stigmas).


Adaptive accuracy is a useful concept for understanding the adaptive significance of phenotypic means and variances of floral morphology within and among populations and species. Estimating and comparing the various components of adaptive accuracy can be particularly helpful for identifying the causes of inaccuracy, such as conflicting selective pressures, low environmental canalization and developmental instability.Key words: Adaptive accuracy, Collinsia, Dalechampia, fitness, floral precision, Linum, optimality, pollination, Stylidium  相似文献   

I studied the causes of variation and selection on clutch size in a population of Darwin's Medium Ground Finches (Geospiza fortis) on Isla Daphne Major, using data collected over a nine-year period (1976–1984). Quantitative-genetic analyses were carried out using the first clutch laid by a female in a given year. I used both unadjusted clutch-size values and values adjusted for between-year differences in mean clutch size for repeatability and regression analyses. Repeatability of clutch size was small (≤8%) and nonsignificant in all cases. Sib-sib analyses and parent-offspring regressions gave no evidence of a significant additive genetic component to clutch-size variation. Slopes of mother-daughter regressions were actually negative, suggesting possible maternal effects of mother's clutch size on daughter's clutch size. There was a small positive relationship between female age and clutch size but no effect of male or female body size or of large-scale differences in habitat quality on clutch size. Selection on clutch size was generally directional and positive: in almost all years in which successful breeding occurred, large clutches tended to fledge more chicks and produce more young surviving to the following year, possibly because there was no trade-off between clutch size and the weights of individual chicks at fledging. Thus, sustained directional selection for large clutch size may have reduced additive genetic variation in clutch size to low levels in this population. The size of a female's clutch may be primarily determined by unidentified proximate environmental factors which vary from year to year, rather than by any long-term optimization of clutch size with respect to adult survival.  相似文献   

In a variable yet predictable world, organisms may use environmental cues to make adaptive adjustments to their phenotype. Such phenotypic flexibility is expected commonly to evolve in life history traits, which are closely tied to Darwinian fitness. Yet adaptive life history flexibility remains poorly documented. Here we introduce the collembolan Folsomia candida, a soil-dweller, parthenogenetic (all-female) microarthropod, as a model organism to study the phenotypic expression, genetic variation, fitness consequences and long-term evolution of life history flexibility. We demonstrate that collembola have a remarkable adaptive ability for adjusting their reproductive phenotype: when transferred from harsh to good conditions (in terms of food ration and crowding), a mother can fine-tune the number and the size of her eggs from one clutch to the next. The comparative analysis of eleven clonal populations of worldwide origins reveals (i) genetic variation in mean egg size under both good and bad conditions; (ii) no genetic variation in egg size flexibility, consistent with convergent evolution to a common physiological limit; (iii) genetic variation of both mean reproductive investment and reproductive investment flexibility, associated with a reversal of the genetic correlation between egg size and clutch size between environmental conditions ; (iv) a negative genetic correlation between reproductive investment flexibility and adult lifespan. Phylogenetic reconstruction shows that two life history strategies, called HIFLEX and LOFLEX, evolved early in evolutionary history. HIFLEX includes six of our 11 clones, and is characterized by large mean egg size and reproductive investment, high reproductive investment flexibility, and low adult survival. LOFLEX (the other five clones) has small mean egg size and low reproductive investment, low reproductive investment flexibility, and high adult survival. The divergence of HIFLEX and LOFLEX could represent different adaptations to environments differing in mean quality and variability, or indicate that a genetic polymorphism of reproductive investment reaction norms has evolved under a physiological tradeoff between reproductive investment flexibility and adult lifespan.  相似文献   

Across animal species, body size and clutch size often form part of a suite of associated life history traits, exemplified by the "fast-slow continuum" in mammals. Across the parasitoid Hymenoptera however, a major axis of life history variation is the development mode of the larva (koinobiosis versus idiobiosis), and body size and clutch size do not seem to form clear associations with this major axis. Here we use a large comparative data set and the latest phylogenetic information to explore hypotheses that might explain the variation in body size and clutch size across species in parasitoids. We find evidence for three novel evolutionary correlations: changes in the stage of host attacked by the parasitoid (i.e. egg, larva, pupa) significantly predict changes in both body size and clutch size, whilst in gregarious species changes to higher latitudes are associated with reduced clutch size. We also find a number of hypothesized cross-species (phenotypic) associations that, however, we cannot demonstrate are the result of evolutionary correlations: large bodied species in our data tend to lay small clutches; koinobionts are larger than idiobionts attacking the same host stage; tropical species are smaller than temperate species (Bergmann's rule). Our results provide support for theoretical models of trait evolution in parasitoids, whilst the associations between latitude and life history may help explain why species richness in the family Ichneumonidae peaks at intermediate latitudes. Our results also show the continuing value of phylogenetically-based comparative analyses and demonstrate that recent work on parasitoid phylogenetics has produced significant benefits for our understanding of life history evolution.  相似文献   

Negative density dependence of clutch size is a ubiquitous characteristic of avian populations and is partly due to within‐individual phenotypic plasticity. Yet, very little is known about the extent to which individuals differ in their degree of phenotypic plasticity, whether such variation has a genetic basis and whether level of plasticity can thus evolve in response to selection. Using 18 years of data of a Dutch great tit population (Parus major), we show that females reduced clutch size with increasing population density (slopes of the reaction norms), differed strongly in their average clutch size (elevations of the reaction norms) at the population‐mean density and that the latter variation was partly heritable. In contrast, we could not detect individual variation in phenotypic plasticity (‘I × E’). Level of plasticity is thus not likely to evolve in response to selection in this population. Observed clutch sizes deviated more from the estimated individual reaction norms in certain years and densities, implying that the within‐individual between‐year variance (so‐called residual variance) of clutch size was heterogeneous with respect to these factors. Given the observational nature of this study, experimental manipulation of density is now warranted to confirm the causality of the observed density effects. Our analyses demonstrate that failure to acknowledge this heterogeneity would have inflated the estimate of ‘I × E’ and led to misinterpretation of the data. This paper thereby emphasizes the fact that heterogeneity in residuals can provide biologically insightful information about the ecological processes underlying the data.  相似文献   

Saxer G  Doebeli M  Travisano M 《PloS one》2010,5(12):e14184
Adaptive radiations occur when a species diversifies into different ecological specialists due to competition for resources and trade-offs associated with the specialization. The evolutionary outcome of an instance of adaptive radiation cannot generally be predicted because chance (stochastic events) and necessity (deterministic events) contribute to the evolution of diversity. With increasing contributions of chance, the degree of parallelism among different instances of adaptive radiations and the predictability of an outcome will decrease. To assess the relative contributions of chance and necessity during adaptive radiation, we performed a selection experiment by evolving twelve independent microcosms of Escherichia coli for 1000 generations in an environment that contained two distinct resources. Specialization to either of these resources involves strong trade-offs in the ability to use the other resource. After selection, we measured three phenotypic traits: 1) fitness, 2) mean colony size, and 3) colony size diversity. We used fitness relative to the ancestor as a measure of adaptation to the selective environment; changes in colony size as a measure of the evolution of new resource specialists because colony size has been shown to correlate with resource specialization; and colony size diversity as a measure of the evolved ecological diversity. Resource competition led to the rapid evolution of phenotypic diversity within microcosms. Measurements of fitness, colony size, and colony size diversity within and among microcosms showed that the repeatability of adaptive radiation was high, despite the evolution of genetic variation within microcosms. Consistent with the observation of parallel evolution, we show that the relative contributions of chance are far smaller and less important than effects due to adaptation for the traits investigated. The two-resource environment imposed similar selection pressures in independent populations and promoted parallel phenotypic adaptive radiations in all independently evolved microcosms.  相似文献   

Summary The formulation of Kawecki and Stearns (1993) adapted for sexual populations is used to characterize lifehistory evolution in spatially heterogeneous environments comprising a number of distinct habitats. Three types of evolutionary outcome/optimal strategy are distinguished, appertaining to populations with phenotypic plasticity, populations without it (here called aplastic) and to populations that are reproductively isolated. In general plastic and isolated optima differ, but do not differ if none of the habitats provide source or sink populations. Plastic, aplastic and isolated optima are calculated and compared in three numerical examples representing trade-offs involving reproductive effort, egg size and defence. Locating the aplastic optimum involves numerical construction of a fitness landscape showing how allelic fitness depends on aplastic strategy and on the relative frequencies of the habitats. In all three examples the aplastic optimum lies between or almost between the plastic optima. In two cases the aplastic optimum switches abruptly between the plastic optima as the relative frequencies of the habitats change, and in the third case the switch is gradual. The abruptness or otherwise of the switch depends on the position and structure of the valleys in the fitness landscape and this in turn depends on how sharply the fitness peaks are differentiated.  相似文献   

Alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs) have provided valuable insights into how sexual selection and life history trade‐offs can lead to variation within a sex. However, the possibility that tactics may constrain evolution through intralocus tactical conflict (IATC) is rarely considered. In addition, when IATC has been considered, the focus has often been on the genetic correlations between the ARTs, while evidence that the ARTs have different optima for associated traits and that at least one of the tactics is not at its optimum is often missing. Here, we investigate selection on three traits associated with the ARTs in the swordtail fish Xiphophorus multilineatus; body size, body shape, and the sexually selected trait for which these fishes were named, sword length (elongation of the caudal fin). All three traits are tactically dimorphic, with courter males being larger, deeper bodied and having longer swords, and the sneaker males being smaller, more fusiform and having shorter swords. Using measures of reproductive success in a wild population we calculated selection differentials, as well as linear and quadratic gradients. We demonstrated that the tactics have different optima and at least one of the tactics is not at its optimum for body size and sword length. Our results provide the first evidence of selection in the wild on the sword, an iconic trait for sexual selection. In addition, given the high probability that these traits are genetically correlated to some extent between the two tactics, our study suggests that IATC is constraining both body size and the sword from reaching their phenotypic optima. We discuss the importance of considering the role of IATC in the evolution of tactical dimorphism, how this conflict can be present despite tactical dimorphism, and how it is important to consider this conflict when explaining not only variation within a species but differences across species as well.  相似文献   

Egg production and individual genetic diversity in lesser kestrels   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Fecundity is an important component of individual fitness and has major consequences on population dynamics. Despite this, the influence of individual genetic variability on egg production traits is poorly known. Here, we use two microsatellite-based measures, homozygosity by loci and internal relatedness, to analyse the influence of female genotypic variation at 11 highly variable microsatellite loci on both clutch size and egg volume in a wild population of lesser kestrels (Falco naumanni). Genetic diversity was associated with clutch size, with more heterozygous females laying larger clutches, and this effect was statistically independent of other nongenetic variables such as female age and laying date, which were also associated with fecundity in this species. However, egg volume was not affected by female heterozygosity, confirming previous studies from pedigree-based breeding experiments which suggest that this trait is scarcely subjected to inbreeding depression. Finally, we explored whether the association between heterozygosity and clutch size was due to a genome-wide effect (general effect) or to single locus heterozygosity (local effect). Two loci showed a stronger influence but the correlation was not fully explained by these two loci alone, suggesting that a main general effect underlies the association observed. Overall, our results underscore the importance of individual genetic variation for egg production in wild bird populations, a fact that could have important implications for conservation research and provides insights into the study of clutch size evolution and genetic variability maintenance in natural populations.  相似文献   

Bacteriophages (phages) modify microbial communities by lysing hosts, transferring genetic material, and effecting lysogenic conversion. To understand how natural communities are affected it is important to develop predictive models. Here we consider how variation between models--in eclipse period, latent period, adsorption constant, burst size, the handling of differences in host quantity and host quality, and in modeling strategy--can affect predictions. First we compare two published models of phage growth, which differ primarily in terms of how they model the kinetics of phage adsorption; one is a computer simulation and the other is an explicit calculation. At higher host quantities (approximately 10(8) cells/ml), both models closely predict experimentally determined phage population growth rates. At lower host quantities (10(7) cells/ml), the computer simulation continues to closely predict phage growth rates, but the explicit model does not. Next we concentrate on predictions of latent-period optima. A latent-period optimum is the latent period that maximizes the population growth of a specific phage growing in the presence of a specific quantity and quality of host cells. Both models predict similar latent-period optima at higher host densities (e.g., 17 min at 10(8) cells/ml). At lower host densities, however, the computer simulation predicts latent-period optima that are much shorter than those suggested by explicit calculations (e.g., 90 versus 1,250 min at 10(5) cells/ml). Finally, we consider the impact of host quality on phage latent-period evolution. By taking care to differentiate latent-period phenotypic plasticity from latent-period evolution, we argue that the impact of host quality on phage latent-period evolution may be relatively small.  相似文献   

Ost M  Wickman M  Matulionis E  Steele B 《Oecologia》2008,158(2):205-216
The energetic incubation constraint hypothesis (EICH) for clutch size states that birds breeding in poor habitat may free up resources for future reproduction by laying a smaller clutch. The eider (Somateria mollissima) is considered a candidate for supporting this hypothesis. Clutch size is smaller in exposed nests, presumably because of faster heat loss and higher incubation cost, and, hence, smaller optimal clutch size. However, an alternative explanation is partial predation: the first egg(s) are left unattended and vulnerable to predation, which may disproportionately affect exposed nests, so clutch size may be underestimated. We experimentally investigated whether predation on first-laid eggs in eiders depends on nest cover. We then re-evaluated how nesting habitat affects clutch size and incubation costs based on long-term data, accounting for confounding effects between habitat and individual quality. We also experimentally assessed adult survival costs of nesting in sheltered nests. The risk of egg predation in experimental nests decreased with cover. Confounding between individual and habitat quality is unlikely, as clutch size was also smaller in open nests within individuals, and early and late breeders had similar nest cover characteristics. A trade-off between clutch and female safety may explain nest cover variation, as the risk of female capture by us, mimicking predation on adults, increased with nest cover. Nest habitat had no effect on female hatching weight or weight loss, while lower temperature during incubation had an unanticipated positive relationship with hatching weight. There were no indications of elevated costs of incubating larger clutches, while clutch size and colony size were positively correlated, a pattern not predicted by the ‘energetic incubation constraint’ hypothesis. Differential partial clutch predation thus offers the more parsimonious explanation for clutch size variation among habitats in eiders, highlighting the need for caution when analysing fecundity and associated life-history parameters when habitat-specific rates of clutch predation occur.  相似文献   

A key aspect of biodiversity is the great quantitative variation in functional traits observed among species. One perspective asserts that trait values should converge on a single optimum value in a particular selective environment, and consequently trait variation would reflect differences in selective environment, and evolutionary outcomes would be predictable. An alternative perspective asserts that there are likely multiple alternative optima within a particular selective environment, and consequently different lineages would evolve toward different optima due to chance. Because there is evidence for both of these perspectives, there is a long-standing controversy over the relative importance of convergence due to environmental selection versus divergence due to chance in shaping trait variation. Here, I use a model of tree seedling growth and survival to distinguish trait variation associated with multiple alternative optima from variation associated with environmental differences. I show that variation in whole plant traits is best explained by environmental differences, whereas in organ level traits variation is more affected by alternative optima. Consequently, I predict that in nature variation in organ level traits is most closely related to phylogeny, whereas variation in whole plant traits is most closely related to ecology.  相似文献   

The evolution of reproductive strategies and the trade-off between number and size of eggs were investigated in a comparative analysis of free-living and parasitic copepods. Data from 1038 copepod species were used to obtain family averages for 105 families; the phylogenetic relationships among these families include 94 branching events or 94 independent contrasts on which the analysis was based. Transition from a free-living existence to parasitism on invertebrates resulted in small increases in body size. Transition from parasitism on invertebrates to parasitism on fish was associated with greater increases in body size. After controlling for body size, a switch to fish hosts resulted in an increase in the number of eggs produced and a reduction in egg size. Among all contrasts, there was a negative relationship between changes in relative clutch size and changes in relative egg size, suggesting the existence of a trade-off between egg size and numbers. However, opposite changes in these measures of clutch size and egg size were not quite more frequent than expected by chance, therefore indicating that investments into egg numbers are not necessarily made at the expense of egg size, and vice versa. Latitude affected copepod body size, clutch size, and egg size, whereas the effects of freshwater colonization or size of the fish host were not significant. Comparative analyses at either the genus or species levels within given taxa of copepods parasitic on fish provided limited support for a trade-off between clutch size and egg size, but were hampered by the small number of independent phylogenetic contrasts available. From the family-level comparative analysis, it appears that the evolutionary transition from a free life to parasitism on invertebrates, and the transition from parasitism on invertebrates to parasitism on fish, have led to changes in life-history traits in response to the different selective pressures associated with the different modes of life.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity is an important mechanism via which populations can respond to changing environmental conditions, but we know very little about how natural populations vary with respect to plasticity. Here we use random‐regression animal models to understand the multivariate phenotypic and genetic patterns of plasticity variation in two key life‐history traits, laying date and clutch size, using data from long‐term studies of great tits in The Netherlands (Hoge Veluwe [HV]) and UK (Wytham Woods [WW]). We show that, while population‐level responses of laying date and clutch size to temperature were similar in the two populations, between‐individual variation in plasticity differed markedly. Both populations showed significant variation in phenotypic plasticity (IxE) for laying date, but IxE was significantly higher in HV than in WW. There were no significant genotype‐by‐environment interactions (GxE) for laying date, yet differences in GxE were marginally nonsignificant between HV and WW. For clutch size, we only found significant IxE and GxE in WW but no significant difference between populations. From a multivariate perspective, plasticity in laying date was not correlated with plasticity in clutch size in either population. Our results suggest that generalizations about the form and cause of any response to changing environmental conditions across populations may be difficult.  相似文献   

Summary We present a model for sexually-reproducing diploids in which a female can produce a variable (generally large) clutch size, where the sibs then compete over some fixed resource, and where certain offspring use siblicide to reduce the primary clutch/brood size created by the mother. Where siblicide involves neither direct energy loss (e.g. fighting cost) nor gain (e.g. cannibalism) to an offspring, the optimal clutch size for an offspring can differ from the optimum for the mother, i.e. there can be parent-offspring conflict over clutch size. The magnitude of this evolutionary conflict (measured in terms of difference between clutch size optima) increases with multipaternity of the brood and with the steepness of the initial decline in offspring survivorship (through sib-competition as further offspring are added to the brood). However, the disparity in clutch size optima may not be great. Where the integer clutch size optima are the same, there will clearly be no conflict. Where this differs, resolution of the evolutionary conflict could involve much apparent behavioral conflict, commonly manifest as siblicidal aggression.The ESS (evolutionarily stable strategy) for such a game will depend upon the direct costs and benefits of siblicide, as well as on the indirect costs to sibs via relatedness. If the only costs of siblicide arise through relatedness, then offspring will win in the sense that the eventual clutch size will match the offspring optimum. Whether or not the mother will produce this clutch size depends on the mechanism controlling siblicide. A siblicidal ESS will occur when offspring are programmed to kill a fixed number/proportion of a brood (victim-based siblicide), but not if programmed to reduce the sibship to the offspring optimum (survivor-based siblicide). With survivor-based siblicide, the mother can do no better than to lay the offsprings' optimal clutch size.  相似文献   

Why different bird species lay different numbers of eggs is a question that has long been associated with factors external to the organism, that is, factors which operate on inherited variation in clutch size through the action of natural selection. Yet, while external factors are important, the extent of what is evolutionarily possible rests with the mechanisms developed by birds for clutch‐size control. Hitherto neglected, these mechanisms generate factors internal to the organism that are central to the origin of evolutionary change. They are related to the fact that a species‐specific range of clutch size arises from the differential survival of pre‐ovulatory follicles undergoing growth when the signal causing egg laying to end reaches the ovary. Herein, I examine three internal factors that, together with external factors, could impact the evolution of avian clutch size. Each factor acts by changing either the number of pre‐ovulatory follicles present in the ovary at the time of follicular disruption or the timing of this event. These changes to clutch size can be explained by the concept of heterochrony. In light of this, the role of phenotypic plasticity and genes determining clutch size is discussed. Finally, to account for the origin of evolutionary change in clutch size, I detail an hypothesis involving a process similar to Waddington's theory of genetic assimilation.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity and phenotypic stability are major components of the adaptive evolution of organisms to environmental variation. The invariant two-egg clutch size of Eudyptes penguins has recently been proposed to be a unique example of a maladaptive phenotypic stability, while their egg mass is a plastic trait. We tested whether this phenotypic plasticity during reproduction might result from constraints imposed by migration (migratory carry-over effect) and breeding (due to the depletion of female body reserves). For the first time, we examined whether these constraints differ between eggs within clutches and between egg components (yolk and albumen). The interval between colony return and clutch initiation positively influenced the yolk mass, the albumen mass, and the subsequent total egg mass of first-laid eggs. This time interval had only a slight negative influence on the yolk mass of second-laid eggs and no influence on their albumen and subsequent total masses. For both eggs, female body mass at laying positively influenced albumen and total egg masses. Female investment into the entire clutch was not related to the time in the colony before laying but increased with female body mass. These novel results suggest that the unique intraclutch egg size dimorphism exhibited in Eudyptes penguins, with first-laid eggs being consistently smaller than second-laid eggs, might be due to a combination of constraints: a migratory carry-over effect on the first-laid egg and a body reserve depletion effect on the second-laid egg. Both these constraints might explain why the timing of reproduction, especially egg formation, is narrow in migratory capital breeders.  相似文献   

The genetic covariance structure for life-history characters in two populations of cyclically parthenogenetic Daphnia pulex indicates considerable positive correlation among important fitness components, apparently at odds with the expectation if antagonistic pleiotropy is the dominant cause of the maintanence of genetic variation. Although there is no genetic correlation between offspring size and offspring number, present growth and present reproduction are both strongly positively correlated genetically with future reproduction, and early maturity is genetically correlated with larger clutch size. Although the ubiquity of antagonistic pleiotropy has been recently questioned, there are peculiarities of cyclical parthenogenesis that could lead to positive life-history covariance even when negative covariance would be expected in a similar sexual species. These include the influence of nonadditive gene action on evolution in clonally reproducing organisms, and the periodic release of hidden genetic variance within populations of cyclical parthenogens. Examination of matrix similarity, using the bootstrap for distribution-free hypothesis testing, reveals no evidence to suggest that the genetic covariance matrices differ between the populations. However, there is considerable evidence that the phenotypic and environmental covariance matrices differ between populations. These results indicate approximate stability of the genetic covariance matrix within species, an important assumption of many phenotypic evolution models, but should caution against the use of phenotypic in place of genetic covariance matrices.  相似文献   

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