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Lipton PA  Alvarez P  Eichenbaum H 《Neuron》1999,22(2):349-359
Firing patterns of neurons in the orbitofrontal cortex (OF) were analyzed in rats trained to perform a task that encouraged incidental associations between distinct odors and the places where their occurrence was detected. Many of the neurons fired differentially when the animals were at a particular location or sampled particular odors. Furthermore, a substantial fraction of the cells exhibited odor-specific firing patterns prior to odor presentation, when the animal arrived at a location associated with that odor. These findings suggest that neurons in the OF encode cross-modal associations between odors and locations within long-term memory.  相似文献   

Deadwyler SA  Hampson RE 《Neuron》2004,42(3):465-476
In this study we describe how the hippocampus and subiculum act in concert to encode information in a spatial delayed-nonmatch-to-sample (DNMS) task. This encoding was functionally partitioned between neurons within subiculum and hippocampus to uniquely identify trial-specific information accounting for both spatial and temporal constraints on performance within and between trials. Encoding by subicular neurons in the task was normally accurate and specific, but only if delays were shorter than 15 s, whereas trial-specific information encoded by hippocampal neurons was subject to strong biases from prior trial sequences and was accessible only when delays exceeded 15 s. The two structures operated in a complementary manner to encode information correctly on 75% of all trials using the above strategies. The remaining 25% of trials were at risk due to inherent idiosyncrasies by which hippocampal and subicular neurons encoded information and became errors when the random sequence of trials conflicted with these constraints.  相似文献   

Hippocampus is considered crucial for episodic memory, as confirmed by recent findings of “episode-dependent place cells” in rodent studies, and is known to show differential activity between active exploration and quiet immobility. Most place-cell studies have focused on active periods, so the hippocampal involvement in episodic representations is less well understood. Here, we draw a typology of episode-dependent hippocampal activity among three behavioral periods, presumably governed by different molecular mechanisms: Active exploration with type 1 theta, quiet alertness with type 2 theta, and consummation with large amplitude irregular activity. Five rats were trained to perform a delayed spatial alternation task with a nose-poke paradigm and 12 tetrodes were implanted for single-unit recordings. We obtained 135 CA1 pyramidal cells and found that 75 of these fired mainly during active exploration, whereas 42 fired mainly during quiet alertness and 18 during consummation. In each type of neuron, we found episode-dependent activity: 51/75, 22/42, and 15/18, respectively. These findings extend our knowledge on the hippocampal involvement in episodic memory: Episode dependency also exists during immobile periods, and functionally dissociated cell assemblies are engaged in the maintenance of episodic information throughout different events in a task sequence.  相似文献   

Recognition and spatial memory are typically associated with the perirhinal cortex and hippocampal formation, respectively. Solely focusing on these structures for these specific mnemonic functions may, however, be limiting progress in the field. The distinction between these subdivisions of memory is becoming less defined as, for example, hippocampal cells traditionally considered to encode locations also encode place-object associations. There is increasing evidence for the involvement of overlapping networks of brain structures for aspects of both spatial and recognition memory. Future models of spatial and recognition memory will have to extend beyond the hippocampus and perirhinal cortex to incorporate a wider network of cortical and subcortical structures.  相似文献   

The hippocampus is critical to remembering the flow of events in distinct experiences and, in doing so, bridges temporal gaps between discontiguous events. Here, we report a robust hippocampal representation of sequence memories, highlighted by "time cells" that encode successive moments during an empty temporal gap between the key events, while also encoding location and ongoing behavior. Furthermore, just as most place cells "remap" when a salient spatial cue is altered, most time cells form qualitatively different representations ("retime") when the main temporal parameter is altered. Hippocampal neurons also differentially encode the key events and disambiguate different event sequences to compose unique, temporally organized representations of specific experiences. These findings suggest that hippocampal neural ensembles segment temporally organized memories much the same as they represent locations of important events in spatially defined environments.  相似文献   

Memory lets the past inform the present so that we can attain future goals. In many species, these abilities require the hippocampus. Recent experiments, in which memory demand was varied while overt behavior and the environment were kept constant, have revealed firing patterns of hippocampal neurons that corresponded with memory demands and predicted performance. Although the active population appeared to be 'place cells' that signalled location, it actually included cells the activity patterns of which distinguished the recent or pending history of behavior during identical actions that occurred in the same place. Different populations of hippocampal cells fired as a rat walked along the same spatial path on the way to different goals, and coded past, present and pending events. Other experiments provide converging data that neuronal activity is modulated by goal-directed behavioral episodes. Together, these firing patterns suggest a testable mechanism of episodic memory coding: that hippocampal dynamics encode a temporally extended, hierarchically organized representation of goal-directed behavior.  相似文献   

Prospective and retrospective memory coding in the hippocampus   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Ferbinteanu J  Shapiro ML 《Neuron》2003,40(6):1227-1239
The effect of memory on hippocampal neuronal activity was assessed as rats performed a spatial task that was impaired by fornix lesions. The influences of current location, recently entered places, and places about to be entered were compared. Three new findings emerged. (1) Current, retrospective, and prospective coding were common and recorded simultaneously in neural ensembles. (2) The origin of journeys influenced firing even when rats made detours, showing that recent memory could modulate neuronal activity more than spatial trajectory. (3) Diminished retrospective coding and, more markedly, reduced prospective coding in error trials suggested that the neuronal signal was important for task performance. The population of hippocampal neurons thus encoded information about the recent past, the present, and the imminent future, consistent with a neuronal mechanism for episodic memory.  相似文献   

The adult hippocampus is one of the primary neural structures involved in memory formation. In addition to synapse-specific modifications thought to encode information at the subcellular level, changes in the intrahippocampal neuro-populational activity and dynamics at the circuit-level may contribute substantively to the functional capacity of this region. Within the hippocampus, the dentate gyrus has the potential to make a preferential contribution to neural circuit modification owing to the continuous addition of new granule cell population. The integration of newborn neurons into pre-existing circuitry is hypothesized to deliver a unique processing capacity, as opposed to merely replacing dying granule cells. Recent studies have begun to assess the impact of hippocampal neurogenesis by examining the extent to which adult-born neurons participate in hippocampal networks, including when newborn neurons become engaged in ongoing network activity and how they modulate circuit dynamics via their unique intrinsic physiological properties. Understanding the contributions of adult neurogenesis to hippocampal function will provide new insight into the fundamental aspects of brain plasticity, which can be used to guide therapeutic interventions to replace neural populations damaged by disease or injury.  相似文献   

Grid cells in the medial entorhinal cortex encode space with firing fields that are arranged on the nodes of spatial hexagonal lattices. Potential candidates to read out the space information of this grid code and to combine it with other sensory cues are hippocampal place cells. In this paper, we investigate a population of grid cells providing feed-forward input to place cells. The capacity of the underlying synaptic transformation is determined by both spatial acuity and the number of different spatial environments that can be represented. The codes for different environments arise from phase shifts of the periodical entorhinal cortex patterns that induce a global remapping of hippocampal place fields, i.e., a new random assignment of place fields for each environment. If only a single environment is encoded, the grid code can be read out at high acuity with only few place cells. A surplus in place cells can be used to store a space code for more environments via remapping. The number of stored environments can be increased even more efficiently by stronger recurrent inhibition and by partitioning the place cell population such that learning affects only a small fraction of them in each environment. We find that the spatial decoding acuity is much more resilient to multiple remappings than the sparseness of the place code. Since the hippocampal place code is sparse, we thus conclude that the projection from grid cells to the place cells is not using its full capacity to transfer space information. Both populations may encode different aspects of space.  相似文献   

Trajectory encoding in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Frank LM  Brown EN  Wilson M 《Neuron》2000,27(1):169-178
We recorded from single neurons in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex (EC) of rats to investigate the role of these structures in navigation and memory representation. Our results revealed two novel phenomena: first, many cells in CA1 and the EC fired at significantly different rates when the animal was in the same position depending on where the animal had come from or where it was going. Second, cells in deep layers of the EC, the targets of hippocampal outputs, appeared to represent the similarities between locations on spatially distinct trajectories through the environment. Our findings suggest that the hippocampus represents the animal's position in the context of a trajectory through space and that the EC represents regularities across different trajectories that could allow for generalization across experiences.  相似文献   

In accordance with the advanced hypothesis the long-term memory is a collection of "gnostic units" selectively tuned to experienced events. The long-term memory is continuously supplemented by new neurons differentiated from stem cells during neurogenesis (particularly, in adults). The transformation of neuronal progenitors into event-selective gnostic units is accomplished with participation of hippocampal "novelty neurons" emphasizing information inputs to be stored in the long-term memory. The formation of the gnostic units is preceded by informational processes occurring in the ventral ("what?") and dorsal ("where?") systems. The formation of a new gnostic unit selectively tuned to a particular event is a result of combination of feature-detector excitation and novelty signal generated by hippocampal novelty neurons.  相似文献   

Adult hippocampal neurogenesis has been implicated in hippocampus-dependent learning and memory. Furthermore, the decline of neurogenesis accompanying aging could be involved in age-related cognitive deficits. It is believed that the neural stem cell niche comprises a specialized microenvironment regulating stem cell activation and maintenance. However, little is known about the significance of the extracellular matrix in controlling adult stem cells. Reelin is a large glycoprotein of the extracelluar matrix known to be of crucial importance for neuronal migration. Here, we examined the local interrelation between Reelin expressing interneurons and putative hippocampal stem cells and investigated the effects of Reelin deficiency on stem cell and progenitor cell proliferation. Reelin-positive cells are found in close vicinity to putative stem cell processes, which would allow for stem cell regulation by Reelin. We investigated the proliferation of stem cells in the Reelin-deficient reeler hippocampus by Ki67 labeling and found a strong reduction of mitotic cells. A detailed analysis of dividing Type 1, type 2 and type 3 cells indicated that once a stem cell is recruited for proliferation, the progression to the next progenitor stage as well as the number of mitotic cycles is not altered in reeler. Our data point to a role for Reelin in either regulating stem cell quiescence or maintenance.  相似文献   

It is not uncommon to find statements in the social media and even in some scientific journals declaring that embryonic stem cells can be used in human medicine for therapeutic purposes. In our opinion, this statement does not fit the medical reality. To go into this subject in depth, and if possible to clarify it, we reviewed the most recent literature on clinical trials conducted with embryonic stem cells, concluding that up to the present time, there is only one ongoing clinical trial being carried out with these types of cells to treat a small group of patients with spinal cord injury. The results of this trial have still not been published. In conclusion, at present, there is only evidence of one phase I clinical trial conducted with embryonic stem cells, in comparison to the numerous trials conducted with adult stem cells.  相似文献   

rx1 and pax6 are necessary for the establishment of the vertebrate eye field and for the maintenance of the retinal stem cells that give rise to multiple retinal cell types. They also are differentially expressed in cellular layers in the retina when cell fates are being specified, and their expression levels differentially affect the production of amacrine cell subtypes. To determine whether rx1 and pax6 expression after the eye field is established simply maintains stem cell-like qualities or affects cell type differentiation, we used hormone-inducible constructs to increase or decrease levels/activity of each protein at two different neural plate stages. Our results indicate that rx1 regulates the size of the retinal stem cell pool because it broadly affected all cell types, whereas pax6 regulates more restricted retinal progenitor cells because it selectively affected different cell types in a time-dependent manner. Analysis of rx1 and pax6 effects on proliferation, and expression of stem cell or differentiation markers demonstrates that rx1 maintains cells in a stem cell state by promoting proliferation and delaying expression of neural identity and differentiation markers. Although pax6 also promotes proliferation, it differentially regulates neural identity and differentiation genes. Thus, these two genes work in parallel to regulate different, but overlapping aspects of retinal cell fate determination.  相似文献   

It was repeatedly demonstrated that a negative emotional context enhances memory for central details while impairing memory for peripheral information. This trade-off effect is assumed to result from attentional processes: a negative context seems to narrow attention to central information at the expense of more peripheral details, thus causing the differential effects in memory. However, this explanation has rarely been tested and previous findings were partly inconclusive. For the present experiment 13 negative and 13 neutral naturalistic, thematically driven picture stories were constructed to test the trade-off effect in an ecologically more valid setting as compared to previous studies. During an incidental encoding phase, eye movements were recorded as an index of overt attention. In a subsequent recognition phase, memory for central and peripheral details occurring in the picture stories was tested. Explicit affective ratings and autonomic responses validated the induction of emotion during encoding. Consistent with the emotional trade-off effect on memory, encoding context differentially affected recognition of central and peripheral details. However, contrary to the common assumption, the emotional trade-off effect on memory was not mediated by attentional processes. By contrast, results suggest that the relevance of attentional processing for later recognition memory depends on the centrality of information and the emotional context but not their interaction. Thus, central information was remembered well even when fixated very briefly whereas memory for peripheral information depended more on overt attention at encoding. Moreover, the influence of overt attention on memory for central and peripheral details seems to be much lower for an arousing as compared to a neutral context.  相似文献   



It is well established that hippocampal activity is positively related to effective associative memory formation. However, in biological systems often optimal levels of activity are contrasted by both sub- and supra-optimal levels. Sub-optimal levels of hippocampal activity are commonly attributed to unsuccessful memory formation, whereas the supra-optimal levels of hippocampal activity related to unsuccessful memory formation have been rarely studied. It is still unclear under what circumstances such supra-optimal levels of hippocampal activity occur. To clarify this issue, we aimed at creating a condition, in which supra-optimal hippocampal activity is associated with encoding failure. We assumed that such supra-optimal activity occurs when task-relevant information is embedded in task-irrelevant, distracting information, which can be considered as noise.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In the present fMRI study, we probed neural correlates of associative memory formation in a full-factorial design with associative memory (subsequently remembered versus forgotten) and noise (induced by high versus low distraction) as factors. Results showed that encoding failure was associated with supra-optimal activity in the high-distraction condition and with sub-optimal activity in the low distraction condition. Thus, we revealed evidence for a bell-shape function relating hippocampal activity with associative encoding success.


Our findings indicate that intermediate levels of hippocampal activity are optimal while both too low and too high levels appear detrimental for associative memory formation. Supra-optimal levels of hippocampal activity seem to occur when task-irrelevant information is added to task-relevant signal. If such task-irrelevant noise is reduced adequately, hippocampal activity is lower and thus optimal for associative memory formation.  相似文献   

Neural stem cells generate neurons in the hippocampal dentate gyrus in mammals, including humans, throughout adulthood. Adult hippocampal neurogenesis has been the focus of many studies due to its relevance in processes such as learning and memory and its documented impairment in some neurodegenerative diseases. However, we are still far from having a complete picture of the mechanism regulating this process. Our study focused on the possible role of cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels. These voltage-independent channels activated by cyclic nucleotides, first described in retinal and olfactory receptors, have been receiving increasing attention for their involvement in several brain functions. Here we show that the rod-type, CNGA1, and olfactory-type, CNGA2, subunits are expressed in hippocampal neural stem cells in culture and in situ in the hippocampal neurogenic niche of adult mice. Pharmacological blockade of CNG channels did not affect cultured neural stem cell proliferation but reduced their differentiation towards the neuronal phenotype. The membrane permeant cGMP analogue, 8-Br-cGMP, enhanced neural stem cell differentiation to neurons and this effect was prevented by CNG channel blockade. In addition, patch-clamp recording from neuron-like differentiating neural stem cells revealed cGMP-activated currents attributable to ion flow through CNG channels. The current work provides novel insights into the role of CNG channels in promoting hippocampal neurogenesis, which may prove to be relevant for stem cell-based treatment of cognitive impairment and brain damage.  相似文献   

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