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The lepidopteran stalk borers, the indigenous Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Noctuidae), and the exotic Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Pyralidae), were studied in grain sorghum fields, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench (cultivar SSK-52), in the dry season of 1986 (April–October) at Delmas and Brits, Transvaal, South Africa. More than 90% of plants at both sites were infested, but as winter progressed, the proportion of plants infested and the level of infestation dropped gradually. The borer larvae hibernated inside the dry stalks, but the location differed: 65% of B. fusca were in the lower third and 30% in the middle third, whereas for C. partellus it was 45 and 50% respectively. Both borers overwintered as larvae in either of the last three instars, but the proportions of larval instars were different. About 82% of B. fusca hibernated as 6th and 16% as 5th larval instars whereas with C. partellus it was 40 and 45% respectively. C. partellus started to emerge from diapause in the second part of August and it lasted until the first week of November, a period of 12 weeks, but with B. fusca on the other hand pupation lasted only 3 weeks during October–November. Parasitism was low on both species, but higher on B. fusca. Three parasites, Chelonus curvinaculatus Cameron, Chelonus sp. and Pristomerus sp. hibernated in the borers, one parasite Iphiaulax sp., hibernated in its cocoon inside the stalks, and two parasites Apanteles sesamiae Cameron and Bracon sp. were active in winter. Two ants, Pheidole megacephala Febricius, and Dorylus helvolus (L.), preyed on the borer larvae in winter.
Hibernation des chenilles de deux espèces de mineuses, Busseola fusca et Chilo partellu dans les tiges de Sorghum bicolor
Résumé Deux chenilles mineuses de tiges, B. fusca, Noctuidae indigène, et C. partellus, Pyralidae exotique, ont été étudiées dans des champs de S. bicolor (cultivar SSK-52), pendant la saison sèche de 1986 (Avril–Octobre) à Delmas et Brits, au Transvaal en Afrique du Sud. Plus de 90% des pieds des deux stations étaient infestés, mais plus l'hiver avançait, plus la proportion de plantes in festées et le taux d'infestation diminuaient. Les chenilles ont hiverné dans les tiges sèches, mais leurs positions étaient différentes: 65% des B. fusca étaient dans le tiers inférieur et 30% dans le tiers médian, tandis que pour C. partellus, il s'agissait respectivement de 45 et 50%. Les duex chenilles hivernaient à l'un des 3 derniers stades larvaires, mais les proportions étaient différentes. Pour B. fusca environ 82% hivernaient au 6ème stade et 16% au 5ème stade, tandis que pour C. partellus c'étaient 40 et 45% respectivement. C. partellus a commencé à sortir de diapause pendant la seconde moitié d'Août et a continué jusqu'à la première semaine de Novembre, soit durant une période de 12 semaines, mais avec B. fusca la nymphose a duré seulement 3 semaines en Octobre–Novembre. Le parasitisme des deux espèces a été faible, mais plus important chez B. fusca. Trois parasites, Chelonus curvimaculatus Cameron, Chelonus sp. et Pristomerus sp. ont hiverné dans leurs cocons à l'intérieur des tiges, et deux parasites, Apanteles sesamiae Cameron et Bracon sp. étaient actifs en hiver. Deux fourmis, Pheidole megacephala Fabricius et Dorylus helvolus L. capturaient des chenilles de ces mineuses pendant l'hiver.

An insecticide exclusion method was used to evaluate the effect of parasitoids on level of infestation by the stem borers, Busseola fusca (Fuller) and Chilo partellus (Swinhoe), in grain sorghum. In field trials conducted at Brits and at Delmas, South Africa, a selective organophosphate insecticide, dimethoate, was applied twice weekly at each site to three subplots whereas three other identical subplots served as controls. Twelve plants were randomly selected from each subplot at weekly intervals and removed from the field. In the laboratory all plants were dissected to record borer infestation. In order to determine parasitism levels egg batches were kept in Petri dishes and all borer larvae and pupae were kept individually in vials until either parasitoids or moths emerged. At Brits ca. 97% of borers were C. partellus and 3% B. fusca, whereas at Delmas 37.5% were C. partellus and 62.5% B. fusca. The most abundant parasitoids of B. fusca were Cotesia sesamiae (Cameron) and Bracon sesamiae Cameron. The dominant parasitoids of C. partellus at both sites were C. sesamiae, Stenobracon spec., Dentichasmias busseolae Henrich and Pediobius furvus (Gahan). No egg parasitoids were found. At both sites, infestation levels in the sprayed plots were significantly higher than in the untreated plots. On the other hand, parasitism levels of borers in the unsprayed plots were significantly higher than in the treated plots. It was concluded that the higher infestation level of sorghum by stem borers in the sprayed plots was because of partial elimination of parasitoids and possibly other natural enemies by the pesticide.  相似文献   

Previous studies revealed that diapause larvae of Busseola fusca (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) began to respond to water and pupated in artificial wet conditions only in late diapause. Experiments are designed to clarify how water is involved in the termination of larval diapause. Neither feeding the larvae on fresh sorghum stems (6 weeks old) nor allowing them to drink water stimulated a break in the larval diapause. Diapause larvae transferred to artificial wet conditions pupated without increase in fresh weight. It is thus concluded that water contact is more significant as a factor terminating diapause in B. fusca than water uptake.
Résumé Des études antérieures avaient montré que la diapause des chenilles de B. fusca (Lep., Noctuidae) commence par une réaction à l'eau et qu'elles ne se nymphosent dans des conditions artificiellement humides qu'en fin de diapause. Des expériences ont été conçues pour préciser l'intervention de l'eau dans la terminaison de la diapause. Ni l'alimentation des chenilles sur des tiges fraiches de jeune sorgho (de 6 semaines), ni la possibilité de boire de l'eau n'ont stimulé une rupture de la diapause larvaire. Des chenilles en diapause transférées dans des conditions artificiellement humides se sont nymphosées sans augmentation du poids frais. On en a conclu que le contact avec de l'eau était plus important que l'absorption d'eau comme facteur de fin de diapause chez B. fusca.

The distribution and relative importance of lepidopteran and coleopteran stem borers and their natural enemies on maize and sorghum were studied in cereal growing zones of the Amhara State of Ethiopia from 2003 to 2004. Sorghum is the major crop in semi-arid eastern and maize in the cool-wet western zones of the Amhara state. Four administrative zones, 10 districts and 88 localities in the semi-arid ecozone (SAE) and four zones, 19 districts and 71 localities in the cool-wet ecozone (CWE) were chosen for the study. In SAE, the species composition was 91% Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), 8% Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and 1% Sesamia calamistis Hampson (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). In the CWE, maize and sorghum are grown in different ecozones and thus B. fusca was the dominant species on sorghum, whereas 61% B. fusca and 39% S. calamistis were recorded on maize. Borer density generally increased with crop growth stage. C. partellus parasitism by C. flavipes Cameron (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), which occurred only in SAE, varied among districts ranging from 5% to 39%. In the CWE, unidentified nematodes parasitized medium-sized B. fusca larvae during the wet months. Population of native parasitoids was very low. The coleopteran borer, Rhynchaenus niger (Horn) (Coleoptera: Rhynchophoridae), attacked sorghum plants in both regions. Sorghum yields were negatively related to plant damage variables and positively to larval parasitism and plant growth variables. On maize, plant damage was too low to affect yields. Taylor’s power law indicated aggregated distribution for C. partellus and B. fusca larvae and pupae combined.  相似文献   

Three lepidopteran stemborers, Busseola fusca Fuller (Noctuidae), Sesamia calamistis Hampson (Noctuidae), and Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Crambidae), were evaluated for their acceptability for oviposition and suitability for development by two populations of the larval endoparasitoid Cotesia sesamiae (Cameron) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) occurring in the highveld (>1200 m) and lowveld (<600 m) regions of Zimbabwe. Mating studies were also conducted to determine reproductive compatibility between the populations. Both C. sesamiae populations preferred the noctuids to C. partellus for oviposition, possibly reflecting differences in evolutionary history. Although B. fusca was partially suitable for development of lowveld C. sesamiae, all three hosts were suitable for development of the highveld population. Crosses between highveld and lowveld C. sesamiae were compatible, and were generally not different from the intra-population crosses in developmental time, % adult emergence and sex ratio. However, broods were much larger when highveld males were used in the mating combinations. We conclude that although there is host overlap and probably a considerable degree of outbreeding between the two C. sesamiae populations, there are still significant genetic differences between them. Within Zimbabwe, it is unlikely that the deliberate introduction of either population outside its region of occurrence will give meaningful stemborer control.  相似文献   

A programme to collect, import and release into Canada the gypsy moth parasitoid,Ceranthia samarensis (Diptera: Tachinidae) is described. The parasitoid's potential for biological control in Canada is also discussed. The parasitoid was collected in Europe by exposing experimental gypsy moth larvae in areas where local gypsy moth populations were at low densities. Following field exposure, the host larvae were returned to the laboratory and parasitoids reared from them. This technique has shown thatC. samarensis is the suffers 7–16% hyperparasitism. From 83–90% of theC. samarensis typically enter diapause as pharate adults within the puparia. Laboratory tests of post-exposure host rearing conditions indicate that constant temperatures disrupt the normal parasitoid diapause and that this effect can not be offset by use of either static long or short photoperiods or natural daylengths. Shipping and cold-storage procedures for puparia are described. Post-storage time to emergence of adultC. samarensis decreased with longer cold storage periods and with higher post-storage incubation temperatures. Emergence requires 112 degree-days above a threshold of 8°C after a period of at least 8 months cold storage. Releases of adultC. samarensis into field cages at four locations in southern Ontario are documented. While dissection of host larvae from the field cages has failed so far to demonstrate evidence of parasitism, we remain hopeful that some establishment of the parasitoid has occurred.   相似文献   


The distribution and relative importance of lepidopteran stem borers attacking maize and sorghum were investigated in farmers’ fields during the main cropping seasons of 2015 and 2016 across three main agro-climatic zones (ACZs) of eastern Ethiopia. Three stem borer species, namely Busseola fusca Fuller, Chilo partellus Swinhoe and Sesamia calamistis Hampson were found attacking these crops with different levels of distribution and abundance among ACZs. Busseola fusca was the only borer species in the highlands and dominant (67%) in the midhighland zones, while C. partellus was predominant (75%) in the lowlands. The abundance of S. calamistis was low across its distribution range. Across both years, mean plant infestation by B. fusca ranged from 20.38 in lowlands to 42.97% in highlands. Chilo partellus resulted in a mean infestation of 27.38% in the midaltitude to 68.24% in lowlands. Mean density of larvae per plant was higher for C. partellus (2.85), followed by B. fusca (1.41) and S. calamistis (0.46). Moreover, within each ACZs, variation in plant damage variables was observed between the study periods. These spatio-temporal differences in community structures of stem borers are discussed particularly in relation to agro-climatic requirements.  相似文献   

Clarification of factors enabling diapause termination was carried out in a stem borer, Busseola fusca. Diapausing larvae very rarely pupated under dry conditions. Water apparently played a significant role in the termination of late diapause. During the late diapause period, larvae in the field were exposed to rains of the short rainy season. This precipitation, however, terminated diapause in only a few larvae, which indicate that termination requires sustained exposure to wet conditions that are not usually met during the short rains.
Résumé Les causes de la fin de la diapause ont été précisées sur B. fusca. Les chenilles diapausantes se nymphosent très rarement en conditions sèches. L'eau joue apparement un rôle important dans la fin de la dernière phase de la diapause. Dans la nature, les chenilles sont exposées pendant cette période aux plues de la brève saison de pluies. Cependant, ces précipitations n'interrompent la diapause que d'un nombre limité de chenilles, ce qui montre que la fin de la diapause exige une exposition prolongée à des conditions humides que l'on ne rencontre pas généralement pendant la brève saison des pluies.

The stem borer, Busseola fusca (Fuller), is an important pest of maize Zea mays L. and sorghum Sorghum bicolor (L.) in eastern and southern Africa. To control this pest, biological control methods including the use of entomopathogenic fungi are being considered. The pathogenicity of one isolate of Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch.) Sorok. and one isolate of Beauveria bassiana Bals. (Vuill.) were first tested on different developmental stages of B. fusca including eggs, neonate, 2nd and 3rd-instar larvae. Both fungal isolates were pathogenic to all the stages tested. However, differences in mortality were observed among larvae that hatched from treated egg masses. Experiments were conducted thereafter to test whether B. fusca males could serve as a vector for fungal conidia to contaminate B. fusca females and subsequently eggs and larvae. Results demonstrated that B. fusca males successfully transferred inoculum to females during copulation, which in turn transmitted it to the eggs they laid on maize plants, resulting in the decrease of leaf damages.  相似文献   

The resistance/susceptibility levels of ten maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars to neonates and 3rd-instar larvae of Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) were measured in the field and screenhouse experiments. The maize cultivars tested were: Inbred A, Mp 704, V-37, Population 10, Hybrid 511, Katumani Composite B, ER-29 SVR, Poza Rica 7832, ICZ2-CM, and MMV 400. Most cultivars were found susceptible to 3rd-instar larvae based on the incidence of dead heart symptoms, foliar feeding and stem tunnelling caused by stem borers in both the field and screenhouse experiments. However, the maize cultivars V-37, MMV 400 and Poza Rica 7832 sustained significantly lesser damage than the other cultivars when infested with neonates or 3rd instar larvae.The screenhouse experiments conducted with five maize cultivars, i.e. Inbred A, Mp 704, V-37, ER-29 SVR, and Poza Rica 7832 showed that neonates fed less on the resistant than the susceptible maize cultivars but feeding by the 3rd instars was equally high on all the maize cultivars except Mp 704 on which the larvae fed less than the others. In the cultivars infested with neonates, the mean period for 50% moth emergence P50 was longest on Mp 704 followed by Poza Rica 7832, ER-29 SVR, V-37 and Inbred A. In the cultivars infested with 3rd-instars, P50 was longest for Poza Rica 7832 followed equally by the remaining cultivars.On the basis of the evidence presented we here conclude that neonates of C. partellus are sensitive to the growth inhibiting effects of the resistant maize cultivars Mp 704, V-37, and Poza Rica 7832 but the older larvae are insensitive to these effects of Mp 704 and V-37 but not of Poza Rica 7832.  相似文献   

Tests were carried out in a screenhouse to determine the potential of a microsporidian pathogen,Nosema marucae (Microspora: Nosematidae), for the control of the spotted stalk borer,Chilo partellus (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), on sorghum. Foliar application of an aqueous suspension ofN. marucae spores on egg batches pasted on the sorghum plants reduced leaf-damage in plants in the protected plots, and increased the proportion of plants with fully- and partially formed heads compared to unsprayed plots. Further, there was less tunnelling and fewer larvae in the sprayed plots. The pathogen also reduced pest infestation and damage to plants when the plots were infested with newly emerged larvae instead of eggs.N. marucae has a potential to controlC. partellus.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the fatty acid composition of the total lipid extracted from the whole body of Cydia pomonella L. larvae were determined by gas chromatography. The six most abundant fatty acids in both non-diapause and diapause larvae of codling moth were oleic (35%-39%), palmitic (23%-33%), linoleic (16%-30%), palmitoleic (5%-10%), stearic (1.5%-3.0%) and linolenic acids (1.0%-2.5%). This represents a typical complement of Lepidopteran fatty acids. The fatty acid composition of total lipid of C. pomonella larvae was related to diapause. In similarity to most other reports, the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids increased in diapause initiation state. The total lipid of diapause larvae contained more linoleic acid (25.8% vs. 16.1%) and less palmitic acid (24.7% vs. 33.4%), than that of non-diapause larvae. The weight percentage of linoleic acid (C 18:2) increased from 16% to 26% from early-August through early-September during transition to diapause, while palmitic acid (C16:0) decreased from 33% to 25% at the same time. These changes resulted in an increase in the ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids (UFA/SFA) from 1.72 in non-diapause larvae to 2.63 in diapause larvae.  相似文献   

Lepidopteran stemborers are the most destructive insect pests of cereal crops in sub‐Saharan Africa. In nature, these insects are often exposed to multiple environmental stressors, resulting in potent impact on their thermal tolerance. Such environmental stressors may influence their activity, survival, abundance and biogeography. In the present study, we investigate the effects of acclimation to temperature, starvation and desiccation on thermal tolerance, measured as critical thermal limits [critical thermal minima (CTmin) and maxima (CTmax)] on laboratory‐reared economic pest species Chilo partellus Swinhoe (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), Busseola fusca (Fuller) and Sesamia calamistis Hampson (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) using established protocols. Low temperature acclimation results in improved CTmin for B. fusca and C. partellus, whereas high temperature acclimation enhances the same trait for B. fusca and S. calamistis. Similarly, high temperature and starvation pretreatment improve CTmax for C. partellus relative to S. calamistis and B. fusca. In addition, starvation and desiccation pretreatments improve CTmin for all stemborer species. Furthermore, rapid cold‐hardening (RCH) enhancs CTmin for B. fusca and C. partellus, whereas rapid heat‐hardening (RHH) improves the same trait for C. partellus. However, RCH and RHH impair CTmax for all stemborer species. These findings show differential thermal tolerances after exposure to heterogeneous environmental stress habitats. Chilo partellus, of exotic origin, shows a higher magnitude of basal thermal tolerance plasticity relative to the indigenous African species S. calamistis and B. fusca. This indicates that C. partellus may have a fitness and survival advantage under climate‐induced heterogeneous environments, and also have a greater chance for geographical range expansion and invasion success compared with the indigenous B. fusca and S. calamistis.  相似文献   

Diapause in a New Zealand strain of codling moth (Cydia pomonella Linnaeus [Lepidoptera: Olethreutidae]) was induced in larvae by photoperiods of 15 h or less. Once diapause had been initiated, it could not be terminated by any combination of conditions tested for at least 20 days after cocooning. In diapausing larvae a low rate of pupation occurred at 25 °C under a long day (18 h) photoperiod. A high rate of pupation was achieved under a long day regime when larvae were decocooned, and provided with apple as nourishment. Diapause could be terminated predictably in 94–100% of larvae by 1) conditioning at 15 °C and constant darkness for periods of 40–100 days, then 2) chilling at 2±2 °C and constant darkness for 20–50 days followed by 3) any post-chill condition periods at 25 °C, 18 h photoperiod. Complete diapause termination was achieved when 100 days conditioning was followed by 30 days or 50 days post-chill period. Under these conditions, 76% termination occurred in the post-chill period after 10 days, and 93% after 25 days.To terminate diapause in codling moth larvae, we recommend that a 100 days conditioning followed by 30 days chilling and 50 days post chilling periods be used.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature, photoperiod, artificial diet and water on the termination of diapause by larvae of the stem borer, Chilo partellus (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), was studied in the laboratory. Termination of diapause as indicated by pupation was affected mainly by a combination of high temperature and a long day photoperiod. Total darkness did not prevent termination of diapause and pupation occurred also in larvae which were never exposed to water. Long days accelerated pupation, but, under 16 h daylength, termination of diapause was faster than under constant illumination. Provision of artificial diet had no effect or slowed down pupation but water decreased the time to pupation. Under 28°C, 16 h daylength and availability of water, C. partellus diapausing larvae terminated diapause and pupated in about 9 days.  相似文献   

The preference of lepidopterous stem borer moths to oviposit on certain wild host plants can be exploited in habitat management systems by using those hosts as trap crops. Vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash) was evaluated for its attractiveness and suitability to the pyralid Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and the noctuid Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Two choice tests were conducted in the laboratory and in the greenhouse to determine oviposition choice of C. partellus for maize, Vetiver and rice (Oryza sativa L.), and of B. fusca for Vetiver and maize. C. partellus larval survival was evaluated in green house studies. Results indicated that C. partellus chose Vetiver grass over maize though larval survival on Vetiver was extremely low. B. fusca did not show any host preference.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of diapause on post‐diapause development, reproductive physiology and population growth of Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Crambidae: Lepidoptera). Aestivating and hibernating larvae of C. partellus are exposed to diapause terminating conditions (consisting of an LD 12 : 12 h photocycle at 27 ± 1 °C and 65 ± 5% relative humidity with a fresh diet) to terminate the diapause and observations are made on percentage pupation, pupal duration and weight, adult reproductive performance and population growth parameters. We find that the diapause in C. partellus significantly reduces the percentage pupation and weights of pupae, ultimately lowering the weight and reproductive performance of adults. Reduced weights of adult females are found to be directly associated with a lower number of egg cells in ovaries. Nevertheless, the reproductive performance of C. partellus males is also found to be greatly affected in the diapause (hibernation and aestivation) experiencing population in terms of the deposition of a lower number of spermatophores and eupyrene sperm in the reproductive tracts of females compared with the nondiapausing population. The results of the present study clearly indicate that a reduction in longevity, fecundity and egg viability, as well as a reduced rate of deposition of spermatophores and eupyrene sperm, in a diapause experiencing population of C. partellus ultimately leads to a reduction in population growth parameters, thus having implications for bio‐ecology and population dynamics under a changing climatic scenario.  相似文献   

Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a major pest of maize and sorghum in many countries of tropical Africa. Hitherto, research on this important pest has been hampered by the occurrence of a six-month long diapause in the last larval stage and the lack of an artificial diet for rearing the insect in the laboratory. Incorporating 4 to 8-week-old sorghum powder in a nutritionally adequate diet and rearing larvae individually in vials at ambient laboratory conditions (25–30°C, 50–80% r.h., and L12: D12) have made it possible to rear 15 successive non-diapausing generations ofB. fusca capable of producing between 35 to 40 healthy pupae/litre of diet and upto 70% pupation without loss of vigour or reproductive capacity. Five to six generations were completed per year and the overall mean developmental period (egg-egg) was 68 days (egg 6, larval 45, pre-pupal 1, pupal 14 and pre-oviposition 2 days). Larval period lasted 70 days in the first generation compared to 32.3 days in the fifteenth generation. Average fecundity increased from 158.0 to 394.6 eggs per female with a concomitant increase of egg hatch from 44.8 to 79.6% in the first and fifteenth generation, respectively.  相似文献   

Larval dispersal either through ballooning or crawling results in a redistribution of the insect population and infestations within and between plants. In addition, invasive species, such as the fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and the exotic stemborer Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), may displace indigenous stemborers on maize in Africa. To test whether larval dispersal activity may play a role in the displacement of indigenous stemborers, larval dispersal was compared between FAW, C. partellus, and the indigenous species Busseola fusca (Fuller) and Sesamia calamistis (Hampson) (both Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Twenty potted maize plants were infested with one batch of eggs either from stemborers (B. fusca, S. calamistis, or C. partellus) or from FAW and monitored in the greenhouse for ballooning activities. After egg hatching, both ballooning and non-ballooning larvae were identified according to species and counted. FAW neonate larvae had greater potential for ballooning off than stemborers, irrespective of species. For each species, more females dispersed than males, and their survival rate was higher than that of non-ballooning larvae. In addition, plant-to-plant larval movements were studied using 6.25-m2 plots of caged maize in a completely randomized design with five replicates. FAW was found to have wider dispersal and plant damage potential than any of the stemborer species. In conclusion, in contrast to C. partellus, the invasive characteristic of FAW can be explained, in part, by its higher larval dispersal activity compared to stemborers. This difference in larval dispersal might also be considered in sampling plans for monitoring pest density in the field.  相似文献   

Xanthopimpla stemmator (Thunberg), a solitary endoparasitoid of lepidopteran stemborer pupae, was recently imported into East Africa as a candidate biological control agent of gramineous stemborers. Suitability of Busseola fusca Fuller, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe), Eldana saccharina (Walker) and Sesamia calamistis Hampson, for the development of X. stemmator was studied in the laboratory. One- to 6-day-old laboratory reared pupae of the four stemborer species were exposed to naïve X. stemmator females. All host pupae and ages were acceptable for oviposition. The parasitoids inflicted multiple probe wounds on 67.8% of pupae exposed. B. fusca, C. partellus and S. calamistis were equally suitable with 56.4, 59.4 and 52.3%, respectively, of probed pupae leading to emergence of adult parasitoids. E. saccharina was less suitable with only 22.6% of probed pupae producing parasitoids. Emergence of parasitoids did not differ significantly across the six pupal ages for B. fusca and S. calamistis, but varied for C. partellus and E. saccharina. No parasitoids emerged from 6-day-old E. saccharina pupae. Realized fecundity of females reared on the four stemborer pupae showed that fewer progeny were produced by females emerging from E. saccharina than females reared on the other three stemborer species. Eldana saccharina may be a poor host for X. stemmator in Kenya, but this parasitoid is a potential candidate for biological control of B. fusca, C. partellus and S. calamistis.  相似文献   

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