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Fruits, foliage and the evolution of primate colour vision   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Primates are apparently unique amongst the mammals in possessing trichromatic colour vision. However, not all primates are trichromatic. Amongst the haplorhine (higher) primates, the catarrhines possess uniformly trichromatic colour vision, whereas most of the platyrrhine species exhibit polymorphic colour vision, with a variety of dichromatic and trichromatic phenotypes within the population. It has been suggested that trichromacy in primates and the reflectance functions of certain tropical fruits are aspects of a coevolved seed-dispersal system: primate colour vision has been shaped by the need to find coloured fruits amongst foliage, and the fruits themselves have evolved to be salient to primates and so secure dissemination of their seeds. We review the evidence for and against this hypothesis and we report an empirical test: we show that the spectral positioning of the cone pigments found in trichromatic South American primates is well matched to the task of detecting fruits against a background of leaves. We further report that particular trichromatic platyrrhine phenotypes may be better suited than others to foraging for particular fruits under particular conditions of illumination; and we discuss possible explanations for the maintenance of polymorphic colour vision amongst the platyrrhines.  相似文献   

Evolution and function of routine trichromatic vision in primates   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Evolution of the red-green visual subsystem in trichromatic primates has been linked to foraging advantages, namely the detection of either ripe fruits or young leaves amid mature foliage. We tested competing hypotheses globally for eight primate taxa: five with routine trichromatic vision, three without. Routinely trichromatic species ingested leaves that were "red shifted" compared to background foliage more frequently than species lacking this trait. Observed choices were not the reddest possible, suggesting a preference for optimal nutritive gain. There were no similar differences for fruits although red-greenness may sometimes be important in close-range fruit selection. These results suggest that routine trichromacy evolved in a context in which leaf consumption was critical.  相似文献   

Primate color vision is well suited for investigating the genetic basis of foraging behavior owing to a clear genotype–phenotype linkage. Finding fruits amid tropical foliage has long been proffered as an adaptive explanation for primate trichromacy, yet there is a dearth of systematic evaluations of frugivory as an ecological selective force. We studied the behavioral ecology of wild capuchins (Cebus capucinus) in northwestern Costa Rica across the annual cycle and modeled the ability of three dichromatic and three trichromatic phenotypes to discriminate fruits from leaves, a task that represents long-distance search for food patches in a tropical forest. Models of the trichromatic phenotypes could correctly discriminate approximately three-quarters of the total capuchin dietary fruits from leaves, including some fruits subjectively classified as having “cryptic” (greenish-brownish) hues. In contrast, models of dichromatic phenotypes could discriminate fewer than one-third of the fruits. This pattern held when we restricted our analysis to only the most heavily consumed diet items, preferred foods, or seasonally critical species. We in addition highlight the potential of fruit species with small patch sizes to confer an advantage to trichromats, as these resources are anticipated to provide a high finder’s reward. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that long-distance detection of fruit patches exerts a selective pressure on trichromacy in neotropical primates, and suggest that greenish-brownish fruits might have played an underappreciated role in the evolution of primate color vision.  相似文献   

The selective advantages to primates of trichromatic color vision, allowing discrimination among the colors green, yellow, orange, and red, remain poorly understood. We test the hypothesis that, for primates, an advantage of trichromacy over dichromacy, in which such colors are apt to be confused, lies in the detection of yellow, orange, or red (YOR) food patches at a distance, while controlling for the potentially confounding influences of reproductive status and memory of food patch locations. We employ socially monogamous titi monkeys (Callicebus brunneus) which, like most platyrrhine primates, have polymorphic color vision resulting in populations containing both dichromatic and trichromatic individuals. Wild Callicebus brunneus spent most foraging time in YOR food patches, the locations of most of which were likely to have been memorable for the subjects. Overall, both dichromatic and trichromatic females had significantly higher encounter rates than their dichromatic male pair mates for low-yield ephemeral YOR food patches whose locations were less likely to have been remembered. We detected no difference in the encounter rates of dichromatic and trichromatic females for such patches. However, the data suggest that such a difference may be detectable with a larger sample of groups of Callicebus brunneus, a larger sample of foraging observations per group, or both. We propose that a trichromatic advantage for foraging primates may be realized only when individuals’ energy requirements warrant searching for nonmemorable YOR food patches, a context for selection considerably more limited than is often assumed in explanations of the evolution of primate color vision.  相似文献   

The evolution of trichromatic color vision in primates may improve foraging performance as well as intraspecific communication; however, the context in which color vision initially evolved is unknown. We statistically examined the hypothesis that trichromatic color vision in primates represents a preexisting bias for the evolution of red coloration (pelage and/or skin) through sexual selection. Our analyses show that trichromatic color vision evolved before red pelage and red skin, as well as before gregarious mating systems that would promote sexual selection for visual traits and other forms of intraspecific communication via red traits. We also determined that both red pelage and red skin were more likely to evolve in the presence of color vision and mating systems that promote sexual selection. These results provide statistical support for the hypothesis that trichromatic color vision in primates evolved in a context other than intraspecific communication with red traits, most likely foraging performance, but, once evolved, represented a preexisting bias that promoted the evolution of red traits through sexual selection.  相似文献   

Although most arguments explaining the predominance of polymorphic color vision in platyrrhine monkeys are linked to the advantage of trichromacy over dichromacy for foraging for ripe fruits, little information exists on the relationship between nutritional reward and performance in fruit detection with different types of color vision. The principal reward of most fruits is sugar, and thus it seems logical to investigate whether fruit coloration provides a long-distance sensory cue to primates that correlates with sugar content. Here we test the hypothesis that fruit detection performance via trichromatic color vision phenotypes provides better information regarding sugar concentration than dichromatic phenotypes (i.e., is a color vision phenotype with sufficient red-green (RG) differentiation necessary to "reveal" the concentration of major sugars in fruits?). Accordingly, we studied the fruit foraging behavior of Ateles geoffroyi by measuring both the reflectance spectra and the concentrations of major sugars in the consumed fruits. We modeled detection performance with different color phenotypes. Our results provide some support for the hypothesis. The yellow-blue (YB) color signal, which is the only one available to dichromats, was not significantly related to sugar concentration. The RG color vision signal, which is present only in trichromats, was significantly correlated with sugar content, but only when the latter was defined by glucose. There was in fact a consistent negative relationship between fruit detection performance and sucrose concentration, although this was not significant for the 430 nm and 550 nm phenotypes. The regular trichromatic phenotypes (430 nm, 533 nm, and 565 nm) showed higher correlations between fruit performance and glucose concentration than the other two trichromatic phenotypes. Our study documents a trichromatic foraging advantage in terms of fruit quality, and suggests that trichromatic color vision is advantageous over dichromatic color vision for detecting sugar-rich fruits.  相似文献   

Ateles spp. and Alouatta spp. are often sympatric, and although they are mainly frugivorous and folivorous, respectively, they consume some of the same fruit species. However, they differ in terms of color vision, which is thought to be important for fruit detection. Alouatta spp. have routine trichromatic color vision, while Ateles spp. presents the classic polymorphism of platyrrhines: heterozygous females have trichromatic color vision, and males and homozygous females have dichromatic vision. Given these perceptual differences, one might expect Alouatta spp. to consume more reddish fruits than Ateles spp., since trichromats have an advantage for detecting fruits of that hue. Furthermore, since Ateles spp. have up to six different color vision phenotypes, as do most other platyrrhines, they might be expected to include fruits with a wider variety of hues in their diet than Alouatta spp. To test these hypotheses we studied the fruit foraging behavior of sympatric Alouatta palliata and Ateles geoffroyi in Costa Rica, and modeled the detectability of fruit via the various color vision phenotypes in these primates. We found little similarity in fruit diet between these two species (Morisita = 0.086). Furthermore, despite its polymorphism, A. geoffroyi consumed more reddish fruits than A. palliata, which consumed more greenish fruits. Our modeling results suggest that most fruit species included in the diet of A. geoffroyi can be discriminated by most color vision phenotypes present in the population. These findings show that the effect of polymorphism in platyrrhines on fruit detection may not be a disadvantage for frugivory. We suggest that routine trichromacy may be advantageous for other foraging tasks, such as feeding on young leaves.  相似文献   

Color vision of ancestral organisms of higher primates   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
The color vision of mammals is controlled by photosensitive proteins called opsins. Most mammals have dichromatic color vision, but hominoids and Old World (OW) monkeys enjoy trichromatic vision, having the blue-, green-, and red-sensitive opsin genes. Most New World (NW) monkeys are either dichromatic or trichromatic, depending on the sex and genotype. Trichromacy in higher primates is believed to have evolved to facilitate the detection of yellow and red fruits against dappled foliage, but the process of evolutionary change from dichromacy to trichromacy is not well understood. Using the parsimony and the newly developed Bayesian methods, we inferred the amino acid sequences of opsins of ancestral organisms of higher primates. The results suggest that the ancestors of OW and NW monkeys lacked the green gene and that the green gene later evolved from the red gene. The fact that the red/green opsin gene has survived the long nocturnal stage of mammalian evolution and that it is under strong purifying selection in organisms that live in dark environments suggests that this gene has another important function in addition to color vision, probably the control of circadian rhythms.   相似文献   

The adaptive importance of polymorphic color vision found in many New World and some prosimian primates has been discussed for many years. Polymorphism is probably maintained in part through a heterozygote advantage for trichromatic females, as such individuals are observed to have greater foraging success when selecting ripe fruits against a background of forest leaves. However, recent work also suggests there are some situations in which dichromatic individuals may have an advantage, and that variation in color vision among individuals possessing different alleles may also be significant. Alleles that confer a selective advantage to individuals are expected to occur at a higher frequency in populations than those that do not. Therefore, analyzing the frequencies of color vision alleles in wild populations can add to our understanding of the selective advantages of some color vision phenotypes over others. With this aim, we used molecular techniques to determine the frequencies of color vision alleles in 12 wild tamarin groups representing three species of the genus Saguinus. Our results show that allele frequencies are not equal, possibly reflecting different selective regimes operating on different color vision phenotypes.  相似文献   

The leading explanatory model for the widespread occurrence of color vision polymorphism in Neotropical primates is the heterozygote superiority hypothesis, which postulates that trichromatic individuals have a fitness advantage over other phenotypes because redgreen chromatic discrimination is useful for foraging, social signaling, or predator detection. Alternative explanatory models predict that dichromatic and trichromatic phenotypes are each suited to distinct tasks. To conclusively evaluate these models, one must determine whether proposed visual advantages translate into differential fitness of trichromatic and dichromatic individuals. We tested whether color vision phenotype is a significant predictor of female fitness in a population of wild capuchins, using longterm 26 years survival and fertility data. We found no advantage to trichromats over dichromats for three fitness measures fertility rates, offspring survival and maternal survival. This finding suggests that a selective mechanism other than heterozygote advantage is operating to maintain the color vision polymorphism. We propose that attention be directed to field testing the alternative mechanisms of balancing selection proposed to explain opsin polymorphism nichedivergence, frequencydependence and mutual benefit of association. This is the first indepth, longterm study examining the effects of color vision variation on survival and reproductive success in a naturallyoccurring population of primates.  相似文献   

Here we describe correlations among visual ecology and the physiochemical properties of fruits and leaves consumed by four species of catarrhine primate: Cercopithecus ascanius, Colobus guereza, Pan troglodytes, and Piliocolobus badius. Collectively, their diet was diverse, with each species relying on fruits and leaves to different extents. The mean chromaticity of both foods, as perceived by the green-red and yellow-blue signals that catarrhines decode, was distinct from background foliage. However, selection on the basis of color was evident only for leaves. Primates consumed leaves with higher green-red values than the leaves they avoided-sensory mechanism that correlated with key nutritional variables, such as increased protein and reduced toughness. Moreover, the monkeys ingested leaves near dusk, when reddish targets may be more salient. Similar patterns were never observed with respect to edible fruits, the chromaticities of which did not differ from unconsumed fruits or correlate with nutritional properties. We also found that primate biomass is higher in seasonal sites. We conclude that these findings are consistent with the notion that routine trichromatic vision evolved in a context where seasonal folivory was pivotal to survival.  相似文献   

We present a quantitative means of assessing the conspicuousness of animal coats or other objects in terms of the color vision of each possible observer. We measured reflectance spectra from the fur and skin of many primate species in order to provide an objective survey of the possibilities of pelage coloration found in extant primates. We show that the orange coloration displayed by many platyrrhine and some strepsirhine primates, while being conspicuous to humans, would be cryptic amongst foliage to all males and many females of their own species. In relation to this finding, we briefly review what is known of the color vision of birds that prey on primates, and assess how conspicuous the orange pelage would be to these predators.  相似文献   

New World monkeys exhibit a color vision polymorphism. It resultsfrom allelic variation of the single-locus middle-to-long wavelengthopsin gene on the X chromosome. Females that are heterozygousfor the gene possess trichromatic vision. All other individualspossess dichromatic vision. The prevailing hypothesis for themaintenance of the color vision polymorphism is through a consistentfitness advantage to heterozygous trichromatic females. Suchfemales are predicted to be more efficient than dichromats whendetecting and selecting fruit. Recent experiments with captivecallitrichid primates provided support for this hypothesis bydemonstrating that color vision phenotype affects behavioralresponses to contrived food targets. Yet, the assumptions thattrichromatic females acquire more calories from fruit, or thatnumber of offspring is linked to caloric intake, remain untested.Here, we assess if, in the wild, heterozygous trichromatic individualsin a group of white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus) enjoyan energetic advantage over dichromats when foraging on fruit.Contrary to the assumptions of previous theoretical and experimentalstudies, our analysis of C. capucinus foraging behavior showsthat trichromats do not differ from dichromats in their fruitor energy acquisition rates. For white-faced capuchins, theadvantage of trichromatic vision may be related to the detectionof predators, animal prey, or fruit under mesopic conditions.This result demonstrates the importance of using a fitness currencythat is relevant to individual animals to test evolutionaryhypotheses.  相似文献   

Primates possess remarkably variable color vision, and the ecological and social factors shaping this variation remain heavily debated. Here, we test whether central tenants of the folivory hypothesis of routine trichromacy hold for the foraging ecology of howler monkeys. Howler monkeys (genus Alouatta) and paleotropical primates (Parvorder: Catarrhini) have independently acquired routine trichromacy through fixation of distinct mid‐ to long‐wavelength‐sensitive (M/LWS) opsin genes on the X‐chromosome. The presence of routine trichromacy in howlers, while other diurnal neotropical monkeys (Platyrrhini) possess polymorphic trichromacy, is poorly understood. A selective force proposed to explain the evolution of routine trichromacy in catarrhines—reliance on young, red leaves—has received scant attention in howlers, a gap we fill in this study. We recorded diet, sequenced M/LWS opsin genes in four social groups of Alouatta palliata, and conducted colorimetric analysis of leaves consumed in Sector Santa Rosa, Costa Rica. For a majority of food species, including Ficus trees, an important resource year‐round, young leaves were more chromatically conspicuous from mature leaves to trichromatic than to hypothetical dichromatic phenotypes. We found that 18% of opsin genes were MWS/LWS hybrids; when combined with previous research, the incidence of hybrid M/LWS opsins in this species is 13%. In visual models of food discrimination ability, the hybrid trichromatic phenotype performed slightly poorer than normal trichromacy, but substantially better than dichromacy. Our results provide support for the folivory hypothesis of routine trichromacy. Similar ecological pressures, that is, the search for young, reddish leaves, may have driven the independent evolution of routine trichromacy in primates on separate continents. We discuss our results in the context of balancing selection acting on New World monkey opsin genes and hypothesize that howlers experience stronger selection against dichromatic phenotypes than other sympatric species, which rely more heavily on cryptic foods.  相似文献   

Vertebrate color vision is best developed in fish, reptiles, and birds with four distinct cone receptor visual pigments. These pigments, providing sensitivity from ultraviolet to infrared light, are thought to have been present in ancestral vertebrates. When placental mammals adopted nocturnality, they lost two visual pigments, reducing them to dichromacy; primates subsequently reevolved trichromacy. Studies of mammalian color vision have largely overlooked marsupials despite the wide variety of species and ecological niches and, most importantly, their retention of reptilian retinal features such as oil droplets and double cones. Using microspectrophotometry (MSP), we have investigated the spectral sensitivity of the photoreceptors of two Australian marsupials, the crepuscular, nectivorous honey possum (Tarsipes rostratus) and the arhythmic, insectivorous fat-tailed dunnart (Sminthopsis crassicaudata); these species are representatives of the two major taxonomic divisions of marsupials, the diprotodonts and polyprotodonts, respectively. Here, we report the presence of three spectrally distinct cone photoreceptor types in both species. It is the first evidence for the basis of trichromatic color vision in mammals other than primates. We suggest that Australian marsupials have retained an ancestral visual pigment that has been lost from placental mammals.  相似文献   

Color provides a reliable cue for object detection and identification during various behaviors such as foraging, mate choice, predator avoidance and navigation. The total number of colors that a visual system can discriminate is largely dependent on the number of different spectral types of cone opsins present in the retina and the spectral separations among them. Thus, opsins provide an excellent model system to study evolutionary interconnections at the genetic, phenotypic and behavioral levels. Primates have evolved a unique ability for three-dimensional color vision (trichromacy) from the two-dimensional color vision (dichromacy) present in the majority of other mammals. This was accomplished via allelic differentiation (e.g. most New World monkeys) or gene duplication (e.g. Old World primates) of the middle to long-wavelength sensitive (M/LWS, or red–green) opsin gene. However, questions remain regarding the behavioral adaptations of primate trichromacy. Allelic differentiation of the M/LWS opsins results in extensive color vision variability in New World monkeys, where trichromats and dichromats are found in the same breeding population, enabling us to directly compare visual performances among different color vision phenotypes. Thus, New World monkeys can serve as an excellent model to understand and evaluate the adaptive significance of primate trichromacy in a behavioral context. I shall summarize recent findings on color vision evolution in primates and introduce our genetic and behavioral study of vision-behavior interrelationships in free-ranging sympatric capuchin and spider monkey populations in Costa Rica.  相似文献   

Diurnality, associated with enhanced visual acuity and color vision, is typical of most modern Primates. However, it remains a matter of debate when and how many times primates re-acquired diurnality or returned to nocturnality. We analyzed the features specific to nocturnal and diurnal vision that were recently found in the nuclei of mammalian rod photoreceptor cells in 11 species representing various groups of the Primates and related tree shrew and colugo. In particular, heterochromatin in rod nuclei of nocturnal mammals is clustered in the center of rod nuclei (inverted architecture), whereas rods of diurnal mammals retain rods with peripheral heterochromatin (conventional architecture). Rod nuclei of the nocturnal owl monkey have a state transitional to the inverted one. Surprisingly, rod nuclei of the tarsier have a conventional nuclear architecture typical for diurnal mammals, strongly implying that recent Tarsiiformes returned to nocturnality from the diurnal state. Diurnal lemurs retain inverted rod nuclei typical of nocturnal mammals, which conforms to the notion that the ancestors of all Lemuroidea were nocturnal. Data on the expression of proteins indispensable for peripheral heterochromatin maintenance (and, respectively, conventional or inverted nuclear organization) in rod cells support the view that the primate ancestors were nocturnal and transition to diurnality occurred independently in several primate and related groups: Tupaia, diurnal lemurs, and, at least partially independently, in Simiiformes (monkeys and apes) and Tarsiiformes.  相似文献   

Among mammals, only the primates have acquired the biological machinery needed for highly acute color vision. That distinction led Gordon Walls, perhaps the foremost authority on comparative vision of this century, to suggest long ago that “the color vision of the higher primates is assuredly a law unto itself, genetically and historically speaking.”1 Primate color vision is indeed unique. One manifestation of this uniqueness is that color vision abilities vary significantly, not only between some groupings of primate species, but, remarkably, among individuals of a considerable number of species. Although the functional significance of these variations remains, in large measure, to be sorted out, the past decade has brought much progress in revealing the mechanisms that underlie variation.  相似文献   

Howler monkeys (platyrrhini) have evolved routine trichromatic color vision independently from catarrhines, which presents an opportunity to test hypotheses concerning the adaptive value of distinguishing reddish from greenish hues. A longstanding hypothesis posits that trichromacy aids in the efficient detection of reddish-ripe fruits, which could be an advantage for the detection of the nutritional content of the fruit, such as sugars. In the present study, we assessed fruit visual conspicuity and selection based on color and sucrose content by wild mantled howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata) on Agaltepec Island, Mexico. We used colorimetry to classify dietary fruits as cryptic (greenish) or conspicuous (reddish) against their background leaves. Species-specific color models indicate that trichromatic howler monkeys should be more efficient in discriminating the conspicuous ripe fruits from leaves compared to detecting cryptic ripe fruits from leaves. We found howler monkeys consume more cryptic fruits compared to conspicuous fruits, and that they consume more unripe fruits than ripe fruits. The consumption (acceptance) of fruit was independent of sucrose content, and thus this disaccharide may not play an essential role in mantled howler food selection. Our findings suggest that routine trichromatic color vision may aid in the detection and discrimination of conspicuously colored fruits, but that the final decision whether to accept or reject a fruit probably involves the use of other senses in addition to vision.  相似文献   

Trichromatic primates have a 'red-green' chromatic channel in addition to luminance and 'blue-yellow' channels. It has been argued that the red-green channel evolved in primates as an adaptation for detecting reddish or yellowish objects, such as ripe fruits, against a background of foliage. However, foraging advantages to trichromatic primates remain unverified by behavioral observation of primates in their natural habitats. New World monkeys (platyrrhines) are an excellent model for this evaluation because of the highly polymorphic nature of their color vision due to allelic variation of the L-M opsin gene on the X chromosome. In this study we carried out field observations of a group of wild, frugivorous black-handed spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi frontatus, Gray 1842, Platyrrhini), consisting of both dichromats (n = 12) and trichromats (n = 9) in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica. We determined the color vision types of individuals in this group by genotyping their L-M opsin and measured foraging efficiency of each individual for fruits located at a grasping distance. Contrary to the predicted advantage for trichromats, there was no significant difference between dichromats and trichromats in foraging efficiency and we found that the luminance contrast was the main determinant of the variation of foraging efficiency among red-green, blue-yellow and luminance contrasts. Our results suggest that luminance contrast can serve as an important cue in short-range foraging attempts despite other sensory cues that could be available. Additionally, the advantage of red-green color vision in primates may not be as salient as previously thought and needs to be evaluated in further field observations.  相似文献   

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