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Summary Seven highly inbred lines of White Leghorn chickens were used in a near complete diallel mating plan during eight years. The lines originated from three different base populations selected for egg weight. Average inbreeding coefficients of parents of chicks hatching in successive years were 0.75, 0.80, 0.84, 0.86, 0.89, 0.91, 0.93 and 0.94. The composition of line, specific combining ability and reciprocal effects and their estimated values are given. These effects were estimated for age at first egg (AFE), average weight of all eggs laid to 40 weeks (EW40), body weight at 40 weeks (BW40), number of eggs to 40 weeks (EP40) and number of eggs between 41 and 60 weeks (EP60). Records of 3247 hens surviving to 40 weeks and of 3133 birds to 60 weeks could be used. Large differences between line effects could be found in all traits. They were only partly due to the preceding selection in the base populations. All specific combining effects were in the expected direction, negative for AFE and positive for EW40, BW40, EP40 and EP60. Recovery of inbreeding depression inflated these effects rather substancially. Average heterosis, defined as the relative superiority of a line combination over the mid parent value, was –11.3%, 5.8%, 7.8%, 45.1% and 35.8% for AFE, EW40, BW40, EP40 and EP60 respectively. One line showed a relative superiority in AFE of -19.3% compared to about –7.9% for all other combinations. Reciprocal or sex-linked effects were generally smaller in all traits than specific combining effects, they were considerably smaller in AFE, EP40 and EP60. General reciprocal effects could be found for several lines in one or more traits. Offspring of two lines, when used as sire lines, showed a negative correlation between reciprocal effects of egg weight and body weight.  相似文献   

The objective was to characterize polymorphisms at the 5′-UTR region of the prolactin gene, and determine their association with egg production and egg quality traits in White Leghorn chickens. The study was conducted on four strains of White Leghorn chickens, namely IWH, IWI, IWK, and layer control. Overall, there were three alleles (designated A, B, and C) and five genotypes, with genotypic frequencies of 0.09, 0.75, 0.07, 0.02, and 0.07 for AA, AB, AC, BB, and BC, respectively. There were significant differences among genotypes for egg production up to 52 and 64 wk of age, with maximal egg yields for genotypes AA and AC (144.5 ± 5.06 and 143.2 ± 4.67 eggs, respectively). Furthermore, there were significant differences among genotypes for egg quality traits, including egg weight and Haugh unit at 40 wk of age, Haugh unit at 52 wk, and yolk color index and Haugh unit at 64 wk. Birds with AA or AC genotypes had the best egg quality traits. On the contrary, these genotypes had the lowest prolactin expression, whereas this expression was highest in birds with the BB genotype. In conclusion, polymorphisms at the 5′-UTR of prolactin gene were significantly associated with egg production and egg quality traits in White Leghorn chickens.  相似文献   

Song C  Gu X  Feng C  Wang Y  Gao Y  Hu X  Li N 《Animal genetics》2011,42(3):333-336
A QTL affecting body weight in chickens has been mapped to GGA1, between the markers GCT0006 and MCW0106. The gene HMGA2, which was previously identified as a candidate gene for determining body height in humans and mice, is also conspicuously close to the MCW0106 marker in chickens. Subsequently, 14 SNP markers of HMGA2 were genotyped in CAU chicken resource populations, and the associations between body weight and those SNP markers that displayed polymorphisms were analysed. Three SNPs (rs13849241, rs15231472 and rs13849381) were found to be significantly correlated with body weight in chickens (P < 0.05). Furthermore, haplotypes constructed based on these three SNPs were also discovered to be associated with body weight in chickens at the ages of 6, 7, 9 and 12 weeks. These results suggest that the chicken HMGA2 gene is indeed involved in body weight gain.  相似文献   

Skewed segregations are frequent events in segregating populations derived from different interspecific crosses in tomato. To determine a basis for skewed segregations in the progeny of the cross between Lycopersicon esculentum and L. pennellii, monogenic segregations of 16 isozyme loci were analyzed in an F2 and two backcross populations of this cross. In the F2, 9 loci mapping to chromosomes 1, 2, 4, 9, 10 and 12 exhibited skewed segregations and in all cases there was an excess of L. pennellii homozygotes. The genotypic frequencies at all but one locus were at Hardy-Weinberg equilibria. In the backcross populations, all except two loci exhibited normal Mendelian segregations. No post-zygotic selection model could statistically or biologically explain the observed segregation patterns in the F2 and backcross populations. A pre-zygotic selection model, assuming selective elimination of the male gametophytes during pollen function (i.e., from pollination to karyogamy), could adequately explain the observed segregations in all three populations. The direction of the skewed segregations in the F2 population was consistent with that expected based on the effects of unilateral incompatibility reactions between the two species. In addition, the chromosomal locations of 5 of the 9 markers that exhibited skewed segregations coincided with the locations of several known compatibility-related genes in tomato. Multigenic unilateral incompatibility reactions between L. esculentum pollen and the stigma or style of L. pennellii (or its hybrid derivatives) are suggested to be the major cause of the skewed segregations in the F2 progeny of this cross.  相似文献   

P M Clissold  J O Bishop 《Gene》1982,18(3):211-220
The mouse major urinary proteins (MUPs) and the unprocessed in vitro translation products of MUP mRNA were each resolved by isoelectric focusing (IEF). The urinary MUPs showed about 15 distinct components, and the unprocessed MUPs about 20. In each case wide variation was observed in the relative intensities of individual bands. A comparison of three inbred lines (C57BL, BALB/c and JU) showed inter-line variation in the patterns both of the urinary MUPs and of the unprocessed MUPs. A series of experiments was carried out with a cloned MUP cDNA probe. All three inbred lines contain the same number (about 20) of MUP genes per haploid genome. In Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA the MUP genes displayed complex patterns which we interpret as showing variation on a common basic MUP gene sequence. For each combination of restriction enzymes tested, one size of fragment carried more than half of the total label, and this fragment was always the same in the three inbred lines. Inter-line differences were observed in the patterns of some of the less reactive fragments. MUP mRNA consists of at least two distinct species with sizes of 1 and 1.2 kb, which reacted with the probe in a label ratio of about 0.5 to 1. In the three inbred lines this ratio was essentially the same.  相似文献   

Gene expression levels were quantified after ultraviolet radiation treatment in the parental inbred lines of the maize mapping (IBM) population. This allows us to take advantage of natural variation between maize lines to analyse variation in gene expression. Using a statistically sound split‐plot experiment cDNAs were identified with differently regulated expression in B73 and Mo17 after UV treatment. Fewer genes were down‐regulated in B73; this global strain difference in the number of genes up‐ and down‐regulated does not appear to reflect general hybridization differences. Contrary to our expectation, there was a higher proportion of highly expressed genes (based on EST recovery) that were differently expressed by UV between lines. Genes affected by UV (but not significantly different between B73 and Mo17) include gene types proposed to function in UV acclimation and adaptation based on experiments in other species or other experiments in maize. Several new functional classes were identified as UV‐regulated, including genes encoding proteins that modulate chromatin structure.  相似文献   

Basu  U.  McDonald-Stephens  J. L.  Archambault  D. J.  Good  A. G.  Briggs  K. G.  Taing-Aung  Taylor  G. J. 《Plant and Soil》1997,196(2):283-288
We have made use of a genetic approach to develop homozygous, near-isogenic germplasm for investigating aluminium (Al) resistance in Triticum aestivum L. A conventional backcross program was used to transfer Al resistance from the Al-resistant cultivar, Maringa, to a locally-adapted, Al-sensitive cultivar, Katepwa. At the third backcross stage, a single, resistant isoline (Alikat = Katepwa*3/Maringa) was chosen on the basis of superior root growth after 14 days of exposure to a broad range of Al concentrations (0 to 600 µM). Genetic analysis of doubled-haploid lines (DH) developed from this isoline suggested that resistance is controlled by a single dominant gene. Crosses between DH Alikat and DH Katepwa yielded an Al-resistant F1 population. Backcrossing this F1 population to DH Katepwa produced a population which segregated 1:1 for Al resistance, while selfing produced a population segregating 3 : 1 for Al resistance. Under conditions of Al stress, Al-resistant F2 plants released a suite of novel low molecular weight polypeptides into the rhizosphere. One of these polypeptides (23 kD) shows substantive Al-binding capacity and segregates with the resistant phenotype. While the precise mechanisms that mediate Al resistance are still unknown, this research has provided support for a possible role of the 23 kD exudate polypeptide in mediating resistance to Al. To more fully understand the role that this polypeptide plays in Al-resistance, we are attempting to clone this gene from microsequence data obtained from purified protein.  相似文献   

Aktar Ali  Qi Zhang  Jisen Dai  Xi Huang 《Biometals》2003,16(2):285-293
The fluorescence quenching of calcein (CA) is not iron specific and results in a negative calibration curve. In the present study, deferoxamine (DFO), a strong iron chelator, was used to regenerate the fluorescence quenched by iron. Therefore, the differences in fluorescence reading of the same sample with or without addition of DFO are positively and specifically proportional to the amounts of iron. We found that the same iron species but different anions (e.g. ferric sulfate or ferric citrate) differed in CA fluorescence quenching, so did the same anions but different iron (e.g. ferrous or ferric sulfates). Excessive amounts of citrate competed with CA for iron and citrate could be removed by barium precipitation. After optimizing the experimental conditions, the sensitivity of the fluorescent CA assay is 0.02 M of iron, at least 10 times more sensitive than the colorimetric assays. Sera from 6 healthy subjects were tested for low molecular weight (LMW) chelator bound iron in the filtrates of 10 kDa nominal molecular weight limit (NMWL). The LMW iron was marginally detectable in the normal sera. However, increased levels of LMW iron were obtained at higher transferrin (Tf) saturation (1.64–2.54 M range at 80% Tf saturation, 2.77–3.15 M range at 100% Tf saturation and 3.09–3.39 M range at 120% Tf saturation). The application of the assay was further demonstrated in the filtrates of human liver HepG2 and human lung epithelial A549 cells treated with iron or iron-containing dusts.  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在明确松墨天牛 Monochamus alteratus 成虫及越冬幼虫体型大小的差异,探讨该虫越冬后成虫体型大小和越冬幼虫体重大小关系及原因。【方法】于2014年5月1日至10月31日在浙江富阳野外诱捕松墨天牛,通过测量野外诱捕到的松墨天牛成虫体长、体宽,确定林间松墨天牛成虫体型的差异;松墨天牛越冬幼虫的采集和称重测量明确越冬幼虫的组成和体重大小差异;进而通过对越冬幼虫单头跟踪饲养至化蛹、羽化,确定越冬幼虫体重大小与发育所得蛹和成虫大小的关系,阐明林间松墨天牛成虫体型差异的原因。【结果】浙江富阳野外诱捕发现,松墨天牛的活动期间很长,从5月中旬到10月初一直能诱捕到松墨天牛成虫,高峰期在6和7月份。松墨天牛雌雄成虫体型差异很大,雌虫平均体长和体宽分别为20.59±0.19和6.59±0.06 mm;雄虫平均体长和体宽分别为19.90±0.26 和6.44±0.08 mm; 雌虫的平均体长明显高于雄虫,但二者体宽没有显著差异;并且雌雄成虫体长和体宽呈显著正相关。越冬幼虫的头宽测定表明头宽的变化很大,最小为2.20 mm,最大为4.24 mm,经比对越冬幼虫由4龄和5龄幼虫组成;幼虫体重差异大,平均体重为304.2 mg, 介于71.6~858.0 mg之间,其中5龄越冬幼虫显著重于4龄越冬幼虫。进一步将越冬幼虫单管饲养跟踪研究发现,越冬幼虫体重大小决定蛹和羽化后的成虫的大小,二者存在显著的正相关,并且由4龄越冬幼虫发育所得的蛹和成虫显著轻于由5龄幼虫发育所得的蛹和成虫。【结论】松墨天牛成虫体型差异很大,这与越冬幼虫体重差异相关;越冬幼虫的体重大小决定了其化蛹后的蛹重和羽化后成虫的体型和体重的大小;造成越冬幼虫体重差异的可能原因包括松墨天牛成虫扬飞周期长导致的产卵期长而使得天牛发育进度不一致以及寄主不同部位营养的差异。  相似文献   

Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) possess a high degree of heterogeneity associated with the cell expression system employed in manufacturing, most notably glycosylation. Traditional immunoassay formats used to quantify therapeutic mAbs are unable to discriminate between different glycosylation patterns that may exist on the same protein amino acid sequence. Mass spectrometry provides a technique to distinguish specific glycosylation patterns of the therapeutic antibody within the same sample, thereby allowing for simultaneous quantification of the same mAb with different glycosylation patterns. Here we demonstrate a two-step approach to successfully differentiate and quantify serum mixtures of a recombinant therapeutic mAb produced in two different host cell lines (CHO vs. Sp2/0) with distinct glycosylation profiles. Glycosylation analysis of the therapeutic mAb, CNTO 328 (siltuximab), was accomplished through sample pretreatment consisting of immunoaffinity purification (IAP) and enrichment, followed by liquid chromatography (LC) and mass spectrometry (MS). LC-MS analysis was used to determine the percentage of CNTO 328 in the sample derived from either cell line based on the N-linked G1F oligosaccharide on the mAb. The relative amount of G1F derived from each cell line was compared with ratios of CNTO 328 reference standards prepared in buffer. Glycoform ratios were converted to concentrations using an immunoassay measuring total CNTO 328 that does not distinguish between the different glycoforms. Validation of the IAP/LC-MS method included intra-run and inter-run variability, method sensitivity and freeze-thaw stability. The method was accurate (%bias range = -7.30–13.68%) and reproducible (%CV range = 1.49–10.81%) with a LOQ of 2.5 μg/mL.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial genomes harbour two separate highly divergent glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) genes, gap1 and gap2, which are closely related at the sequence level to the nuclear genes encoding cytosolic and chloroplast GAPDH of higher plants, respectively. Genes gap1 and gap2 of the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 were cloned and sequenced and subsequently inactivated by insertional mutagenesis to understand their metabolic functions. We obtained homozygous gap1- mutants which have lost the capacity to grow on glucose under dim light while growth on organic acids as well as photosynthetic growth under CO2 and high light is not impaired. Homozygous gap2- mutants show the reciprocal phenotype. Under dim light they only grow on glucose but not on organic acids nor do they survive under photosynthetic conditions. Measurements of the anabolic activities (reduction of 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate) in extracts from wild type and mutant cells show that Gap2 is a major enzyme with dual cosubstrate specificity for NAD and NADP, while Gap1 displays a minor NAD-specific GAPDH activity. However, if measured in the catabolic direction (oxidation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate) Gap2 activity is very low and increases three- to fivefold after gel filtration of extracts over Sephadex G25. Our results suggest that enzymes Gap1 and Gap2, although coexpressed in cyanobacterial wild-type cells, play distinct key roles in catabolic and anabolic carbon flow, respectively. While Gap2 operates in the photosynthetic Calvin cycle and in non-photosynthetic gluconeogenesis, Gap1 seems to be essential only for glycolytic glucose breakdown, conditions under which the catabolic activity of Gap2 seems to be repressed by a specific low-molecular-weight inhibitor.  相似文献   

As a first step in the study of chloroplast genome variability in the genus Helianthus, a physical restriction map of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) has been constructed using restriction endonucleases BamH I, Hind III, Pst I, Pvu II and Sac. I. Sunflower circular DNA contains an inverted repeat structure with the two copies (23 kbp each) separated by a large (86 kbp) and a small (20 kbp) single copy region. Its total length is therefore about 152 kbp. Sunflower cpDNA is essentially colinear with that of tobacco with the exception of an inversion of a 23.5-kbp segment in the large single copy region. Gene localization on the sunflower cpDNA and comparison of the gene map with that from tobacco chloroplasts have revealed that the endpoints of the inversion are located between the trnT and trnE genes on the one hand, and between the trnG and trnS genes on the other hand.Analysis of BamH I restriction fragment patterns of H. annuus, H. occidentalis ssp. plantagineus, H. grossesseratus, H. decapetalus, H. giganteus, H. maximiliani and H. tuberosus cpDNAs suggests that structural variations are present in the genus Helianthus.  相似文献   

Affected males (as/as) from the mutant TT rat strain are sterile due to spermatogenesis impairment with meiotic arrest at the pachytene stage. The as locus is on rat chromosome 12, in a region that shows conserved synteny to cM 74-94 on mouse chromosome 5. Stag3, a new member of the stromalin protein family, is expressed specifically in testis and associates to the synaptonemal complex. Mouse Stag3 gene has been assigned to cM 78 on chromosome 5. In this study, we have characterized the rat Stag3 gene and examined it as a candidate for male infertility in as/as rats. The rat Stag3 cDNA is 4181 nucleotides long, contains a highly polymorphic hexanucleotide repeat in the coding region, and encodes a 1256 amino acid protein with 93 and 77% sequence identity to mouse and human Stag3 proteins, respectively. No mutations or differences in size or abundance of Stag3 mRNA were detected between as/as and control rats, suggesting that Stag3 is not responsible for the aspermic phenotype. In addition, immunohistochemistry with antibodies against SCP1 and SPC3 proteins suggest that the synaptonemal complex structures are not primarily affected in these rats.  相似文献   

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