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There are so many definitions for ergonomics terms such as human factors, human factors engineering, human engineering, human factors psychology, engineering psychology, applied ergonomics, occupational ergonomics, industrial ergonomics and industrial engineering. The most inclusive terms are ergonomics and human factors. Both represent the study of work and the interaction between people and their work environmental systems. The main objective is especially fitting with the need to design, develop, implement and evaluate human-machine and environment systems that are productive, comfortable, safe and satisfying to use. The work of the ergonomists in Indonesia--most of them are academicians--have one thing in common, i.e. with the appropriate type of ergonomic approaches to interventions; there would be improvements in productivity, quality of working conditions, occupational safety and health (OSH), costs reduction, better environment, and increase in profits. So many researches, training, seminars and socialization about ergonomics and OSH have been done concerning micro-to-macro themes; but it seems that we are practically still running at the same place up to now. In facts, workers are still working using their traditional or obsolete methods in poor working conditions. Accidents are still happening inside and outside industry with the main root-cause being human "unsafe behavior" and errors. Industrial products cannot compete in the global market, and so many manufacturing industries collapsed or relocated to foreign countries. This paper discusses such a roadmap and review what we ergonomists in Indonesia have done and where we are going to? This review will be treated in the field of ergonomics and OSH to take care the future Indonesia challenges. Some of the challenges faced are care for the workers, care for the people, care for the quality and productivity of work, care for the new advanced technologies, care for the environment, and last but not least care for the nation.  相似文献   

Occupational health problems in developing countries, especially those situated in the tropical zone, are difficult to define. The conditions are more adverse in unorganized small-scale industries. The application of ergonomic principles in the practice of occupational health in developing countries must be subject to all aspects of community health and impact of industrialization as well. Ergonomics offers a broad concept to health scientists in developing countries. "Systems ergonomics" is not applicable. On the contrary, the fact that ergonomics conveys a different meaning to those in developing countries is highlighted by a few examples from Sri Lanka. The author presents his view for consideration in the development of international instruments to prescribe the sale of guarded machinery to developing countries and the limitation of incentive schemes for performing arduous tasks leading to occupational illnesses.  相似文献   

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,China,has an area of1095km2and is located at the edge of thenorthern tropical zone.The landscape is dominated byhills and ravines withflat landrestrictedtothe lowflood-plains and coastal regions.Inthis hilly domain,the smallrocky streams are typically fast flowing at their uplandsources,and graduallyreduceinspeed asthey wind alonghill cuttings to reach the lowlands.While streams arecommonlyfound,rivers are very limited in number.Thefewlong and meanderi…  相似文献   

The evolution of a local fragmented model of services for children with autism in Hong Kong emerged gradually over the past three decades with lack of government funding or support. This had been due to increasing number of children with autism being detected and referred for earlier assessment. With increasing pressure from parents due to long waiting time for assessment and training services and the increasing polarization by mass media there had been a gradual increasing public awareness over the past five years. Though still highly fragmented in the availability of services, there is a growing "business model" available in the community due to increasing need and lack of public funding for support. There is a lack of strategic planning for medical diagnostic and management issues in Hong Kong. Our University of Hong Kong based Autism Research Program was pioneered in 1985 based on the increasing load of autism cases referred for assessment for other developmental problems and diagnosed as Autism in the Duchess of Kent Children's Hospital. As the first author has been the staff of the University of Hong Kong, this program flourished as a research based program. The benefits of early identification and intervention of autism spectrum disorder(ASD) had been increasingly recognized, and with the increased public awareness and increasing trend of earlier diagnosis, there has been a continuously high demand from parents for earlier assessment and training for children suspected to have ASD. This model had not received extra funding for this integrated program for research, teaching and training in autism. We had to apply for various donations and grants to support the development of this pioneer program. The research output and organization of forums for public education and awareness are reviewed. The latter part of the paper reports the summary of clinical profile of autism cases(N=1441) assessed from 1985 to 2010 June under the University of Hong Kong. As the waiting time for initial developmental assessment for any children in Hong Kong is 12?24 months, we also report our preliminary experience with a newly launched triaging service provision for children suspected to be ASD since 2009, including multi-disciplinary assessment and parallel interim training in our university affiliated child assessment centre in Hong(N=89).  相似文献   

Developing countries currently represent approximately 79% of the world population. Living and working conditions in middle and low income countries are harder and worse than for workers in industrialized countries. In developing countries, workers usually face more dangerous workplaces and unhealthy environmental and occupational conditions than those of industrial countries. Shiftworkers can face even more difficulties, due to constraints caused by their working time and consequences on health. Occupational health actions oriented by health policies were implemented during the 1990s in several Asian countries and in Brazil. these actions are important to promote workers' health. The general aims of this report are: a) to discuss topics related to equity and health; b) to present the main items of international and Brazilian legislation for shiftworkers; and c) to review general and specific measures of occupational health for shiftworkers in developing countries. In order to have equity on health and well-being, supporting measures should encompass micro and macro improvements at local, regional and national levels. Governmental and non-governmental organizations, professional bodies, labor unions, research institutes, universities, technical schools and syndicates, would play important roles to achieve these goals.  相似文献   

It has long been recognized that older shift workers may have shorter and more disturbed day sleeps between successive night shifts than their younger colleagues. This has given rise to considerable concern over the safety of aging shift workers because of the increasing age of the work force and increases in retirement age. Because there have been no direct studies of the combined effects of shift work and age on safety, the present paper begins by reviewing the literature relating safety to features of shift systems. It then considers the general effect of age on occupational injury rates before examining existing evidence of the combined effects of shift work and age on performance capabilities. The results of the literature review indicate that when the a priori risk is constant, there is reasonably clear evidence that injury rates are higher at night, and that they increase over successive night shifts more rapidly than over successive day shifts. Further, although occupational injuries are less frequent in older workers, those that do occur tend to be more serious. Finally, there is some suggestive evidence from studies of objectively measured performance capabilities that older workers may be less able to both maintain their performance over the course of a night shift and cope with longer spans of successive night shifts. It is concluded that it seems possible, even though unproven as yet, that older workers may be at greater risk both to injury and accident on the night shift. There is a strong need for future epidemiological studies of the combined effects of shift work and age on injuries and accidents, and that these should attempt to separate the effects of age per se from those of generation.  相似文献   

It has long been recognized that older shift workers may have shorter and more disturbed day sleeps between successive night shifts than their younger colleagues. This has given rise to considerable concern over the safety of aging shift workers because of the increasing age of the work force and increases in retirement age. Because there have been no direct studies of the combined effects of shift work and age on safety, the present paper begins by reviewing the literature relating safety to features of shift systems. It then considers the general effect of age on occupational injury rates before examining existing evidence of the combined effects of shift work and age on performance capabilities. The results of the literature review indicate that when the a priori risk is constant, there is reasonably clear evidence that injury rates are higher at night, and that they increase over successive night shifts more rapidly than over successive day shifts. Further, although occupational injuries are less frequent in older workers, those that do occur tend to be more serious. Finally, there is some suggestive evidence from studies of objectively measured performance capabilities that older workers may be less able to both maintain their performance over the course of a night shift and cope with longer spans of successive night shifts. It is concluded that it seems possible, even though unproven as yet, that older workers may be at greater risk both to injury and accident on the night shift. There is a strong need for future epidemiological studies of the combined effects of shift work and age on injuries and accidents, and that these should attempt to separate the effects of age per se from those of generation.  相似文献   


The levels of TKN, orthophosphate, heavy metals and trace organics including total PCBs and PAHs in the sediments of the East River (Dongjiang) and various reservoirs in Hong Kong were chemically analyzed. It was found that the sediments of various sections of Dongjing and the Shenzhen Reservoir were contaminated by heavy metals at slight to medium levels. Generally speaking, the highest levels of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were recorded in the middle and lower tributaries of Dongjaing, particularly those near Tangxia and Guanlan. Slight amount of PCBs, PAHs were also detected in the lower sections of Dongjiang, indicating industrial contamination due to economic growth in the 1980–90s. Comparatively, only slight amounts of heavy metals were detected in the sediments of some Hong Kong reservoirs that store imported Dongjiang water. Moreover, trace organics including PCBs and PAHs were rarely detected in the reservoirs of Hong Kong. Nevertheless, the high acidity in the sediments of Hong Kong reservoirs is noteworthy. Results revealed that the Dongjiang waters were purified to a certain extent before being imported to and stored at the Hong Kong reservoirs. At present, health risks from the drinking water of Hong Kong are not apparent. However, the long-term trend of organic and inorganic contamination in Dongjiang should not be overlooked and remedial actions should be taken as early as possible. Collaboration between the governments of Hong Kong and Mainland China in tackling chemical pollution in drinking water is an example of cross-border cooperation and control measures should be stepped up as soon as possible.  相似文献   

香港虽是只有1108 km2的弹丸之地,却有着非常丰富的地质多样性,以及不同的地质、地貌、地表形态和作用,其中更有世界级的地质景观.虽然一直以来香港投放大量资源保护生物多样性,但对地质多样性的保护却相对缺乏.为了完善自然保育工作,香港政府在2009年成立香港国家地质公园.在2011年9月,香港国家地质公园成功申报成为香港世界地质公园.香港建立地质公园的目的除了地质保护之外,还希望通过地质公园促进旅游和教育的发展.然而,这3个目标似乎存在矛盾,要平衡矛盾,首先需找出公园的定位,然后根据实际情况分区设计、规划和管理.  相似文献   

BackgroundA Government-subsidised colorectal cancer screening programme (CRCSP) was launched in Hong Kong. This study aimed to assess the participation rate in CRCSP among Chinese individuals between the ages of 50 and 75 years and to survey individuals’ reasons for declining to participate in the CRCSP.MethodsA cross-sectional study was performed. Asymptomatic Chinese individuals aged 50–75 years in Hong Kong who did not have a history of colorectal cancer were recruited. A survey was used to collect information about individuals’ participation in the CRCSP.ResultsThe survey was completed by 1317 participants. Of these, 432 (32.8%) joined the CRCSP and the remaining 885 participants (67.2%) did not join the CRCSP. The most common reason that participants provided for not joining the CRCSP was thinking that the screening was not necessary because they had no health problems (29.3%). Some (14.4%) of the participants claimed to lack information about the CRCSP and screening procedures. Some (12.5%) of them completed the screening before the CRCSP was launched, and the cost was covered by other sources.ConclusionThe participation in CRCSP for a screening among the Hong Kong population has generally increased, but obstacles to participating in screening programme remain.  相似文献   

Most emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic in origin, with wildlife a frequent source of zoonotic disease events. Although individuals with extensive wildlife contact may be at the greatest risk of contracting novel infectious agents, the occupational risk of those working closely with wildlife has not been well studied. This study assessed the occupational exposures among wildlife health professionals working in multiple countries worldwide. An occupational risk survey of past and present exposures was developed and administered online in a confidential manner to wildlife workers recruited through an ongoing international wildlife pathogen surveillance project. Surveys were completed by 71 participants in 14 countries. Significant lifetime exposures reported included bites from bats and rodents and touching dead animals. Completion of training in occupational safety was reported by 75% of respondents. While gloves were used for most tasks, use of N95 respirators and other personal protective equipment varied by task. Eighty percent of workers reported rabies vaccination. Some respondents indicated interest in enhanced occupational health services targeting their unique needs. Wildlife workers represent an occupational population at risk of zoonotic infection and injury. Enhanced occupational health services targeting wildlife workers could reduce the risk and sequelae of zoonotic exposure and infection.  相似文献   

Aiming to develop public attention to the hindrance of national and international efforts on industrial health and safety, this paper explores some important issues, such as the reasons for the lack of motivation to implement necessary measures in developing countries. Examples are likewise given to show why working people are significantly exposed to a number of occupational problems that are reflected in a deterioration of their health, safety and well being. In lieu thereof, an introduction of health and safety is not itself a solution, if certain changes are not rationalised according to the local need. While health and safety intervention is concerned, then local need is of prime importance. If individual situation is not clearly outlined, then preventive and control measures can be treated as a de facto measure. Hence immediate attention, collaboration and co-operation is needed from all the concerned parties such as local government authorities, semi-government or private organisations and international communities for proper implementation of work regulations as well as industrial acts and rules in various workplaces in each of the developing countries.  相似文献   

In Saudi Arabia, the construction industry has been growing remarkably during the past several years. However, the most hazardous worksites in the country may be found in this industry. This study identified the causes of accidents and injuries in the construction industry among 300 workers in Jeddah City, situated on the coast of the Red Sea. Results from the questionnaire showed that the major cause of accidents and injuries is the lack of awareness about occupational safety and lack of experience among the workers (>82%); and the most common type of accidents and injuries that occur in the construction industry, are workers falling from a height (>80%), and electrical shock (>60%). Recommendations to prevent accidents and injuries in this industry are provided in this paper.  相似文献   

Economic development and environmental conservation are often seen as opposing forces in the arena of government policy-making. With more than 7 million people and a rich diversity of marine species and habitats, Hong Kong is an excellent case study to explore this dynamic. Despite anthropogenic impacts, Hong Kong still hosts more than 90 species of stony corals within a marine area of 1650 km2. This is remarkable in light of the global plight of coral reefs, which have been reduced by ~80% worldwide in recent decades. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has not been immune to this negative trend with an unfortunate track of marine environmental disasters and, as such, can be viewed a harbinger for the future trajectory of coral reefs worldwide. Yet, the story is not entirely negative. Hong Kong possesses key assets, including capable government environmental agencies and competitive research led by local universities, which can bring novel and promising approaches for coral biodiversity conservation in an urbanized context. To coordinate and assist conservation efforts in Hong Kong, we here identify and prioritize major management efforts and identify knowledge gaps for coral conservation based on updated coral biodiversity distribution and a current literature review. Specifically, we propose five priorities for the most positive impact on conservation efforts: (1) reconstruct environmental baselines and establish long-term monitoring of local coral communities, (2) enhance the management and protection of local coral habitats, (3) improve water quality, (4) gain an understanding of the genetic connectivity among local and distant coral communities, and finally, (5) establish an active restoration program for local coral species/communities. In order to build progressive and integrative management strategies for coral biodiversity conservation in Hong Kong, we suggest specific ways in which these priorities be addressed and encourage a fresh dialogue between the government, the public and academia.  相似文献   



Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is a major concern in the non-manufacturing industries. This study aimed to investigate the occupational noise exposure and the NIHL among Chinese restaurant workers and entertainment employees working in the service industry in Hong Kong.


This cross-sectional survey involved a total of 1,670 participants. Among them, 937 were randomly selected from the workers of Chinese restaurants and 733 were selected from workers in three entertainment sectors: radio and television stations; cultural performance halls or auditoria of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD); and karaoke bars. Noise exposure levels were measured in the sampled restaurants and entertainment sectors. Each participant received an audiometric screening test. Those who were found to have abnormalities were required to take another diagnostic test in the health center. The “Klockhoff digit” method was used to classify NIHL in the present study.


The main source of noise inside restaurants was the stoves. The mean hearing thresholds showed a typical dip at 3 to 6 KHz and a substantial proportion (23.7%) of the workers fulfilled the criteria for presumptive NIHL. For entertainment sectors, employees in radio and television stations generally had higher exposure levels than those in the halls or auditoria of the LCSD and karaoke bars. The mean hearing thresholds showed a typical dip at 6 KHz and a substantial proportion of the employees fulfilled the criteria for presumptive NIHL (38.6%, 95%CI: 35.1–42.1%). Being male, older, and having longer service and daily alcohol consumption were associated with noise-induced hearing impairment both in restaurant workers and entertainment employees.


Excessive noise exposure is common in the Chinese restaurant and entertainment industries and a substantial proportion of restaurant workers and entertainment employees suffer from NIHL. Comprehensive hearing conservation programs should be introduced to the service industry in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Since the outbreak in humans of an H5N1 avian influenza virus in Hong Kong in 1997, poultry entering the live-bird markets of Hong Kong have been closely monitored for infection with avian influenza. In March 1999, this monitoring system detected geese that were serologically positive for H5N1 avian influenza virus, but the birds were marketed before they could be sampled for virus. However, viral isolates were obtained by swabbing the cages that housed the geese. These samples, known collectively as A/Environment/Hong Kong/437/99 (A/Env/HK/437/99), contained four viral isolates, which were compared to the 1997 H5N1 Hong Kong isolates. Analysis of A/Env/HK/437/99 viruses revealed that the four isolates are nearly identical genetically and are most closely related to A/Goose/Guangdong/1/96. These isolates and the 1997 H5N1 Hong Kong viruses encode common hemagglutinin (H5) genes that have identical hemagglutinin cleavage sites. Thus, the pathogenicity of the A/Env/HK/437/99 viruses was compared in chickens and in mice to evaluate the potential for disease outbreaks in poultry and humans. The A/Env/HK/437/99 isolates were highly pathogenic in chickens but caused a longer mean death time and had altered cell tropism compared to A/Hong Kong/156/97 (A/HK/156/97). Like A/HK/156/97, the A/Env/HK/437/99 viruses replicated in mice and remained localized to the respiratory tract. However, the A/Env/HK/437/99 isolates caused only mild pathological lesions in these tissues and no clinical signs of disease or death. As a measure of the immune response to these viruses, transforming growth factor beta levels were determined in the serum of infected mice and showed elevated levels for the A/Env/HK/437/99 viruses compared to the A/HK/156/97 viruses. This study is the first to characterize the A/Env/HK/437/99 viruses in both avian and mammalian species, evaluating the H5 gene from the 1997 Hong Kong H5N1 isolates in a different genetic background. Our findings reveal that at least one of the avian influenza virus genes encoded by the 1997 H5N1 Hong Kong viruses continues to circulate in mainland China and that this gene is important for pathogenesis in chickens but is not the sole determinant of pathogenicity in mice. There is evidence that H9N2 viruses, which have internal genes in common with the 1997 H5N1 Hong Kong isolates, are still circulating in Hong Kong and China as well, providing a heterogeneous gene pool for viral reassortment. The implications of these findings for the potential for human disease are discussed.  相似文献   

Integration of working environment into life cycle assessment framework   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Background, aim, and scope  Life cycle assessment (LCA) has been considered one of the tools for supporting decision-making related to the environmental aspects of a product system. It has mainly been used to evaluate the potential impacts associated with relevant inputs and outputs to/from a given product system throughout its life cycle. In most cases, LCA has not considered the impacts on the internal environment, i.e. working environment, but only the external environment. Recently, it has been recognized that the consideration of the impacts on the working environment as well as on the external environment, is needed in order to assess all aspects of the effects on human well-being. To this end, this study has developed a total environmental assessment methodology which enables one to integrate both the working environment and the external environment into the conventional LCA framework. Materials and methods  In general, the characteristics of the impacts on the external environment are different from those on the working environment. In order to properly integrate the two types into total environmental impacts, it is necessary to define identical system boundaries and select impact category indicators at the same level. In order to define the identical system boundary and reduce the uncertainties of LCI results, the hybrid IOA (input–output analysis) method, which integrates the advantages between conventional LCI method and IOA method, is introduced to collect input and output data throughout the entire life cycle of a given product. For the impact category indicators at the endpoint level, LWD (Lost Work Days) is employed to evaluate the damage to human health and safety in the working environment, while DALY (disability-adjusted life years) and PAF (Potentially Affected Fraction) are selected to evaluate the damage to human health and eco-system quality in the external environment, respectively. Results and discussion  The environmental intervention factors (EIFs) are developed not only for the data categories of resource use, air emissions, and water emissions, but also for occupational health and safety to complete a life cycle inventory table. For the development of the EIFs on occupational health and safety, in particular, the number of workers affected by i hazardous items and the number of workers affected at the i magnitude of disability are collected. For the characterization of the impact categories in the working environment, such as occupational health and safety, the exposure factors, effect factors, and damage factors are developed to calculate the LWD of each category. For normalization, the normalization reference is defined as the total LWD divided by the total number of workers. A case study is presented to illustrate the applicability of the proposed method for the integration of the working environment into the conventional LCA framework. Conclusions  This study is intended to develop a methodology which enables one to integrate the working environmental module into the conventional LCA framework. The hybrid IOA method is utilized to extend the system boundary of both the working environment module and the external environment module to the entire life cycle of a product system. In this study, characterization models and category indicators for occupational health and safety are proposed, respectively, while the methodology of Eco-indicator 99 is used for the external environment. In addition to aid further understanding on the results of this method, this study introduced and developed the category indicators such as DALY, and LWD, which can be expressed as a function of time, and introduced PAF, which can be expressed as a probability. Recommendations and perspectives  The consideration of the impacts not only on the external environment, but also on the working environment, is very important, because the best solution for the external environment may not necessarily be the best solution for the working environment. It is expected that the integration of occupational health and safety matters into the conventional LCA framework can bring many benefits to individuals, as well as industrial companies, by avoiding duplicated measures and false optimization.  相似文献   

In recent years, the United States has experienced record-breaking summer heat. Climate change models forecast increasing US temperatures and more frequent heat wave events in the coming years. Exposure to environmental heat is a significant, but overlooked, workplace hazard that has not been well-characterized or studied. The working population is diverse; job function, age, fitness level, and risk factors to heat-related illnesses vary. Yet few studies have examined or characterized the incidence of occupational heat-related morbidity and mortality. There are no federal regulatory standards to protect workers from environmental heat exposure. With climate change as a driver for adaptation and prevention of heat disorders, crafting policy to characterize and prevent occupational heat stress for both indoor and outdoor workers is increasingly sensible, practical, and imperative.  相似文献   

An electron microscopical study was made of the influenza virus, type B/Hong Kong, in the unstained, frozen, hydrated state after quench-freezing in cooled liquid ethane. The results are compared with data from negatively stained specimens. It is shown that cryo-electron microscopy confirms and extends the data obtained by conventional methods. In particular, the virus is shown to be circular in projection with no indication of icosahedral symmetry, the lipid membrane is clearly resolved as a bi-layer and it is demonstrated that the distribution of material within the bi-layer is non-uniform, with a shell of more electron dense material surrounding a less dense central region. Neuraminidase spikes are not clearly distinguished from haemaglutinin spikes. The diameter of the complete B/Hong Kong virus was estimated from cryo-micrographs as 1270(+/- 70) A. Some preliminary data for influenza virus type A/X31 are presented.  相似文献   

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