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The phosphopantetheinyl transferase genes SCO5883 (redU) and SCO6673 were disrupted in Streptomyces coelicolor. The redU mutants did not synthesize undecylprodigiosin, while SCO6673 mutants failed to produce calcium-dependent antibiotic. Neither gene was essential for actinorhodin production or morphological development in S. coelicolor, although their mutation could influence these processes.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that most industrial processes for secondary metabolite production are performed with submerged cultures, a reliable developmental model for Streptomyces under these culture conditions is lacking. With the exception of a few species which sporulate under these conditions, it is assumed that no morphological differentiation processes take place. In this work, we describe new developmental features of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) grown in liquid cultures and integrate them into a developmental model analogous to the one previously described for surface cultures. Spores germinate as a compartmentalized mycelium (first mycelium). These young compartmentalized hyphae start to form pellets which grow in a radial pattern. Death processes take place in the center of the pellets, followed by growth arrest. A new multinucleated mycelium with sporadic septa (second mycelium) develops inside the pellets and along the periphery, giving rise to a second growth phase. Undecylprodigiosin and actinorhodin antibiotics are produced by this second mycelium but not by the first one. Cell density dictates how the culture will behave in terms of differentiation processes and antibiotic production. When diluted inocula are used, the growth arrest phase, emergence of a second mycelium, and antibiotic production are delayed. Moreover, pellets are less abundant and have larger diameters than in dense cultures. This work is the first to report on the relationship between differentiation processes and secondary metabolite production in submerged Streptomyces cultures.  相似文献   

Summary In order to examine the physiology ofStreptomyces coelicolor when growing on solid media, we have employed a membrane overlay technique and used a new approach to extract substrate and product compounds from the agar. Comparisons made with liquid grown cultures indicate a change from non-growth associated productivity of actinorhodin in liquid culture, to growth associated production on agar plates. In contrast, the temporal control of methylenomycin production was virtually identical under both culture conditions. Considerable extracellular protein production was observed during growth on agar.  相似文献   

Phosphomannose isomerases (PMIs) in bacteria and fungi catalyze the reversible conversion of D-fructose-6-phosphate to D-mannose-6-phosphate during biosynthesis of GDP-mannose, which is the main intermediate in the mannosylation of important cell wall components, glycoproteins, and certain glycolipids. In the present study, the kinetic parameters of PMI from Streptomyces coelicolor were obtained, and its function on antibiotic production and sporulation was studied. manA (SCO3025) encoding PMI in S. coelicolor was deleted by insertional inactivation. Its mutant (S. coelicolor?manA) was found to exhibit a bld-like phenotype. Additionally, S. coelicolor?manA failed to produce the antibiotics actinorhodin and red tripyrolle undecylprodigiosin in liquid media. To identify the function of manA, the gene was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3). The purified recombinant ManA exhibited PMI activity (K(cat)/K(m) (mM(-1) s(-1) = 0.41 for D-mannose-6-phosphate), but failed to show GDP-D-mannose pyrophosphorylase [GMP (ManC)] activity. Complementation analysis with manA from S. coelicolor or E. coli resulted in the recovery of bld-like phenotype of S. coelicolor?manA. SCO3026, another ORF that encodes a protein with sequence similarity towards bifunctional PMI and GMP, was also tested for its ability to function as an alternate ManA. However, the purified protein of SCO3026 failed to exhibit both PMI and GMP activity. The present study shows that enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism could control cellular differentiation as well as the production of secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

We recently described a new method to activate antibiotic production in bacteria by introducing a mutation conferring resistance to a drug such as streptomycin, rifampin, paromomycin, or gentamicin. This method, however, enhanced antibiotic production by only up to an order of magnitude. Working with Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2), we established a method for the dramatic activation of antibiotic production by the sequential introduction of multiple drug resistance mutations. Septuple and octuple mutants, C7 and C8, thus obtained by screening for resistance to seven or eight drugs, produced huge amounts (1.63 g/liter) of the polyketide antibiotic actinorhodin, 180-fold higher than the level produced by the wild type. This dramatic overproduction was due to the acquisition of mutant ribosomes, with aberrant protein and ppGpp synthesis activity, as demonstrated by in vitro protein synthesis assays and by the abolition of antibiotic overproduction with relA disruption. This new approach, called "ribosome engineering," requires less time, cost, and labor than other methods and may be widely utilized for bacterial strain improvement.  相似文献   

The two-component flavin-dependent monooxygenases belong to an emerging class of enzymes involved in oxidation reactions in a number of metabolic and biosynthetic pathways in microorganisms. One component is a NAD(P)H:flavin oxidoreductase, which provides a reduced flavin to the second component, the proper monooxygenase. There, the reduced flavin activates molecular oxygen for substrate oxidation. Here, we study the flavin reductase ActVB and ActVA-ORF5 gene product, both reported to be involved in the last step of biosynthesis of the natural antibiotic actinorhodin in Streptomyces coelicolor. For the first time we show that ActVA-ORF5 is a FMN-dependent monooxygenase that together with the help of the flavin reductase ActVB catalyzes the oxidation reaction. The mechanism of the transfer of reduced FMN between ActVB and ActVA-ORF5 has been investigated. Dissociation constant values for oxidized and reduced flavin (FMNox and FMNred) with regard to ActVB and ActVA-ORF5 have been determined. The data clearly demonstrate a thermodynamic transfer of FMNred from ActVB to ActVA-ORF5 without involving a particular interaction between the two protein components. In full agreement with these data, we propose a reaction mechanism in which FMNox binds to ActVB, where it is reduced, and the resulting FMNred moves to ActVA-ORF5, where it reacts with O2 to generate a flavinperoxide intermediate. A direct spectroscopic evidence for the formation of such species within ActVA-ORF5 is reported.  相似文献   

The calcium dependent antibiotic (CDA) is a nonribosomal lipopeptide produced by Streptomyces coelicolor. We constructed a metabolic network of more than 400 reactions for the primary and secondary metabolism of S. coelicolor and used computational metabolic flux balancing to investigate some of the factors affecting growth and production of CDA. Computational results indicated that the CDA production was concomitant with growth. Computational specific growth rates were twice as high as the experimental specific growth rates. Metabolic flux distributions and sensitivity analyses computed for various phases of the batch culture indicated that the specific CDA production rate was affected by nitrogen assimilation, pentose phosphate pathway, shikimate biosynthesis, and oxoglutarate fluxes. Consequently, these metabolic targets were tested using genetic deletions in the model which increased the in silico specific CDA production rate.  相似文献   

Production of the blue-pigmented antibiotic actinorhodin is greatly enhanced in Streptomyces lividans and Streptomyces coelicolor by transformation with a 2.7-kb DNA fragment from the S. coelicolor chromosome cloned on a multicopy plasmid. Southern analysis, restriction map comparisons, and map locations of the cloned genes revealed that these genes were different from other known S. coelicolor genes concerned with actinorhodin biosynthesis or its pleiotropic regulation. Computer analysis of the DNA sequence showed five putative open reading frames (ORFs), which were named ORFA, ORFB, and ORFC (transcribed in one direction) and ORFD and ORFE (transcribed in the opposite direction). Subcloning experiments revealed that ORFB together with 137 bp downstream of it is responsible for antibiotic overproduction in S. lividans. Insertion of a phi C31 prophage into ORFB by homologous recombination gave rise to a mutant phenotype in which the production of actinorhodin, undecylprodigiosin, and the calcium-dependent antibiotic (but not methylenomycin) was reduced or abolished. The nonproducing mutants were not affected in the timing or vigor or sporulation. A possible involvement of ORFA in antibiotic production in S. coelicolor is not excluded. abaA constitutes a new locus which, like the afs and abs genes previously described, pleiotropically regulates antibiotic production. DNA sequences that hybridize with the cloned DNA are present in several different Streptomyces species.  相似文献   

Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology - Antibiotic production during secondary metabolism in Streptomyces spp. is elaborately controlled by multiple environmental signals and...  相似文献   

Filamentous soil bacteria of the genus Streptomyces carry out complex developmental cycles that result in sporulation and production of numerous secondary metabolites with pharmaceutically important activities. To further characterize the molecular basis of these developmental events, we screened for mutants of Streptomyces coelicolor that exhibit aberrant morphological differentiation and/or secondary metabolite production. On the basis of this screening analysis and the subsequent complementation analysis of the mutants obtained we assigned developmental roles to a gene involved in methionine biosynthesis (metH) and two previously uncharacterized genes (SCO6938 and SCO2525) and we reidentified two previously described developmental genes (bldA and bldM). In contrast to most previously studied genes involved in development, the genes newly identified in the present study all appear to encode biosynthetic enzymes instead of regulatory proteins. The MetH methionine synthase appears to be required for conversion of aerial hyphae into chains of spores, SCO6938 is a probable acyl coenzyme A dehydrogenase that contributes to the proper timing of aerial mycelium formation and antibiotic production, and SCO2525 is a putative methyltransferase that influences various aspects of colony growth and development.  相似文献   

We took advantage of the vancomycin-dependent phenotype of Streptomyces coelicolor femX null mutants to isolate a collection of spontaneous, drug-independent femX suppressor mutants that expressed the vancomycin-resistance (van) genes constitutively. All of the suppressor mutations were in vanS but, unexpectedly, many were predicted to be loss-of-function mutations. Confirming this interpretation, a constructed vanS deletion mutation also resulted in constitutive expression of the van genes, suggesting that VanS negatively regulated VanR function in the absence of drug. In contrast, a vanS pta ackA triple mutant, which should not be able synthesize acetyl phosphate, failed to express the van genes, whereas a pta ackA double mutant showed wild-type, regulated induction of the van genes. These results suggest that in the absence of vancomycin, acetyl phosphate phosphorylates VanR, and VanS acts as a phosphatase to suppress the levels of VanR approximately P. On exposure to vancomycin, VanS activity switches from a phosphatase to a kinase and vancomycin resistance is induced. In S. coelicolor, the van genes are induced by both vancomycin and the glycopeptide A47934, whereas in Streptomyces toyocaensis (the A47934 producer) resistance is induced by A47934 but not by vancomycin. We exploited this distinction to replace the S. coelicolor vanRS genes with the vanRS genes from S. toyocaensis. The resulting strain acquired the inducer profile of S. toyocaensis, providing circumstantial evidence that the VanS effector ligand is the drug itself, and not an intermediate in cell wall biosynthesis that accumulates as result of drug action. Consistent with this suggestion, we found that non-glycopeptide inhibitors of the late steps in cell wall biosynthesis such as moenomycin A, bacitracin and ramoplanin were not inducers of the S. coelicolor VanRS system, in contrast to results obtained in enterococcal VanRS systems.  相似文献   

In Streptomyces coelicolor, the AbsA1-AbsA2 two-component system regulates the expression of multiple antibiotic gene clusters. Here, we show that the response regulator encoded by the absA2 gene is a negative regulator of these antibiotic gene clusters. A genetic analysis shows that the phosphorylated form of the AbsA2 response regulator (phospho-AbsA2), generated by the cognate AbsA1 sensor histidine kinase, is required for normal growth phase regulation of antibiotic synthesis. In the absence of phospho-AbsA2, antibiotics are produced earlier and more abundantly. Overexpression of AbsA1 also deregulates antibiotic synthesis, apparently shifting the AbsA1 protein from a kinase-active to a phospho-AbsA2 phosphatase-active form. The absA1 and absA2 genes, which are adjacent, are located in one of the antibiotic gene clusters that they regulate, the cluster for the calcium-dependent antibiotic (CDA). The absA genes themselves are growth phase regulated, with phospho-AbsA2 responsible for growth phase-related positive autoregulation. We discuss the possible role and mechanism of AbsA-mediated regulation of antibiotic synthesis in the S. coelicolor life cycle.  相似文献   

A complex programme of regulation governs gene expression during development of the morphologically and biochemically complex eubacterial genus Streptomyces. Earlier work has suggested a model in which 'higher level' pleiotropic regulators activate 'pathway-specific' regulators located within chromosomal gene clusters encoding biosynthesis of individual antibiotics. We used mutational analysis and adventitious overexpression of key Streptomyces coelicolor regulators to investigate functional interactions among them. We report here that cluster-situated regulators (CSRs) thought to be pathway-specific can also control other antibiotic biosynthetic gene clusters, and thus have pleiotropic actions. Surprisingly, we also find that CSRs exhibit growth-phase-dependent control over afsR2/afsS, a 'higher level' pleiotropic regulatory locus not located within any of the chromosomal gene clusters it targets, and further demonstrate that cross-regulation by CSRs is modulated globally and differentially during the S. coelicolor growth cycle by the RNaseIII homologue AbsB. Our results, which reveal a network of functional interactions among regulators that govern production of antibiotics and other secondary metabolites in S. coelicolor, suggest that revision of the currently prevalent view of higher-level versus pathway-specific regulation of secondary metabolism in Streptomyces species is warranted.  相似文献   

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