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The effects of global N enrichment on soil processes in grassland ecosystems have received relatively little study. We assessed microbial community response to experimental increases in N availability by measuring extracellular enzyme activity (EEA) in soils from three grasslands with contrasting edaphic and climatic characteristics: a semiarid grassland at the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico, USA (SEV), and mesic grasslands at Konza Prairie, Kansas, USA (KNZ) and Ukulinga Research Farm, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (SAF). We hypothesized that, with N enrichment, soil microbial communities would increase C and P acquisition activity, decrease N acquisition activity, and reduce oxidative enzyme production (leading to recalcitrant soil organic matter [SOM] accumulation), and that the magnitude of response would decrease with soil age (due to higher stabilization of enzyme pools and P limitation of response). Cellulolytic activities followed the pattern predicted, increasing 35–52% in the youngest soil (SEV), 10–14% in the intermediate soil (KNZ) and remaining constant in the oldest soil (SAF). The magnitude of phosphatase response did not vary among sites. N acquisition activity response was driven by the enzyme closest to its pH optimum in each soil: i.e., leucine aminopeptidase in alkaline soil, β-N-acetylglucosaminidase in acidic soil. Oxidative enzyme activity varied widely across ecosystems, but did not decrease with N amendment at any site. Likewise, SOM and %C pools did not respond to N enrichment. Between-site variation in both soil properties and EEA exceeded any treatment response, and a large portion of EEA variability (leucine aminopeptidase and oxidative enzymes), 68% as shown by principal components analysis, was strongly related to soil pH (r = 0.91, P < 0.001). In these grassland ecosystems, soil microbial responses appear constrained by a molecular-scale (pH) edaphic factor, making potential breakdown rates of SOM resistant to N enrichment.  相似文献   

Aims Vegetation type is important in determining variations in soil carbon (C) efflux under grassland managements. This study was conducted to examine the effects of mowing and nitrogen (N) addition on soil respiration and their dependences upon vegetation types in an oldfield grassland of northern China.Methods Soil respiration, temperature, moisture and aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) and belowground net primary productivity (BNPP) were examined in response to mowing and N addition among the three patches dominated by different species (named as grass, forb and mixed patches, respectively) in the growing seasons (May–October) from 2006 to 2008.Important findings Across the 3 years, soil respiration in the grass patch was greater than those in the forb and mixed patches, which could have been ascribed to the higher soil moisture (SM) in the grass patch. Mowing had no impact on soil respiration due to unaltered SM and plant growth. Soil respiration was stimulated by 6.53% under N addition, and the enhancement was statistically significant in 2006 but not in 2007 or 2008 because of the limited water availability in the later 2 years. There were no interactive effects between mowing and N addition on soil respiration. Soil respiration showed positive dependence upon SM, ANPP and BNPP across plots. The results suggest that soil water availability and plant growth could be the primary factors in controlling the temporal and spatial variations in soil respiration and its response to different treatments. Our observations indicate that grassland managements (i.e. mowing for hay once a year) may have little influence on soil respiration of the oldfield grassland in northern China.  相似文献   

以呼伦贝尔草原辉河国家级自然保护区草原群落为研究对象, 选取3块生境条件基本相同的样地(250 m × 250 m) ——放牧场、割草场及公共草场, 每块样地设置3条样带, 每条样带上设置8个样方(1 m × 1 m), 研究了不同草地利用模式下草原群落的物种组成、生物多样性及群落的功能群特征。结果表明: 在放牧场、割草场和公共草场3种不同利用模式下, 植物功能群结构及其多样性发生了变化。灌木、半灌木的累积优势度在各利用模式间差异显著( p< 0.05), 在割草场中最高; 多年生禾草的累积优势度在各利用模式间差异显著(p< 0.05); 一、二年生草本的累积优势度在各利用模式间差异显著(p< 0.05)。旱生植物功能群在公共草场中所占比例最高, 为50%; 中旱生植物在割草场中的百分比最低, 为19%, 且在各利用模式间差异显著(p< 0.05); 各利用模式下, 灌木、半灌木功能群生物量均较低; 随着割草场、公共草场及放牧场3种草地利用模式下利用强度的增加, 多年生禾草和多年生杂类草两大功能群的生物量递减, 而一、二年生草本功能群生物量递增。草地利用强度的增加, 使得草地植物群落结构简单、脆弱。丰富度指数和多样性指数在放牧场最低, 在割草场最高; 均匀度变化并不明显。割草场利用模式有助于改善草原的健康状况, 而放牧场及公共草场利用模式均存在不同程度的过度放牧现象, 尤其是公共草场利用模式由于所有权不明确而缺乏有效的管理, 导致草原退化明显。  相似文献   

于丽  赵建宁  王慧  白龙  刘红梅  杨殿林 《生态学报》2015,35(24):8165-8173
研究养分添加对草地群落植物组分、结构和多样性格局的影响,对退化草地生态系统恢复与重建具有重要的理论和实践意义。以内蒙古贝加尔针茅(Stipa baicalensis)草原为对象,研究了N、P、K养分添加对草地群落植物多样性和生产力的影响。结果表明:1)养分添加显著提升草原初级生产力,其中氮素添加的效果最明显,NPK复合添加,草原初级生产力与对照相比提高了1.31倍。2)养分添加使草地群落结构发生改变,N素添加显著提高了贝加尔针茅和羊草(Leymus chinensis)为主的禾本科植物功能群在草地群落中所占的比重,而豆科植物功能群在草地群落中所占的比重则显著降低。3)养分添加使草原植物多样性不同程度地减少,其中以N素添加的效应较为显著。4)在养分添加条件下,植物多样性与草原生产力之间呈负线性相关关系,植物多样性、物种丰富度和物种均匀度与初级生产力的相关系数分别为-0.522、-0.391和-0.534。  相似文献   

王晓燕  陈俊刚  张云海  毕华兴 《生态学报》2024,44(11):4854-4864
大气氮沉降会影响植物功能性状的变异和进化,进而作用于植物个体和生态系统功能。研究草地生态系统植物功能性状在不同氮添加模式下的响应差异,对更准确地评估植物对环境变化的适应性至关重要。基于内蒙古草原野外长期氮沉降模拟实验平台,研究氮添加频率对优势物种羊草和冰草叶绿素含量的影响,结果表明每年一次氮添加使羊草叶绿素含量增加最多(15.21%),而每月一次氮添加对冰草叶绿素含量影响最大(增加了14.74%)。氮添加尤其是每年一次氮添加显著增加了土壤铵态氮、硝态氮和无机氮含量,并使土壤pH显著降低。这些结果表明:羊草叶绿素含量对低频率氮添加响应更明显,而高频率氮添加对冰草叶绿素含量的影响更显著,这两类物种间养分吸收策略存在明显差异。启示低频率氮添加可能高估了氮沉降对羊草叶绿素含量的影响,而低估了对冰草叶绿素含量的影响,这对准确预测植物叶片功能性状对大气氮沉降的变异具有重要意义,并将有助于应用到植物功能性状预测生态系统功能和过程响应未来全球变化的模型中。  相似文献   

通过连续5年对退化草地进行凋落物添加处理, 分析不同处理强度植物群落动态, 探讨凋落物对草地地上和不同功能群生产力的影响。结果表明: 凋落物添加对草地地上生产力有显著的促进作用, 草地地上生产力随着凋落物添加强度的增加而变化不大。处理效应主要表现在处理后第一年, 重度处理与对照有极显著差异(p < 0.05), 以后几年差异不显著(p > 0.05), 年度间差异极显著(p < 0.001)。凋落物添加对植物群落各功能群生产力无显著影响。年度间不同处理各功能群相对生物量随年际变化的主成分分析(PCA)结果说明: 草地生产力主要是由多年生丛生型禾草与多年生杂类草在生态系统中的竞争补偿作用决定的, 随着凋落物添加强度的增加, 二者的竞争作用减弱, 相关性下降, 多年生丛生型禾草占更大优势, 预示着多年生杂类草与一二年生草本、灌木、多年生根茎型禾草的竞争补偿作用增大。  相似文献   

低频率的氮添加使内蒙古草原土壤微生物生物量碳出现更大幅度下降 土壤微生物生物量在生物地球化学循环过程中至关重要,是土壤碳固持的前体物质。人为氮输入深刻地改变了草地土壤微生物生物量。然而,传统氮沉降模拟实验仅通过低频率的氮添加进行,与持续高频率的自然氮沉降相比,对土壤微生物生物量的影响可能存在差异。不同频率的氮添加对土壤微生物生物量的影响尚缺乏可靠的数据支撑。本研究通过在不同的氮添加速率(0–50 g N m−2 yr−1)下,控制氮添加频率(每年2次和12次),研究了土壤微生物生物量碳对不同氮添加频率的响应。研究结果表明,在两种氮添加频率下,随着施氮水平的提高,土壤微生物生物量碳逐渐降低。然而,在低施氮频率下,土壤微生物生物量的下降幅度更大,这说明传统的氮添加实验可能高估了氮沉降对土壤微生物生物量的影响。在低施氮频率下,土壤酸化、无机氮积累、碳氮失衡、地下净初级生产力分配减少和真菌细菌比例降低等情况加剧,导致微生物生物量出现较大幅度下降。在未来研究中,为可靠预测氮沉降对草地生态系统土壤微生物功能和碳循环的影响,不仅要考虑氮添加的剂量,还需要考虑氮添加的频率。  相似文献   

Litterfall and fine root production is a major pathway for carbon and nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems. We investigated leaf litterfall, fine-root mass, production and turnover rate in the upper soil (0–30 cm) under four major tree species (Leucaena leucocephala, Acacia nilotica, Azadirachta indica, Prosopis juliflora) of the semi-arid region of India. All the four tree species showed an unimodal peak of leaf litterfall with distinct seasonality. Leucaena leucocephala and Acacia nilotica had maximum leaf litterfall between September and December while Azadirachta indica and Prosopis juliflora shed most of their leaves between February and May. Annual leaf litterfall of the four species ranged from 3.3 Mg ha?1 (Leucaena leucocephala) to 8.1 Mg ha?1 (Prosopis juliflora). Marked seasonal variations in amount of fine root biomass were observed in all the four tree species. Fine root production was maximum in Prosopis juliflora (171 g m?2 y?1) followed by Azadirachta indica (169 g m?2 y?1), Acacia nilotica (106 g m?2 y?1) and Leucaena leucocephala (79 g m?2 y?1). Fine root biomass showed a seasonal peak after the rainy season but fell to its lowest value during the winter and dry summer season. Fine root turnover rate ranged from 0.56 to 0.97 y?1 and followed the order Azadirachta indica > Leucaena leucocephala > Prosopis juliflora > Acacia nilotica. The results of this study demonstrated that Prosopis juliflora and Azadirachta indica had greater capability for maintaining site productivity as evidenced from greater leaf litterfall and fine root production.  相似文献   

选取内蒙古温带典型草原,进行连续6a氮磷添加试验,采用土壤特征微生物PLFA生物标记技术,研究6个氮添加水平N0(0 kg N hm-2a-1)、N1(56 kg N hm-2a-1)、N2(112 kg N hm-2a-1)、N3(224 kg N hm-2a-1)、N4(392 kg N hm-2a-1)、N5(560 kg N hm-2a-1)和6个磷添加水平P0(0 kg P hm-2a-1)、P1(15.5 kg P hm-2a-1)、P2(31 kg P hm-2a-1)、P3(62 kg P hm-2a-1)、P4(93 kg P hm-2a-1)、P5(124 kg P hm-2a-1)对土壤特征微生物PLFA生物标记数量和土壤微生物群落结构的影响。结果表明:(1)随氮添加量增加,土壤微生物总磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)含量和土壤细菌PLFA生物标记数量、放线菌PLFA生物标记数量呈上升趋势,土壤G+/G-呈增加趋势;各氮添加水平对土壤真菌PLFA生物标记数量无显著差异,随氮添加量增加,土壤真菌/细菌比降低。(2)随磷添加量增加,土壤总磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)含量、土壤细菌PLFA生物标记数量、放线菌PLFA生物标记数量、真菌PLFA生物标记数量及真菌/细菌比值呈先上升后下降趋势,均以P3水平(62 kg P hm-2a-1)处理最高,说明适宜的磷添加对内蒙古温带典型草原土壤微生物繁殖和菌落结构有显著影响。  相似文献   

全球氮沉降速率的急剧增加已显著地改变了生态系统的生产力及稳定性,特别是在受N限制较严重的亚高山草地生态系统。虽然氮沉降增加对草地生产力和植物多样性影响的研究报道已经很多,但是氮素沉降的生态系效应因气候区、草地系统类型、加氮水平、氮肥类型和试验时间长短等不同而差别很大。为了评估氮沉降增加对亚高山草地植物物种多样性和生产力的影响,通过在祁连山中部亚高山草地设置不同氮添加水平(0、2、5、10、15、25 g N m-2 a-1和50 g N m-2 a-1)的短期氮沉降增加模拟试验,探讨了生产力和物种多样性对不同水平氮添加的响应。结果显示:氮添加增加了禾本科(垂穗披碱草、赖草和草地早熟禾)和莎草科(矮嵩草)的地上生产力及其在群落生产力中所占的比例,主要表现在氮添加增加了禾本科和莎草科的株高和株数,降低了其他科(鹅绒委陵菜和葛缕子)的株高和株数;与生产力相比,植物多样性对氮添加的响应较慢,总体随着氮添加量的增加呈下降趋势但未达到显著水平;植物多样性与生产力呈显著的负相关关系。研究结果表明氮添加有助于提高禾本科和莎草科的生产力,进而提高群落生产力,但其他科的植物会被逐渐替代,导致群落植物物种多样性降低。研究结果可为我国亚高山草地的持续性管理提供一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

郭群 《应用生态学报》2019,30(10):3285-3291
氮(N)沉降增加带来的土壤酸化问题已经得到广泛的关注,然而土壤酸化是否受到未来降水格局改变的影响研究相对匮乏.本研究基于内蒙古温带典型草原5年(2013—2017年)的N添加(10和40 g N·m-2·a-1)和增雨(增雨量80 mm,分2 mm×40次、5 mm×16次、10 mm×8次、20 mm×4次、40 mm×2次5种处理)控制试验分析了水分对N添加后土壤酸化的影响.结果表明: 40 g N·m-2·a-1 N添加在土壤酸化出现的时间、酸化程度以及酸化随时间的变化速率上均大于10 g N·m-2·a-1 N添加.40 g N·m-2·a-1 N添加一年后即在各层土壤中观测到了显著的土壤pH降低,而10 g N·m-2·a-1 N添加只有土壤表层(0~5 cm)在N添加一年后出现显著的土壤pH降低,5~10和10~20 cm土层显著的土壤pH降低分别出现在氮添加4年和5年后.氮添加后土壤pH的降低幅度随氮添加年限的延长而增加,40 g N·m-2·a-1 N添加土壤pH随时间的降低速率大于10 g N·m-2·a-1 N添加.增雨不改变氮添加后土壤pH降低的结果,但中小强度增雨方式(2~20 mm)在干旱年份有缓解10 g N·m-2·a-1 N添加处理土壤酸化的趋势,而所有增雨方式在湿润年份均有加剧氮添加(10和40 g N·m-2·a-1)后土壤酸化的趋势,尤其是表层土壤,但缓解和加剧的程度均不显著.高强度增雨方式后(10~40 mm)土壤无机氮的淋溶可能是增雨加剧氮添加后土壤酸化的一个重要原因.本研究将为预测草原生态系统对未来氮沉降和降水格局改变的响应提供科学依据.  相似文献   

人工榆树林对温带草原植物多样性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在样线和样方调查的基础上,研究了内蒙古四子王旗人工榆树林对温带草原物种多样性的影响.结果表明:榆树林对草原的物种多样性有明显影响.随榆树林树木密度的提高,林下草本植物的丰富度、均匀度和多样性等指数均呈降低趋势.靠近榆树林的草原群落的物种丰富度、均匀度和多样性等指数高于远离榆树林的草原群落.喜生于树林内部的草本植物有旱麦瓶,喜生于榆树林周边草原的草本植物有阿尔泰狗娃花、扁蓄豆、二裂委陵菜、赖草和糙隐子草等.可见,盲目排斥草原地区造林并非科学之举,应选择土壤水分相对丰富的地段营造适当规模的人工林,以促进草原地区的植物多样性保护.  相似文献   

刘雨  高光耀  李宗善  王聪  田立德 《生态学报》2023,43(19):7924-7935
水分是干旱半干旱地区植被生长的主要限制因子,水分利用是反映植被对环境变化响应的关键生态水文过程。目前缺少对干旱半干旱区草原不同科、属植物水分利用特征差异的系统分析,且植物水分利用特征与环境因子的定量关系需要进一步研究。在内蒙古荒漠草原进行样带调查,采集7个样地0—100 cm深度土壤样品和15种植物根茎结合部(茎秆)、叶片样品,测定土壤水、植物水中δ2H和δ18O和植物叶片δ13C的同位素,利用MixSIAR模型确定不同科、属植物水分来源比例,分析不同科、属植物水分利用来源和水分利用效率的差异,并建立植物水分来源比例及水分利用效率与各环境因子的定量关系。结果表明:(1)禾本科和菊科植物主要利用0—30 cm深度土壤水(55.63%和51.84%),其叶片δ13C(-26.61‰和-27.91‰)均低于其他科(包括柽柳科、藜科和蔷薇科)(-26.36‰),且其他科主要利用60—100 cm深度土壤水(36.83%),水分利用策略更有利于在干旱条件下生存。(2)针茅属植物对0—30 cm深度土壤水的利用...  相似文献   


Background and aims

Previous studies have demonstrated positive net primary production effects with increased nitrogen (N) and water availability in Inner Mongolian semi-arid grasslands. However, the responses of soil carbon (C) and N concentrations and soil enzyme activities as indicators of impacts of long-term N (urea) and water addition are still unclear. We tested the effect of 7 years of a N and water addition experiment on soil C, N, and specific soil-bound enzymes in a semi-arid grassland of Inner Mongolia.


We determined concentrations of soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil total nitrogen (TN) in both the 0–10 and 10–20 cm soil layers. Concentrations of labile carbon (LC) and inorganic nitrogen (nitrate and ammonium), and soil pH were measured. Additionally, soil dehydrogenase (DHA), β-glucosidase (BG) and acid and alkaline phosphomonoesterase (PME) enzyme activities were determined in the 0–10 cm soil layer.


SOC concentration in the 0–10 cm soil layer showed no response to N addition or N plus water addition, but increased with water addition alone by 0.3–15.7 %. N addition significantly increased nitrate by 46.0–138.4 % and ammonium by 19.0–73.3 % in the 0–10 cm soil layer, whereas water addition did not affect them. The activities of DHA and alkaline PME enzymes, as well as soil pH, in the 0–10 cm layer decreased with N addition, however water addition alone caused these enzyme activities to increase. Unlike the surface soil (0–10 cm), the lower soil layer (10–20 cm), was responsive to N and water addition in that SOC and TN concentrations decreased with N addition and increased with water addition.


The accumulation of SOC and TN in N and water addition plots may be caused by the input of plant biomass exceeding SOC decomposition. Decrease in microbial activity, derived from decreased DHA and alkaline PME activities might result from suppression effects of lower pH and decreased microbial N supply. Water availability is proved to be more important than N availability for soil C and N accumulation in this semi-arid grassland.  相似文献   

Inner Mongolia steppe grasslands are widely used for livestock farming and the regrowth ability of grassland species is therefore strongly influenced not only by water and nutrient availability but also quite heavily by grazing. However, little is known on how grazing, water and nitrogen interactively affect the dominant C3 species (Leymus chinensis, Stipa grandis, Agropyron cristatum) and the C4 species (Cleistogenes squarrosa). Therefore in the 2007 and 2008 growing seasons, a field experiment was carried out to test the hypothesis that under different grazing intensities the dominant species show different short-term regrowth response to simultaneous variation in the availability of water and nitrogen. Single factor and interaction effects of the addition of water (rainfed vs. simulated wet-year) and nitrogen (0 or 25 kg N ha?1) were analysed along a gradient of four grazing intensities (ungrazed, lightly, moderately and heavily grazed) after one month of grazing exclusion. Water and nitrogen addition affected short-term regrowth of all species in a similar way whereas species responded differently to grazing. Simulated wet-year water availability consistently resulted in higher standing biomass, relative growth rate and cellulase digestible organic matter yield. Supplementary nitrogen promoted standing biomass and crude protein concentration. The nutritive value of all species’ standing biomass showed a similar increase with more intensive grazing. However, heavy grazing led to a clear shift in the relative biomass of the species, i.e. mainly a promotion of the C4 grass, C. squarrosa. In contrast to our hypothesis, there were no differences among species in their response to water or nitrogen addition, whereas, heavy grazing induced the expected species-specific response. Our results suggest that heavy grazing rather than nitrogen or water determine short-term shifts in species composition of the investigated steppe ecosystem. Furthermore, differences in the species-specific growth response to grazing may increase the proportion of the C4 grass C. squarrosa in steppe communities, whereas higher availability of nitrogen and water may lead to higher forage biomass and nutritive value of all investigated species but in short-term cannot compensate for the grazing induced changes in species composition.  相似文献   

The increase in nutrient availability as a consequence of elevated nitrogen (N) deposition is an important component of global environmental change. This is likely to substantially affect the functioning and provisioning of ecosystem services by drylands, where water and N are often limited. We tested mechanisms of chronic N-enrichment-induced plant species loss in a 10-year field experiment with six levels of N addition rate. Our findings on a semi-arid grassland in Inner Mongolia demonstrated that: (i) species richness (SR) declined by 16 per cent even at low levels of additional N (1.75 g N m–2 yr−1), and 50–70% species were excluded from plots which received high N input (10.5–28 g N m−2 yr−1); (ii) the responses of SR and above-ground biomass (AGB) to N were greater in wet years than dry years; (iii) N addition increased the inter-annual variations in AGB, reduced the drought resistance of production and hence diminished ecosystem stability; (iv) the critical threshold for chronic N-enrichment-induced reduction in SR differed between common and rare species, and increased over the time of the experiment owing to the loss of the more sensitive species. These results clearly indicate that both abundance and functional trait-based mechanisms operate simultaneously on N-induced species loss. The low initial abundance and low above-ground competitive ability may be attributable to the loss of rare species. However, shift from below-ground competition to above-ground competition and recruitment limitation are likely to be the key mechanisms for the loss of abundant species, with soil acidification being less important. Our results have important implications for understanding the impacts of N deposition and global climatic change (e.g. change in precipitation regimes) on biodiversity and ecosystem services of the Inner Mongolian grassland and beyond.  相似文献   

以氮素和水分(冬季增雪和夏季增雨)为控制因子, 开展相关田间控制实验, 分析不同功能群(以生活史为划分依据)尺度和群落尺度植物生物量分配格局对氮素和水分的响应, 得出以下结论: 1)一年生植物的繁殖生物量比重明显高于多年生植物, 而多年生植物种的叶/地上生物量比值显著高于一年生植物; 2)一年生植物对氮素和水分添加的响应剧烈, 氮添加耦合夏季增雨、氮添加耦合冬季增雪显著增加了一年生植物的繁殖生物量比重和叶生物量比重。多年生植物对氮素和水分添加的响应不敏感, 表现为多年生植物的各器官生物量分配格局对氮素添加和水分添加的响应不明显。3)氮素添加和水分处理改变了群落尺度生物量分配格局: 氮素添加耦合冬季增雪处理降低了群落植物的繁殖生物量比重和茎生物量比重, 提高了群落植物的叶生物量比重。4)冬季增雪和夏季增雨与氮素添加的交互作用对群落生物量分配格局的改变不同。夏季增雨耦合氮素添加处理下群落的茎生物量比重显著提高, 群落茎生物量分配的改变引起群落的垂直结构发生改变。冬季增雪氮素处理下群落的叶生物量比重增加, 但茎生物量比重增加不明显。冬季增雪也改变了群落的结构和功能。  相似文献   

Ladwig LM  Collins SL  Swann AL  Xia Y  Allen MF  Allen EB 《Oecologia》2012,169(1):177-185
Increased available soil nitrogen can increase biomass, lower species richness, alter soil chemistry and modify community structure in herbaceous ecosystems worldwide. Although increased nitrogen availability typically increases aboveground production and decreases species richness in mesic systems, the impacts of nitrogen additions on semiarid ecosystems remain unclear. To determine how a semiarid grassland responds to increased nitrogen availability, we examined plant community structure and above- and belowground net primary production in response to long-term nitrogen addition in a desert grassland in central New Mexico, USA. Plots were fertilized annually (10 g N m−2) since 1995 and NPP measured from 2004 to 2009. Differences in aboveground NPP between fertilized and control treatments occurred in 2004 following a prescribed fire and in 2006 when precipitation was double the long-term average during the summer monsoon. Presumably, nitrogen only became limiting once drought stress was alleviated. Belowground NPP was also related to precipitation, and greatest root growth occurred the year following the wettest summer, decreasing gradually thereafter. Belowground production was unrelated to aboveground production within years and unrelated to nitrogen enrichment. Species richness changed between years in response to seasonal precipitation variability, but was not altered by nitrogen addition. Community structure did respond to nitrogen fertilization primarily through increased abundance of two dominant perennial grasses. These results were contrary to most nitrogen addition studies that find increased biomass and decreased species richness with nitrogen fertilization. Therefore, factors other than nitrogen deposition, such as fire or drought, may play a stronger role in shaping semiarid grassland communities than soil fertility.  相似文献   

为了解草原植物群落物种多样性和植物地上生物量对氮沉降增加和降水变化的响应,在内蒙古贝加尔针茅(Stipa baicalensis)草原,分别设置对照(N0)、1.5 g/m2(N15)、3.0 g/m2(N30)、5.0 g/m2(N50)、10.0 g/m2(N100)、15.0 g/m2(N150)、20.0g/m2(N200)和30.0 g/m2(N300)(不包括大气沉降的氮量)8个氮素(NH4NO3)添加梯度和模拟夏季增加降水100mm的水分添加交互试验,研究氮素和水分添加对草原群落植物物种多样性和几种常见植物地上生物量的影响。结果表明:(1)氮素和水分的添加降低了草原群落植物物种多样性,且氮素和水分有显著的互作效应。在水分添加的条件下,随着施氮水平的增加,群落植物物种多样性减小;在无水分添加的条件下,随着施氮水平的增加,群落植物物种多样性呈先增加后减小的"单峰"变化趋势。(2)不同植物对氮素和水分添加的响应不同,随着施氮水平的增加,羊草地上生物量显著增加;贝加尔针茅、羽茅、糙隐子草、寸草苔和冷蒿先增加后减少,呈单峰曲线;星毛委陵菜、牧马豆、扁蓄豆和线叶菊地上生物量则逐渐减少。而且氮素和水分对贝加尔针茅、羽茅、扁蓄豆地上生物量有显著的交互作用。  相似文献   

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