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Two different bacteriophages, FE5-B1 and Z63-B1, active against strains of Lactobacillus fermentum were isolated from a sample of sour dough of a regional wheat bread. They showed different host specificities when tested against 58 strains of obligately heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria, as well as differences in adsorption and one-step growth kinetics. The burst size of FE5-B1 was about 100 pfu cell−1. This phage belonged to the A1 morphotype of Myoviridae family, having an icosahedral head (83 nm diam.) and a sheathed contractile tail (170 nm in length). The phage consisted of five major structural proteins and had a genome of 86 kbp. Z63-B1 showed a burst size of 10 pfu cell−1 and belonged to the B1 morphotype or Siphoviridae family. Z63-B1 had an isometric head (60 nm diam.) and a non-contractile tail (160 nm in length), with eight major different structural proteins and a genome of 32 kbp.  相似文献   

L Benbadis  M Faelen  P Slos  A Fazel  A Mercenier 《Biochimie》1990,72(12):855-862
Seven virulent bacteriophages of Streptococcus thermophilus were characterized at the molecular level and classified into 2 subgroups (A and B) by DNA/DNA hybridization experiments and analysis of their structural proteins. Two representatives of subgroups A and B were compared to 3 representatives of Neve's subgroups I, II and III (Neve et al, 1989) by Southern blot experiments. These isometric-headed phages possess a double-stranded DNA genome varying between 30-44 kilobase (kb) pairs. Subgroup A is composed of 3 phages (phi 57 as representative) with similar structural proteins as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-poly-acrylamide gel (SDS-PAGE) electrophoresis (estimated molecular weights of 31,000 and 27,500 for phage phi 57 and 32,000 and 27,000 for the 2 others). A common structural protein of 43,000 was found for phages of subgroup B. Phages phi 57 (subgroup A) and a10/J9 or PO (Neve's subgroups I or II, respectively) belonged to the same subgroup as determined by DNA/DNA hybridization experiments. Partial DNA homology was detected among all the phages tested except for phage phi ST27 of AW Jarvis. Phage-host interactions were also investigated by cross-propagation of the 7 studied phages on different indicator strains. A complete lack of correlation existed between the DNA homology grouping of the phages and their host range. Various restriction-modification systems were detected in some of the Streptococcus thermophilus strains.  相似文献   

The dairy industry adds starter bacterial cultures to heat-treated milk to control the fermentation process during the manufacture of many cheeses. These highly concentrated bacterial populations are susceptible to virulent phages that are ubiquitous in cheese factories. In this study, the dissemination of these phages by the airborne route and their presence on working surfaces were investigated in a cheese factory. Several surfaces were swabbed, and five air samplers (polytetrafluoroethylene filter, polycarbonate filter, BioSampler, Coriolis cyclone sampler, and NIOSH two-stage cyclone bioaerosol personal sampler) were tested. Samples were then analyzed for the presence of two Lactococcus lactis phage groups (936 and c2), and quantification was done by quantitative PCR (qPCR). Both lactococcal phage groups were found on most swabbed surfaces, while airborne phages were detected at concentrations of at least 10(3) genomes/m(3) of air. The NIOSH sampler had the highest rate of air samples with detectable levels of lactococcal phages. This study demonstrates that virulent phages can circulate through the air and that they are ubiquitous in cheese manufacturing facilities.  相似文献   

Summary Twelve isometric-headed bacteriophages virulent against Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus were differentiated into three subgroups by analysis of the phage genomes and the structural proteins. Subgroup I is composed of two phages (P6 and P8) with a genome size of 41.2 and 44.2 kb pairs, respectively, complete DNA homology, and identical protein composition (main proteins of sizes 39.8, 24.0, 14.8 kilodaltons in sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). One phage (a10/J9) with low DNA homology to the other phages was classified into subgroup II. Subgroup III consists of nine phages with a genome size of 33.8 to 36.7 kb pairs and two major structural proteins (30.9 and 24.0 kilodaltons, or 30.9 and 26.3 kilodaltons). In general, phages with different host spectra revealed different restriction enzyme patterns, and DNA homologies of various degrees were detected among all phages tested.  相似文献   

Abstract We have designed a new method for the rapid detection of lactococcal phage directly in milk samples. The method was based on a dot blot analysis and did not require a biological assay with sensitive indicator strains. Culture media or whey permeate samples containing phage were spotted directly onto a nylon membrane and the phage were lysed in situ prior to hybridization. For skim milk, whole milk and whey samples, the samples were first treated with 50 mM EDTA, 20% Triton X-100 and heated at 60°C for 5 min, prior to spotting on the membrane. The detection limit was approximately between 105 and 107 pfu/spot. A large number of samples could be processed simultaneously and the results were obtained within 24 h.  相似文献   

Mesophilic Lactobacillus spp. are the dominant organisms in mature Cheddar cheese. The heat resistance of broth grown cultures of Lactobacillus plantarum DPC1919 at temperatures between 50 and 57.5 degrees C, Lact. plantarum DPC2102 at temperatures between 48 and 56 degrees C and Lact. paracasei DPC2103 at temperatures between 50 and 67.5 degrees C was determined. The z-values for Lact. plantarum DPC1919, Lact. Plantarum DPC2102 and Lact. paracasei DPC2103 were 6.7 degrees C, 6.2 degrees C and 5.3 degrees C, respectively. Lactobacillus paracasei DPC2103 showed evidence of injury and recovery, especially at higher temperatures. Milk grown cultures of strains DPC2102 and DPC2103 showed greater heat resistance than broth grown cultures, tailing of the death curves and a nonlinear z-curve. Of the three strains, Lact. paracasei DPC2103 had the potential to survive pasteurization temperatures, whether grown in milk or broth.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine proteolytic enzyme activities released in Cheddar cheese juice manufactured using lactococcal starter strains of differing autolytic properties. METHODS AND RESULTS: The activities of residual chymosin, cell envelope proteinase and a range of intracellular proteolytic enzymes were determined during the first 70 days of ripening when starter lactococci predominate the microbial flora. In general, in cell free extracts (CFE) of the strains, the majority of proteolytic activities was highest for Lactococcus lactis HP, intermediate for L. lactis AM2 and lowest for L. lactis 303. However, in cheese juice, as ripening progressed, released proteolytic activities were highest for the highly autolytic strain L. lactis AM2, intermediate for L. lactis 303 and lowest for L. lactis HP. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that strain related differences in autolysis influence proteolytic enzyme activities released into Cheddar cheese during ripening. No correlation was found between proteolytic potential of the starter strains measured in CFE prior to cheese manufacture and levels of activities released in cheese juice. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The findings further support the importance of autolysis of lactococcal starters in determining the levels of proteolytic activities present in cheese during initial stages of ripening.  相似文献   

Seventeen virulent bacteriophages specific to Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains were isolated by screening various environmental samples. These isolated bacteriophages were grouped based on results obtained from restriction fragment analysis of phage genomes, random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) typing, morphology observations under transmission electron microscope, and host range analysis. All 17 bacteriophages are double-stranded DNA viruses and can be divided into 5 groups based on DNA restriction profiles. A set of 10-mer primers was used in RAPD typing of phages, and similar conclusions were obtained as for restriction fragment analysis. One phage was randomly selected from each of the 5 groups for morphology observations. Four of them had an icosahedral head with a long contractile tail, belonging to the Myoviridae family, and one phage had an icosahedral head with a short tail, thereby belonging to the Podoviridae family. Host range experiments were conducted on 7 laboratory strains and 12 clinical strains of P.?aeruginosa. The results showed that 13 phages had the same infection profile, killing 8 out of 19 tested P.?aeruginosa strains, and the remaining 4 phages had different and unique infection profiles. This study highlights the diversity of bacteriophages specific to P.?aeruginosa in the environment.  相似文献   

Sixty-three virulent bacteriophages of Lactococcus lactis were differentiated by DNA-DNA hybridization. The results, including those of a previous classification of 38 phages of the same bacterial species (P. Relano, M. Mata, M. Bonneau, and P. Ritzenthaler, J. Gen. Microbiol. 133:3053-3063, 1987) show that 48% of the phages analyzed belong to a unique DNA homology group (group III). Phages of this most abundant group had small isometric heads. Group I comprised 29% of the phages analyzed and was characterized by a small phage genome (19 to 22 kilobases) and a particular morphology with a prolate head. Like group III, this group contained representative phages of other classifications. Group II (21%) included virulent and temperate phages with small isometric heads. Two large isometric-headed phages, phi 109 and phi 111, were not related to the three DNA homology groups I, II, and III. The genome of phi 111 was unusually large (134 kilobases) and revealed partial DNA homology with another large isometric phage, 1289, described by Jarvis (type e) (A. W. Jarvis, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 47:343-349, 1984). The protein compositions of phi 111 and 1289 were similar (three common major proteins of 21, 28, and 32 kilodaltons).  相似文献   

Three genetically distinct groups of Lactococcus lactis phages are encountered in dairy plants worldwide, namely, the 936, c2, and P335 species. The multiplex PCR method was adapted to detect, in a single reaction, the presence of these species in whey samples or in phage lysates. Three sets of primers, one for each species, were designed based on conserved regions of their genomes. The c2-specific primers were constructed using the major capsid protein gene (mcp) as the target. The mcp sequences for three phages (eb1, Q38, and Q44) were determined and compared with the two available in the databases, those for phages c2 and bIL67. An 86.4% identity was found over the five mcp genes. The gene of the only major structural protein (msp) was selected as a target for the detection of 936-related phages. The msp sequences for three phages (p2, Q7, and Q11) were also established and matched with the available data on phages sk1, bIL170, and F4-1. The comparison of the six msp genes revealed an 82. 2% identity. A high genomic diversity was observed among structural proteins of the P335-like phages suggesting that the classification of lactococcal phages within this species should be revised. Nevertheless, we have identified a common genomic region in 10 P335-like phages isolated from six countries. This region corresponded to orfF17-orf18 of phage r1t and orf20-orf21 of Tuc2009 and was sequenced for three additional P335 phages (Q30, P270, and ul40). An identity of 93.4% within a 739-bp region of the five phages was found. The detection limit of the multiplex PCR method in whey was 10(4) to 10(7) PFU/ml and was 10(3) to 10(5) PFU/ml with an additional phage concentration step. The method can also be used to detect phage DNA in whey powders and may also detect prophage or defective phage in the bacterial genome.  相似文献   

Six bacteriophages active against Leuconostoc fallax strains were isolated from industrial sauerkraut fermentation brines. These phages were characterized as to host range, morphology, structural proteins, and genome fingerprint. They were exclusively lytic against the species L. fallax and had different host ranges among the strains of this species tested. Morphologically, three of the phages were assigned to the family Siphoviridae, and the three others were assigned to the family Myovidae: Major capsid proteins detected by electrophoresis were distinct for each of the two morphotypes. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA fingerprinting showed that all six phages were genetically distinct. These results revealed for the first time the existence of bacteriophages that are active against L. fallax and confirmed the presence and diversity of bacteriophages in a sauerkraut fermentation. Since a variety of L. fallax strains have been shown to be present in sauerkraut fermentation, bacteriophages active against L. fallax are likely to contribute to the microbial ecology of sauerkraut fermentation and could be responsible for some of the variability observed in this type of fermentation.  相似文献   


A metagenomic library from DNA isolated from a biogas plant was constructed and screened for thermoactive endoglucanases to gain insight into the enzymatic diversity involved in plant biomass breakdown at elevated temperatures. Two cellulase-encoding genes were identified and the corresponding proteins showed sequence similarities of 59% for Cel5A to a putative cellulase from Anaerolinea thermolimosa and 99% for Cel5B to a characterized endoglucanase isolated from a biogas plant reactor. The cellulase Cel5A consists of one catalytical domain showing sequence similarities to glycoside hydrolase family 5 and comprises 358 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 41.2 kDa. The gene coding for cel5A was successfully cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli C43(DE3). The recombinant protein was purified to homogeneity using affinity chromatography with a specific activity of 182 U/mg, and a yield of 74%. Enzymatic activity was detectable towards cellulose and mannan containing substrates and over a broad temperature range from 40 °C to 70 °C and a pH range from 4.0 to 7.0 with maximal activity at 55 °C and pH 5.0. Cel5A showed high thermostability at 60 °C without loss of activity after 24 h. Due to the enzymatic characteristics, Cel5A is an attractive candidate for the degradation of lignocellulosic material.


For this study, an in-depth review of the classification of Lactococcus lactis phages was performed. Reference phages as well as unclassified phages from international collections were analyzed by stringent DNA-DNA hybridization studies, electron microscopy observations, and sequence analyses. A new classification scheme for lactococcal phages is proposed that reduces the current 12 groups to 8. However, two new phages (Q54 and 1706), which are unrelated to known lactococcal phages, may belong to new emerging groups. The multiplex PCR method currently used for the rapid identification of phages from the three main lactococcal groups (936, c2, and P335) was improved and tested against the other groups, none of which gave a PCR product, confirming the specificity of this detection tool. However, this method does not detect all members of the highly diverse P335 group. The lactococcal phages characterized here were deposited in the Félix d'Hérelle Reference Center for Bacterial Viruses and represent a highly diverse viral community from the dairy environment.  相似文献   

Two phage species (sl. ls and lco23) of Leuconostoc oenos , isolated in Switzerland and in Australia, were compared for their ability to inhibit growth of L. oenos in wine. The effect of pH, ethanol, SO2, temperature and time of infection on phage activity was evaluated in synthetic media and in wine. The phages differed in their response to pH in that the activity of phage sl.ls was highest at low pH (3.5), while that of phage lco23 was highest at a high pH (5.5). The phages were not inhibited by low temperature (15°C) or by 50 mg/l SO2. Both phages were inhibited by ethanol at a concentration greater than 5% (v/v). In a white and a red wine tested, the red wine partially inhibited and the white wine completely inhibited phage activity. When phage infection at pH 3.5 occurred during the exponential phase of growth, the bacteria outgrew the phage. Phage-resistant mutants developed between 3 and 35 d after phage infection, depending on pH and temperature. Recommendations for the use of starter cultures of L. oenos in the wine industry are given.  相似文献   

AIMS: To examine the effect of alpha-ketoglutaric acid (alpha-KG) on the utilization and catabolism of amino acids by strains of nonstarter lactobacilli isolated from Cheddar cheese. METHODS AND RESULTS: The effect of alpha-KG in the growth medium of nonstarter lactobacilli on amino acid metabolism, catabolite levels, peptide hydrolase and aminotransferase activities was examined. The pattern of amino acid utilization, catabolite formation and aminotransferase activity was affected by keto acid. CONCLUSIONS: Amino acid conversion into cheese aroma and flavour compounds by nonstarter lactobacilli is enhanced in the presence of alpha-ketoglutarate. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Increasing the availability of alpha-ketoglutarate in cheese offers a possible method of reducing the maturation period by accelerating the rate of character compound formation from amino acids by the nonstarter lactobacilli.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the influence of cheese cooking temperature on autolysis and permeabilization of two lactococcal starter strains in broth and in Cheddar cheese juice during ripening. METHODS AND RESULTS: Flow cytometry (FCM) was used to identify and enumerate intact and permeabilized cells in broth and in Cheddar cheese juice. Levels of intracellular enzyme activities were quantified concurrently. Permeabilized cell numbers increased for both strains in broth following a temperature shift from 32 to 38 degrees C and was accompanied by an increase in the level of accessible intracellular enzyme activities. The relative proportions of intact and permeabilized cell populations, as detected by FCM in cheese juice, changed during 42-day ripening. Permeabilized cell populations increased during ripening for both strains; however, an increase in accessible intracellular enzyme activity was observed only for the highly autolytic strain Lactococcus lactis AM2. CONCLUSIONS: Differences in the autolytic and permeabilization response induced by cooking temperature in two lactococcal strains affects intracellular enzyme accessibility in Cheddar cheese. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study highlights the importance of the autolytic and permeabilization properties of lactic acid bacteria starter strains and their impact on cheese ripening.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to identify genes responsible for host recognition in the lactococcal phages sk1 and bIL170 belonging to species 936. These phages have a high level of DNA identity but different host ranges. Bioinformatic analysis indicated that homologous genes, orf18 in sk1 and orf20 in bIL170, could be the receptor-binding protein (RBP) genes, since the resulting proteins were unrelated in the C-terminal part and showed homology to different groups of proteins hypothetically involved in host recognition. Consequently, chimeric bIL170 phages carrying orf18 from sk1 were generated. The recombinant phages were able to form plaques on the sk1 host Lactococcus lactis MG1614, and recombination was verified by PCR analysis directly with the plaques. A polyclonal antiserum raised against the C-terminal part of phage sk1 ORF18 was used in immunogold electron microscopy to demonstrate that ORF18 is located at the tip of the tail. Sequence analysis of corresponding proteins from other lactococcal phages belonging to species 936 showed that the N-terminal parts of the RBPs were very similar, while the C-terminal parts varied, suggesting that the C-terminal part plays a role in receptor binding. The phages investigated could be grouped into sk1-like phages (p2, fd13, jj50, and phi 7) and bIL170-like phages (P008, P113G, P272, and bIL66) on the basis of the homology of their RBPs to the C-terminal part of ORF18 in sk1 and ORF20 in bIL170, respectively. Interestingly, sk1-like phages bind to and infect a defined group of L. lactis subsp. cremoris strains, while bIL170-like phages bind to and infect a defined group of L. lactis subsp. lactis strains.  相似文献   

AIMS: To screen Irish faecal samples from a variety of sources with a view to isolating novel anti-Salmonella phages and to subsequently evaluate their lytic capability. METHODS AND RESULTS: Two novel anti-Salmonella phages st104a and st104b were isolated from a screening programme based on their lytic capability. The phages produced significantly larger plaques (2 mm) on the chosen indicator Salmonella enterica strain, DPC6046, when compared with the well-known control phage, Felix 01 (0.5 mm). Both phages st104a and st104b were found to have a broad host range within the Salm. enterica species. During in vitro trials, both phages (st104a and st104b) reduced Salm. enterica numbers more than 99% within 1 h. In vivo studies, involving the addition of the phage to porcine gastric juice (pH 2.5) demonstrated that phage st104a and phage Felix 01 were capable of surviving (10 and 30% survival respectively) the acidic conditions, unlike st104b, which was undetectable after 2 h exposure. CONCLUSIONS: Two novel lytic anti-Salmonella phages were isolated and characterized. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: With the exception of phage Felix 01, there has been relatively little phage therapy work performed using lytic Salmonella phage. In this study, the lytic phages st104a and st104b were isolated as a result of a faecal screening programme. Subsequently, phage st104a was found to have potential for biocontrol of Salm. enterica numbers if administered orally to pigs given their survival in porcine gastric juice, whereas, phage st104b may have potential in reducing cell numbers if applied by alternative approaches.  相似文献   

Bacteroides bacteriophages isolated from human feces   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Proteins of Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis and L. lactis ssp. cremoris bacteriophages were studied using antibody inhibition assay and immunoblotting. Antisera were prepared against four representative L. lactis ssp. lactis and L. lactis ssp. cremoris phages (D59-1, F4-1, G72-1, and I37-1), which were selected from 17 isolates, derived from commercial cheese wheys. The reactivities of the four antisera with 13 other phage isolates were tested. Among these isolates, two phage groups having distinct serological properties were found. Group I reacted with the antisera against phages D59-1/F4-1 and Group II reacted with the antisera against phages G72-1/I37-1. Strongly lytic phages, capable of lysing phage-resistant host strains, were found to share protein similarities with the phage protein group I, and phages isolated from phage-sensitive host strains belonged to the phage protein group II. Furthermore, group I was composed of all prolate and some isometric phages, whereas group II was composed solely of the isometric phages. Thus, the two serologically distinct phage groups were not correlated with the two morphological groups, prolate and isometric. Proteins of the four phages were further characterized by immunoblotting and silver staining. A 22.5-kDa antigenic polypeptide of phage I37-1, and three polypeptides of 65, 37, 21 kDa in phage F4-1 were responsible for the cross-reactivities in group II and group I, respectively. Correspondence to: R. A. Ledford  相似文献   

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