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Abiotic stresses such as drought, cold, and high salinity are among the most adverse factors that affect plant growth and yield in the field. MicroRNAs are small RNA molecules that regulate gene expression in a sequence-specific manner and play an important role in plant stress response. Identifying abiotic stress-associated microRNAs and understanding their function will help develop new strategies for improvement of plant stress tolerance. Here we highlight recent advances in our understanding of abiotic stress-associated miRNAs in various plants, with focus on their discovery, expression analysis, and evolution.  相似文献   

为了探讨14-3-3基因在小麦逆境胁迫应答中的调控作用,利用RACE技术克隆了两个包含完整编码框的14-3-3基因(命名为Ta14R1和Ta14R2),其中Ta14R1 cDNA长999 bp,编码262个氨基酸,而Ta14R2 cDNA长897 bp,编码261个氨基酸。Ta14R1/Ta14R2-GFP融合载体瞬时表达结果显示,Ta14R1和Ta14R2蛋白均定位于细胞质和细胞膜,但不在叶绿体中。荧光定量PCR分析表明,Ta14R1和Ta14R2均在萌发1 d的胚芽鞘中表达量最高;在高温、低温、模拟干旱和ABA处理下,两个基因在小麦的根和叶中都受胁迫诱导而且显著上调表达,推测这两个14-3-3基因通过依赖ABA的非生物胁迫响应途径发挥作用,可能参与了小麦中高温、低温和干旱胁迫的耐受调节过程。  相似文献   

Endodontic treatment is mainly based on root canal disinfection and its failure may be motivated by microbial resistance. Endodontic therapy can be benefitted by host defense peptides (HDPs), which are multifunctional molecules that act against persistent infection and inflammation. This study aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial, cytotoxic and immunomodulatory activity of several HDPs, namely clavanin A, clavanin A modified (MO) and LL-37, compared to intracanal medication Ca(OH)2. HDPs and Ca(OH)2 were evaluated by: (1) antimicrobial assays against Candida albicans and Enterococcus faecalis, (2) cytotoxicity assays and (3) cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, interleukin (IL)-1α, IL-6, IL-10 and IL-12 and nitric oxide (NO) production by RAW 264.7 cells incubated with or without heat-killed (HK) C. albicans or E. faecalis combined or not with interferon-γ. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was established only for E. faecalis (LL-37, 57 μM). Considering cytotoxicity, clavanin MO was able to reduce cell viability in many groups and demonstrated lowest LC50. The Ca(OH)2 up-regulated the production of MCP-1, TNF-α, IL-12 and IL-6 and down-regulated IL-1α, IL-10 and NO. Clavanins up-regulated the TNF-α and NO and down-regulated IL-10 production. LL-37 demonstrated up-regulation of IL-6 and TNF-α production and down-regulation in IL-10 and NO production. In conclusion, LL-37 demonstrated better antibacterial potential. In addition, Ca(OH)2 demonstrated a proinflammatory response, while the HDPs modulated the inflammatory response from non-interference with the active cytokines in the osteoclastogenesis process, probably promoting the health of periradicular tissues.  相似文献   



Cyclic nucleotide-gated channels (CNGCs) are Ca2+-permeable cation transport channels, which are present in both animal and plant systems. They have been implicated in the uptake of both essential and toxic cations, Ca2+ signaling, pathogen defense, and thermotolerance in plants. To date there has not been a genome-wide overview of the CNGC gene family in any economically important crop, including rice (Oryza sativa L.). There is an urgent need for a thorough genome-wide analysis and experimental verification of this gene family in rice.


In this study, a total of 16 full length rice CNGC genes distributed on chromosomes 1–6, 9 and 12, were identified by employing comprehensive bioinformatics analyses. Based on phylogeny, the family of OsCNGCs was classified into four major groups (I-IV) and two sub-groups (IV-A and IV- B). Likewise, the CNGCs from all plant lineages clustered into four groups (I-IV), where group II was conserved in all land plants. Gene duplication analysis revealed that both chromosomal segmentation (OsCNGC1 and 2, 10 and 11, 15 and 16) and tandem duplications (OsCNGC1 and 2) significantly contributed to the expansion of this gene family. Motif composition and protein sequence analysis revealed that the CNGC specific domain “cyclic nucleotide-binding domain (CNBD)” comprises a “phosphate binding cassette” (PBC) and a “hinge” region that is highly conserved among the OsCNGCs. In addition, OsCNGC proteins also contain various other functional motifs and post-translational modification sites. We successively built a stringent motif: (LI-X(2)-[GS]-X-[FV]-X-G-[1]-ELL-X-W-X(12,22)-SA-X(2)-T-X(7)-[EQ]-AF-X-L) that recognizes the rice CNGCs specifically. Prediction of cis-acting regulatory elements in 5′ upstream sequences and expression analyses through quantitative qPCR demonstrated that OsCNGC genes were highly responsive to multiple stimuli including hormonal (abscisic acid, indoleacetic acid, kinetin and ethylene), biotic (Pseudomonas fuscovaginae and Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae) and abiotic (cold) stress.


There are 16 CNGC genes in rice, which were probably expanded through chromosomal segmentation and tandem duplications and comprise a PBC and a “hinge” region in the CNBD domain, featured by a stringent motif. The various cis-acting regulatory elements in the upstream sequences may be responsible for responding to multiple stimuli, including hormonal, biotic and abiotic stresses.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-853) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

牛抗菌肽Bac7和Bac5是一种线性阳离子小分子多肽,在机体天然免疫和获得性免疫中都发挥着重要作用。本研究根据Gen bank中公布的牛抗菌肽bac7和bac5成熟肽基因序列,人工合成了融合基因Bac7-Bac5片段,克隆于原核表达载体pET32(a+)中构建了重组表达载体(pET-B7-B5),将其转化于E coli BL21(DE3) 中实现了重组蛋白B7-B5(rB7-B5)的过表达,表达的rB7-B5以包涵体形式存在,rB7-B5表达量约占细菌总蛋白的36.6%,分子量大小为33kD,与预测大小相符。以经Ni亲和层析柱纯化和多步透析法复性的rB7-B5,对猪胸膜肺炎放线杆菌和耐药性大肠杆菌具有很好的抑菌活性,本研究为新型抗菌制剂的研制和开发奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Enteric Campylobacter species cause gastrointestinal diseases in humans. Like almost all organisms, campylobacters have an absolute requirement for iron, but are faced with variable availability of iron in the environment and host tissues. Campylobacters have developed mechanisms to scavenge sufficient iron for metabolism and growth. However, iron also participates in the formation of reactive oxygen species, and this forces pathogens to maintain intracellular iron homeostasis and to cope with oxidative stresses. The presence of two separate, but possibly overlapping iron-responsive regulatory systems, which regulate iron acquisition and oxidative stress defense, and the presence of genes encoding multiple iron acquisition and detoxification systems in Campylobacter indicate the central role that iron plays in Campylobacter gene regulation and virulence.  相似文献   

植物抗病基因结构、功能及其进化机制研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
植物与病原菌在长期的共进化和相互选择的过程中,逐渐形成了组织障碍、非寄主抗性和小种专化抗性等有效的防御机制。小种专化抗性(基因对基因抗性)主要是由植物抗病基因识别相应的病原菌无毒基因并激活植物体内抗病信号进而抵御病原菌的侵染。从目前已克隆的 70 多个抗病基因来看,它们在结构上具有高度保守性,主要包括核苷酸结合位点(NBS),亮氨酸重复结构(LRR), 蛋白激酶结构域(PK), 果蝇蛋白 Toll 和哺乳动物蛋白质白细胞介素 1 受体[interleukin(IL)-1 receptor]类似结构域(TIR), 双螺旋结构(CC)或亮氨酸拉链(LZ)和跨膜结构域(TM)等,其在抗病基因与病原菌无毒(效应)蛋白互作以及植物内部免疫信号传导中起着重要的作用。同时,抗病基因又通过基因复制、遗传重组等进化机制形成多基因家族,为植物抗病的专化性和多样性提供了重要的遗传基础。本文主要讨论了近来已克隆抗病基因的结构特征、功能以及抗病基因进化机制研究的进展。  相似文献   

Fitness costs of defense are often invoked to explain the maintenance of genetic variation in levels of chemical defense compounds in natural plant populations. We investigated fitness costs of iridoid glycosides (IGs), terpenoid compounds that strongly deter generalist insect herbivores, in ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.) using lines that had been artificially selected for high and low leaf IG concentrations for four generations. Twelve maternal half-sib families from each selection line were grown in four environments, consisting of two nutrient and two competition treatments. We tested whether: (1) in the absence of herbivores and pathogens, plants from lines selected for high IG levels have a lower fitness than plants selected for low IG levels; and (2) costs of chemical defense increase with environmental stress. Vegetative biomass did not differ between selection lines, but plants selected for high IG levels produced fewer inflorescences and had a significantly lower reproductive dry weight than plants selected for low IG levels, indicating a fitness cost of IG production. Line-by-nutrient and line-by-competition interactions were not significant for any of the fitness-related traits. Hence, there was no evidence that fitness costs increased with environmental stress. Two factors may have contributed to the absence of higher costs under environmental stress. First, IGs are carbon-based chemicals. Under nutrient limitation, the relative carbon excess may result in the production of IGs without imposing a further constraint on growth and reproduction. Second, correlated responses to selection on IG levels indicate the existence of a positive genetic association between IG level and cotyledon size. At low nutrient level, a path analysis based on family means revealed that in the presence of competitors, the negative direct effect of a high IG level on aboveground plant dry weight was partly offset by a positive direct effect of the associated larger cotyledon size. This indicates that fitness costs of defense may be modulated by environment-specific fitness effects of genetically associated traits.  相似文献   

Over the past few years, nitric oxide (NO) has emerged as an important regulator in many physiological events, especially in response to abiotic and biotic stress. However, the roles of NO were mostly derived from pharmacological studies or the mutants impaired NO synthesis unspecifically. In our recent study, we highlighted a novel strategy by expressing the rat neuronal NO synthase (nNOS) in Arabidopsis to explore the in vivo role of NO. Our results suggested that plants were able to perform well in the constitutive presence of nNOS, and provided a new class of plant experimental system with specific in vivo NO release. Furthermore, our findings also confirmed that the in vivo NO is essential for most of environmental abiotic stresses and disease resistance against pathogen infection. Proper level of NO may be necessary and beneficial, not only in plant response to the environmental abiotic stress, but also to biotic stress.  相似文献   

Plants are a nearly unlimited source of phytochemicals. The plants produce various secondary metabolites, which are useful in its interaction with the environment, various stress factors and development of resistance against pathogen attack. A wide array of external stimuli are capable of triggering changes in the plant cell which leads to a cascade of reactions, ultimately resulting in the formation and accumulation of secondary metabolites which helps the plant to overcome the stress factors. The biotic and abiotic elicitors can result in an enhancement of the secondary metabolite production. The stimuli are perceived by receptors, which then result in the activation of the secondary messengers. These then transmit the signals into the cell through the signal transduction pathways leading to gene expression and biochemical changes. There is interplay of the signaling molecules also which regulates the entire pathway. This review is oriented towards the factors, which influence signal transduction pathway(s) with special reference to polyamines, calcium, jasmonates, salicylates, nitric oxide and ethylene. The interplay of these components to elicit a defense response is discussed. Molecular aspects of disease resistance and regulation of plant secondary metabolism has also been presented.  相似文献   

Attempts over the past 50 years to explain variation in the abundance, distribution and diversity of plant secondary compounds gave rise to theories of plant defense. Remarkably, few phylogenetically robust tests of these long-standing theories have been conducted. Using >50 species of milkweed (Asclepias spp.), we show that variation among plant species in the induction of toxic cardenolides is explained by latitude, with higher inducibility evolving more frequently at lower latitudes. We also found that: (1) the production of cardenolides showed positive-correlated evolution with the diversity of cardenolides, (2) greater cardenolide investment by a species is accompanied by an increase in an estimate of toxicity (measured as chemical polarity) and (3) instead of trading off, constitutive and induced cardenolides were positively correlated. Analyses of root and shoot cardenolides showed concordant patterns. Thus, milkweed species from lower latitudes are better defended with higher inducibility, greater diversity and added toxicity of cardenolides.  相似文献   

枇杷(Eriobotrya japonica)开花结果正值冬季低温期,易受低温影响,因此寒害成为抑制枇杷健康生长、发育的重要因素之一。种子作为产生多种内源激素的中心,其健康程度与枇杷果实正常发育息息相关。该研究以四川省成都市龙泉驿区柏合镇的‘早钟六号’枇杷幼果种子为材料,经不同低温(6、3、0、-3℃)胁迫不同时间(12、24、36、48 h)后,对其相对电导率、丙二醛(MDA)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和过氧化物酶(POD)的变化进行测定以及细胞解剖结构分析,旨在探究枇杷幼果种子抗寒机制,为提高四川地区枇杷抗寒栽培新技术提供理论和实践依据。结果表明:低温胁迫下,枇杷幼果种子相对电导率及MDA含量随着处理温度的降低整体呈上升趋势;保护酶SOD、CAT活性在低温胁迫前期不同程度升高,至某个低温后呈下降趋势;而POD活性总体呈升-降-升趋势;相对电导率、MDA含量、SOD活性、CAT活性、POD活性的变化临界温度均为6℃,胁迫临界时间分别为12、24、48、36 h,而MDA含量变化临界温度为3℃,胁迫临界时间为36 h;显微结构表明枇杷幼果种子6℃低温开始受冻,最先受冻部位为种皮,其次为种胚真叶原始体或真叶,最后到细胞破裂,说明枇杷幼果种子随着处理温度降低,细胞结构受损越严重。综上,枇杷幼果种子受冻临界温度为6℃,受冻临界时间为12 h。  相似文献   

[目的]ABC转运蛋白(ATP-binding cassette transporter,ABC transporter)是一个庞大的膜转运蛋白超家族,在昆虫生长发育和抗药性方面具有重要作用.本研究旨在通过克隆白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera ABCD1基因,并测定其在杀虫剂胁迫下的表达模式,为后续的功能...  相似文献   

Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is a major cereal grain and is known as a halophyte (a halophyte is a salt-tolerant plant that grows in soil or waters of high salinity). We therefore conducted a pot experiment to explore plant growth and biomass, photosynthetic pigments, gas exchange attributes, stomatal properties, oxidative stress and antioxidant response and their associated gene expression and absorption of ions in H. Vulgare. The soil used for this analysis was artificially spiked at different salinity concentrations (0, 50, 100 and 150 mM) and different levels of ascorbic acid (AsA) were supplied to plants (0, 30 and 60 mM) shortly after germination of the seed. The results of the present study showed that plant growth and biomass, photosynthetic pigments, gas exchange parameters, stomatal properties and ion uptake were significantly (p < 0.05) reduced by salinity stress, whereas oxidative stress was induced in plants by generating the concentration of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in plant cells/tissues compared to plants grown in the control treatment. Initially, the activity of antioxidant enzymes and relative gene expression increased to a saline level of 100 mM, and then decreased significantly (P < 0.05) by increasing the saline level (150 mM) in the soil compared to plants grown at 0 mM of salinity. We also elucidated that negative impact of salt stress in H. vulgare plants can overcome by the exogenous application of AsA, which not only increased morpho-physiological traits but decreased oxidative stress in the plants by increasing activities of enzymatic antioxidants. We have also explained the negative effect of salt stress on H. vulgare can decrease by exogenous application of AsA, which not only improved morpho-physiological characteristics, ions accumulation in the roots and shoots of the plants, but decreased oxidative stress in plants by increasing antioxidant compounds (enzymatic and non-enzymatic). Taken together, recognizing AsA's role in nutrient uptake introduces new possibilities for agricultural use of this compound and provides a valuable basis for improving plant tolerance and adaptability to potential salinity stress adjustment.  相似文献   

Stressful ecological conditions have been implicated in the evolution of separate sexes in plants. Gender dimorphic species are often found in drier habitats than their sexually monomorphic relatives, and gynodioecious populations appear closer to a dioecious state as resources, particularly water, become limiting. This pattern could result if dry conditions decrease the relative seed fitness of cosexual plants, allowing female plants to become established in monomorphic populations. We studied geographical variation in gender expression and biomass allocation among 12 monomorphic and dimorphic populations of Wurmbea dioica along a latitudinal precipitation gradient in southwestern Australia to provide insight into mechanisms by which aridity might favor transitions between sexual systems. Plants in monomorphic and dimorphic populations exhibited contrasting gender expression and patterns of biomass allocation in areas with different levels of precipitation. Among dimorphic populations, lower precipitation was associated with a higher frequency of female plants, and reduced allocation to female function by hermaphrodites during flowering. In contrast, stress conditions had no effect on female allocation at flowering in monomorphic populations. Across latitudes, unisexuals and cosexuals exhibited consistent differences in above ground traits, with cosexuals having larger leaves, taller stems and larger flowers. Although all plants were smaller under drier conditions, cosexuals decreased above ground allocation to vegetative and reproductive structures with decreasing latitude. In contrast, unisexuals increased allocation to reproduction in drier areas at the expense of below ground size. Aridity was associated with reduced flower size among all gender classes, but not with changes in flower number. These data do not support the hypothesis that resource limitation of female allocation in cosexual populations favors the establishment of gender dimorphism in W. dioica. Alternative hypotheses, involving higher selfing rates and enhanced survival of unisexuals relative to cosexuals under resource-limited conditions, are discussed as possible explanations for the origin of dioecy in W. dioica. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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