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A study has been made of Aplysia nerve cells, mainly in the pleural ganglia, in which the main axon divides into at least two branches in the neighbourhood of the soma. Conduction between these branches was investigated by intracellular recordings from the soma following antidromic stimulation via the nerves containing the axonal branches. It has been shown that transmission between separate branches need not involve discharge of the soma but only of the axonal region between the soma and the origin of the branches. In some cells, the spike may fail to invade the other axonal branch, whereas transmission in the opposite direction is readily achieved. Often spikes in none of the branches are transmitted to the others, unless facilitated. Indications about the geometry of the neuron in the vicinity of the soma may be obtained from the study of the relative size of the A spikes originated in different branches. These observations, together with the presence of different sizes of A spikes, produced by orthodromic stimulation, provide evidence that spikes initiated at separate axonal "trigger zones" of Aplysia neurons may be conducted selectively to the effectors or other neurons innervated by the particular branch.  相似文献   

摘要: 籽粒多酚氧化酶(Polyphenol oxidase,PPO)活性是造成面粉以及面制品褐变的主要因素,了解不同小麦品种籽粒PPO活性基因的等位变异情况,有助于遗传改良中提高面制品的外观品质。本研究利用2A染色体上Ppo-A1的标记PPO18以及2D染色体上Ppo-D1的标记PPO16和PPO29检测该基因在118份黄淮麦区小麦品种中的等位变异。结果表明:在Ppo-A1位点,48.3%的小麦品种含Ppo-A1a(高PPO活性)型等位基因,51.7%的小麦品种含Ppo-A1b(低PPO活性)型等位基因,Ppo-A1a和Ppo-A1b两者之间的差异达到显著水平(P﹤0.05)。在Ppo-D1位点,55.1%的小麦品种含Ppo-D1a(低PPO活性)型等位基因,44.9%的小麦品种含Ppo-D1b(高PPO活性)型等位基因,Ppo-D1a和Ppo-D1b两者之间的差异也达到显著水平(P﹤0.05)。在Ppo-A1和Ppo-D1两个位点共检测到Ppo-A1a/Ppo-D1a(中间型PPO活性)、Ppo-A1a/Ppo-D1b(高PPO活性)、Ppo-A1b/Ppo-D1a(低PPO活性)、Ppo-A1b/Ppo-D1b(中间型PPO活性)四种变异组合类型,分布频率分别为28.8%、19.5%、26.3%和25.4%,彼此之间的差异均达到显著水平(P﹤0.05)。总体来看,这三个基因特异性标记可以快速、准确和方便的检测籽粒PPO基因的不同等位变异。此外,本研究检测出部分材料具有低PPO活性,可为选育具有低PPO活性的小麦品种提供有用信息。  相似文献   

Exogenous Auxin Effects on Lateral Bud Outgrowth in Decapitated Shoots   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
CLINE  MORRIS G. 《Annals of botany》1996,78(2):255-266
In 1933 Thimann and Skoog demonstrated exogenous auxin repressionof lateral bud outgrowth in decapitated shoots ofVicia faba. This evidence has given strong support for a role of auxinin apical dominance. Most, but not all, investigators have confirmedThimann and Skoog's results. In the present study, auxin treatmentswere carried out on ten different species or plant types, manyof which were treated with auxin in different forms, media andunder different light conditions. The Thimann–Skoog experimentdid work for most species (i.e. exogenous auxin did repressbud outgrowth) including thedgt tomato mutant which is knownto be insensitive to auxin in certain responses. Toxic auxinsymptoms were observed in some but not all species. The Thimann–Skoogexperiment did not work for greenhouse-grownColeus or forArabidopsis. Light was shown to reduce apical dominance inColeus andIpomoeanil . apical dominance; lateral bud outgrowth; axillary bud; auxin; IAA; decapitation; Vicia faba ; Ipomoea nil ; Pisum sativum ; Phaseolus vulgaris ; Lycopersion exculentum ; dgt ; Coleus blumei ; Arabidopsis thaliana ; Helianthus annuus ; Thimann–Skoog  相似文献   

Regulation of Branching in Decussate Species with Unequal Lateral Buds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the decussate plants Alternanthera philoxeroides and Hygrophilasp. the opposite axillary bud primordia are of unequal sizefrom the time of their inception; the larger or + buds lie alongone helix and the smaller or – buds along another (helicoidalsystem). In decapitated plants of Alternanthera both buds grewout, but unequally; if the node was vertically split growthof the two shoots was more equal, and if the + buds were excisedgrowth of the – shoots approximately equalled that ofcontrol + shoots. In decapitated shoots of Hygrophila grownin sterile culture only one bud, the + or larger one, grew outat each of the upper nodes. In excised cultured nodes, also,only the + bud grew out; but if the nodes were split longitudinallyboth buds grew out, initially rather unequally. These experimentssupport the view that the regulation of branching in these specieshas two components, apical dominance and the dominance of thelarger (+) bud over the smaller (–) bud at the same node.The restriction of growth potentiality imposed on the –bud is not permanent but can be modified. Further correlativeeffects on bud outgrowth include those of the subtending leavesand of buds at other nodes.  相似文献   

本文介绍受strigolactones调控的植物侧枝生长的信号合成、信号转导机制以及它与生长素和细胞分裂素之间相互作用的研究进展。  相似文献   

Plant growth was assessed and cellular protein per nuclear DNAamount measured in root meristems and in callus derived fromembryos of a spring (‘Katepwa’) and a winter variety(‘Beaver’) of allohexaploid wheat exposed to lowtemperature treatment. The data obtained were used to test whetherthese genetically distinct varieties of wheat responded differentiallyto cold treatment. Seedlings were grown for 14 d at 20°Cand then transferred to 4°C for 14 d before returning themto 20°C, or else were maintained continuously at 20°C.In winter wheat, root growth at 4°C was significantly greaterover the first 7 d following transfer to 4°C compared withplants retained at 20°C, whereas in spring wheat it wasreduced at 4°C. The pattern of accumulation of cellularprotein for both root meristem cells and in callus cells wasalso generally enhanced at 4°C compared with 20°C inwinter wheat but not in spring wheat. Thus, clear inter-varietaldifferences were established both for dry weight accumulationand cellular protein, and the callus data clearly show thatthe low-temperature-induced accumulation of protein is a cellularphenomenon not necessarily linked to development. The extentto which cold-shock proteins are a component of this low temperature-inducedincrease in cellular protein is discussed. Copyright 2000 Annalsof Botany Company Protein, spring wheat, temperature, tissue culture, Triticum aestivum, winter wheat  相似文献   

对十倍体长穗偃麦草(Thinopyrum ponticum)与普通小麦杂交F1及其与普通小麦回交BC1F1的形态学和细胞学特性进行了分析。结果表明,长穗偃麦草与普通小麦‘兰考矮早八’衍生F1(‘兰考小偃麦’)的根尖细胞染色体数为56条;花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ染色体构型平均值为19.81Ⅰ+15.78Ⅱ+0.75Ⅲ+0.59Ⅳ;基因组荧光原位杂交(GISH)显示,兰考小偃麦中含有35条完整的长穗偃麦草和21条小麦染色体。‘兰考小偃麦’/‘科育818’和‘兰考小偃麦’/‘Cp02-3-5-5’杂交F1的根尖细胞染色体数及其所遗传的长穗偃麦草染色体数分别为50~52和16~22条,且存在染色体易位;花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ平均染色体构型为14.54Ⅰ+17.40Ⅱ+0.55Ⅲ+0.14Ⅳ,平均49.4%的细胞出现多价体(三价体或四价体)。这些材料为创造小麦-长穗偃麦草新种质奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The annual rhythm of cambial activity in Cupressus sempervirensseems to be endogenous and fits well the Mediterranean climaticrhythm. Under outdoor conditions the cambium begins its activitytowards the autumn when temperatures drop and water is lesslimiting. The cambium continues to be active during the mildMediterranean winter and enters dormancy towards the beginningof the dry summer. A constant supply of water is not enoughto avoid cambial dormancy but may result in earlier onset anda prolonged period of activity. Relationships between xylemand phloem production, between shoot and root, and between cambialand phellogen activity are discussed. Cupressus sempervirens L., cypress, cambium, phellogen, annual rhythm, wood production  相似文献   

Studies on the Formation of Roots and Shoots in Wheat Callus Cultures   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
CHIN  J. C.; SCOTT  K. J. 《Annals of botany》1977,41(3):473-481
Callus tissues were initiated from root, embryo and inflorescenceexplants of wheat. These callus cultures were used to studythe formation of roots and shoots in the absence and presenceof selected plant hormones. On a basal medium alone, only newly-initiatedembryo callus formed both roots and shoots while root callusonly formed roots. Inflorescence callus showed no signs of differentiation.The regenerative capacity of root and embryo callus tissueson medium lacking hormones decreased with increasing periodsof culture. Calluses which failed to differentiate in the absenceof hormones were selected for studies on hormone-mediated differentiation.NAA (1 mg 1–1) was effective in inducing roots from allcalluses irrespective of their origin or age. In contrast, shootformation was elicited by incubating newly-formed callus onbasal medium supplemented with kinetin (5 mg 1–1) andNAA (1 mg 1–1) but rapidly decreased with longer periodsof culture. The differences observed in differentiation of thecallus in the absence and presence of hormones is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract In the present study, a rabbit polyclonal antiserum against cell wall‐bound thionins from barley leaf and a mouse monoclonal antibody against hydroxyproline‐rich glycoproteins (HRGP) from maize were used to investigate the subcellular localization of thionins and HRGP or extensins in Fusarium culmorum‐infected wheat spikes by means of the immunogold labelling technique. The proteins were localized in cell walls of different tissues including the lemma, ovary and rachis, while the cytoplasm and organelles in these tissues showed almost no labelling. However, accumulation of thionins and HRGP in infected wheat spikes of resistant wheat cultivars differed distinctly from those of susceptible cultivars. Compared with the healthy tissues, labelling densities for the two types of proteins in cell walls of the infected lemma, ovary and rachis increased only slightly in the susceptible cultivar Agent, while in cell walls of infected tissues of the resistant cultivar Arina labelling densities of thionins and HRGP increased markedly. These findings indicated that accumulation of thionins and HRGP in cell walls of infected resistant wheat spikes may be involved in defence responses to infection and in spreading of F. culmorum.  相似文献   

Water soluble carbohydrates (WSC) in stems play an important role in buffering grain yield in wheat against biotic and abiotic stresses; however, knowledge of genes controlling WSC is very limited. We conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) using a high-density 90K SNP array to better understand the genetic basis underlying WSC, and to explore marker-based breeding approaches. WSC was evaluated in an association panel comprising 166 Chinese bread wheat cultivars planted in four environments. Fifty two marker-trait associations (MTAs) distributed across 23 loci were identified for phenotypic best linear unbiased estimates (BLUEs), and 11 MTAs were identified in two or more environments. Liner regression showed a clear dependence of WSC BLUE scores on numbers of favorable (increasing WSC content) and unfavorable alleles (decreasing WSC), indicating that genotypes with higher numbers of favorable or lower numbers of unfavorable alleles had higher WSC content. In silico analysis of flanking sequences of trait-associated SNPs revealed eight candidate genes related to WSC content grouped into two categories based on the type of encoding proteins, namely, defense response proteins and proteins triggered by environmental stresses. The identified SNPs and candidate genes related to WSC provide opportunities for breeding higher WSC wheat cultivars.  相似文献   

Seven ab initio web-based gene prediction programs (i.e., AUGUSTUS, BGF, Fgenesh, Fgenesh+, GeneID, Genemark.hmm, and HMMgene) were assessed to compare their prediction accuracy using protein-coding sequences of bread wheat. At both nucleotide and exon levels, Fgenesh+ was deduced as the superior program and BGF followed by Fgenesh were resided in the next positions, respectively. Conversely, at gene level, Fgenesh with the value of predicting more than 75% of all the genes precisely, concluded as the best ones. It was also found out that programs such as Fgenesh+, BGF, and Fgenesh, because of harboring the highest percentage of correct predictive exons appear to be much more applicable in achieving more trustworthy results, while using both GeneID and HMMgene the percentage of false negatives would be expected to enhance. Regarding initial exon, overall, the frequency of accurate recognition of 3′ boundary was significantly higher than that of 5′ and the reverse was true if terminal exon is taken into account. Lastly, HMMgene and Genemark.hmm, overall, presented independent tendency against GC content, while the others appear to be slightly more sensitive if GC-poor sequences are employed. Our results, overall, exhibited that to make adequate opportunity in acquiring remarkable results, gene finders still need additional improvements.  相似文献   

Controlling toxigenic Fusarium graminearum (FG) is challenging. A bacterial strain (S76-3, identified as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens) that was isolated from diseased wheat spikes in the field displayed strong antifungal activity against FG. Reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry analyses revealed that S76-3 produced three classes of cyclic lipopeptides including iturin, plipastatin and surfactin. Each class consisted of several different molecules. The iturin and plipastatin fractions strongly inhibited FG; the surfactin fractions did not. The most abundant compound that had antagonistic activity from the iturin fraction was iturin A (m/z 1043.35); the most abundant active compound from the plipastatin fraction was plipastatin A (m/z 1463.90). These compounds were analyzed with collision-induced dissociation mass spectrometry. The two purified compounds displayed strong fungicidal activity, completely killing conidial spores at the minimal inhibitory concentration range of 50 µg/ml (iturin A) and 100 µg/ml (plipastatin A). Optical and fluorescence microscopy analyses revealed severe morphological changes in conidia and substantial distortions in FG hyphae treated with iturin A or plipastatin A. Iturin A caused leakage and/or inactivation of FG cellular contents and plipastatin A caused vacuolation. Time-lapse imaging of dynamic antagonistic processes illustrated that iturin A caused distortion and conglobation along hyphae and inhibited branch formation and growth, while plipastatin A caused conglobation in young hyphae and branch tips. Transmission electron microscopy analyses demonstrated that the cell walls of conidia and hyphae of iturin A and plipastatin A treated FG had large gaps and that their plasma membranes were severely damaged and separated from cell walls.  相似文献   

Determination and Cell Interactions in Reproductive Meristems   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Huala E  Sussex IM 《The Plant cell》1993,5(10):1157-1165

Macklon, A. E. S. and Sim, A. 1987. Cellular cobalt fluxes inroots and transport to the shoots of wheat seedlings.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 1663–1677. From compartmental analysis of radioisotope elution measurements,concentrations and fluxes of cobalt were estimated for corticalcells of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Fenman) seedling roots,relative to a complete nutrient solution containing 20 mmolm3 Co2 + . The water free space, Donnan free space and cytoplasmcontained little Co relative to the high levels accumulatedin the vacuole, resulting in time courses of Co uptake whichwere essentially linear in continuous light. In light/dark cyclesthere was almost complete inhibition of uptake during the darkperiods. Comparison of estimated concentrations of Co in cytoplasmand vacuole with values to be expected, if passive diffusionalone was operative, indicated that active transport was occurringin an outward direction at the plasmalemma and into the vacuoleat the tonoplast. Transport to the shoot, which was unaffectedby transpirational water flux through the plant, reached about10% of root absorbed Co, most of which was stored in the corticalcell vacuoles and removed from the transport pathway. Between0·02 and 20 mmol m 3 Co in external solution, uptakewas linearly related to concentration on a log/log plot, andthe proportion of transported Co was constant. The implicationsof these findings are discussed. Key words: Cobalt, transmembrane fluxes, transport.  相似文献   

The Feulgen procedure was applied to chromosome preparations of leaf meristems from growing plants of wheat, barley, and wheat-wheatgrass hybrids. Leaf primordia from the base of secondary tillers were pretreated in cold water (overnight, 2 C), fixed in glacial acetic acid (20 min, 2 C), hydrolyzed in 1 N HCl (14 min), stained in leuco-basic fuchsin (about 15 min) and squashed in 1% acetocarmine. The chromosome spreads from leaf meristems were generally superior to those of the root meristems of the same plant. Mitotic index in leaf meristems was higher than in root meristems in some species. The method appears useful for counting the chromosome number of growing plants, detecting chimeras, and verifying root tip chromosome counts.  相似文献   

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