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Mosquitoes as one of the most common but important vectors have the potential to transmit or acquire a lot of viruses through biting, however viral flora in mosquitoes and its impact on mosquito-borne disease transmission has not been well investigated and evaluated. In this study, the metagenomic techniquehas been successfully employed in analyzing the abundance and diversity of viral community in three mosquito samples from Hubei, China. Among 92,304 reads produced through a run with 454 GS FLX system, 39% have high similarities with viral sequences belonging to identified bacterial, fungal, animal, plant and insect viruses, and 0.02% were classed into unidentified viral sequences, demonstrating high abundance and diversity of viruses in mosquitoes. Furthermore, two novel viruses in subfamily Densovirinae and family Dicistroviridae were identified, and six torque tenosus virus1 in family Anelloviridae, three porcine parvoviruses in subfamily Parvovirinae and a Culex tritaeniorhynchus rhabdovirus in Family Rhabdoviridae were preliminarily characterized. The viral metagenomic analysis offered us a deep insight into the viral population of mosquito which played an important role in viral initiative or passive transmission and evolution during the process.  相似文献   

Play behaviour in the juvenile South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) is described for the period of dependence on the mother (up to 32 months). Play does not appear to be a unitary category of behaviour, but may be separated into four distinct types: terrestrial social and solitary play and swimming social and solitary play. These four types show different development profiles, and appear to serve different functions. Terrestrial solitary play and the two swimming play forms appear to be juvenile specializations, the first to enable very young seals to gain motor skills rapidly in order to avoid dangers from conspecifics, the second two to enhance antipredator behaviour and foraging ability during the gradual transition to independence. In contrast, social play may be best thought of as gaining social skills necessary in adult life, prior to dispersal post-weaning. Juvenile fur seals which do not wean in their first year show an upsurge in social play which is not seen in the other play types. This upsurge coincides temporally with the peak of social play of the new cohort, and is presumably elicited by them.  相似文献   

Gut microbiota is the most complex bacterial community in the human body and its study may give important clues to the etiology of different intestinal diseases. Most studies carried out so far have used fecal samples, assuming that these samples have a similar distribution to the communities present throughout the colon. The present study was designed to test this assumption by comparing samples from the rectal mucosa and feces of nine healthy volunteers by sequencing libraries of 16S rRNA genes. At the family taxonomic level, where rarefaction curves indicate that the observed number of taxa is close to the expected one, we observe under different statistical analyses that fecal and mucosal samples cluster separately. The same is found at the level of species considering phylogenetic information. Consequently, it cannot be stated that both samples from a given individual are of similar composition. We believe that the evidence in support of this statement is strong and that it would not change by increasing the number of individuals and/or performing massive sequencing. We do not expect clinicians to stop using feces for research, but we think it is important to caution them on their potential lack of representativeness with respect to the bacterial biofilm on the rectal mucosa.  相似文献   

South America is home to one of the most culturally diverse present-day native populations. However, the dispersion pattern, genetic substructure, and demographic complexity within South America are still poorly understood. Based on genome-wide data of 58 native populations, we provide a comprehensive scenario of South American indigenous groups considering the genomic, environmental, and linguistic data. Clear patterns of genetic structure were inferred among the South American natives, presenting at least four primary genetic clusters in the Amazonian and savanna regions and three clusters in the Andes and Pacific coast. We detected a cline of genetic variation along a west-east axis, contradicting a hard Andes-Amazon divide. This longitudinal genetic variation seemed to have been shaped by both serial population bottlenecks and isolation by distance. Results indicated that present-day South American substructures recapitulate ancient macroregional ancestries and western Amazonia groups show genetic evidence of cultural exchanges that led to language replacement in precontact times. Finally, demographic inferences pointed to a higher resilience of the western South American groups regarding population collapses caused by the European invasion and indicated precontact population reductions and demic expansions in South America.  相似文献   

In some regions, little is known about exposure to viruses in coastal marine mammals. The present study aimed to detect viral RNA or DNA in 23 free-ranging fur seals on the northern coastline of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Polymerase chain reaction was used to detect nucleic acids of circoviruses, adenoviruses, morbilliviruses, vesiviruses, and coronaviruses in the feces from twenty-one South American fur seals (Arctocephalus australis) and two Subantarctic fur seals (A. tropicalis). Adenovirus DNA fragments were detected in two South American fur seals; nucleotide sequences of these fragments revealed a high degree of similarity to human adenovirus type C. Circovirus DNA fragments were detected in six animals of the same species. Two were phylogenetically similar to the Circovirus genus, whereas the other four nucleotide fragments showed no similarity to any of the known genera within the family Circoviridae. RNA fragments indicating the presence of coronavirus, vesivirus, and morbillivirus were not detected. These findings suggest that adenoviruses and circoviruses are circulating in fur seal populations found along the coast of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil.  相似文献   

The numbers of total aerobes, total anaerobes, and facultatively aerobic lactobacilli, streptococci, and coliform bacteria were determined in samples of ileal digesta and feces from calves 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12 hr after feeding milk, or milk with sucrose or starch added. Differences in the flora could be attributed to diurnal variation (time from feeding to sampling), source of the sample (ileal versus fecal), nature of the dietary carbohydrate (lactose versus lactose plus sucrose versus lactose plus starch) and age of the animal (on a diet of milk plus sucrose).  相似文献   

The Andean mountain range has played an important role in the evolution of South American biota. However, there is little understanding of the patterns of species diversity across latitudinal and altitudinal gradients. In this paper, we examine the diversity of small mammals along the South Central Dry Andes (SCDA) within the framework of two contrasting hypotheses: (a) species richness decreases with increasing elevation and latitude; and (b) species richness peaks at altitudinal midpoints (mid‐domain). We explore the composition of the species pool, the impact of species–area relationships and the Rapoport effect (i.e. size of geographic ranges) along latitudinal and elevational gradients. First, we constructed a database of SCDA small mammals. Then, species richness patterns were analysed through generalized models, and species–area relationships were assessed by log–log regressions; the curvilinear method (c = S/Az) was use to compute richness corrected by area size. Lastly, the Rapoport effect was evaluated using the midpoint method. Our results show: (1) a richness of 67 small mammals along the SCDA, of which 36 are endemic; (2) a hump‐shaped pattern in species richness along elevation and latitudinal gradients; (3) a species–area relationship for both gradients; (4) endemic species corrected by area present a strong and positive relationship with elevation; (5) a Rapoport effect for the latitudinal ranges, but no effect across the elevational gradient; and (6) a major species turnover between 28° and 30° south latitude. This is the first study quantifying the diversity of small mammals encompassing the central Andean region. Overall, our macrogeographic analysis supports the previously postulated role of the Andes in the diversification of small mammals (i.e. in situ cladogenesis) and highlights some basic attributes (i.e. anatomy of geographic ranges; species–area relationships) when considering the consequences of climate change on biodiversity conservation of mountain ecosystems.  相似文献   

Besides mosquitoes, ticks are regarded as the primary source of vector-borne infectious diseases. Indeed, a wide variety of severe infectious human diseases, including those involving viruses, are transmitted by ticks in many parts of the world. To date, there are no published reports on the use of next-generation sequencing for studying viral diversity in ticks or discovering new viruses in these arthropods from China. Here, Ion-torrent sequencing was used to investigate the presence of viruses in three Rhipicephalus spp. tick pools (NY-11, NY-13, and MM-13) collected from the Menglian district of Yunnan, China. The sequencing run resulted in 3,641,088, 3,106,733, and 3,871,851 reads in each tick pool after trimming. Reads and assembled contiguous sequences (contigs) were subject to basic local alignment search tool analysis against the GenBank database. Large numbers of reads and contigs related to known viral sequences corresponding to a broad range of viral families were identified. Some of the sequences originated from viruses that have not been described previously in ticks. Our findings will facilitate better understanding of the tick virome, and add to our current knowledge of disease-causing viruses in ticks living under natural conditions.  相似文献   

One of the fascinating functions of mammalian intestinal microbiota is fermentation of plant cell wall components. Eight-week continuous culture enrichments of pig feces with cellulose and xylan/pectin were used to isolate bacteria from this community. A total of 575 bacterial isolates were classified phylogenetically using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Six phyla were represented in the bacterial isolates: Firmicutes (242), Bacteroidetes (185), Proteobacteria (65), Fusobacteria (55), Actinobacteria (23), and Synergistetes (5). The majority of the bacterial isolates had ≥97 % similarity to cultured bacteria with sequences in the RDP, but 179 isolates represent new species and/or genera. Within the Firmicutes isolates, most were classified in the families of Lachnospiraceae, Enterococcaceae, Staphylococcaceae, and Clostridiaceae I. The majority of the Bacteroidetes were most closely related to Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, Bacteroides ovatus, and B. xylanisolvens. Many of the Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes isolates were identified as species that possess enzymes that ferment plant cell wall components, and the rest likely support these bacteria. The microbial communities that arose in these enrichment cultures had broad bacterial diversity. With over 30 % of the isolates not represented in culture, there are new opportunities to study genomic and metabolic capacities of these members of the complex intestinal microbiota.  相似文献   


Hot springs are natural environments where hot groundwater comes out from the earth. Exploring the microbial diversity present in hot springs is important first to determine the microorganisms able to proliferate there and to understand their role in biogeochemical cycles. In Algeria, research concerning microbial populations in those ecosystems is limited. This study describes bacterial and archaeal diversity of the ‘Hammam Essalihine’ hot spring in Khenchela province in north-east Algeria using a culture-independent approach. This is the first microbial diversity investigation in the ‘Hammam Essalihine’ hot spring using next-generation sequencing techniques to assess the species classification of thermophilic microorganisms. Genomic DNA was extracted from water samples and the V4–V5 region of 16S rRNA gene were amplified, sequenced, and analyzed. The average temperature of water varies from 68 to 70?°C. High-throughput sequencing analysis revealed the presence of 21 bacterial phyla, including an unknown phylum and distributed across 42 families and 39 genera. The majority of the sequences were observed to belong to the kingdom Bacteria. The bacterial community from this hot spring is dominated by Proteobacteria (41.52%), Chloroflexi (7.62%), and Bacteroidetes (7.62%), whereas the community of Archaea is scarcely present in the study site and the two identified operational taxonomic units (OTUs) are far from what is known in the GenBank database. The study shows several uncharacterized sequences, indicating that the water of ‘Hammam Essalihine’ hot spring contains undescribed microorganisms. This study is thought to add to the understanding of thermophile diversity and ecology of ‘Hammam Essalihine’ hot spring.  相似文献   

Recent South Americans have been described as presenting high regional cranial morphological diversity when compared to other regions of the world. This high diversity is in accordance with linguistic and some of the molecular data currently available for the continent, but the origin of this diversity has not been satisfactorily explained yet. Here we explore if this high morphological variation was already present among early groups in South America, in order to refine our knowledge about the timing and origins of the modern morphological diversity. Between-group (Fst estimates) and within-group variances (trace of within-group covariance matrix) of the only two early American population samples available to date (Lagoa Santa and Sabana de Bogotá) were estimated based on linear craniometric measurements and compared to modern human cranial series representing six regions of the world, including the Americas. The results show that early Americans present moderate within-group diversity, falling well within the range of modern human groups, despite representing almost three thousand years of human occupation. The between-group variance apportionment is very low between early Americans, but is high among recent South American groups, who show values similar to the ones observed on a global scale. Although limited to only two early South American series, these results suggest that the high morphological diversity of native South Americans was not present among the first human groups arriving in the continent and must have originated during the Middle Holocene, possibly due to the arrival of new morphological diversity coming from Asia during the Holocene.  相似文献   

The presence of Campylobacter spp. was investigated in 41 Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) and 9 Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) at Deception Island, Antarctica. Infections were encountered in six Antarctic fur seals. The isolates, the first reported from marine mammals in the Antarctic region, were identified as Campylobacter insulaenigrae and Campylobacter lari.The Antarctic and sub-Antarctic regions are often regarded as pristine landscapes, unaffected by human activity. A limited number of surveys have been carried out to investigate the possible occurrence of zoonotic enteropathogens and if certain bacteria could be used as tools for evaluating biological pollution in this area (4, 11). In the case of Campylobacter species, there have been only three reports in the literature, but in all of them Campylobacter was isolated from marine seabirds but not from marine mammals. Campylobacter jejuni was isolated in Antarctic and sub-Antarctic areas from Macaroni penguins (Eudyptes chrysolophus) (4), and Campylobacter lari was isolated from Brown skuas, South Polar skuas, and Adelie penguins (2, 11).Reports of Campylobacter species isolated from marine mammals are rare. Campylobacter insulaenigrae was isolated from three harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) and a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in Scotland (7). The isolation of C. jejuni, C. lari, and an unknown Campylobacter species from juvenile northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris) in California was also reported (22). Finally, 71 isolates of C. insulaenigrae and 1 isolate similar to but distinct from both Campylobacter upsaliensis and Campylobacter helveticus were isolated from northern elephant seals in California (23). In the South Georgia Archipelago, fecal swabs were taken from 206 Antarctic fur seal pups, but no isolates could be obtained (4). In this study, we successfully isolated C. lari from 7.3% of Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) sampled and C. insulaenigrae from a further 7.3%. On the other hand, Campylobacter was not detected in the nine Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) sampled. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the isolation of C. lari and C. insulaenigrae from marine mammals in the Antarctic region.Fieldwork was conducted at Deception Island (latitude of 62°58′S and longitude of 60°40′W), in the South Shetland Islands. During January to February 2007, Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) and Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) were captured and fecal samples were collected by insertion of sterile cotton wool swabs into the rectum of the marine mammals. A total of 41 Antarctic fur seals and 9 Weddell seals were sampled. The distribution by ages was of 7 adults (over 4 years of age with breeding activity), 19 subadults (2 to 4 years of age), and 15 juvenile Antarctic fur seals (less than 2 years of age), and 8 adult Weddell seals and 1 juvenile. All animals presented a good body condition and showed no symptoms at the time of sampling.Three swabs were taken from each animal and were placed in FBP medium (8) with 0.5% active charcoal (Sigma Ltd.), Amies transport medium with charcoal, and Cary Blair transport medium, respectively. All samples were kept at +4 to 8°C until culture in the lab. The number of days between sampling and cultivation varied from 96 to 124 days, with a median value of 105 days.Each swab was placed in 10 ml of Campylobacter enrichment broth (Lab M) with 5% laked horse blood and CAT supplement (cefoperazone [8 μg/ml], teicoplanin [4 μg/ml], and amphotericin B [10 μg/ml]) at 37°C. The broth was incubated at 37°C for 48 h and 5 days in 3.5-liter anaerobic containers using CampyGen sachets (Oxoid), before an aliquot of 100 μl was plated onto CAT agar and the plates were incubated at 37°C for 72 h in a microaerobic atmosphere. In addition, a 47-mm-diameter cellulose membrane with 0.60-μm pores was placed on the surface of an anaerobe agar base (Oxoid) with 5% laked horse blood. Eight to 10 drops of enrichment broth (200 μl) were placed onto the surface of the membrane. The membrane was left for 20 to 30 min on the agar surface at room temperature until all of the fluid had passed through (20). The plates were incubated as described above, but for 5 days to isolate the less common, slower growing species.Isolates were examined by dark-field microscopy to determine morphology and motility and tested to determine whether oxidase was produced. For each sample, five isolates from each of the solid media that had typical morphology and motility and for which the oxidase test was positive were frozen at −80°C in FBP medium (8) until they were tested by phenotypic and genotypic methods.Original Campylobacter identification was done by Gram staining, catalase activity, hippurate hydrolysis, ability to hydrolyze indoxyl acetate, urease activity, H2S production on triple-sugar iron slants, growth at 25°C and 42°C in a microaerophilc environment, growth at 37°C in an aerobic atmosphere, and agglutination with Microscreen latex (Microgen, Camberley, United Kingdom).No differences between the strains were observed in any of the phenotypic tests used. All isolates showed a Gram-negative, slender, curved, seagull wing-like morphology under light microscopy and positive reactions in the catalase test. They were negative for hippurate and indoxyl acetate hydrolysis and urease and did not show H2S production. In addition, they grew at 42°C but did not grow at 25°C or 37°C in an aerobic atmosphere. Finally, all of them were positive in the agglutination test.Because phenotypic results commonly lead to misidentification of Campylobacter species, it is recommended that a molecular method be included in the identification scheme for Campylobacter (5, 15). Identification of the isolates was performed using 16S rRNA gene PCR and sequence analysis (15, 21). Forward and reverse conserved 16S rRNA eubacterial primers 8F (5′-AGAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG-3′) and 1492R (5′-GGTTACCTTGTTACGACTT-3′) were used to amplify the 16S rRNA according to the protocol described by Jang et al. (9). Forward and reverse sequencing reactions were performed by the Laboratorio Central de Veterinaria''s DNA sequencing facility (LCV Algete, Madrid, Spain). Three strains were identified as C. lari and the other three as C. insulaenigrae based on both forward and reverse sequence analysis.Molecular characterization of strains was carried out using a combination of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) using KpnI enzyme and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). Preparation of intact Campylobacter DNA for PFGE was performed following the Pulsenet protocol (17, 24). PFGE for the restriction enzyme KpnI (Takara, Conda, Spain) was performed following the protocol described by Ribot et al. (17). DNA fragments were resolved on 0.9% Seakem Gold agarose gels (Iberlabo, Spain) with a Bio-Rad CHEF DRIII system (Bio-Rad, Spain) at 14°C and 6 V/cm. Electrophoresis was carried out for 22 h with pulse times ramping from 4 s to 20 s. The fingerprinting experiments were analyzed using the InfoQuest FP software (Bio-Rad, Spain), and the dendrogram was constructed using the unweighted-pair group method using average linkages (UPGMA).MLST of C. lari strains was performed as described by Miller et al. (13). In the case of C. insulaenigrae strains, MLST was performed following the protocol described by Stoddard et al. (23). All amplicons were sequenced by the Sequencing Service of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Madrid, Spain). Sequence data were collated, and alleles were assigned using the Campylobacter PubMLST database (http://pubmlst.org/campylobacter/). Novel alleles and sequence types were submitted for allele and sequence type (ST) designations when appropriate.Regarding the age distribution of animals, C. lari was isolated from 1 of 7 adult (14.3%), 1 of 19 subadult (5.3%), and 1 of 15 juvenile (6.6%) Antarctic fur seals. C. insulaenigrae was isolated from 1 of 7 adults (14.3%) and 2 of 19 of subadults (10.5%) but not from juvenile animals (Table (Table1).1). All strains were obtained from the swabs kept in FBP transport medium.


Source of Campylobacter isolates
AnimalAge category and sexDate (mo/day/yr) of:
Campylobacter sp. and isolate no.
L 06/56Adult male2/15/075/30/07C. insulaenigrae FR-07
L 06/78Subadult male2/15/075/30/07C. insulaenigrae FR-15
L 06/102Subadult male2/22/075/30/07C. lari FR-28
L 06/134Juvenile male2/21/075/30/07C. lari FR-36
L 06/146Subadult male2/22/075/30/07C. insulaenigrae FR-38
L 06/48Adult male2/22/075/30/07C. lari FR-48
Open in a separate windowCampylobacter is very sensitive to excessive amounts of oxygen and has little capacity to survive in the environment. It is therefore possible that the prevalence of Campylobacter species in Antarctic fur seals is greater than that obtained in our survey and that we have isolated more-resistant strains with a larger ability to survive a prolonged transport. Nevertheless, we think that the freezing medium described by Gorman and Adley (8) modified by the addition of 0.5% of activated charcoal is a very good transport medium since the bacteria remained viable for 3 months at refrigeration temperature, whereas they did not survive in the transport media routinely used for the preservation of fecal samples such as Amies and Cary Blair media.PFGE is a useful tool for conducting epidemiological studies of Campylobacter species. We used digestion with KpnI because it has been reported to have greater power of discrimination than digestion with SmaI (16). All isolates showed very different patterns (Fig. (Fig.1),1), indicating different sources of infection and circulation of different clones on Deception Island. These data were confirmed by the results of MLST, in which each strain belonged to a different ST, none of which had been previously reported. We submitted to the MLST database 12 new sequences of alleles tested for C. insulaenigrae and 10 new sequences of C. lari obtained (Table (Table22).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.UPGMA dendrogram of PFGE profiles.


Alelle numbers and sequence types of Campylobacter isolates
Species and isolate no.STAllele no.a
aspA or adkatpAglnAglyApgipgmtkt
C. insulaenigrae
    FR-7412 (aspA)16*12*215*15*11*
    FR-15424 (aspA)1011*12*14*15*12*
    FR-38437 (aspA)17*11*13*14*313*
C. lari
    FR-281752* (adk)57*250*56*51*31*
    FR-361652* (adk)57*2256*52*31*
    FR-481853* (adk)58*1257*52*32*
Open in a separate windowaAsterisks indicate new alleles.The introduction of C. lari in the Antarctic fur seal colonies may have occurred through seabirds. C. lari has been isolated from Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae), kelp gull (Larus dominicanus), Brown skuas (Stercorarius antarctica lonnbergi), and South Polar skuas (Stercorarius maccormicki) in Hope Bay (11) and in the Antarctic Peninsula (2). Gulls can travel between South America and Antarctica and are potential carriers of enteric pathogens (1). Thus, C. lari has been isolated from kelp gulls in southern Chile (6). Also, South Polar skuas have been reported in Greenland and the Aleutian Islands and Brown skuas move around the Antarctic coast. Therefore, it is possible that these birds acquire infectious organisms when they move to areas with high levels of human activity. These birds have been reported on Deception Island (10), and it is common to find skuas and giant petrels on beaches where Antarctic fur seal colonies rest. The carrier birds could eliminate Campylobacter and pollute these areas. Alternatively, these birds could be occasional prey for Antarctic fur seals.C. insulaenigrae is a new Campylobacter species whose host range might be restricted to marine mammals (23). It could be hypothesized that C. insulaenigrae evolved from C. lari based on the presence of both species in sea lions and their sharing other characteristics such as the absence of the citrate synthase gene (23). In addition, considering that C. insulaenigrae has not been isolated from seabirds or shellfish and the migration ranges of sea lions are generally not very large, Antarctic fur seals could have been initially infected with C. lari, and subsequently this species has evolved, adapting to mammals. Alternatively both species could share an ancestor and have adapted to different hosts.The Antarctic fur seals captured showed no weight loss, diarrhea, or other symptoms at the time of sampling. However, due to the nature of our study, it is not possible to know whether the animal had been ill before the time of collection and was subsequently a carrier. Taking into account previous reports (7, 23) and our results, pinnipeds could possibly act as reservoir of C. insulaenigrae.The presence of Campylobacter in Antarctic fur seals could also be important due to the zoonotic potential of both species (5, 12, 18, 19). Therefore, researchers should continue to exercise caution when working with these animals. In addition, C. lari has been involved in waterborne outbreaks (3) and some reports have identified this species as the most frequently isolated from surface water (25). Most of the Antarctic stations'' catchwater from lakes generated by meltwater and the water treatment cannot be accomplished by chemical products to prevent marine pollution. In general, water is not treated or is treated only by filtration and UV light. Antarctic fur seals can nevertheless pollute the water of these lakes and/or infect other species such as penguins and other birds, which in turn could also act as a source of infection for humans. Furthermore, Obiri-Danso et al. (14) have reported that C. lari survives for longer in surface waters than C. jejuni and Campylobacter coli, so it would have a greater chance of surviving the water treatment. Finally, in case of infection, the therapy may be complicated because in many of the stations there are only basic medical services.In summary, we describe here the first isolation and characterization of two species of Campylobacter, C. lari and C. insulaenigrae, from Antarctic fur seals. Further studies are needed to determine the prevalence of Campylobacter spp. in Antarctic pinnipeds, the possible sources of infection and if the presence of Campylobacter in marine mammals could be a risk for human illness or could be a result of microbial pollution associated with human activity.  相似文献   

A small, double-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid viral agent (agent Y) has been found in blood from patients with infectious hepatitis. The agent was propagated in chimpanzee liver tissue culture which had been grown and maintained on unheated agamma calf serum. A causal relationship between this agent and the occurrence of human disease cannot be determined from the data presented.  相似文献   

This work summarizes existing knowledge on the faunal history, biodiversity and biogeography of the Antarctic and Subantarctic pycnogonids. It refers to material sampled between 1829 and 1999 from more than 40 expeditions run by 14 countries, and published in 75 papers. Up to now, 31 genera and 25 species have been recorded from a total of about 38,000 specimens captured at 2,000 stations. They constitute 38.75% and 21.5%, respectively, of the 80 genera and 1,164 species recorded worldwide. One hundred and twenty species have been found in Antarctic, 71 in Subantarctic waters, and 60 species in both zones, yielding an endemicity for the entire area of over 80%. Fifty five species revealed a circumpolar distribution and 161 were found mainly on the shelf. The Antarctic Ocean is suggested to be a centre of pycnogonid speciation and dispersion.  相似文献   

The esterases and lipases from the α/β hydrolase superfamily exhibit an enormous sequence diversity, fold plasticity, and activities. Here, we present the comprehensive sequence and biochemical analyses of seven distinct esterases and lipases from the metagenome of Lake Arreo, an evaporite karstic lake in Spain (42°46′N, 2°59′W; altitude, 655 m). Together with oligonucleotide usage patterns and BLASTP analysis, our study of esterases/lipases mined from Lake Arreo suggests that its sediment contains moderately halophilic and cold-adapted proteobacteria containing DNA fragments of distantly related plasmids or chromosomal genomic islands of plasmid and phage origins. This metagenome encodes esterases/lipases with broad substrate profiles (tested over a set of 101 structurally diverse esters) and habitat-specific characteristics, as they exhibit maximal activity at alkaline pH (8.0 to 8.5) and temperature of 16 to 40°C, and they are stimulated (1.5 to 2.2 times) by chloride ions (0.1 to 1.2 M), reflecting an adaptation to environmental conditions. Our work provides further insights into the potential significance of the Lake Arreo esterases/lipases for biotechnology processes (i.e., production of enantiomers and sugar esters), because these enzymes are salt tolerant and are active at low temperatures and against a broad range of substrates. As an example, the ability of a single protein to hydrolyze triacylglycerols, (non)halogenated alkyl and aryl esters, cinnamoyl and carbohydrate esters, lactones, and chiral epoxides to a similar extent was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Strategies employed by wide-ranging foraging animals involve consideration of habitat quality and predictability and should maximise net energy gain. Fidelity to foraging sites is common in areas of high resource availability or where predictable changes in resource availability occur. However, if resource availability is heterogeneous or unpredictable, as it often is in marine environments, then habitat familiarity may also present ecological benefits to individuals. We examined the winter foraging distribution of female Antarctic fur seals, Arctocephalus gazelle, over four years to assess the degree of foraging site fidelity at two scales; within and between years. On average, between-year fidelity was strong, with most individuals utilising more than half of their annual foraging home range over multiple years. However, fidelity was a bimodal strategy among individuals, with five out of eight animals recording between-year overlap values of greater than 50%, while three animals recorded values of less than 5%. High long-term variance in sea surface temperature, a potential proxy for elevated long-term productivity and prey availability, typified areas of overlap. Within-year foraging site fidelity was weak, indicating that successive trips over the winter target different geographic areas. We suggest that over a season, changes in prey availability are predictable enough for individuals to shift foraging area in response, with limited associated energetic costs. Conversely, over multiple years, the availability of prey resources is less spatially and temporally predictable, increasing the potential costs of shifting foraging area and favouring long-term site fidelity. In a dynamic and patchy environment, multi-year foraging site fidelity may confer a long-term energetic advantage to the individual. Such behaviours that operate at the individual level have evolutionary and ecological implications and are potential drivers of niche specialization and modifiers of intra-specific competition.  相似文献   

Most species of macaws, which represent the largest species of Neotropical Psittacidae, characterized by their long tails and exuberant colours, are endangered, mainly because of hunting, illegal trade and habitat destruction. Long tailed species seem to represent a monophyletic group within Psittacidae, supported by cytogenetic data. Hence, these species show karyotypes with predominance of biarmed macrochromosomes, in contrast to short tailed species, with a predominance of acro/telocentric macrochromosomes. Because of their similar karyotypes, it has been proposed that inversions and translocations may be the main types of rearrangements occurring during the evolution of this group. However, only one species of macaw, Ara macao, that has had its genome sequenced was analyzed by means of molecular cytogenetics. Hence, in order to verify the rearrangements, we analyzed the karyotype of two species of macaws, Ara chloropterus and Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus, using cross-species chromosome painting with two different sets of probes from chicken and white hawk. Both intra- and interchromosomal rearrangements were observed. Chicken probes revealed the occurrence of fusions, fissions and inversions in both species, while the probes from white hawk determined the correct breakpoints or chromosome segments involved in the rearrangements. Some of these rearrangements were common for both species of macaws (fission of GGA1 and fusions of GGA1p/GGA4q, GGA6/GGA7 and GGA8/GGA9), while the fissions of GGA 2 and 4p were found only in A. chloropterus. These results confirm that despite apparent chromosomal similarity, macaws have very diverse karyotypes, which differ from each other not only by inversions and translocations as postulated before, but also by fissions and fusions.  相似文献   

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