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Pentameric ligand-gated ion channels are an important family of membrane proteins and play key roles in physiological processes, including signal transduction at chemical synapses. Here, we study the conformational changes associated with the opening and closing of the channel pore. Based on recent crystal structures of two prokaryotic members of the family in open and closed states, respectively, mixed elastic network models are constructed for the transmembrane domain. To explore the conformational changes in the gating transition, a coarse-grained transition path is computed that smoothly connects the closed and open conformations of the channel. We find that the conformational transition involves no major rotations of the transmembrane helices, and is instead characterized by a concerted tilting of helices M2 and M3. In addition, helix M2 changes its bending state, which results in an early closure of the pore during the open-to-closed transition.  相似文献   

Pentameric ligand-gated ion channels are activated by the binding of agonists to a site distant from the ion conduction path. These membrane proteins consist of distinct ligand-binding and pore domains that interact via an extended interface. Here, we have investigated the role of residues at this interface for channel activation to define critical interactions that couple conformational changes between the two structural units. By characterizing point mutants of the prokaryotic channels ELIC and GLIC by electrophysiology, X-ray crystallography and isothermal titration calorimetry, we have identified conserved residues that, upon mutation, apparently prevent activation but not ligand binding. The positions of nonactivating mutants cluster at a loop within the extracellular domain connecting β-strands 6 and 7 and at a loop joining the pore-forming helix M2 with M3 where they contribute to a densely packed core of the protein. An ionic interaction in the extracellular domain between the turn connecting β-strands 1 and 2 and a residue at the end of β-strand 10 stabilizes a state of the receptor with high affinity for agonists, whereas contacts of this turn to a conserved proline residue in the M2-M3 loop appear to be less important than previously anticipated. When mapping residues with strong functional phenotype on different channel structures, mutual distances are closer in conducting than in nonconducting conformations, consistent with a potential role of contacts in the stabilization of the open state. Our study has revealed a pattern of interactions that are crucial for the relay of conformational changes from the extracellular domain to the pore region of prokaryotic pentameric ligand-gated ion channels. Due to the strong conservation of the interface, these results are relevant for the entire family.  相似文献   

Cys-loop receptors are molecular targets of general anesthetics, but the knowledge of anesthetic binding to these proteins remains limited. Here we investigate anesthetic binding to the bacterial Gloeobacter violaceus pentameric ligand-gated ion channel (GLIC), a structural homolog of cys-loop receptors, using an experimental and computational hybrid approach. Tryptophan fluorescence quenching experiments showed halothane and thiopental binding at three tryptophan-associated sites in the extracellular (EC) domain, transmembrane (TM) domain, and EC-TM interface of GLIC. An additional binding site at the EC-TM interface was predicted by docking analysis and validated by quenching experiments on the N200W GLIC mutant. The binding affinities (KD) of 2.3 ± 0.1 mM and 0.10 ± 0.01 mM were derived from the fluorescence quenching data of halothane and thiopental, respectively. Docking these anesthetics to the original GLIC crystal structure and the structures relaxed by molecular dynamics simulations revealed intrasubunit sites for most halothane binding and intersubunit sites for thiopental binding. Tryptophans were within reach of both intra- and intersubunit binding sites. Multiple molecular dynamics simulations on GLIC in the presence of halothane at different sites suggested that anesthetic binding at the EC-TM interface disrupted the critical interactions for channel gating, altered motion of the TM23 linker, and destabilized the open-channel conformation that can lead to inhibition of GLIC channel current. The study has not only provided insights into anesthetic binding in GLIC, but also demonstrated a successful fusion of experiments and computations for understanding anesthetic actions in complex proteins.  相似文献   

在中枢神经系统(central nervous system,CNS)中,锌离子对配体门控型离子通道具有重要的调节作用。锌离子随着神经元的活动从突触前膜的囊泡中释放到突触间隙,对突触内受体进行调控。锌离子抑制N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸(N-methyl-D-aspartate,NMDA)型谷氨酸受体的活性,而对非NMDA型谷氨酸受体的调控具有多样性。由γ氨基丁酸(γ-aminobutyric acid,GABA)受体所介导的抑制性突触传递活动也受到锌离子的抑制;而锌离子对glycine受体则呈现出浓度依赖的双向调节效应。病理条件下,锌离子参与了兴奋性细胞毒作用所触发的神经元凋亡过程。本文主要阐述了在CNS中,锌离子对配体门控型离子通道所介导的突触传递活动的调控作用,以及这些调控作用的生理功能和病理意义。  相似文献   

Pentameric ligand-gated ion channels (pLGICs) are neurotransmitter-activated receptors that mediate fast synaptic transmission. In pLGICs, binding of agonist to the extracellular domain triggers a structural rearrangement that leads to the opening of an ion-conducting pore in the transmembrane domain and, in the continued presence of neurotransmitter, the channels desensitize (close). The flexible loops in each subunit that connect the extracellular binding domain (loops 2, 7, and 9) to the transmembrane channel domain (M2–M3 loop) are essential for coupling ligand binding to channel gating. Comparing the crystal structures of two bacterial pLGIC homologues, ELIC and the proton-activated GLIC, suggests channel gating is associated with rearrangements in these loops, but whether these motions accurately predict the motions in functional lipid-embedded pLGICs is unknown. Here, using site-directed spin labeling (SDSL) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and functional GLIC channels reconstituted into liposomes, we examined if, and how far, the loops at the ECD/TMD gating interface move during proton-dependent gating transitions from the resting to desensitized state. Loop 9 moves ∼9 Å inward toward the channel lumen in response to proton-induced desensitization. Loop 9 motions were not observed when GLIC was in detergent micelles, suggesting detergent solubilization traps the protein in a nonactivatable state and lipids are required for functional gating transitions. Proton-induced desensitization immobilizes loop 2 with little change in position. Proton-induced motion of the M2–M3 loop was not observed, suggesting its conformation is nearly identical in closed and desensitized states. Our experimentally derived distance measurements of spin-labeled GLIC suggest ELIC is not a good model for the functional resting state of GLIC, and that the crystal structure of GLIC does not correspond to a desensitized state. These findings advance our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying pLGIC gating.  相似文献   

Highlights? The structure of ketamine-bound GLIC reveals an anesthetic binding site ? The study provides compelling evidence for allosteric inhibition by anesthetics ? Ketamine inhibition on GLIC is similar to competitive antagonist action on nAChRs ? Ketamine directly acts on pLGICs in addition to NMDA receptors  相似文献   

The modulation of pentameric ligand-gated ion channels (pLGICs) by divalent cations is believed to play an important role in their regulation in a physiological context. Ions such as calcium or zinc influence the activity of pLGIC neurotransmitter receptors by binding to their extracellular domain and either potentiate or inhibit channel activation. Here we have investigated by electrophysiology and X-ray crystallography the effect of divalent ions on ELIC, a close prokaryotic pLGIC homologue of known structure. We found that divalent cations inhibit the activation of ELIC by the agonist cysteamine, reducing both its potency and, at higher concentrations, its maximum response. Crystal structures of the channel in complex with barium reveal the presence of several distinct binding sites. By mutagenesis we confirmed that the site responsible for divalent inhibition is located at the outer rim of the extracellular domain, at the interface between adjacent subunits but at some distance from the agonist binding region. Here, divalent cations interact with the protein via carboxylate side-chains, and the site is similar in structure to calcium binding sites described in other proteins. There is evidence that other pLGICs may be regulated by divalent ions binding to a similar region, even though the interacting residues are not conserved within the family. Our study provides structural and functional insight into the allosteric regulation of ELIC and is of potential relevance for the entire family.  相似文献   

Four x-ray crystal structures of prokaryotic homologs of ligand-gated ion channels have recently been determined: ELIC from Erwinia chrysanthemi, two structures of a proton-activated channel from Gloebacter violaceus (GLIC1 and GLIC2) and that of the E221A mutant (GLIC1M). The availability of numerous structures of channels in this family allows for aspects of channel gating and ion conduction to be examined. Here, we determine the likely conduction states of the four structures as well as IV curves, ion selectivity, and steps involved in ion permeation by performing extensive Brownian dynamics simulations. Our results show that the ELIC structure is indeed nonconductive, but that GLIC1 and GLIC1M are both conductive of ions with properties different from those seen in experimental studies of the channel. GLIC2 appears to reflect an open state of the channel with a predicted conductance of 10.8-12.4 pS in 140 mM NaCl solution, which is comparable to the experimental value 8 ± 2 pS. The extracellular domain of the channel is shown to have an important influence on the channel current, but a less significant role in ion selectivity.  相似文献   

We present a cell based system and experimental approach to characterize agonist and antagonist selectivity for ligand-gated ion channels (LGIC) by developing sensor cells stably expressing a Ca2+ permeable LGIC and a genetically encoded Förster (or fluorescence) resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based calcium sensor. In particular, we describe separate lines with human α7 and human α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, mouse 5-HT3A serotonin receptors and a chimera of human α7/mouse 5-HT3A receptors. Complete concentration-response curves for agonists and Schild plots of antagonists were generated from these sensors and the results validate known pharmacology of the receptors tested. Concentration-response relations can be generated from either the initial rate or maximal amplitudes of FRET-signal. Although assaying at a medium throughput level, this pharmacological fluorescence detection technique employs a clonal line for stability and has versatility for screening laboratory generated congeners as agonists or antagonists on multiple subtypes of ligand-gated ion channels. The clonal sensor lines are also compatible with in vivo usage to measure indirectly receptor activation by endogenous neurotransmitters.  相似文献   

Two cDNAs, GluClα and GluClβ, encoding glutamate-gated chloride channel subunits that represent targets of the avermectin class of antiparasitic compounds, have recently been cloned from Caenorhabditis elegans (Cully et al., Nature, 371, 707–711, 1994). Expression studies in Xenopus oocytes showed that GluClα and GluClβ have pharmacological profiles distinct from the glutamate-gated cation channels as well as the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)- and glycine-gated chloride channels. Establishing the evolutionary relationship of related proteins can clarify properties and lead to predictions about their structure and function. We have cloned and determined the nucleotide sequence of the GluClα and GluClβ genes. In an attempt to understand the evolutionary relationship of these channels with the members of the ligand-gated ion channel superfamily, we have performed gene structure comparisons and phylogenetic analyses of their nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequences. Gene structure comparisons reveal the presence of several intron positions that are not found in the ligand-gated ion channel superfamily, outlining their distinct evolutionary position. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that GluClα and GluClβ form a monophyletic subbranch in the ligand-gated ion channel superfamily and are related to vertebrate glycine channels/receptors. Glutamate-gated chloride channels, with electrophysiological properties similar to GluClα and GluClβ, have been described in insects and crustaceans, suggesting that the glutamate-gated chloride channel family may be conserved in other invertebrate species. The gene structure and phylogenetic analyses in combination with the distinct pharmacological properties demonstrate that GluClα and GluClβ belong to a discrete ligand-gated ion channel family that may represent genes orthologous to the vertebrate glycine channels. Received: 30 September 1996 / Accepted: 15 November 1996  相似文献   


Two types of ligand-gated ion channels were expressed with the Semliki Forest virus (SFV) expression system.The cDNAs for mouse serotonin 5-HT3 receptor and rat and human purinoreceptor P2x subtypes were introduced into the pSFV1 vector. In vitro transcribed RNAs were coelectroporated with pSFV-Helper2 RNA into BHK cells, where in vivo packaging resulted in high titer SFV-5-HT3 and SFV-P2x virus stocks. Infection of BHK, CHO and RJN cells resulted in high-level expression of recombinant receptors. Saturation binding analysis indicated the presence of more than 3 × 106 5-HT3 receptors per cell. Binding studies on isolated membranes yielded from 10 to 60 pmol of either 5-HT3 or P2x receptor per mg protein. Functional responses to the P2x receptors were demonstrated in SFV-infected CHO cells by Ca2+ mobilization or by 45Ca2+ influx. High amplitude electrophysiological responses were also detected for both SFV-5-HT3 and SFV-P2x infected CHO cells in whole-cell patch clamp recordings. To facilitate the purification procedure of SFV-expressed recombinant receptors a histidine tag was introduced at the C-terminus of the 5-HT3 receptor. This 5-HT3His receptor showed high levels of expression, specific binding and high amplitude electrophysiological responses. For large scale expression the BHK cells were adapted to suspension culture and were efficiently infected in a 11.5 liter fermentor culture with SFV-5-HT3His resulting in high-level expression, 52 pmol receptor per mg protein corresponding to 3.2 × 106 receptors per cell.  相似文献   

Electrochemical signaling in the brain depends on pentameric ligand-gated ion channels (pLGICs). Recently, crystal structures of prokaryotic pLGIC homologues from Erwinia chrysanthemi (ELIC) and Gloeobacter violaceus (GLIC) in presumed closed and open channel states have been solved, which provide insight into the structural mechanisms underlying channel activation. Although structural studies involving both ELIC and GLIC have become numerous, thorough functional characterizations of these channels are still needed to establish a reliable foundation for comparing kinetic properties. Here, we examined the kinetics of ELIC and GLIC current activation, desensitization, and deactivation and compared them to the GABAA receptor, a prototypic eukaryotic pLGIC. Outside-out patch-clamp recordings were performed with HEK-293T cells expressing ELIC, GLIC, or α1β2γ2L GABAA receptors, and ultra-fast ligand application was used. In response to saturating agonist concentrations, we found both ELIC and GLIC current activation were two to three orders of magnitude slower than GABAA receptor current activation. The prokaryotic channels also had slower current desensitization on a timescale of seconds. ELIC and GLIC current deactivation following 25 s pulses of agonist (cysteamine and pH 4.0 buffer, respectively) were relatively fast with time constants of 24.9±5.1 ms and 1.2±0.2 ms, respectively. Surprisingly, ELIC currents evoked by GABA activated very slowly with a time constant of 1.3±0.3 s and deactivated even slower with a time constant of 4.6±1.2 s. We conclude that the prokaryotic pLGICs undergo similar agonist-mediated gating transitions to open and desensitized states as eukaryotic pLGICs, supporting their use as experimental models. Their uncharacteristic slow activation, slow desensitization and rapid deactivation time courses are likely due to differences in specific structural elements, whose future identification may help uncover mechanisms underlying pLGIC gating transitions.  相似文献   

Although the Torpedo nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) reconstituted into phosphatidylcholine (PC) membranes lacking cholesterol and anionic lipids adopts a conformation where agonist binding is uncoupled from channel gating, the underlying mechanism remains to be defined. Here, we examine the mechanism behind lipid-dependent uncoupling by comparing the propensities of two prokaryotic homologs, Gloebacter and Erwinia ligand-gated ion channel (GLIC and ELIC, respectively), to adopt a similar uncoupled conformation. Membrane-reconstituted GLIC and ELIC both exhibit folded structures in the minimal PC membranes that stabilize an uncoupled nAChR. GLIC, with a large number of aromatic interactions at the interface between the outermost transmembrane α-helix, M4, and the adjacent transmembrane α-helices, M1 and M3, retains the ability to flux cations in this uncoupling PC membrane environment. In contrast, ELIC, with a level of aromatic interactions intermediate between that of the nAChR and GLIC, does not undergo agonist-induced channel gating, although it does not exhibit the expected biophysical characteristics of the uncoupled state. Engineering new aromatic interactions at the M4-M1/M3 interface to promote effective M4 interactions with M1/M3, however, increases the stability of the transmembrane domain to restore channel function. Our data provide direct evidence that M4 interactions with M1/M3 are modulated during lipid sensing. Aromatic residues strengthen M4 interactions with M1/M3 to reduce the sensitivities of pentameric ligand-gated ion channels to their surrounding membrane environment.  相似文献   

Behavioral output of neural networks depends on a delicate balance between excitatory and inhibitory synaptic connections. However, it is not known whether network formation and stability is constrained by the sign of synaptic connections between neurons within the network. Here we show that switching the sign of a synapse within a neural circuit can reverse the behavioral output. The inhibitory tyramine-gated chloride channel, LGC-55, induces head relaxation and inhibits forward locomotion during the Caenorhabditis elegans escape response. We switched the ion selectivity of an inhibitory LGC-55 anion channel to an excitatory LGC-55 cation channel. The engineered cation channel is properly trafficked in the native neural circuit and results in behavioral responses that are opposite to those produced by activation of the LGC-55 anion channel. Our findings indicate that switches in ion selectivity of ligand-gated ion channels (LGICs) do not affect network connectivity or stability and may provide an evolutionary and a synthetic mechanism to change behavior.  相似文献   

Ion channels are involved in many physiological processes and are attractive targets for therapeutic intervention. Their functional properties vary according to their subunit composition, which in turn varies in a developmental and tissue-specific manner and as a consequence of pathophysiological events. Understanding this diversity requires functional analysis of ion channel properties in large numbers of individual cells. Functional characterisation of ligand-gated channels involves quantitating agonist and drug dose-response relationships using electrophysiological or fluorescence-based techniques. Electrophysiology is limited by low throughput and high-throughput fluorescence-based functional evaluation generally does not enable the characterization of the functional properties of each individual cell. Here we describe a fluorescence-based assay that characterizes functional channel properties at single cell resolution in high throughput mode. It is based on progressive receptor activation and iterative fluorescence imaging and delivers >100 dose-responses in a single well of a 384-well plate, using α1-3 homomeric and αβ heteromeric glycine receptor (GlyR) chloride channels as a model system. We applied this assay with transiently transfected HEK293 cells co-expressing halide-sensitive yellow fluorescent protein and different GlyR subunit combinations. Glycine EC50 values of different GlyR isoforms were highly correlated with published electrophysiological data and confirm previously reported pharmacological profiles for the GlyR inhibitors, picrotoxin, strychnine and lindane. We show that inter and intra well variability is low and that clustering of functional phenotypes permits identification of drugs with subunit-specific pharmacological profiles. As this method dramatically improves the efficiency with which ion channel populations can be characterized in the context of cellular heterogeneity, it should facilitate systems-level analysis of ion channel properties in health and disease and the discovery of therapeutics to reverse pathological alterations.  相似文献   

Barua  Sumit  Kim  Jong Youl  Kim  Jae Young  Kim  Jae Hwan  Lee  Jong Eun 《Neurochemical research》2019,44(4):735-750

The central nervous system (CNS) is the most injury-prone part of the mammalian body. Any acute or chronic, central or peripheral neurological disorder is related to abnormal biochemical and electrical signals in the brain cells. As a result, ion channels and receptors that are abundant in the nervous system and control the electrical and biochemical environment of the CNS play a vital role in neurological disease. The N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor, 2-amino-3-(5-methyl-3-oxo-1,2-oxazol-4-yl) propanoic acid receptor, kainate receptor, acetylcholine receptor, serotonin receptor, α2-adrenoreceptor, and acid-sensing ion channels are among the major channels and receptors known to be key components of pathophysiological events in the CNS. The primary amine agmatine, a neuromodulator synthesized in the brain by decarboxylation of l-arginine, can regulate ion channel cascades and receptors that are related to the major CNS disorders. In our previous studies, we established that agmatine was related to the regulation of cell differentiation, nitric oxide synthesis, and murine brain endothelial cell migration, relief of chronic pain, cerebral edema, and apoptotic cell death in experimental CNS disorders. In this review, we will focus on the pathophysiological aspects of the neurological disorders regulated by these ion channels and receptors, and their interaction with agmatine in CNS injury.


Microglia, the innate immune cells of the CNS, play a pivotal role in brain injury and disease. Microglia are extremely motile; their highly ramified processes constantly survey the brain parenchyma, and they respond promptly to brain damage with targeted process movement toward the injury site. Microglia play a key role in brain development and function by pruning synapses during development, phagocytosing apoptotic newborn neurons, and regulating neuronal activity by direct microglia-neuron or indirect microglia-astrocyte-neuron interactions, which all depend on their process motility. This review highlights recent discoveries about microglial dynamics, focusing on the receptors, ion channels, and signaling pathways involved.  相似文献   

The gene superfamily of ligand-gated ion channel (LGIC) receptors is composed of members of excitatory LGIC receptors (ELGIC) and inhibitory LGIC receptors (ILGIC), all using amino acids as ligands. The ILGICs, including GABAA, Gly, and GluCl receptors, conduct Cl when the ligand is bound. To evaluate the phylogenetic relationships among ILGIC members, 90 protein sequences were analyzed by both maximum-parsimony and distance matrix-based methods. The strength of the resulting phylogenetic trees was evaluated by means of bootstrap. Four major phylogenetic branches are recognized. Branch I, called BZ, for the majority of the members are known to be related to benzodiazepine binding, is subdivided into IA, composed of all GABAA receptor α subunits, and IB, composed of the γ and ε subunits, which are shown to be tightly linked. Branch II, named NB for non–benzodiazepine binding, and consisting of GABAA receptor β, δ, π, and ρ subunits, is further subdivided into IIA, containing β subunits; IIB, containing δ, and π subunits; and IIC, containing ρ subunits. Branch IIIA, composed of vertebrate Gly receptors, is loosely clustered with Branch IIIB, composed of invertebrate GluCl receptors, to form Branch III, which is designated NA for being non–GABA responsive. Branch IV is called UD for being undefined in specificity. The existence of primitive forms of GABAA receptor non-β subunits in invertebrates is first suggested by the present analysis, and the identities of sequences p25123 from Drosophila melanogaster, s34469 from Lymnaea stagnalis, and u14635 and p41849 from C. aenorhabditis elegans are determined to be different from their previously given annotations. The proposed branching classification of ILGICs provides a phylogenetic map, based on protein sequences, for tracing the evolutionary pathways of ILGIC receptor subunits and determining the identities of newly discovered subunits on the basis of their protein sequences. Received: 15 April 1997 / Accepted: 11 March 1998  相似文献   

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