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Founder effect and genetic disease in Sottunga, Finland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pedigree data are analyzed in order to determine the factors responsible for the high frequencies of certain genetic disorders in an isolated Swedish-speaking population of Finland's A land archipelago. The founders of Sottunga are identified, and the genetic contributions of each founder to descending birth cohorts are estimated. Founders born before 1700 have far more descendants in the contemporary gene pool than do more recent founders. However, because of migration and depopulation since 1900, the expected genetic contributions of the early founders to the present-day population are similar to those of later founders. A descendant in the contemporary population has a 2% chance of having inherited a particular gene from the founder who makes the largest single contribution to the gene pool. This corresponds approximately to a 2% probability of inheriting an autosomal dominant disease gene from this founder. Given an average inbreeding coefficient of 0.0016, the probability of inheriting two recessive disease genes from this founder is 0.000032. The incidence of autosomal dominant von Willebrand disease in Sottunga is greater than 10% while that of autosomal recessive tapetoretinal disease is 1.5%. We conclude, therefore, that the high frequencies of these diseases are not due to the disproportionate genetic contribution of one or a few particular founders. It is more likely that these disease genes occurred in high frequency in the initial population or were introduced repeatedly through time.  相似文献   

The founder effect in a human isolate: evolutionary implications   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
An investigation of the founder effect has been made on the H-leut, a religious isolate. Ninety-one founders, representing a maximum of 150 independent genomes, have been shown to account for the total gene pool of the 9,536 people in two of the three major subpopulations within the isolate, the S-leut and the L-leut. Each of these two leut is subdivided into four clans which in turn are subdivided into colonies. Malécot's coefficient of kinship has been calculated between each of the 91 founders and the contemporary parents, and used to describe the relative genetic contributions of the founders to the gene pool of each subpopulation. Analysis of this distribution suggests that a considerable amount of genetic diversity may be attributable to the founder effect. Part of this diversity may be accounted for by variation in the birth dates of the founders. The size of the subset of the 91 founders related to each subpopulation decreases with decreasing subpopulation level. A correlation has been found between two measures of relationship between pairs of clans: (1) Kurczynski's modification of Mahalanobis's distance measure based on gene frequency differences; and (2) a comparison of the relative contributions of founders to the gene pools of the clans.  相似文献   

The 6 million French-Canadians of Québec derive from a relatively small number of founders. Consequently, some hereditary diseases, which may or may not present a worldwide distribution, have been detected in high frequency in this population. Several studies, however, indicate a nonuniform distribution of these diseases through the population, suggesting that the French-Canadian founder effect has been geographically stratified. Here we explore this stratification by using a demographic database, the Population Register of Early Québec, that contains almost all birth, marriage, and death certificates (>712,000) recorded in parish registers between 1608-1800. In this database, every genealogical link has been traced back to the founders of the population, so that we can compute the genetic contribution of founder per region, and then account for the early events that have shaped the distribution of diseases. Ten regions, comprising varying numbers of parishes, have been selected. We first describe each region in terms of homogeneity and concentration of its gene pool. For this purpose, a new concept is introduced, the founders' uniform contribution number (FUN), i.e., the number of founders a population would have if all its founders had an equal contribution. Second, we estimate genetic similarity between regions on the basis of differential genetic contribution. To classify the regions, we use principal component and cluster analysis. Our results show a tripartite clustering of the population, and invite us to reconsider the results obtained from biomolecular and clinical studies, which show a bipartite clustering.  相似文献   

Population stratification results from unequal, nonrandom genetic contribution of ancestors and should be reflected in the underlying genealogies. In Quebec, the distribution of Mendelian diseases points to local founder effects suggesting stratification of the contemporary French Canadian gene pool. Here we characterize the population structure through the analysis of the genetic contribution of 7,798 immigrant founders identified in the genealogies of 2,221 subjects partitioned in eight regions. In all but one region, about 90% of gene pools were contributed by early French founders. In the eastern region where this contribution was 76%, we observed higher contributions of Acadians, British and American Loyalists. To detect population stratification from genealogical data, we propose an approach based on principal component analysis (PCA) of immigrant founders' genetic contributions. This analysis was compared with a multidimensional scaling of pairwise kinship coefficients. Both methods showed evidence of a distinct identity of the northeastern and eastern regions and stratification of the regional populations correlated with geographical location along the St-Lawrence River. In addition, we observed a West-East decreasing gradient of diversity. Analysis of PC-correlated founders illustrates the differential impact of early versus latter founders consistent with specific regional genetic patterns. These results highlight the importance of considering the geographic origin of samples in the design of genetic epidemiology studies conducted in Quebec. Moreover, our results demonstrate that the study of deep ascending genealogies can accurately reveal population structure.  相似文献   

The colony of gray, short-tailed opossums (Monodelphis domestica) at the Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research, the primary supplier of this species for research purposes, was founded with nine animals trapped in 1978 in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. Since 1984, 14 newly acquired founders from the state of Paraiba, Brazil have contributed to the gene pool of the colony. The animals from Paraiba and their descendants are significantly larger than the founders from Pernambuco and their descendants. The two groups also differ significantly in several measurements of morphologic traits. The changes in proportional contribution of each founder to the colony, and changes in inbreeding coefficients during the colony's history, are evaluated. Using previously established markers and three newly identified markers (ACP2, APRT, and DIA1), we show that the Paraiba-derived animals differ significantly from the original founders in allele frequencies and heterozygosity. The genetic diversity of the colony has been substantially increased by acquisition of the new founders from Paraiba. The colony is highly polymorphic, with 22.2% of loci surveyed by protein electrophoresis being variable. We conclude that the genetic differences between populations and among projects within the colony should be considered in future colony management procedures and in selection of experimental subjects.  相似文献   

A common challenge in population genetics is to reconstruct the evolutionary history of populations on the basis of current allele frequencies. Through pedigree analysis, we have the opportunity to study the genetic contribution of founders to the contemporary population. This contribution over many generations accounts for the probable introduction, survival, and extinction of genes in the population. I use this method to follow nuclear and mitochondrial genes in the Saguenay population of northeast Quebec by tracing back ascending genealogies of 160,315 individuals born between 1950 and 1971 by using the BALSAC database. This study leads us to conclude that even in a growing population, the loss rate of mtDNA is high. The survival of mtDNA in the population is independent of the time of introduction in the population. The number of copies of a particular mtDNA gene in the contemporary population is higher for genes introduced earlier, but the correlation between these two variables is low (the relation is not linear). Compared to nuclear contribution, mitochondrial contribution is higher, but the loss rate of nuclear DNA is lower. The differential contribution (the fact that few founders contribute a lot) is the same proportion for nuclear and mtDNA, but only 592 female founders contribute 50% of the mtDNA gene pool of the contemporary cohort, compared to 994 for nuclear DNA. Since we have no molecular data on founders' haplotypes, these results cannot give us the diversity level in the population. However, this study enables us to compare the evolutionary fates of nuclear and mitochondrial genes in this expanding population.  相似文献   

Hatchery broodstocks used for genetic conservation or aquaculture may represent their ancestral gene pools rather poorly. This is especially likely when the fish that found a broodstock are close relatives of each other. We re-analysed microsatellite data from a breeding experiment on red sea bream to demonstrate how lost genetic variation might be recovered when gene frequencies have been distorted by consanguineous founders in a hatchery. A minimal-kinship criterion based on a relatedness estimator was used to select subsets of breeders which represented the maximum number of founder lineages (i.e., carried the fewest identical copies of ancestral genes). UPGMA clustering of Nei's genetic distances grouped these selected subsets with the parental gene pool, rather than with the entire, highly drifted offspring generation. The selected subsets also captured much of the expected heterozygosity and allelic diversity of the parental gene pool. Independent pedigree data on the same fish showed that the selected subsets had more contributing parents and more founder equivalents than random subsets of the same size. The estimated mean coancestry was lower in the selected subsets, meaning that inbreeding in subsequent generations would be lower if they were used as breeders. The procedure appears suitable for reducing the genetic distortion due to consanguineous and over-represented founders of a hatchery gene pool.  相似文献   

Historical and genetic evidences suggest that the recently founded population of Antioquia (Colombia) is potentially useful for the genetic mapping of complex traits. This population was established in the 16th-17th centuries through the admixture of Amerinds, Europeans, and Africans and grew in relative isolation until the late 19th century. To examine the origin of the founders of Antioquia, we typed 11 markers on the nonrecombining portion of the Y chromosome and four markers on mtDNA in a sample of individuals with confirmed Antioquian ancestry. The polymorphisms on the Y chromosome (five biallelic markers and six microsatellites) allow an approximation to the origin of founder men, and those on mtDNA identify the four major founder Native American lineages. These data indicate that approximately 94% of the Y chromosomes are European, 5% are African, and 1% are Amerind. Y-chromosome data are consistent with an origin of founders predominantly in southern Spain but also suggest that a fraction came from northern Iberia and that some possibly had a Sephardic origin. In stark contrast with the Y-chromosome, approximately 90% of the mtDNA gene pool of Antioquia is Amerind, with the frequency of the four Amerind founder lineages being closest to Native Americans currently living in the area. These results indicate a highly asymmetric pattern of mating in early Antioquia, involving mostly immigrant men and local native women. The discordance of our data with blood-group estimates of admixture suggests that the number of founder men was larger than that of women.  相似文献   

Awareness of the genealogical relationships between founder animals in captive breeding programs is essential for the selection of mating pairs that maintain genetic diversity. If captive founder relationships are unknown they can be inferred using genetic data from wild populations. Here, we report the results of such an analysis for six Cyclura pinguis (Sauria: Iguanidae) acquired as adults in 1999 by the San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research to begin a captive breeding program for this critically endangered species. The six founder animals were reportedly hatched in captivity from eggs collected on Anegada in 1985. No records exist, however, as to where on Anegada the eggs were collected or from how many nests they originated. To assist determination of genealogical relationships, we genotyped the six captive founders, their first six offspring, and 33 wild adult iguanas from Anegada at 23 informative microsatellite loci. With these data, we estimated allele frequencies among the wild samples and then estimated the relatedness of the captive population. Using likelihood inference, we determined that three closely related pairs exist among the six captive founders and that each pair is not closely related to the other two. In addition, we were able to assign parentage for all six of the founders’ offspring tested, one of which had been previously misdiagnosed. Using the assigned parentage and inferred relatedness of the six founders, we calculated mean kinship for each of the six founders and their five living offspring. Finally, based on the allelic diversity of the wild iguanas sampled, we conclude that the C. pinguis population on Anegada is not excessively inbred; however, further investigation is warranted.  相似文献   

The joint probability distribution of the number of distinct (not identical by descent) genes from each founder of the Equus przewalskii population that survive in the five horses of the Calgary Zoological Gardens breeding group has been calculated. The dependence structure of this distribution is investigated, and informative marginal distributions are given, among them the distributions of the genetic contributions of each founder to the Calgary horses and the distribution of wild-type genes in these horses. The dependence pattern is found to be complex; there is no substitute for exact calculation of the full joint probability distribution of numbers of surviving genes. Probabilities of gene survival give a more complete summary of the genetic structure of a set of individuals than is provided by more routine measures such as heterozygosity or founder contributions. The feasibility of computing these probabilities for small groups of current individuals descended from few founders via long and complex pedigrees, provides a new approach to assessing such groups, and could be used also in selecting animals to form the founder stock of propagules for future reintroduction programs.  相似文献   

The Quebec population contains about six-million French Canadians, descended from the French settlers who colonized Nouvelle-France between 1608 and 1765. Although the relative genetic contribution of each of these founders is highly variable, altogether they account for the major part of the contemporary French-Canadian gene pool. This study was designed to analyze the role of this founder effect in the introduction and diffusion of the BRCA1 recurrent R1443X mutant allele. A highly conserved haplotype, observed in 18 French-Canadian families and generated using 17 microsatellite markers surrounding the BRCA1 locus, supports the fact that the R1443X mutation is a founder mutation in the Quebec population. We also performed haplotyping analysis of R1443X carriers on 19 other families from seven different nationalities; although the same alleles are shared for three markers surrounding the BRCA1 gene, distinct haplotypes were obtained in four families, suggesting multiple origins for the R1443X mutation. Ascending genealogies of the 18 French Canadian families and of controls were reconstructed on an average depth of 10 generations. We identified the founder couple with the highest probability of having introduced the mutation in the population. Based on the descending genealogy of this couple, we detected the presence of geographical concentration in the diffusion pattern of the mutation. This study demonstrates how molecular genetics and demogenetic analyses can complement each other to provide findings that could have an impact on public health. Moreover, this approach is certainly not unique to breast cancer genetics and could be used to understand other complex traits.Other members of the BCLC Haplotype Group involved in this study are listed in Appendix 1Other members of INHERIT BRCAs involved in this study are listed in Appendix 2H. Vézina and F. Durocher contributed equally to this work and should be regarded as joint first author  相似文献   

Robert C. Lacy 《Zoo biology》1995,14(6):565-577
Some of the concepts, terms, and methods used in the genetic management of captive populations have not been defined precisely in the scientific literature and consequently have been misunderstood and misused. The definitions and interrelationships among gene diversity, effective population size, founder genome equivalents, inbreeding, allelic diversity, mean kinship, and kinship value are presented here. It is important to understand what populations and generations are used as the baselines against which losses of genetic variation are measured. Gene diversity and founder genome equivalents are defined relative to a source population from which founders of the captive population were randomly sampled. Inbreeding and allelic diversity are assessed relative to the founders. The potential gene diversity that would result from an equalization of frequencies of founder alleles retained in the population can never be achieved because, among other limitations, the random process of gene transmission will prevent equalization of allele frequencies even if animals are bred optimally. The gene diversity achievable with the population can be determined by iterative production of hypothetical offspring from the pairs with lowest mean kinship. The long-term objective for offspring production from each animal is also thereby generated. Mean kinships should be recalculated with each real or hypothetical birth and death, because offspring objectives based on current mean kinships might correlate poorly with the optimal long-term offspring objectives. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Many breeding programs managed by zoos and aquariums employ strategies that minimize mean kinship as a way of retaining genetic diversity (MK strategies). MK strategies depend on accurate and complete pedigrees, but population founders are generally assumed to be unrelated and not inbred. This assumption was historically necessitated by the unavailability of data on founder relationships, but with DNA techniques it is sometimes now possible to estimate those relationships. We used computer simulations to investigate the impact of founder assumptions on the effectiveness of MK strategies. Individuals with known pedigrees were managed in groups of 10, 30, and 100 founders at two different rates of reproduction and two different degrees of founder relationship. The impact of assuming founders were unrelated was quantified by calculating the differences in gene diversity and inbreeding that were observed between simulations that used known relationships and simulations that assumed founders were unrelated. Results indicated that utilizing known relationships retained 0–2% more gene diversity over ten generations than assuming founders were unrelated, with specific results dependent on the conditions of a given scenario. Similar results were observed for inbreeding, with long-term levels of inbreeding being 0–2% lower when relationships were known. There were higher benefits to knowing founder relationships as reproductive rate increased, as well as when full-siblings were included in small groups of founders. Overall, however, long-term benefits gained from knowing founder relationships were generally small. Therefore, MK strategies probably often produce near optimal results when standard founder assumptions are made.  相似文献   

R. Andrew Odum 《Zoo biology》1994,13(2):187-190
When new founders are added to an existing captive population, it is useful to establish a target number of offspring from each of these new founders that will maximize the amount of gene diversity retained in the captive population. This article presents a method for calculating an optimal number of offspring that should be produced from each new founder by considering the retention of founder genomes from dead and non-reproductive founders. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Lafora disease is an uncommon genetic condition. Four cases (two families) were detected in Zarcero, a small town in Costa Rica (population under 2000). They belonged to two separate consanguineous marriages but both families had common ancestors. The diagnosis of Lafora disease was confirmed by liver biopsy in one of the patients. The ages of onset were 13, 14, 16 and 17 years. Patients died after four, nine, six and five years of severe progressive physical and mental deterioration, respectively. The gene for Lafora disease arrive to Zarcero from one of its founders. There are no other cases reported from Costa Rica: this is an example of genetic drift, or more specifically, founder effect.  相似文献   

The ‘Alalā (Corvus hawaiiensis), or the Hawaiian crow, was historically only found on the island of Hawai‘i, declined greatly in the twentieth century, and was last seen in the wild in 2002. A captive breeding program was initiated in the 1970s and 113 individuals were in captivity in 2014. All of the present day individuals are descended from nine founders. From pedigree analysis, 50 % of the initial ancestry was from a single founder pair and as of 2014, 45 % of the ancestry was still from this pair. Six other founders have also contributed substantially to the population and managed breeding has increased and evened out their contributions in recent years. Managed breeding has also kept the inbreeding level at the relatively low level of 0.120 in 2014. However, for most of the history of the population, all of the inbreeding was from the single founder pair and in 2014, 76 % of the inbreeding was still from this pair. As a result, the high inbreeding depression previously seen in this population appears to descend from this single pair. Breeding management to maximize founder genome equivalents, which takes into account loss of variation from genetic drift, could increase the genetic representation from the founders, particularly if ancestry from the single founder with only one living descendant is increased.  相似文献   

The Japanese crested ibis is an internationally conserved, critically threatened bird. Captive-breeding programs have been established to conserve this species in Japan. Since the current Japanese population of crested ibis originates only from 5 founders donated by the Chinese government, understanding the genetic diversity between them is critical for an effective population management. To discover genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and short tandem repeats (STRs) while obtaining genotype data of these polymorphic markers in each founder, reduced representation libraries were independently prepared from each of the founder genomes and sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq2000. This yielded 316 million 101-bp reads. Consensus sequences were created by clustering sequence reads, and then sequence reads from each founder were mapped to the consensus sequences, resulting in the detection of 52,512 putative SNPs and 162 putative STRs. The numbers of haplotypes and STR alleles and the investigation of genetic similarities suggested that the total genetic diversity between the founders was lower, although we could not identify a pair with closely related genome sequences. This study provided important insight into protocols for genetic management of the captive breeding population of Japanese crested ibis in Japan and towards the national project for reintroduction of captive-bred individuals into the wild. We proposed a simple, efficient, and cost-effective approach for simultaneous detection of genome-wide polymorphic markers and their genotypes for species currently lacking a reference genome sequence.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the genetic population structure lies at the heart of mapping studies aiming genes responsible for Mendelian and complex traits. The Quebec population, which is of mostly French descent, is considered an excellent model for such genetic epidemiological endeavours because it is a young founder population. Yet, the assessment of the founder effect has relied mostly on the observed distribution of monogenic diseases and on the analysis of the underlying mutations with investigations focusing on the Saguenay region. To eliminate this clinical bias and to obtain a more complete image of the genetic diversity, different regional populations of Quebec were investigated by analysing neutral markers that represent maternal, paternal and X chromosome lineages. Results indicate that Quebec does not appear more homogeneous nor significantly different from European populations. However, a series of regional founder effects, particularly visible at the level of rare variants, are observed. These effects can be explained by the successive migrations of descendants of the first immigrants from the initial sites of settlement towards the outer regions. Depending on the number of founders and their diversity, as well as on the degree of isolation and the magnitude of the interbreeding with the neighbouring or local populations, such as Amerindians or later migrants, the consequences of these regional founder effects are more or less detectable in the contemporary population.  相似文献   

The thoroughbred (TB) horse is one of the oldest breeds of domestic animals, with pedigree records spanning three centuries. Because the population is essentially closed, there is concern about loss of genetic variation. Here we report two parallel analyses. In the first, genetic variation in the current population is measured using data from 13 microsatellite loci in 211 horses with relationships calculated based on allele sharing. In the second analysis, pedigree information is used to calculate genetic relationships between animals based on shared ancestry. These two measures of relationship are compared and shown to be closely related. Together, they provide an estimate of the amount of genetic variation which existed in founder animals. This study confirms the narrow genetic base of the breed and provides comprehensive analysis of contributions of founder animals. Seventy-eight percent of alleles in the current population are derived from 30 founders, 27 of these male. Ten founder females account for 72% of maternal lineages, while one founder stallion is responsible for 95% of paternal lineages.  相似文献   

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