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Construction of complex receptive fields in cat primary visual cortex.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
L M Martinez  J M Alonso 《Neuron》2001,32(3):515-525
In primary visual cortex, neurons are classified into simple cells and complex cells based on their response properties. Although the role of these two cell types in vision is still unknown, an attractive hypothesis is that simple cells are necessary to construct complex receptive fields. This hierarchical model puts forward two main predictions. First, simple cells should connect monosynaptically to complex cells. Second, complex cells should become silent when simple cells are inactivated. We have recently provided evidence for the first prediction, and here we do the same for the second. In summary, our results suggest that the receptive fields of most layer 2+3 complex cells are generated by a mechanism that requires simple cell inputs.  相似文献   

Unit responses of neurons of zone 17 in the cat striate cortex to stripes of different widths were studied. Changes in the number of spikes during different time intervals (cuts) from the beginning of the response were analyzed in relation to stimulus area. Comparison of the results with those obtained by the study of receptive fields of the lateral geniculate body showed a significant difference in the dynamics of inhibition between cortical and geniculate receptive fields. Similar results were obtained when cortical unit responses to simultaneous and consecutive appearance of two stripes in the receptive field, one in the excitatory zone and the other at the inhibitory periphery, were studied. Evidence of the longer duration of cortical inhibition also was obtained by the same technique. When both stripes were placed in the excitatory center of the field another feature of cortical inhibition was revealed: its dependence on the order of stimulus application. If the order of stimulus application coincided with the optimal direction of movement of the stripe for the given field, the unit response to the next stimulus was strongly facilitated by the action of the stimulus applied previously. Application of stimuli in the opposite order invoked inhibition. The sensitivity of inhibition to the order of stimulus application was observed in the center of the field; it diminished toward the periphery, where application of the stimuli in any order evokes inhibition of the response.Medical Academy, Sofia, Bulgaria, I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 339–346, July–August, 1977.  相似文献   

The selectivity of striate neurons with complex receptive fields to the orientation, direction, and velocity of movement of various stimuli was investigated in unanesthetized and uncurarized cats. On the basis of all characteristics obtained by the study of single-unit responses to a stationary flickering slit, a moving spot of light, and a moving oriented stimulus, four groups of complex neurons were distinguished. The characteristics of group I neurons indicate a mechanism of orientation selectivity in the organization of their receptive fields, group IV neurons have a mechanism of directional selectivity, and neurons of groups II and III possess both mechanisms. The existence of separate neuronal systems coding the orientation and direction of stimulus movement is suggested.V. Kapsukas State University, Vilnius. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 109–116, March–April, 1979.  相似文献   

Responses of directional-sensitive neurons in area 17 of the cat's cortex were studied to presentation of two flashing bars of light, one located in the center of the field, the other in the inhibitory zone relative to the center. The order of activation of the stimuli and the time interval between them could be varied; presentation of two bars was thus the analog of a moving stimulus. The inhibitory off-zone located at the entrance to the field from the side of the optimal direction of movement was found to have an initial inhibitory phase, followed by a phase of disinhibition, and again by a second inhibitory phase. Presentation of the bars with different time intervals in cases when stimulation of the center of the field coincided in time with one of the inhibitory phases, led to inhibition of the response, but if stimulation coincided with the phase of disinhibition, it led to facilitation. Phases of disinhibition were not found in the inhibitory zone located at the entrance to the field along the course of a nonoptimal direction of movement. The importance of the temporal characteristics of inhibitory zones for the appearance of directional sensitivity of visual courtical neurons is discussed.  相似文献   

Receptive fields of neurons in Area 17 of the visual cortex were investigated in cats. Concentrically shaped fields, fields responding selectively to orientation of a strip or edge, and fields which can be regarded as intermediate between the first two types are described. The boundary between zones of summation and of lateral inhibition coincides in some receptive fields with the boundary between central and peripheral zones with opposite forms of response, while in other fields they do not coincide. For some cells there is no peripheral zone or it may disappear with worsening of the state of function. Cells were observed for which an increase in area of the stimulus in the central zone inhibits the response reaction. Analysis of these data suggests that several cells of the geniculate ganglion converge on some cortical neurons, and several cortical cells on others. An effect of adaptive inhibition was found in which constant illumination of an area in the center of the receptive field inhibits the response in another part. It is shown that this effect is unconnected with the action of scattered light. Constant illumination of the peripheral part of the receptive field deinhibits adaptive inhibition. The boundary between the zones of summation and of lateral inhibition coincides with the boundary between the zones of adaptive inhibition and deinhibition.I. V. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 90–100, July–August, 1969.  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal interactions within complex receptive fields in the cat visual cortex were investigated by sequential presentation of two stationary stimuli. When two stimuli were presented in phase (on-on or off-off) in the order corresponding to preferred direction of movement, facilitation or weak inhibition of the response to the second stimulus was observed, whereas if it corresponded to zero direction of movement, the response was strongly inhibited. In the case of stimulation out of phase (on-off or off-on), in the order corresponding to the preferred direction of movement, considerable inhibition of the response to the second stimulus was observed, whereas in the opposite order, facilitation or weak inhibition was observed. The strength of interaction between different parts of the field depended on the distance between them and the duration of the interval between stimuli. Directional selectivity of "complex" neurons is thus ensured by asymmetry of spatio-temporal interactions between receptive field inputs of the same type. Interactions between inputs of different types, arising when a multiedge stimulus (bar, grating) can be used by the visual system to distinguish an object from the background and to assess changes in size of objects and the relative velocity of their movement.V. Kapsukas State University, Vilnius. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 505–512, July–August, 1984.  相似文献   

Color-opponent properties in neurons of the primary visual cortex were investigated in the squirrel. All neurons responded to the presentation of both black and white visual stimuli and of colored stimuli — mainly to blue and green. In 65% of test neurons a response only occurred when blue and green stimuli were applied while the remaining cells partially responded to red. Neurons were divided into groups according to how they responded to the presentation of stimuli composed of black and white: whether nonselective, directionally selective, or orientationally selective (simple or complex). No color-opponent properties were found in any of these groups at receptive field level. The whole or parts of the receptive field responded similarly to the presentation of white, blue, or green stimuli of the same shape. The way in which the receptive fields were divided into on- and off-regions and between directional and orientational selectivity does not depend on the color of the visual stimuli. Findings are discussed with regard to the presence of opponent-color cells in squirrel retina and lateral geniculate body.A. N. Severtsov Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Animal Ecology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 764–770, November–December, 1985.  相似文献   

Investigation of receptive fields of 232 primary visual cortical neurons in rabbits by the use of shaped visual stimuli showed that 21.1% are unselective for stimulus orientation, and 34.1% have simple, 16.4% complex, and 18.5% hypercomplex receptive fields, and 9.9% have other types. Neurons with different types of receptive fields also differed in spontaneous activity, selectivity for rate of stimulus movement, and acuteness of orientational selectivity. Neurons not selective to orientation were found more frequently in layer IV than in other layers, and very rarely in layer VI. Cells with simple receptive fields were numerous in all layers but predominated in layer VI. Neurons with complex receptive fields were rare in layer IV and more numerous in layers V and VI. Neurons with hypercomplex receptive fields were found frequently in layers II + III and IV, rarely in layers V and VI. Spontaneous unit activity in layer II + III was lowest on average, and highest in layer V. Acuteness or orientational selectivity of neurons with simple and complex receptive fields in layers II + III and V significantly exceeded the analogous parameter in layers IV and VI.A. N. Severtsov Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology of Animals, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 19–27, January–February, 1985.  相似文献   

Extracellular microelectrode recordings were carried out on 150 neurons in the anterior ectosylvian sulcal region of halothane-anesthetized, immobilized, artificially ventilated cats. Fifty-nine neurons were visual, 60 were auditory and 31 were bimodal visual-auditory. As the extent of the receptive fields has never been exactly determined, we introduced a quasi-objective, computer-based, statistical method in order to estimate the receptive field sizes in the anterior half of the perimeter. The visual, auditory and bimodal cells had very large receptive fields, often with portions extending well into the ipsilateral hemifield. The mean extents of the visual and auditory receptive fields in the horizontal plane were 75.75 degrees (N=59, SD: +/- 28.620, range: 15-135 degrees), and 132.5 degrees (N=60, SD: +/- 46.72 degrees, range: 15-165 degrees) respectively. These data suggest that a single visual neuron can carry information from the whole visual field of the right eye and a single auditory unit can carry information of azimuths throughout the whole area of the horizontal plane studied. The mean extent of the bimodal receptive fields in the horizontal plane was 82.1 degrees (N=31, SD: +/- 24.24 degrees, range: 30-135 degrees). In 21 of the 31 bimodal cells we observed a facilitatory interaction between visual and auditory stimuli. The mean extent of the facilitatory interactions in these cells was 75.75 degrees (N=21, SD: +/- 24.56 degrees, range: 45-135 degrees).  相似文献   

Receptive fields (RFs) of single units in the 17th field of the visual cortex of immobilized cat were investigated under dark adaptation. The mean RF size was equal to 67 degrees and varied from 3 degrees up to 120 degrees. The RFs with centres located near gaze were from 3 degrees up to 120 degrees in dia, but with growth of excentricity the number of small RFs decreased, and in the region of 70 to 100 degrees from gaze only RFs with diameters equal to 100 degrees were found. The shape of "dark" RFs was either ellipsoidal (in most cases) or round. Detector properties (orientational, directional, size and velocity selectivity) of the "dark" RFs were significantly less manifest or absent. Under photopic light adaptation the same units reorganized their RFs to well known sizes and configuration. The hypothesis is discussed of the formation of local detector RF in the visual cortex in light adaptation by selective cortical inhibition which is activated in darkness only slightly. This view is an alternative to the commonly-accepted scheme of local cortical RF formation by the hierarchical and selective excitatory convergence.  相似文献   

A receptive field constitutes a region in the visual field where a visual cell or a visual operator responds to visual stimuli. This paper presents a theory for what types of receptive field profiles can be regarded as natural for an idealized vision system, given a set of structural requirements on the first stages of visual processing that reflect symmetry properties of the surrounding world. These symmetry properties include (i) covariance properties under scale changes, affine image deformations, and Galilean transformations of space–time as occur for real-world image data as well as specific requirements of (ii) temporal causality implying that the future cannot be accessed and (iii) a time-recursive updating mechanism of a limited temporal buffer of the past as is necessary for a genuine real-time system. Fundamental structural requirements are also imposed to ensure (iv) mutual consistency and a proper handling of internal representations at different spatial and temporal scales. It is shown how a set of families of idealized receptive field profiles can be derived by necessity regarding spatial, spatio-chromatic, and spatio-temporal receptive fields in terms of Gaussian kernels, Gaussian derivatives, or closely related operators. Such image filters have been successfully used as a basis for expressing a large number of visual operations in computer vision, regarding feature detection, feature classification, motion estimation, object recognition, spatio-temporal recognition, and shape estimation. Hence, the associated so-called scale-space theory constitutes a both theoretically well-founded and general framework for expressing visual operations. There are very close similarities between receptive field profiles predicted from this scale-space theory and receptive field profiles found by cell recordings in biological vision. Among the family of receptive field profiles derived by necessity from the assumptions, idealized models with very good qualitative agreement are obtained for (i) spatial on-center/off-surround and off-center/on-surround receptive fields in the fovea and the LGN, (ii) simple cells with spatial directional preference in V1, (iii) spatio-chromatic double-opponent neurons in V1, (iv) space–time separable spatio-temporal receptive fields in the LGN and V1, and (v) non-separable space–time tilted receptive fields in V1, all within the same unified theory. In addition, the paper presents a more general framework for relating and interpreting these receptive fields conceptually and possibly predicting new receptive field profiles as well as for pre-wiring covariance under scaling, affine, and Galilean transformations into the representations of visual stimuli. This paper describes the basic structure of the necessity results concerning receptive field profiles regarding the mathematical foundation of the theory and outlines how the proposed theory could be used in further studies and modelling of biological vision. It is also shown how receptive field responses can be interpreted physically, as the superposition of relative variations of surface structure and illumination variations, given a logarithmic brightness scale, and how receptive field measurements will be invariant under multiplicative illumination variations and exposure control mechanisms.  相似文献   

Seminal work in the early nineties revealed that the visual receptive field of neurons in cat primary visual cortex can change in location and size when artificial scotomas are applied. Recent work now suggests that these single neuron receptive field dynamics also pertain to the neuronal population receptive field (pRF) that can be measured in humans with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). To examine this further, we estimated the pRF in twelve healthy participants while masking the central portion of the visual field. We found that the pRF changes in location and size for two differently sized artificial scotomas, and that these pRF dynamics are most likely due to a combination of the neuronal receptive field position and size scatter as well as modulatory feedback signals from extrastriate visual areas.  相似文献   

Receptive fields of neurons of the rabbit visual cortex selective for stimulus orientation were investigated. These receptive fields were less well differentiated than those of the analogous neurons of the cat visual cortex (large in size and circular in shape). Two mechanisms of selectivity for stimulus orientation were observed: inhibition between on and off zones of the receptive field (sample type) and oriented lateral inhibition within the same zone of the receptive field (complex type). Lateral inhibition within the same zone of the receptive field also took place in unselective neurons; "complex" selective neurons differed from them in the orientation of this inhibition. A combination of both mechanisms was possible in the receptive field of the same neuron. It is suggested that both simple and complex receptive fields are derivatives of unselective receptive fields and that "complex" neurons are not the basis for a higher level of analysis of visual information than in "simple" neurons.A. N. Severtsov Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology of Animals, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 13–21, January–February, 1978.  相似文献   

Alonso JM 《Neuron》2005,46(6):842-844
Scientists usually study the receptive fields of visual cortical neurons by measuring responses to "optimal stimuli." In this issue of Neuron, Rust and colleagues have taken a promising alternative approach: build a receptive field model based on the cell responses to a stimulus subset and then use the model to predict responses to other stimuli.  相似文献   

A continuous-space model of visual cortex interactions which, starting from elongate Gaussian functions, leads to high-selective Gabor-like receptive fields, is proposed. The model is based on intracortical inhibition mechanisms occurring through medium-range clustered connections. The analysis, carried out under the assumption of a linear superposition of geniculate and intracortical contributions, shows how inhibition enhances both spatial and spatial-frequency selectivity. The effects of inhibition strength and of its spatial organization on the properties of the resulting receptive field are investigated. Specifically, the relationships between receptive fields and inhibition schemes are investigated by deriving analytical expressions for their dependence and through a systematic numerical parametric study. The emergence of periodic receptive fields, like the ones observed in neurophysiological measurements, is also pointed out in relation to the clustered nature of the inhibitory scheme.  相似文献   

The activity of 118 neurones of the primary visual cortex (17th field) was studied in unanesthetized cats, immobilized with d-tubocurarine, in a state of calm wakefulness and in strained attention, alarm. The strained attention was elicited by an air-puff directed to the corner of the closed eye, not used for the photic stimulation. Considerable rearrangments of the receptive field of neurones (94%) were observed in the state of strained attention. In the majority of the studied cortical cells (75%) during 10-30 minutes the excitatory centres of their receptive fields became narrower while their inhibitory periphery widened; in the cells with the inhibitory centres of the receptive fields they were larger in 80% of the cases. It is shown that with dark, mesopic and scotopic adaptation the major characteristics of the changes in the receptive fields remain unaltered. It is assumed that these effects have a behavioural value for the organism, because the created rise in the level of alertness is accompanied by a sharpening of the receptive fields, i.e. by a greater ability to a fine analysis and recognition of visual images.  相似文献   

Unit responses to moving strips were investigated. The organization of the inhibitory zones in the receptive fields of the lateral geniculate body and visual cortex of the cat was compared. The response in the receptive field of the lateral geniculate body was inhibited only during simultaneous stimulation of the excitatory and inhibitory zones of the field. Stimulation of the inhibitory zone in the receptive field of the visual cortex was effective for a long time (several hundreds of milliseconds) after stimulation of the excitatory zone. The inhibitory zones of the simple and complex receptive fields of the visual cortex differed significantly. An increase in the width of the strip above the optimal size reduced the inhibitory effect in the complex fields. This was not observed in the simple receptive fields. The functional and structural models of the receptive field of the visual cortex are discussed.I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 201–209, March–April, 1973.  相似文献   

Recent studies on the response properties of neurons in primary visual cortex emphasize the dynamics and the complexities of facilitatory and suppressive interactions between the receptive field center and surrounding areas of visual space. These observations raise new questions about the circuitry responsible for receptive field surround effects and their contribution to visual perception.  相似文献   

Recovery cycles of unit responses in the primary visual cortex to local photic stimulation of their receptive fields were studied in unanesthetized, immobilized cats by the paired stimulus method. In most cases the process of recovery of neuronal reactivity did not follow a steady course. Recovery from depression evoked by the first stimulus took place more suddenly in neurons in the central part of the visual field, and initial recovery of activity was more complete than in peripheral neurons. Differences in the synchronization of inhibitory and excitatory inputs to neurons responsible for central and peripheral vision are discussed.Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 233–240, May–June, 1981.  相似文献   

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