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Proteins are modularly built from a limited set of approximately 1000 structural domains. The evolutionary relationship within a domain family suggests that the knowledge about a common fold structure can be exploited for the design of small molecule libraries in the development of inhibitors and ligands. This principle has been used for the synthesis of inhibitors for kinases sharing the same fold. It can also be applied for proteins which share the same fold architecture yet belong to different functional classes. Bestatin--originally known as an aminopeptidase inhibitor--was employed as guiding structure for the development of leukotriene A4 hydrolase inhibitors. A combinatorial approach helped to identify inhibitors for sulfotransferases which share structural similarity with nucleotide kinases using a kinase inhibitor core structure as guiding principle.  相似文献   

A stilbene fluorescent brightener, Tinopal LPW, was used as an ultraviolet (UV) protectant for the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae (All strain). Irradiation of an aqueous suspension of nematodes produced a LC₅₀ in 15.7 minutes under a sunlamp and in 31.7 minutes in direct sunlight. Irradiation by both sunlamp and sunlight of a suspension of nematodes in Tinopal LPW did not reduce their biological activity as measured by their ability to parasitize wax moth larvae after exposure of 8 hours and 4 hours, respectively. Tinopal LPW appeared promising as a radiation protectant.  相似文献   

It is known that solid tumors recruit new blood vessels to support tumor growth, but the molecular diversity of receptors in tumor angiogenic vessels might also be used clinically to develop better targeted therapy. In vivo phage display was used to identify peptides that specifically target tumor blood vessels. Several novel peptides were identified as being able to recognize tumor vasculature but not normal blood vessels in severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice bearing human tumors. These tumor-homing peptides also bound to blood vessels in surgical specimens of various human cancers. The peptide-linked liposomes containing fluorescent substance were capable of translocating across the plasma membrane through endocytosis. With the conjugation of peptides and liposomal doxorubicin, the targeted drug delivery systems enhanced the therapeutic efficacy of the chemotherapeutic agent against human cancer xenografts by decreasing tumor angiogenesis and increasing cancer cell apoptosis. Furthermore, the peptide-mediated targeting liposomes improved the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drug they delivered compared with nontargeting liposomes or free drugs. Our results indicate that the tumor-homing peptides can be used specifically target tumor vasculature and have the potential to improve the systemic treatment of patients with solid tumors.One of the primary goals of a cancer treatment regimen is to deliver sufficient amounts of a drug to targeted tumors while minimizing damage to normal tissues. Most chemotherapeutic but cytotoxic agents enter the normal tissues in the body indiscriminately without much preference for tumor sites. The dose reaching the tumor may be as little as 5–10% of the dose accumulating in normal organs (1). One reason is that interstitial fluid pressure in solid tumors is higher than in normal tissues, which leads to decreased transcapillary transport of chemotherapy or anticancer antibodies into tumor tissues (24). Cancer cells are therefore exposed to a less than effective concentration of the drug than normal cells, whereas the rest of the body must be subjected to increased toxicity and decreased effectiveness. This phenomenon often limits the dose of anti-cancer drugs that can be given to a patient without severe harm, resulting in incomplete tumor response, early disease relapse, and drug resistance.The development of drug delivery systems represents the ongoing effort to improve the selectivity and efficacy of antineoplastic drugs. Compared with conventional administration methods for chemotherapeutic agents, lipid- or polymer-based nanomedicines have the advantage of improving the pharmacological and therapeutic properties of cytotoxic drugs (5, 6). Most small molecule chemotherapeutic agents have a large volume of distribution upon intravenous administration (7) and a narrow therapeutic window because of severe toxicity to normal tissues. By encapsulating drugs in drug delivery particles, such as liposomes, the volume of distribution is significantly reduced, and the concentration of drug within the tumor is increased (8).The coupling of polyethylene glycol (PEG)2 to liposomes (PEGylated liposomes), which have a longer half-life in the blood (911), is regarded as having great potential in a drug delivery system. For example, PEGylated liposome-encapsulated doxorubicin has been reported to significantly improve the therapeutic index of doxorubicin in preclinical (10, 12, 13) and clinical studies (1416). Many of these drug delivery systems have entered the clinic and have been shown to improve the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drugs they deliver (6).The growth of solid tumors is dependent on their capacity to induce the growth of blood vessels to supply them with oxygen and nutrients. However, the blood vessels of tumors present specific characteristics not observed in normal tissues, including extensive angiogenesis, leaky vascular architecture, impaired lymphatic drainage, and increased expression of permeability mediators on the cell surface (17, 18). These characteristics might be used to develop antiangiogenic target therapy for cancer. The hyperpermeability of tumor vasculature, for example, is a key factor for the success of liposome-delivered chemotherapy agents. The angiogenic tumor vasculature is estimated to have an average pore size of 100–600 nm (19). These pores are significantly larger than the gaps found in normal endothelium, which are typically <6 nm wide (8). After intravenous administration, liposomes with diameters of ∼65–75 nm (2022) are small enough to passively infiltrate tumor endothelium but large enough to be excluded from normal endothelium. In solid tumors, the permeability of the tissue vasculature increases to the point that particulate liposomes can extravasate and localize in the tissue interstitial space (19). In addition, tumor tissues frequently lack effective lymphatic drainage (3), which promotes liposome retention. The combination of these factors leads to an accumulation of the drug delivering liposome within the tumor. This passive targeting phenomenon has been called the “enhanced permeability and retention effect” (23, 24).The use of liposomes for passive targeting has some disadvantages. Normal organ uptake of liposomes leads to accumulation of the encapsulated drug in mononuclear phagocytic system cells in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow, which may be toxic to these tissues. With the increased circulation time and confinement of the particulate liposomes, hematological toxicities, such as neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, and leucopenia, have also appeared (25, 26). Ongoing research aims to enhance the tumor site-specific action of the liposomes by attaching them to ligands that target tumor cell (21, 27) and tumor vasculature (20, 28) surface molecules. These liposomes are called active or ligand-mediated targeting liposomes.Combinatorial libraries displayed on phage have been used successfully to discover cell surface-binding peptides and have thus become an excellent means of identifying tumor specific targeting ligands. Phage-displayed peptide libraries have been used to identify B-cell epitopes (2931). They can also be used to search for disease-specific antigen mimics (32, 33) and identify tumor cells (21, 34) and tumor vasculature-specific peptides (35). Screening phage display libraries against specific target tissues is therefore a fast, direct method for identifying peptide sequences that might be used for drug targeting or gene delivery. By combining a drug delivery system with tumor-specific peptides, it is possible that targeting liposome can deliver as many as several thousand anticancer drug molecules to tumor cells via only a few targeting ligand molecules.In this in vivo study, we developed a method capable of selecting peptides that home to tumor tissues. We identified several targeting peptides able to bind specifically to tumor vasculature in surgical specimens of human cancer and xenografts. Coupling these peptides with a liposome containing the anti-cancer drug doxorubicin (Lipo-Dox; LD) enhanced the efficacy of the drug against several types of human cancer xenografts in SCID mice. Our results indicate that these targeting peptides can potentially play an important role in the development of more effective drug delivery systems.  相似文献   

The bacteria Pasteuria spp. have been identified as among the most promising of several microbial organisms currently under investigation as biological control agents of plant-parasitic nematodes. As part of our goal to develop methods to discriminate isolates of Pasteuria penetrans with different host preferences, we investigated the potential of developing antibody probes to identify endospores of different isolates of P. penetrans. Polyclonal IgY antibodies were raised in chickens against endospores of P. penetrans isolates P20 and P100. Hens were injected with P20 or P100 endospore suspensions and boosted at 14 days. Anti-spore titers were determined with ELISA on yolk extracts of individual eggs as a function of time. The highest titers were found in eggs produced at 22 to 35 days after initial injections. Yolk extracts showing the highest titers were combined and processed to provide partially purified IgY preparations. SDS-PAGE and immunoblot analyses identified protein antigens with Mr values of 23-24, 46, and 57-59 KDa common to both P20 and P100 endospores. One protein antigen with an Mr value of 62 KDa was unique to the PI00 endospores. The IgY antibodies reduced the attachment of Pasteuria endospores to their nematode hosts, indicating antibody interaction with antigens on the endospore surface that are involved in the recognition and attachment processes.  相似文献   

The parameters of Taylor''s Power Law (s² = amb) relating variance (s²) to mean population level (m) were acceptably stable in different fields with similar cropping systems. Values of both a and b parameters varied with nematode species. The value of a was a function of sample size (number of cores) and was characterized for each species. The value of b was stable across sample size and reflective of the life history strategy of the species. The relationship between the economic threshold and sampling intensity required to allow management decisions, with specified levels of risk, indicated the need for improved sampling technology.  相似文献   

Methods were developed for screening Prunus selections for host suitability to Criconemella xenoplax. The relative host suitability of selections was based upon a doubling accumulation value (β) that was defined as the number of degree-days (base 9 C) required for doubling of an increment of the initial nematode population. The β value characteristic for C. xenoplax (139 ± 8 degree-days) on suitable hosts was similar to the average β value determined for several peach rootstocks known to be suitable hosts. The β values were 144 ± 21 for Halford, 141 ± 16 for Lovell, and 138 ± 10 for Nemaguard. A higher value for β could indicate poorer host suitability or resistance of a selection to C. xenoplax. All of 369 Prunus accessions tested, including eight accessions that had survived well on a field site infested with C. xenoplax, were suitable hosts. Apparently, resistance to C. xenoplax was not a factor in survival of the accessions planted in the field. Seedlings from P. besseyi, P. pumila ''Mando'', and two interspecific hybrids, Redcoat and Sapalta IR 549-1, failed to support nematode population increase in 44-81% of tests conducted, but all selections supported population increase in some tests. These accessions may have resistance mechanisms that are active only under specific conditions.  相似文献   

Effects of RNA secondary structure on cellular antisense activity   总被引:15,自引:10,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The secondary and tertiary structures of a mRNA are known to effect hybridization efficiency and potency of antisense oligonucleotides in vitro. Additional factors including oligonucleotide stability and cellular uptake are also thought to contribute to antisense potency in vivo. Each of these factors can be affected by the sequence of the oligonucleotide. Although mRNA structure is presumed to be a critical determinant of antisense activity in cells, to date little direct experimental evidence has addressed the significance of structure. In order to determine the importance of mRNA structure on antisense activity, oligonucleotide target sites were cloned into a luciferase reporter gene along with adjoining sequence to form known structures. This allowed us to study the effect of target secondary structure on oligonucleotide binding in the cellular environment without changing the sequence of the oligonucleotide. Our results show that structure does play a significant role in determining oligonucleotide efficacy in vivo. We also show that potency of oligonucleotides can be improved by altering chemistry to increase affinity for the mRNA target even in a region that is highly structured.  相似文献   

Although entomogenous nenmtodes generally have many of the attributes of the ideal biocontrol agent, many of these attributes make the nematodes less than desirable for commercial production. Environmental limitations, lack of patent protection, "shelf life," shipping problems, and the need for users to receive specialized training are factors that have discouraged the involvement of larger companies. The future of these nematodes as commercially available biocontrol products appears to lie with the smaller "cottage industries" or with government-subsidized production. Problems encountered with attempts to produce commercially the mosquito parasite Romanomermis culicivorax are discussed.  相似文献   

Codon usage and secondary structure of mRNA   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The specific codon usage pattern of the repetitive unit nucleotide sequence of silk fibroin mRNA suggests that selection has operated on the codon usage to optimize the secondary structure characteristic of the mRNA. The correlation between the stability map of local secondary structure of type I collagen mRNA and the codon usage pattern and the translation rate of the collagen is also implied.  相似文献   

A FORTRAN computer program was developed to simulate nematode soil sampling strategies consisting of various numbers of samples per field, with each sample consisting of various numbers of soil cores. The program assumes that the nematode species involved fit a negative binomial distribution. Required input data are estimates of the mean and k values, the number of samples per field and cores per sample in the strategy to be investigated, and the number of times the simulation is to be replicated. Output consists of simulated values of the relative deviation from the mean and standard error to mean ratio, both averaged over all replications. The program was used to compare 150 simulated sampling strategies for Meloidogyne incognita, involving all combinations of two mean values (2.0 and 10.0 la.rvae/10 cm³ soil), three k values (1.35, 0.544, and 0.294), five different numbers of samples per field (1, 2, 4. 10, 20), and five different numbers of cores per sample (1, 2, 4, 10, 20). Simulations resulting from different mean values were similar, but best results were obtained with higher k values and 20 cores per sample. Relatively few 20-core samples were needed to obtain average deviations from the mean of 20-25%.  相似文献   

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