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《Developmental cell》2014,28(2):212-218
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Microtubules (MTs), key cytoskeletal elements in living cells, are critical for axonal transport, synaptic transmission, and maintenance of neuronal morphology. NAP (NAPVSIPQ) is a neuroprotective peptide derived from the essential activity-dependent neuroprotective protein (ADNP). In Alzheimer’s disease models, NAP protects against tauopathy and cognitive decline. Here, we show that NAP treatment significantly affected the alpha tubulin tyrosination cycle in the neuronal differentiation model, rat pheochromocytoma (PC12) and in rat cortical astrocytes. The effect on tubulin tyrosination/detyrosination was coupled to increased MT network area (measured in PC12 cells), which is directly related to neurite outgrowth. Tubulin beta3, a marker for neurite outgrowth/neuronal differentiation significantly increased after NAP treatment. In rat cortical neurons, NAP doubled the area of dynamic MT invasion (Tyr-tubulin) into the neuronal growth cone periphery. NAP was previously shown to protect against zinc-induced MT/neurite destruction and neuronal death, here, in PC12 cells, NAP treatment reversed zinc-decreased tau-tubulin-MT interaction and protected against death. NAP effects on the MT pool, coupled with increased tau engagement on compromised MTs imply an important role in neuronal plasticity, protecting against free tau accumulation leading to tauopathy. With tauopathy representing a major pathological hallmark in Alzheimer''s disease and related disorders, the current findings provide a mechanistic basis for further development. NAP (davunetide) is in phase 2/3 clinical trial in progressive supranuclear palsy, a disease presenting MT deficiency and tau pathology.  相似文献   

A number of highly curved membranes in vivo, such as epithelial cell microvilli, have the relatively high sphingolipid content associated with “raft-like” composition. Given the much lower bending energy measured for bilayers with “nonraft” low sphingomyelin and low cholesterol content, observing high curvature for presumably more rigid compositions seems counterintuitive. To understand this behavior, we measured membrane rigidity by fluctuation analysis of giant unilamellar vesicles. We found that including a transmembrane helical GWALP peptide increases the membrane bending modulus of the liquid-disordered (Ld) phase. We observed this increase at both low-cholesterol fraction and higher, more physiological cholesterol fraction. We find that simplified, commonly used Ld and liquid-ordered (Lo) phases are not representative of those that coexist. When Ld and Lo phases coexist, GWALP peptide favors the Ld phase with a partition coefficient of 3–10 depending on mixture composition. In model membranes at high cholesterol fractions, Ld phases with GWALP have greater bending moduli than the Lo phase that would coexist.  相似文献   

The membrane-spanning segments of integral membrane proteins often are flanked by aromatic or charged amino acid residues, which may “anchor” the transmembrane orientation. Single spanning transmembrane peptides such as those of the WALP family, acetyl-GWW(LA)nLWWA-amide, furthermore adopt a moderate average tilt within lipid bilayer membranes. To understand the anchor residue dependence of the tilt, we introduce Leu-Ala “spacers” between paired anchors and in some cases replace the outer tryptophans. The resulting peptides, acetyl-GX2ALW(LA)6LWLAX22A-amide, have Trp, Lys, Arg, or Gly in the two X positions. The apparent average orientations of the core helical sequences were determined in oriented phosphatidylcholine bilayer membranes of varying thickness using solid-state 2H NMR spectroscopy. When X is Lys, Arg, or Gly, the direction of the tilt is essentially constant in different lipids and presumably is dictated by the tryptophans (Trp5 and Trp19) that flank the inner helical core. The Leu-Ala spacers are no longer helical. The magnitude of the apparent helix tilt furthermore scales nicely with the bilayer thickness except when X is Trp. When X is Trp, the direction of tilt is less well defined in each phosphatidylcholine bilayer and varies up to 70° among 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, and 1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine bilayer membranes. Indeed, the X = Trp case parallels earlier observations in which WALP family peptides having multiple Trp anchors show little dependence of the apparent tilt magnitude on bilayer thickness. The results shed new light on the interactions of arginine, lysine, tryptophan, and even glycine at lipid bilayer membrane interfaces.  相似文献   

BlaI is a repressor of BlaZ, the beta-lactamase responsible for penicillin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus. Through screening a transposon library in S. aureus Newman for susceptibility to cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide, we discovered BlaI as a novel cathelicidin resistance factor. Additionally, through integrational mutagenesis in S. aureus Newman and MRSA Sanger 252 strains, we confirmed the role of BlaI in resistance to human and murine cathelidicin and showed that it contributes to virulence in human whole blood and murine infection models. We further demonstrated that BlaI could be a target for innate immune-based antimicrobial therapies; by removing BlaI through subinhibitory concentrations of 6-aminopenicillanic acid, we were able to sensitize S. aureus to LL-37 killing.  相似文献   

Viral glycoproteins, such as influenza hemagglutinin (HA) and human immunodeficiency virus gp41, are anchored by a single helical segment transmembrane domain (TMD) on the viral envelope membrane. The fusion peptides (FP) of the glycoproteins insert into the host membrane and initiate membrane fusion. Our previous study showed that the FP or TMD alone perturbs membrane structure. Interaction between the influenza HA FP and TMD has previously been shown, but its role is unclear. We used PC spin labels dipalmitoylphospatidyl-tempo-choline (on the headgroup), 5PC and 14PC (5-C and 14-C positions on the acyl chain) to detect the combined effect of FP-TMD interaction by titrating HA FP to TMD-reconstituted 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine/1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-(1’-rac-glycerol)/cholesterol lipid bilayers using electron spin resonance. We found that the FP-TMD increases the lipid order at all positions, which has a greater lipid ordering effect than the sum of the FP or TMD alone, and this effect reaches deeper into the membranes. Although HA-mediated membrane fusion is pH dependent, this combined effect is observed at both pH 5 and pH 7. In addition to increasing lipid order, multiple components are found for 5PC at increased concentration of FP-TMD, indicating that distinct domains are induced. However, the mutation of Gly1 in the FP and L187 in the TMD eliminates the perturbations, consistent with their fusogenic phenotypes. Electron spin resonance on spin-labeled peptides confirms these observations. We suggest that this interaction may provide a driving force in different stages of membrane fusion: initialization, transition from hemifusion stalk to transmembrane contact, and fusion pore formation.  相似文献   

Melittin is a short cationic peptide that exerts cytolytic effects on bacterial and eukaryotic cells. Experiments suggest that in zwitterionic membranes, melittin forms transmembrane toroidal pores supported by four to eight peptides. A recently constructed melittin variant with a reduced cationic charge, MelP5, is active at 10-fold lower concentrations. In previous work, we performed molecular dynamics simulations on the microsecond timescale to examine the supramolecular pore structure of a melittin tetramer in zwitterionic and partially anionic membranes. We now extend that study to include the effects of peptide charge, initial orientation, and number of monomers on the pore formation and stabilization processes. Our results show that parallel transmembrane orientations of melittin and MelP5 are more consistent with experimental data. Whereas a MelP5 parallel hexamer forms a large stable pore during the 5-μs simulation time, a melittin hexamer and an octamer are not fully stable, with several monomers dissociating during the simulation time. Interaction-energy analysis shows that this difference in behavior between melittin and MelP5 is not due to stronger electrostatic repulsion between neighboring melittin peptides but to peptide-lipid interactions that disfavor the isolated MelP5 transmembrane monomer. The ability of melittin monomers to diffuse freely in the 1,2-dimyristoyl-SN-glycero-3-phosphocholine membrane leads to dynamic pores with varying molecularity.  相似文献   

Proteins in the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria serve as general porins or as receptors for specific nutrient transport systems. Many of these proteins are also used as receptors initiating the processes of colicin or phage binding and uptake. The functional activities of several outer membrane proteins in Escherichia coli K-12 were followed after cessation or repression of their synthesis. Cessation of receptor synthesis was accomplished with a thermolabile suppressor activity acting on amber mutations in btuB (encoding the receptor for vitamin B(12), the E colicins, and phage BF23) and in fepA (encoding the receptor for ferric enterochelin and colicins B and D). After cessation of receptor synthesis, cells rapidly became insensitive to the colicins using that receptor. Treatment with spectinomycin or rifampin blocked appearance of insensitive cells and even increased susceptibility to colicin E1. Insensitivity to phage BF23 appeared only after a lag of about one division time, and the receptors remained functional for B(12) uptake throughout. Therefore, possession of receptor is insufficient for colicin sensitivity, and some interaction of receptor with subsequent uptake components is indicated. Another example of physiological alteration of colicin sensitivity is the protection against many of the tonB-dependent colicins afforded by provision of iron-supplying siderophores. The rate of acquisition of this nonspecific protection was found to be consistent with the repression of receptor synthesis, rather than through direct and immediate effects on the tonB product or other components of colicin uptake or action.  相似文献   

Four fatty acids (FA, palmitic, myristic, decanoic, hexanoic) were individually conjugated to the N-terminus of the α-MSH fragment analog, H-Asp5-His6-D-Phe7-Arg8-Trp9-Lys10-NH2. This resulted in enhanced potency of the conjugates (compared to the unconjugated melanotropin analog) as determined in the lizard skin bioassay and in the mouse melanoma cell tyrosinase bioassay. The shorter conjugates of hexanoic and decanoic acid were at least equipotent to α-MSH in the lizard skin bioassay, whereas the longer myristoyl and palmitoyl analogs were 100 times less active. The myristoyl and palmitoyl conjugates exhibited a “creeping” potency in the lizard skin bioassay—that is, potency of the peptides increased with time in contact with the skins. These observations may be related to the more lipid nature of these FA-conjugates. In the tyrosinase assay, the conjugates were 10–100 times more active than α-MSH or the unconjugated analog. Each of the FA-melanotropic peptide conjugates exhibited prolonged (residual) melanotropic activity in both the lizard skin and melanoma cell bioassays. In other words, after removal of the melanotropin conjugates from contact with the skins or cells, responses were still manifested for hours or days thereafter. As little as 1 hr of contact with melanoma cells resulted in enhanced enzyme activity as measured 48 hr later. Since the conjugates, but not H-[Ast5,D-Phe7,Lys10]α-MSH5-10-NH2, exhibited prolonged activity, the conversion of reversible agonists to irreversible agonists was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Alzheimer´s disease is the most prominent type of dementia and currently no causative treatment is available. According to recent studies, oligomeric species of the amyloid beta (Aβ) peptide appear to be the most toxic Aβ assemblies. Aβ monomers, however, may be not toxic per se and may even have a neuroprotective role. Here we describe a competitive mirror image phage display procedure that allowed us to identify preferentially Aβ1–42 monomer binding and thereby stabilizing peptides, which destabilize and thereby eliminate toxic oligomer species. One of the peptides, called Mosd1 (monomer specific d-peptide 1), was characterized in more detail. Mosd1 abolished oligomers from a mixture of Aβ1–42 species, reduced Aβ1–42 toxicity in cell culture, and restored the physiological phenotype in neuronal cells stably transfected with the gene coding for human amyloid precursor protein.  相似文献   

In this study the membrane orientation of a tryptophan-flanked model peptide, WALP23, was determined by using peptides that were labeled at different positions along the sequence with the environmentally sensitive fluorescent label BADAN. The fluorescence properties, reflecting the local polarity, were used to determine the tilt and rotation angles of the peptide based on an ideal α-helix model. For WALP23 inserted in dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC), an estimated tilt angle of the helix with respect to the bilayer normal of 24° ± 5° was obtained. When the peptides were inserted into bilayers with different acyl chain lengths or containing different concentrations of cholesterol, small changes in tilt angle were observed as response to hydrophobic mismatch, whereas the rotation angle appeared to be independent of lipid composition. In all cases, the tilt angles were significantly larger than those previously determined from 2H NMR experiments, supporting recent suggestions that the relatively long timescale of 2H NMR measurements may result in an underestimation of tilt angles due to partial motional averaging. It is concluded that although the fluorescence technique has a rather low resolution and limited accuracy, it can be used to resolve the discrepancies observed between previous 2H NMR experiments and molecular-dynamics simulations.  相似文献   

The proteomes of cells, tissues, and organisms reflect active cellular processes and change continuously in response to intracellular and extracellular cues. Deep, quantitative profiling of the proteome, especially if combined with mRNA and metabolite measurements, should provide an unprecedented view of cell state, better revealing functions and interactions of cell components. Molecular diagnostics and biomarker discovery should benefit particularly from the accurate quantification of proteomes, since complex diseases like cancer change protein abundances and modifications. Currently, shotgun mass spectrometry is the primary technology for high-throughput protein identification and quantification; while powerful, it lacks high sensitivity and coverage. We draw parallels with next-generation DNA sequencing and propose a strategy, termed fluorosequencing, for sequencing peptides in a complex protein sample at the level of single molecules. In the proposed approach, millions of individual fluorescently labeled peptides are visualized in parallel, monitoring changing patterns of fluorescence intensity as N-terminal amino acids are sequentially removed, and using the resulting fluorescence signatures (fluorosequences) to uniquely identify individual peptides. We introduce a theoretical foundation for fluorosequencing and, by using Monte Carlo computer simulations, we explore its feasibility, anticipate the most likely experimental errors, quantify their potential impact, and discuss the broad potential utility offered by a high-throughput peptide sequencing technology.  相似文献   

Haematophagous insects can ingest large quantities of blood in a single meal and eliminate high volumes of urine in the next few hours. This rise in diuresis is possible because the excretory activity of the Malpighian tubules is facilitated by an increase in haemolymph circulation as a result of intensification of aorta contractions combined with an increase of the anterior midgut peristaltic waves. It has been previously described that haemolymph circulation during post-prandial diuresis is stimulated by the synergistic activity of allatotropin (AT) and serotonin in the kissing bug Triatoma infestans; resulting in an increase in aorta contractions. In the same species, AT stimulates anterior midgut and rectum muscle contractions to mix urine and feces and facilitate the voiding of the rectum. Furthermore, levels of AT in midgut and Malpighian tubules increased in the afternoon when insects are getting ready for nocturnal feeding. In the present study we describe the synergistic effect of AT and serotonin increasing the frequency of contractions of the aorta in Rhodnius prolixus. The basal frequency of contractions of the aorta in the afternoon is higher that the observed during the morning, suggesting the existence of a daily rhythmic activity. The AT receptor is expressed in the rectum, midgut and dorsal vessel, three critical organs involved in post-prandial diuresis. All together these findings provide evidence that AT plays a role as a myoregulatory and cardioacceleratory peptide in R. prolixus.  相似文献   

目的:以D型氨基酸替代的方式构建一种能抵抗血管紧张素转化酶(ACE)降解的异构体小肽AcSDKP,并对其抗纤维化活性进行初步研究,以期为AcSDKP在抗纤维化方面的应用提供依据。方法:用HPLC法检测D型氨基酸替代方式构建的AcSDKP异构体抗ACE降解的能力;用MTT法检测AcSDKP异构体对小鼠成纤维细胞L929和原代培养的心脏成纤维细胞增殖的影响;用流式细胞术检测AcSDKP异构体对骨髓干细胞(BMSC)向巨噬细胞分化的影响。结果:AcSDKP异构体均能抗ACE降解,能抑制L929细胞和心脏成纤维细胞增殖,能抑制BMSC向巨噬细胞分化。结论:构建了能抵抗ACE降解,在体外能抑制成纤维细胞增殖、巨噬细胞分化的AcSDKP异构体小肽,为该小肽进一步的体内研究及应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The interaction of an amphiphilic, 40-amino acid β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide with liposomal membranes as a function of sterol mole fraction (Xsterol) was studied based on the fluorescence anisotropy of a site-specific membrane sterol probe, dehydroergosterol (DHE), and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) from the native Tyr-10 residue of Aβ to DHE. Without Aβ, peaks or kinks in the DHE anisotropy versus Xsterol plot were detected at Xsterol ≈ 0.25, 0.33, and 0.53. Monomeric Aβ preserved these peaks/kinks, but oligomeric Aβ suppressed them and created a new DHE anisotropy peak at Xsterol ≈ 0.38. The above critical Xsterol values coincide favorably with the superlattice compositions predicted by the cholesterol superlattice model, suggesting that membrane cholesterol tends to adopt a regular lateral arrangement, or domain formation, in the lipid bilayers. For FRET, a peak was also detected at Xsterol ≈ 0.38 for both monomeric and oligomeric Aβ, implying increased penetration of Aβ into the lipid bilayer at this sterol mole fraction. We conclude that the interaction of Aβ with membranes is affected by the lateral organization of cholesterol, and hypothesize that the formation of an oligomeric Aβ/cholesterol domain complex may be linked to the toxicity of Aβ in neuronal membranes.  相似文献   

Animals have to judge environmental cues and choose the most suitable option for them from many different options. Female fruit flies selecting an optimum site to deposit their eggs is a biologically important reproductive behavior. When given the direct choice between ovipositing their eggs in a sucrose-containing medium or a caffeine-containing medium, female flies prefer the latter. However, the neural circuits and molecules that regulate this decision-making processes during egg-laying site selection remain poorly understood. In the present study, we found that amnesiac (amn) mutant flies show significant defects in egg-laying decisions, and such defects can be reversed by expressing the wild-type amn transgene in two dorsal paired medial (DPM) neurons in the brain. Silencing neuronal activity with an inward rectifier potassium channel (Kir2.1) in DPM neurons also impairs egg-laying decisions. Finally, the activity in mushroom body αβ neurons is required for the egg-laying behavior, suggesting a possible “DPM-αβ neurons” brain circuit modulating egg-laying decisions. Our results highlight the brain circuits and molecular mechanisms of egg-laying decisions in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Glutamate Decarboxylase Activities in Single Vertebrate Neurons   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
An enzymatic microassay method for glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) was improved to a degree yielding high sensitivity and low blank. Single cell bodies of anterior horn cells and dorsal root ganglion cells were dissected out from the freeze-dried sections of rabbit and chicken spinal cords and Purkinje cell bodies from those of rabbit cerebellum. A minute amount of GABA, present in single neurons or synthesized by GAD in single neurons, was enzymatically converted to NADPH. The NADPH was amplified 10,000-350,000-fold and measured, using an enzymatic amplification reaction (NADP cycling). GAD was contained in all Purkinje cell bodies and its average activity was four- to fivefold higher than those of the molecular and granular layers of rabbit cerebellum. The GABA concentration was threefold higher in Purkinje cell bodies than in these layers. GAD activity, at a level similar to that in the cerebellar layers, was found in almost all the cell bodies of anterior horn cells from rabbit and chicken. GABA was detected in 40% of rabbit neurons and not in chicken neurons. Dorsal root ganglion cells from both species contained no measurable GAD or GABA.  相似文献   

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