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本刊1954年6月号,曾发表过昆虫標本的採集制作和保存方法,详尽的介绍了全部制作昆虫標本的过程。这对于昆虫学的教学或研究工作,起了很大的作用。此外昆虫幼虫的標本同样是昆虫学;或与昆虫有关的各种学科不可缺少的研究材料,特别是农业和林业方面的虫害情况调查中,常常需要採集幼虫标本,以观察幼虫的形态和表示幼虫为害的经过。幼虫标本的採集对象主要是鳞翅目昆虫,其次是其他完  相似文献   

昆虫幼虫及其被害植物标本的浸渍方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柳仁 《昆虫学报》1953,(5):370-373
昆虫幼虫及其被害植物的标本浸渍方法,在认识和防治害虫工作上是一个很重要的问题。有的病虫防治机构需要制作一些昆虫标本供做宣传教育之用,以加强害虫的防治工作;有的需要浸渍一些标本供作研究,或寄至他处请专家定名。不论那种目的,总是希望能保存它原有的形态和色彩,以便识别,然而对於浸渍的方法总是存在着某些缺点,不是退了色就是变了样。因此,有些  相似文献   

过塑制作昆虫标本的简易方法《生物学通报))1993年第6期登载了林晓生的“过塑法制作鳞翅目昆虫标本”一文。在上述方法的启发下,我们改用电熨斗过塑制作昆虫标本,此方法简便、价廉,在标本的保存及展示上有同于上法的优点,现介绍如下:门)把采集来的昆虫按所需...  相似文献   

在科研、教学或病虫害防治中,往往要制作昆虫标本。制作蛾类幼虫标本时,常因没有吹胀器而遭失败。我们在实践中用注射针管代替吹胀器,取得了好的效果,现介绍出来,供参考。一、用具:一支5ml针管;一小段竹子侧枝(很细的竹枝);细镊子;园杆铅笔、火炭。  相似文献   

常见的昆虫标本盒,都是用木制玻璃盒制作,需要一定的成本,且工艺繁琐。在很多学校,往往由于资金不足,制作或购买昆虫标本盒有一定的困难。通过实践,本人利用废弃材料,经过简单的制作,制成了一种简易的昆虫标本盒.可以对普通的昆虫标本进行较长时间的保存。  相似文献   

记述食植瓢虫属 Epilachna Chevrolat3种中国新记录种及其 2种幼虫形态 ,编制了该属中国已知幼虫种类检索表。新记录种和幼虫标本均保存于南京农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

本文介绍一种简便制作小型鱼类形态标本的方法.包括以下步骤:1.制作前准备;2.剥离皮肤;3.支撑架制作与放置;4.缝合;5.配制填充材料;6.填充;7.装义眼与整理姿态;8.干燥,上色,生境制作与固定.与其他制作小型鱼类形态标本的方法相比,新方法中先缝合再填充的步骤,难度小,容易控制填充物的量,做出的标本形态更逼真.  相似文献   

保色昆虫标本制作螳螂、蝗虫、蝈蝈等绿色昆虫,很难做出令人满意的干制标本,原因是一般要破腹挖去内脏,这种昆虫标本保存一段时间后往往会变性发黑。为了保色我们利用特殊的处死方法,收到了满意的效果。材料和工具较大的昆虫针1根;大头针10余根;内铺吸水性能较好...  相似文献   

现在介绍制作鳞翅类标本方法供大家参考,这种制作较为简单容易,保管很方便,适用于中学大学生物系的勤俭办学对鳞翅类幼虫标本制作,现分干制浸制两种,干制适宜于形态、适应生活、拟态、农作物被害状等的幼虫;浸制适宜于发育程序。现在介绍干制如下:  相似文献   

记述食植瓢虫属Epilachna Chevrolat3种中国新记录种及其2种幼虫形态,编制了该属中国已知幼虫类检索秀。新记录种和幼虫标本均保存于南京农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

本文报道一种修复与翻新大中型鸟类标本的方法,包括以下步骤:1.拆标本;2.皮张回软、清洗;3.皮张修复缝合;4.涂抹防腐剂;5.支撑架制作与固定;6.填充与缝合;7.整形与标本固定.皮张回软时,利用药液浸泡可使皮张保持弹性,保证翻新后皮张仍保持完好形态.珍珠棉水果网作为填充物,既环保又可免招虫蛀,亦能使做出的标本形态更加逼真.  相似文献   

报道并描述了采自云南南部西双版纳具有1小叶的新分布种美脉木蓝Indigofera caloneura Kurz和采自广东具有单叶的新分布种心叶木蓝I. cordifolia Heyne ex Roth.。在中国还有另外3个具有单叶的种类, 即单叶木蓝I. linifolia、刺荚木蓝I. nummularifolia和远志木蓝I. squalida。通过从植物习性、茎、叶的形态与大小及毛被、托叶、花序、花冠形状与毛被、花药、子房毛被、果实的形态与大小、所含种子数目等特征的显微观察, 比较了国产单叶类木蓝属Indigofera植物的形态学特征差异, 并针对茎、叶、毛被、花冠旗瓣和果实形状等5个最重要的特征进行了讨论。  相似文献   

试验对亚硝酸氧化细菌的三种分离方法一稀释法,硅胶平板分离法和富集培养-微口吸管滴分法进行了比较,结果表明稀释法最简便易行,分离效果最好。  相似文献   

Marine mussels illustrate a stunning variability in shape and color. Such variability, added to the scarcity of reliable morphological characters for their identification, can mislead recognition prompting the assignation of specimens of a single species to different ones or incorporate specimens belonging to different taxa into a single one. DNA barcoding is widely used for species identification; however, as this method relies on the previous morphological identification of the specimens, some of the DNA sequences stored in DNA databases are incorrectly assigned to a given species. In view of this uncertainty, further criteria beyond morphological characters and DNA sequences in databases are required to more reliably and accurately identify marine mussels. In this work we mapped ribosomal RNA and histone gene clusters to chromosomes of four species of marine mussels and compared them with those from another eight marine mussel taxa. Specimens of these twelve taxa were also DNA barcoded. Our results clearly demonstrated that the chromosomal analysis of marine mussels could shed light on their identification and, therefore, solve contradictions posed by morphological and molecular data.  相似文献   

Mimetic resemblance in unpalatable butterflies has been studied by evolutionary biologists for over a century, but has largely focused on the convergence in wing color patterns. In Heliconius numata, discrete color‐pattern morphs closely resemble comimics in the distantly related genus Melinaea. We examine the possibility that the shape of the butterfly wing also shows adaptive convergence. First, simple measures of forewing dimensions were taken of individuals in a cross between H. numata morphs, and showed quantitative differences between two of the segregating morphs, f. elegans and f. silvana. Second, landmark‐based geometric morphometric and elliptical Fourier outline analyses were used to more fully characterize these shape differences. Extension of these techniques to specimens from natural populations suggested that, although many of the coexisting morphs could not be discriminated by shape, the differences we identified between f. elegans and f. silvana hold in the wild. Interestingly, despite extensive overlap, the shape variation between these two morphs is paralleled in their respective Melinaea comimics. Our study therefore suggests that wing‐shape variation is associated with mimetic resemblance, and raises the intriguing possibility that the supergene responsible for controlling the major switch in color pattern between morphs also contributes to wing shape differences in H. numata.  相似文献   

报道采自安徽省万佛山自然保护区的一种寄生在蜘蛛上的虫草标本,经鉴定为莲状虫草Cordycepsnelumboides。经多批次利用子囊孢子分离得到其刺束梗孢无性型Akanthomyces,属首次报道,并在人工固体培养基上得到了与野生标本一致的子实体,从丽确证了有性型与元性型之间的对应关系。经研究发现,KOBAYASI和SHIMIZU对莲状虫草次生子囊孢子的原始描述可能有误。  相似文献   

Abstract: The focus of digital photography has moved from documentation to quantitative analysis. To illustrate the potential application of this diagnostic tool to quantify color and shape, we photographed both artificial and natural semipalmated plover (Charadrius semipalmatus) nests to determine what benefits, if any, were derived from egg crypsis (i.e., eggshell color and egg marking shape). This simple and cost-effective method provides precise and repeatable quantification of color and shape that discriminated subtle differences in egg crypsis of artificial and natural nests that were not visible to us. The advantages of digital photography and image-editing software outweigh any shortcomings, as long as standard protocols are followed for capturing and analyzing images. Used with due care, digital photography is useful in studies that need to quickly assign biological traits, such as age and sex, to individuals, and to document temporal change that may occur as a response to management or disturbance.  相似文献   

A critical point drying method using dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) instead of liquid carbon dioxide is reported. After the specimens are placed in the chamber of the medical point drying apparatus, dry ice cut to the shape of the chamber is inserted. The chamber is closed and warmed to change the dry ice into liquid carbon dioxide. This method needs no gas cylinder and even minute or fragile specimens do not blow away because there is no flow of gas. This method can be used with any kind of critical point drying apparatus.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of taxonomy, species have been described based on morphology, but the advent of using semio-chemicals and genetics has led to the discovery of cryptic species (i.e. morphologically similar species). When a new cryptic species is described, earlier type specimens have to be re-evaluated, although this process can be challenging as only nondestructive methods ought to be used in order to preserve the integrity of the type specimens. Methods should allow comparison with recently collected specimens clustered based on chemical, ethological and/or genetic traits with old specimens (i.e. type specimens) where only morphological traits are available. Here we develop a method based on geometric morphometric analyses of wing shape for a taxonomically challenging group of bumblebees, the subgenus Alpinobombus Skorikov. We consider nine monophyletic taxa (including several cryptic species) to assess the accuracy of this method to discriminate the taxa based on their wing shape and then to attribute type specimens using a leave-one-out cross-validation procedure. We show that, for these bees, wing shape is taxon-specific, except for two sister taxa for which the species status is still debated. Moreover, for most of the taxa, type specimens were correctly attributed with high posterior probabilities of attribution, except for a few type specimens corresponding to the same two sister taxa where taxa delimitation based on wing shape was previously the subject of discussion. Our study highlights the potential of geometric morphometric analyses to help in the re-attribution of type specimens when the existence of cryptic species is revealed.  相似文献   

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