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Radziejewska  Teresa  Chabior  Marek 《Hydrobiologia》2004,514(1-3):171-181
In a four-year-long (1985–1988) study of macro- and meiobenthos of the Szczecin Lagoon, a eutrophic and polluted coastal water body directly connected with the southern Baltic Sea, peculiar interannual dynamics of variables related to abundance was observed. The interannual component of variability was stronger than fine-scale seasonal dynamics. The interannual variations followed a trend whereby abundance of meio- and macrobenthos as well as biomass of the latter was high in 1985, dropped in 1986 and 1987, and rose again in 1988. As the trend could not be explained by local environmental data, explanation was sought by invoking wider-scale climatic and hydrological processes. Data for severity of winters preceding each year of study as well as trends in atmospheric circulation patterns, wind regimes, river runoff characteristics, and near-bottom conductance (used as a proxy for seawater intrusions into the lagoon) were compared to seasonal anomalies in meiobenthic abundance as well as in macrobenthic abundance and biomass. The seasonal mean meiobenthic log abundance anomalies produced no significant correlation with any of the variables tested. In contrast, the seasonal mean log macrobenthos abundance and biomass anomalies were significantly negatively correlated with winter severity proxies (mean winter temperature and cold sum) and flow rate determined with time lags generally longer than one month. The results provide indication of differences in responses of meio- and macrobenthic communities to climatic (winter severity) and hydrological changes, the long-term effects being visible primarily within the macrobenthos. However, establishing sound causal relationships requires longer time-series of data.  相似文献   

The uptake of 15N-labelled nitrogen nutrients (ammonium, urea,nitrate) was studied during the decline of a bloom of nitrogen-fixingcyanobacteria in the Baltic Sea. This was done by sampling anorth-south transect of stations, representing different stagesof the bloom. Comparison with nitrogen fixation data showedthat this process was of minor importance, and that the nitrogenuptake was dominated by regenerated nitrogen, mainly ammonium.From time series incubations for studying nutrient uptake, itappears that the regeneration of ammonium was substantial, butthat the production of urea or nitrate was slow. The integrateddaily uptake was calculated for the 0–15 m interval atfour stations and values ranged between 6 and 21 mmol N m–2day–1, of which the regenerated nutrients, ammonium andurea, constituted 71–93%. Nitrate was of minor importanceand the highest nitrate uptake rates were found close to thethermocline (at 15 m) and in the southern part of the Baltic.Comparison with carbon fixation data reported from simultaneousmeasurements at two stations gave C/N uptake ratios of 4.9 and2.1 for integrated daily uptake. Contrary to earlier findings,the concentration of DON increased with increasing salinity(from 15 to 17 µmol l–1). This was correlated withthe declination of the bloom and is suggested to be a resultof a gradual release of less easily utilized DON from the degradationof cyanobacteria. The C/N ratio of DOM was high, 21–23.  相似文献   

While rare globally, blooms of the toxic cyanobacteria Nodularia spumigena are a recurring problem in a few estuaries, such as the Baltic Sea and several southern Australian estuaries. Here, we document recurring Nodularia spumigena Mertens blooms in the Gippsland Lakes, S.E. Australia; a temperate lagoon system with episodic, winter-spring dominated catchment inflows. Physico-chemical conditions exerted a strong influence over bloom development, with blooms consistently occurring at surface water salinities between 9 and 20 (average?=?15), inorganic nitrogen concentrations <0.4?μM, and inorganic nitrogen to reactive phosphorus ratios <5. There was a positive correlation between average annual chlorophyll a and total phosphorus (TP) load in years when there was no Nodularia bloom, but this relationship broke down in Nodularia bloom years, even though there was a strong correlation between in-lake TP and chlorophyll a during these years; this highlights the importance of internal sources of phosphorus to bloom development. Large catchment derived nitrate and nitrite (NOx) inputs following wildfires and floods in 2007, led to high concentrations of NOx within the surface waters of the Gippsland Lakes through the second half of 2007 and the start of 2008. We hypothesise that these high NOx concentrations were a key factor leading to an unprecedented Synechococcus sp. bloom that developed in the austral summer of 2007–2008, despite conditions that would otherwise favour a Nodularia bloom.  相似文献   

Exploring the trophic pathway of organic matter within the Mauguio lagoon (southern France, western Mediterranean), we found spatial differences in the isotopic composition (both δ13C and δ15N values) of organic matter sources (primary producers, particulate and sedimentary organic matter), which were mirrored in the upper trophic levels (invertebrates and fish). On average, δ13C was heavier by about 1.5–2‰ in the location under marine influence than in the sites influenced by freshwater discharge. The opposite trend was found for δ15N, which attained maximum values in the north-central zone influenced by freshwater delivery. For both C and N stable isotope ratios, the highest spatial variability was found in organic matter sources (2–3‰), while invertebrates and fish exhibited less variability (\~1–2‰). The differences observed may be related to both anthropogenic (wastewater input) and natural (marine vs. terrestrial inputs) factors. Discharge of wastewater, which affects the innermost location, generally determines an increase in the relative abundance of 15N. In addition, terrestrially derived nutrients and organic matter, which also affect the innermost location, are known to determine a shift towards 13C-depleted values. Our results substantiate the finding that the analysis of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes can help in elucidating origin and fate of organic matter in coastal lagoons, which are characterised by a great spatial variability and complexity.  相似文献   

Cryptomonadales have acquired their plastids by secondary endosymbiosis. A novel clade—CRY1—has been discovered at the base of the Cryptomonadales tree, but it remains unknown whether it contains plastids. Cryptomonadales are also an important component of phytoplankton assemblages. However, they cannot be readily identified in fixed samples, and knowledge on dynamics and distribution of specific taxa is scarce. We investigated the phenology of the CRY1 lineage, three cryptomonadales clades and a species Proteomonas sulcata in a brackish lagoon of the Baltic Sea (salinity 0.3–3.9) using fluorescence in situ hybridization. A newly design probe revealed that specimens of the CRY1 lineage were aplastidic. This adds evidence against the chromalveolate hypothesis, and suggests that the evolution of cryptomonadales’ plastids might have been shorter than is currently assumed. The CRY1 lineage was the most abundant cryptomonad clade in the lagoon. All of the studied cryptomonads peaked in spring at the most freshwater station, except for P. sulcata that peaked in summer and autumn. Salinity and concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen most significantly affected their distribution and dynamics. Our findings contribute to the ecology and evolution of cryptomonads, and may advance understanding of evolutionary relationships within the eukaryotic tree of life.  相似文献   

《Harmful algae》2008,7(6):781-789
A monitoring program with a weekly sampling frequency over a 15-month period indicates that urea concentrations above a certain threshold level may trigger the blooms of Alexandrium catenella in Thau lagoon. However, urea concentrations were also sometimes related to ammonium and dissolved organic nitrogen concentrations, indicating that the role of urea may not be a direct one. An original approach is used to assess the relative contribution of several nitrogen sources (nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, urea) to growth of A. catenella by comparing nitrogen uptake rates to nitrogen-based growth rates estimated from dilution experiments during four blooms over a 4-year period (2001–2004) in Thau lagoon. Nitrate and nitrite contributed 0.1–14% and 0.1–5% respectively of growth requirements. Ammonium and urea were the main N sources fueling growth of A. catenella (30–100% and 2–59%, respectively). Indirect estimates indicated that an unidentified N source could also contribute significantly to growth at specific times. Concerning ammonium and urea uptake kinetics, half-saturation constants varied between 0.2 and 20 μgat N L−1 for ammonium and between 0.1 and 44 μgat N L−1 over the 4-year period, indicating that A. catenella can have a competitive advantage over other members of the phytoplankton even under low concentrations of ammonium and urea. However, the observed large changes in ammonium and urea uptake kinetics on a short time scale (days) during blooms preclude more precise estimates of those contributions to growth and require further investigation.  相似文献   

Bahía San Quintín is a coastal lagoon with large Ulva biomass and upwelling influence. Previous observations suggest that Ulva has increased recently as a result of oyster cultivation. To evaluate the possible role of Ulva as a temporary nutrient sink, biomass and tissue C, N, and P were determined seasonally. Maximum biomass was present during spring and early summer (1,413–1,160 t (dry)) covering about 400 ha. However, the biomass decreased to 35 t (dry) by winter. The mean annual percentage of Ulva C, N, and P was 28%, 2%, and 0.14%, respectively. This study shows that Ulva can store up to 28 t of N and 2 t of P in Bahía San Quintín during spring–summer. Ulva may be displacing the seagrass Zostera marina subtidal beds. A partial removal of the seaweed would reduce the risk of eutrophication and the displacement of eelgrass beds.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationships between sediment (subaqueous soil) properties and eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) distribution to develop landscape-level soil-based strategies for choosing eelgrass restoration locations. Subaqueous soils were sampled and eelgrass cover determined for 14 soil-landscape units within a 116 ha area of Ninigret Pond, a coastal lagoon in Rhode Island, USA. Of the 14 soil-landscape units sampled for eelgrass cover, 52% had virtually no eelgrass cover (<10%), while 18% had high eelgrass cover (>90%). The Lagoon Bottom, Shallow Lagoon Bottom, Flood-tidal Delta Slope, and Barrier Cove subaqueous soil-landscape units had the highest eelgrass cover (66–100%). A weak relationship between eelgrass cover and water depths (r2 = 0.10) was observed suggesting that properties other than water depth may also control eelgrass distribution. Subaqueous soils on landscapes with >60% eelgrass cover had relatively high levels of acid-volatile sulfides (>90 μg/g), high soil salinity levels (34–44 ppt), fine textures (silt loam), and relatively high total nitrogen levels (>0.15%). Four principal components accounted for 81% of the variability in eelgrass cover. The first component reflected particle-size distribution (i.e. sand, silt, and clay contents) effects and accounted for 43% of the variability. The other components suggested that eelgrass cover is correlated to carbonaceous remains, non-calcareous rock fragments and soil salinity. These data suggest that the current distribution of eelgrass within the study area is strongly influenced by physical and chemical subaqueous soil characteristics. Soil survey techniques proved useful for the delineation of sediment characteristics (e.g. texture, salinity) that influence eelgrass distribution patterns at landscape-level scales.  相似文献   

A field experiment was performed to test whether cyanobacterial nitrogen fixation rates increase or decrease when exposed to low and moderate microarthropod grazing intensities. The densities of naturally occurring Collembola, i.e. Hypogastrura viatica, were manipulated on a salt marsh covered with cyanobacteria in the high Arctic, Svalbard. Nitrogen-fixation rates in grazed cyanobacterial crust were measured and used as an indirect measurement of cyanobacterial biomass on three dates during one summer. After 30 days, a second order polynomial regression gave a good fit to the data, indicating an increase in nitrogen-fixation rates at low/intermediate grazing pressures and a decrease at high grazing pressures. Thus, grazing collembolans may influence the nitrogen-fixation rates in an arctic salt-marsh community. Although based on a small set of data, the study indicates a compensatory fixation at low grazing pressures followed by a reduction at high grazing pressures. Accepted: 21 March 2000  相似文献   

Coastal lagoons provide an excellent basis for the study of processes controlling the evolution of a coastal zone. We examine the relative importance of these processes during the middle to late Holocene through a study of an 8.5 meter-long sediment record from the Albufera de Valencia (Spain). We combine sedimentological analyses with investigations into the palaeoecology, taphonomy and geochemistry (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, δ18O and δ13C) of ostracod valves in order to assess the effects of sea-level changes, storm events and effective moisture on the evolution of a Western Mediterranean coastal wetland. The late Pleistocene sediments represent a subaerial environment, which was followed by a hiatus in deposition. The first Holocene unit (8700–7500 calendar yr. BP) is composed of typical lagoon-barrier and backshore sediments, deposited when seawater intruded into the lake and the climate was arid. The upper part of the sequence (between 7500 and 3400 yr.) is characterized by two sedimentary units, which correspond to Holocene progradation phases and humid climate associated with an increased freshwater influx to the lake accompanied by several high-energy events (palaeostorms). Overall, the record shows that an arid climate prevailed in the western Mediterranean area between 8400 and 7600 yr. The main marine transgression and accompanying progradational phases occurred between 7000 and 3400 yr., which is confirmed by other studies of coastal evolution along the Mediterranean coast. The multiproxy reconstructions demonstrate that controls on sedimentation and palaeoecology in this Mediterranean coastal lagoon were complex.  相似文献   

Fungi living in sediments (‘mycobenthos’) are hypothesized to play a role in the degradation of organic matter deposited at the land-sea interface, but the environmental factors influencing the mycobenthos are poorly understood. We used mock community calibrated Illumina sequencing to show that the mycobenthos community structure in a coastal lagoon was significantly changed after exposure to a lignocellulose extract and subsequent development of benthic anoxia over a relatively short (10 h) incubation. Saprotrophic taxa dominated and were selected for under benthic anoxia, specifically Aquamyces (Chytridiomycota) and Orbilia (Ascomycota), implicating these genera as important benthic saprotrophs. Protein encoding genes involved in energy and biomass production from Fungi and the fungal-analogue group Labyrinthulomycetes had the highest increase in expression with the added organic matter compared with all other groups, indicating that lignocellulose stimulates metabolic activity in the mycobenthos. Flavobacteria dominated the active bacterial community that grew rapidly with the lignocellulose extract and crashed sharply upon O2 depletion. Our findings indicate that the diversity, activity and trophic potential of the mycobenthos changes rapidly in response to organic matter and decreasing O2 concentrations, which together with heterotrophic Flavobacteria, undergo ‘boom and bust’ dynamics during lignocellulose degradation in estuarine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Toxic blooms of cyanobacteria in the Patos Lagoon Estuary,southern Brazil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Patos Lagoon is the largest lagoonal system in South America. Its waters are formed by a huge drainage basin (201,600 km2) situated in the most industrialized areas of the Southern state of Rio Grande do Sul. On its margins more than 3 million inhabitants live in several cities and towns. The lagoon waters are used for leisure, drinking, industry, fisheries, agriculture and navigation. A monitoring and sampling program was developed from February 1994 to January 1996 with emphasis on the estuarine area, aiming to evaluate the occurrence of algal blooms. In the last 15 years, several cyanobacterial (blue-green algal) blooms of theMicrocystis aeruginosa have been registered in the lagoon estuary. HighM. aeruginosa biomass (50 to 9,000 g chla l–1) was observed in the whole region in late summer and autumn 1994, and early summer 1995. The LD50 of toxic bloom samples tested in mice varied from 22 to 250 mg dry weight kg body weight–1 while levels of toxicity (LC50) in the brine shrimp varied from 0.47 to 2.44 mg ml–1. Toxicity varied in different blooms, in the distances along the scum and with time, within the same bloom. The hepatotoxin microcystin-LR was identified in almost all samples.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation of phosphate concentration and saturation index for calcite in water of a small stratified coastal lagoon have been studied. In surface waters, where salinity was low and pH high, the saturation index increased to values near 20, whereas in bottom water, with high salinity and low pH, they were usually lower. The ionic product for H3PO4 was strongly correlated with the ionic product of Ca(OH)2 in surface and bottom waters, and with the ionic product of CaCO3 in bottom, which suggested that chemical composition was mainly controlled by a calcium-phosphate solid phase.The low concentrations of phosphate in surface were due to chemical precipitation and organic sedimentation, whereas in bottom, calcium phosphate redissolved and organic matter was mineralized producing high concentrations of soluble phosphate (> 60 µmol l–1).Decrease of calcium-bound phosphate in the upper layers of sediment was in agreement with a diminution of calcium-phosphate precipitation, probably due to a lower influence of seawater in the past.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Here we study the pattern of disappearance of Ruppia cirrhosa Petagna (Grande) litter in the field and evaluate several variables that determine the loss rate: external nitrogen and...  相似文献   

Phytoplankton populations were investigated weekly at a central station in the Fusaro lagoon (Mediterranean Sea) from 27 November 1989 to 18 June 1990 to assess species composition, temporal succession and standing stock of the different species. Chlorophyll concentrations varied from 1.2 to 73.2 µg 1–1 in surface waters, and from 1.3 to 53.5 µg 1–1 at the 4.5 m depth. Phytoplankton communities were dominated by Prorocentrum micans Ehrenberg in December and January, and by small-sized diatoms in the rest of the sampling period. In surface waters, a maximum biomass of 9.5 mg C 1–1 was measured in January, in correspondence with high concentrations (8.1 × 106 cells 1–1) of P. micans, whereas an abundance peak of 159.9 × 106 cells 1–1 was registered on the last sampling date due to a massive bloom of a very small diatom, Minutocellus polymorphus (Hargraves & Guillard) Hasle, von Stosch & Syvertsen. On the whole, phytoplankton populations of the Fusaro lagoon showed distinct characters as compared to those of southern Tyrrhenian coastal waters and of other lagoons.  相似文献   

In the Baltic Sea, cyanobacterial community is mainly composed of filamentous nitrogen-fixing forms, including the toxic Nodularia spumigena, and single-celled picocyanobacteria (Pcy), represented by Synechococcus spp. The main aim of the work was to test the hypothesis that the picocyanobacteria dependend on the presence of the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria. In addition, the contamination of blue mussels and fish with nodularin (NOD), the N.?spumigena toxin, was examined. In years 2008?C2011, the samples for the study were collected in the Southern Baltic Proper using FerryBox system and, occasionally, during research cruises. The analyses showed no correlation between the growth of the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria and Synechococcus. Compared with the previously published data, a shift in the composition of Pcy phenotypes was observed. This shift might be an indication of the proceeding changes induced by the reduced nutrient loading and/or climate change. Analyses of NOD revealed differences in the cyanotoxin concentrations between mussels of different shell size. The highest concentration of NOD was detected in the liver of round goby. However, temporarily, also the fish muscles were significantly contaminated with the toxin.  相似文献   

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