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Sparse geometric information from limited field-of-view medical images is often used to reconstruct the femur in biomechanical models of the hip and knee. However, the full femur geometry is needed to establish boundary conditions such as muscle attachment sites and joint axes which define the orientation of joint loads. Statistical shape models have been used to estimate the geometry of the full femur from varying amounts of sparse geometric information. However, the effect that different amounts of sparse data have on reconstruction accuracy has not been systematically assessed. In this study, we compared shape model and linear scaling reconstruction of the full femur surface from varying proportions of proximal and distal partial femur geometry in combination with morphometric and landmark data. We quantified reconstruction error in terms of surface-to-surface error as well as deviations in the reconstructed femur’s anatomical coordinate system which is important for biomechanical models. Using a partial proximal femur surface, mean shape model-based reconstruction surface error was 1.8 mm with 0.15° or less anatomic axis error, compared to 19.1 mm and 2.7–5.6° for linear scaling. Similar results were found when using a partial distal surface. However, varying amounts of proximal or distal partial surface data had a negligible effect on reconstruction accuracy. Our results show that given an appropriate set of sparse geometric data, a shape model can reconstruct full femur geometry with far greater accuracy than simple scaling.  相似文献   

The basic stress pathway above the acetabular dome is important for the maintenance of implant stability in press-fit acetabular reconstruction of total hip arthroplasty. However, information on the basic stress pathway and its impact factors remains unclear. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of the orientations and positions of the acetabular component on the basic stress pathway. The basic stress pathway above the acetabular dome was defined as two parts: 3D basic trabecular bone stress distribution and quantified basic cortical bone stress level, using two subject-specific finite element normal hip models. The effects were then analysed by generating 32 reconstructed acetabular cases with different cup abduction and anteversion angles within a range of 35–50° and 10–25°, respectively, and 12 cases with different hip centre heights within a range of 0–15 mm above the acetabular dome. The 3D trabecular stress distribution decreased remarkably in all cases, while the 80% of the basic cortical bone stress level was maintained in cases when the acetabular component was positioned at 10° or 15° anteversion and 40° or 45° abduction angles. The basic stress pathway above the acetabular dome was disturbed when the superior displacement of the hip centre exceeded 5 mm above the anatomical hip centre. Positioning the acetabular component correctly contributes to maintain the stress balance between the acetabular cup and the bone during acetabular reconstruction, thus helping restore the normal hip biomechanics and preserve the stability of the implants.  相似文献   

Knee osteoarthritis (OA) results in changes such as joint-space narrowing and osteophyte formation. Radiographic classification systems group patients by the presence or absence of these gross anatomical features but are poorly correlated to function. Statistical-shape modelling (SSM) can detect subtle differences in 3D-bone geometry, providing an opportunity for accurate predictive models. The aim of this study was to describe and quantify the main modes of shape variation which distinguish end-stage OA from asymptomatic knees. Seventy-six patients with OA and 77 control participants received a CT of their knee. 3D models of the joint were created by manual segmentation. A template mesh was fitted to all meshes and rigidly aligned resulting in a set of correspondent meshes. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was performed to create the SSM. Logistic regression was performed on the PCA weights to distinguish morphological features of the two groups. The first 7 modes of the SSM captured >90% shape variation with 6 modes best distinguishing between OA and asymptomatic knees. OA knees displayed sub-chondral bone expansion particularly in the condyles and posterior medial tibial plateau of up to 10 mm. The model classified the two groups with 95% accuracy, 96% sensitivity, 94% specificity, and 97% AUC. There were distinct features which differentiated OA from asymptomatic knees. Further research will elucidate how magnitude and location of shape changes in the knee influence clinical and functional outcomes.  相似文献   


Accurate CT bone segmentation is essential to develop chair-side manufacturing of implants based on additive manufacturing. We herewith present an automated method able to accurately segment challenging bone regions, while simultaneously providing anatomical correspondences. The method was evaluated on demanding regions: normal and osteoarthritic scapulae, healthy and atrophied mandibles, and orbital bones. On average, results were accurate with surface distances of approximately 0.5?mm and average Dice coefficients >90%. Since anatomical correspondences are propagated during the segmentation process, this approach can directly yield anatomical measurements, provide design parameters for personalized surgical instruments, or determine the bone geometry to manufacture patient-specific implants.  相似文献   

Blood flow patterns in the human left ventricle (LV) have shown relation to cardiac health. However, most studies in the literature are limited to a few patients and results are hard to generalize. This study aims to provide a new framework to generate more generalized insights into LV blood flow as a function of changes in anatomy and wall motion. In this framework, we studied the four-dimensional blood flow in LV via computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in conjunction with a statistical shape model (SSM), built from segmented LV shapes of 150 subjects. We validated results in an in-vitro dynamic phantom via time-resolved optical particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements. This combination of CFD and the SSM may be useful for systematically assessing blood flow patterns in the LV as a function of varying anatomy and has the potential to provide valuable data for diagnosis of LV functionality.  相似文献   

Statistical shape models (SSM) of bony surfaces have been widely proposed in orthopedics, especially for anatomical bone modeling, joint kinematic analysis, staging of morphological abnormality, and pre- and intra-operative shape reconstruction. In the SSM computation, reference shape selection, shape registration and point correspondence computation are fundamental aspects determining the quality (generality, specificity and compactness) of the SSM. Such procedures can be made critical by the presence of large morphological dissimilarities within the surfaces, not only because of anthropometrical variability but also mainly due to pathological abnormalities. In this work, we proposed a SW pipeline for SSM construction based on pair-wise (PW) shape registration, which requires the a-priori selection of the reference shape, and on a custom iterative point correspondence algorithm. We addressed large morphological deformations in five different bony surface sets, namely proximal femur, distal femur, patella, proximal fibula and proximal tibia, extracted from a retrospective patient dataset. The technique was compared to a method from the literature, based on group-wise (GW) shape registration. As a main finding, the proposed technique provided generalization and specificity median errors, for all the five bony regions, lower than 2?mm. The comparative analysis provided basically similar results. Particularly, for the distal femur that was the shape affected by the largest pathological deformations, the differences in generalization, specificity and compactness were lower than 0.5?mm, 0.5?mm, and 1%, respectively. We can argue the proposed pipeline, along with the robust correspondence algorithm, is able to compute high-quality SSM of bony shapes, even affected by large morphological variability.  相似文献   

目的 建立用于研究应力对大段骨缺损修复作用的实验兔动物模型.方法 选用20只健康成年大耳白兔,随机分成两组,在右侧肱骨中下段制造13 mm的大段骨缺损后植入泡沫碳化硅人工骨,实验组选用具有固定和持续轴向加压双重作用的镍钛记忆合金接骨器,对照组选用同种材料和规格的仅有固定作用的接骨器,术后常规护理,待取材观察.结果 20只实验兔中,7只在苏醒后当天,10只术后1~3 d,3只术后4~7 d,出现植入体从植入部位脱出游离至皮下现象.结论 用于研究应力对大段骨缺损修复作用的实验兔动物模型未成功建立,镍钛记忆合金接骨器对兔肱骨大段骨缺损处人工骨的固定和持续加载,在实验兔肱骨难以实现.  相似文献   

Outcomes of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) are dependent on surgical technique, patient variability, and implant design. Non-optimal design or alignment choices may result in undesirable contact mechanics and joint kinematics, including poor joint alignment, instability, and reduced range of motion. Implant design and surgical alignment are modifiable factors with potential to improve patient outcomes, and there is a need for robust implant designs that can accommodate patient variability. Our objective was to develop a statistical shape-function model (SFM) of a posterior stabilized implanted knee to instantaneously predict joint mechanics in an efficient manner. Finite element methods were combined with Latin hypercube sampling and regression analyses to produce modeling equations relating nine implant design and six surgical alignment parameters to tibiofemoral (TF) joint mechanics outcomes during a deep knee bend. A SFM was developed and TF contact mechanics, kinematics, and soft tissue loads were instantaneously predicted from the model. Average normalized root-mean-square error predictions were between 2.79% and 9.42%, depending on the number of parameters included in the model. The statistical shape-function model generated instantaneous joint mechanics predictions using a maximum of 130 training simulations, making it ideally suited for integration into a patient-specific design and alignment optimization pipeline. Such a tool may be used to optimize kinematic function to achieve more natural motion or minimize implant wear, and may aid the engineering and clinical communities in improving patient satisfaction and surgical outcomes.  相似文献   

Computed tomography (CT) provides both anatomical and density information about tissues. Bone is segmented by raw images and Finite Element Method (FEM) voxel-based meshing technique is achieved by matching each CT voxel to a single finite element (FE). As a consequence of the automated model reconstruction, unstable elements – i.e. elements insufficiently anchored to the whole model and thus potentially involved in partial rigid body motion – can be generated, a crucial problem in obtaining consistent FE models, hindering mechanical analyses. Through the classification of instabilities on topological connections between elements, a numerical procedure is proposed in order to avoid unconstrained models.  相似文献   

The design of total shoulder arthroplasty implants are guided by anatomy. The objective of this study was to develop statistical models to quantify shape and material property variation in the scapula. Material-mapped models were reconstructed from CT scans for a training set of subjects. Statistical shape (SSM) and intensity (SIM) models were created; SSM modes described scaling, changes in the medial border and acromial process, and elongation of the scapular blade. SIM modes captured bone quality changes in the anterior and inferior glenoid. Bone quality was independent of scapular morphology. Variation described by the statistical representations can inform implant design and sizing.  相似文献   

State-of-the-art fluoroscopic knee kinematic analysis methods require the patient-specific bone shapes segmented from CT or MRI. Substituting the patient-specific bone shapes with personalizable models, such as statistical shape models (SSM), could eliminate the CT/MRI acquisitions, and thereby decrease costs and radiation dose (when eliminating CT). SSM based kinematics, however, have not yet been evaluated on clinically relevant joint motion parameters.  相似文献   

Ina retrospective study validated by a standardized clinical and radiologicalexamination, the bone regeneration in 90 patients with cystic mandibulardefectswas examined. In 50 patients bony defect reconstructions with humandemineralised bone matrix (HDBM) were carried out, while in a comparable groupof 40 patients the hollow pockets were left to regenerate bone spontaneously.The bone regeneration after the implantation of human demineralised bone matrix(HDBM) was subjected to a comparative validation. Osteoinductive proteinspresent in HDBM (bone morphogenetic proteins) can diffuse into the implant seatand induce new bone formation (osteoinduction). A markedly faster and morethorough bone regeneration was demonstrated after the surgical therapy ofcysticmandibular lesions with HDBM than without. HDBM also proved to be exceptionallybiocompatible.  相似文献   

Bone defects create stress concentrations which can cause fracture under impact or cyclic loading. Defects are often repaired by filling them with a bone graft material; this will reduce the stress concentration, but not completely, because these materials have lower stiffness than bone. The fracture risk decreases over time as the graft material is replaced by living bone. Many new bone graft materials are being developed, using tissue engineering and other techniques, but currently there is no rational way to compare these materials and predict their effectiveness in repairing a given defect. This paper describes, for the first time, a theoretical model which can be used to predict failure by brittle fracture or fatigue, initiating at the defect. Preliminary results are presented, concentrating on the prediction of stress fracture during the crucial post-operative period. It is shown that the likelihood of fracture is strongly influenced by the shape of the defect as well as its size, and also by the level of post-operative exercise. The most important finding is that bone graft materials can be successful in preventing fracture even when their mechanical properties are greatly inferior to those of bone. Future uses of this technique include pre-clinical assessment of bone replacement materials and pre-operative planning in orthopaedic surgery.  相似文献   

Realistic numerical assessments of liver injury risk for the entire occupant population require incorporating inter-subject variations into numerical models. Statistical shape models of the abdominal organs have been shown to be useful tools for the investigation of the organ variations and could be applied to the development of statistical computational models. The main objective of this study was to establish a standard procedure to quantify the shape variations of a human liver in a seated posture, and construct three-dimensional (3D) statistical shape boundary models.  相似文献   


The design of child restraints is guided in part by anthropometric data describing the distributions of body dimensions of children. However, three-dimensional body shape data have not been available for children younger than three years of age. This study presents body shape models for children weighing 9–23?kg in a seated posture relevant to child restraint design. A laboratory study collected surface geometry data of 67 children, ages 12–58 months. Novel template fitting methods were employed to obtain homologous meshes and to standardize the posture. Principal component analysis and regression were used to develop a statistical body shape model (SBSM). The SBSM was exercised to create 18 manikins representing children aged 1–3 years, with varying size and shape. These manikins will be useful for assessing child accommodation in restraints. The SBSM can also provide guidance for the development of anthropomorphic test devices and computational models of child occupants.  相似文献   

We report a procedure for the virtual reconstruction of incomplete human bones applicable to skeletal remains from archaeological excavations or to reconstructive and prosthetic surgery. To test the procedure, we reconstructed a fragmented left clavicle on the basis of the contralateral clavicle. The procedure involved 3‐D laser scanner acquisition of the left clavicle (complete but broken into two parts), the same manually reconstructed bone, and the intact right clavicle, which was mirror‐imaged and used as a reference for the reconstruction of the whole left clavicle. Because it was not possible to recognize homologous anatomical landmarks, on the two reference models (a mirror‐image copy of the right clavicle and the main fragment of the left), we identified three grids with an increasing number of corresponding landmarks, which constituted the framework of the deformation process. The three reconstructed digital models of the clavicle closely approximated the model of the original clavicle. They also showed that an increasing number of landmarks did not significantly improve the reconstructed model. Am J Phys Anthropol 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Marker-based dynamic functional or regression methods are used to compute joint centre locations that can be used to improve linear scaling of the pelvis in musculoskeletal models, although large errors have been reported using these methods. This study aimed to investigate if statistical shape models could improve prediction of the hip joint centre (HJC) location. The inclusion of complete pelvis imaging data from computed tomography (CT) was also explored to determine if free-form deformation techniques could further improve HJC estimates. Mean Euclidean distance errors were calculated between HJC from CT and estimates from shape modelling methods, and functional- and regression-based linear scaling approaches. The HJC of a generic musculoskeletal model was also perturbed to compute the root-mean squared error (RMSE) of the hip muscle moment arms between the reference HJC obtained from CT and the different scaling methods. Shape modelling without medical imaging data significantly reduced HJC location error estimates (11.4 ± 3.3 mm) compared to functional (36.9 ± 17.5 mm, p = <0.001) and regression (31.2 ± 15 mm, p = <0.001) methods. The addition of complete pelvis imaging data to the shape modelling workflow further reduced HJC error estimates compared to no imaging (6.6 ± 3.1 mm, p = 0.002). Average RMSE were greatest for the hip flexor and extensor muscle groups using the functional (16.71 mm and 8.87 mm respectively) and regression methods (16.15 mm and 9.97 mm respectively). The effects on moment-arms were less substantial for the shape modelling methods, ranging from 0.05 to 3.2 mm. Shape modelling methods improved HJC location and muscle moment-arm estimates compared to linear scaling of musculoskeletal models in patients with hip osteoarthritis.  相似文献   

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