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Ogrinc  N.  Hintelmann  H.  Eckley  C.  Lojen  S. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,496(1-3):207-213
The functional morphology of the feeding palps and prostomium of the spionid polychaetes Streblospio benedicti and S. shrubsolii was studied. Three functional groups of cilia of the feeding palps were found on both species – frontal cilia, latero-frontal cirri and lateral cilia. Frontal cilia line the food groove and transport food particles to the pharynx, and have been reported for all spionid polychaetes except species of the genus Scolelepis. Latero-frontal cirri deflect particles onto the frontal surface and have been observed in several spionid genera including Paraprionospio, Streblospio, Polydora and Dipolydora. Lateral cilia beat in continuous metachronal waves creating lateral vortices that potentially entrain suspended particles, and are known in Paraprionospio and Streblospio. The two species of Streblospio did differ in the distribution of prostomial papillae. These papillae are eversible and thought to function in particle selection as particles on the pharynx come in contact with the papillae. Prostomial papillae were restricted to the peripheral surface of S. benedicti and were widely scattered on all surfaces of the prostomium of S. shrubsolii. A conical tentaculate structure occurs between the branchiae of the first setiger of S. benedicti, but only a low raised elevation is present on S. shrubsolii.  相似文献   

A large carbon pool and small sink in boreal Holocene lake sediments   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Model‐based estimates suggest that lake sediments may be a significant, long‐term sink for organic carbon (C) at regional to global scales. These models have used various approaches to predict sediment storage at broad scales from very limited data sets. Here, we report a large‐scale direct assessment of the standing stock and sedimentation rate of C for a representative set of lakes in Finland. The 122 lakes were selected from the statistically selected Nordic Lake Survey database, they cover the entire country and the water quality represents the average lake water quality in Finland. Unlike all prior estimates, these data use sediment cores that comprise the entire sediment record. The data show that within Finland, aquatic ecosystems contain the second largest areal C stocks (19 kg C m?2) after peatlands (72 kg C m?2), and exceed by significant amounts stocks in the forest soil (uppermost 75cm; 7.2 kg C m?2) and woody biomass (3.4 kg C m?2). Kauppi et al. (1997). The Finnish estimate extrapolated over the boreal region gives a total C pool in lakes 19–27 Pg C, significantly lower than the previous model‐based estimates.  相似文献   

Mangrove sediments from three different mangrove ecosystems (Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary in the Godavari Delta, Andhra Pradesh, India, and Galle and Pambala, south-west Sri Lanka) were analysed for their organic carbon content, elemental ratios (C:N) and carbon stable isotope composition. Organic carbon content (0.6 – 31.7% dry weight), C/N ratios (7.0 – 27.3) and 13C (between –29.4 and –20.6) showed a wide range of values. Lower stocks of organic carbon coincided with low C/N (atom) ratios and less negative 13C values, indicating import of marine or estuarine particulate suspended matter. High organic carbon stocks coincided with high C/N ratios and 13C values close, but not equal, to those of the mangrove vegetation. The variations observed in this study and published literature data could be adequately described by a simple two-end mixing model, whereby marine/estuarine suspended matter and mangrove litter were taken as end members. Thus, while in some mangrove ecosystems or vegetation zones, organic carbon stocks can be very high and are almost entirely of mangrove origin, there also appear to be cases in which deposited estuarine or marine suspended matter is the dominant source of organic carbon and nitrogen in mangrove sediments. This situation is remarkably similar to that observed in temperate salt marsh ecosystems where the importance of local vascular plant production to the sediment organic carbon pool is equally variable. The observed high variability in organic matter origin is thought to have a major impact on the overall carbon dynamics in intertidal mangrove ecosystems.  相似文献   

A 1100-year long record of lake ecosystem response to climate and catchment change with precise chronological control is reported. Diatom and pollen assemblages of an annually laminated (varved) sediment from a northern Swedish lake (Kassjön, Våsterbotten) were used as records of lake diatom communities and catchment vegetation. These data were compared with summer temperature estimates based on tree-ring records of the same geographical area to identify the effects of climate change and catchment disturbance on diatom assemblages in the lake. In a canonical ordination, 23% of the variability in the total diatom assemblages for the period AD1040–1804 was accounted for by changes in pollen data which reflect agricultural development in the catchment. Diatom species richness, however, exhibited a stronger relationship with summer temperature and, significantly, declined with the lower temperatures associated with the Little Ice Age minimum (early 17th century). Summer temperature accounted for 23% of the variability in diatom species richness 20 years later. The mechanism behind this time-lag is unclear, but may be related to catchment-mediated effects, given recent evidence for lags in the response of boreal-forest vegetation regeneration cycles to climatic variability. These results suggest that climate-related effects on lakes occurring over medium timescales can be resolved in lake sediments. Moreover, it is possible to identify these effects despite cultural-related signals, but as the latter become more extreme in the late 20th century the climate signal is obscured.  相似文献   

J&#;ntti  Helena  Jilbert  Tom  Aalto  Sanni L.  Simojoki  Asko  Mangayil  Rahul  Peura  Sari  Rissanen  Antti J. 《Hydrobiologia》2022,849(9):2145-2160
Hydrobiologia - The nitrogen availability, that affects the greenhouse gas emission and the trophic level of lakes, is controlled mainly by microbial processes. We measured in a boreal nitrate and...  相似文献   

The accumulation of soil carbon (C) is regulated by a complex interplay between abiotic and biotic factors. Our study aimed to identify the main drivers of soil C accumulation in the boreal forest of eastern North America. Ecosystem C pools were measured in 72 sites of fire origin that burned 2–314 years ago over a vast region with a range of ? mean annual temperature of 3°C and one of ? 500 mm total precipitation. We used a set of multivariate a priori causal hypotheses to test the influence of time since fire (TSF), climate, soil physico‐chemistry and bryophyte dominance on forest soil organic C accumulation. Integrating the direct and indirect effects among abiotic and biotic variables explained as much as 50% of the full model variability. The main direct drivers of soil C stocks were: TSF >bryophyte dominance of the FH layer and metal oxide content >pH of the mineral soil. Only climate parameters related to water availability contributed significantly to explaining soil C stock variation. Importantly, climate was found to affect FH layer and mineral soil C stocks indirectly through its effects on bryophyte dominance and organo‐metal complexation, respectively. Soil texture had no influence on soil C stocks. Soil C stocks increased both in the FH layer and mineral soil with TSF and this effect was linked to a decrease in pH with TSF in mineral soil. TSF thus appears to be an important factor of soil development and of C sequestration in mineral soil through its influence on soil chemistry. Overall, this work highlights that integrating the complex interplay between the main drivers of soil C stocks into mechanistic models of C dynamics could improve our ability to assess C stocks and better anticipate the response of the boreal forest to global change.  相似文献   

Role of lakes for organic carbon cycling in the boreal zone   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We calculated the carbon loss (mineralization plus sedimentation) and net CO2 escape to the atmosphere for 79 536 lakes and total running water in 21 major Scandinavian catchments (size range 437–48 263 km2). Between 30% and 80% of the total organic carbon that entered the freshwater ecosystems was lost in lakes. Mineralization in lakes and subsequent CO2 emission to the atmosphere was by far the most important carbon loss process. The withdrawal capacity of lakes on the catchment scale was closely correlated to the mean residence time of surface water in the catchment, and to some extent to the annual mean temperature represented by latitude. This result implies that variation of the hydrology can be a more important determinant of CO2 emission from lakes than temperature fluctuations. Mineralization of terrestrially derived organic carbon in lakes is an important regulator of organic carbon export to the sea and may affect the net exchange of CO2 between the atmosphere and the boreal landscape.  相似文献   

During 20 years of climatic warming, drought and increased forest firesbetween 1970 and 1990, DOC concentrations declined by 15--25%in lakesof the Experimental Lakes Area, northwestern Ontario, allowing increasedpenetration of both UV and photosynthetically-active radiation (PAR), andcausing deeper euphotic zones and thermoclines. Decreased input to thelakes of DOC from terrestrial catchments and upstream lakes was theprimary reason for the decline, although in-lake removal also increasedslightly. Decreased streamflow caused by drought was more important thanforest fires in affecting DOC exports from catchments. Experimentalacidification of lakes caused even greater losses in DOC, by enhancing ratesof in-lake removal. DOC in Lake 302S, acidified to pH 4.5 during the1980s, declined to less than 10% of preacidificationvalues.  相似文献   

Release of phosphate from, and adsorption ontosediments is calculated as a chemical equilibriumbetween dissolved o-phosphate and two solidphosphates, i.e. iron- and calcium-bound phosphate.Organic phosphates play a minor role, if any at all.Using chemical equilibrium equations, the distributionof the two solid inorganic phosphates is calculatedfrom the accumulated phosphate quantity as function oftime and depth in sediment layers of shallow lakes orwetlands. It is shown that this distribution dependson water depth, pH, Ca2+ concentration in thewater, Fe(OOH) concentration in the sediments andmaximal binding capacity of the sediments. Bycomparing values of dissolved phosphate at differentpH values, it is shown that acidification, whichusually takes place in hypolimnia, will cause releaseof phosphate, which is not necessarily dependent onthe redox potential. The release does depend on pH,Ca2+ concentration in the water, CaCO3concentration in the sediments and the saturationstage of the two P-pools in the surface layers ofthese sediments. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Terrestrial organic matter (TOM) plays a key role in mercury (Hg) dynamics between watersheds and lakes. In this study we attempts to determine the role of TOM source and quality and not only quantity, in the fate and transport of total Hg (T-Hg) to boreal lakes. Integrating the watershed complexity is a daunting task. Within the scope of this project, we characterized this organic matter at a molecular level in order to determine Hg transfer conditions to the sediments. We sampled ten lakes in the Quebec boreal forest. In each lake, we took a sediment core at the deepest point in addition to analyzing T-Hg and a set of terrigenous biomarkers in recent sediments. Our results show no relationship between TOM quantity and T-Hg concentration in lake sediments. However, [T-Hg] variation is well explained by the increase of 3,5Bd/V ratios (R2?=?0.84; p?<?0.0002) and the decrease of C/V ratios (R2?=?0.5; p?<?0.0227). Our study shows that TOM source and quality are determinant for Hg loadings in lake sediments. More precisely, increasing TOM derived from humified soil horizons explains most of Hg level variation within sediments.  相似文献   

A model of the daily carbon balance of a black spruce/feathermoss boreal forest ecosystem was developed and results compared to preliminary data from the 1994 BOREAS field campaign in northem Manitoba, Canada. The model, driven by daily weather conditions, simulated daily soil climate status (temperature and moisture profiles), spruce photosynthesis and respiration, moss photosynthesis and respiration, and litter decomposition. Model agreement with preliminary field data was good for net ecosystem exchange (NEE), capturing both the asymmetrical seasonality and short-term variability. During the growing season simulated daily NEE ranged from -4 g C m-2 d-1 (carbon uptake by ecosystem) to + 2 g C m-2 d-1 (carbon flux to atmosphere), with fluctuations from day to day. In the early winter simulated NEE values were + 0.5 g C m-2 d-1, dropping to + 0.2 g C m-2 d-1 in mid-winter. Simulated soil respiration during the growing season (+ 1 to + 5 g C m-2 d-1) was dominated by metabolic respiration of the live moss, with litter decomposition usually contributing less than 30% and live spruce root respiration less than 10% of the total. Both spruce and moss net primary productivity (NPP) rates were higher in early summer than late summer. Simulated annual NEE for 1994 was -51 g C m-2 y-1, with 83% going into tree growth and 17% into the soil carbon accumulation. Moss NPP (58 g C m-2 y-1) was considered to be litter (i.e. soil carbon input; no net increase in live moss biomass). Ecosystem respiration during the snow-covered season (84 g C m-2) was 58% of the growing season net carbon uptake. A simulation of the same site for 1968–1989 showed = 10–20% year-to-year variability in heterotrophic respiration (mean of + 113 g C m-2 y-1). Moss NPP ranged from 19 to 114 g C m-2 y-1; spruce NPP from 81 to 150 g C m-2 y-1; spruce growth (NPP minus litterfall) from 34 to 103 g C m-2 y-1; NEE ranged from +37 to -142 g C m-2 y-1. Values for these carbon balance terms in 1994 were slightly smaller than the 1969–89 means. Higher ecosystem productivity years (more negative NEE) generally had early springs and relatively wet summers; lower productivity years had late springs and relatively dry summers.  相似文献   

  1. Energy pathways in stream food webs are often driven by allochthonous basal resources. However, allochthonous dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is generally viewed as a minor if not insignificant basal resource because much of the DOC pool comprises high molecular weight, recalcitrant compounds and is inefficiently incorporated into biomass. Nevertheless, there is increasing evidence that the relatively small, labile fraction of DOC may indeed fuel microbial activity to a level that stimulates productivity across multiple trophic levels, resulting in a trophic upsurge. Here, we tested the trophic upsurge hypothesis by subsidising the labile DOC pool of an Alaskan boreal stream that had relatively high nutrient availability but low levels of naturally occurring DOC.
  2. We continuously added ecologically relevant (0.250 mg C/L, c. 10% increase above ambient bulk DOC) concentrations of labile DOC (acetate-C) for 62 days to a treatment reach that was statistically indistinguishable in its channel form and chemistry from an upstream reference reach. We measured responses of periphyton production and biomass, whole reach metabolism and nutrient uptake, benthic invertebrate abundances, and juvenile salmonid (Dolly Varden, Salvelinus malma) abundance and growth.
  3. Measurements of basal ecosystem responses collectively indicated increased energy mobilization at the base of the food web in response to labile DOC addition. Periphyton bacterial production in the treatment reach was generally >1.5× reference reach values, and periphyton ash-free dry mass, chlorophyll-a, and chlorophyll-a:ash-free dry mass were all greater in the treatment reach by the end of the study. Throughout dosing, ecosystem respiration was 1.3× greater in the treatment reach and dissolved inorganic nitrogen uptake was greater in the treatment reach on eight out of nine measurements.
  4. Benthic invertebrate counts, dominated by Baetis spp. and Chironomidae, were c. 4× greater after 28 dosing days and c. 8× greater after 56 days in the upstream portion of the treatment reach. Abundance generally declined with increasing distance from the dosing station. Dolly Varden fry and parr age classes were nearly 2× more abundant in the upstream portion of the treatment reach than in any section of the reference reach and also declined with increasing distance from the dosing station. Further, Dolly Varden tagged with passive integrated transponders prior to the experiment had significantly higher instantaneous growth rates in the treatment reach than those recaptured in the reference reach.
  5. The strong consumer responses to small quantities of labile DOC mirrored significant treatment reach increases in basal ecosystem function and therefore demonstrated a response consistent with a trophic upsurge. Terrestrial DOC has historically been viewed as contributing little to metazoan consumers, instead modulating the influence of nutrients and being respired out of a disconnected microbial loop. Because we dosed the treatment reach with a relevant concentration of labile DOC, based on measurements in nearby peatland-draining streams, we suggest that terrestrial DOC deserves more attention as a basal resource for whole food webs, akin to nutrients fuelling green (autochthonous) pathways.

Although an understanding of the quantity and quality of sedimentary organic matter (SOM) pools is necessary to design sound environmental management strategies for lacustrine systems, the characterization of organic matter sources and the assessment of their relative contributions to eutrophic and inland lake sediments remain insufficient. In this study, the contribution of potential organic matter sources to sediments in shallow and hypereutrophic lake Taihu, China was assessed on the molecular level using source-specific fatty acid biomarkers. The results indicated that SOM was composed mainly of terrestrial plants with a maximal contribution of 45.3 ± 2.4% to the total organic carbon, which accounted for approximately 66% among the determined organic matter sources. Evidence suggests the terrestrial plants remained in a fresh state in surface sediments: the correlation (R2 = 0.62, p < 0.05) between bacterial and terrestrial plant carbon was strong. On the other hand, aquatic plant and bacterial carbon contributed 5–15% to the total organic carbon, which was followed by the faint contribution (<5% of total organic carbon) of algae-derived organic carbon including cyanobacteria, diatoms, and dinoflagellates. The results provided details of the contributions of SOM sources, illustrating the usefulness of fatty acid biomarkers in discriminating organic matter sources within lake environments. Although organic matter sources of sediments varied in spatial and temporal patterns, the strong correlation between terrestrial plant and total organic carbon (R2 = 0.60, p < 0.05) indicates that terrestrial plants were the dominant source in lake sediments.  相似文献   

Sutherland  Ross A. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,389(1-3):153-167
Fluvial bed sediments represent an important sink and source for a variety of organic and inorganic compounds. Their most important constituent is organic matter (OM) and its primary component organic carbon (OC). Few studies have been conducted in fluvial environments examining bed-associated OM or OC. This is surprising given the recent interest in global carbon cycling and the importance of bed-associated organics as ecosystem energy sources. The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between OM, determined by loss-on-ignition (LOI), and OC in fluvial bed sediments determined by a dry combustion analyzer. The wide adoption of the LOI method in soil science reflects its ease of use, it is inexpensive, it is rapid, requires no specialized training, and strong statistical relationships commonly exist between OM and OC estimated by standard dry combustion procedures. Regression models were developed between OC and OM for six bed sediment size fractions (≤2.0 mm) for 113 sample sites in a tropical stream on Oahu, Hawaii. All models were highly significant (p < 0.0001), with coefficients of determination ranging from 35 to 79%. Measurement of LOI explained 64% of the variation in OC for all grouped data. The black-box LOI approach may be useful for rapid reconnaissance surveys of drainage systems. Examination of OM to OC conversion factors for Manoa bed sediments indicates that values typically observed in the soils literature (1.7–2.2) are far too low. Values of OM/OC were found to increase with increasing grain size, and decrease with increasing LOI percentage. Conversion factors obtained for grouped data had a mean of 14.9, a coefficient of variation of 21%, and a range of values between 6.2 and 27.4. It is suggested that these high conversion factors reflect significant water loss by dehydration of Fe, Al, and Mn oxides at a muffle furnace temperature of 450 °C. Therefore, the blind application of conversion factors developed from soils should be avoided when converting from OM to OC for fluvial bed sediments. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Peatlands occupy approximately 15% of boreal and sub-arctic regions, contain approximately one third of the world's soil carbon pool, and supply most of the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) entering boreal lakes and rivers and the Arctic Ocean. The high latitudes occupied by these peatlands are expected to see the greatest amount of climatic warming in the next several decades. In addition to increasing temperatures, climatic change could also affect the position of the water-table level and discharge from these peatlands. Changes in temperature, water tables, and discharge could affect delivery of DOC to downstream ecosystems where it exerts significant control over productivity, biogeochemical cycles, and attenuation of visible and UV radiation. We experimentally warmed and controlled water tables while measuring discharge in a factorial experiment in large mesocosms containing peat monoliths and intact plant communities from a bog and fen to determine the effects of climate change on DOC budgets. We show that the DOC budget is controlled largely by changes in discharge rather than by any effect of warming or position of the water-table level on DOC concentrations. Furthermore, we identify a critical discharge rate in bogs and fens for which the DOC budget switches from net export to net retention. We also demonstrate an exponential increase in trace gas CO2–C and CH4–C emissions coincident with increased retention of dissolved organic carbon from boreal peatlands.  相似文献   

Bacterioplankton community composition in a boreal forest lake   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

Aerobic methane (CH4) oxidation mitigates CH4 release and is a significant pathway for carbon and energy flow into aquatic food webs. Arctic lakes are responsible for an increasing proportion of global CH4 emissions, but CH4 assimilation into the aquatic food web in arctic lakes is poorly understood. Using stable isotope probing (SIP) based on phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA‐SIP) and DNA (DNA‐SIP), we tracked carbon flow quantitatively from CH4 into sediment microorganisms from an arctic lake with an active CH4 seepage. When 0.025 mmol CH4 g?1 wet sediment was oxidized, approximately 15.8–32.8% of the CH4‐derived carbon had been incorporated into microorganisms. This CH4‐derived carbon equated to up to 5.7% of total primary production estimates for Alaskan arctic lakes. Type I methanotrophs, including Methylomonas, Methylobacter and unclassified Methylococcaceae, were most active at CH4 oxidation in this arctic lake. With increasing distance from the active CH4 seepage, a greater diversity of bacteria incorporated CH4‐derived carbon. Actinomycetes were the most quantitatively important microorganisms involved in secondary feeding on CH4‐derived carbon. These results showed that CH4 flows through methanotrophs into the broader microbial community and that type I methanotrophs, methylotrophs and actinomycetes are important organisms involved in using CH4‐derived carbon in arctic freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

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