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Myocardial bridging (MB) is associated with endothelial dysfunction in patients with angina and non-obstructive coronary artery disease. This study aims to determine if there is a link between abnormal blood flow patterns and endothelial dysfunction in patients with MB. Ten patients with MB in their left anterior descending (LAD) artery were selected, 5 of whom had endothelial dysfunction and 5 had no endothelial dysfunction based on their response to acetylcholine. Similarly, 10 patients without MB in their LAD, 5 of whom had endothelial dysfunction and 5 of whom had no endothelial dysfunction, were studied as a control group. Transient computational fluid dynamics simulations were performed to derive wall shear stress (WSS) over the entire vessel including proximal, middle and distal segments. Patients with MB and endothelial dysfunction had lower WSS in the proximal LAD and greater WSS in the mid-LAD than patients with MB but without endothelial dysfunction. When comparing patients with endothelial dysfunction, those with MB had significantly lower shear stress in the proximal LAD (0.32 ± 0.14 Pa (with MB) vs 0.71 ± 0.38 Pa (without MB), p = 0.01) and greater shear stress in the mid-LAD (2.81 ± 1.20 Pa (with MB) vs 1.66 ± 0.31 Pa (without MB), p = 0.014) than patients without MB. Our findings demonstrated that the presence of MB significantly contributes to low WSS and endothelial dysfunction relationship.  相似文献   

Hemodynamic in abdominal aorta bifurcation was investigated in a real case using computational fluid dynamics. A Newtonian and non-Newtonian (Walburn-Schneck) viscosity models were compared. The geometrical model was obtained by 3D reconstruction from CT-scan and hemodynamic parameters obtained by laser-Doppler. Blood was assumed incompressible fluid, laminar flow in transient regime and rigid vessel wall. Finite volume-based was used to study the velocity, pressure, wall shear stress (WSS) and viscosity throughout cardiac cycle. Results obtained with Walburn-Schneck’s model, during systole, present lower viscosity due to shear thinning behavior. Furthermore, there is a significant difference between the results obtained by the two models for a specific patient. During the systole, differences are more pronounced and are preferably located in the tortuous regions of the artery. Throughout the cardiac cycle, the WSS amplitude between the systole and diastole is greater for the Walburn-Schneck’s model than for the Newtonian model. However, the average viscosity along the artery is always greater for the non-Newtonian model, except in the systolic peak. The hemodynamic model is crucial to validate results obtained with CFD and to explore clinical potential.  相似文献   

The deployment of a coronary stent near complex lesions can sometimes lead to incomplete stent apposition (ISA), an undesirable side effect of coronary stent implantation. Three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) calculations are performed on simplified stent models (with either square or circular cross-section struts) inside an idealised coronary artery to analyse the effect of different levels of ISA to the change in haemodynamics inside the artery. The clinical significance of ISA is reported using haemodynamic metrics like wall shear stress (WSS) and wall shear stress gradient (WSSG). A coronary stent with square cross-sectional strut shows different levels of reverse flow for malapposition distance (MD) between 0 mm and 0.12 mm. Chaotic blood flow is usually observed at late diastole and early systole for MD=0 mm and 0.12 mm but are suppressed for MD=0.06 mm. The struts with circular cross section delay the flow chaotic process as compared to square cross-sectional struts at the same MD and also reduce the level of fluctuations found in the flow field. However, further increase in MD can lead to chaotic flow not only at late diastole and early systole, but it also leads to chaotic flow at the end of systole. In all cases, WSS increases above the threshold value (0.5 Pa) as MD increases due to the diminishing reverse flow near the artery wall. Increasing MD also results in an elevated WSSG as flow becomes more chaotic, except for square struts at MD=0.06 mm.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the influence of artery wall curvature on the anatomical assessment of stenosis severity and to identify a region of misinterpretation in the assessment of per cent area stenosis (AS) for functionally significant stenosis using fractional flow reserve (FFR) as standard. Five artery models of different per cent AS severity (70, 75, 80, 85 and 90%) were considered. For each per cent AS severity, the angle of curvature of the arterial wall varied from straight to an increasingly curved model (0°, 30°, 60°, 90° and 120°). Computational fluid dynamics was performed under transient physiologic hyperemic flow conditions to investigate the influence of artery wall curvature on the pressure drop and the FFR. The findings in this study may be useful in in vitro anatomical assessment of functionally significant stenosis. The FFR decreased with increasing stenosis severity for a given curvature of the artery wall. Moreover, a significant decrease in FFR was found between straight and curved models discussed for a given severity condition. These findings indicate that the curvature effect was included in the FFR assessment in contrast to minimum lumen area (MLA) or per cent AS assessment. The MLA or per cent AS assessment may lead to underestimation of stenosis severity. From this numerical study, an uncertainty region could be evaluated using the clinical FFR cutoff value of 0.8. This value was observed at 81.98 and 79.10% AS for arteries with curvature angles of 0° and 120° respectively. In conclusion, the curvature of the artery should not be neglected in in vitro anatomical assessment.  相似文献   

Recent computational fluid dynamics (CFD) studies relate abnormal blood flow to rupture of cerebral aneurysms. However, it is still debated how to model blood flow with sufficient accuracy. Common assumptions made include Newtonian behaviour of blood, traction free outlet boundary conditions and inlet boundary conditions based on available literature. These assumptions are often required since the available patient specific data is usually restricted to the geometry of the aneurysm and the surrounding vasculature. However, the consequences of these assumptions have so far been inadequately addressed.  相似文献   

In bone tissue engineering experiments, fluid-induced shear stress is able to stimulate cells to produce mineralised extracellular matrix (ECM). The application of shear stress on seeded cells can for example be achieved through bioreactors that perfuse medium through porous scaffolds. The generated mechanical environment (i.e. wall shear stress: WSS) within the scaffolds is complex due to the complexity of scaffold geometry. This complexity has so far prevented setting an optimal loading (i.e. flow rate) of the bioreactor to achieve an optimal distribution of WSS for stimulating cells to produce mineralised ECM. In this study, we demonstrate an approach combining computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and mechano-regulation theory to optimise flow rates of a perfusion bioreactor and various scaffold geometries (i.e. pore shape, porosity and pore diameter) in order to maximise shear stress induced mineralisation. The optimal flow rates, under which the highest fraction of scaffold surface area is subjected to a wall shear stress that induces mineralisation, are mainly dependent on the scaffold geometries. Nevertheless, the variation range of such optimal flow rates are within 0.5–5 mL/min (or in terms of fluid velocity: 0.166–1.66 mm/s), among different scaffolds. This approach can facilitate the determination of scaffold-dependent flow rates for bone tissue engineering experiments in vitro, avoiding performing a series of trial and error experiments.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate plaques located at the left coronary bifurcation. We focus on the effect that the resulting changes in wall shear stress (WSS) and wall pressure stress gradient (WPSG) have on atherosclerotic progress in coronary artery disease. Coronary plaques were simulated and placed at the left main stem and the left anterior descending to produce >50% narrowing of the coronary lumen. Computational fluid dynamics analysis was carried out, simulating realistic physiological conditions that show the in vivo cardiac haemodynamic. WSS and WPSG in the left coronary artery were calculated and compared in the left coronary models, with and without the presence of plaques during cardiac cycles. Our results showed that WSS decreased while WPSG was increased in coronary side branches due to the presence of plaques. There is a direct correlation between coronary plaques and subsequent WSS and WPSG variations based on the bifurcation plaques simulated in the realistic coronary models.  相似文献   

The prediction of conditions that may result in thrombus formation is a useful application of computational fluid dynamics. A number of techniques exist, based on the consideration of wall shear stress and regions of low blood flow; however, no clear guideline exists for the best practice of their use. In this paper, the sensitivity of each parameter and the specific mechanical forces are explained, before the optimal indicator of thrombosis risk is outlined. An extracorporeal access device cavity provides a suitable geometry to test the methodology. The recommended method for thrombus prediction considers areas with a calculated residence time (RT) and shear strain rate (SSR) thresholds, here set to RT>1 and SSR < 10 s? 1. Evidence of thrombosis was found for physiological waveforms with an absence of reverse flow, which is expected to ‘wash out’ the cavity. The predicted thrombosis sites compare well with evidence collected from explanted devices.  相似文献   

Orbitally shaken bioreactors (OSRs) are commonly used for the cultivation of mammalian cells in suspension. To aid the geometry designing and optimizing of OSRs, we conducted a three‐dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation to characterize the flow fields in a 10 L cylindrical OSR with different vessel diameters. The liquid wave shape captured by a camera experimentally validated the CFD models established for the cylindrical OSR. The geometry size effect on volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kLa) and hydromechanical stress was analyzed by varying the ratio of vessel diameter (d) to liquid height at static (hL), d/hL. The highest value of kLa about 30 h?1 was observed in the cylindrical vessel with the d/hL of 6.35. Moreover, the magnitudes of shear stress and energy dissipation rate in all the vessels tested were below their minimum values causing cells damage separately, which indicated that the hydromechanical‐stress environment in OSRs is suitable for cells cultivation in suspension. Finally, the CFD results suggested that the d/hL higher than 8.80 should not be adopted for the 10 L cylindrical OSR at the shaking speed of 180 rpm because the “out of phase” state probably will happen there.  相似文献   

Three non-Newtonian blood viscosity models plus the Newtonian one are analysed for a patient-specific thoracic aorta anatomical model under steady-state flow conditions via wall shear stress (WSS) distribution, non-Newtonian importance factors, blood viscosity and shear rate. All blood viscosity models yield a consistent WSS distribution pattern. The WSS magnitude, however, is influenced by the model used. WSS is found to be the lowest in the vicinity of the three arch branches and along the distal walls of the branches themselves. In this region, the local non-Newtonian importance factor and the blood viscosity are elevated, and the shear rate is low. The present study revealed that the Newtonian assumption is a good approximation at mid-and-high flow velocities, as the greater the blood flow, the higher the shear rate near the arterial wall. Furthermore, the capabilities of the applied non-Newtonian models appeared at low-flow velocities. It is concluded that, while the non-Newtonian power-law model approximates the blood viscosity and WSS calculations in a more satisfactory way than the other non-Newtonian models at low shear rates, a cautious approach is given in the use of this blood viscosity model. Finally, some preliminary transient results are presented.  相似文献   

Using first principles of fluid and solid mechanics a comprehensive model of human intracranial dynamics is proposed. Blood, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and brain parenchyma as well as the spinal canal are included. The compartmental model predicts intracranial pressure gradients, blood and CSF flows and displacements in normal and pathological conditions like communicating hydrocephalus. The system of differential equations of first principles conservation balances is discretized and solved numerically. Fluid–solid interactions of the brain parenchyma with cerebral blood and CSF are calculated. The model provides the transitions from normal dynamics to the diseased state during the onset of communicating hydrocephalus. Predicted results were compared with physiological data from Cine phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging to verify the dynamic model. Bolus injections into the CSF are simulated in the model and found to agree with clinical measurements.

Natural tissues are incorporated with vasculature, which is further integrated with a cardiovascular system responsible for driving perfusion of nutrient-rich oxygenated blood through the vasculature to support cell metabolism within most cell-dense tissues. Since scaffold-free biofabricated tissues being developed into clinical implants, research models, and pharmaceutical testing platforms should similarly exhibit perfused tissue-like structures, we generated a generalizable biofabrication method resulting in self-supporting perfused (SSuPer) tissue constructs incorporated with perfusible microchannels and integrated with the modular FABRICA perfusion bioreactor. As proof of concept, we perfused an MLO-A5 osteoblast-based SSuPer tissue in the FABRICA. Although our resulting SSuPer tissue replicated vascularization and perfusion observed in situ, supported its own weight, and stained positively for mineral using Von Kossa staining, our in vitro results indicated that computational fluid dynamics (CFD) should be used to drive future construct design and flow application before further tissue biofabrication and perfusion. We built a CFD model of the SSuPer tissue integrated in the FABRICA and analyzed flow characteristics (net force, pressure distribution, shear stress, and oxygen distribution) through five SSuPer tissue microchannel patterns in two flow directions and at increasing flow rates. Important flow parameters include flow direction, fully developed flow, and tissue microchannel diameters matched and aligned with bioreactor flow channels. We observed that the SSuPer tissue platform is capable of providing direct perfusion to tissue constructs and proper culture conditions (oxygenation, with controllable shear and flow rates), indicating that our approach can be used to biofabricate tissue representing primary tissues and that we can model the system in silico.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to elucidate the correlation between coronary artery branch angulation, local mechanical and haemodynamic forces at the vicinity of bifurcation. Using a coupled fluid–structure interaction (FSI) modelling approach, five idealized left coronary artery models with various angles ranging from 70° to 110° were developed to investigate the influence of branch angulations. In addition, one CT image-based model was reconstructed to further demonstrate the medical application potential of the proposed FSI coupling method. The results show that the angulation strongly alters its mechanical stress distribution, and the instantaneous wall shear stress distributions are substantially moderated by the arterial wall compliance. As high tensile stress is hypothesized to cause stenosis, the left circumflex side bifurcation shoulder is indicated to induce atherosclerotic changes with a high tendency for wide-angled models.  相似文献   

Abnormal haemodynamic parameters are associated with atheroma plaque progression and instability in coronary arteries. Flow recirculation, shear stress and pressure gradient are understood to be important pathogenic mediators in coronary disease. The effect of freedom of coronary artery movement on these parameters is still unknown. Fluid–structure interaction (FSI) simulations were carried out in 25 coronary artery models derived from authentic human coronaries in order to investigate the effect of degree of freedom of movement of the coronary arteries on flow recirculation, wall shear stress (WSS) and wall pressure gradient (WPG). Each FSI model had distinctive supports placed upon it. The quantitative and qualitative differences in flow recirculation, maximum wall shear stress (MWSS), areas of low wall shear stress (ALWSS) and maximum wall pressure gradient (MWPG) for each model were determined. The results showed that greater freedom of movement was associated with lower MWSS, smaller ALWSS, smaller flow recirculation zones and lower MWPG. With increasing percentage diameter stenosis (%DS), the effect of degree of freedom on flow recirculation and WSS diminished. Freedom of movement is an important variable to be considered for computational modelling of human coronary arteries, especially in the setting of mild to moderate stenosis.

Abbreviations: 3D: Three-dimensional; 3DR: Three-dimensional Reconstruction; 3D-QCA: Three-dimensional quantitative coronary angiography; ALWSS: Areas of low wall shear stress; CAD: Coronary artery disease; CFD: Computational fluid dynamics; %DS: Diameter stenosis percentage; EPCS: End point of counter-rotating streamlines; FSI: Fluid–structure interaction; IVUS: Intravascular ultrasound; LAD: Left anterior descending; MWSS: Maximum wall shear stress; SST: Shear stress transport; TAWSS: Time-averaged wall shear stress; WSS: wall shear stress; WPG: Wall pressure gradient; MWPG: Maximum wall pressure gradient; FFR: Fractional flow reserve; iFR: Instantaneous wave-free ratio  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to further investigate the hydrodynamics of the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) paddle dissolution apparatus using a previously generated computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model. The influence of paddle rotational speed on the hydrodynamics in the dissolution vessel was simulated. The maximum velocity magnitude for axial and tangential velocities at different locations in the vessel was found to increase linearly with the paddle rotational speed. Path-lines of fluid mixing, which were examined from a central region at the base of the vessel, did not reveal a region of poor mixing between the upper cylin-drical and lower hemispherical volumes, as previously speculated. Considerable differences in the resulting flow patterns were observed for paddle rotational speeds between 25 and 150 rpm. The approximate time required to achieve complete mixing varied between 2 to 5 seconds at 150 rpm and 40 to 60 seconds at 25 rpm, although complete mixing was achievable for each speed examined. An analysis of CFD-generated velocities above the top surface of a cylindrical compact positioned at the base of the vessel, below the center of the rotating paddle, revealed that the fluid in this region was undergoing solid body rotation. An examination of the velocity boundary layers adjacent to the curved surface of the compact revealed large peaks in the shear rates for a region within∼3 mm from the base of the compact, consistent with a ‘grooving’ effect, which had been previously seen on the surface of compacts following dissolution, associated with a higher dissolution rate in this region.  相似文献   

Indices of the intra-aneurysm hemodynamic environment have been proposed as potentially indicative of their longitudinal outcome. To be useful, the indices need to be used to stratify large study populations and tested against known outcomes. The first objective was to compile the diverse hemodynamic indices reported in the literature. Furthermore, as morphology is often the only patient-specific information available in large population studies, the second objective was to assess how the ranking of aneurysms in a population is affected by the use of steady flow simulation as an approximation to pulsatile flow simulation, even though the former is clearly non-physiological. Sixteen indices of aneurysmal hemodynamics reported in the literature were compiled and refined where needed. It was noted that, in the literature, these global indices of flow were always time-averaged over the cardiac cycle. Steady and pulsatile flow simulations were performed on a population of 198 patient-specific and 30 idealised aneurysm models. All proposed hemodynamic indices were estimated and compared between the two simulations. It was found that steady and pulsatile flow simulations had a strong linear dependence (r ≥ 0.99 for 14 indices; r ≥ 0.97 for 2 others) and rank the aneurysms in an almost identical fashion (ρ ≥ 0.99 for 14 indices; ρ ≥ 0.96 for other 2). When geometry is the only measured piece of information available, stratification of aneurysms based on hemodynamic indices reduces to being a physically grounded substitute for stratification of aneurysms based on morphology. Under such circumstances, steady flow simulations may be just as effective as pulsatile flow simulation for estimating most key indices currently reported in the literature.  相似文献   

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