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In recent years, increased awareness of the potential interactions between rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations ([ CO2 ]) and temperature has illustrated the importance of multifactorial ecosystem manipulation experiments for validating Earth System models. To address the urgent need for increased understanding of responses in multifactorial experiments, this article synthesizes how ecosystem productivity and soil processes respond to combined warming and [ CO2 ] manipulation, and compares it with those obtained in single factor [ CO2 ] and temperature manipulation experiments. Across all combined elevated [ CO2 ] and warming experiments, biomass production and soil respiration were typically enhanced. Responses to the combined treatment were more similar to those in the [ CO2 ]‐only treatment than to those in the warming‐only treatment. In contrast to warming‐only experiments, both the combined and the [ CO2 ]‐only treatments elicited larger stimulation of fine root biomass than of aboveground biomass, consistently stimulated soil respiration, and decreased foliar nitrogen (N) concentration. Nonetheless, mineral N availability declined less in the combined treatment than in the [ CO2 ]‐only treatment, possibly due to the warming‐induced acceleration of decomposition, implying that progressive nitrogen limitation (PNL) may not occur as commonly as anticipated from single factor [ CO2 ] treatment studies. Responses of total plant biomass, especially of aboveground biomass, revealed antagonistic interactions between elevated [ CO2 ] and warming, i.e. the response to the combined treatment was usually less‐than‐additive. This implies that productivity projections might be overestimated when models are parameterized based on single factor responses. Our results highlight the need for more (and especially more long‐term) multifactor manipulation experiments. Because single factor CO2 responses often dominated over warming responses in the combined treatments, our results also suggest that projected responses to future global warming in Earth System models should not be parameterized using single factor warming experiments.  相似文献   

The stability over time of the organic C stocked in soils under undisturbed ecosystems is poorly studied, despite being suitable for detecting changes related to climate fluctuations and global warming. Volcanic soils often show high organic C contents due to the stabilization of organic matter by short‐range ordered minerals or Al‐humus complexes. We investigated the dynamics of different organic C fractions in volcanic soils of protected natural ecosystems of the Canary Islands (Spain) to evaluate the stability of their C pools. The study was carried out in 10 plots, including both undisturbed and formerly disturbed ecosystems, over two annual periods. C inputs to (litterfall) and outputs from (respiration) the soil, root C stocks (0–30 cm), soil organic C (SOC) fractions belonging to C pools with different degrees of biogeochemical stability –total oxidisable C (TOC), microbial biomass C (MBC), water soluble C (WSC), hot‐water extractable C (HWC), humic C (HSC), – and total soil N (TN) (at 0–15 and 15–30 cm) were measured seasonally.A statistically significant interannual increase in CO2 emissions and a decrease in the SOC, mainly at the expense of the most labile organic forms, were observed, while the root C stocks and litterfall inputs remained relatively constant over the study period. The observed changes may reflect an initial increase in SOC resulting from low soil respiration rates due to drought during the first year of study. The soils of nearly mature ecosystems were more apparently affected by C losses, while those undergoing the process of active natural regeneration exhibited disguised C loss because of the C sequestration trend that is characteristic of progressive ecological succession.  相似文献   

Fresh carbon input (above and belowground) contributes to soil carbon sequestration, but also accelerates decomposition of soil organic matter through biological priming mechanisms. Currently, poor understanding precludes the incorporation of these priming mechanisms into the global carbon models used for future projections. Here, we show that priming can be incorporated based on a simple equation calibrated from incubation and verified against independent litter manipulation experiments in the global land surface model, ORCHIDEE. When incorporated into ORCHIDEE, priming improved the model's representation of global soil carbon stocks and decreased soil carbon sequestration by 51% (12 ± 3 Pg C) during the period 1901–2010. Future projections with the same model across the range of CO2 and climate changes defined by the IPCC‐RCP scenarios reveal that priming buffers the projected changes in soil carbon stocks — both the increases due to enhanced productivity and new input to the soil, and the decreases due to warming‐induced accelerated decomposition. Including priming in Earth system models leads to different projections of soil carbon changes, which are challenging to verify at large spatial scales.  相似文献   

Quantifying soil organic carbon (SOC) decomposition under warming is critical to predict carbon–climate feedbacks. According to the substrate regulating principle, SOC decomposition would decrease as labile SOC declines under field warming, but observations of SOC decomposition under warming do not always support this prediction. This discrepancy could result from varying changes in SOC components and soil microbial communities under warming. This study aimed to determine the decomposition of SOC components with different turnover times after subjected to long‐term field warming and/or root exclusion to limit C input, and to test whether SOC decomposition is driven by substrate lability under warming. Taking advantage of a 12‐year field warming experiment in a prairie, we assessed the decomposition of SOC components by incubating soils from control and warmed plots, with and without root exclusion for 3 years. We assayed SOC decomposition from these incubations by combining inverse modeling and microbial functional genes during decomposition with a metagenomic technique (GeoChip). The decomposition of SOC components with turnover times of years and decades, which contributed to 95% of total cumulative CO2 respiration, was greater in soils from warmed plots. But the decomposition of labile SOC was similar in warmed plots compared to the control. The diversity of C‐degradation microbial genes generally declined with time during the incubation in all treatments, suggesting shifts of microbial functional groups as substrate composition was changing. Compared to the control, soils from warmed plots showed significant increase in the signal intensities of microbial genes involved in degrading complex organic compounds, implying enhanced potential abilities of microbial catabolism. These are likely responsible for accelerated decomposition of SOC components with slow turnover rates. Overall, the shifted microbial community induced by long‐term warming accelerates the decomposition of SOC components with slow turnover rates and thus amplify the positive feedback to climate change.  相似文献   

The dynamics and fate of terrestrial organic matter (OM) under elevated atmospheric CO2 and nitrogen (N) fertilization are important aspects of long‐term carbon sequestration. Despite numerous studies, questions still remain as to whether the chemical composition of OM may alter with these environmental changes. In this study, we employed molecular‐level methods to investigate the composition and degradation of various OM components in the forest floor (O horizon) and mineral soil (0–15 cm) from the Duke forest free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment. We measured microbial responses to elevated CO2 and N fertilization in the mineral soil using phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles. Increased fresh carbon inputs into the forest floor under elevated CO2 were observed at the molecular‐level by two degradation parameters of plant‐derived steroids and cutin‐derived compounds. The ratios of fungal to bacterial PLFAs and Gram‐negative to Gram‐positive bacterial PLFAs decreased in the mineral soil with N fertilization, indicating an altered soil microbial community composition. Moreover, the acid to aldehyde ratios of lignin‐derived phenols increased with N fertilization, suggesting enhanced lignin degradation in the mineral soil. 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of soil humic substances revealed an enrichment of leaf‐derived alkyl structures with both elevated CO2 and N fertilization. We suggest that microbial decomposition of SOM constituents such as lignin and hydrolysable lipids was promoted under both elevated CO2 and N fertilization, which led to the enrichment of plant‐derived recalcitrant structures (such as alkyl carbon) in the soil.  相似文献   

Under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations, soil carbon (C) inputs are typically enhanced, suggesting larger soil C sequestration potential. However, soil C losses also increase and progressive nitrogen (N) limitation to plant growth may reduce the CO2 effect on soil C inputs with time. We compiled a data set from 131 manipulation experiments, and used meta‐analysis to test the hypotheses that: (1) elevated atmospheric CO2 stimulates soil C inputs more than C losses, resulting in increasing soil C stocks; and (2) that these responses are modulated by N. Our results confirm that elevated CO2 induces a C allocation shift towards below‐ground biomass compartments. However, the increased soil C inputs were offset by increased heterotrophic respiration (Rh), such that soil C content was not affected by elevated CO2. Soil N concentration strongly interacted with CO2 fumigation: the effect of elevated CO2 on fine root biomass and –production and on microbial activity increased with increasing soil N concentration, while the effect on soil C content decreased with increasing soil N concentration. These results suggest that both plant growth and microbial activity responses to elevated CO2 are modulated by N availability, and that it is essential to account for soil N concentration in C cycling analyses.  相似文献   


Soils represent important pools of soil organic carbon (SOC) that can be greatly influenced by labile C inputs, which are expected to increase in future due to CO2 enrichment of atmosphere and a concomitant rise in plant primary productivity. Studying effects of variable labile C inputs on SOC pool helps to understand how soils respond to global change. However, this knowledge is missing for coniferous forest soils despite being widespread throughout the northern temperate zone. We conducted a 7-month field manipulation experiment to study the effects of variable labile C inputs (simulated by additions of C4 sucrose) on the C content in soil fractions and on microbial abundance in the organic (O), surface mineral (A), and subsoil mineral (B) horizons of a temperate coniferous forest soil. SOC in less-protected soil fractions and total organic C were substantially decreased by labile C additions that simulated future increases in C inputs. The SOC losses were comparable between the A and B horizon (40% vs. 30%). However, because sucrose availability estimated from its incorporation into soil fractions and microbial biomass sharply decreased with soil depth, the loss of C was higher in the B than in the A horizon when related to the amount of sucrose added. Utilization of sucrose was highest by fungi in the O horizon and by bacteria in the mineral soil horizons. The results indicate that future increases in labile C inputs to coniferous forest soils will cause rapid and substantial losses of SOC in both the surface and subsoil mineral horizons.


Most current models of soil C dynamics predict that climate warming will accelerate soil C mineralization, resulting in a long‐term CO2 release and positive feedback to global warming. However, ecosystem warming experiments show that CO2 loss from warmed soils declines to control levels within a few years. Here, we explore the temperature dependence of enzymatic conversion of polymerized soil organic C (SOC) into assimilable compounds, which is presumed the rate‐limiting step of SOC mineralization. Combining literature review, modelling and enzyme assays, we studied the effect of temperature on activity of enzymes considering their thermal inactivation and catalytic activity. We defined the catalytic power of enzymes (Epower) as the cumulative amount of degraded substrate by one unit of enzyme until its complete inactivation. We show a universal pattern of enzyme's thermodynamic properties: activation energy of catalytic activity (EAcat) < activation energy of thermal inactivation (EAinact). By investing in stable enzymes (high EAinact) having high catalytic activity (low EAcat), microorganisms may maximize the Epower of their enzymes. The counterpart of such EAs’ hierarchical pattern is the higher relative temperature sensitivity of enzyme inactivation than catalysis, resulting in a reduction in Epower under warming. Our findings could explain the decrease with temperature in soil enzyme pools, microbial biomass (MB) and carbon use efficiency (CUE) reported in some warming experiments and studies monitoring the seasonal variation in soil enzymes. They also suggest that a decrease in soil enzyme pools due to their faster inactivation under warming contributes to the observed attenuation of warming effect on soil C mineralization. This testable theory predicts that the ultimate response of SOC degradation to warming can be positive or negative depending on the relative temperature response of Epower and microbial production of enzymes.  相似文献   

Increase of belowground C allocation by plants under global warming or elevated CO2 may promote decomposition of soil organic carbon (SOC) by priming and strongly affects SOC dynamics. The specific effects by priming of SOC depend on the amount and frequency of C inputs. Most previous priming studies have investigated single C additions, but they are not very representative for litterfall and root exudation in many terrestrial ecosystems. We evaluated effects of 13C‐labeled glucose added to soil in three temporal patterns: single, repeated, and continuous on dynamics of CO2 and priming of SOC decomposition over 6 months. Total and 13C labeled CO2 were monitored to analyze priming dynamics and net C balance between SOC loss caused by priming and the retention of added glucose‐C. Cumulative priming ranged from 1.3 to 5.5 mg C g?1 SOC in the subtropical, and from ?0.6 to 5.5 mg C g?1 SOC in the tropical soils. Single addition induced more priming than repeated and continuous inputs. Therefore, single additions of high substrate amounts may overestimate priming effects over the short term. The amount of added glucose C remaining in soil after 6 months (subtropical: 8.1–11.2 mg C g?1 SOC or 41‐56% of added glucose; tropical: 8.7–15.0 mg C g?1 SOC or 43–75% of glucose) was substantially higher than the net C loss due to SOC decomposition including priming effect. This overcompensation of C losses was highest with continuous inputs and lowest with single inputs. Therefore, raised labile organic C input to soils by higher plant productivity will increase SOC content even though priming accelerates decomposition of native SOC. Consequently, higher continuous input of C belowground by plants under warming or elevated CO2 can increase C stocks in soil despite accelerated C cycling by priming in soils.  相似文献   

It is important to understand the fate of carbon in boreal peatland soils in response to climate change because a substantial change in release of this carbon as CO2 and CH4 could influence the climate system. The goal of this research was to synthesize the results of a field water table manipulation experiment conducted in a boreal rich fen into a process‐based model to understand how soil organic carbon (SOC) of the rich fen might respond to projected climate change. This model, the peatland version of the dynamic organic soil Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (peatland DOS‐TEM), was calibrated with data collected during 2005–2011 from the control treatment of a boreal rich fen in the Alaska Peatland Experiment (APEX). The performance of the model was validated with the experimental data measured from the raised and lowered water‐table treatments of APEX during the same period. The model was then applied to simulate future SOC dynamics of the rich fen control site under various CO2 emission scenarios. The results across these emissions scenarios suggest that the rate of SOC sequestration in the rich fen will increase between year 2012 and 2061 because the effects of warming increase heterotrophic respiration less than they increase carbon inputs via production. However, after 2061, the rate of SOC sequestration will be weakened and, as a result, the rich fen will likely become a carbon source to the atmosphere between 2062 and 2099. During this period, the effects of projected warming increase respiration so that it is greater than carbon inputs via production. Although changes in precipitation alone had relatively little effect on the dynamics of SOC, changes in precipitation did interact with warming to influence SOC dynamics for some climate scenarios.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics depend on soil properties derived from the geoclimatic conditions under which soils develop and are in many cases modified by land conversion. However, SOC stabilization and the responses of SOC to land use change are not well constrained in deeply weathered tropical soils, which are dominated by less reactive minerals than those in temperate regions. Along a gradient of geochemically distinct soil parent materials, we investigated differences in SOC stocks and SOC (Δ14C) turnover time across soil profile depth between montane tropical forest and cropland situated on flat, non-erosive plateau landforms. We show that SOC stocks and soil Δ14C patterns do not differ significantly with land use, but that differences in SOC can be explained by the physicochemical properties of soils. More specifically, labile organo-mineral associations in combination with exchangeable base cations were identified as the dominating controls over soil C stocks and turnover. We argue that due to their long weathering history, the investigated tropical soils do not provide enough reactive minerals for the stabilization of C input in either high input (tropical forest) or low-input (cropland) systems. Since these soils exceeded their maximum potential for the mineral related stabilization of SOC, potential positive effects of reforestation on tropical SOC storage are most likely limited to minor differences in topsoil without major impacts on subsoil C stocks. Hence, in deeply weathered soils, increasing C inputs may lead to the accumulation of a larger readily available SOC pool, but does not contribute to long-term SOC stabilization.  相似文献   

Long‐term carbon (C) cycle feedbacks to climate depend on the future dynamics of soil organic carbon (SOC). Current models show low predictive accuracy at simulating contemporary SOC pools, which can be improved through parameter estimation. However, major uncertainty remains in global soil responses to climate change, particularly uncertainty in how the activity of soil microbial communities will respond. To date, the role of microbes in SOC dynamics has been implicitly described by decay rate constants in most conventional global carbon cycle models. Explicitly including microbial biomass dynamics into C cycle model formulations has shown potential to improve model predictive performance when assessed against global SOC databases. This study aimed to data‐constrained parameters of two soil microbial models, evaluate the improvements in performance of those calibrated models in predicting contemporary carbon stocks, and compare the SOC responses to climate change and their uncertainties between microbial and conventional models. Microbial models with calibrated parameters explained 51% of variability in the observed total SOC, whereas a calibrated conventional model explained 41%. The microbial models, when forced with climate and soil carbon input predictions from the 5th Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5), produced stronger soil C responses to 95 years of climate change than any of the 11 CMIP5 models. The calibrated microbial models predicted between 8% (2‐pool model) and 11% (4‐pool model) soil C losses compared with CMIP5 model projections which ranged from a 7% loss to a 22.6% gain. Lastly, we observed unrealistic oscillatory SOC dynamics in the 2‐pool microbial model. The 4‐pool model also produced oscillations, but they were less prominent and could be avoided, depending on the parameter values.  相似文献   

Emerging insights into factors responsible for soil organic matter stabilization and decomposition are being applied in a variety of contexts, but new tools are needed to facilitate the understanding, evaluation, and improvement of soil biogeochemical theory and models at regional to global scales. To isolate the effects of model structural uncertainty on the global distribution of soil carbon stocks and turnover times we developed a soil biogeochemical testbed that forces three different soil models with consistent climate and plant productivity inputs. The models tested here include a first‐order, microbial implicit approach (CASA‐CNP), and two recently developed microbially explicit models that can be run at global scales (MIMICS and CORPSE). When forced with common environmental drivers, the soil models generated similar estimates of initial soil carbon stocks (roughly 1,400 Pg C globally, 0–100 cm), but each model shows a different functional relationship between mean annual temperature and inferred turnover times. Subsequently, the models made divergent projections about the fate of these soil carbon stocks over the 20th century, with models either gaining or losing over 20 Pg C globally between 1901 and 2010. Single‐forcing experiments with changed inputs, temperature, and moisture suggest that uncertainty associated with freeze‐thaw processes as well as soil textural effects on soil carbon stabilization were larger than direct temperature uncertainties among models. Finally, the models generated distinct projections about the timing and magnitude of seasonal heterotrophic respiration rates, again reflecting structural uncertainties that were related to environmental sensitivities and assumptions about physicochemical stabilization of soil organic matter. By providing a computationally tractable and numerically consistent framework to evaluate models we aim to better understand uncertainties among models and generate insights about factors regulating the turnover of soil organic matter.  相似文献   

The perhumid coastal temperate rainforest (PCTR) of southeast Alaska has some of the densest soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in the world (>300 Mg C ha?1) but the fate of this SOC with continued warming remains largely unknown. We quantified dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and carbon dioxide (CO2) yields from four different wetland types (rich fen, poor fen, forested wetland and cedar wetland) using controlled laboratory incubations of surface (10 cm) and subsurface (25 cm) soils incubated at 8 and 15 °C for 37 weeks. Furthermore, we used fluorescence characterization of DOC and laboratory bioassays to assess how climate-induced soil warming may impact the quality and bioavailability of DOC delivered to fluvial systems. Soil temperature was the strongest control on SOC turnover, with wetland type and soil depth less important in controlling CO2 flux and extractable DOC. The high temperature incubation increased average CO2 yield by ~40 and ~25% for DOC suggesting PCTR soils contain a sizeable pool of readily biodegradable SOC that can be mineralized to DOC and CO2 with future climate warming. Fluxes of CO2 were positively correlated to both extractable DOC and percent bioavailable DOC during the last few months of the incubation suggesting mineralization of SOC to DOC is a strong control of soil respiration rates. Whether the net result is increased export of either carbon form will depend on the balance between the land to water transport of DOC and the ability of soil microbial communities to mineralize DOC to CO2.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) is essential for soil fertility and climate change mitigation, and carbon can be sequestered in soil through proper soil management, including straw return. However, results of studies of long‐term straw return on SOC are contradictory and increasing SOC stocks in upland soils is challenging. This study of North China upland agricultural fields quantified the effects of several fertilizer and straw return treatments on SOC storage changes and crop yields, considering different cropping duration periods, soil types, and cropping systems to establish the relationships of SOC sequestration rates with initial SOC stocks and annual straw C inputs. Our meta‐analysis using long‐term field experiments showed that SOC stock responses to straw return were greater than that of mineral fertilizers alone. Black soils with higher initial SOC stocks also had lower SOC stock increases than did soils with lower initial SOC stocks (fluvo‐aquic and loessial soils) following applications of nitrogen‐phosphorous‐potassium (NPK) fertilizer and NPK+S (straw). Soil C stocks under the NPK and NPK+S treatments increased in the more‐than‐20‐year duration period, while significant SOC stock increases in the NP and NP+S treatment groups were limited to the 11‐ to 20‐year period. Annual crop productivity was higher in double‐cropped wheat and maize under all fertilization treatments, including control (no fertilization), than in the single‐crop systems (wheat or maize). Also, the annual soil sequestration rates and annual straw C inputs of the treatments with straw return (NP+S and NPK+S) were significantly positively related. Moreover, initial SOC stocks and SOC sequestration rates of those treatments were highly negatively correlated. Thus, long‐term straw return integrated with mineral fertilization in upland wheat and maize croplands leads to increased crop yields and SOC stocks. However, those effects of straw return are highly dependent on fertilizer management, cropping system, soil type, duration period, and the initial SOC content.  相似文献   

Soil warming alters microbial substrate use in alpine soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Will warming lead to an increased use of older soil organic carbon (SOC) by microbial communities, thereby inducing C losses from C‐rich alpine soils? We studied soil microbial community composition, activity, and substrate use after 3 and 4 years of soil warming (+4 °C, 2007–2010) at the alpine treeline in Switzerland. The warming experiment was nested in a free air CO2 enrichment experiment using depleted 13CO213C = ?30‰, 2001–2009). We traced this depleted 13C label in phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) of the organic layer (0–5 cm soil depth) and in C mineralized from root‐free soils to distinguish substrate ages used by soil microorganisms: fixed before 2001 (‘old’), from 2001 to 2009 (‘new’) or in 2010 (‘recent’). Warming induced a sustained stimulation of soil respiration (+38%) without decline in mineralizable SOC. PLFA concentrations did not reveal changes in microbial community composition due to soil warming, but soil microbial metabolic activity was stimulated (+66%). Warming decreased the amount of new and recent C in the fungal biomarker 18:2ω6,9 and the amount of new C mineralized from root‐free soils, implying a shift in microbial substrate use toward a greater use of old SOC. This shift in substrate use could indicate an imbalance between C inputs and outputs, which could eventually decrease SOC storage in this alpine ecosystem.  相似文献   

由化石燃料燃烧和土地利用变化引起的全球气候变暖是地球上最严重的人为干扰之一,对陆地生态系统结构和功能产生重要的影响。土壤有机碳(SOC)是陆地生态系统最大的碳库,其微小变化都会影响全球碳平衡和气候变化。近30年来,国内外学者在不同森林生态系统相继开展了野外模拟增温对SOC分解的影响及其调控机制研究。基于在全球建立的26个野外模拟气候变暖实验平台,系统分析增温对森林生态系统SOC分解的影响格局和潜在机制,发现增温通常促进森林SOC的分解,对气候变暖产生正反馈作用。然而,因增温方式和持续时间、土壤微生物群落结构和功能的多样性、SOC结构和组成的复杂性、植物-土壤-微生物之间相互作用以及森林类型等不同而存在差异,导致人们对森林SOC分解响应气候变暖的程度及时空格局变化缺乏统一的认识,且各类生物和非生物因子的相对贡献尚不清楚。基于已有研究,从土壤微生物群落结构和功能、有机碳组分以及植物-土壤-微生物互作3个方面构建了气候变暖影响SOC分解的概念框架,并进一步阐述了今后的重点研究方向,以期深入理解森林生态系统碳-气候反馈效应,为制定森林生态系统管理措施和实现"碳中和"提供科学依据。1)加强模拟增温对不同森林生态系统(特别是热带亚热带森林生态系统) SOC分解的长期观测研究,查明SOC分解的时空动态特征;2)加强土壤微生物功能群与SOC分解之间关系的研究,揭示SOC分解对增温响应的微生物学机制;3)形成统一的SOC组分研究方法,揭示不同碳组分对增温的响应特征和机制;4)加强森林生态系统植物-土壤-微生物间相互作用对模拟增温的响应及其对SOC分解调控的研究;5)加强模拟增温与其他全球变化因子(例如降水格局变化、土地利用变化、大气氮沉降)对SOC分解的交互作用,为更好评估未来全球变化背景下森林土壤碳动态及碳汇功能的维持提供理论基础。  相似文献   


Major global change factors, including carbon dioxide (CO2) fertilization, warming, change in precipitation, nitrogen deposition, and land-use change have the potential to significantly affect future stocks of soil organic carbon (SOC). These factors, individually or by interacting with each other, can also trigger positive or negative feedback to the processes affecting the rate of SOC formation or loss. Despite rapid progress in the understanding of carbon (C) cycling processes in the last few decades, much uncertainty remains in our ability to precisely forecast potential changes in SOC stocks in the rapidly changing future world. Stable C isotopes have been extensively used in natural observational studies as well as in laboratory and field experiments that manipulate CO2 concentration, temperature, moisture, nitrogen fertilization, and vegetation type to understand the complex interactions and feedbacks that result from changing climate, plants and their herbivores, as well as soil microorganisms. Newly developed tools such as compound-specific isotope analysis, nano-SIMS (secondary ion mass spectroscopy), and stable isotope probing (SIP) permit isotope tracing in a specific ecosystem pool into specific C compounds and processes, thus providing in-depth insights into many processes affecting C biogeochemistry. The recent availability of affordable and reliable field-deployable optical isotope monitoring devices has provided researchers with a new set of tools for continuously tracking the 13C-CO2 fluxes at the ecosystem level, enabling deeper insights into C biogeochemistry under changing environmental conditions. Despite these great strides, there is a scarcity of review studies that have comprehensively examined the use of C isotopes in studying SOC responses under global change factors. This review highlights recent progress in understanding the effect of major global change factors on SOC fluxes and stocks using selected examples covering scales from plant rhizospheres to geographic regions. Moreover, we discuss the strengths and limitations of current approaches and recent scientific advancements to highlight the new prospects evolving from the exceptional temporal and spatial resolution of stable isotope analysis in studying how global change affects SOC. Finally, we suggest that studies using stable C isotopes are well-poised to focus on identifying how dominant SOC cycling processes respond to environment-specific limiting factors and any thresholds and tipping points that define those relationships.


Global soil carbon (C) stocks are expected to decline with warming, and changes in microbial processes are key to this projection. However, warming responses of critical microbial parameters such as carbon use efficiency (CUE) and biomass turnover (rB) are not well understood. Here, we determine these parameters using a probabilistic inversion approach that integrates a microbial‐enzyme model with 22 years of carbon cycling measurements at Harvard Forest. We find that increasing temperature reduces CUE but increases rB, and that two decades of soil warming increases the temperature sensitivities of CUE and rB. These temperature sensitivities, which are derived from decades‐long field observations, contrast with values obtained from short‐term laboratory experiments. We also show that long‐term soil C flux and pool changes in response to warming are more dependent on the temperature sensitivity of CUE than that of rB. Using the inversion‐derived parameters, we project that chronic soil warming at Harvard Forest over six decades will result in soil C gain of <1.0% on average (1st and 3rd quartiles: 3.0% loss and 10.5% gain) in the surface mineral horizon. Our results demonstrate that estimates of temperature sensitivity of microbial CUE and rB can be obtained and evaluated rigorously by integrating multidecadal datasets. This approach can potentially be applied in broader spatiotemporal scales to improve long‐term projections of soil C feedbacks to climate warming.  相似文献   

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