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This paper is the first to tackle the problem of designing routes in service companies that are responsible for the metrological control of measuring equipments at customer sites. This real-world problem belongs to the well-known Rich Vehicle Routing Problems which combine multiple attributes that distinguish them from traditional vehicle routing problems. The attributes include fixed heterogeneous fleet of vehicles, time windows for customers and depot, resource synchronization between tours, driver-customer and vehicle-customer constraints, customer priorities and unserved customers. This routing and scheduling problem is modeled with linear programming techniques and solved by a variable neighborhood descent metaheuristic based on a tabu search algorithm with a holding list. A real-life case study faced by a company in the region of Andalusia (Spain) is also presented in this work. The performance of the metaheuristic is compared with the literature for the standard fixed heterogeneous vehicle routing problem. Results obtained on a real case instance improve the solutions implemented by the company.  相似文献   

The Verret basin was formerly an overflow area between the Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers and contains about 41,000ha of forested wetlands. Water levels are rising at the rate of over 1 cm/year in this area, and the forests are subjected to longer and deeper flooding. Tree growth, litterfall, and species composition were monitored across a flooding gradient during January 1985–December 1986. The driest area was only 20 cm higher in elevation than the wettest area, but the structure of the forest changes greatly over this range. The drier area was dominated by sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua L.), oaks (Quercus spp.), and sugarberry (Celtis laevigata Willd.), while green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh.), red maple (Acer rubrum L.), and baldcypress (Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich.) were dominant in the wetter area. Green ash and bitter pecan (Carya aquatica (Michaux. f.) Nutt.) were found in all plots, but these two species are under severe stress in the more flooded area as evidenced by dead and dying trees. Stem wood production increased from 1985 to 1986 in the driest (392 to 473 g/m2/yr) and wettest (199 to 399 g/m2/yr) plots, but remained relatively unchanged in the transitional area (386 to 380g/m2/yr). Leaf litter production decreased across the gradient from dry to flooded plots during both years. Over 40% of the litterfall in the drier plot was from flood-tolerant shrub species. In the flooded plots, red maple and baldcypress were major contributors to total litterfall. Increased flooding of dry bottomland forests in the future could lead to decreased litterfall and increased tree death over the entire watershed.  相似文献   

典型岩溶流域土壤有机质空间变异——以云南小江流域为例   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
以云南小江流域为例,利用地统计学与GIS相结合研究岩溶区土壤有机质的空间变异。统计分析结果表明,研究区内土壤有机质含量的总体水平较高,平均为29.0g/kg,变异系数为60.5%,属强变异;半方差函数分析结果表明,流域土壤有机质含量的空间变异具有各向异向性,长、短轴变程分别为39.8km和22.0km,同时由空间自相关部分引起的空间变异性的程度较大,C0/(C0+C1)值为53.4%,流域土壤有机质含量具有中等的空间相关性;Kriging插值分析结果表明流域土壤有机质含量由东部向西、西南部逐渐降低,其空间分布与流域地质、地貌及土地利用表现出明显的一致性。  相似文献   

典型岩溶流域景观格局动态变化——以云南小江流域为例   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据云南小江流域 1982年的航片和 2 0 0 3年的 TM影像及实地调查资料 ,获得流域两期景观类型图 ,利用 GIS、RS和景观生态学的理论和方法 ,分析了典型岩溶流域景观格局的动态变化及驱动机制。结果表明 :流域 6 10 .12 km2的景观类型发生变化 ,占流域景观总面积的 5 9% ;景观类型变化主要由未利用地向耕地和林地以及林地向耕地的转化 ;流域景观变化速度十分迅速 ,综合变化动态度达 2 .95 % ,园地和耕地景观变化动态度达 34.0 9%、10 .5 5 % ;流域景观的斑块数增加 86 .3% ,平均斑块面积减少 4 6 .1% ,流域景观的基本构型由以大斑块为主体 ,中、小型斑块镶嵌其中转变为以中等斑块为主体 ,大、小型斑块镶嵌其中的构型 ;流域景观多样性指数增长 4 .14 % ,破碎度指数增长 84 .6 % ;未利用地、林地的分离度指数分别增加 114 .5 8%和6 9.6 4 % ,而耕地的分离度指数减少 4 5 .86 % ;流域耕地、建设地重心向东北方向迁移 ,而未利用地、林地、重心向南东、南西方向迁移 ;人文因素是流域景观格局变化的直接驱动力 ,人口增长、经济发展是流域耕地景观变化进而导致系列景观变化最根本的原因 ,而比较经济利益和理智的生态环境保护政策是流域林地景观变化的主要原因  相似文献   

城市湖泊正面临着水体污染和生态系统退化的双重压力 ,对湖泊生态系统的状态进行预警是判定湖泊演化趋势以及制定相应控制对策的重要途径和手段。本文以武汉市汉阳地区的 6个小型城市湖泊为例 ,结合国内外的研究进展 ,从水生生态系统、湖滨生态系统和入湖沟渠生态系统 3方面入手 ,结合生物监测、生物标志物技术 ,综合考虑水文、水质和生态系统以及污染物扩散等因素 ,设计出汉阳地区湖泊生态系统的预警技术体系。该技术体系主要分 5步 :湖泊生态系统现状调研、生物标志物和关键指示因子确定、水质 -生态系统模拟、系统输出和灵敏度检验以及生态系统状态预警及对策、措施  相似文献   

Buffer zones along rivers and streams can provide water quality services by filtering nutrients, sediment and other contaminants from the surface. Redundancy analysis was used to determine the influence of the landscape pattern at the entire catchment scale and at multiple buffer zone scales (100 m, 300 m, 500 m, 1000 m and 1500 m) on the water quality in a highly urbanised watershed. Change-point analysis was further applied to estimate the specific locations along a gradient of landscape metric that result in a sudden change in the water quality variable. The landscape characteristics for 100 m buffer zones appeared to have a slightly greater influence on the water quality than the entire catchment. The patch density of urban land and the large patch index of water were recognised as the dominant variables influencing the water quality for a 100 m buffer zone. The result of change-point analysis indicated key interval values of the two landscape metrics within the 100 m buffer zone. When the patch density of urban land was >30–40 n/100 ha and the largest patch index of water was >2.5–3.5%, the watershed water quality appeared to be better protected.  相似文献   



The aim of this study is to develop and test the applicability of a new subcategory assessment method (SAM) for social life cycle assessment using a case study on high-density polyethylene (HDPE) production by Dow Chemical Canada facility in Alberta, Canada.


The methodology is characterized by six steps: (1) definition of the goal and scope of the assessment; (2) life cycle inventory data collection including context data at country level and company-specific data for foreground processes; (3) impact assessment where the subcategories’ results for foreground processes at company level are evaluated using a new SAM developed and the country social performance in the different subcategories is evaluated using some assessment intervals; (4) comparing the social performance of foreground processes to the social background context in sector or country; (5) evaluating the social performance of background processes using sector performance evaluation from Product Social Impact Life Cycle Assessment (PSILCA) database or country performance evaluation conducted in the study; (6) and discussion and conclusion.

Results and discussion

The method developed was able to identify the subcategories that need high level or some level of improvements along the cradle-to-gate life cycle of HDPE. In addition, the stakeholders with high negative effect were highlighted in every life cycle stage. Through this approach, Dow Chemical Canada is able to prioritize its actions and focus on the areas where its performance is still low compared to its peers in the sector or compared to the situation in the country. Moreover, through using PSILCA database or country performance evaluation to investigate the social performance of background processes, Dow Chemical Canada can determine the social hotspots areas that need more focus from its suppliers.


Applying the new subcategory assessment approach proposed in this study provides an objective way to assess the subcategories while differentiating between two levels of assessment: (1) the commitment to the social subcategory in the company’s policy (defined as cutoff requirement) and (2) the evidence of good/bad practices of the subcategory. In addition, the comparison of performance of the companies in foreground processes to the social background in sector or country has improved the objectivity further.

基于水源涵养的流域适宜森林覆盖率研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
朱志芳 《生态学报》2011,31(6):1662-1668
适宜森林覆盖率的研究是流域防护林空间布局的基础研究,对流域内防护林林种和林分结构调整有着重要的指导意义。以对土壤饱和蓄水量的贡献大小为依据,人力可控和可测为原则进行流域有林地水源涵养功能评价指标筛选。采用群组AHP法剔除因子间相关性较大的指标,筛选出了地形-土壤因子、林分因子、干扰强度因子共计12个指标;用层次分析法(AHP)计算各指标对土壤饱和蓄水量的权重,以此权重计算各有林地小班水源涵养的等级值以及每个等级对应的面积。以流域历年(40a)最大日降雨量147.2 mm计算流域适宜森林覆盖率。结果表明:林分因子 (0.637)>干扰强度因子(0.258)>地形-土壤因子(0.105),即影响平通河流域有林地水源涵养功能最大的因子是林分因子,其次是干扰度因子;流域基于水源涵养的适宜森林覆盖率为57.09%,变幅为43%-73%。  相似文献   

High rates of deformity in wild amphibian populations from north-eastern North America have been increasingly reported since 1995. In the St Lawrence River basin (Canada) elevated frequencies of limb and eye deformities in mudpuppies (Necturus maculosus) and leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) were recorded in the early 1990s. A caging study was conducted during 1998 to verify the rates recorded in leopard frogs and pursue the potential causes of deformities seen in juveniles and adults. Week-old leopard frog tadpoles were collected from a reference wetland and maintained through to metamorphosis in cages in previously identified high risk wetlands. Deformity frequencies were measured and compared with frequencies measured in wild populations of leopard frogs inhabiting the same wetlands. The results of caging studies and sampling of wild populations were also compared with corresponding data collected from a reference wetland. No deformities were observed in caged or wild reference animals. Very low deformity frequencies (up to 2.2%) were observed in frogs caged in high risk wetlands, but greater frequencies (3.4-10%) were observed in wild young-of-the-year frogs captured at the same sites. The types of deformities were similar among groups; they included fused, missing or extra digits and disproportionate hindlimb length or eye pupil size. In addition, mortality rates were elevated in two cages in high risk wetlands. In general, the caging procedure was effective in establishing the potential for production of deformities in the waters of a given wetland, but tended to underestimate the rates calculated for samples of wild populations. The ramifications of the first-year findings for similar assessments of amphibian deformity rates and establishment of cause-effect linkages are discussed.  相似文献   

The management of a genetic improvement program is based on the knowledge of the genetic parameters and their relationships to determine the genetic gains. Knowledge of the coefficient of coancestry (θ) is a requirement for efficient progeny testing scheme and for estimating additive variance components for any quantitative trait. When using open-pollinated families, most authors assume that the seedlings are related as half-sibs, but this is not always true. Our aim was to estimate a mean value of the coancestry coefficient of the families present in a maritime pine Pinus pinaster Ait. (maritime or cluster pine) progeny trial originating from seed collected in a clonal seed orchard and to study how deviations from the standard assumption of θ = 0.125 affect heritability estimations. Five highly polymorphic microsatellite markers were scored in 125 offspring from a subsample of five families from the progeny trial. The mean value of the coancestry coefficient of the families present in this progeny trial was 0.130. Differences between the unadjusted and adjusted heritability estimates were more pronounced in wood density (0.609 and 0.586, respectively) than in diameter (0.166 and 0.154, respectively). We conclude that in the trial, the associated error in heritability estimates due to the inclusion of full-sibs, when assuming a standard coefficient of relationship among open-pollinated sibs of 0.250, was low and that this result is robust with respect to the number of families sampled, given unbiased estimates of average relationship among offspring within sib families.  相似文献   

Six species of isopods and 18 species of amphipods were collectedin the neuston of the Bay of Fundy and adjacent waters. Collectionswere made over a grid of stations covering 2.4x104 km2 duringthree spring, three summer and two autumn surveys. No isopodsand only five species of amphipods were found in spring surveys.Isopods and amphipods were diverse and plentiful in the neustonin summer and autumn. Dominant isopods were Idotea baltica andI.metallica, and dominant amphipods were Calliopius laeviusculusand Parathemisto gaudichaudi. Amphipods and isopods reach theneuston of the Bay of Fundy in three ways. Idotea metallica,the only euneustonic species present, was probably advectedinto the Bay of Fundy from southern waters in summer, and didnot appear to overwinter in the Bay. Most species, includingI.baltica, were collected with drifting littoral vegetation,and we suggest that transport by surface currents is an importantfactor in dispersal of some shoreline crustaceans. Midwaterplankton, such as Parathemisto gaudichaudi, reached the neustoneither by advection in upwelling waters or by an extension oftheir normal diel vertical distribution.  相似文献   

谢江波  刘彤  崔运河  张元杭 《生态学报》2008,28(5):2176-2176~2190
植物的生长固然与自身特性有关,也与其生境中环境要素及其它物种相互作用相互影响,牵涉到生物格局、环境格局和景观格局的相互作用,已有研究表明,这种作用具有多尺度特性.量化这3种格局的某些重要特征,将有利于理解这种尺度行为对格局的影响,甚至量化格局在多尺度上的一些特性.在古尔班通古特沙漠南缘莫索湾沙地选取相隔15km的两个200m×200m样地,以心叶驼绒藜(Ceratoides ewersmanniana)、梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)、琵琶柴(Perosimonia soongorica)和沙拐枣(Calligonum mongolicum)及其生境地形和土壤理化性质为研究对象,联合小波分析(WAA)、点格局分析(PPA)和典范对应分析(CCA)研究莫索湾沙漠4种灌木种内的聚集性(成丛性)及其周期性、种间相互作用、边缘效应及其与生境地形和土壤理化性质的关系,发现表观上沙生植物分布非连续,但是可形成25~80m尺度范围的成丛性分布,且周期性出现,心叶驼绒藜周期为115~125m、梭梭周期为130~140m,研究表明,周期为110m的地形基频是植物成丛性周期形成的主因.琵琶柴和沙拐枣虽成丛分布,但未发现其周期,其周期可能在更大的幅度上存在;其次,东西方向的边缘量化检测结果表明:东西方向也存在功能边缘和结构边缘,不像南北边缘的位置是受到太阳辐射和遮阴作用影响,东西边缘的位置却是受到了垄状沙丘大小和地形的影响;再次,种间关系研究发现:4种灌木相互都是负相关,且在大多数尺度上是显著负相关.结果表明:荒漠植物通过成丛或聚集分布可以形成适合本物种生存的局部微生境.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the physiological and aerodynamic characteristics and the preparation for a successful attempt to break the 1-h cycling world record. An elite professional road cyclist (30 yr, 188 cm, 81 kg) performed an incremental laboratory test to assess maximal power output (W(max)) and power output (W(OBLA)), estimated speed (V(OBLA)), and heart rate (HR(OBLA)) at the onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA). He also completed an incremental velodrome (cycling track) test (VT1), during which V(OBLAVT1) and HR(OBLAVT1) were measured and W(OBLAVT1) was estimated. W(max) was 572 W, W(OBLA) 505 W, V(OBLA) 52.88 km/h, and HR(OBLA) 183 beats/min. V(OBLAVT1), HR(OBLAVT1), and W(OBLAVT1) were 52.7 km/h, 180 beats/min, and 500.6 W, respectively. Drag coefficient and shape coefficient, measured in a wind tunnel, were 0. 244 and 0.65 m(2), respectively. The cyclist set a world record of 53,040 m, with an estimated average power output of 509.5 W. Based on direct laboratory data of the power vs. oxygen uptake relationship for this cyclist, this is slightly higher than the 497. 25 W corresponding to his oxygen uptake at OBLA (5.65 l/min). In conclusion, 1) the 1-h cycling world record is the result of the interaction between physiological and aerodynamic characteristics; and 2) performance in this event can be predicted using mathematical models that integrate the principal performance-determining variables.  相似文献   

We present calculated potential of mean force surfaces for rotation about phi, psi dihedral angles of the alpha(1<-->1)alpha-glycosidic linkage in the disaccharide trehalose (alpha-D-Glc-(1<-->1)-alpha-D-Glc) in both vacuum and aqueous solution. The effects of aqueous solvation upon the alpha(1<-->1)alpha-glycosidic linkage are investigated through comparison of the vacuum and aqueous solution free-energy surfaces. These surfaces reveal that trehalose is restricted to a single minimum-energy conformation in both vacuum and solution. The exceptional rigidity of this disaccharide in solution may provide a molecular rationale for the antidesiccant properties of trehalose glasses.  相似文献   

The estimation of pollen production is widely used in pollination and reproductive ecology, aerobiology and pollen-vegetation relationship studies. Pollen release is the key step in estimating pollen production and therefore, the technique used to release pollen is critical. Three methods, the drying method (DM), mechanical method (MM) and chemical method (CM), are used to determine the amount of pollen released from anthers. Few studies have compared the results obtained from each method, making it difficult to determine which method is most appropriate in a given situation. In this study, we compared existing methods with a new method that increases the amount of pollen released from anthers. Eight species of mangrove trees from the Neilingding-Futian National Nature Reserve were selected for study. We combined the MM and CM to produce a new method (the ultrasonic method, UM). To determine the best ultrasonic treatment time using the UM, different durations were tested and the various responses were analysed. The relationships between pollen rupture and the ultrasonic treatment time, pollen size, exine thickness and aperture size were analysed. Finally, four methods for pollen release from anthers were compared. The results indicated that the UM could be an efficient method to release pollen from the anther. To avoid pollen rupture, ultrasonic treatment times in the UM should be less than 30 s. The pollen rupture rate was significantly correlated with the ultrasonic treatment time (r = 0.618, p < 0.001) and the aperture size (r = 0.248, p = 0.036). This comparative experiment indicated that the UM can generate a greater pollen yield than other methods while causing less pollen rupture than the MM. Therefore, the UM may be suitable for more plant species and more accurate for pollen production estimates than the existing three methods, particularly when estimating pollen production in all community plants.  相似文献   

Variation in thermal constraints on activity has been hypothesized to be an important ecological source of geographic variation in growth rates of juvenile eastern fence lizards Sceloporus undulatus. However, most of the evidence to support this hypothesis is either inferential or indirect. In this study, I quantitatively compared thermal constraints on activity and their relationship to growth rates of free-ranging juvenile fence lizards from two extremes of the range of variation in growth rate (Nebraska and New Jersey) used in a reciprocal transplant experiment. I also examined energy allocation made to growth and storage by yearling lizards. Reduced growth rates in New Jersey of normally fast-growing hatchlings from Nebraska were associated with a more stringent thermal constraint on activity corresponding to a 2-3-h shorter predicted daily activity period in New Jersey compared to Nebraska. The thermal constraint on activity was particularly strong (24% less time available in New Jersey compared to Nebraska) during the period when hatchling lizards emerge (August-October). An 8% reduction in total activity time available over the course of a single year was associated with a 7% reduction in the total amount of energy accumulated by lizards in New Jersey. Differences in the total amount of energy available for allocation were also accompanied by differences in how energy was allocated. Lizards from New Jersey had an allocatable energy pool of approximately 40.34 kJ (88% to growth, 12% to storage, and 0% to reproduction). Lizards from Nebraska had an allocatable pool of 43.44 kJ (22% to growth, 18% to storage, and 60% to reproduction). This study joins others in advocating and illustrating an integrative approach to determining the causes and consequences of life-history variation by combining experimental, comparative, and phylogenetic methods in a single system.  相似文献   

Seven coral reef communities were defined on Shiraho fringing reef, Ishigaki Island, Japan. Net photosynthesis and calcification rates were measured by in situ incubations at 10 sites that included six of the defined communities, and which occupied most of the area on the reef flat and slope. Net photosynthesis on the reef flat was positive overall, but the reef flat acts as a source for atmospheric CO2, because the measured calcification/photosynthesis ratio of 2.5 is greater than the critical ratio of 1.67. Net photosynthesis on the reef slope was negative. Almost all excess organic production from the reef flat is expected to be effused to the outer reef and consumed by the communities there. Therefore, the total net organic production of the whole reef system is probably almost zero and the whole reef system also acts as a source for atmospheric CO2. Net calcification rates of the reef slope corals were much lower than those of the branching corals. The accumulation rate of the former was approximately 0.5 m kyr−1 and of the latter was ~0.7–5 m kyr−1. Consequently, reef slope corals could not grow fast enough to keep up with or catch up to rising sea levels during the Holocene. On the other hand, the branching corals grow fast enough to keep up with this rising sea level. Therefore, a transition between early Holocene and present-day reef communities is expected. Branching coral communities would have dominated while reef growth kept pace with sea level rise, and the reef was constructed with a branching coral framework. Then, the outside of this framework was covered and built up by reef slope corals and present-day reefs were constructed.  相似文献   

Mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCEs) were compared between La Parguera and Ponce, off the south coast of Puerto Rico. In contrast to La Parguera, Ponce has a narrow insular shelf and hosts several river outlets, a commercial port, a regional sewage treatment plant with associated deep water outfall, and three deep dredge disposal sites. Off Ponce, MCEs receive higher (16×) rates of sedimentation than off La Parguera, a less impacted site. The most impacted sites were located offshore of Cayo Ratones and are in or down-current and in close proximity to one of the dredge disposal sites. There, MCEs are characterized by a steep, irregular, rocky slope with a cover of fine-grained, dark brown sediment, which increases with depth. At shallower depths, scattered rocky outcroppings are colonized by sponges, black corals and algae. The sediment cover contains two to three times the terrigenous content and a significantly higher percentage of the fine-grained fraction than off La Parguera. Thirteen remotely operated vehicle (ROV) dives east and west of Ponce showed that the deepest depth at which corals were observed increased with distance from Cayo Ratones and did not approach depths observed off La Parguera except at the eastern-most (up-current) site, Caja de Muertos, which was also significantly further offshore. Benthic communities off Caja de Muertos were comparable to those at La Parguera, while off Cayo Ratones, there were no mesophotic corals and sparse development of other benthic macrobiota except sponges. Management authorities should include MCEs when assessing potential impacts from anthropogenic activities and take the necessary steps to reduce local threats.  相似文献   

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