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Valley fill mining has the potential to alter headwater stream habitat in many areas in the eastern United States. In valley fill mining, overburden is removed to expose underlying coal seams. The overburden is then deposited in the adjacent valley. The deposited overburden from mining increases sedimentation, increases stream conductivity, and alters hydrologic regimes downstream of the fill. Changes in downstream communities are not well documented. However, it was suspected the increased sedimentation and conductivity would have deleterious effects upon the downstream macroinvertebrate communities. In southern West Virginia, four pairs of streams, each consisting of a fill and a reference stream, were selected as representative of watersheds experiencing valley fill mining. Stream pairs were selected for similar environmental conditions, with one stream having a valley fill in its headwaters. Each stream was sampled by replicate Surber samples (n=9 per stream). Water chemistry and sediment measurements also were taken at each location. Valley fill streams experienced significantly higher specific conductance (p < 0.01), but did not have elevated levels of fine sediment. Fills exhibited elevated levels of Na, K, Mn, Mg, Ca, Ni and Fe relative to reference streams. Additionally, valley fill streams demonstrated significantly lower densities of Ephemeroptera, Coleoptera, Odonata, Non-insects, Scrapers, and Shredders (p < 0.03) than reference streams. Further, Ephemeroptera richness was negatively related to specific conductivity and many of the richness metrics were negatively related to metals, both of which were generally elevated in fill streams. It appears that at the minimum, valley fills increase specific conductance and metals in streams and this or some other unqualified factors structure the macroinvertebrate community downstream of the valley fill. However, given the level of disturbance in valley fills, it is surprising how little differences existed between fills and reference stream biota.  相似文献   

How do grazers affect periphyton heterogeneity in streams?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Alvarez M  Peckarsky BL 《Oecologia》2005,142(4):576-587
The effects of grazing by stream invertebrates on algal biomass and spatial heterogeneity were tested experimentally in flow-through microcosms with natural substrates (rocks). One experiment tested the effects of fixed densities of three species of grazers (the caddisfly Allomyia sp. and two mayflies, Epeorus deceptivus and Baetis bicaudatus) on periphyton. Baetis was tested with and without chemical cues from fish predators, which reduced grazer foraging activity to levels similar to the less mobile mayfly (Epeorus). Mean algal biomass (chlorophyll a; chl a) was reduced in grazer treatments compared to ungrazed controls, but there were no differences among grazer treatments. Algal heterogeneity (Morisita index) increased with grazer mobility, with the highest heterogeneity occurring in the Baetis-no fish treatment (most mobile grazer) and the lowest in the caddisfly treatment (most sedentary grazer). A second experiment used a three factorial design, and tested whether initial resource distribution (homogeneous vs. heterogeneous), Baetis density (high vs. low) and fish odor (present vs. absent) affected grazer impact on algal resources. Abundances of Baetis and chl a on individual rocks were recorded to explore the mechanisms responsible for the observed distributions of algae. Initial resource heterogeneity was maintained despite being subjected to grazing. Mean chl a was highest in controls, as in experiment I, and effects of Baetis on algal biomass increased with grazer density. There were no fish effects on algal biomass and no effects of grazer density or fish on algal heterogeneity. At the scale of individual rocks Baetis was unselective when food was homogeneously distributed, but chose high-food rocks when it was heterogeneously distributed. Results of these mechanistic experiments showed that Baetis can track resources at the scale of single rocks; and at moderate densities mobile grazers could potentially maintain periphyton distributions observed in natural streams.  相似文献   

1. Spring‐fed streams, with temperatures ranging from 7.1 to 21.6 °C, in an alpine geothermal area in SW Iceland were chosen to test hypotheses on the effects of nutrients and temperature on stream primary producers. Ammonium nitrate was dripped into the lower reaches of eight streams, with higher reaches being used as controls, during the summers of 2006 and 2007. Dry mass of larger primary producers, epilithic chlorophyll a and biovolumes of epilithic algae were measured. 2. Bryophyte communities were dominated by Fontinalis antipyretica, and biomass was greatest in the warmest streams. Jungermannia exsertifolia, a liverwort, was found in low densities in few samples from cold streams but this species was absent from the warmest streams. 3. Nutrient enrichment increased the biomass of bryophytes significantly in warm streams. No effects of the nutrient addition were detected on vascular plants. The biomass of larger filamentous algae (mainly Cladophora spp.) was significantly increased by nutrient enrichment in cold streams but reduced by nutrients in warm streams. Thalloid cyanobacteria (Nostoc spp.) were not affected by nutrients in cold streams but decreased with nutrient addition in warm streams. Epilithic algal chlorophyll a was increased by nutrients in all streams and to a greater extent in 2007 than in 2006. Nutrient addition did not affect the epilithic chlorophyll a differently in streams of different temperatures. 4. There were small differential effects of nutrients, influenced by pH and conductivity, on different epilithic algal groups. 5. As global temperatures increase, animal husbandry and perhaps crop agriculture are likely to increase in Iceland. Temperature will directly influence the stream communities, but its secondary effects, manifested through agricultural eutrophication, are likely to be much greater.  相似文献   

Studies of birds have recently played an important role in the increasing success of quantitative genetics applied to natural populations. However, these studies mostly base their pedigree relationships on social information, despite the known widespread genetic polygamy in avian species. Here, we study the influence of misassigned paternities, combined with the effect of pedigree size and depth, on the estimation of heritability. First, we compute simulations of a polygenic trait for two levels of heritability (0.1 and 0.4), several extra-pair paternity rates (ranging from 5% to 40%), and varying sample sizes (20, 50 and 100 broods) or pedigree depth (2 or 4 generations). We compare heritability estimates from the social and the genetic pedigree, running a restricted maximum-likelihood 'animal model'. Social pedigree underestimates heritability by an average of 0-17% for 5-20% extra-pair paternities and by up to 18% for 40% extra-pair paternities and a heritability of 0.4. Second, we identifyied extra-pair offspring using microsatellite loci in two populations of blue tits (Parus caeruleus) showing high levels of extra-pair paternities (15% and 25% of extra-pair offspring). We compare heritabilities of tarsus length and body mass estimated with pedigrees of increasing accuracy. These analyses suggest that the bias induced by misassigned paternities on heritability estimation depends on the level of heritability and the rate of paternity error. Typical rates of extra-pair paternities in birds (around 20% of offspring) should result in an underestimation of heritability of less than 15% when estimated over a minimum of 100 broods.  相似文献   

The spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is a threatening risk for human health at a global scale. Improved knowledge on the cycle of antibiotic resistance spread between human and the environment is a major requirement for the management of the current crisis. Compared to the well-studied cycle in clinical settings much less is known about the factor allowing their persistence in the environment. In fact, lakes and rivers exposed to high anthropogenic impact seem to become long-term reservoirs for resistance genes. The presence of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) within the resident microbiome of large subalpine lakes (i.e. Lake Geneva, Lake Maggiore) has recently been investigated in both the water column and the sediment. These studies suggest a correlation between the abundance of some ARGs and the anthropogenic impact. Within the system, however, abiotic factors and the food-web structure determine the survival of specific bacterial genotypes and thus the resistance genes they harbour. Thus, a growing body of work suggests an important role of ecological interactions in the persistence or elimination of such genes from the environment. This article reviews the current literature regarding the presence of ARGs in subalpine lakes, the impact of anthropogenic pollution on their appearance and the potential role of various ecological interactions on their persistence in the system.  相似文献   

The lecture presents modern knowledge of the mechanisms of cytokinin perception and signal transduction to the genes of primary and secondary responses. It also demonstrates the relations between the rapid cytokinin-induced processes and cytokinin-induced physiological effects. The characteristics of the cytokinin regulatory system and its role in the control of plant growth and development are discussed.  相似文献   

We present the first single-molecule atomic force microscopy study on the effect of chemical denaturants on the mechanical folding/unfolding kinetics of a small protein GB1 (the B1 immunoglobulin-binding domain of protein G from Streptococcus). Upon increasing the concentration of the chemical denaturant guanidinium chloride (GdmCl), we observed a systematic decrease in the mechanical stability of GB1, indicating the softening effect of the chemical denaturant on the mechanical stability of proteins. This mechanical softening effect originates from the reduced free-energy barrier between the folded state and the unfolding transition state, which decreases linearly as a function of the denaturant concentration. Chemical denaturants, however, do not alter the mechanical unfolding pathway or shift the position of the transition state for mechanical unfolding. We also found that the folding rate constant of GB1 is slowed down by GdmCl in mechanical folding experiments. By combining the mechanical folding/unfolding kinetics of GB1 in GdmCl solution, we developed the “mechanical chevron plot” as a general tool to understand how chemical denaturants influence the mechanical folding/unfolding kinetics and free-energy diagram in a quantitative fashion. This study demonstrates great potential in combining chemical denaturation with single-molecule atomic force microscopy techniques to reveal invaluable information on the energy landscape underlying protein folding/unfolding reactions.  相似文献   

After replication in the cytoplasm, viruses spread from the infected cell into the neighboring cells through plasmodesmata, membranous channels embedded by the cell wall. As obligate parasites, viruses have acquired the ability to utilize host factors that unwillingly cooperate for the viral infection process. For example, the viral movement proteins (MP) interacts with the host pectin methylesterase (PME) and both proteins cooperate to sustain the viral spread. However, how and where PMEs interact with MPs and how the PME/MP complexes favor the viral translocation is not well understood. Recently, we demonstrated that the overexpression of PME inhibitors (PMEIs) in tobacco and Arabidopsis plants limits the movement of Tobacco mosaic virus and Turnip vein clearing virus and reduces plant susceptibility to these viruses. Here we discuss how overexpression of PMEI may reduce tobamovirus spreading.  相似文献   

1. Anthropogenic impacts on the biogeochemical cycles of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) affect natural ecosystems worldwide. Modelling is required to predict where and when these key nutrients limit primary production in freshwaters. 2. We reviewed 382 nutrient‐enrichment experiments to examine which factors promote limitation of microphytobenthos biomass by N or P in streams and rivers. Using regression models, we examined whether the response of microphytobenthos biomass to N and P additions could be predicted by the absolute N and P concentrations in the water, the water N:P ratio or a combination of the two. 3. The absolute N concentration in the water was the best predictor of the magnitude of the response of microphytobenthos biomass to N additions. In comparison, the N:P ratio was the best predictor of whether or not N was limiting. However, predictions were uncertain except at extreme N:P ratios <1 : 1 and >100 : 1. 4. The absolute P concentration in the water was the best predictor of the magnitude of the response of microphytobenthos biomass to P additions. Neither the absolute nor the relative N and P concentrations predicted whether or not P was limiting. 5. The absolute and the relative N and P water concentrations contribute significant and complementary insights into the responses of microphytobenthos biomass to nutrient enrichment in running waters. However, ability to predict nutrient limitation from these concentrations is constrained by substantial error in the models. In the future, the prediction ability of models of nutrient limitation might be improved by focussing on regional scales and accounting for additional factors such as light and disturbance.  相似文献   

One difficulty that arises in an analysis of the cross-sectional properties of bone is whether to include cancellous bone in the analysis. The purpose of this paper is to determine how different amounts of cancellous bone affect the measurement of structural properties of bone cross-sections. Thirty-two tibial and femoral cross-sections were chosen at random from a series of cross-sectioned nonhuman primate bones. Geometrical properties were calculated for the cross-sections, and torsional and bending stress analyses were performed. The results suggest that the effect of including cancellous bone in the analysis is closely related to the amount of bone, where it lies within the cross-section, and the type of analysis performed. Including cancellous bone in calculations of structural properties of bone cross-sections may cause the strength and stiffness of the bone to be exaggerated.  相似文献   

Huddling allows emperor penguins to conserve energy and survive their long winter fast while facing harsh climatic conditions. Here we report the first investigation into the effects of changes in wind speed and ambient temperature on different components of penguin huddling behaviour. We attached light and temperature recorders to male emperor penguins at the Pointe Géologie colony, Antarctica, which recorded huddling events. We then compared the frequency, duration, occurrence and intensity of huddling bouts, with ambient air temperatures and wind speeds. Huddling occurrence increased with lower ambient temperatures and higher wind speeds, whereas huddling intensity was mainly enhanced by lower ambient temperatures. Moreover, huddling group movements were linked to wind direction and its global density to lower ambient temperatures. Hence, emperor penguins complex huddling behaviour was modulated differently depending on these two parameters. Weather conditions may then affect emperor penguins ability to save energy and survive their winter fast.  相似文献   

The catalytic activities of lyophilized powders of alpha-chymotrypsin and Candida antarctica lipase were found to increase 4- to 8-fold with increasing amounts of either buffer salts or potassium chloride in the enzyme preparation. Increasing amounts of sorbitol in the chymotrypsin preparation produced a modest increase in activity. The additives are basically thought to serve as immobilization matrices, the sorbitol being inferior because of its poor mechanical properties.Besides their role as supports, the buffer species were indispensable for the transesterification activity of chymotrypsin because they prevented perturbations of the pH during the course of the reaction. Hence, increasing amounts of buffer species yielded a 100-fold increase in transesterification activity. Effects of pH changes were not as predominant in the peptide synthesis and the lipase-catalyzed reactions.Immobilization of the protease on celite resulted in a remarkable improvement of transesterification activity as compared to the suspended protease, even in the absence of buffer species. Immobilization of the lipase caused a small improvement of activity. The activity of the immobilized enzymes was further enhanced 3-4 times by including increasing amounts of buffer salts in the preparation.The inclusion of increasing amounts of sodium phosphate or sorbitol to chymotrypsin rendered the catalyst more labile against thermal inactivation. The denaturation temperature decreased with 7 degrees C at the highest content of sodium phosphate, as compared to the temperature obtained for the denaturation of the pure protein. The apparent enthalpy of denaturation increased with increasing contents of the additives. The enhancement of hydration level and flexibility of the macromolecule upon addition of the compounds partly provides the explanation for the observed results. (c) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 54: 67-76, 1997.  相似文献   

A Phenotypic Adaptive Landscape is defined with fitness as the ordinate, and longevity of the juvenile phase and duration of disturbances to the adult phase as the horizontal axes. The effect of local environmental perturbations on the landscape’s shape is studied using a semistochastic population model. In this model the intrinsic population dynamics takes the form of a differential-delay nonlinear equation and the environmental disturbance appears as a multiplicativetelegraphic noise. We demonstrate that the landscape has no single characteristic scale. Rather, it shows adaptive peaks corresponding to an integer relation between the biological and the environmental periodicities. Since the system is constrained by a finite time and a finite physiological range, the landscape may have different topographies for different local environmental regimes. A very simple fully deterministic model is presented, predicting landscapes that are similar to those obtained by the semistochastic model. Application to life history strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

Scavengers may benefit from the availability of dead animals along roads that result from collisions with vehicles. However, roads are also considered risky places for many species. Animal habitat selection patterns usually balance energy intake with mortality risk. In this work we analyzed the foraging space use of an assemblage of diurnal scavenging raptors in relation to distance from roads in northwest Patagonia. We selected patches at different distances from roads, and placed a sheep carcass in each patch during the night (n = 18 carcasses in total). In general, carcasses near roads were detected by diurnal scavenging raptors much faster than those far from roads. Smaller raptors such as southern caracaras (Caracara plancus), chimango caracaras (Milvago chimango), and black vultures (Coragyps atratus), were commonly associated with roads both in terms of overall detections and scavenging activities. Southern and chimango caracaras proved to be very good at detecting carcasses, were faster to land in order to feed from them, and were found in greater numbers near roads than far from them. Even though Andean condors (Vultur gryphus) and black-chested buzzard-eagles (Geranoaetus melanoleucus) flew all over the area, they chose to feed far from roads. Our work emphasizes that some scavengers have taken advantage of the novel food resources provided by roads whereas others are reluctant to feed near them. Within a scenario of an increasing number of roads, some species can extend their distributions favoring competition and biotic homogenization processes within original communities. We highlight the importance of taking into account large flying scavengers in land-use planning. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Grasslands being used in sheep farming systems are managed under a variety of agricultural production, recreational and conservational objectives. Although sheep grazing is rarely considered the best method for delivering conservation objectives in seminatural temperate grasslands, the literature does not provide unequivocal evidence on the impact of sheep grazing on pasture biodiversity. Our aim was therefore to review evidence of the impacts of stocking rate, grazing period and soil fertility on plant communities and arthropod populations in both mesotrophic grasslands typical of agriculturally improved areas and in native plant communities. We therefore conducted a literature search of articles published up to the end of the year 2010 using ‘sheep’ and ‘grazing’ as keywords, together with variables describing grassland management, plant community structure or arthropod taxa. The filtering process led to the selection of 48 articles, with 42 included in the stocking rate dataset, 9 in the grazing period dataset and 10 in the soil fertility dataset. The meta-analysis did not reveal any significant trends for plant species richness or plant community evenness along a wide stocking rate gradient. However, we found frequent shifts in functional groups or plant species abundance that could be explained by the functional properties of the plants in the community. The meta-analysis confirmed that increasing soil fertility decreased plant species richness. Despite the very limited dataset, plant species richness was significantly greater in autumn-grazed pastures than in ungrazed areas, which suggests that choosing an appropriate grazing period would be a promising option for preserving biodiversity in sheep farming systems. Qualitative review indicated that low grazing intensity had positive effects on Orthoptera, Hemiptera (especially phytophagous Auchenorrhyncha) and, despite a diverse range of feeding strategies, for the species richness of Coleoptera. Lepidoptera, which were favoured by more abundant flowering plants, also benefited from low grazing intensities. Spider abundance and species richness were higher in ungrazed than in grazed pastures. In contrast, there are insufficient published studies to draw any firm conclusions on the benefits of late grazing or stopping fertilization on insect diversity, and no grounds for including any of this information in decision support tools at this stage.  相似文献   

How do earthworms affect microfloral and faunal community diversity?   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
Much of the work regarding earthworm effects on other organisms has focused on the functional significance of microbial-earthworm interactions, and little is known on the effects of earthworms on microfloral and faunal diversity. Earthworms can affect soil microflora and fauna populations directly and indirectly by three main mechanisms: (1) comminution, burrowing and casting; (2) grazing; (3) dispersal. These activities change the soil's physico-chemical and biological status and may cause drastic shifts in the density, diversity, structure and activity of microbial and faunal communities within the drilosphere. Certain organisms and species may be enhanced, reduced or not be affected at all depending on their ability to adapt to the particular conditions of different earthworm drilospheres. A large host of factors (including CaCO3, enzymes, mucus and antimicrobial substances) influence the ability of preferentially or randomly ingested organisms to survive (or not) passage through the earthworm gut, and their resultant capacity to recover and proliferate (or not) in earthworm casts. Small organisms, particularly microflora and microfauna, with limited ability to move within the soil, may benefit from the (comparatively) long ranging movements of earthworms. Microflora and smaller fauna appear to be particularly sensitive to earthworm activities, and priming effects enhancing nutrient release, particularly in casts, are common. Larger fauna such as microarthropods, enchytraeids and Isopods may be enhanced under some conditions (e.g., in earthworm middens), but in other cases earthworm activity may lead to a decrease in their populations due to competition for food (microbes and organic materials), and spatial and temporal changes in food abundance. Nevertheless, considering the presently available data, the beneficial interactions of earthworms and microflora and fauna appear to far outweigh the potential negative effects. However, much is still unknown regarding the interactions of earthworms of different ecological categories on the diversity and function of microfloral and faunal communities, and much more interdisciplinary research is needed to assess the potential role of earthworms in regulating the diversity of microflora and fauna in soil systems and the potentially beneficial or harmful effects this regulation may have on ecosystem function and plant growth in different ecosystems.  相似文献   

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