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Cheng YP  Hwang SY  Lin TP 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(7):2075-2085
In this study, we examined spatial patterns of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variation in a total of 30 populations of Castanopsis carlesii Hayata (Fagaceae), a subtropical and temperate tree species, including 201 individuals sampled throughout Taiwan. By sequencing two cpDNA fragments using universal primers (the trnL intron and the trnV-trnM intergenic spacer), we found a total of 1663 bp and 21 polymorphic sites. These gave rise to a total of 28 cpDNA haplotypes. The level of differentiation among the populations studied was relatively high (GST = 0.723). Two ancestral haplotypes are widely distributed. The Central Mountain Ridge (CMR) of Taiwan represents an insurmountable barrier to the east-west gene flow of C. carlesii. Among the populations studied, three separated populations, at Lienhuachih, Fushan and Lichia, have high nucleotide diversity. Estimates of NST-GST for populations on both sides of the CMR indicate that no phylogeographical structure exists. According to the genealogical tree, number of rare haplotype and population genetic divergence, this study suggests that two potential refugia existed during the last glaciation: the first refugium was located in a region to the north of Hsuehshan Range (HR) and west of the CMR; the second refugium was located in south, especially southeastern Taiwan. In fact, the second refugium happens to be the same as that reported for Quercus glauca. A 'star-like' genealogy is characteristic when all haplotypes rapidly coalesce and is a general outcome of population expansion. The neutrality test and mismatch distribution also suggest demographic expansion recovering from a bottleneck.  相似文献   

福建润楠属一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了福建润楠属(樟科)一新种,即汀州润楠。  相似文献   

Marine species with ranges that span the Indo-Australian Archipelago (IAA) exhibit a range of phylogeographical patterns, most of which are interpreted in the context of vicariance between Indian and Pacific Ocean populations during Pliocene and Pleistocene low sea-level stands. However, patterns often vary among ecologically similar taxa, sometimes even within genera. This study compares phylogeographical patterns in two species of highly dispersive neritid gastropod, Nerita albicilla and Nerita plicata, with nearly sympatric ranges that span the Indo-Pacific. Mitochondrial COI sequences from >1000 individuals from 97 sites reveal similar phylogenies in both species (two divergent clades differing by 3.2% and 2.3%, for N. albicilla and N. plicata, respectively). However, despite ecological similarity and congeneric status, the two species exhibit phylogeographical discordance. N. albicilla has maintained reciprocal monophyly of Indian and Pacific Ocean populations, while N. plicata is panmictic between oceans, but displays a genetic cline in the Central Pacific. Although this difference might be explained by qualitatively different demographic histories, parameter estimates from three coalescent models indicate that both species have high levels of gene flow between demes (2Nem>75), and share a common history of population expansion that is likely associated with cyclical flooding of continental shelves and island lagoons following low sea-level stands. Results indicate that ecologically similar, codistributed species may respond very differently to shared environmental processes, suggesting that relatively minor differences in traits such as pelagic larval duration or microhabitat association may profoundly impact phylogeographical structure.  相似文献   

舟山群岛红楠林种内和种间竞争研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红楠(Machilus thunbergii)林是浙江沿海地区典型森林类型之一,研究竞争强度的动态变化规律及红楠种群的生态适应机制,对舟山群岛常绿阔叶林的保护与可持续利用具有重要意义。利用Hegyi单木竞争指数模型,对舟山桃花岛次生林优势种红楠的种内和种间竞争强度进行定量分析。结果表明:红楠3种类型的竞争强度均随对象木胸径的增大而逐渐减小,小径级的红楠承受的竞争压力较大;红楠的种内和种间竞争强度分别占总竞争强度的44.55%和55.45%,两者大致相等,说明其受到的种内和种间竞争压力均衡;落叶树种的平均竞争指数大,常绿树种的平均竞争指数小,使红楠受压的主要树种是朴树和枫香树;红楠种内和种间竞争强度的顺序为:红楠种内 > 朴树 > 枫香树 > 椿叶花椒 > 柘 > 梾木 > 化香树 > 赛山梅 > 黄檀 > 日本珊瑚树 > 天仙果等;3种类型的竞争强度与对象木胸径均呈显著负相关,且服从幂函数关系CI=AD-B,当红楠胸径达到20 cm以上时,竞争强度变化很小,利用所得的预测模型能很好地预测红楠种内和种间竞争强度。当红楠胸径小于20 cm时,应对其进行抚育管理以提高红楠成活率和促进植被恢复。  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Microsatellite markers were developed and characterized in a typically coastal, widespread, and dominant tree species of the evergreen broadleaf forests, Machilus thunbergii, for comparison of the genetic diversity and structure of inland populations surrounding the ancient Lake Biwa and coastal populations in Japan. ? Methods and Results: Eighteen polymorphic microsatellites of this species were isolated using an improved technique for isolating codominant compound microsatellite markers. These isolated loci provided compound simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers with polymorphisms of three to 19 alleles per locus, with an average of 10.9. The expected and observed within-population heterozygosities ranged from 0.16 to 0.86 and from 0.13 to 0.72, respectively. ? Conclusions: These markers may be useful tools for further investigation of the population genetic structure and biogeographic history of M. thunbergii in the warm-temperate zone of East Asia.  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of climate aridification and oscillations on the genetic diversity and evolutionary processes of organisms in the Quaternary in north‐western China, we selected Nitraria roborowskii and Nsphaerocarpa and examined the geographical apportionment of genetic variation in their vast range. In the study, 21 plastid haplotypes were identified in Nroborowskii based on two plastid DNA regions. We found significant genetic differentiation between populations in both N. roborowskii and N. sphaerocarpa. We also found similar phylogeographical patterns of allopatric divergence and regional range expansion in both species, but the degree of allopatric divergence in N. roborowskii was lower. Finally, areas to the south of the Alxa Desert, the Hexi Corridor and Ningxia Province were identified as possible refugia for N. roborowskii.  相似文献   

中国及越南樟科润楠属植物一些种类的修订   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韦发南  唐赛春   《广西植物》2006,26(4):345-348
报道了产自中国和越南的樟科润楠属的4个种的修订结果,即:MachiluslongipedicellataH.Lec.为M.yunnanensisH.Lec.的异名;M.thunbergiiSieb.etZucc.var.condorensisH.Lec.为M.lohuiensisS.Lee的异名,而其中被H.Liou误定的Poilane13161号则为M.cicatricosa;过去被中国学者误当作M.longipedicel-lata的西藏及云南中部至西北部的部份标本是广泛分布于喜马拉雅地区的M.duthieiKingexHook.f.。  相似文献   

Aim This paper described current phylogeographical patterns of chloroplastic DNA variation of Trochodendron aralioides, a temperate tree species, and inferred its possible refugium in Taiwan. This information was compared with the known phylogeographical pattern of subtropical tree species. Location A total of 24 populations were sampled including 20 from Taiwan, two each from the Ryukyus and Japan. Methods A haplotype network was constructed by computer program TCS, various parameters of genetic diversity were calculated and neutrality was tested by computer program DnaSP. To examine the similarity of genetic structure among populations, a maximum parsimony tree was reconstructed by computer program PAUP*. The results of isozyme of T. aralioides from a previous publication were incorporated into this study to infer the phylogeographical history. Results Nine haplotypes according to six substitutions, two indels and one inversion of the two cpDNA intergenic spacer fragments (petG‐trnP and petA‐psbJ) of T. aralioides were recognized. Genetic structure of the population of Japan is totally different from those of Taiwan and the Ryukyus. In Taiwan, the genetic structure was differentiated among populations revealed by Gst = 0.700 and Nst = 0.542, and the population genetics was clearly spatially structured. Two population groups were recognized. The first group was distributed islandwide and extended to the Ryukyus. The second group contained five of the seven known haplotypes, and was restricted to the area between latitude 24°46′ and 24°06′ N. Conclusions In Taiwan, north‐central area between latitude 24°46′ and 24°06′ N is potentially a refugium during the last glaciations. This finding is contradicted to subtropical species as Cyclobalanopsis glauca.  相似文献   

Species whose geographical distribution encompasses both mainland and island populations provide an ideal system for examining isolation and genetic divergence. In this study, paternally transmitted chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and maternally transmitted mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were used to estimate population structure and phylogeography of Pinus luchuensis, a species found in eastern China (ssp. hwangshanensis), Taiwan (ssp. taiwanensis), and the Ryukyu Archipelago (ssp. luchuensis). Gene genealogies of both mtDNA and cpDNA reveal two major lineages. Molecular dating indicates that these lineages diverged before the colonization of P. luchuensis subspecies in Taiwan and the Ryukyu Archipelago. Both mtDNA and cpDNA show a lack of correspondence between molecular phylogeny and subspecies designation. Phylogeographical analysis suggests that paraphyly of the subspecies is the result of recent divergence rather than secondary contacts. In spite of the short divergence history of P. luchuensis on islands, the island populations show the same degree of genetic divergence as mainland populations. Low levels of genetic diversity in the mainland ssp. hwangshanensis suggest demographic bottlenecks. In contrast, the high heterogeneity of genetic composition for island populations is likely to be associated with a history of multiple colonization from the mainland. The spatial apportionment of organelle DNA polymorphisms is consistent with a pattern of stepwise colonization on island populations.  相似文献   

Subalpine larch (Larix lyallii Parl.) and western larch (Larix occidentalis Nutt.) represent two closely related species with contrasting abundance and distribution patterns in Western North America. Genetic diversity at seven informative microsatellite loci was determined for 19 populations of subalpine larch and nine populations of western larch. Contrasting genetic diversity and patterns of population differentiation were observed between the two species. The overall within-population genetic diversity parameters were lower in subalpine larch (A = 3.2; A(P) = 3.6; H(E) = 0.418) than in western larch (A(P) = 5.51; H(E) = 0.580), a pattern that is likely related to historical or demographic factors. No evidence of interspecific hybridization was observed. Significantly more population differentiation (theta = 0.15; R(ST) = 0.07), consistent with more restricted gene flow, was observed for subalpine larch as compared to western larch (theta = 0.05; R(ST) = 0.04). Under the assumption of an infinite allele mutation model, 12 of the 19 subalpine larch populations showed signs of deviation from the mutation-drift equilibrium, which suggests Holocene population bottlenecks and fluctuations in effective population size for this species. None of the western larch populations deviated significantly from the mutation-drift equilibrium. For both species, Mantel's test revealed a significant positive relationship between geographical and genetic distances indicative of isolation by distance. A similar geographical structure was detected in both species, suggesting at least two genetically distinct glacial populations in each species. The various implications for gene conservation are discussed.  相似文献   

Both mating system and population history can have large impacts on genetic diversity and population structure. Here, we use multilocus sequence data to investigate how these factors impact two closely related Brassicaceae species: the selfing Capsella rubella and the outcrossing C. grandiflora. To do this, we have sequenced 16 loci in approximately 70 individuals from 7 populations of each species. Patterns of population structure differ strongly between the two species. In C. grandiflora, we observe an isolation-by-distance pattern and identify three clearly delineated genetic groups. In C. rubella, where we estimate the selfing rate to be 0.90-0.94, the pattern is less clear with some sampling populations forming separate genetic clusters while others are highly mixed. The two species also have divergent histories. Our analysis gives support for a bottleneck approximately 73 kya (20-139 kya) in C. rubella, which most likely represents speciation from C. grandiflora. In C. grandiflora, there is moderate support for the standard neutral model in 2 of 3 genetic clusters, while the third cluster and the total data set show evidence of expansion. It is clear that mating system has an impact on these two species, for example affecting the level of genetic variation and the genetic structure. However, our results also clearly show that a combination of past and present processes, some of which are not affected by mating system, is needed to explain the differences between C. rubella and C. grandiflora.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of climate oscillations on the evolution of two closely related Allium species, A. neriniflorum and A. tubiflorum. We sequenced three cp DNA (cpDNA) fragments (rps16, rpl32‐trnL, and trnD‐trnT, together approximately 2,500 bp in length) of two closely related Allium species, with samples from 367 individuals in 47 populations distributed across the total range of these species. The interspecific and intraspecific divergence times of the two species were in the Quaternary glaciation. The population divergence was high for the cpDNA variation, suggesting a significant phylogeographic structure (NST = 0.844, GST = 0.798, p < 0.05). Remarkable ecological differentiation was also revealed by Niche models and statistical analyses. Our results suggest the speciation event of the two species was triggered by violent climatic changes during the Quaternary glaciation.  相似文献   

Mathews LM 《Molecular ecology》2006,15(13):4049-4063
Recent investigations suggest that marine biodiversity may be much higher than earlier estimates, and an important hidden source of diversity in marine systems is the phenomenon of cryptic species complexes. Such complexes are informative models for research into the evolutionary processes that govern species compositions of marine fauna. The snapping shrimp genera Alpheus and Synalpheus are known to harbour large numbers of cryptic species; here, I characterize the genetic structure of the Alpheus armillatus species complex in the northern Caribbean, west Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico using mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data. Over this geographical region, the complex harbours at least three lineages that are probable reproductively isolated species; all major lineages diverged subsequent to the close of the Isthmus of Panama. Only one lineage was present in the Gulf of Mexico, whereas outside the Gulf of Mexico there was no clear tendency for lineage dominance by geographical region, as most sites were populated by shrimp from at least two lineages. However, within each lineage, there was strong evidence of population genetic differentiation between geographical regions. All lineages showed strong signals of demographic expansion, and one lineage showed sharply reduced genetic diversity, suggestive of past population bottlenecks or recently founded populations with low gene flow from other sites. These results show that evolutionary processes leading to divergence and speciation have been common and recent in the snapping shrimp, and suggest that connectivity among shrimp populations may be limited.  相似文献   

Wu ML  Lin TP  Lin MY  Cheng YP  Hwang SY 《Annals of botany》2007,99(3):461-475
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Evolutionary and ecological roles of the chloroplast small heat shock protein (CPsHSP) have been emphasized based on variations in protein contents; however, DNA sequence variations related to the evolutionary and ecological roles of this gene have not been investigated. In the present study, a basal angiosperm, Machilus, together with the eudicot Rhododendron were used to illustrate the evolutionary dynamics of gene divergence in CPsHSPs. METHODS: Degenerate primers were used to amplify CPsHSP-related sequences from 16 Rhododendron and eight Machilus species that occur in Taiwan. Manual DNA sequence alignment was carried out according to the deduced amino acid sequence alignment performed by CLUSTAL X. A neighbour-joining tree was generated in MEGA using conceptual translated amino acid sequences from consensus sequences of cloned CPsHSP genes from eight Machilus and 16 Rhododendron species as well as amino acid sequences of CPsHSPs from five monocots and seven other eudicots acquired from GenBank. CPsHSP amino acid sequences of Funaria hygrometrica were used as the outgroups. The aligned DNA and amino acid sequences were used to estimate several parameters of sequence divergence using the MEGA program. Separate Bayesian inference of DNA sequences of Rhododendron and Machilus species was analysed and the resulting gene trees were used for detection of putative positively selected amino acid sites by the Codeml program implemented in the PAML package. Mean hydrophobicity profile analysis was performed with representative amino acid sequences for both Rhododendron and Machilus species by the Bioedit program. The computer program SplitTester was used to examine whether CPsHSPs of Rhododendron lineages and duplicate copies of the Machilus CPsHSPs have evolved functional divergence based on the hydrophobicity distance matrix. KEY RESULTS: Only one copy of the CPsHSP was found in Rhododendron. However, a higher evolutionary rate of amino acid substitutions in the Hymenanthes lineage of Rhododendron was inferred. Two positively selected amino acid sites may have resulted in higher hydrophobicity in the region of the alpha-crystallin domain (ACD) of the CPsHSP. By contrast, the basal angiosperm, Machilus, possessed duplicate copies of the CPsHSP, which also differed in their evolutionary rates of amino acid substitutions. However, no apparent relationship of ecological relevance toward the positively selected amino acid sites was found in Machilus. CONCLUSIONS: Divergent evolution was found for both Rhododendron lineages and the paralogues of CPsHSP in Machilus that were directed to the shift in hydrophobicity in the ACD and/or methionine-rich region, which might have played important roles in molecular chaperone activity.  相似文献   

Phylogeographical and mismatch analysis of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variation were used to infer the temporal dynamics of distributional and demographic history of Taiwan fir (Cunninghamia konishii). We examined 64 and 52 trees from 17 populations of C. konishii and 14 provenances of C. lanceolata, respectively, by sequencing three intergenic spacers and one intron using cpDNA universal primers. Of the aligned 1888 base pairs (bp) sequence, 30 varied among 28 haplotypes, which consisted of three transitions, 14 transversions and 13 indels. One ancestral haplotype was found in 86 individuals across the surveyed range of both species, C. konishii and C. lanceolata, which was distributed in all populations and provenances. The 28 haplotypes also included 15 C. konishii specific and 12 C. lanceolata-specific haplotypes. Ancestral haplotype was found fixed in five populations of C. konishii and five provenances of C. lanceolata. Other haplotypes occurred mainly as singletons. The levels of population differentiation studied are relatively low in both Cunninghamia species. The nucleotide diversity (theta) of chloroplast DNA sequences within C. konishii was slightly higher than that of C. lanceolata. Excess in singletons as well as star-like phylogeny of haplotypes suggested no clearcut migration patterns of C. konishii after glacial maximum. One probable demographic history of C. konishii is the postglacial population growth of C. konishii after a glacial bottleneck event. This inference is supported by the combined results of fossil pollen record, low nucleotide diversity, significant Tajima's d-value, phylogeographical analysis and unimodal mismatch distribution. Similarities and discrepancies between our results and those of Lu et al. (2001) are discussed.  相似文献   

Five new species of the genus Daphnephila (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae: Asphondyliini), D. ornithocephala, D. stenocalia, D. sueyenae, D. taiwanensis, and D. truncicola, all associated with Machilus thunbergii (Lauraceae), are described from Taiwan, and one previously known species, D. machilicola, is redescribed from Japan. Among the five new species, D. truncicola induces stem galls and the other four species induce leaf galls. A molecular phylogenetic analysis based on partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene suggests that in this genus the stem-galling habit is a more ancestral state compared to the leaf-galling habit. Daphnephila seems to be of tropical origin and to have dispersed to Japan through Taiwan.  相似文献   

Luanta-fir (Cunninghamia konishii), an endemic to Taiwan, is an outcrossing, long-lived conifer. Populations of C. konishii are generally fragmented due to a once high intensity of timber exploitation. C. konishii and Cunninghamia lanceolata are two sibling taxa constituting derivative-progenitor species relationship. The amount of genetic variations within and between 11 and 10 populations of C. konishii and C. lanceolata, respectively, were assessed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers in this report. Three AFLP primer pairs generated a total of 357 and 226 markers for C. konishii and C. lanceolata samples, of which 56.1 and 65.3% are polymorphic, respectively. Analysis of molecular variance indicates a 4.78% variation between C. konishii and C. lanceolata. A relatively high value of genetic variation (24.60%) was apportioned between the populations of C. konishii. In contrast, a lower divergence value (12.21%) between populations was found for C. lanceolata. The population with the highest genetic diversity was found in Nantou County, which concurred with the results of many other tree species investigated in Taiwan. The estimates of the number of migrants between populations (Nm), obtained from population pair-wise PhiST, suggest that gene flow in C. konishii is efficient in some adjacent populations but is restricted in the rest. Individual UPGMA tree, generated based on AFLP markers, suggests six evolutionary lineages for C. konishii. All evolutionary lineages of C. konishii were derived from C. lanceolata. In conclusion, the migration patterns of Cunninghamia from mainland China may have been established following multiple sources, migrant-pools, long-distance dispersal events, and via different directions.  相似文献   

How coniferous trees in northern China changed their distribution ranges in response to Quaternary climatic oscillations remains largely unknown. Here we report a study of the phylogeography of Pinus tabulaeformis, an endemic and dominant species of coniferous forest in northern China. We examined sequence variation of maternally inherited, seed‐dispersed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) (nad5 intron 1 and nad4/3–4) and paternally inherited, pollen‐ and seed‐dispersed chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) (rpl16 and trnS‐trnG) within and among 30 natural populations across the entire range of the species. Six mitotypes and five chlorotypes were recovered among 291 trees surveyed. Population divergence was high for mtDNA variation (GST = 0.738, NST = 0.771) indicating low levels of seed‐based gene flow and significant phylogeographical structure (NST > GST, P < 0.05). The spatial distribution of mitotypes suggests that five distinct population groups exist in the species: one in the west comprising seven populations, a second with a north–central distribution comprising 15 populations, a third with a southern and easterly distribution comprising five populations, a fourth comprising one central and one western population, and a fifth comprising a single population located in the north‐central part of the species’ range. Each group apart from the fourth group is characterized by a distinct mitotype, with other mitotypes, if present, occurring at low frequency. It is suggested, therefore, that most members of each group apart from Group 4 are derived from ancestors that occupied different isolated refugia in a previous period of range fragmentation of the species, possibly at the time of the Last Glacial Maximum. Possible locations for these refugia are suggested. A comparison of mitotype diversity between northern and southern subgroups within the north‐central group of populations (Group 2) showed much greater uniformity in the northern part of the range both within and between populations. This could indicate a northward migration of the species from a southern refugium in this region during the postglacial period, although alternative explanations cannot be ruled out. Two chlorotypes were distributed across the geographical range of the species, resulting in lower levels of among‐population chlorotype variation. The geographical pattern of variation for all five chlorotypes provided some indication of the species surviving past glaciations in more than one refugium, although differentiation was much less marked, presumably due to the greater dispersal of cpDNA via pollen.  相似文献   

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