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黄秋葵八氢番茄红素脱氢酶基因的克隆与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究根据黄秋葵(Hibiscus esculentus L.)转录组测序获得的八氢番茄红素脱氢酶基因(HePDS)序列(GenBank登录号为MG372370)设计引物,克隆验证得到1条HePDS基因全长为2 020 bp cDNA,开放阅读框(ORF)包含1 686个碱基;预测其编码561个氨基酸,理论分子量为62.62 kD,等电点为8.155;编码的蛋白与海岛棉(Gossypium barbadense)、雷蒙德氏棉(Gossypium raimondii)、陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutum)同源蛋白的相似性均在93%以上,均含有1个保守的二核苷酸结合域和1个类胡萝卜素结合域,显示其高度的保守性。荧光定量PCR 分析表明,HePDS基因在黄秋葵根、茎、叶、花和果荚中均有表达;叶发育过程以嫩叶中表达最高,果实发育中以花后2 d表达量最高。类胡萝卜素含量随着叶、果实发育逐渐升高,成熟叶的含量最高,果实以花后4 d含量最高,且HePDS基因的表达与类胡萝卜素含量存在密切的相关性。该研究结果为进一步探讨HePDS基因的功能和调控机制,以及采用VIGS和CRISPR/Cas9技术开展黄秋葵基因功能的反向遗传学研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

八氢番茄红素脱氢酶(phytoene desaturase,PDS)是类胡萝卜素生物合成过程中催化无色的八氢番茄红素形成有色的一类胡萝卜素的关键酶。本文选取公开发表的PDS72.通过在NCBI数据库中搜索得到的43条来自于不同物种的PDS的氨基酸序列进行分析。通过CDD在线软件预测每条氨基酸序列保守结构域,结果表明,所选取序列均包含一个NAD(P)-bindingdomain4守结构域,其长度为51个氨基酸,不同物种保守结构域中氨基酸的突变集中在8个不同的位置上;利用MEGA等软件进行多序列比对后构建系统进化树,可以看到不同物种的PDS蛋白清晰地分类到各自的类群内,和传统的分类学结果一致,表明所有不同分支的PDS蛋白都是单系同源,并不存在物种间的水平基因转移。  相似文献   

采用RT-PCR和RACE技术从观赏向目葵‘闽葵3号’黄色花瓣中克隆到类胡萝卜素合成途径关键基因HaPDS的cDNA,该cDNA全长2017bp,具有一个1710bp的完整开放阅读框(ORF),编码一个570个氨基酸的蛋白质。序列分析表明,HaPDS编码的氨基酸序列与其他植物的PDs蛋白具有很高的同源性,在N-端有一个辅助因子结合结构域,C-端有一个类胡萝卜素结合域。系统进化树分析显示,观赏向日葵HaPDS与万寿菊、菊花蛋白亲缘关系较近。实时荧光定量RT-PCR技术分析表明,胁肋路因在花发育的盛花期表达量最高;不同组织中的表达量舌状花瓣〉苞片〉叶片〉绿色管状花〉黑色管状花:随着基因表达量的增加,花色由白色到黄色、金黄色转变。  相似文献   

基于NCBI数据库中本氏烟(Nicotiana benthamiana)的烟草八氢番茄红素脱氢酶PDS基因(ABE99707)的核苷酸序列,设计并合成特异性引物,以烟草栽培品种红花大金元叶片总RNA为模板,通过PCR方法获得了烟草NtPDS基因的cDNA片段。序列分析表明,该基因编码区为1749 bp,编码582个氨基酸,推测该蛋白等电点为7.53,理论分子量为65.04 kD。通过构建融合表达载体pET-32a-NtPDS,并转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),在37℃下经1 mmol/L IPTG诱导4 h表达后,产生了以可溶性蛋白形式存在的NtPDS融合蛋白,并通过Western blotting验证融合蛋白获得表达。利用半定量RT-PCR技术进行组织表达模式分析发现,该基因在烟草的叶片、花和茎中均有表达,在根中没有表达。该结果为进一步研究烟草八氢番茄红素脱氢酶NtPDS的活性和生物学功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的:通过生物信息学方法对八氢番茄红素合成酶基因(PSY)及氨基酸序列分析,并构建三维结构。方法:运用生物信息学方法对八氢番茄红素合成酶基因及其蛋白质序列的理化性质、亲/疏水性、信号肽、跨膜结构域、糖基化位点,磷酸化位点,二级结构,功能结构域和三级结构进行预测分析。结果:PSY基因含1239bp的开放阅读框,编码氨基酸数为412,为碱性不稳定蛋白;八氢番茄红素合成酶富含Arg、Leu、Ala、Ser、Val等氨基酸,为亲水性蛋白质;PSY为非跨膜蛋白,不含信号肽,具有多个磷酸化位点,α螺旋和无规卷曲是其主要结构元件。结论:用同源建模的方法构建其三维结构,得到合理模型,为采用生物工程提高番茄红素产量提供理论依据。  相似文献   

以西瓜品种ZXG00152为材料,提取瓜瓤总RNA,进行反转录,依据植物八氢番茄红素合成酶(PSY)的氨基酸保守序列设计引物,以cDNA第一链为模板,扩增得到长约750 bp的cDNA片段。将该片段克隆到pMD19-T载体,测序结果表明该基因片段长748 bp,编码249个氨基酸,Blast搜索结果表明,由该片段推导出的氨基酸序列与其它植物的八氢番茄红素合成酶有较高的同源性,其中与甜瓜的一致性达到97.8%。该片段已在GenBank中登录(登录号:DQ494214)。  相似文献   

八氢番茄红素脱氢酶(phytoene desaturase, PDS)是类胡萝卜素合成的关键酶,在光合生物的类胡萝卜素代谢调控中发挥了重要的作用。本研究根据三角褐指藻基因组数据库,克隆三角褐指藻PDS1和PDS2基因启动子序列,采用启动子缺失技术研究启动子活性,利用Plant CARE预测三角褐指藻PDS1和PDS2启动子顺式作用元件,采用qRT-PCR技术检测三角褐指藻PDS1和PDS2基因在不同胁迫下的相对表达量。结果表明,三角褐指藻PDS1和PDS2基因启动子全长分别为2 000 bp和920 bp,不同长度的5′端缺失后启动子均能驱动绿色荧光蛋白表达,具有较强启动子活性。Plant CARE分析结果表明,三角褐指藻PDS1和PDS2基因启动子中均含有与光照和植物激素响应有关的顺式作用元件。光照和植物激素胁迫处理结果表明,三角褐指藻PDS1基因受光合诱导因子(photosynthetic induction factor, PIF)的诱导表达,但在其他因子处理下表达均显著下降(P<0.05)或无显著性差异。三角褐指藻PDS2基因在PIF、红光、茉莉酸甲酯、乙酰水杨酸和脱落酸...  相似文献   

为探讨栀子(Gardenia jasminoides)果实中藏花素的合成机理,克隆了栀子类胡萝卜素生物合成的关键酶八氢番茄红素合成酶(GjPSY)基因的全长cDNA。结果表明,推导的GjPSY氨基酸序列与双子叶植物来源的GjPSY亲缘关系较近。采用HPLC检测栀子果实中的藏花素-1含量为(3.96±1.48) mg g-1,在叶片中未检出。通过RT-PCR分析表明,GjPSY在栀子叶片和果实中均有表达,且表达水平一致。因此推测,GjPSY的转录水平与果实中藏花素-1的合成无关。  相似文献   

[目的]栀子果实中富含类胡萝卜素衍生物—西红花总苷。拟从果实中克隆西红花总苷生物合成途径中的八氢番茄红素脱饱和酶基因。[方法]利用RACE的方法克隆Gj PDS基因,绝对定量PCR法检测在不同组织中的表达。[结果]从果实中克隆了一个长1 746 bp的Gj PDS基因,编码由581个氨基酸组成的八氢番茄红素脱饱和酶序列。与水稻(Oryza sativa)PDS蛋白A链的氨基酸序列有83%的一致性,与菠萝泛菌(Pantoea ananatis)PDS蛋白A链的氨基酸序列一致性低。Gj PDS基因为组成性表达基因,它在栀子果肉中的表达量最高,是叶片中表达量的1.6倍,茎中表达量的3.5倍,种子中表达量的13.1倍。[结论]从栀子果实中克隆了一个1 746 bp的Gj PDS基因,它主要在栀子果肉中表达,可能与西红花总苷的生物合成有关。该基因今后可以用作西红花总苷生物合成途径的调控靶点。  相似文献   

雨生红球藻八氢番茄红素合成酶基因的克隆及表征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雨生红球藻是一种单细胞绿藻,在多种逆境胁迫条件下能够大量合成并迅速积累虾青素,其积累量最高可达细胞干重的4%,从而成为目前最理想的天然虾青素合成工具.八氢番茄红素合成酶(PSY)是虾青素合成途径中第一个限速酶.分离了八氢番茄红素合成酶基因(psy)的全长cDNA及基因组DNA.其全长cDNA包括1200个碱基,编码400个氨基酸,基因组DNA包括5个外显子,4个内含子.系统发育分析结果显示,绿藻的八氢番茄红素合成酶基因形成一个进化枝,它们与高等植物的psy亲缘关系比较近.通过GenomeWalking的方法,分离了psy基因约1kb的5′侧翼序列.将含有TATA-box和CAAT-box的297bp的序列与LacZ报告基因构成嵌合的表达载体,用基因枪法转化雨生红球藻.lacZ的瞬间表达检测结果表明,这段上游序列能够驱动lacZ表达,具有启动子活性.  相似文献   

Despite growing interest in using phylogenetic and functional methods to understand community assembly, few studies have examined how these methods can be used to assess seasonal variation in assembly mechanisms among migrant species. Migration can rapidly alter the relative influence of stochastic processes, species interactions, or environmental factors in shaping communities across seasons. Here, we describe seasonal dynamics in the phylogenetic and functional diversity of waterbirds in Mai Po Wetland, a subtropical region with significant and predictable temporal variation in climate and migratory bird density. Phylogenetic α diversity varied seasonally, exhibiting a clustered structure (indicative of environmental filtering) in summer, and over‐dispersed structure (indicative of biotic filtering) in winter. Phylogenetic diversity in spring and autumn exhibited a more intermediate, random structure, consistent with stochastic arrivals and departures of migrants. Functional diversity was clustered in spring but showed over‐dispersion in the other three seasons. Phylogenetic β diversity in summer and winter assemblages was characterized by two distinct groups, while spring and autumn assemblages were mixed. Our results suggest that waterbird assemblages were primarily shaped by interspecific competition in winter, while random processes tended to shape assemblages in spring and fall. Environmental factors played a more important role in summer, during periods of high heat stress. In addition, species co‐occurrence patterns were significantly more strongly related to phylogenetic similarity in winter than in summer. Our results suggest that the relative importance of assemblage mechanisms can vary seasonally in response to changing environmental conditions, suggesting that studies attempting to infer a single dominant assembly mechanism may ignore important assembly processes. Temporal shifts in assembly mechanisms may play an important role in maintaining diversity in subtropical and temperate wetlands and perhaps also in other dynamic systems.  相似文献   

Strains of car B (phytoene-accumulating) mutants of Phycomyces blakesleeanus have been characterized with respect to their carotene contents, in vitro formation of isoprenoids from [2-14C] mevalonic acid and their ability to produce [14C]phytoene in situ for use in coupled assays of phytoene desaturase activity. All strains produced predominantly (15-Z)-phytoene both in vivo and in vitro. Other isoprenoids were produced by cell extracts including squalene, sterols, prenyl diphosphates and prenyl alcohols. The addition of 1% Tween 60 to crude cell extracts of the mutants partially restored wild type carotenogenic activity and also altered the proportions of other isoprenoids formed. However, in a cytosolic fraction of the car B mutant, the addition of 1% Tween 60 did not result in the production of any carotenoid from phytoene. This fraction was the most effective source of [14C] phytoene for use in coupled assays of phytoene desaturase activity.  相似文献   

In the present study we have optimized the concentration of the bleaching herbicide norflurazon to obtain Dunaliella bardawil cells able to accumulate phytoene without losing viability. The highest concentration of phytoene 10.4 g/gChl was obtained for a concentration of norflurazon of 10 microg/mL. Norflurazon-treated Dunaliella bardawil cells are able to accumulate high concentrations of phytoene if the carotenogenic pathway is stimulated, but the lack of colored carotenoids make these cells particularly sensitive to high light intensities and to UVB radiation, so other stimuli, such as nitrogen starvation, have to be used to force the accumulation of phytoene. Detailed time-course evolution of the carotenoids lutein, violaxanthin, zeaxanthin, phytene and beta-carotene and the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll was followed upon transfer of Dunaliella bardawil cells to nitrogen starvation in presence and absence of norflurazon. The combined use of the carotenogenic pathway inhibitor norflurazon and biphasic aqueous/organic systems to force the excretion of phytoene into the culture medium has been investigated. Cells cultured in the biphasic system were viable and able to produce phytoene during 3 days. Futhermore the productivity increased from 0.14 g/gChl . h in the aqueous culture to 0.18 g/gChl . h in the biphasic system. About 15% of the total phytoene produced by Dunaliella bardawil was excreted and immediately partionated into the organic phase. The concentration of phytoene in the decane phase was 2.05 g/gChl after 72 h, this means that about 47 g of phytoene per litre of culture were in the organic phase.  相似文献   

Qin G  Gu H  Ma L  Peng Y  Deng XW  Chen Z  Qu LJ 《Cell research》2007,17(5):471-482
Carotenoids play an important role in many physiological processes in plants and the phytoene desaturase gene (PDS3) encodes one of the important enzymes in the carotenoid biosynthesis pathway. Here we report the identification and analysis of a T-DNA insertion mutant of PDS3 gene. Functional complementation confirmed that both the albino and dwarfphenotypes ofthepds3 mutant resulted from functional disruption of the PDS3 gene. Chloroplast development was arrested at the proplastid stage in thepds3 mutant. Further analysis showed that high level ofphytoene was accumulated in the pds3 mutant. Addition of exogenous GA3 could partially rescue the dwarf phenotype, suggesting that the dwarf phenotype ofthepds3 mutant might be due to GA deficiency. Microarray and RT-PCR analysis showed that disrupting PDS3 gene resulted in gene expression changes involved in at least 20 metabolic pathways, including the inhibition of many genes in carotenoid, chlorophyll, and GA biosynthesis pathways. Our data suggest that the accumulated phytoene in the pds3 mutant might play an important role in certain negative feedbacks to affect gene expression of diverse cellular pathways.  相似文献   

贾鹏  杜国祯 《生命科学》2014,(2):153-157
生物多样性是生态学的核心问题。传统的多样性指数仅包含物种数和相对多度的信息,这类基于分类学的多样性指数并不能很好地帮助理解群落构建和生态系统功能。不同物种对群落构建和生态系统功能所起到的作用类型和贡献也不完全相同,且物种在生态过程中的作用和贡献往往与性状密切相关,因此功能多样性已经成为反映物种群落构建、干扰以及环境因素对群落影响的重要指标。同时,由于亲缘关系相近的物种往往具有相似的性状,系统发育多样性也可以作为功能多样性的一个替代。功能多样性和系统发育多样性各自具有优缺点,但二者均比分类多样性更能揭示群落和生态系统的构建、维持与功能。  相似文献   

Maize white seedling 3 (w3) has been used to study carotenoid deficiency for almost 100 years, although the molecular basis of the mutation has remained unknown. Here we show that the w3 phenotype is caused by disruption of the maize gene for homogentisate solanesyl transferase (HST), which catalyzes the first and committed step in plastoquinone‐9 (PQ‐9) biosynthesis in the plastid. The resulting PQ‐9 deficiency prohibits photosynthetic electron transfer and eliminates PQ‐9 as an oxidant in the enzymatic desaturation of phytoene during carotenoid synthesis. As a result, light‐grown w3 seedlings are albino, deficient in colored carotenoids and accumulate high levels of phytoene. However, despite the absence of PQ‐9 for phytoene desaturation, dark‐grown w3 seedlings can produce abscisic acid (ABA) and homozygous w3 kernels accumulate sufficient carotenoids to generate ABA needed for seed maturation. The presence of ABA and low levels of carotenoids in w3 nulls indicates that phytoene desaturase is able to use an alternate oxidant cofactor, albeit less efficiently than PQ‐9. The observation that tocopherols and tocotrienols are modestly affected in w3 embryos and unaffected in w3 endosperm indicates that, unlike leaves, grain tissues deficient in PQ‐9 are not subject to severe photo‐oxidative stress. In addition to identifying the molecular basis for the maize w3 mutant, we: (1) show that low levels of phytoene desaturation can occur in w3 seedlings in the absence of PQ‐9; and (2) demonstrate that PQ‐9 and carotenoids are not required for vitamin E accumulation.  相似文献   

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