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In their 1990 paper Optimal reproductive efforts and the timing of reproduction of annual plants in randomly varying environments, Amir and Cohen considered stochastic environments consisting of i.i.d. sequences in an optimal allocation discrete-time model. We suppose here that the sequence of environmental factors is more generally described by a Markov chain. Moreover, we discuss the connection between the time interval of the discrete-time dynamic model and the ability of the plant to rebuild completely its vegetative body (from reserves). We formulate a stochastic optimization problem covering the so-called linear and logarithmic fitness (corresponding to variation within and between years), which yields optimal strategies. For ``linear maximizers', we analyse how optimal strategies depend upon the environmental variability type: constant, random stationary, random i.i.d., random monotonous. We provide general patterns in terms of targets and thresholds, including both determinate and indeterminate growth. We also provide a partial result on the comparison between ``linear maximizers' and ``log maximizers'. Numerical simulations are provided, allowing to give a hint at the effect of different mathematical assumptions.  相似文献   

Mogensen S  Post JR 《Oecologia》2012,168(4):923-933
In young temperate zone fishes, conflicting energy demands lead to variability in growing season and winter survival. Growing season survival is driven by size-dependent predation risk whereas winter survival is constrained by autumn body size, energy storage and winter duration. We developed a model of the seasonality of energetics coupled to empirical measures of resource availability, size-dependent predation and temperature seasonality for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in two sets of lakes in British Columbia, Canada, representing endpoints of a gradient of temperature, growing season duration and winter duration. This model was used to determine the energy allocation strategy which maximized first-year survival across these gradients. Survival was sensitive to the timing of the switch from somatic to storage strategies in cold, short growing season, low resource environments. A broader range of energy allocation strategies were viable in warmer, longer growing season and higher resource lakes. We used empirical observations of autumn energy storage and our modeled values for size-dependent minimal lipid levels needed to survive winter in each system to estimate winter survival for juvenile rainbow trout. Winter survival estimates were 6% in cold lakes with low resources, 82% in warm, lakes with low resources and 100% in warm lakes with high resources. Fish in warm lakes with ample resources allocated substantially more to storage than the minimum required to survive winter generated from our model, suggesting additional selection pressures for increased storage when there was ample surplus energy. We concluded that growth–survival trade-offs, modified by seasonality of the environment, influenced the growing season energy allocation strategies for young-of-the-year fish, and suggested this may be important for understanding population viability across environmental gradients.  相似文献   

小型哺乳动物繁殖期的能量收支对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘赫  王德华  王祖望 《兽类学报》2001,21(4):301-309
乳动物能世的分配及权衡,尤时无刘不体现于繁殖乃至生活史的各阶段。相应的生活史及繁殖对策构成了繁殖能量收支的基本理论 文章从繁殖期能量蝴分人手。综述了小哺乳动物繁殖期间的能量分配埘策及哺乳期的能量权衡:其中繁殖期闯的能量分配对策包括时间的优化分配 提高能量的同化效宰、利用体内储存及能量的补偿等对策。阐述了哺乳期的能量权衡主要对母体的能量权衡对策咀及后代的权衡理论,较系境地分析了母体与幼体以及幼体之间的能量权衡 这些繁殖能量对策是小哺乳动物长期自然选择的结果。任何单一的繁殖对策都不可能总是最优的,物种在不同的条件下会采取不同的对策适应环境。  相似文献   

Organisms living in periodically varying environments adjust their life history events to the changes in food availability. When these changes are not entirely predictable animals face a trade-off between maintaining physiological preparedness (which can be costly) and being unprepared (which decreases the chances of successful reproduction). To investigate this problem, we developed an optimal annual routine model of gonad regulation in birds. Most birds regress their reproductive organs during non-breeding periods, but to start breeding again they need to have functional gonads. Maintaining the gonads in this state is costly, but because it takes time to achieve this state, if gonads are not functional the bird may miss a possible breeding opportunity. We explore the resolution of this trade-off in environments where favorable periods can occur at any time of the year and variability in the length of good and bad periods can be altered. Consistent with empirical studies of reproductive behavior in unpredictable environments, we find that birds maintain the gonads partially activated during unfavorable conditions in many cases. However, gonad regulation may differ strikingly depending on the consistency of the good and bad periods. Furthermore, seasonal changes in food availability lead to the entrainment of reproduction and the segregation of the breeding and non-breeding season, even if the magnitude of seasonality is small compared to the degree of environmental fluctuations. These results indicate that several aspects of the environment need to be taken into account to understand reproductive behavior in unpredictable environments. Given that the trade-off between the costs and benefits of maintaining physiological preparedness is not limited to birds, our results have implications for understanding behavioral flexibility in other organisms as well.  相似文献   

王沫竹  董必成  李红丽  于飞海 《生态学报》2016,36(24):8091-8101
自然界中光照和养分因子常存在时空变化,对植物造成选择压力。克隆植物可通过克隆生长和生物量分配的可塑性来适应环境变化。尽管一些研究关注了克隆植物对光照和养分因子的生长响应,但尚未深入全面了解克隆植物对光照和养分资源投资的分配策略。以根茎型草本克隆植物扁秆荆三棱(Bolboschoenus planiculmis)为研究对象,在温室实验中,将其独立分株种植于由2种光照强度(光照和遮阴)和4种养分水平(对照、低养分、中养分和高养分)交叉组成的8种处理组合中,研究了光照和养分对其生长繁殖及资源贮存策略的影响。结果表明,扁秆荆三棱的生长、无性繁殖及资源贮存性状均受到光照强度的显著影响,在遮阴条件下各生长繁殖性状指标被抑制。且构件的数目、长度等特征对养分差异的可塑性响应先于其生物量积累特征。在光照条件下,高养分处理的总生物量、叶片数、总根茎分株数、长根茎分株数、总根茎长、芽长度、芽数量等指标大于其他养分处理,而在遮阴条件下,其在不同养分处理间无显著差异,表明光照条件可影响养分对扁秆荆三棱可塑性的作用,且高营养水平不能补偿由于光照不足而导致的生长能力下降。光照强度显著影响了总根茎、总球茎及大、中、小球茎的生物量分配,遮阴条件下,总生物量减少了对地下部分根茎和球茎的分配,并将有限的生物量优先分配给小球茎。总根茎的生物量分配未对养分发生可塑性反应,而随着养分增加,总球茎分配下降,说明在养分受限的环境中球茎的贮存功能可缓冲资源缺乏对植物生长的影响。在相同条件下,根茎生物量对长根茎的分配显著大于短根茎,以保持较高的繁殖能力;而总球茎对有分株球茎的生物量分配小于无分株球茎,表明扁秆荆三棱总球茎对贮存功能的分配优先于繁殖功能。研究为进一步理解根茎型克隆植物对光强及基质养分环境变化的生态适应提供了依据。  相似文献   

Empirical work suggest that long‐lived organisms have adopted risk sensitive reproductive strategies where individuals trade the amount of resources spent on reproduction versus survival according to expected future environmental conditions. Earlier studies also suggest that climate affects population dynamics both directly by affecting population vital rates and indirectly through long‐term changes in individual life histories. Using a seasonal and state‐dependent individual‐based model we investigated how environmental variability affects the selection of reproductive strategies and their effect on population dynamics. We found that: (1) dynamic, i.e. plastic, reproductive strategies were optimal in a variable climate. (2) Females in poor and unpredictable climatic regimes allocated fewer available resources in reproduction and more in own somatic growth. This resulted in populations with low population densities, and a high average female age and body mass. (3) Strong negative density dependence on offspring body mass and survival, along with co‐variation between climatic severity and population density, resulted in no clear negative climatic effects on reproductive success and offspring body mass. (4) Time series analyses of population growth rates revealed that populations inhabiting benign environments showed the clearest response to climatic perturbations as high population density prohibited an effective buffering of adverse climatic effects as individuals were not able to gain sufficient body reserves during summer. Regularly occurring harsh winters ‘harvested’ populations, resulting in persistent low densities, and released them from negative density dependent effects, resulting in high rewards for a given resource allocation.  相似文献   

An optimal division of a key resource between growth and reproductionis expected to produce consistent life history schedules inhabitats where its supply is highly predictable. However, differentialgrowth rates are found between populations and within broodsof Cantareus aspersus, a simultaneous hermaphrodite for whichthe reproductive benefits of a large body size may favour rapidgrowth. Although energy is usually assumed to be the limitingresource in allocation theory, calcium limits the distribution,growth and reproduction of snails. This is a very consistentresource and populations may have allocation strategies whichreflect availability in their habitats. Three experiments comparedCa allocation in the progeny of six populations from Ca-richand Ca-poor habitats. In the first, 100 d-old juveniles werecompared between populations for their shell/soft-tissue dryweight ratio, their allocation of Ca to each compartment, andthe variability within broods. The second measured growth, foodconsumption and shell ratios in growth trials of three populationson low Ca. Thirdly, five populations were compared on abundantor excess Ca. The relationship of shell Ca with soft-tissuelevels differs between populations, but shell ratios changedwith Ca availability in all populations. Most favoured soft-tissuegrowth when dietary Ca is low, but one population (LE) alwayshad the highest shell ratios in these trials. Ca in the parentalhabitat was not a good predictor of juvenile-allocation strategies,but the consistency of LE shell ratios across several broodssuggests theirs may be an inherited trait. LE has faster growthrates and a preference for shell building, which probably representsa strategy for early reproduction. The robustness of a snail'sshell may thus be more indicative of its reproductive strategyrather than Ca availability in its habitat. (Received 18 May 2006; accepted 21 December 2006)  相似文献   

Ability to store resources that will be used for reproduction represents a potential life history adaptation because storage permits feeding and reproduction to be decoupled spatially and/or temporally. The two ends of a continuum involve acquiring all resources prior to reproduction (capital breeding) or acquiring all resources during the reproductive period (income breeding). Traditional life history theory examines tradeoffs between costs and benefits of such strategies, but this theory has not been integrated into life history studies of ants, even though founding queens have the analogous strategies of fully claustral (capital breeding) and semi-claustral (income breeding). This study demonstrates that facultatively semi-claustral queens of the seed-harvester ant Pogonomyrmex desertorum exhibit phenotypic plasticity during colony founding because unfed queens produced few, small minims, whereas ad libitum fed queens produced larger, heavier minims and additional brood. Fed queens also lost less mass than unfed queens despite their producing more brood. Overall, foraging provides queens with a suite of benefits that likely offset potential negative effects of foraging risk. Life history studies across a diverse array of taxa show that capital breeding is consistently associated with low availability and/or unpredictability of food, i.e., environmental conditions that favor prepackaging of reproductive resources. Such a broad and consistent pattern suggests that similar factors favored the evolution of fully claustral (capital breeding) colony founding in ants. Overall, these data suggest that ant researchers should revise their conventional view that fully claustral colony founding evolved because it eliminated the need for queens to leave the nest to forage. Instead, colony founding strategies should be examined from the perspective of environmental variation, i.e., availability and predictability of food. I also provide a functional scenario that could explain the evolution of colony founding strategies in ants. Received 16 November 2005; revised 1 March 2006; accepted 29 March 2006.  相似文献   

An organism's life history is closely interlinked with its allocation of energy between growth and reproduction at different life stages. Theoretical models have established that diminishing returns from reproductive investment promote strategies with simultaneous investment into growth and reproduction (indeterminate growth) over strategies with distinct phases of growth and reproduction (determinate growth). We extend this traditional, binary classification by showing that allocation‐dependent fecundity and mortality rates allow for a large diversity of optimal allocation schedules. By analyzing a model of organisms that allocate energy between growth and reproduction, we find twelve types of optimal allocation schedules, differing qualitatively in how reproductive allocation increases with body mass. These twelve optimal allocation schedules include types with different combinations of continuous and discontinuous increase in reproduction allocation, in which phases of continuous increase can be decelerating or accelerating. We furthermore investigate how this variation influences growth curves and the expected maximum life span and body size. Our study thus reveals new links between eco‐physiological constraints and life‐history evolution and underscores how allocation‐dependent fitness components may underlie biological diversity.  相似文献   

The ability to store energy is an important life history trait for organisms facing long periods without energy income, and in particular for capital breeders such as temperate zone amphibians, which rely on stored energy during reproduction. However, large scale comparative studies of energy stores in populations with different environmental constraints on energy allocation are scarce. We investigated energy storage patterns in spring (after hibernation and before reproduction) in eight common frog Rana temporaria populations exposed to different environmental conditions along a 1600  km latitudinal gradient across Scandinavia (range of annual activity period is 3–7  months). Analyses of lean body weight (eviscerated body mass), weight of fat bodies, liver weight, and liver fat content, showed that 1) post-hibernation/pre-breeding energy stores increased with increasing latitude in both sexes, 2) males generally had larger energy reserves than females and 3) the difference in energy stores between sexes decreased towards the north. Larger energy reserves towards the north can serve as a buffer against less predictable and/or less benign weather conditions during the short activity period, and may also represent a risk-averse tactic connected with a more pronounced iteroparous life history. In females, the continuous and overlapping vitellogenic activity in the north may also demand more reserves in early spring. The general sexual difference could be a consequence of the fact that, at the time of our sampling, females had already invested their energy into reproduction in the given year (i.e. their eggs were already ovulated), while the males' main reproductive activities (e.g. calling, mate searching, sexual competition) occurred later in the season.  相似文献   

1. Natural populations are exposed to environmental stress of varying intensities. This provides a reference point for extrapolations from the living biota to fossils and vice versa. 2. Evolutionary change is likely when there are resources in excess of maintenance and survival needs. It is largely precluded at species borders by the metabolic costs of stress; from this follows climatic tracking by species. 3. A relatively small increase in abiotic stress could underlie extinctions of stress-sensitive endemic species and the spread of stress-resistant generalist and widespread species. Widespread fossil species appear resistant to extinction under the stress level of normal background extinctions. 4. Synergistic interactions among generalized stresses should increase the likelihood of extinctions, especially for stresses with energetic consequences. 5. Some marine organisms survived the K-T mass extinction event because of stress-evasion mechanisms such as stress-resistant life-cycle stages with low metabolic rates. 6. In moderately stressed and narrowly fluctuating environments, sufficient genetic variability and metabolic energy should be available to permit adaptation. In these environments phyletic gradualism is expected. 7. In highly stressed and widely fluctuating environments, a punctuated evolutionary pattern is expected whereby stasis occurs most of the time. 8. Evolutionary patterns therefore can vary depending on the details of the interaction between stress, environmental fluctuations, energy availability and genetic variability. 9. Little evolutionary change is expected when the availability of energy is severely restricted. Examples include cave animals in stable but stressed environments and ‘living fossils’ in widely fluctuating but stressed environments. 10. Since the primary effect of abiotic stress may be at the level of energy carriers, a reductionist approach permits generalisations in considering extinctions and conditions under which diversification is likely.  相似文献   

Parental care is of fundamental importance to understanding reproductive strategies and allocation decisions. Here, we explore how parental care strategies evolve in variable environments. Using a set of life-history trait trade-offs, we explore the relative costs and benefits of parental care in stochastic environments. Specifically, we consider the cases in which environmental variability results in varying adult death rates, egg death rates, reproductive rate and carrying capacity. Using a measure of fitness appropriate for stochastic environments, we find that parental care has the potential to evolve over a wide range of life-history characteristics when the environment is variable. A variable environment that affects adult or egg death rates can either increase or decrease the fitness of care relative to that in a constant environment, depending on the specific costs of care. Variability that affects carrying capacity or adult reproductive rate has negligible effects on the fitness associated with care. Increasing parental care across different life-history stages can increase fitness gains in variable environments. Costly investment in care is expected to affect the overall fitness benefits, the fitness optimum and rate of evolution of parental care. In general, we find that environmental variability, the life-history traits affected by such variability and the specific costs of care interact to determine whether care will be favoured in a variable environment and what levels of care will be selected.  相似文献   

Nord EA  Shea K  Lynch JP 《Annals of botany》2011,108(2):391-404

Background and Aims

Timing of reproduction is a key life-history trait that is regulated by resource availability. Delayed reproduction in soils with low phosphorus availability is common among annuals, in contrast to the accelerated reproduction typical of other low-nutrient environments. It is hypothesized that this anomalous response arises from the high marginal value of additional allocation to root growth caused by the low mobility of phosphorus in soils.


To better understand the benefits and costs of such delayed reproduction, a two-resource dynamic allocation model of plant growth and reproduction is presented. The model incorporates growth, respiration, and carbon and phosphorus acquisition of both root and shoot tissue, and considers the reallocation of resources from senescent leaves. The model is parameterized with data from Arabidopsis and the optimal reproductive phenology is explored in a range of environments.

Key Results

The model predicts delayed reproduction in low-phosphorus environments. Reproductive timing in low-phosphorus environments is quite sensitive to phosphorus mobility, but is less sensitive to the temporal distribution of mortality risks. In low-phosphorus environments, the relative metabolic cost of roots was greater, and reproductive allocation reduced, compared with high-phosphorus conditions. The model suggests that delayed reproduction in response to low phosphorus availability may be reduced in plants adapted to environments where phosphorus mobility is greater.


Delayed reproduction in low-phosphorus soils can be a beneficial response allowing for increased acquisition and utilization of phosphorus. This finding has implications both for efforts to breed crops for low-phosphorus soils, and for efforts to understand how climate change may impact plant growth and productivity in low-phosphorus environments.  相似文献   

The ability of organisms to adapt to fluctuating food conditions is essential for their survival and reproduction. Accumulating energy reserves, such as lipids, in anticipation of harsh conditions, will reduce negative effects of a low food supply. For Hymenoptera and Diptera, several parasitoid species lack adult lipogenesis, and are unable to store excess energy in the form of lipid reserves. The aim of this review is to provide a synthesis of current knowledge regarding the inability to accumulate lipids in parasitoids, leading to new insights and prospects for further research. We will emphasize physiological mechanisms underlying lack of lipogenesis, the evolution of this adaptation in parasitoids and its biological implications with regard to life history traits. We suggest the occurrence of lack of lipogenesis in parasitoids to be dependent on the extent of host exploitation through metabolic manipulation. Currently available data shows lack of lipogenesis to have evolved independently at least twice, in parasitic Hymenoptera and Diptera. The underlying genetic mechanism, however, remains to be solved. Furthermore, due to the inability to replenish adult fat reserves, parasitoids are severely constrained in resource allocation strategies, in particular the trade-off between survival and reproduction.  相似文献   

Allocating resources to growth or to reproduction is a fundamental tradeoff in evolutionary life history theory. In environments with unpredictable food resources, natural selection is expected to favor increased allocation to reproduction. Although effects of selection are realized only across generations, short-term changes in food predictability might influence intra-generational tradeoffs in resource allocation. We assessed the ability of fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas, to adjust allocation to growth and reproduction in response to predictable, unpredictable, and switched feeding schedules. Fish in the switched treatments were changed from unpredictable to predictable feeding schedules just after reaching sexual maturity. Egg production did not differ significantly among treatments despite the fact that females on the unpredictable and switched feeding schedules grew more slowly than those on the predictable schedule. Switched males were heavier and had proportionally larger testes than males in predictable and unpredictable treatments. Increased allocation to reproduction or growth by fish on unpredictable and switched feeding schedules was associated with changes in gut length relative to body mass. Both sexes showed a remarkable degree of phenotypic plasticity in response to resource availability and sex differences in allocation patterns were consistent with adaptive responses in the context of the fathead mating system.  相似文献   

The interaction between environmental variation and population dynamics is of major importance, particularly for managed and economically important species, and especially given contemporary changes in climate variability. Recent analyses of exploited animal populations contested whether exploitation or environmental variation has the greatest influence on the stability of population dynamics, with consequences for variation in yield and extinction risk. Theoretical studies however have shown that harvesting can increase or decrease population variability depending on environmental variation, and requested controlled empirical studies to test predictions. Here, we use an invertebrate model species in experimental microcosms to explore the interaction between selective harvesting and environmental variation in food availability in affecting the variability of stage‐structured animal populations over 20 generations. In a constant food environment, harvesting adults had negligible impact on population variability or population size, but in the variable food environments, harvesting adults increased population variability and reduced its size. The impact of harvesting on population variability differed between proportional and threshold harvesting, between randomly and periodically varying environments, and at different points of the time series. Our study suggests that predicting the responses to selective harvesting is sensitive to the demographic structures and processes that emerge in environments with different patterns of environmental variation.  相似文献   

The food habits hypothesis (FHH) stands as one of the most striking and often-cited interspecific patterns to emerge from comparative studies of endothermic energetics. The FHH identifies three components of diet that potentially produce variability in mass-independent BMR, i.e. food quality, food availability, and food predictability or environmental productivity. The hypothesis predicts that species with diets of low energy content and/or low digestibility should evolve low mass-independent BMRs. The effe...  相似文献   

Maternal effects on offspring size can have a strong effect on fitness, as larger offspring often survive better under harsh environmental conditions. Selection should hence favour mothers that find an optimal solution to the offspring size versus number tradeoff. If environmental conditions are variable, there will not be a single optimal offspring size, as predicted in a constant environment, but plastic responses can be favoured. To be able to adjust offspring size in an adaptive manner, mothers have to use environmental cues to predict offspring environmental conditions. Cues can be unreliable, however, particularly in species where individuals occupy different niches at different life stages. Here we model the evolution of plasticity of offspring size when the environmental cues mothers use to predict the conditions experienced by their offspring are not perfectly reliable. Our results show that plastic strategies are likely to be superior to fixed strategies in a stochastically varying environment when the environmental cues are at least moderately reliable, with the threshold depending on plasticity costs and the difference of resources available to mothers. Plasticity is more likely to occur if resource availability is not too different between environments. For any given scenario, plasticity in offspring size is favoured if offspring survival varies greatly between environmental states. Whenever plastic strategies are optimal, the occurring switches performed by mothers between small and large offspring are predicted to be substantial, as small adjustments are unlikely to reap fitness benefits great enough to overcome the costs of plasticity.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a dynamic programming model which optimizes resource allocation to growth, reproduction and repair of somatic damage, based on the disposable soma theory of ageing. Here it is shown that different age‐dependent patterns of reproductive rates are products of optimal lifetime strategies of resource partitioning. The array of different reproductive patterns generated by the model includes those in which reproduction begins at the maximum rate at maturity and then declines to the end of life, or increases up to a certain age and then drops. The observed patterns reflect optimal resource allocation shaped by the level of extrinsic mortality. A continuous decline in the reproductive rate from the start of reproduction is associated with high extrinsic mortality, and an early increase in the reproductive rate occurs under low extrinsic mortality. A long‐lived organism shows a low reproductive rate early in life, and short‐lived organisms start reproduction at the maximum rate.  相似文献   

Expansion and intensification of human land use represents the major cause of habitat fragmentation. Such fragmentation can have dramatic consequences on species richness and trophic interactions within food webs. Although the associated ecological consequences have been studied by several authors, the evolutionary effects on interacting species have received little research attention. Using a genetic algorithm, we quantified how habitat fragmentation and environmental variability affect the optimal reproductive strategies of parasitic wasps foraging for hosts. As observed in real animal species, the model is based on the existence of a negative trade-off between survival and reproduction resulting from competitive allocation of resources to either somatic maintenance or egg production. We also asked to what degree plasticity along this trade-off would be optimal, when plasticity is costly. We found that habitat fragmentation can indeed have strong effects on the reproductive strategies adopted by parasitoids. With increasing habitat fragmentation animals should invest in greater longevity with lower fecundity; yet, especially in unpredictable environments, some level of phenotypic plasticity should be selected for. Other consequences in terms of learning ability of foraging animals were also observed. The evolutionary consequences of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

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